Honeys Makin' Money

Introducing Hank - Inside being an OnlyFans couple and filming p*rn together 🌶️👀

September 11, 2023 Honeyy Brooks
Introducing Hank - Inside being an OnlyFans couple and filming p*rn together 🌶️👀
Honeys Makin' Money
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Honeys Makin' Money
Introducing Hank - Inside being an OnlyFans couple and filming p*rn together 🌶️👀
Sep 11, 2023
Honeyy Brooks

This week on the podcast, Honeyy is joined by a VERY special guest – the man (literally) behind her in her videos, her husband Hank. Together they’re answering YOUR questions to give you an intimate look into their unique journey in the online world of adult content. 

Tune in to hear why they have chosen the path less traveled as they share their story, motivations, and what it's really like to work in this industry with your ride or die. Get ready for a candid and eye-opening conversation!

Episode Highlights

🌶️ The Decision to Start an OnlyFans Together
Hank and Honeyy discuss the circumstances and conversations that led to the decision to start creating adult content as a couple.
What were their initial expectations, and how did they navigate the challenges?

🌶️ The Dynamics of Working as a Couple
The unique challenges and benefits of collaborating with your partner in the adult content industry.
How do they maintain a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives?

🌶️ The Creative Process and Content Production
A behind-the-scenes look at how Hank and Honeyy plan, film, and produce their content.
What goes into creating engaging and authentic content that resonates with their audience?

🌶️ Challenges and Stigma
Hank shares the hurdles they've encountered, both from family and within society
How do they handle judgment and misconceptions about their profession?

🌶️ Advice for Aspiring OnlyFans Couples
Hank and Honeyy offer insights and advice for couples considering entering the world of adult content creation.

What should newcomers be prepared for, and how can they navigate this unique journey successfully?

As always, thank you for tuning into another episode of Honey’s Makin’ Money. Be sure to follow us on IG at @honeysmakinmoney_ for more tips, tools and resources on how you can build your own successful biz on OF.

Until next time! Keep makin’ money honeys!


Show Notes Transcript

This week on the podcast, Honeyy is joined by a VERY special guest – the man (literally) behind her in her videos, her husband Hank. Together they’re answering YOUR questions to give you an intimate look into their unique journey in the online world of adult content. 

Tune in to hear why they have chosen the path less traveled as they share their story, motivations, and what it's really like to work in this industry with your ride or die. Get ready for a candid and eye-opening conversation!

Episode Highlights

🌶️ The Decision to Start an OnlyFans Together
Hank and Honeyy discuss the circumstances and conversations that led to the decision to start creating adult content as a couple.
What were their initial expectations, and how did they navigate the challenges?

🌶️ The Dynamics of Working as a Couple
The unique challenges and benefits of collaborating with your partner in the adult content industry.
How do they maintain a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives?

🌶️ The Creative Process and Content Production
A behind-the-scenes look at how Hank and Honeyy plan, film, and produce their content.
What goes into creating engaging and authentic content that resonates with their audience?

🌶️ Challenges and Stigma
Hank shares the hurdles they've encountered, both from family and within society
How do they handle judgment and misconceptions about their profession?

🌶️ Advice for Aspiring OnlyFans Couples
Hank and Honeyy offer insights and advice for couples considering entering the world of adult content creation.

What should newcomers be prepared for, and how can they navigate this unique journey successfully?

As always, thank you for tuning into another episode of Honey’s Makin’ Money. Be sure to follow us on IG at @honeysmakinmoney_ for more tips, tools and resources on how you can build your own successful biz on OF.

Until next time! Keep makin’ money honeys!



