Retail Success Club

Q&A: Answering Your Top TikTok Questions

November 10, 2023 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 12
Q&A: Answering Your Top TikTok Questions
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Q&A: Answering Your Top TikTok Questions
Nov 10, 2023 Season 1 Episode 12
Ali Dee

In this episode, your host Ali Dee answers some of the most asked questions from boutique owners about TikTok.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, your host Ali Dee answers some of the most asked questions from boutique owners about TikTok.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Welcome to Boutique Success Club. I'm Allie d, the founder of Boutique Success Club, your boutique bestie, and your chief cheerleader with over a decade of experience in the retail industry trenches. I'm here to help you skyrocket your store. Get ready to dive into insider strategies and educational resources that will transform your boutique business. No more guesswork. No more struggling alone. We'll be your partner in this journey, and together we will conquer all the obstacles. This is Boutique Success Club. Hello, welcome to the boutique success club podcast. I'm Allie D what's up. I'm so excited. You're joining me today, mainly because it tells me you are a person who wants to take action and start growing your boutique. And I'm so excited for you and by the way, one of the best places to grow your boutique currently is. My personal favorite social media platform. TechTalk this place is unbelievable when it comes to creating really quick growth and a really quick audience for your boutique. The thing is a lot of boutiques get stumped. And so I get asked the same questions over and over and over again, which is why I wrote a guide to call, take talk for boutique owners. But I want to answer some of the most asked questions here today on this podcast. So we're going to do a little quick Q and a. On tik tok for boutiques The first question we're going to address today is how often do I need to post on tech talk? I get asked this question over and over and over, and it's a really good question because as a business owner, you want to make sure you're using your time wisely and you're not overposting or under posting. You just want to make sure you're hitting that sweet spot. So how often do I need to post on take talk? And this can actually vary quite a bit, depending on your boutique. And also depending on. Rhea fricking listicle. What you can do. Is that a word Rhea, fricking mystically. I just created it. I love it. Um, let's quaint it here at the boutique success club podcast. So you got to ask yourself, okay, what is realistic for me? Can I start off by posting once a day, Monday through Friday. Maybe it's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday when you're just getting started. Or maybe you're like, you know what, I'm going all in. I'm posting every single day. Or maybe two or three times a day. So it really depends on what you can feasibly do. Now. I will say, I feel like the boutiques that are just getting started. Understand the importance of posting and showing up on tech talk. More than established boutique owners or boutique owners that have been around, like, pre-taped talk. And I don't say this to be mean, but I say it with a loving heart that if you are a veteran boutique owner or someone who's owned a boutique, since even before Tik TOK got really popular. So let's say before the pandemic, if you opened your doors to your store before the pandemic. You really need to understand that tech talk has to be a part of your marketing strategy at this point. I know I, I say this all the time. I reiterate it, but I just don't want you left behind Tik TOK right now is the place to be in order to grow your boutique and to gain visibility. Really quickly. So again, how often do you need to post on take talk? It's as often as you think you can Rhea frictionless, Stickley, do. But I'm going to recommend at least once a day. And you know what let's, let's make ourselves a little challenge here on the boutique success club podcast. Let's commit to posting. Once a day for 14 days. And the reason why I'm saying this, let's give ourselves a small, actionable goal. Is because the other day I was taking a walk. And I started to think, oh my gosh, I haven't been walking this past month. Like I can really tell. I just feel sluggish. My energy is not there. I have two toddlers and I just felt like I couldn't keep up. However, for some reason when I'm walking 20 minutes a day, every day in the morning, my entire day is better. But I know that, right. I mean, I know what's good for me. I know that if I walk, things are going to be on the up and up. But I still get lazy and then one day I'll go by and then a week goes by and then it's raining. So I don't go. And then next thing I know it's been a month and I haven't gone on my walk. So I start up again, I'm walking and I'm thinking, okay, you know what? I'm just going to start walking every single day. That's it. And for me, I immediately felt like a weight on my shoulders that I just created. Like a huge unattainable goal that I'm literally telling myself, okay, I'm gonna walk every single day for the rest of my life. It just