Honeys Makin' Money

Q&A with Honeyy - Answering your questions 💭 🎙️

August 28, 2023 Honeyy Brooks Season 1 Episode 8
Q&A with Honeyy - Answering your questions 💭 🎙️
Honeys Makin' Money
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Honeys Makin' Money
Q&A with Honeyy - Answering your questions 💭 🎙️
Aug 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 8
Honeyy Brooks

In today's episode Honeyy delves into a delicious mixed bag of listener questions about starting and succeeding on OnlyFans. With years of experience, Honeyy shares her valuable insights on various aspects of building and thriving on the platform.

Tune in to hear answers to questions about:

Staying Motivated

Honeyy provides valuable tips on how to stay motivated and driven in the competitive world of OnlyFans.

Hilarious Live Stream Moments 

Tune in for some laughs as Honeyy recounts the funniest moments that have occurred during her live sessions.

Safety on OF

Honeyy discusses strategies for maintaining personal safety and protecting your content and information while using OnlyFans.

Subscriber Strategies 

Discover what truly attracts and retains subscribers as Honeyy spills the secrets to building a loyal fanbase.

Business Approach 

Honeyy emphasizes the importance of treating your OnlyFans endeavor like a business, sharing insights on the importance of planning ahead and being consistent.


Learn how to overcome comparison-itis and focus on your unique journey in the adult industry.

Recording equipment

Honeyy chats about the equipment she uses for creating content that keeps her subscribers engaged. Spoiler - it doesn't have to be state of the art!

Don't miss out on the chance to win a FREE 1:1 coaching call with Honeyy herself! Simply leave a podcast review and share it on your social media to enter. Be sure to tage us @honeysmakinmoney_ Imagine receiving personalized guidance from an industry expert to level up your OnlyFans game!

Whether you're a professional creator or just starting out, this episode of Honey's Makin' Money is packed with laughs as well as heartfelt, actionable advice from your big sis, Honeyy. So, hit that play button and get ready to take your OnlyFans journey to the next level.

Show Notes Transcript

In today's episode Honeyy delves into a delicious mixed bag of listener questions about starting and succeeding on OnlyFans. With years of experience, Honeyy shares her valuable insights on various aspects of building and thriving on the platform.

Tune in to hear answers to questions about:

Staying Motivated

Honeyy provides valuable tips on how to stay motivated and driven in the competitive world of OnlyFans.

Hilarious Live Stream Moments 

Tune in for some laughs as Honeyy recounts the funniest moments that have occurred during her live sessions.

Safety on OF

Honeyy discusses strategies for maintaining personal safety and protecting your content and information while using OnlyFans.

Subscriber Strategies 

Discover what truly attracts and retains subscribers as Honeyy spills the secrets to building a loyal fanbase.

Business Approach 

Honeyy emphasizes the importance of treating your OnlyFans endeavor like a business, sharing insights on the importance of planning ahead and being consistent.


Learn how to overcome comparison-itis and focus on your unique journey in the adult industry.

Recording equipment

Honeyy chats about the equipment she uses for creating content that keeps her subscribers engaged. Spoiler - it doesn't have to be state of the art!

Don't miss out on the chance to win a FREE 1:1 coaching call with Honeyy herself! Simply leave a podcast review and share it on your social media to enter. Be sure to tage us @honeysmakinmoney_ Imagine receiving personalized guidance from an industry expert to level up your OnlyFans game!

Whether you're a professional creator or just starting out, this episode of Honey's Makin' Money is packed with laughs as well as heartfelt, actionable advice from your big sis, Honeyy. So, hit that play button and get ready to take your OnlyFans journey to the next level.