Hello, and welcome back to another week of honeys making money. Tonight is good. I've literally just poured myself the biggest glass of wine. And I'm feeling all vibey for that reason, and another reason because tonight I have my husband with me, because I think it's a really great opportunity to have my first guest being Hank, because he is such a big part of my journey, a big part of my early fans business. And obviously my life, I also get a lot of questions about the man behind the scenes. So here he is, we've got him here today. Now, I do want to let you know, he is a man of few words, I have had to absolutely grind him to get him on here and have a bit of a chat with us. So I'm excited to see where this podcast takes us and see what kind of gold dust we can dig out. So let's jump in. Tell us about your journey because I've shared this in a few podcasts earlier about my journey. So I'd love to hear it from your and your journey. And the lead up to starting early fans for us. Thanks for having me on. I've been in construction for probably 1213 years, Romeo in business for about seven years, sort of through that COVID period, it was all pretty crazy. And then just got to a point where we're sort of being over been locked down. We decided we're gonna get caravan. That was such a crazy time in our life. I remember, you were running your business, and it was all going really well. I was in my network marketing business. And then COVID here and we'll just like what the fuck is this? You had days where you couldn't work? You had days where you could only work in particular areas like it was just an absolute whirlwind. I remember that so vividly. And I remember we'd been planning to go away for quite a while Why don't we watch money YouTube around us doing it and decided, let's do it. Yeah, we I think COVID gave us the balls to to really jump in and be like, Fuck this. Like, we're out and everything's not for us. And we kind of just jumped into travelling, having all the gear and no idea, right? Yeah, I think it was like a three, four month turnaround from having never had a caravan or towing or doing anything that stuff to find everything getting the car up and running. And off. We went. Yeah, it was crazy. I mean, it was the best time of our life. Like we had so much fun. And we learned so much on the way. Yeah, I don't regret it. I would do it in a heartbeat again, it was my best 18 months we've done yeah, for sure. We've actually been speaking about lightly, how much we miss it. And we want to go back to it and continue travelling. That's where we not found area only fans or what sort of already knew about it? Of course you did. Like you've learned that girl up in intake and sort of went from there. Yeah, it was like it all kind of happen. Like the universe kind of put it out there for us, didn't it? It was weird. Like I had never heard of only fans. And obviously, you being a boy and a bloke and all the dudes talking about it and coming up. You were familiar with it. But you you weren't really too certain on the business side of things where, you know, I didn't really realise how much money they could make and how they could sustain a lifestyle or I suppose set themselves up. Yeah, which was such a big eye opener because I remember meeting this girl and she was travelling with her family, and she was funding the travels. And at that time, you could close down your business and my network marketing business was getting to a bit of a sticky stage. So I remember us just thinking like, oh, fuck, that's pretty cool. Like she's travelling, and making all this money. Just doing these things. Like, let's check it out. Yeah, it was it was interesting. Took a few months of discussion back and forth. Yeah, it really did. And I've said this in previous podcasts that it was never something that we just jumped straight into. It was never something where we went in blinded, we did have a lot of discussion around it. What it would involve a lot of research as well of what it was about. We did go pretty in depth, didn't we? Yeah, it was it was a few months of back and forth. And discussion on what we would do what would be comfortable doing and how it was gonna affect us in the long run. Yeah, it was really interesting, because it was never something we'd planned. Like, we weren't like, Hey, let's go away travelling and then become porn stars. It just kind of randomly popped up. Yeah, it's not something we regret. It's, it's made for the best. Yeah, for sure. Which is why I'm really excited to get more into the podcast and a little bit about our journey. So tell the listeners because you've kind of been dipping in and out of the business or our business like it's always our business. It's always been asked, we've always discussed these decisions. If we are changing content, if we're doing new content, if we're collaborating, whatever we're doing, we're always discussing Seeing it but in terms of actual like work and being involved in it you've kind of you know dipped in and out so share with the listeners your timeline and you know how you kind of grew in and out of the business as far as a stadium construction for the first part, I suppose you were no face at the start. So yeah, that was sort of just dipping your toes in and seeing how it was going and then I started to get busier and busier so I started started helping out after work and that with the social side of it and and just as much as I could and then went from I suppose Ben No phase to us filming Yeah, we made we made that transition to being a no face creator and then I think I did solo for a few months and then we did boy girl. Yeah, we introduced boy girl I revealed about six months in Yeah. And then I suppose going from that filming more and then I suppose that led to obviously the discussion of collabing in vain from where we were in Melbourne to having to travel to and from Gold Coast or Brisbane areas. I suppose I started to back off the construction side of it. You will my full blown asst at one point. And I frost that like I absolutely loved it. You getting on the plane rides with me carrying my luggage. You're filming our girl Girl scenes you were you were doing all the things and she's platters. Water detail. Washington. Oh my gosh, I remember that. You were such a good assistant. Like you went all the way. You're pouring our champagnes. You were you're going down the shops. You're getting us lollies and snacks and everything. I think I made a really high you really missing that. So yeah, you were kind of just on the sidelines at the start in terms of being involved. Like obviously, every decision was made together. But in terms of workload, you're kind of on the side. And then you've got like balls deep into it. Like you literally did everything what I was literally, like what I was doing, you were doing we were filming together. You were filming. You're taking photos, you're travelling with me. We were travelling, I should say you were cutting up cheese and biscuits for us. So you were really involved. You're you're helping with the socials and marketing, which is really cool, because I think it's really cool that you get an insight into that whole business. Yeah, awesome, full on crazy days from this from the start to the finish on the three day filming weekend, I suppose to enter tiktoks and the Instagrams photoshoots, the filming, it's pretty draining it is it's a lot I remember used to come home from those trips and just feel like that we just want to go straight to the bed like it is a lot. Because not only are you meeting new people, you're running businesses, but the actual filming aspect of it like to be turned on all the time and be doing all the sexual things all the time. Takes a lot of work and energy. So yeah, it is full on and then you've kind of now like dipped a little bit more out of that, haven't you? Yeah, I got offered