Reiki with Bronwen

Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 13

November 16, 2023 Bronwen Logan
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 13
Reiki with Bronwen
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Reiki with Bronwen
Urban Crow Oracle Meditations: Card 13
Nov 16, 2023
Bronwen Logan

Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! 


Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? 

Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.

With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.

What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. 

I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane:

Who is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here:

Subscribe to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.

This is all about you, and your self-development!

Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:   

 / @bronwenlogan    

See you at:

Check out
my website at
my facebook page at
and my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan

Support the Show.

Check out
my website at
my facebook page at
and my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan

PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.

Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.

By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning.

To subscribe just click

Your support means the world to me and our community.
x B

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the playlist, "Urban Crow Oracle Meditations" by Bronwen Logan! 


Hi, it's me Bronwen Logan, and I've got a question for you. Have you ever picked a tarot card or an oracle card and thought, Wow, that is really true for me right now... but what do I do about it? 

Well, I have. And, I think I've found an answer.

With over 20 years of dedicated meditation practice and instruction, complemented by a deep immersion in both Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as rich cultural insights gained from extensive travel and innate curiosity, I've cultivated a unique and profound expertise. It is the crafting of bespoke guided meditations tailored to virtually any scenario, drawing from symbology, foundational meditation principles, and real-life contexts.

What this boils down to is that I have a knack for creating supportive and practical meditations for each and any card that is picked randomly from a tarot or oracle deck. 

I am currently working with these Urban Crow Cards by MJ Cullinane:

Who is not fascinated by crows? I certainly am. These cards have been sitting on my desk calling me to do something more with them, and I've found it: create practices to delve into their meanings. Crows are mystical characters and can be found throughout mythology in the east and the west and even in my own personal mythology (you can read about that here:

Subscribe to my channel for weekly card insights and practices. Not only will you learn about them, but you'll also have the opportunity to truly experience their essence.

This is all about you, and your self-development!

Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated with the latest videos from Bronwen:   

 / @bronwenlogan    

See you at:

Check out
my website at
my facebook page at
and my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan

Support the Show.

Check out
my website at
my facebook page at
and my YouTube page at / @bronwenlogan

PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.

Creating and sharing these episodes requires not just passion but time and resources. To continue offering these enriching experiences, I'm inviting you to join our supportive community by subscribing to the podcast for as little as $3 a month. Your support will directly contribute to the production and enhancement of my content, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of Reiki and self-awareness.

By subscribing, you become a part of this beautiful circle of healing and learning.

To subscribe just click

Your support means the world to me and our community.
x B

Hello. It's Bronwen Logan here from Reiki with Bronwen and I am picking another Urban Crow Oracle card. So here are the cards. Let's just feel nice and relaxed as we pick a card. And it'll give us a practice that we're going to work on today. Yep. So here we go. Picking a card risk. Hm. What is that bird doing? The Crow is trying to open a shell. Yeah, there's some big waves there. So it needs to be a bit careful because it could get washed out to sea while it's doing that. Right. Let's see what we can find out about this card. Breathing down into our bellies. Feeling nice and relaxed. And just thinking about. Risk. So this Crow in this card is risking something to get some clam meat. Yeah. So. Is the risk worth the danger that it's in. Yeah. We can't know that the only person who can know that is yourself. So just sitting and thinking about something that you may be risking or something you are about to risk it may be a great idea. And by taking that risk, you may experience something and know something that someone else may never have the opportunity to experienceor know. Yet. Sometimes we need to be careful too. Right? So we don't want those waves washing us out to sea. So balancing that out. Thinking about, what's going to work for you. In your situation. Can you take the risk? Just sit with that for a moment. Think of a situation where you may be taking a risk. Can you feel it in your body? Will this risk lead you to success? Is this risk worth it. Breathe into it. Feel the answer. Tap into your inner wisdom. That's it. Thank you for sharing with me today, and I will see you at the next card.

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