felt too heavy. And I was like, oh, wait a second. Let me step back and take my own advice. The same advice that I use in business. Why don't I create a small attainable goal. Like I'm going to walk every day for the month of November. Do you know how much pressure. That took off of me immediately when I just decided, okay, I'm going to have a small goal. One that I can actually achieve. And that's going to give me so much confidence and so much pride. And so that's why I say, why don't we do this Tech-Talk challenge together. Let's commit to posting every single day, once a day for the next 14 days. And then let's see how we are. First of all, I'm going to tell you, you are 14 days better At creating content than you were before we started this challenge, right? Because now you're showing up every day, you're getting a rhythm. You're figuring out what's working for you. And the only way you're going to get better at posting content here. Is literally by posting content. I know I went off on a tangent a little bit, but how often do I need to post on tech talk is a really important question, but there's so many like tentacles. That reach out from this question that I wanted to make sure I addressed. So please, if you're listening to this, shoot me a DM on Instagram or take Taka, let me know. You're jumping in the 14 day challenge. I just came up with this, like on the fly, but I think it's really important that we do like say to ourselves and keep our promises to ourselves. That also really increases our confidence when it comes to business. When you don't let yourself down, you won't let your business down. So I think it's just something that we got it. We got to commit to, we got to stick to, and if for accountability, if you want to DM me, tell me you're doing it. I would be so freaking excited to hear from you. Moving on to the second most asked question that I get, why am I stuck in 200 view jail? This question. Pops up over and over. And there's probably a few different reasons that you could be stuck in the 200 view jail, but I'm going to focus on. The most prevalent reason and the one that I see over and over and over with my students in the boutique success club. So if they've just joined the bundle, they're working through the modules, you know, when you're in the boutiques assess club bundle, you can have super easy access to me. Almost all the time. I get this question like, Hey Allie, can you take a look at my tech talk? I'm stuck in the 200 view jail. The first thing I asked them. is, well, do you know who your ideal customer is? And then it's kind of like, well, yeah, I do sort of, I mean, we're a trendy boutique that sells affordable clothing and I'm like, oh no, no, no. We got to get so much more specific because when you figure out your ideal customer, It really does leak into your Tik TOK strategy. And let me explain what I mean by this. The tick talk algorithm works best in your favor. When you can tell it. By using your take talk, SEO, the type of content you're creating the words that you're saying, the visuals that you're using. When you can get really specific with tic talk and tell it. Who your ideal customer is? Your success is going to skyrocket. The whole way the Tik TOK platform was created is to serve content to the people that will like it the most it's on your side. The algorithm only works against you. If you don't really know what you're doing. And I hate to say that I don't want to sound harsh. But once you understand that Tik TOK is always wanting to work in your favorite, right? It wants viral content. It wants content that people want to consume over and over and over. So when you tell, take, talk in your content who your ideal customer is, it will then serve it to the exact right. People who want to see it. But if you don't know who your ideal customer is, this is the chain of events that happens. That keeps you stuck in that 200 view jail. First of all, you create a piece of content. Secondly, you hit publish. Now the chain of events that occurs is take talk then sends your content to a group of test people. Okay. A test group. This may be a thousand people. We don't exactly know what it is, but let's say it sends it to a thousand random users on TechTalk. They go into this pool. That's going to decide if your content is like, quote unquote, worthy enough, right? This group of people. Can be a big, random display of what the tick tock crowd looks like. I mean, You could have ages ranging from like 12 years old, all the way to 70 year olds. You could have people who live in the city, live in the country, work full time, stay at home moms. Van life lovers. I mean, just entrepreneurs. I mean, just all over the place, right? It's a total random group of people because Tik TOK has no freaking clue who to send your content to. So you're going into that pool. Now, let's say you get into this pool and you happen to have one person in that group that truly likes what you have is into it. Maybe gives it a like, or a comment actually saves the video. Only one person was actually your ideal customer because you didn't tell ticktock what the Frick to do with your content. Right. So then your content. Is not going to get past that initial group. So you're going to be stuck in