a good role. So sort of get back into construction a fair bit, I suppose for a future for me to keep me going to retirement age, I suppose if they'll be finished before then. But it's goals. It's definitely Yeah. Didn't back into that, I suppose construction side of it. And we've backed off, I suppose collabing as much and more focused on just us as a brand, I suppose. Yeah, for sure. We had this discussion quite a few times didn't worry about, you know, the business was going so well. And you being an assistant was great. I was loving it. But we kind of had that niggling feeling of, you know, nothing's guaranteed on only fans. At any stage, they could pull sex work from their platform, they could close us down. There was a lot of uncertainty there. We felt so we kind of were like tossing up or, you know, should you look at getting something that's more stable long term. So I think when that job kind of came up, it was a, it was kind of answering our prayers, like, here's something and I think it's been the best thing for us, don't you because it's really, it's given you a something outside of this business to work on. And that's yours, which I think is really healthy. Yeah, construction is my background. So I suppose for a long, long term thing for me would be obviously always staying in construction. If suede, if everything went well, then you make it big, then I suppose it works perfectly. But if you don't, then you're always gonna have I suppose a fallback plan. It's not like, bang around goes viral makes millions straightaway. Yeah, that's right. And it was more longevity as well. You know, building long term wealth for the kids and just thinking about that long term future of ours. So yes, it probably was a really safe decision for us. But I think it made you feel really comfortable in going back to work life, you know, the role that you got was absolutely incredible. And you've had so much growth from that and so much movement, which has been absolutely incredible. And the business on Harley fans is still you know, doing its thing and still going along. So I think it's worked really well that dynamic. Yeah, so that's, I suppose a little bit have insight in terms of your involvement and the journey that you've taken with only fans? I put out there a while ago, some questions that people want to ask us as an only fans couple wanted to ask Hank, because I know we get a lot of questions around, you know, filming together, building a business together, working together. Absolutely everything. So you guys submitted some really cool questions. And I thought I'd throw them out today's. So let's jump into some question time. All right, the first one we have here is what motivated you both to join only fans. And I'll let you go first on this one, I say lifestyle freedom. After travelling, I definitely didn't want to be tied back down to a, you know, a nine to five or a seven to four, you know, that sort of job spending 12 to 18 months, I suppose it was just travelling and doing what we wanted. Seeing the kids as much as I could watch them grow spending quality time as a family to go back just to I suppose you know, the norm than the norm. Yeah, call it you know, Slayer obeying. Yeah, it's not something I was really interested in. So I suppose this gave us the freedom. What was gonna give us the freedom is what we had planned. That was sort of the dream, I suppose. But I make plenty of money and do what we want. Yeah, I agree. We were at a stage in our life where we had such a big taste, or how fucking cool life could be, like, we were living on the road, we'll live it on the beach, we were doing all the things, no worries in the world. And then I feel like reality kind of crept up on us when our bank account was like, Oh, hello. Like, you know, Hank is not working. And Honey, your network marketing business isn't doing what it used to. So I think it really like crept up on us. And we were like, oh, and I think it changed up perspective for us of like, we want to do this forever. Like, we want to be able to make choices, we want to be able to wake up and go, let's do this today, or let's do that. So I think that that put us in a really cool position to be like, open minded with, you know, what we could do next. But I spoken about what motivated me to join only fans. And that was I saw the business opportunity, which does align with what Hank has said in terms of freedom, spending time with the kids spending time with Hank, you know, being able to wake up and design our days and do what we want to do. We're very much on the same page with that we're very much on the same page of that lifestyle just been really attractive. Yeah, definitely. And it's still what we aim for. Being able to do what we want, when we want, and the freedom of it, I suppose not working 12 months to be able to take a couple of holidays off, and then Gemini and whatever else to do on holidays. And I suppose that whole normal thing? Yeah. Doesn't that sound disgusting? What does that does, having said that at the moment, you know, we can just do what we want, when we want, you know, I spoil the kids as much as we want it, the freedom is as nice as it is. And I was speaking about this the other day, it's not always about the money, like the money is great, but it's the freedom. So, you know, to earn millions and millions of dollars is, is great. But sometimes it just comes down to being able to earn enough to get freedom to be able to earn enough just to go let's do this, or let's do that. So sometimes the opportunity that lies in front of you isn't about becoming a millionaire overnight, but more so allowing us to be able to just tap into a few $1,000 Extra every week to be able to do what we want to do. Yeah, 100% if if we became millionaires are still dressed the same. Things, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I just like the freedom. Yeah, God's got to do what I want, when I want, go to new places, new adventures, all that exciting stuff that we discovered when we first went travelling more to life than just doing the same job over and over and over again, driving that same road to work to stay in a house frame or something in the freezing cold and come home and start and the kids are in bed. There's way more to it. Yeah, yeah, it's unloved. There are people out there that you know, that's life. And that's what they have to do. And you know, you've got to pay the bills and put food on the table. But I think it's really cool when you do have an opportunity like this that comes up and you know, you do see how amazing it can be and the motivation in that really. Oh, definitely. But we I suppose we get taught in as a generation. That's what you're supposed to do. Yeah. Like, that's what we get taught. finish school, get a job. That's how life is. Yeah, there's so much more to grow old and die. Everyone says Oh, you're so lucky to go travelling. Well wasn't lucky. It was you know, we just put everything into it. Shut everything up. When did it? Yeah. And we use it forward pretty quickly. Yeah. We used to that used to grind our gears so much when people used to say you're so lucky. And it had nothing to do with luck, it had a lot of hard work leading up to those years, were in a good financial position to be able to buy the van, buy the car and set ourselves up to go. So we it was a lot of hard work. But I was also it was a lot of guts, like, it was a lot of like, nothing certain. Nothing like we don't know the outcome. But hey, life's too short. Let's go. So yeah, I really agree on that. It's got absolutely nothing to do with luck. All right, moving on to the next question. What surprised you about the only fans industry? Or what misconception did you have before starting? I suppose what surprised me would be the amount of work you've got to put into it, I suppose to be successful in it. Yes, there are a few women