Retail Success Club

Ep 6: Boost Your Online Sales

September 07, 2023 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 6
Ep 6: Boost Your Online Sales
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Ep 6: Boost Your Online Sales
Sep 07, 2023 Season 1 Episode 6
Ali Dee

In this episode, Ali Dee discusses two main factors to break down when considering how to boost your online sales. We dive into the analytics...don't get scared...and we also discuss strategy. By the end of this episode you will have actionable steps to implement ASAP to get more sales coming into your online store.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Ali Dee discusses two main factors to break down when considering how to boost your online sales. We dive into the analytics...don't get scared...and we also discuss strategy. By the end of this episode you will have actionable steps to implement ASAP to get more sales coming into your online store.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

This episode of boutique success club is brought to you by boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. have you been wanting to turn your dream of owning a successful boutique into reality? Let me introduce you to boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. The ultimate online course designed to guide you. Step-by-step on your boutique journey. Hi, I'm Allie D your boutique bestie and chief cheerleader in this program, you'll gain the knowledge, confidence, and strategies to build a thriving boutique that stands out from the crowd. So what are you waiting for? Start the journey to launching your dream boutique today with. Boutique blast off. Head to boutique success to enroll now. Welcome to Boutique Success Club. I'm Allie d, the founder of Boutique Success Club, your boutique bestie, and your chief cheerleader with over a decade of experience in the retail industry trenches. I'm here to help you skyrocket your store. Get ready to dive into insider strategies and educational resources that will transform your boutique business. No more guesswork. No more struggling alone. We'll be your partner in this journey, and together we will conquer all the obstacles. This is Boutique Success Club. Hey, Hey, welcome to this week's episode of boutique success club. I am so excited to be here today. You have no idea how much. I love getting on here, recording these podcasts. This is like my own personal therapy. I just get so excited to come on here and talk about all these great, exciting things. I'm hoping that you can learn a lot of great things. That'll help you grow and improve your store along the way. So. I am just thrilled to be here every single week. I want you to know that. I want you to know how much I am. Totally just obsessed with delivering as much information as I can to my new audience out there. So again, hello. Thank you so much for joining us. And none of the love Fest today, we got to talk business. We are going to get into the nitty gritty of boosting your online sales. And there is so much that goes into this, and I just kind of want to give you the basics. When we're talking about boosting your online sales, this is probably one of the most asked questions that I get, whether it's in my boutique success club community on Tik TOK on Instagram, in the DMS, in the emails. You're always asking how to improve your website sales what i'm hearing is that you all are struggling to have sales struggling to have consistent sales and you're really just wanting to figure out how you're going to manage getting consistent sales on your site and understand all the strategies that you're going to need to put in place in order to make sure you are getting consistent sales I really want to break this down into two separate parts that we'll go over today. The first thing we're going to do is we're going to talk about the straight up numbers. Now I know nobody wants to talk about the numbers. It's very intimidating. Analytics is just kind of like a four letter word to a lot of people, even though it's not four letters, you know what I'm saying? So we're going to dive into some of the basics of the analytics because in order to see success, On your online store, you really have to understand some of the metrics that are going to drive your strategies. So we're going to talk about the numbers and you're not going to get scared. You're going to get super excited, right? Because knowledge is power. So we're going to be learning about the numbers and how that's going to help you in your strategy. The second part of this podcast, we are going to talk about the strategy. So we'll dive into some ways that you can start implementing to build your audience. So you can really start seeing some more reliable, consistent sales on your online site. Before we really dive into this episode. I do want you to understand that both of these things, both the numbers and the strategy were two concepts that I really struggled with. This was something that I just, I didn't consider myself a numbers person. Back then I just felt like this is going to be too overwhelming. I'm not going to get it. Uh, what does this even mean? These words are big. Like all that kind of stuff. Really. I feel like hindered my growth early on because I just was too intimidated to learn the numbers. I was too intimidated to learn. What kind of numbers to look at where to even start. So that's why i'm sharing all this with you because i don't want you to feel the same frustration that i felt because really truly this is something that is so easy and accessible for you to understand and learn now and you shouldn't be frightened of it like i was you shouldn't be feeling