Retail Success Club

Ep 5: What to Expect at a Wholesale Market

August 31, 2023 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 5
Ep 5: What to Expect at a Wholesale Market
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Ep 5: What to Expect at a Wholesale Market
Aug 31, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
Ali Dee

In todays episode of the Boutique Success Club, your host Ali Dee dives into attending an in-person wholesale market. We get a glimpse into what it's like inside and she gives you the top 5 tips she has learned to set you up for success. 

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In todays episode of the Boutique Success Club, your host Ali Dee dives into attending an in-person wholesale market. We get a glimpse into what it's like inside and she gives you the top 5 tips she has learned to set you up for success. 

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

This episode of boutique success club is brought to you by boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. have you been wanting to turn your dream of owning a successful boutique into reality? Let me introduce you to boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. The ultimate online course designed to guide you. Step-by-step on your boutique journey. Hi, I'm Allie D your boutique bestie and chief cheerleader in this program, you'll gain the knowledge, confidence, and strategies to build a thriving boutique that stands out from the crowd. So what are you waiting for? Start the journey to launching your dream boutique today with. Boutique blast off. Head to boutique success to enroll now. Welcome to Boutique Success Club. I'm Allie d, the founder of Boutique Success Club, your boutique bestie, and your chief cheerleader with over a decade of experience in the retail industry trenches. I'm here to help you skyrocket your store. Get ready to dive into insider strategies and educational resources that will transform your boutique business. No more guesswork. No more struggling alone. We'll be your partner in this journey, and together we will conquer all the obstacles. This is Boutique Success Club. Hey, Hey, welcome to another episode of the boutique success club podcast. I am really excited about this episode, I just got back from a trip to Dallas market center. So if you don't know, Dallas market center is an in-person marketplace. This is a. Huge market that happens several times a year, and it is just filled with the most amazing vendors and brands and business owners that have incredible products to offer you and your store. So going to Dallas market during the market is always an exciting time for me. I do have two permanent showrooms at the Dallas market center. So I pretty much live there. Um, I've been showing at Dallas market center as a brand for many, many years, also going as a buyer on and off for years. So i feel like i've really understand and know the ins and outs of what it takes to be successful when you're attending a market whether you're showing whether you're buying i pretty much have it covered from all corners But today i really want to focus on Some tips that i have for you if you are just getting started out or you're just wanting to attend an in-person market for the first time The best way for me to describe an in-person market is it's basically like a giant mall for boutique and store owners. So for example, Dallas market center is 15 floors. Every single floor is going to have a different category. So there's a furniture category, a kids category. There's um, temporary floors, which have exhibitors that just come in for big shows. There are Christmas show rooms, there's just home and decor. Like every single floor is going to offer you something different. So no matter what type of boutique or what kind of store you own, you will find just something at the Dallas market center. You can believe that what's really cool about the seventh floor where my two showrooms are. I have one that's. For my brand, Allie D we carry, um, our men's line, which is called rodeo ranch and our women's line, Allie D by the way, shout out. If I got to meet you at market, I met so many of you in person y'all were like, I know you. You're that girl from Tik TOK. And I was like, yep, that's me. Um, made me feel really good because it just, I just pour my heart and soul into boutique success clubs. So to actually see you all going. And shopping and pursuing your dreams in person was like so amazing to me. So anyways, in my showroom, We have my two lines, um, Allie D and rodeo ranch. And then my other show room on the seventh floor is called Western life and style. And this is a multiline room where we carry many brands in one room. So it's really cool if you are into anything Western, which hello, every single person in the world is into Western right now. Thanks to Yellowstone that great TV show. It has become a huge trending category for retail, uh, which has made our showroom extremely popular. So if you're into Western anything Western come to Western life and style, we're on the seventh floor as well. what's really cool about the seventh floor is that it is cash and carry, which means you can go there purchase items that are immediately available to you to leave the market with, to go right back to your store. So you don't have to worry about shipping, though. Lots of people will ship it for you. If you're from out of town, you just pick up the items that you want and you go. Now the difference with permanent showrooms, most of them on other floors and your temporary booths is when you're shopping at a market, you're going to be looking at samples. So you're going to be placing orders for the items that you like that are then going to ship to you at a later date. It's a totally different thing than what you may be used to doing as a regular shopper. Obviously you go into a store, you buy something, you take it home. As a boutique owner buyer, as a buyer, you are going to walk into a booth and see a zillion samples. And you're going to pick out one of the item that you like. Probably organize it on some kind of rag or even just hold it in your hands. And then when you're finished picking out all of your products, you're going to place an order with that vendor, the vendors, then going to process your credit card. Once the items are ready to ship, hopefully, and, uh, the product will be sent to you and your store. So it's a totally different thing than what you may be used to shopping in a regular store. Attending an in-person market is always so exciting. It's just, there's an energy, there's a vibe. There's a feeling. It's something that you obviously just don't get when you're shopping online for your boutique, but really it's one of the most amazing things and amazing experiences you can have as a boutique