that post a video and go viral and go bang, but to like build a brand and be successful. You put just as many hours in and work just as hard. Yeah. Interesting. So when you knew because he obviously knew about only fans before I did, and with general blokey chats or with general chats? Was there a conception or misconception there that these girls were just getting rich for taking pissy pics? Or, you know, what was the easy way out? Was Was there any of that kind of discussion around when only fans popped out? Not really. There was no one really spoke about money. They may, I suppose. It was more just look at the photos. As you do. I love now how you've been on both sides. So good. Yeah, so the misconception I had before I joined the site was that not that it was going to be easy. I just thought because I was tall blonde and had big boobs that it was going to be an easy ride for me. Like I was like, you know, like, this guy's love this life, that's fine. not realising that there were hundreds of 1000s of other women that looked like me doing the same thing. So I think that was something that really surprised me coming into it, not realising how much my authenticity and you know, just being me and turning up as me and owning that I'm a country girl. And owning the quirks about me was really important. So I think that's definitely a big one for me. Yeah, definitely. You've had to build a brand, which is the business, I suppose it's not just, it's not a get rich, quick scheme, which I suppose a lot of people would think, take a couple photos post the Tick Tock Chip, I mean, doors. Look, that would be lovely. It would be really nice. But now I suppose it's like any other business. You know, you've got to hustle, you got to grind. You got to get in there. You got to do the hard work. And there's days where you do the hustle and grind and hard work and you still get fucking nowhere, like, you know, and it's just being resilient and pushing through, like, How many times have we just been like, for fuck sake, like, you know, like, I remember what used to be back when you were working as I'm looking at it as my assistant. Like, I'm only joking when I say that. But like, when we're working on the business actively together. You know, we would be working together for hours on social media, like building that brand. And I remember celebrating when we first hit like 1000 new followers, and then we like went absolutely feral. We hit 10,000 new followers. I mean, honey, Brooks just hit 100,000 followers, which is absolutely insane. But remembering back to those days, it was just constant grind, it was constant of just putting yourself out there and working day in and day out and not getting anything like in the long run. Consistency is paid off. Because you know, the Instagram accounts had a really great place now. But back then it didn't feel like we were getting far. Yes, true. But like you say it's consistency that pays off. Like you're gonna have a massive tick tock account, it could be gone. You could have, you're gonna have some really good photos and that can be gone. Like, no one really likes the industry. So it seems like they're always against Yeah, I suppose. So. You've just got to have thick skin and just keep going and going and going. Otherwise, if you follow a new standard for nothing, I suppose yeah, that's the thing. You've just got to, you've got to know that there's up and down day as and you're most likely going to get a few more down days on what you are up and just be willing to get up dust yourself off and keep going. So yeah, really important lessons there. So who does what in the business? Like how do you split your workload? So we've touched on this a little bit but now I'll let you share now what you do have six mistakes I suppose. I was very involved at the socials at the start because you did start from scratch. It was brand new socials everywhere I suppose. So it was a lot of building and I helped out a fair bit to start with that. Then obviously the club days Yes. I've video because it's it's easier to video girl Girl scene than it is to set up a camera or you can get better angle angles. Yeah, you are a godsend. Like, whenever we did girl Girl scenes, I'd always obviously ask the other creator, look, would you mind if Hank filmed and they were all for it and I was just frothing whenever they said yes. Because if you are filming your own content or if you've watched content and something that's stagnant, that's just sat there on a tripod versus getting all the angles and moving around and having a motion. How much is a big massive difference? Yeah, yeah. And I can help work the angles because the camera can move. Work the angles. Love it. Yeah. You take a lot of my photos now. So we do like content days when you're home from work. And you're basically back being my little bit, which I love. Yeah, so I do a lot of photography, and help set up sort of props and stuff now. Yeah. So we're obviously filming all the boys and girls scenes, but we do massive content days in terms of Yeah, Ryan takes all the photos, and just helps with all those little things, which is really good. Because how many times have I yelled at you and being like, why are you getting an angle down there? Like, don't get that angle? And then you've turned around showed me I'm like, Oh, that's a really good angle. So it's really handy to have someone else take your photos, because they know that from being behind the camera, what angles are really good. And also just time efficient. Yeah, we can smash out a lot of content in one day or two days compared to if you'll just have to do it by yourself. Yeah. And for those set up the tripod, light rings getting everything in place, whereas I can do it on the go. You can be changing. I can be moving stuff around like weddings. Yeah, yeah, I love that. And we should mention as well, like Hank doesn't get in any of the photos. Like it might be a cheeky hand on my bum here pulling my hair. But the only thing you really get in on is obviously the boy girl scenes, but a lot of that is POV. So Hank is I suppose in terms of being in front of the camera? Probably not so much. So like there's a certain region that's a lot in front of the camera. But besides that, I wouldn't say you're really present na couple of collab days, some lives, but mainly behind the camera. Yeah, I love that. Okay, next question. How do you keep your content fresh and exciting? This one's really funny because I actually put Hank on a little mission. And I say you need to go and watch a lot of porn and come back with the best ideas because I don't have time to watch porn, like I'm making a lot of it on my own. And I don't have time to watch it. So you do you and go and explore the world wide web and come back with the best ideas. So I'll give you a little tasks, don't I? Yeah, not that you always agree with what I come back with? Sometimes I'm like, is this gonna be good for business? Or are you just putting your fantasy out there? testing the waters? A bit of both? bit of both? Yeah, so we honestly just research like Hank comes forward with ideas. And we talk about ideas. And we just try and mix it up. I think we're really grateful to be living on a farm, because it gives us different locations to shoot on all the time, different farm equipment to shoot on different areas, I suppose you're probably a little bit more confined if you're just in a in a small house. But we've got 100 acres that we can do all sorts of different things on. So in terms of keeping our content fresh and new, Hank has the really hard job of doing all the research. And then we put it to the test. And we just do it in different areas don't meet the deadline. And it's like, it's not as easy as you think it is sitting there watching porn all the time. Oh, gosh, I need to pay you overtime. Don't do. The jobs I give you honestly, you