Retail Success Club

Ep 3: Time to Talk TikTok

August 17, 2023 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 3
Ep 3: Time to Talk TikTok
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Ep 3: Time to Talk TikTok
Aug 17, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3
Ali Dee

In this episode, your host Ali Dee discusses the what, why, and how, of the TikTok platform. She will take you through the proven stats that make this marketing tool a superpower. From telling her story with the platform, to addressing some common misconceptions, she will cover it all. By the end of the episode, you will have actionable steps you can take today to set your boutique's TikTok up for success.

Grab the TikTok for Boutiques Guide Here

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, your host Ali Dee discusses the what, why, and how, of the TikTok platform. She will take you through the proven stats that make this marketing tool a superpower. From telling her story with the platform, to addressing some common misconceptions, she will cover it all. By the end of the episode, you will have actionable steps you can take today to set your boutique's TikTok up for success.

Grab the TikTok for Boutiques Guide Here

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

This episode of boutique success club is brought to you by boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. have you been wanting to turn your dream of owning a successful boutique into reality? Let me introduce you to boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. The ultimate online course designed to guide you. Step-by-step on your boutique journey. Hi, I'm Allie D your boutique bestie and chief cheerleader in this program, you'll gain the knowledge, confidence, and strategies to build a thriving boutique that stands out from the crowd. So what are you waiting for? Start the journey to launching your dream boutique today with. Boutique blast off. Head to boutique success to enroll now. Welcome to Boutique Success Club. I'm Allie d, the founder of Boutique Success Club, your boutique bestie, and your chief cheerleader with over a decade of experience in the retail industry trenches. I'm here to help you skyrocket your store. Get ready to dive into insider strategies and educational resources that will transform your boutique business. No more guesswork. No more struggling alone. We'll be your partner in this journey, and together we will conquer all the obstacles. This is Boutique Success Club. Hey boutique besties. Welcome to episode three of the boutique success club podcast. This is going to be a good one. This is one of my all time. Favorite things to talk about. I feel like I'm going to say that before every single episode, because I'm just so obsessed with talking about everything boutique and business related. This is just such a dream come true for me to have this podcast. I can't believe we're finally doing it. And we're already on episode three, time is just flying by. I love thinking about what I'm going to talk about for these podcasts and what is currently so important for you as a boutique owner. And one of those things right now is why you cannot sleep on tech talk. I want to dive into today, why the tech talk platform is so important for you and your boutique, all the things that it can provide for you. All of the amazing. Techniques and strategies that you can use that are going to really amplify your experience on the Tik TOK platform. I also want to discuss maybe some of the misconceptions or the things that you may think about the platform that actually aren't true. So we'll dive into those And then I'm going to give you a few tips and tricks at the end on ways to really get your tick tock going for your boutique. And some things you can do today to make sure you are setting yourself up for success on this platform, because it is such a pivotal part of any marketing strategy right now. Yeah, this is something that I talk about all the time with my students is how tech talk is such a huge platform and how it can totally transform. Everything about your boutique and just go into the straight up numbers for this sucker. There is over a billion users. Active users a month on Tik TOK over a billion. That is just an insane amount of people that are spending time on that platform. And that are potential customers of yours. Not only that, not only is there over a billion users every month, but they are spending an average of 52 minutes per day, scrolling on TechTalk. That is a heck of a lot of time for you to catch their attention. So you understand there's stats, there's reasons. There's hard evidence as to why you need to be hopping on the take talk platform. But let me talk to you about some of the things that you may be thinking are true about take talk, and maybe hindering your willingness to dive in, but are actually totally false. And people get stuck on this all the time. I mean, they're always saying this to me. And the first one is Allie, in order to be successful on take talk, you have to go viral. And I'm like, psh. Excuse me. What like that is simply not the case. You do not need to go viral to see any sort of success on Tik TOK. In fact, the amount of followers you have does not even equate to the amount of success that you have. You are building a fan base one by one of people who specifically like you and your content, they are opting into follow you. They've already decided I like this boutique. I like what they have to offer. I like this girl and her attitude, like she gets. Gets me. love everything she's selling. Like we're vibing, they're already on your team. So you can have a lot smaller team than let's say on another platform where you need huge numbers to have any sort of conversion on Tik TOK. It's not the case. 500 followers can go a long way. A thousand followers will get you your link in bio. And that can go a long way. 200 views should not be looked down upon that's 200 people that are looking at your stuff and deciding, wow. I'm really into this person. So I think just thinking that the virus rally. It is