owner. I'm telling you, you walk in one of these places. You are just going to be hit from all angles with cute clothes, cute patterns, cute ideas, cute products, things you've never seen or even dreamt could be possible. Double for you to sell in your store. And it's also really cool because you'll get a chance to see some of the most famous, most popular brands out there. Uh, for example, for me, My showroom was next door to Lacoste until they actually just closed their showroom. Um, and we now have an amazing new neighbor, pink panache, but I'll tell you that story another day. But anyways, Lacoste a huge major department store brand, which by the way, they only really opened their showroom. When Dillards came to buy. So it was like pretty much a ghost town. And then someone would pop up on a random day from New York, they would fly down and be like, oh, we have a meeting with Dillard's and we would say hello. And then we wouldn't see them again for a year. Um, we are open all the time at my showrooms though. So we like to be in there and be visiting with boutiques and store owners as much as possible. But it's really cool because as a boutique owner, you can hop in Dallas market center and see some of the most major, iconic brands that you know, and love and see it. All the department stores. You'll have access to that so they all have amazing sales reps you can visit with talk to see if that's something you'd be interested in carrying in your store sure for some of the major brands there's going to be a lot higher minimums and things that you'll have to overcome But there are thousands and thousands of vendors that you also will know or maybe just learn about that are going to be an incredible Place for you to start building relationships and start looking at products for your store So with all that being said, I really feel like I have figured out the top strategies that the best buyers use in order to see success at a market. So whether you've been attending market for maybe a year or two, or you're really going to market for your first time, So grab a notebook and a pen because these are the top five tips that i have when you are getting ready to attend an in-person market First step, you are going to want to plan your trip ahead of time. I am telling you this is going to be probably the most important thing you do for your buying trip. I want you to download the app for the wholesale marketplace. They all have it for Dallas market center. It's a DMC app. Look at the vendors that are going to be attending that show highlight any vendors that you're interested in seeing make yourself a schedule, figure out where the show rooms are, do as much work as you can. Before you get to the market center because once you walk through those doors you are going to be so overstimulated and overwhelmed with all the directions that you could be going so try to walk in there laser-focused with for sure on who you want to see who you want to visit with whose products you want to touch and see and feel in person know all that information before you even step into the market I'm telling you time flies. When you're at market, you're going to walk in there at eight 30 in the morning, you're going to blink your eyes and it's going to be 8:00 PM. So just be cautious of that. You know that now ahead of time. Right? So you're going to be prepared. You're going to know that walking in, you're going to have a plan. You're going to know where stuff is. Even just like figuring out something like where the eating options are ahead of time. Trust me one two o'clock it's going to hit and you are going to be starving and you're not going to want to be walking around wandering around 15 floors trying to figure out where you're going to get a snack or some lunch so look and learn as much as you can knowledge is power when you're going into these places Real quick boutique bestie. I know you have been thinking about launching your own boutique. It's that beautiful dream that you have in your mind, but maybe you just need like a little push forward. That's why I created boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. If you are tired of the overwhelm, the guesswork, the confusion, then this course is for you. I break everything down into modules. It is a step-by-step process where we are building on the foundation, setting you up for success. So if you've been thinking about jumping. Upping In now is the time go to boutique success and enroll today in boutique blast off launch your dream boutique. My second tip is know your budget ahead of time. Ooh, you are going to walk in here and just feel like you are a millionaire and you're going to want to spend and spend and spend because there is so much amazing, cute stuff. But remember you got to know your budget ahead of time. You don't want to overspend or put yourself in a situation where you're financially uncomfortable. That's one of the worst things you can do for your business. So if you have a thousand dollar budget, that's what you got. You go in there knowing, okay, I've got a thousand dollars to spend. I need this, this and that. Let. We Figure out the best options. so i can make sure that my customers are happy because at the end of the day it's about our customers right maybe you have a$5,000 budget a$10,000 budget maybe you're going in there with a$50,000 budget whatever it is big or small it doesn't matter you just have to know it and stick to it and avoid overspending at all costs A little bonus tip with knowing your budget and being super comfortable with that is also knowing your price points. So this is at what price can you buy an item that you know, you're going to be able to resell. To your customer with no issue and make a great profit. So for example, let's say, you know, your customers will spend anywhere between. I don't know, like 40 to$50 on a top. You need to make sure when you're looking at top price points, you're going to be looking anywhere from 20 to$25 wholesale. Because if you just double the markup for math sakes, you're going to be selling it for 40 to$50. So you cannot really get out of that range. Now let's say there's a showstopper that you love and it's$70 wholesale. And you're like, Ooh, I don't know,$140. That's almost twice what my customer would normally spend the answer. There is no. Don't buy it okay don't get sucked into the glitz and the glamour you know your store you know your customer stay focused on the price points that work for you and your customer don't get sidetracked by anything else this is really going to help you stay on budget and stay with products that you're going to be more likely to sell because you already know what you're going to sell you already know what sells right so be sure you're looking at your price points as well My third tip for attending