poor thing. Okay, cool. Let's move on. How did you start collabing with people and what was the conversation? Like? I can't really remember the first conversation we had about Yeah, I can't really remember either. But I think there was a time in our business where we had been filming boy girl for quite a while. And we didn't we never felt pressured or felt like we had to collab to be more successful. But it just got to a stage where we just saw that it was going to really move our business in a different direction, which was going to be exciting. But we got to a stage where it will basically immediately when we will filming boy girl, that it's business right like a like, you know, we're in love. We are intimate and sexual chemistry. But as soon as you turn that camera and signals we're doing angles, and we're getting into it all that goes out the window like it's it's no longer a sexual connection. It's really business. It's, it's stopping. It's starting. It's battery's going flat. It's cameras being dropped. It's to fuck up. So it's really getting into a business mindset. So I think when it came up with collaborations, we were just like, Yeah, cool. Like it's business like I don't think there was anything discussed to India. because we just saw it as business not really pleasure. Yeah, it's definitely a passionate thing. I suppose it's the stop, start that trying to keep a heart on all those things. So I suppose, like filming that 15 minute scene could take an hour. Yeah. 100%. And that's where I feel like, before we started filming, boy girl, I didn't really take into consideration the, the boy part of it and how much pressure really is on males doing it because, you know, women, we can jump in front of the camera and do our thing and, you know, make it sound beautiful and twist in beautiful ways. And it's all nice, but the men really have to perform, and they've got to fake it, you know, trying to have sex with the soft cops. Yes. Not gonna work. Yes, exactly, exactly. So you've really got to enhance that area. And you've really got to make sure that it's performing and, and a lot of the people who are watching these scenes are gonna want to see a happy ending, right? So it's not even about like staying hard throughout the whole scene. But then it's also making sure that you can get stimulated enough to make a good ending, right? Yeah. 100%. Yeah. So there's so many things that really come into the whole filming side of it. And I think just the passion gets taken out of it. So when we did talk about collabing, it just made sense to us. We were like, yeah, like, let's do it. It's business. We did, obviously, you know, touch on, would you be okay with this? Would you become that and boundaries, setting boundaries? We do have those personal boundaries in place with what we're comfortable with doing? You definitely need them before you start. Yeah, yeah. 100% between each other. So between us, we need it, we need it. And then when you meet up with somebody else on another couple, whoever it may be, you stick to you don't get forced into doing anything you don't want to do. Yeah, 100% and having that respect there as well. So just knowing your boundaries, and not just going with the flow, because that's the moment I think it's not business, like if you're gonna go in and you're pushing your boundaries, like if you've had that conversation with your partner, and you're going out so those boundaries and pleasure starting to take over. And you're forgetting about your boundaries, that's no longer business, right? 190% of the creators are really good with making it a business. We've never had a bad experience with any creators that we have. We've heard their stories. But yeah, we've definitely heard bad stories in the industry. But I mean, that's just our way of saying that we're not going to collab with them. But in terms of the people that we've collabed with, it's been nothing but really great. Like our first Foursome, we filmed, we filmed with a couple. And that was, it was a really good experience in terms of thinking about the industry and who we could have possibly have filmed with. It went really well. And we've only ever since then had really great experiences, I think, because we do vet a lot of the people that we do collaborate with in terms of if they're running it as a business or pleasure. Yeah, it's definitely nerve wracking, I suppose going into it. It was for me into clubs. Yeah. Yeah, I think that comes back to what we said before, like the males, the performers. So when you're walking into a room, I feel like I can I can. I can put on a bloody show. Like I'm there. I can put on a show I can I can do the things. But if you're in your head, there's no shot. Yeah, definitely. If you ever think I really thinks it'd be so easy to do. It's it's definitely not obviously, some boys will be better at it than others. But to get yourself Jada, you definitely don't want to go in and, you know, punch down for beers, and try to relax that way. Because it definitely does not help old mate stand up. I did learn that the first time Hardway or the non Hardway. It was good. The couple will fail me with our awesome about it. We made it work. He gave me a lot of good advice. Well, that was pre days of using any enhancements. Yeah, I've never taken pills or anything like that, which is a standard, right? Like, you don't need to know what No, like when we're having sex at home. It's like it just it's won't stop being hard. But like as soon as we start filming, and it was like that was so new to you which it's such a standard in the industry because it's a performance. It's an it's an act, so you need those enhancements to maintain it. Yeah, you know, you go in the room, you make a new couple that you've never met before. Next minute you get naked you turn the camera on and let's go for it. It's, I suppose not a natural thing to be doing. Yeah, suppose if you go out and you pick up or you've been married your missus horny, like your How do you go? Yeah, yeah, there's a big difference as such a big difference. And yeah, I've witnessed that firsthand. Like, I've just obviously filming with you and then seeing other creators as well. Like, you know, we've done scenes where they've been our other male creators there and I've seen the same thing happened to them and they're just in their head. They're in their head a lot about like, I've got to perform. I've got to do this. I got to do that. And without sometimes without the enhancements, it's just not possible. So once We once you unlocked that unlocked all the enhancements. I think filming become do they become like, more enjoyable for you not in like a sexual sense, but in a sense of like, it wasn't so dreaded, even with taking enhancements or pills or whatever it is. It's still you gotta be comfortable with yourself and have a clear mind. If you get nervous or you're overthinking it, or you're not comfortable, then it's just yeah, it's hard to stay hard. Yeah, yeah, I think we should call the episode. It's hard to stay. Cool. Well, thankfully, a lot easier now. Yeah, I like anything, though. Like anything that you do? You're going to get better at it with time like practice makes perfect days. So definitely, I'm very good at swinging the hammer at work. Good, that's good old carpenter job. Okay, so how did your subscribers react to you being married? I love that. Someone's asked this question. Because I do get a lot of creators reach out to me saying I'm married. I don't know how to, you know, announce that on my site. I'm scared that my subscribers will leave or they'll get jealous. And this and that. And honestly, right from the get go. I never marketed honey books as a single a single person. It was always honey. And Hank, it was always a honey was filming with Hank, it was that brand. But I suppose in terms of how it makes my subscribers feel, they fucking