Hello, and welcome back to a another week, I am answering your questions today on the podcast. And I can't wait. So here are my genuine answers to the questions you guys have put out there. So let's jump straight in. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? Oh, my goodness, what has not happened to me? Honestly, I do so many live shows. So that means a lot of things can go pretty haywire when you are not prepared or when you are live and you can't stop and press record. So there has been times where I do a lot of boy girl lies. And there has definitely been times where I have jumped on. I've had a few wines, I'm just saying yes to all the things. Hot Tip do not say yes to a no. If you have not prepped do not say yes. Because there are just going to be things that happen that shouldn't. So yes, I had a few wines this night, and I was live with probably about 100 of my subs. And we get into it. And we decided that it was a good idea. And yes, a nice little piece of jewellery came out with Hank. And it was on display for absolutely everybody to see. And of course, this also goes against guidelines as well. So I had to end the live kind of laughed it off, shrugged. And I was just like, whatever it happens, and remove it from my vault. I've also had times where I've done squirt shows, and like I didn't know I had my period or my period was coming. And during my squat, my period just decided to come out everywhere with my squat. And it was it was honestly funny, because all I could do was laugh. I mean, it's natural. What else can you do in that moment, something else I also had to remove from the vote because I didn't wanna get in trouble by only fans. There wasn't one really funny dot when I was live, it's always when I'm live. We have the best fun me and myself. And random stuff had happened all night. Like I can't even remember what it was. But all night, it was just so random. And I ended up doing my biggest orgasm and my biggest squat ever. Anyway, um, squealy because it's just going everywhere. And I'm orgasming and the next minute my dogs thought I was getting murdered. I've got five big dogs. I thought I was getting murdered or something was happening. And they're all going ballistic. Like outside the door. They're all trying to break into the house. Like it was just the funniest live because we were all just cracking up over the random things. So they're probably the funniest things that have happened to me because yeah, they just live and kind of take a bag you putting yourself out there when you go live, right? But it's all fun. Like, it's all the juices and the subs love it too. Like they love that you can be so real and authentic and jump on and and just be yourself and you don't have to hide those bits. I mean, only fans don't like it when you do those kinds of things. Obviously, animals are not allowed on either. So I've just yeah, I've tried to get rid of it all. But bit of a funny story, therefore, you're okay, have you ever felt unsafe in the industry? This is a really interesting question, because I wouldn't say the word is unsafe. But sometimes I feel unsettled in a situation, I will completely just like close down that situation. So I don't feel unsafe, I think because there are a lot of circumstances that at my home that makes me feel safe. I live quite rural. So my location isn't really particular, I also have five really big dogs. So if anybody was to like come onto my property that they don't know, they would not take one step past the gate, because I do have that, I suppose sense of security there. So I feel really safe at home in that sense. When I'm online, and I'm talking to myself, and I'm doing everything, I feel really safe because I do have boundaries in place. And I do not let anyone push past those. So I'm always making sure that you know, if I do feel a bit icky about a situation or I'm not feeling comfortable for whatever reason, let's say if I'm on a live call and a sub is pushing boundaries, then I will end that straightaway. And I think that's why I don't ever feel unsafe because I know my limits and I know where I need to end it. And I think also my subs really respect that they respect that. I've never once said anything about my personal life and I will not share about my personal life. So they don't go there. And they respect that. So no, I've never been in a situation where I felt really unsafe. I'm sure there are stories in the industry where unfortunately creators have felt unsafe. But my advice around that is just to really, really protect yourself. Obviously, you know, I've gone over this at an earlier podcast, but really looking after your privacy and your security and your idea entity and never releasing any information. If anyone is pushing your boundaries or you do feel like that this could evolve into something that is unhealthy or unsafe. No money is worth jeopardising your privacy or jeopardising your safety. So just put an end to it, feel free to block and delete. Now I know when only fans you do lose your money when you do block somebody, but nothing should go above your safety. So just remember that just remember that you're in charge. And you can really work your business however you like. And that you need to be really strict on that and your boundaries and the people that are pushing it. How do you deal with a friend and family rejecting your way to live? Oh, gosh. So I will be really honest, at the start, I did not deal with this very well. It was so new to me. It was just a real eye opener. And I did struggle and I think it's also important to