an in-person market is to bring a notepad and your business cards. I cannot tell you how many boutique owners forget their business cards when they're attending markets or they run out because they only brought a few. You're going to be handing out business cards like crazy. Not only is a market, a great place for a networking opportunity. So you, and you're going to meet vendors. You're going to want to give them your business card. you're going to want to get their business card and exchange a lot of network. Networking goes on, but also when you're writing an order, oftentimes a vendor will ask for a business card, so they can just write down the information on their order form or directly into their system from your business card. And they're not wasting time, it's loud. And they're like, can you tell me your email address? And you're like trying to holler, you know, Ms. Cutie boutique, whatever, across the, you know, the desk there from them. So having your business cards is going to be to function. First of all, for networking. And second of all for. Because it's really, really helpful for a Under to be able to see the information. So they're not making any typos or any errors or mistakes. Takes and any kind of verbal communication they'll. they'll also likely keep your business card and attach it to the order or store it where they have their order information because if there is a Typo that was entered they're gonna be able to have. I have something to reference to to find you again like your phone number if there's a digit off or your email address if you know an employee. employee. mistype. Typed in your email address all that will be backup on. on your business card so don't forget them The next thing is your notebook this is something that all of the best buyers do whether you're buying for Dillard's or buying for your boutique it doesn't matter you need to have a notebook to make sure you're taking notes all day long so you're going to want to be making notes on any orders that you're making checking things off have you got your tops done yes have you got your shoes done yes because things get really like there's a lot going on. so you just want to make sure you're taking notes throughout the day so you're not missing anything or forgetting anything also if you see vendors you like showrooms Do you like products you like you're going to want to write that down write down their websites write. Down the showroom numbers to make sure you can reference it if you're going to be there on a day two or day three Just anything that happens During market you're. you're going to want to make. make Sure you're making notes of it so you can reference it later when you are in your hotel room or having lunch later in the afternoon or dinner you're going to want to review Review all the notes that you've taken throughout the day to make sure you're not missing anything My fourth tip is you are going to want to dress. Comfortably. I know that you're going to want to be dressed to the nines in your cutest snazziest fanciest outfit. I know you want to show off all that style. And stuff that you love, but I'm telling you. When you get to these places, they are huge. They are massive. And you are going to want to be comfortable. You're going to want to get around quickly, efficiently, comfortably. It can sometimes be super hot in one showroom and for raising in another showroom. So having layers is a great option. But most importantly you need to have on comfortable shoes some shoes that gets you around fast so most buyers you'll see are wearing sneakers some Kind of comfortable pants and a comfortable top you don't have to completely throw away your style i mean still dress in something that's comfortable to you that represents you and your boutique um just don't put on your four inch stiletto heels and think you're going to have any kind of a good day when you're at market it's going to be miserable your feet are gonna hurt and you're gonna just think, god i wish i just listened to allie and wore my cute comfortable sneakers so be sure you're dressing comfortably Okay. My fifth and final tip is to be. Open minded market is a place for you to go experience things in person. See lots of amazing, great products that you may or may not have thought of, or even thought about caring. So have an open mind when you go to these markets. I know I said, you want to plan your entire schedule as much as you can before you even step foot into the market center. But in that schedule, I want you to plan out a few hours, at least where you're just going to be walking the floor and looking, and browsing and taking it in and observing. And this can be the most fun part of market is just that chance where you're like, okay, I'm here. I want to see some new stuff i want to be open-minded maybe there's a line that i've thought about carrying or i want to carry or a look that you're looking for just schedule in the time for yourself to have that freedom and that open-minded time this is something that i see some of the biggest buyers doing i'm talking retail chains i'm talking you know they're going in there with a million dollar budget kind of folks they're still scheduling Certain hours in their day where we're they're quote unquote walking the floor and they're going to be looking Looking and seeing and just vibing Cabbing with what's going on in the retail industry and the boutique market And just seeing if there's anything out there that they're Missing or that Maybe is going to benefit What they. they already have going on in their stores so it's one of my favorite For Things to do is to just schedule Time to walk the floor get inspired See beautiful things and it's just truly one of the most special things about attending an in-person market Okay so there you have it now you have learned more about what it's like to attend an in-person market what you can expect and some tips to make sure you're making the most out of your buying trip boutique besties again i loved seeing you all in person thank you so much for saying hello and connecting with me on the dms those of you that i did meet i was like be sure you dm me when you get home and you did so it's so exciting This is what i live for just sharing all the knowledge that i've gained over the past 10 years with you. And hoping that you will apply these principles in person. person. and hopefully you're taking little steps and little actions. actions every single day to make your boutique the best it can be All right we'll see you next week for another episode of the boutique success club Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of the boutique success club. Don't forget to subscribe and give us a five-star review. It really helps us grow and reach more boutique besties. have a great day and go get them.