love hate. Like, sometimes I've got a question. Or they hear from me, or they hear for Hank. Like, how many live shows do you do? And I'm doing my thing. And they're like, where's Hank? Hank? Yeah, do you get a fair bit of love, which is good. It's like a boy gang. And it's not in a sexual term. Like it's not because they're there purely for Hank. It's just like a bro bit of a bromance. It's hilarious. I love it. And it's just really cool to see that the subscribers can not only really get along with me, but know that I'm married know that that's something that they understand about me. And then they know that not gonna push those boundaries within terms of me filming with other creators or me filming outside of only fans with other people. So it sets really good boundaries for me, but they also love it like they love jumping on like we do tick tock lives and I get people jump on my tic tock lights and like, where's Hank? One day we were driving and I had a low cut top on and remember all the TIC tacos were like Hank, driver was speed humps, like hit the speed hubs. They were like getting really into it and just loving it. So yeah, I think it's I think it's really cool. Like, do you feel that from my subscribers when you jump in? Yeah, it's definitely good to have some banter with the subscribers. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. It definitely brings some realness into it, which is really cool. Okay, here's a question. How do you handle disagreements between yourselves in the business? I don't think we've had any disagreements? We don't because I just tell you what to do. Um, no, we don't. You're right. We haven't really had any disagreements. I mean, like, we bicker so much, or not so much. We bicker a little bit when we take photos and stuff, because you're like, stay still, as you're taking photos, because you're saying it's looking good. And I'm trying to move because I'm trying to get him. There's so many different poses in you know, a few short clips. So I think there's definitely like a few like bickering moments, but we've never had a massive disagreement. And I think if there was ever anything that popped up, that was a big disagreement, we'd probably not do it. Like we just continue doing it. Yeah. And that was the thing from the start. We agreed on what we spoke about so much on how we wanted to go and what we were going to do and everything that we wouldn't wouldn't do that we've never, I suppose pushed it or crossed boundaries or being forced to do anything, or no, it's just been smooth. Yeah, accountable with what we do. Yeah, exactly. Like, there's always that open communication of, you know, if we were to do this, or if we'll go down this path, like, how would that make you feel? I suppose that bringing back to the collaboration thing, you know, we did have a discussion about it. But we were never going to know how it was going to make us feel 100% Until we divert. So there was always that sense of like, it's business like, it's fine, let's do it. But until you actually do something like that, in a relationship, you don't know how you're going to feel and you don't know how you're going to react, but you can predict as much as you like. But I think the fact that we are open and honest and discuss everything beforehand really helps. We're in a good place and we're comfortable with each other and we know that we look at it as work. It's not like it's I'm not telling you are let's do this, just because it benefits me. Yeah, it's not a pleasurable place. Yeah, that's right. I was just when you're saying that, Oh, God, I'm gonna get in trouble here. How long have we been together for I can, I can never remember, I don't know how long we've been together 15 years 16 1616 years, Hank is always the one to remember our anniversary. But being together 16 years I think, has a lot to do with it as well, like we know each other better than anyone else. Like sometimes I feel like I know you better than you do. And you know me better than what I do, like, you know, when I'm going to crack them before I do kind of thing. So all the time. So I think that really helps as well, not having a disagreement. I think I reckon we have more disagreements on our personal life, like outside of business and what we do business, the business just seems more Yeah, you agree? Yeah, it just seems more seamless. I'm jumping in here for a hot second to let you guys know, I am giving away free one on one coaching sessions every single month through out my podcast, I'm really excited to be working with some more creators on a more personal level. So if you want in on this, make sure you go and hit follow, leave a star review, screenshot it and send it to our Instagram account. If you want extra points into the draw, go and leave a review on your Instagram account and tag us in it. I am so excited to see you win this month and who I get to work with. Okay, now back to the good stuff. Oh, this is a good one. What was your experience when your family and friends found out about early fans? For me, it was good. All my family and friends have been very supportive, which is how I sort of thought it would be obviously not the way it went for you. Which was I suppose very disappointing for both of us. Yeah, I wish it had been as good for you. And it was for me. Yeah, we definitely had different experiences, didn't we? And I mean, I definitely don't resent you for that. Like I'm so happy that your friends have just taken it in their stride and you know, called you because a lot of our situation, unfortunately, somebody found out that was able to tell our loved ones and friends and spread the word before we were able to tell people and a big thing for us was that we want to tell the people that meant the most to us face to face. Because it's not an easy conversation to have. And I think this is probably like were like a pivotal moment in like our growth in our business. But we just thought we were doing the right thing with wanting to tell people face to face like right, we want to do it face to face, we want to do the right thing. Like we don't want to call up and be like, hey, like can we born starts now. We'll start the easiest conversation to have. It's not it's not and I think like even Cutler makes I told at the start. They thought they'll laugh and they thought it was a joke. Serious like this is what's happening. Now. I feel like an odd sort of thing. That's a male side of it, which is I suppose a lot easier. Like, I don't caught the flack UCOP. But But and then we're also really genuine about it. Like when they were like Yeah, cool. No biggie. To some listeners that might be like, Yeah, but your friends have been so genuine about like, even to the point where they called you a couple of months later. And they were like, hey, like, don't ignore us. Like, we're totally cool. Like, don't go and hide from us. Like, make sure you still hang out with us, like we really love and support you. Which was really cool. Yeah, it was it was awesome. It was just really good for me to know that. The mates I had, obviously there for the right reasons that always been a no always my mindset always will be my mates like, which then on the other hand, made me feel sad. I suppose the way that you're, I suppose such good friends in that way. They're like mine. Yeah, it was definitely an interesting time in the business. Because we were so happy and excited and had so much love and gratitude for your friends and your family with the way that they talk. You know, even to this day, some of your family members and some of your friends have just been really great support, which has been amazing. So on one hand, we had, like, you know, like, yeah, like, this is great. We're doing the right thing, like, you know, we've got the right people in our life. But then on the flip side, unfortunately, my experience was quite opposite. So