share that you know, when you do get emotional over this or something big like this happens. Don't think you need to be a super woman and act like nothing's wrong, and you're fine and you can keep moving on and, and fuck everyone. Because it's okay to feel shit. You know, it's okay to, to let those feelings in. Because for me, I did feel shit for a long time. Because my family and my close friends were everything I knew for my whole life, right? Like your family is everything you know, growing up, they are your security system, they your support system. And then when it gets all pulled from you, then it's really, really hard to handle like, you know, you start questioning yourself. Is that isn't me Have I made the wrong decision? Like what what have I done? And you do go into that what I found that I went into that spiral really questioning is what I'm doing right? Is it a good career decision? Is it a good life decision, and I found it really hard to navigate all of that. So I did go into a slump for a little bit. And then I honestly just caught dual pace in my life where I was like, Well wait, no, fuck them. Like, I am so happy doing what I'm doing. I'm not doing this for them. I'm not doing this for anybody else. I am doing this career because I love it. And because it gives my family freedom. And that's all that matters. As long as my husband and my kids are happy and healthy, and we're enjoying what we're doing, then why the fuck should that matter to anyone else. And I just got into a mindset of, well, you either love me or you fuck off. And as soon as I cut those people out and stopped, you know, chasing them and holding on to old memories and thinking that because people were my family that I had to respect their opinions, I had to mould myself to fit in with them. As soon as I realised that if they can't love me for who I am, then that's their fucking loss, the better it was. So I took a huge term in my personal life and my business like my business grew dramatically when I made that decision. So if you are sitting down and what you're doing, and only fans and the business that you're running, is making you happy, and it's giving you all the tools and resources to pave the way to your dreams, then fuck them like it's, it's got nothing to do with them. They like they should love you for who you are not for your career, right. I always think when my family judged me so heavily, I was the exact same person five minutes before they found out. And they just treated me like I was an absolute like Alien. So just remember, you are an amazing person you always have been if you're showing up with the right intentions, and you are showing up as yourself and you're enjoying it, then you know what, it's their loss. It's their loss that they don't get to have an incredible life with you and go on this journey with you. So that's my view on that. What's bringing in the most subs for you at the moment. So definitely tick tock, but I will say this all the time you'll hear me say all the time. Tick tock is definitely a love hate relationship is quite static. So yes, you can go viral. And you know, it's great when you do but viral is called viral for a reason. You're not going viral consistently you're not staying viral like you might hit 1,000,002 million, 3 million views. But they knew hit a stop right? And you've got to keep producing. And sometimes actually a lot of the time I see on Tik Tok is that you get these big spikes in your viral videos. And then you ride the wave a little bit and we're getting you know 200 500 million views of that big viral video. Once that a viral video actually stops the momentum. That's when your account just goes back to normal. So you can see Tiktok accounts that may have 200 300 405 Ha 100,000 followers and they've had a few viral videos, but they still may be getting 10,000 views 5000 views on their latest videos. So tick tock is a really love hate relationship. And I think you really need to be adaptable with it and move with it and pivot and not be so emotionally attached to big accounts. And really just be willing to work hard on viral videos and running with what is viral. So tick tock is definitely my main platform. When I am having those slow months though, or you know, I haven't cracked a viral video for a while, it will be Instagram. So Instagram would be my second one as you get viral videos on Instagram as well. But the conversion rate on Tik Tok is much more powerful. I believe. If I get 5000 views on tick tock, I see a better conversion rate into only fansubs than what I do on Instagram, which I find really interesting. So yep, definitely tick tock, and then Instagram for me, how do you stay so motivated? So as always, I'm honest with you guys, I am not motivated all the time. And it may seem like I am it may seem like when I am jumping on and I'm chatting away, I am motivated. But that's because I understand my energy. And I understand the the seasons that I go through. So some days I wake up and I think fuck, like I've been like just absolutely drilling myself, I have been hustling so hard. I've been doing all the things and I wake up one morning and I can just feel my energy is not in it. And I just feel shaped my mindset has gone a little bit haywire. And I'm just like, oh, and I know that's my day to take off. Like I literally quit that day. I'm like, I quit. I'm not doing it. This is too hard. I had my little tantrum, and I quit. But then I rehire myself again. So the next morning I wake up, I'm like, right, you've had your moment, honey, you're all good. You had your rest