what's necessary to be successful or you have to have a zillion billion followers. That's just simply not true. So hopefully that takes a little bit of the pressure off of you when you're thinking about really honing in and diving in here on tech talk. So you cannot sleep on the take talk platform, my friend. So if you've been doing it up to this point and you've been questioning whether or not you want to jump in as a boutique owner on the Tik TOK platform. I'm here to tell you now is the time you don't want to be left behind you don't want to waste another minute. Wondering if you should or shouldn't. From someone that is an expert in this field, you should, so don't second. Guess it don't take any more time wondering, you know, what the pros and cons are. There are. Really no cons at this point, the only thing that's going to hurt you is if you decide not to do it. I first want to tell you about my experience with the tick tock platform. So I jumped on tech talk. Years ago. I mean, when this thing first came out and I started hearing about it, I jumped on it because I was like, first of all, I always like to be ahead of the game when it comes to joining new social media platforms, new marketing strategies. So I can watch them unfold And how I'm going to be able to use them. To my best advantage for my businesses, whether that's my brands, my store. Um, all the different things that I have going on is the platform going to be worth putting my time into, so I spent probably the first two years or so on the platform just watching and learning and consuming. And back then it was really different. I mean, businesses were few and far between on there. It was really all about trending audios and dancing. Like everybody was dancing up here on Tik TOK, and that was just not for me. And just a little fun fact. I do have professional dance experience. I was a dancer in. Both the NBA and I was an NFL cheerleader, and I still did not want to jump on the dancing trend on the tech talk platform. I was just like, Ooh, this is not something that I want to be doing at this age. I just want to be using it. To my advantage, but not doing anything that I'm feel uncomfortable with. And that type of content was just super trending at the time. So I continued to watch right. Another year goes by. We're still dancing. We're still mainly like 14 to 18 year olds, I guess. Like it was a really young, young audience on the Tik TOK platform. Most people that are in their twenties, thirties, forties were still hanging out on Instagram. Um, or even Facebook. So Tik TOK was really out there on its own. And like I said, I was there observing, watching, learning. Then I saw the platform slowly shift as COVID hit. And 2020, I noticed that I guess people were home, they were bored. They wanted to see what this Tik TOK thing was all about. They were quarantined. So a lot more people in the thirties, forties, twenties range started jumping on this platform. And then I noticed a huge uptick in the businesses on the Tik TOK platform, which I was really surprised by and in the beginning, businesses had no idea how to get in the game of Tik TOK. They were essentially using the same type of content that they're posting and like their Facebook ads on Tik TOK, which we now know just simply doesn't work. So I watched during the COVID times, Tik TOK grow exponentially. I mean, the amount of people on there was just amazing and I'm still watching and learning in the background. Of course, I do have a tech talk for my businesses at this point. And I'm still just figuring out what type of content is going to work. How am I going to connect with my audience, all of those things. Then I see businesses starting to understand the community on tech talk and the vibe and the way that it is. And people there really started taking advantage of that and started to explode. Uh, there were some boutiques early on some brands, some other types of businesses that really figured out the way to use, take talk, and how to connect with people and understood that it is totally different than any other social media platform out there. So. Learning that experiencing that on the front lines I've been there. I've been absorbing. And now I want to try to shift and help you understand where we are now in the Tik TOK world. And how it's all panning out and how you as a boutique owner can dive into the game. If you're just getting started. And really make sure that you're setting yourself up for success here because a lot of people do get frustrated or overwhelmed with the idea of having a, another marketing platform to take care of. But I'm telling you once again, if there's any platform you are going to want to spend your time on, it's gotta be tech talk. There's a few really amazing things about this platform that I think. You need to thoroughly understand because I'm not just trying to get you to jump onto this platform. So it's another thing you have to do, so you can feel relevant or, you know, Uh, In the game, like I'm telling you to get on this platform because it can be life-changing for you and your store. There is no other platform, hands down, period, full stop on the planet. That will provide for you the awareness for your business. Then tic talk. This platform does an amazing job at reaching the people you want to reach if you know the strategies and if you implement them. And if you're consistent, which I will dive into more of that later on in this episode. But I want you to understand that the awareness that this platform can give you is unbelievable exponentially far better than any other platform. Whether we're talking about Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, I don't care. This is going to be your awareness platform. this is where you are going to get the most eyeballs on your store Real quick boutique bestie. I know you have been thinking about launching your own boutique. It's that beautiful dream that you have in your mind, but maybe you just need like a little push forward. That's why I created boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. If you are tired of