Honeys Makin' Money

Free vs Paid, or BOTH? 🤯🤷🏼‍♀️

August 21, 2023 Honeyy Brooks Season 1 Episode 7
Free vs Paid, or BOTH? 🤯🤷🏼‍♀️
Honeys Makin' Money
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Honeys Makin' Money
Free vs Paid, or BOTH? 🤯🤷🏼‍♀️
Aug 21, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7
Honeyy Brooks

One of the biggest questions Honeyy receives from other honey’s looking to start their OF account is – should I start a free page or a paid page? This week on the podcast, Honeyy will break down the differences, weigh the pros and cons, and explore practical tips for keeping your subscribers engaged on your paid page.

Episode Highlights

☝️ Understanding the Difference

It's a minefield out there gf! Honeyy explains the key differences between a free and a paid page on OF.

☝️ Pros and cons of free vs paid

Of course there are pros and cons for everything, right?! Well Honeyy lists some of the main points to consider when deciding what type of page to start. Things like: which one attracts a larger audience, which has higher engagement opportunities and the kinds of income you can expect to make from either one.

☝️ Engagement on your paid page

We all love good banter right? Well in order to create and maintain this with your subscribers, it's important to understand that the quality of your content, interactions and the offer of perks like personalized shoutouts, custom content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses all play a major part in keeping the engagement going.

☝️ Honey's personal take

Honeyy dishes the dirt by sharing her personal insights and experiences with both free and paid pages. She also explains why she transitioned from a free page to a paid one and the impact on her earnings and engagement.

Choosing between a free and a paid page on OnlyFans is a decision that requires careful consideration. Each option comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Remember, engagement, quality content, and meaningful interactions are key regardless of the path you choose. If you're ready to take your OnlyFans game to the next level, don't miss out on the chance to win a FREE coaching call with Honeyy herself!

If you’re looking for some personalized support for setting up your OF page then you’re in luck! Honeyy is giving away a FREE coaching call. All you have to do is rate and review the Honey’s Makin' Money Podcast on Apple or Spotify (or both 😉), take a screenshot and tag @honeysmakinmoney to go in the running. Then tune into the podcast to see who wins! Good luck babes!

Show Notes Transcript

One of the biggest questions Honeyy receives from other honey’s looking to start their OF account is – should I start a free page or a paid page? This week on the podcast, Honeyy will break down the differences, weigh the pros and cons, and explore practical tips for keeping your subscribers engaged on your paid page.

Episode Highlights

☝️ Understanding the Difference

It's a minefield out there gf! Honeyy explains the key differences between a free and a paid page on OF.

☝️ Pros and cons of free vs paid

Of course there are pros and cons for everything, right?! Well Honeyy lists some of the main points to consider when deciding what type of page to start. Things like: which one attracts a larger audience, which has higher engagement opportunities and the kinds of income you can expect to make from either one.

☝️ Engagement on your paid page

We all love good banter right? Well in order to create and maintain this with your subscribers, it's important to understand that the quality of your content, interactions and the offer of perks like personalized shoutouts, custom content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses all play a major part in keeping the engagement going.

☝️ Honey's personal take

Honeyy dishes the dirt by sharing her personal insights and experiences with both free and paid pages. She also explains why she transitioned from a free page to a paid one and the impact on her earnings and engagement.

Choosing between a free and a paid page on OnlyFans is a decision that requires careful consideration. Each option comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Remember, engagement, quality content, and meaningful interactions are key regardless of the path you choose. If you're ready to take your OnlyFans game to the next level, don't miss out on the chance to win a FREE coaching call with Honeyy herself!

If you’re looking for some personalized support for setting up your OF page then you’re in luck! Honeyy is giving away a FREE coaching call. All you have to do is rate and review the Honey’s Makin' Money Podcast on Apple or Spotify (or both 😉), take a screenshot and tag @honeysmakinmoney to go in the running. Then tune into the podcast to see who wins! Good luck babes!