day you watch Netflix and you know ate all the chocolate and spoonfuls of Nutella. You've had your rest day. So now back to business. And I think it's really healthy for me to have that positive mindset and recognising when I'm not there and just going right time to take a break, like just reset and chill. So that really helps me with my long term mindset in the industry, because it can be tough, there's a lot of things that are going to be nibbling on your mindset. And a lot of thoughts will come into your head within this mindset that can really be detrimental. So waking up and just knowing that today's not the day now when I say that, that might be once a month, sometimes it's a little bit more often, especially if I've got my period. But I'm not doing that, you know, every week or every day. And I mean, if you need to, and you know that once a week, you need to absolutely log out. And that means the rest of the week, you're you're good, you're hustling, then go for it. But what I don't recommend is just getting into a routine of having one day off, and then having another to health and then having another day off. Because when you are inactive, it promotes being inactive. So the longer you sit around and you don't do anything, the way it's going to be, it's just going to snowball, it's a snowball effect. And as soon as you get into action, that's where you then start to really compound on that. And you get into more action. And we see this in our everyday life as well. When you think about going to the gym, how many times have we been like, yes, we're gonna go to the gym on Monday, I'm gonna get up, I'm gonna go and then Monday comes like, Oh, I gotta be fucking bothered, I'll I'll do it next Monday, the next Monday comes, it never happens, or you're waiting for a magical mandate, and it never happens. So that's getting in the cycle of just being inactive and just getting comfortable not doing anything. As soon as you go, right, I'm just gonna go to the gym, like, I'm just gonna get up, I'm gonna go if I don't feel it, when I'm there, I can leave. I can turn around and go home. And then you get in the car and you go to the gym, you're swiping, and you start on treadmill, and you start moving, you start going and then you're on the treadmill, and then you get on the bike and you do some weights and you're feeling good. You're like, Oh, I'm so glad I came to the gym. And then you're motivated to get up the next morning and do it. So as soon as you take that step in being active. And I mean, I do this all the time I like look at the washing, and I'm like, do not want to do the washing. And the longer I leave it, it's done like I might as well burn the pile. But as soon as I go, right, okay, I'm going to do the washing off or the washing, and then I'm putting it away and then I'm putting on another load and then I'm tidying up the house. So it really like once you get moving and you get into that mindset of really moving forward and doing the work then it really compounds. So my advice is take a day off when you need it reset, don't turn that day into a week into a month into a year because it's just it's not going to build your business. Alright, moving on to the next question. I'm jumping in here for a hot second to let you guys know, I am giving away a free one on one coaching sessions every single month throughout my podcast, I'm really excited to be working with some more creators on a more personal level. So if you want in on this, make sure you go and hit follow, leave a star review, screenshot it and send it to our Instagram account. If you want extra points into the drawer, go and leave a review on your Instagram account and tag us in it. I am so excited to see you wins this month and who I get to work with. Okay, now to the good stuff. What do you mean when you say treat your business like a business? I say this all the time treat your business like a business. I'm glad someone's acid. So I can explain myself here a little bit because I just assume that you know, because I know what it is other people know. So treating your business like a business. So just owning a business or saying you run only fans and waking up and doing a few tick tock and like yeah, this is my business. That's not treating your business, like a business, treating your business, like a business is hiring yourself every single day, knowing what you need to do daily. So looking at yourself as a business owner and going right? If I'm paying myself hourly, what am I doing, I need to get to business. As business owners, you know, we had the flexibility to do whatever we want. So we can go to the beach, if it's sunny, we can go do this and go hang out with our friends go shopping. And that's the way you need to get into the mindset of like, I need to treat this like a business. So have your days that are dedicated to business building, have your hours that are dedicated to business building, have your schedule done, because it's so easy when you work from home to have a friend or someone call up and go, Hey, like let's go to the beach day like oh, yeah, call like, I'll just, I'll leave the business. And I'll do it another time. And once you get into that pattern, it just becomes like a revolving door like you are just going to keep doing it, you're gonna keep putting your business on the back foot. Now this is not to say that you can't go and do those things because you absolutely can. But there's a time and place you've got to recognise when are your free days, you've got to recognise when you're hiring yourself, you've got to treat it