like this is something that you can't get or you're not a techie person or you'll never understand it i'm telling you if i can do this you can do this trust me Okay let's first get into the numbers What I love about talking about numbers is it really allows you a chance to remove the emotion from the equation when it comes to being a boutique owner and a store owner. There's so much emotion involved. It can be a roller coaster of emotions, but when we just look at the numbers, it's just scientific here. There's no emotional backing. The numbers are what they are. We can see what they are and then we can start to make and take actions that are going to improve those numbers. So, first thing we're going to do is we're going to remove the emotion from the equation. Okay. Now let's talk about the numbers that I want you to understand. So I'm going to focus on Shopify, but really any e-commerce platform is going to have these numbers available to you. It's under your analytics. It's something you should be looking at. Every day. Every day, guys, you want to be looking at your analytics. I'm telling you the more you understand. The numbers for your online store, the better you will be able to improve those numbers, take the right actions and ultimately convert more customers into sales. So first we're going to be looking at two things. The website visitors per month. And your conversion rate. So, like I said, any e-commerce site is going to have this data available to you on Shopify. You're going to go under analytics. You're going to put the dates in for let's just use the last month, for example, do 30 days, 31 days, whatever it was, and look at your analytics from that month. This may be a very shocking. Eye opening experience for you, especially when I explain how the numbers affect your sales. So again, you're going to look at the website visitors that you received last month. And then you're also going to look at your conversion rate so let's talk about those two numbers and what they mean for you and your store The website visitors for your store per month is going to be one of the most determining factors that we will use to assess how your online store is doing. Okay. So we're looking at the amount of website visitors per month. This means how many people are coming to your site. They're going to be coming to your site from many different places, but you want to get a roundabout figure of how many people are actually coming to your site. This. You may see, could be something like 250 people. This could be something like 10,000 people. What's so important about this is obviously the more traffic, the more website visitors that you are getting, the more sales you will have. So this is why I say, take the emotion out of selling online for a minute. And just look at strictly the numbers. These numbers are going to tell you a lot about what kind of success you should be having. If you're getting around a thousand website visitors a month, this is kind of like my baseline goal that you want to start to reach in the beginning. You want to be getting a thousand visitors a month. This is going to really show you some good data on how you can start to improve things and clean up your strategy. And look at what marketing strategies are going to work for you. When we talk about driving traffic. I remember traffic is just that. It's people coming to see your stuff. So think about when you are at a mall in person or you're shopping at a store in person. Traffic literally comes from the term of people walking by your store or into your store. You want to get the people walking by cars, driving by the traffic, going by, into your store. And when you're in an online place, there's lots of different ways you can do that. But it's really hard if you're not focusing how many visitors you have every month to even know. Where you're at to understand where you need to go. So that's the first thing you're going to look at your website, visitors per month. The next super important number we want to look at is our conversion rate. So your conversion rate should be around one to 2%. That is the industry standard. When it comes to e-commerce, this is across the board, the standard conversion rate. So whether you are a huge chain store or a small boutique, just getting started, the conversion rate. Is generally the same across the board. So one to 2%. So let's just look at the numbers again, just the raw scientific numbers with no emotion. If you have a thousand people coming to your store every month, you can expect 10 to 20 sales per month, right? Because one to 2% of a thousand is 10 to 20. So the reality of that is that's not even one sale a day. So if you're not getting 1000 visitors at your store, as of right now, and you're frustrated because you don't have enough sales. Think about the fact that people getting 1000 visitors are only getting 10 to 20 sales a month. So if you're only getting five sales a month, four sales a month, you're probably getting somewhere around 500 visitors, 400 visitors. The good news about this is all you have to do is ramp up the traffic and that's when the strategy part comes in for this. Real quick boutique bestie. I know you have been thinking about launching your own boutique. It's that beautiful dream that you have in your mind, but maybe you just need like a little push forward. That's why I created boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. If you are tired of the overwhelm, the guesswork, the confusion, then this course is for you. I break everything down into modules. It is a step-by-step process where we are building on the foundation, setting you up for success. So if you've been