Welcome back to a another week. Oh my goodness, we are just so JAM PACKED here, I'm so excited because we are bringing you some really, really exciting stuff over the next few weeks. And bless you all everyone has been reaching out and saying that they are absolutely loving the podcast. And I just I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart, because you're all amazing. I'm so glad that you're tuning in. I'm so glad that you are listening, and you've got takeaways from what we're putting out there. So it is a good bloody vibe, I am loving it all. So let's jump into today's episode. And that is all about your only fans page, whether it should be a free page or a paid page, or blog or both. Who knows there is so many options. And it really is the big question. Free paid both what to choose how to choose it and which is right for you. So something to note before we do jump in is that there is only a two limit page per creator on only fans. So the pages can be structured however you like. For instance, you can have a free and a paid page, or you might have to pay pages. So a lower subscription base and maybe a VIP one or a note PPV accounts. Now just to give you a bit of insight PPV if you don't know it stands for pay per view. And that is once you either join a free account as a subscriber, or you're unlocked to go into a paid account, creators can have the choice to have a PPV, which is sent out in locked messages. And they need to pay per view. So this is normally the X rated videos or a little bit more spicy videos that you're not going to find on their site. And you need to pay for each one of those to view. So when I'm referring to things like PPV, or no PP V account, that is what it is referring to. And something else you may want to take into consideration when deciding how you're going to run your pages. And what you're going to do is how you're actually going to a if you are going to set up two pages, but how you are going to set those pages apart. You don't want to be selling the exact same content on each page, because you may be pulled up by only fans for charging the subscriber to subscription prices for the same content. So really have a think if you are going to dive in and create two different accounts, how you're going to make them different and how one subscriber can enjoy both of them without feeling like they're paying twice. Having one or two accounts is completely up to you. And there honestly, is no wrong or right. There are so many creators out there that are really successful using all types of pages. There are creators out there that just have a no PPV account. There are creators out there that just have a free account, there are creators out there that have one paid one free, and some that have two paid, there is honestly no wrong way. It is just going to be down to you. Your time management, the amount of content you'd like to produce your goals, and also your targeted audience. So I really you know, I have tried it all. I said at the start of the podcast, I have been there I have done that. And when I'm talking about a paid a free page and no PPV I've honestly done it all. And at the end of the episode, I will share my personal experience and what has worked best for me. And it is important to know that when I do share that what works for one doesn't work for all but I will share it because I do get a lot of questions around how I do run my page. But for the moment, I really want to give you some pros and cons on age so you can make that educated decision yourself. So let's talk about the free page, a free page and the pros that could come with that. So there is never going to be a time that any of your fans will expire. If you have somebody that comes to your free account and they join, they don't expire unless they close down their account or only thing kicks them off. They are going to be there basically forever. You can also lock wall posts for purchases which is really, really incredible. And it's a really great way that you could use a free page as a catalogue where people come on and they subscribe at no cost but they can kind of flick through read what you're content is about and then decided they want to lock something. So that's a really great Pro, they are likely to bring in more fans because it is free. So any free page can have hundreds and 1000s of fans, which is absolutely amazing. And they are more likely to have a big fan base because there is no subscription price. You can also get away with more advertisement on the free page. So more spam or let's say, you can send more messages out, you can promote other models on your page if you like. Because there is no pay wall to get in you kind of really flexible with what kind of content you can put out there. The cons is that there is normally a really, really high rate of inactive fans. So that may be like I mentioned before, people who no longer use their account, or they just forgot that they enjoyed only fans this one time a few months ago. So it may not be a true reflection on how many fans you have on your page. This is a given right, and you are really likely to get a lot of snoopers and a lot of people that are just they're not actually planning on unlocking anything or spending any money. So a lot of the time if you are in the inbox and you're chatting away, it can be very time consuming because there are people there that can be time wasters, and it can become a little bit exhausting. And sales do honestly just come down to when you're online. And when you are in the inbox or you are selling PPV fully paid. Let's talk about this one. So this is where someone will subscribe to your page through a paywall. The pros of this is that obviously you're not going to get any time wasters coming on you're not getting any people that you may not want on there snooping around trying to find out information, you're getting genuine people on there, you're getting really cool subs that are going to join that want to talk to you that want to get to know you. And it's really enjoyable. When you get those people that come on to your site, which really highlights the quality of fans that do come to a fully paid page, you can really have an incredible fan base on a paid page. And you are earning that money from subscriptions. So when you're talking to people in the DMS, it's a really nice feeling because you know that they are there they've paid, they have paid for your time they've paid for your worth. And it's a really nice