like a business. Like if a business employed you and you are working at a nine to five or you're working, let's say at sports girl in retail, if you're hired to go to work those days, you can't just go to the beach with your friend, right. And if you don't go to work, there are consequences. So getting into that mindset of like, okay, if I choose to go to the beach today, and it's supposed to be my workday, there are consequences. Like, you're obviously not gonna get fired, but there are consequences in terms of, you're not going to be building the best business that you possibly can. So just really looking at it as like you are the driving force of this business. And if you are going out and you're doing all these things with your friends, or family or whatever it may be, or just sitting on the couch and watching Netflix instead, well, then it's not a business, it's, it's not even a hobby, it's just going to be something that's going to be sitting at the back of your mind, like, Oh, I really should do that. So just get really, really comfortable with your days, your hours your to do list your power hours, your DMO. And I will go into this in a different podcast because I think it's the whole podcast in itself. My background is really going into the nitty gritties of running your lease running, doing Power hours, having demos, and smashing work and feeling like sitting down the end of the day just like oh, like the best day. And sometimes I do this at lunchtime, like fuck, I have smashed it like I am going to wherever with the kids, like I'm gonna go do some cool stuff tonight, because I haven't sat around all day. Like without any intentions. I wake up intentionally and I do the work that I know I need to do. So I will go into a whole podcast because I think it's really really cool when you can work from a space of intentions. So I'm always finding myself comparing to others body image and business wise. How do you cope with that? This is really, really interesting. And I love that you have asked this because it happens right? As much as we say, oh, you know, we don't compare ourselves. It can happen and it can be a really contributing factor to your mindset to building your business if we're constantly comparing ourselves. Now in terms of business, what I always say is never ever compare your day one to someone's day 100 never compare your situation to somebody else, especially in this industry. This industry is so versatile, like there are just so many ways to run onlyfans You can have a paid page a free page and no p p v page. You can have two accounts you can have one account it's so different. You can tap into a particular niche you can market to a particular audience, you can use different platforms to market yourself. Some girls kill it, absolutely kill it on Reddit and some girls are just like right It is fucked. Some girls hate tick tock some girls love tick tock is just there is no one size fits all here. And I also think something that comes into the business side of things and building the business is that it really also is dependent on that person's previous followings. So if they've been in the social media game for a while, and you know, maybe five years, they had been an influencer, they may have been on a reality TV show. Or they may just be a really powerful influencer, who have built their brand over the last five years. If they are now deciding that they are going to start and only fans, then their day one is going to be so different to your day one, like if you're, if you're just you know, like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna do only fans. And you may have a small following, or you're going to start from scratch like I did, because you prefer to do it that way, then your day ones are so so different. So just never compare yourself to other people's situations, the only thing I suggest you compare yourself to is yourself yesterday. And that's how I calculate my growth, and then calculate my growth on comparing it to other women around me, I prefer to celebrate them. I'm like, wow, she's killing it. Like, that's amazing. Good on her. I love what she's doing. And I take inspiration from that. But I never compare because the only thing I can compare myself to is yesterday, and I heard this really powerful quote, when I was doing a training course. And the lady said, you only need to be 1% better. And that changed so much for me, because I used to put so much pressure on myself every single day to you know, make more money to go viral work harder, and I was working myself into the ground. But as soon as I heard her say, you only need to be 1% better than yesterday. I was like, oh shit, like click. And this is like, this is the fun thing about learning. And diving in and tapping into tools and resources is that something is going to click for you one day. And it took me so long for this to click and oh, so simple. Like she she was an incredible educator, and she had so much experience, but it was it's one little thing she said to me that I was just like, Ah, this has just changed everything for me. So I stopped putting all the pressure on myself, I stopped comparing myself to others, and just wish I was there. I wish I was there like and just enjoyed the journey, and just every day I woke up and like Rattenbury, 1% better today, like just 1%. And I've done it like I've done it, and over a year, like 1% better every single day is so powerful. Because if you look at a year down the track, you might get overwhelmed and go, Oh my gosh, like, I don't know if I can do that. Like, that's