the overwhelm, the guesswork, the confusion, then this course is for you. I break everything down into modules. It is a step-by-step process where we are building on the foundation, setting you up for success. So if you've been thinking about jumping. Upping In now is the time go to boutique success and enroll today in boutique blast off launch your dream boutique. Also another really important thing about the TIG talk platform is it is so dialed in to celebrating the authentic self. Tik TOK and its community loves people who are real and honest and true and relatable. And this is where other platforms have really missed the mark lately. Especially if you go to Instagram. Uh, we know it's just so curated. Everything on everyone's feed is perfect and that's okay. You know, it's just a different style of marketing over there. Different things are working now in Instagram stories, you can get a little more like, hello, this is who I am a little more authentic self. But generally speaking. Tik tok is the place where you can let your personality shine and the more you are you the more success you will have Also Tik TOK is more fun. Uh, than any other platform. I don't care. You can fight me on this, but I am telling you that there is nothing like the tick-tock vibe and the fun you will have when you start diving into the content, you're going to create on Tik TOK and growing this amazing community. That's going to be there for you. You are just going to see that content creation is not a chore. Like it's going to totally change the game for you. You're going to want to show up on Tik TOK, because it's going to be your people. They're going to be so excited to see you every single day posting on there. What do you have what's new in your store you're my girl you're my bestie like the fun atmosphere on tik tok is just one that you're not going to want to miss out on And this leads me to another reason why tech talk is so important for your store and why you can't sleep on it. The community that it will create for you will be loyal fans for zero marketing budget. This is the place where your organic marketing is going to get the biggest bang for your buck. As soon as you understand what kind of content to create, what the strategies are, you need to use, how to use hashtags, how to use SEO, all that kind of stuff, which you can all learn from me because I am so dialed in on how to do all of this stuff. The community that you create. It is going to be so loyal that every single time you are launching new products or have new stuff going out or have something you want to talk about business related, showing behind the scenes, all of that stuff, your community is going to live for. They're going to appreciate it. They're going to just be so in love with you and everything that is you about your boutique. So creating a community of amazing customers that are so loyal is another huge benefit to the tech. Talk platform. I want to now give you a first step strategy for things that you can do to help set you up for success on the Tik TOK platform. So these are the initial things, the very first steps before you do anything else I want you to focus on. So you can really make sure that when you're jumping in, you're already ahead of the game and you're not going to have to go back and redo things and change things, remake things like we're from the jump we are going to be ready. All right. Boutique. Best team. So first off the very first thing you need to do, and please. Please heed this advice you need to make your boutique its own tick talk page. You can not be using your personal page also as your boutique page. First of all, it's confusing to customers. They're like, what is this? Some random girl's page? Is this a store's page? It comes off unprofessional. It's just, and you don't want that. You don't want that impression to be that you're not a professional store with great stuff that someone's going to really connect with The second thing and the issue with not having your boutiques page have its own take talk. Is that SEO is really going to be affected. So what SEO is, is search engine optimization, which Tik TOK has become an SEO heavy platform. Meaning people can search things and you will be able to pop up in their feed when they're searching for those items. Let's say pink cowboy boots. If you use the correct SEO. That I teach in my tick talk for boutique owners guide. You will understand exactly what you need to do to get all the eyeballs that want pink cowboy boots on your page. So it's really amazing. All that strategies in my guide, you can find it in my stand store. It's boutique success It's one of my most downloaded items and how most people connect with me in the very, very beginning, because I know a lot of stores want to learn how to kill it on tech talk and they just need that guidance. So that, that guide is there for you. So you want to make your boutique its own take talk for the reasons I just discussed. It's going to make you feel more professional. It's gonna make you look more professional. People are going to trust you more. And it's also going to support you when you start diving into the intermediate part of take talk, which is the take talk SEL. And that's, what's really going to be game changer for you. Okay. So please just stop posting from your personal page and mixing in your boutique business and your personal stuff. It's just not going to be the way to set you up for success here. Secondly, you need to get super duper, I mean, laser crystal clear on who your ideal customer is. This is going to be so imperative to the success of your store on tech talk. And I see this time and time again, I get DMS all the time about this from boutiques that are wondering how they can reach their target customer. And then I asked them, well, who's your ideal customer? Who's your target audience? And they don't have an answer. So that's really going to hinder you in the process, setting you up for success, making sure you're getting the most out of the platform. You need to know who your ideal customer is because that's going to be