conversation to have. And you know that then there's always the opportunity of making more money, the cons is that there is a lot of time that you will need to be spending on making sure people are turning their renew on when we're bringing fans and we want to make sure that they are turning into subscribers, and that when they are turning into subscribers, they're sticking around. So we do put a bit of time into making sure that they renew is on and that they hang around for next month, you always have to make sure that there is consistent new photos and videos on the feed. If somebody is paying to join your site. And they are paying a good fee, you want to make sure that you've constantly got really great content out every single day, they've paid for a service and they expect for the next month that they are going to see some incredible content from you. So even though that is not a terrible thing, it is still something to factor into your content creation and dedicating time to that. And another con to consider is that you will have a less of fans on your flee paid page than what you will on your free for obvious reasons moving on to the no PPV page. So the pros of having a no PPV page is that it's a really great selling point. subscribers love that they can join for a higher fee. But they get everything on locked in it's all on the feed. So it's a really great and strong selling point. You also get higher paying fans and they are more likely to be loyal and quality and just really good bands. I like it's really really great being able to chat to people that you know, value your time and that want to be there. Obviously there are no freeloaders here and you also have a higher rebill rate as well because they want to stick around for a really good price and get some really amazing content. The cons could possibly be no No upselling of PPV. So you get one subscription price and then found are obviously not going to unlock any further content because it's a no locked page. So you do rely on your subscription rate to make your money. And you have to continuously make new videos to make sure they are hitting the platform, and they are going out to those subscribers that have paid to get access. And finally, there is a lower new fan, right, and it may be a little bit more difficult getting new fans in at a higher subscription price. So just listing the pros and cons doesn't always help you make a decision. And I want to share some reasons with you in why you maybe should start a particular page and consider these factors with age. So let's start with the free page. Some really good reasons to start a free onlyfans page is if you're wanting to build an audience, a place to keep all of your following in the one area. So think about your social media and think about building a really big following. And the terms and conditions of Instagram have now decided that you are not compliant and they wipe you which happens so often, you've then lost your whole fan base that you've worked so so hard for. So having a free account is really good for having an audience and audience that you are not going to say never, because Never say never. But there is a high possibility that they will always be there and that they are not going to go anywhere. So consider that when making up your mind that it is a really good pool to have your fans sitting there that you know that you can always have contact with even if you rebrand or you do something else on the platform, they will be sitting there and there is a really low possibility of losing them like on a social media following. It can also be a good way to attract a larger audience quite quickly, which is really great if you're new. And you can introduce a heap of content to them at the start. So this can be really powerful if you want to build a really, really a big fan following quite early on. And you want to get your content out to as many people as you can. If you do have a paid page as well, the free page is a great way to be offering teasers and promotional material that can entice potential subscribers across to your other page for more exclusive content. So essentially, you would be using that page as your marketing your resources to tap into when you want to let everyone know you've got a promotion or a sale, or there's a special live show or a bundle going on. On your other let's say VIP page or paid page. And some good reasons to start a paid only fans page is that you can offer really exclusive content, especially if you do have high quality unique or explicit content that is not available anywhere else. A paid page is a great way to protect that. It is a great way to monetize that as an exclusive area to access it, and it provides added value to the paying subscriber. Another great reason is if you are looking to earn revenue directly from your content, and engage with a paying audience, a paid only fan page offers this another great reason to look into a paid only fans account is the probability of your content being reused and spread around the internet. Having a free page you will most likely not to be putting out X rated material on your feed for free. But you do have to take into consideration that people will copyright your material to use that to use that to create other social media platforms to create Reddits to create Twitter's and use that to scam other people or to use it for reasons that it's not intended for. So with a paywall, it does decrease the likelihood of anything getting leaked to that extent. Now I do say decreased because it is never foolproof. It doesn't matter what you do. Things can still get leaked even behind a paywall. So I do want to make that clear, but a paywall it can hurt I'll reduce that. So I'm sure you've got lots of things going through your head right now you're weighing up your options, should you do free? Should you do paid? Should you do one? Should you do both. And honestly, what I'm going to recommend to you at the start is to not do both initially. And the reason behind that is, when you are starting your only fans, it is a lot of work, it's a lot of content to be putting out there. It is a lot to take into consideration. It is planning, it is batching content, it's scheduling content, it's creating new videos, and you don't really want to have to double your work load. So early on, do I think having two pages is really beneficial to your business? Absolutely. I think it is so crucial because it gives you two ways to make an income. It