that 200 view jail because your content is going to have a very quick death before it even has a chance to reach anybody else on the platform. So the way that you fix this is you tell, take talk who your ideal customer is. You do that again by Tik TOK, SEO, and the other strategies that I teach. Once you have figured out who your ideal customer is, off-take talk and you start implementing that on the platform. This is where the secret to success is here. All of a sudden you will see Tik TOK will then send your content to exactly the right people in the test group. So now instead of going to a thousand random people on the internet, you're going to a thousand people that are more likely to like what you have. Right. So now, instead of getting one little measly, like in a group of a thousand, You're getting a lot more engagement. Most of the people in that test group are like, Ooh, I like this. I like that pair of jeans. I like what she's saying. She gets what I need. She knows I need corporate work where that's actually casual, but also cute. And. Bada Bing, bada boom. Now you're doing the vitality dance with tic talk because it's like, yes, this person knows their customer. We have delivered it to exactly the right people because they are fricking, uh, loving it. Then you get rewarded by going on to the next level. And if that group likes your content, then you're going onto the next level and the next and the next. And that's what creates viral content. So it all boils down to, if you want to get out of 200 view jail, the first thing you need to do is figure out your ideal customer. Real quick boutique bestie. I know you've been thinking about building and growing your own boutique. It's that beautiful dream that you have in your mind, but maybe you just need like a little push forward. That's why I created the boutique success bundle. If you are tired of the overwhelm, the guesswork, the confusion, then this all in one bundle is for you. I break down everything into modules. It's a step-by-step process where we are building the foundation, setting you up for success. It also has every single guide I have ever created right there and an easy to access dashboard plus Q and a with me, if you get stuck. So if you've been thinking about jumping in now is the time go to boutique success and join us today in the boutique success bundle. The next question I get all the time is about Tik TOK. Shop. Is it worth it? Should I do it? Should I spend the time setting it up? All that jazz. So let's talk quickly about take talk shop. I have an entire podcast on tech talk shop. But i want to really dive into why i think it's so imperative that you do jump into tick talk shop right now Let me break this down into super duper simple terms for you. The boutiques that I am seeing the most success for right now, amongst all my students are the ones who are really active on tech talk have decided that they are going all in and understand that this is the marketing platform. That's going to give them the biggest bang for their buck, which is actually free right now. They, they have really just kind of accepted the fact that Facebook is not necessarily the jam when you're trying to reach new people and Instagram, definitely not the place to try to reach new people unless you really, really play their game, which I can get into on another episode. Otherwise, if you want to reach the exact person who you're trying to reach and you want to grow rapidly. The place to be is Tik TOK. These stores also understand that take talk shop. Is just something that's another sales channel for them to use to create more business. So as we look at our boutiques from the outside, like let's just like do a bird's-eye view. You have your boutique and then you should have multiple sales channels. That are going to create an income stream for your boutique. Okay. So this could be something like tic talk, a Shopify. Maybe you do popups, maybe you have a booth in a store. Maybe you have a store front, you have multiple places that are bringing in income for your boutique. If you stick to just one income stream, you can't do it. Any more people you could do this 10 years ago. Even, you know, maybe even five, six years ago, but now you have to have multiple streams of income coming from different sales channels. Again, this could be, you know, Etsy, maybe you're like a YouTube gal. Maybe you dive in on, you know, LinkedIn or Twitter or whatever the case is for you. The more income streams you can perfect the more sales you're going to have right Because there's more places where your marketing your boutique Now we always want to be driving people at the end of the day to our own boutiques website, because that's what we're going to get. The, information that we need from that customer to be owned by our boutique, as opposed to own by whatever social media platform they're checking out on, or let's say Pinterest or Google shopping, whatever it is, we always want to draw them in to our own store. Uh, however, in the case of tick talk, there is much reward when it comes to promoting people to your tick talk shop. And honestly people want ease of shopping and convenience. And when they're on tech talk and they're watching your video and you have the little