it was really juggling both of that wasn't it? It was juggling, like, you know, is this happening? Maybe because you're a male and I'm a female, or is this happening just because that's my family. Like there was a lot of mixed emotions all around. The women in the industry copped a lot more flak than the men do. 100% from for whatever reason, you guys always carpet a lot worse than us. And that's just I suppose in life. If a bloke has sex with three other women, he's a legend. And if a woman has sex with 300 Men, she's a slob. Yeah, yeah. All goes back to this. Yes, society is I suppose. Yeah. 100% When we're married, we're doing it together as a couple. I suppose. I didn't expect the backlash as much or thought it would be like, oh, yeah, it's not for us, you know, we don't really want to know about it, let's just whatever sort of, not like be so hurtful about it. Like, I think that was the hard thing to deal with for a while, was not that I just didn't agree about it. But people can be so hurtful towards other people. That's, that's the hard thing. And of course, with technology these days, and socials, everyone can do it, not even face to face. It's just like me as hurtful as they want. over the internet, behind their little computer screen. Yeah. 100%. Yeah, it was definitely an interesting time for us. I mean, I've got particular family members who have just been absolutely amazing. Very few, very, very few. But they have just been second to you my rock. But unfortunately, for the majority for me, with my friends and families, as my friends, I've got a few friends that have just been really great. But majority was, yeah, very different situations. So in terms of handling that, I mean, it was a really hard time because like I said, you know, there was this really grateful period. And like abundance of just feeling joy and happiness with however I handle it, you're gonna we felt like we had a heap of support. But then on the flip side, it was totally different there. So I think juggling that was really difficult. Then I suppose the five we had, we're loving it. We're loving life, travelling. We were making good money, we had freedom to do what we wanted to do. And then for all that to happen, I suppose it just crushed it a little bit, I suppose. Sort of made you sort of sit back and be like, Oh, geez, like people hating on us. Yeah. And that was what was so mind blowing, because we weren't doing anything illegal. Like we weren't, you know, doing drugs or doing anything that was gonna put us in jail. We weren't hurting any of our loved ones. We were a married couple that were so in love that just wanted to take a different business adventure. And they were it was at their our bodies. And we are doing it behind a paywall. And we've decided to do this. And it was just like we had all of a sudden just turned into criminals. It was like, all of a sudden, we were the worst people on Earth. And it was just I think it threw us back so much because we're quite open minded. And we don't judge people on what they do for work and, and everything. So we just assumed that our loved ones regard Look, I don't necessarily agree, or I don't. I'm not over the moon with it. But you know, let's agree to disagree. And I still love you anyway. And that didn't happen. So it was really confusing for us. Because we were like, what? Like, well, first of all, we were like, What the fuck is wrong with us? Like what we've done? Is that right? And then after we got over that small period, which I think is totally normal, we were like, What the fuck is wrong with them? Definitely, it was just like, it was just insane to us that we had such strong judgement from people that we thought that loved us for something that was safe, like, well healthy, and it made us happy. So it was just it was really mind blowing to us. Yeah. And I think it's just a good point to let other people know that before you decide to jump into the industry and make these decisions that there is going to be some tough times if you decide to go down this path, or it's not all sunshine and rainbows. 100%. I think it's also really important to note as well that, like don't preempt how people are going to take this because I think that's where we set off wrong. Like we were like, oh, you know, this person is going to take it really well. Or this person took it really well. Or yeah, or we'd be more Yeah. 100%. And it will always like this person, you know, probably won't agree with it. But they're going to love us because we're their family and they've always loved us anyway. So I think we we put a lot of emphasis on what we thought they were going to do and how we thought they were going to react. I think that was our biggest downfall. Do you agree? Yeah. Well, I think everyone would presume that families family, you know, there's people that have murdered people and their families still sticks beside them. Like, I don't really know what went through people's minds. But yeah, well, it's identifies their loss. Yeah, and it is a blessing in disguise. So if you are listening and thinking, oh, gosh, I could lose some family over this or friends. You absolutely could. But the way that we look at it now is that 100% a blessing in disguise. Like when we went through it, there was a pivotal moment where we were like, you know, crossing a ball. You know, this is hard, we're not going to continue I don't know what to do. And then there was this moment of just being like fuck them. Fuck everyone else, which was kind of the motivation we had at the start of we're more worried about like, what will people think of us we had that when we decided we're going to start but that faded away when everyone's opinions was so present. And they will right now phase so we kind of just went well fuck this like, it makes us happy. Like we've never been happier. We've never been had more freedom. We've never been able to do more things that we love them right now. So You fuck them. And it was the biggest blessing in disguise because now they are no longer in our life. But I really truly believe that you do lose people out of your life that weren't in your life for the right reasons. We're on gross, but it's also you just we were strong as a couple. So it was like for me, I didn't have the hurt you had, but it hurt me see you hurt. Yeah. So like, if you were such a strong person who knows? We not we might not have continued. Yeah, true. And I mean, if I didn't have the support that you gave me, we may not have continued either because I don't if I was doing this on my own, I don't know if I would continue because the support from you. And you have been through it or like you've been through the business you filming like you are doing just as much, you're probably doing more than what I'm doing right? Like, I really can't film boy girl scenes without you. So you know, you are in it all. So to have you there to lean on her really understand has been really important through the journey. So I don't know if I would be able to continue without that support. Yeah, it was easier for us to talk about discuss it and move on, then I suppose if you are a single mom. Yeah. Deal with it all by yourself. Yeah, it's a lot to take on doing the right thing or not. But were you are you making good money? Are you setting up your future? And really fuck with anyone else? Yeah, 100%. Like, we went a bit heavy there for a minute. But I suppose it's a bit of an insight into, you know, the feelings and the roller coaster and the emotion that you do take on this journey. And you know, you can plan and think you know, this is how it's going to go people are going to find out but this is what's going to happen. And they're still going to, you know, we might argue for a bit and accept but it doesn't always work out the way you think. So, yeah, we went on a bit of a roller coaster there. But let's let's flip