thinking about jumping. Upping In now is the time go to boutique success and enroll today in boutique blast off launch your dream boutique. So the strategy is next. The strategy is going to be simply focused on building your big audience. This intern will help the numbers improve on your online site. So there's a lot of different ways and, and strategies that we can implement that are going to help drive traffic to your site, to improve your numbers, which we have learned once those numbers get better than our sales get better. So, Our whole focus when it comes to online sales and marketing is driving traffic to our website if that's where we want to improve our sales so let's break down some of the different strategies that are available to you and this is going to be in a very simple simple terms something that we can start implementing right away so you can understand how you can start improving your numbers and improving your sales like asap This is also a place that I really struggled with at first, because I felt like I was focusing on way too many strategies. There are really, like I said, so many ways that you can drive traffic to your site. And I was trying to figure out them all. And what that can do is that can cause us to become burnt out because there's just too much information. It's information overload. And then what happens is. We don't take any action at all. And we just throw caution to the wind and we wing it and that's not going to give us results either. Right. So I decided I was really going to focus on two to three strategies, tops, especially in the beginning, because you don't want to see all of the things that are going on in the retail world and get sucked into so many different directions when it comes to driving traffic to your site. So, what I did is I decided I was going to focus on two social media platforms. And one. Email marketing strategy so those are the three things even to this day that i still focus on i do pepper in more because now i feel super confident about my social media strategies and my email marketing strategies that i have the time to implement more but at first when you're just getting started it's too much to figure out so let's just focus on two social media platforms and email marketing Now, just for fun, not to overwhelm. I do want to mention all the different ways that you can drive traffic to your website. Obviously we've talked about social media. That's take talk. That's Instagram, that's Facebook, Facebook groups. Um, Instagram, I split it up into different things. There's Instagram feed, Instagram stories. There's going live on Instagram. There's going live on Facebook. There's Pinterest. There's SEO. There's Google ads. There's so many different ways. Okay. But like I said, let's focus on these two. These are the two that I focus on. Tik TOK. And instagram and i think you should do the same because i think these are the two most valuable places where you can have conversion and actually create sales and grow a big audience If you know me, what you do, you know, I love Tik TOK to grow an organic audience. What organic means is you're not paying for the audience. They're finding you and following you organically on their own, because you are creating amazing content that somehow is reeling them in. And pooling together your ideal customer to create an amazing, incredible audience. So on tick talk, this is just growing your following. The more followers you have, the bigger audience you have, the more eyeballs on your brand, the more brand recognition, thus, the more people that will end up visiting your website also same with Instagram. Instagram is a lot tougher to grow on, but it's a great place to nurture your audience. So Instagram stories is a really neat way for you to connect with your audience. And this is what a lot. Lot of boutiques are using right now in order to create a better relationship because you can make your tik tok content you can make your instagram feed content but there's nothing like that one-on-one personal vibe and interaction you get with instagram stories so this is a really cool place that you can connect with your audience more go a little bit deeper um you know talk about what you stand for what your business stands for what your boutique is all about your daily life behind the scenes all that stuff that's going to get people to fall in love with Your brand. One thing that I really want to stress is we are not trying to grow our social media following. To look cool and to feel cool. And like for the vanity of it, we are growing our social media following solely to grow our bigger audience, because the bigger audience we have. The more website visitors we have and the more sales we have. So we are really focused on building a community, building relationships, and then building that overall audience. That's going to trust you and know you and like you, and then want to buy from you. So please, it's not about going viral. It's not about being the coolest kid on the block and having the most followers and all of the likes and you know, all that stuff that you can get wrapped up in. Let that go. This is strictly for you to connect with the people that you think are going to benefit the most from you and your store. Tik TOK and Instagram are going to be two great places for you to really tackle where I feel like you can truly learn the strategies. I teach about this in my boutique success bundle. I talk all about the strategies that it takes to be successful on these social media platforms. What you should be focused on, what type of content you should be making, how you should speak to your customers, all that stuff, that strategy. You're