like cart button at the bottom that they can just click on and immediately purchase whatever you have on plus take talk has all these crazy incentives right now. So. Customers are getting like$20 coupons in their cart or free shipping or whatever it is. Things that Tik TOK is actually covering, not the boutiques. The boutiques are benefiting from it. But Ted talks, actually the ones covering the cost. So when you decide that you're okay. And you should decide this. Be okay with doing business on the sales channel. That is tic talk. And actually getting those immediate easy sales instead of just trying to force people to get to your website. You can always do that in your content. As you're going along. But if you're trying to get some like sales and some dollar's coming from Tech-Talk, you need to use the tech talk shop. And all the features that it has to offer. The last question I want to talk about today is how do I go viral? Or I want to go viral. How do I make that happen? And this is a question that I get all the time too. That's why it's in this podcast. And I know we already addressed a lot of this and going viral and how to do it in my, if you're stuck in 200 level, Uh, jail. Of tech talk or 200 view jail, I should say. But when it comes to going viral, there's some things that I want you to really know and think about because a lot of times, I think you may think as a boutique owner, if I go viral, everything will change for me. So going viral is great. It's an accomplishment. It will get you a lot of new followers and preferably the followers that are ideal customers. You definitely don't want to go viral on a random video that has nothing to do with you or your store. That's why I always say be careful the type of content you're posting on your boutiques Tik TOK page. If you post like a cute video of your dog and it goes viral and you get a zillion followers from it. And they want nothing to do with buying a product from your store. You're really just having inflated patted numbers that are never going to convert into sales. So that's what I want to address here. Is that going viral? Doesn't necessarily mean. A lot of sales. I've had personally videos that go super viral and have a crap ton of sales and also videos that go super viral and have zilch for sales. And I've also had videos with 2000 views. Kill it on sales. So the content converting into sales is a totally different thing. Then when we talk about going viral, and I've seen this with a lot of my friends that are boutique owners and they have these crazy viral videos and they're like, Allie, I literally did not get one sale from that video. And I'm like, well, it's okay. At least it was drawing in the right people because it wasn't a random video about our dog. At least it was a video about a pair of jeans that she's selling in her shop. So now you have something to work with because you've got a following going and we can improve your content to make sure that you're getting converting sales from that viral content. But it's not about going viral on Tik TOK at the end of the day, it's only about attracting the people that you think are going to like your products the most. Okay. So baby steps here, right? Let's first start creating content. That's going to consistently get you out of 200 view jail. We've discussed how we're going to do that. We're going to do a 14 day challenge starting tomorrow, whatever day you're listening to this, or even starting today. That you are going to commit to posting on take talk every single day for 14 days, you're going to use the strategies we've talked about in this podcast. If you want more help if you want to take it to the next level remember i do have that tick talk for boutiques guide on my stand store there's a link to it at the bottom of this podcast you could also go to boutique success It'll forward you straight to my stand store by the way my stand store is just like where i list all of my digital downloads that are available for you so check those out grab the tik tok for boutiques one or grab the boutique success bundle which gives you that like next. next DRA. Next level extra reach to me Um but check out and see which one's going to work for you okay because i really break down a lot of these strategies More in depth with like major step by step guidance and that's how i learn and that's how i write all of my guides and my books is because i need to like you got to literally tommy step-by-step so if that sounds like you and you need step-by-step one of those products is going to be great for you. Okay. Well, I hope this was a really helpful episode for you and you learn some great. Tips and strategies and things to do. So you can start seeing Tik TOK success for your boutique as well. By the way, don't forget to hit me up on DM or share on your stories on Instagram and tag me that you listened to this episode. You guys know. I love that. I love sharing it on my stories. Thanks again for listening and we'll catch you next time have a super day bye-bye Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of the boutique success club. Don't forget to subscribe and give us a five-star review. It really helps us grow and reach more boutique besties. have a great day and go get them.