a lot. But if you go right, tomorrow, I'm going to do better. Tomorrow, I'm going to do one more activity, or tomorrow, I'm going to work one hour longer. Or tomorrow, I'm going to aim for one more sub on my goal, just things like that. And it's really healthy for your mindset, because it's teaching your mindset to win to always move forward. And when you know, I'm getting off subject a little bit from there comparing but in terms of your body image, this one can be really tricky, because I mean, as women from a young age, we're just always taught that, you know, our bodies are never good enough. And there's just constant reminders around all the time, reminding us why our bodies aren't good enough. I think it's really changing now, which is really powerful. There's some really incredible influencers out there who are making a really, really great stance against that, and just being themselves and being authentic. So my recommendation around that is to just have a clear out of your social media. So go have a look. Is there anyone in your social media that's making you feel less about your body? Are they making you feel like oh, like, you know, why can't I be like her and this has nothing against the creator or the influence. But for your mindset where you're going on this like journey, run, follow them, and go and find creators or influencers that make you feel really confident that you look at them, and you can relate to them and like, Ah, yes, like I love that. I love what she's saying. And really lean into that because this is not an overnight thing. Loving your body and being comfortable and confident and not comparing yourself especially in this industry because it is hard because you're always in front of the camera. A lot of your social media has, you know, a lot of sexy pictures so it is confronting, but the more you lean into the things that make you feel good about your body and that light you up, you won't start comparing yourself. And I think also once you realise that the platform really is built on authenticity and being you everything changes. So just try and learn to turn off as your authentic self and turn up as who you are. And people will love that and I think when people start To love the real you more, it just really certifies those thoughts like, Yes, I am beautiful, I am perfect. And when you're showing up as that, then it just, it comes back to fold. I think if you're trying to be someone else, and you're turning up and you're not posting things you don't think you look 100%. And you're getting compliments on photos that I don't know, maybe edited, or maybe in a different way that you would not authentically show up, it doesn't hit the same when you show up as yourself. And you're getting these compliments and subs are coming in and they're loving it. It just hits so good. So there are a few tips around that I will also do another segment on this because I think it's just so powerful. It's so important for women to just be really confident with who they are, you know, that's body. That's how you turn up every day. That's how you hold yourself. So yeah, we'll definitely dive into that. On another episode. Your reels are the best, where do you come up with your concepts? Okay, so honestly, I don't really put a whole heap of thought into my reels, I just do the things I love. And I think that's why people are so like, attracted to them, or they love watching them because I'm just doing my everyday things out on the farm that I really, really love. And I really, really enjoy. So I think if you can tap into the things that you love and the love to do, and it doesn't have to be exciting, I get so many compliments on my content. And when I first started to rebrand and show my countryside, I was like, like people are gonna be so bored with all of this. And there are so many people out there that love it. And I thought I'll only be a small amount of like country, people that will be attracted to it. But a whole other audience that live in the city that like just love the country lifestyle, but can't necessarily get out there all the time. Really, really love watching it because it gives them that sense of like, feeling connected to the country. So I just film Yeah, like what I love to do, and day in my life and the filming part of it. So it's nothing exciting to me. I mean, I love it. I love gardening, I love going out with my horses and doing all the things. But yeah, that that stuff's exciting to other people's. So my honest opinion is don't try too hard. Like, don't try and go and be something you're not, or put all this effort into doing these things that you think people are going to like or enjoy, just be you and do the things you love. Because if people aren't even interested in it, they will swipe by or they will either comment and just be like, Oh my gosh, and say something anyway, which is going to boost your engagement. What equipment do you use? Your content is flawless. Oh, thank you so much. Look, I I am so valid technology. I'm so bad with cameras, and I just have no patience. Like if someone said to me, you can go do a whole day of filming tiktoks And Instagram reels. Or you can spend a whole day lag YouTubing and studying these really great quality cameras and how to use them. I know which one I'm picking because I just don't find that enjoyable. Like yes, I can go out and buy all these really expensive cameras and everything. But I just don't know, it's it's not for me. So I just use basic, and I mean basic equipment. So for my photos and my videos on my only fan site, it's literally