not just going to be able to wing it. You need to actually learn what it's going to take to be successful on those platforms, because if you're only. Only doing two you better get good at them and that's what we're going to do we're going to learn how to get good at those platforms The third thing I mentioned was email marketing. Now let's dabble in this a little bit, because this is another important strategy that I really want you to implement. A lot of store owners, they kind of throw away the idea of email marketing and how important it is to the success of their stores. Can I just tell you that email marketing is the driving factor for my great conversion rate on my online stores, it comes from my email marketing. My social media is building the big audience. My conversion tool is my email marketing. So I'm wanting to grow a big audience on, take talk, get them to my website. Get. Them to sign up for my email marketing through a very good coupon or something that's intriguing to them. 10% off is not going to cut it anymore. So if you have a get 10% offer, do join my email list. It's not going to cut it. You got to up the stakes here. We're talking 20, 25%. And trust me, it's worth it to capture that information from that customer, because I'm telling you from experience. That is so valuable when they're on your email marketing list, because now you can start nurturing them every week, multiple times a week with offers that are going to be intriguing and products that they're going to love. I remember what I love about email marketing is they're opting in to hear from you. These people genuinely already like what you have. You've already filtered out the noise, and now you're down to the nitty gritty. The people that really want to hear from you. So. Email marketing is not something to. Not go all in on. It really truly has to be a center core point of your entire marketing strategy, because this is where you're going to get the conversion. This is where you're going to get the sales. Not only that you're going to start getting reliable sales from your email marketing sales, you can count on every single week sales that are going to make up a bulk of your entire income for your online store. So have I stressed it enough? How important email marketing is? It truly is so dire to the success of your online. Online store. So let's combine the two let's combine the numbers in the strategy and how it's going to affect your store. I already talked to you about the amount of website. Visitors is something that you should look at because that's going to determine literally how many sales you're going to get. On average, every month we talked about 1000 visitors is going to give you 10 to 20 sales per month with a 1%. To 2% conversion rate. Now when we grow our audience. The bigger we get the more visitors we're going to get to that store so you can start by looking at how many people do you have in your overall arching audience what is your reach from your tik tok what is the reach from your instagram a portion of those people just a small portion of those people are going to make their way to your website so as you can see the more people you reach on your marketing platforms Uh, The more people you will have going to your site and then the more sales you will have. And if you look at your site and you see you're only getting 250 300 website visitors a month. I don't want you to look at that as a negative thing. I want you to feel like, okay, now I'm empowered. Now I have the knowledge. I have the real numbers to understand why I'm not getting as many sales as I think I should be getting on my site. There's no more guesswork. And that's the whole thing that I want to help achieve here is eliminating the guesswork. Wondering why am I not getting sales? What's wrong. What's going on with my site? There's, there's so many things that I understand store owners can battle with in their minds. And I. I just want to make it simpler and easier for you to understand what you really need to be focused on. Okay, boutique bestie. Now I hope you feel like you are armed with the knowledge of what it's going to take for you to boost your online sales. So start getting to work. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the boutique success club podcast. I want to encourage you. If you have any ideas or thoughts or things that you want me to talk about on this podcast, please feel free to DM me. Email I'd love to hear from you. Your input is everything to me. Me. Also, please, don't forget to check out boutique success, bundle. It's really an all in one place for you to learn every single thing you need to know about growing and running a store in the beginning. So there's lots of great resources. It actually has my entire boutique blastoff course in there, and it also has every single guide that I've ever created. And I am just obsessed with it because people always ask me. What product is going to be right for me. And this is really like the all in one, no brainer, easy peasy product. Again, it's called boutique success bundle, and it is available now to you. It's also a place that I can update very easily with new and current information and just make sure you guys are staying up to date on everything you need to know. If you're interested just go to boutique success click on boutique success bundle Again, thank you so much for listening. I can't wait to hear from you and we'll talk to you next week. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of the boutique success club. Don't forget to subscribe and give us a five-star review. It really helps us grow and reach more boutique besties. have a great day and go get them.