the foundation of everything you do on take, talk, everything from the type of content you create. From the type of SEO that you use from your look, your branding, the whole thing is going to come down to your ideal customer. So that is going to be something you need to zone in on. Learn how to figure it out. And I'll do some more deep dives on how to figure out who your ideal customer is in later podcast episodes. That truly is something that I am extremely passionate about because it's so important for the marketing of your brand and your business. And just some quick little pointers there. You just want to look at. Who is going to be buying from your store and get really specific here. Who do you think are the people that are gonna benefit the most from the items that you're selling? For example, are you a boutique that's opening in Manhattan and you're really going to cater to like that wall street, tough gritty nine to five woman. Who's just like a boss, babe. Or is your boutique maybe out in the country. And you're really going to cater to these, stay at home mom that has three children and a lifestyle that's very outdoorsy and. I mean, those are two totally separate ideal customers, even when you're an online boutique, this is even more important to understand. This is ultimately going to be the measure of your success as well. Who was your online boutique for? Who are you curating your products for? What type of woman, what type of person. What do they do? Where are they from? What type of activities they like. So I'm telling you, in order to have success on Tik TOK, you got to figure that all out. So take the time to do that. You don't have to jump in and rush and do everything like lickety split. So you're missing out on any foundational steps here. Okay. So step one, you're making your own page for your boutique for Tik TOK. You're not using your personal one. Number two, you are getting crystal clear on who your ideal customer is because you now understand that that is going to be the central focus of all of the marketing strategies you will use on tech. Talk to see the success you need to see. Now for the third step, you're going to want to make sure you are optimizing your profile for your brand new, amazing customers on Tik TOK. So let me break down what this is going to look like for you. First of all, you need to have a nice, clear logo that represents your boutique and your brand, and that is going to be your profile picture. So that round picture that you see when you go on, someone's take tag page for your boutique. That's going to be your logo. It's going to have subtleties in it that are going to suggest what type of customer is going to buy from you. For example, if you are an earthy boutique, maybe you have some earthy elements in your logo. They're going to connect with that instantly when they go to your Tik TOK page, and they're going to already feel at home like this. This may be someone they want to vibe with and buy from. Okay. Next you have some really, really important real estate under your profile picture, which is the spot for your bio here. You want to be again, very clear on who you are, what you sell and who you help. People want to be able to make a split second decision when they go to your profile. If they want to follow you or not, don't make them scroll and look through a hundred videos of randomness to decide if you have anything that they think. They may like, or may want to purchase from you, make it easy for them and easy for you. Like make that connection amount of time, the shortest amount of time possible. You want to have a great profile picture that identifies with them that they can relate to. And the next you want to have a great bio that they read and they understand, yes, this is someone I want to buy from. For example, that may look like we are an online boutique specializing in athletic wear for the stay at home mom. So if i'm that person i'm like being followed that's me You understand why it's so important to be so clear you don't want to be so vague that people just aren't going to make a decision tell them who you are tell them what you sell tell them who you help make it easy for them to hit that follow button Okay. My boutique besties. So don't forget. Here's what you're going to do. You're going to make your boutique its own tick talk page. Step one, step two. You're going to work on figuring out exactly who your ideal customer is. If you don't know that already, and number three, you're going to optimize your profile on Tik TOK, which means making sure you are nailing that profile picture. And also your bio is crystal clear. So we are setting you up for success here on Tik TOK. And don't forget if you want more step-by-step guidance go to boutique success that will link you to my stand store, where you can find that tick talk for boutique owners guide, So don't miss out. It's a great, really awesome resource for you to use when you are growing your boutique on Tik TOK. I just want you to get it right the first time. So you don't have to redo things or go back or waste any time trying to figure it out yourself. So I am the Guinea pig and I am teaching you all the things that are working and not working because I just am so in love with everything marketing and business related. And that is my whole goal with this podcast is to share those things with you. So you can go forward with great. Great actionable things that are going to help you grow and build the boutique of your dreams in the best way possible. Ah, thank you so much for listening to episode three. I hope you will continue to follow and subscribe to this podcast, please. If you get a split second in your day, give us a little five star review. Um, we would love it. It just helps us reach more boutique besties across the globe. Thank you so much for listening and we'll catch you next week. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of the boutique success club. Don't forget to subscribe and give us a five-star review. It really helps us grow and reach more boutique besties. have a great day and go get them.