gives you an opportunity if you choose free to have a whole pool of your fans to sit there. And another way to increase your revenue, I would recommend starting your only fans and looking at what suits better is it a free account or a paid account, choose which ones suits you work on it. And when you feel content, you've got a huge gallery there of content that is uploaded ready to go. You're not feeling overwhelmed or consumed in creating content, then flair with the ideas of creating another account. Hey, girl, I know you love winning, which is why you are here. And I want to give you an opportunity to win just a little bit more. I am offering a free one on one coaching session. For one of you lucky babes, all you have to do is go write a review, share it on your Instagram and tag honeys make money so we can reshare it, I will be picking a winner up really really soon. So make sure you go and write your review to be in the chance to win. Alright, let's get back into it. How I worked my pages was I initially started a paid page. And I worked on my paid page for I would say about four months, four months in, I then decided I wanted to create another page, I felt super comfortable where I was at and I was ready to take the next step in running two pages, I created a VIP page. So I had a free page, and a VIP page to my original Pay Page became a VIP platform. And I created a free page. Now in my experience, I got so many followers on my free page. It was amazing. There was a whole bunch of followers sitting there. And it was really great instant gratification. What I found in the long run personally with my accounts is that my free page was really, really hard to upkeep. There was a lot of people on there that was consuming my time that wanted responses that were messaging me and I honestly didn't have the manpower to sit in that inbox all days. So it kind of just sat there as a lead generation of for my VIP page. My VIP page was the bread and butter. It was the place I was loving it was lighting me up. I had all my favourite subs there. And anyone on the free page just knew that if they wanted to find me if they wanted to speak to me that they could find me on my VIP page. Why I found in the long run with the free page was that a lot of the subscribers that joined just join free pages. So they have hundreds of women on there only fans, they have hundreds of posts popping up daily. They have hundreds of DMS daily. And what I realised was that my messages and that my posts, because I wasn't giving it 110% We're getting lost, we're getting lost in all the noise and trying to invite them over to my VIP. It just wasn't working. So I made the decision about four months ago now to completely scrap my free page. And I knew I was going to lose many, many subscribers out of this but it just felt right for me. I had my paid VIP page at a stage where it just was rolling. It was going really really well. We're already in the top 1% And it was just on fire. So I then turned my focus to my free page and changing it to a new No PPV page. And honestly, for my business, it was the best decision I had ever made. For a few reasons. The first reason is it was obviously a higher subscription rate. So my paid page remained at a lower rate, and my no PP V page subscription was at a higher rate. So I already knew that there wasn't going to be as many subscribers come across. And I knew that what I could do with the account was going to be less work than the free, I knew that I could advertise it in a way where subs could come and see what they wanted and see what they loved and be happy with what's there. I didn't have to keep uploading things every single day, I didn't have to upload videos and pictures and fly as daily. I wasn't in the DMS every single day, because it was a catalogue page, it was a page that people subscribed to to purely watch my videos. So that was the number one reason that I was really enticed into doing it because it was so low energy for me. And it actually surprised me in how well it went, I made my whole year income from my free page. So that when it was free my whole previous 12 months income I made in one day on my no PPV account. And to give you a little bit of insight, I did have concerns that my VIP page was going to fluctuate a little bit. And I may have lost subscribers and renew rates because people were going to subscribe to my no PPV page. But surprisingly, it didn't change it whatsoever. In fact, my VIP page grew, as well as my no PPV page. So for my business, it worked really, really well. And that's what I encourage you to do is to figure out what you want to do. What do you have time for now? What does your content involve? Where does it feel good? When I say free paid no PPV, what is your gut telling you and start with that nail that feel comfortable with that. And once you do then explore then go into other areas. Now with starting your page and exploring, I do want to let you know if you are unaware of this. If you ever drop your subscription price, or you change it, it will automatically turn all your subscribers renew off, and they have to automatically re renew. So if you are thinking, Okay, I am going to move my subscription from $9 to $40. And I'm going to make a no PPV page. Once you click submit, or once you click OK on that page and it changes the subscription price, you will have no one left on Renew, they will get sent a notification and an email and they have to go into their account and renew to your page to stay on your page for the additional month at the new payment. So that's something really important to consider when I suppose picking what page you want to do and at what price because if you do change it down the track, it cannot play around with your fan or subscriber rate and your renewal rate. And if you are wanting to change that you will need those renews to come through and that those original subscribers are not guaranteed. So I hope this has helped really define or give you a little bit of an understanding or insight into the two different pages and what's worked for me what's worked for others and just some pros and cons on all of them. I know you will find what is right for you and your page. Just take your time. Do your research and just figure out what feels right for you don't compare. Don't try and be like somebody else's page. Just figure out what it is that works for you and bloody go for it. That is all for today. Thank you for tuning in and I will see you next week.