just my phone. I have tried it a few times on my like camera, I've got like a Sony camera. But I don't know I just didn't like it. And it's amateur, right, like my subscribers are coming to my page because it's amateur hours. So that's what they enjoy. So yeah, it's literally just my phone, even my photos on my feed I take off my phone. Now with insane that having the latest phone is so important. I have the latest iPhone, I can't tell you one of us who literally just walk in when I know there's a new one, I'm like, I'll have it because having the latest phone, the amount of work they put into their camera setup is absolutely incredible. So just make sure you got the latest phone and make sure you're updating as well I think you can do with Telstra Mobile here in Australia or anywhere you can do like a trading. So just keep training your phone in every year if you can. And then I've just got a basic ring light and I just tried to really face myself to the light we do a lot of outdoor content as well. So that helps but if I'm inside just facing like all the good stuff towards the window or towards the light and getting that natural light. So yeah, it's nothing intense at all. I think it's just knowing your angles, knowing where to face the camera, where to place yourself as well. And yeah, just being comfortable with the equipment you're using as well. Any advice for someone branching out their content to boy girl I'm nervous. Okay, so if you're thinking about doing boy girl content and And you're nervous. What I would say to you is, is this content for you? So really have a look inside? And evaluate, are you jumping into this because you feel like you have to produce boy girl content, because you feel like that you have to put that content out there to be successful, or are you doing it because you really enjoy it and you're excited and you want to do it. So I was actually chatting to another creator about this yesterday. And we're talking about the different types of content and what you can do. And we're both saying that, it doesn't matter if you just do solo, it doesn't matter if you're faceless. It doesn't matter. You know what you're doing, whether it's boy, girl, threesomes, girl, girl, all of that stuff, you don't have to do a particular content type to be successful. And if anyone tells you otherwise, please ignore them. Because if you put your heart and soul into solos, and you've put your heart and soul into marketing, and marketing yourself really well, and getting those subs in, you will build a really great business. If you put all your time and effort into making boy girl videos that you're not really comfortable with, you don't really want to do and you're not going to market yourself because you're a bit nervous about it. You're not going to build a business. So just really evaluate what lights you up. What are you comfortable with? Are you doing this for the right reasons? Like are you putting new content out because you want to not because you have to feel like you have to. And if it is because you're you know, you are excited, and you do want to put it out for the right reasons, but you're just nervous because it's new. Well, my advice there is like practice makes perfect. And it's never find perfect. Like let's say practice makes near perfect or makes you more comfortable. So just get in front of the camera, you know, you don't have to post everything straightaway, just get in front of the camera and pop it up. My first boy girl video was the worst. Well, I thought it was the worst. But it's one of my best sellers now because it was my first ever boy girl video and people want to go and have a look and see what it's like. And I look at it. I go back and like a little bit of a cringe there. But I feel like my subscribers lover because it was just genuine like there were a few stuff ups or a few moments where maybe it wasn't edited the best spot. It's amateur and that's what they're there for. So just keep that in mind. What's your favourite part of your job? Ah, yes, I love my job so much. So this is really hard for me not the physical part of the job but what I get out of it is definitely the time freedom with my family. I there's nothing in the world that can replace that there is nothing in the world that is better than getting that freedom back with my family and being able to do so much with them and be at home with them and be around them. That to me there's just absolutely nothing replacing that in terms of day to day and showing up on only fans and doing it all I love talking to my subs and going live like I really enjoy that I really like to get to know them. I like going live I like having fun with them. So that side of it is definitely my favourite editing videos is not I hate editing. I love making the content content, so fun. But even the photos like I hate going through them. I hate organising them, and I hate editing them. So I need to get somebody for that. But it's really interacting with the subscribers and probably making the actual content. I just find that really creative and really fun. Anyway, that is all the questions for today. I'm going to have a another q&a coming up in a few weeks, we will do a post about it on the Instagram account. So make sure you're following the Instagram account. Pop some questions in there. I'm going to do monthly q&a As I think just so we can keep moving forward and helping you guys out with questions that you're stuck with. I hope today is helped. Thank you so much for putting your questions in. And I can't wait to see you all next week. Bye.