it a little bit and talk about what's been the biggest reward for us starting and only fans. You want to go first? Yeah, I'll probably I'll get heaps of sex. Because I love it. Yeah, that's definitely a good reward. You get to watch you get to research porn as well. Yeah. Now, I'd say is the fate of black economic to the life that I live since how I was with my business and working all the time. Waking up before the kids got up before you got up. Going to work. Stressing all the time coming home. Pretty much for you guys ready to go to bed and working six days a week to now just having the freedom? Yeah, yeah, obviously, I'm going back into construction. Because because I chose to, for a role that I like. Yeah. And I think that's part of the freedom, right? Like you didn't go to work because you had to, you didn't go back to work because you're forced to you went back to work because you want it to, and you're enjoying it. So I think there's such a different mindset there as well. You know, I fell out of love with construction, I suppose. A different path somewhere or another. But now, I'm loving it again, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah. And that that definitely definitely comes down to the freedom, which is really cool. The biggest reward for me is the same. Like you just, there's no better feeling than having more time with your family more time with the kids. And like I said before, that doesn't necessarily mean earning millions of dollars, it just means earning enough for us to be able to do it earning enough that, you know, I can stay at home with the kids and I can take them to and from school and do the things and you know, when you're home, we can do things together. Like it's been really cool. I think another big, like really cool thing for us, because we've come from, like years ago, where we were living paycheck to paycheck, right? Like it would be sometimes like, you know, when your account goes into minors, and you can still pay for things, but it goes into minors, we would have to pay for things in minors and our account was in minors for until we get paid the next three days. And then sometimes we will get paid and we'll just come back to zero. And we will be thinking like how the fuck are we going to pay rent for the next week? And now we're in a position where I don't know about you, but I don't I don't I never check our bank account when we go shopping again. It's good. Yeah, it's for the kids when I want this for you and I want where you can slow me same thing. It's just the space the freedom of not having the car. Yeah, yeah. 100% like we went I went to Queensland for work, I think two months ago now. And I booked my flights I booked an Airbnb and you were had a few weeks off work and you were like, What can we call? I was like, fuck yeah. So we ended up just changing the trip. I end up getting going for longer. We got a we got a bigger Airbnb for a pool with the kids. We change all the flights and we're just like, oh, fuck it. We're gonna spend two weeks in Queensland, and I did work on the side as well. But we went to movie Well, I went to dream Well, we did all these things. We went to ring as Western which was one of our highlights it cost a fortune but also like one of our highlights. Every day we're just doing things and it's just a really nice thing to reflect on. That you know, we can do those things that our business allows us to just be like, Hey, let's just pull the kids out of school and go do whatever the fuck we want. Yeah, those random adventures is exciting. Yeah, it is. So that's definitely the biggest reward for for both of us. Now, what's been the biggest downfall for starting and only fans, I suppose would be losing friends and family would be the biggest downfall. And it's not I said, it's not so much on my site. It was more on your site. It was more seeing you upset. That's the I didn't expect that. There was still your family though. Well, yeah. Yeah, I just meant like it was it seemed like a more of attack on you than it was ever on me. That's interesting. It's interesting that your biggest downfall was around my biggest downfall like so. In terms of just you though, there probably hasn't really been a downfall has there like there hasn't. Yeah, that's so interesting. Do you think that comes down to you being a male industry? I didn't copy any Flack. There's no negativity disposed towards me if I did it. Yeah, doing it. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. So that's really interesting that your downfall was revolved around mine. But yeah, we touched on that before, so I don't need to go into when I say my biggest downfall, I don't know if it's a downfall anymore. Like it. Like I said, it was a blessing in disguise. At that moment. It was a downfall. But now it's not. So outside of that, like if you ask me right now, what's my biggest downfall? It wouldn't be that because, you know, at the moment, there is no downfall. No, there's there's no going well, yeah, and I mean, there are bad days, but even on my bad days, I'm like, Ah, like this is not a downfall because I understand its business. I understand. It goes up and down. I understand there's growth and decline. For me at the moment, there is no downfall and even looking at my journey, like it hasn't always been this way. Like it hasn't always been this way for us has been days where I've been absolutely hustling. There's been days that we haven't made money. There's been days where like we've had to build it from scratch. So of course, there's been days where, you know, our hard work hasn't shown or reflected in the bank account, but they're not downfalls I reckon there were lessons so that one's a bit tricky to answer for me. I think what are the pros and cons to filming porn to get rose? I suppose I get a lot more six. whatever I want. Yeah, I love it. When when you're hunting, you want to actually like, Oh, do you want to film the scene we could do? My business mind is like, Yeah, let's go. Let's go. Like yes. But yeah, very true. You do get a lot more sex but also you you get sex sometimes when you don't want it now. My I keep going back to my pros are just the lifestyle. The freedom like it's, it's been a really cool three years, I suppose. From the time we went travelling to just continuing that vibe the whole way through. Yeah, combat compared to looking back where it was like, stressing about money doing the same job. Travel the same roads. Like now it's just do what we want. Yeah. We want to go live in Darwin again for six months. We can. Lincoln and I know. Thanks. It's been there done that. If it wasn't for the crux? Yeah, no, I know what you mean. 100%. And what's the con of actually filming porn? I thought lot harder than you think it is. For the men. Well, I can't speak for men, but for definitely for me anyway. Yeah. Is like when you have sex. There's no cameras. There's no lights. There's no nothing because just you haven't sex. The film? Isn't the guts hanging out? Or is me love handles blocking the camera? Yeah. Like it's, you're gonna be. You're always thinking, I suppose it's not just you notice having sex? Yeah. Yeah, I feel that. Do you have like when you're filming? Are you really in your mind about your body? Like, do you have thoughts about how your body looks like? How do you feel about your body when you feel important? Well, yeah, 100%. Like, if we hadn't done it 10 years ago, who would have had me prime? Yeah, football, you're playing football. You're running around. You weren't drinking many beers. So definitely, the dad bod is really settled in as good shape as I ever was. But yeah, like, I'm not embarrassed about my body, but it's also just like, being conscious of it. With filming and lights and everything that goes on. It's like there's a lot more to it than just making the quick film. And I think for men as well, like, I mean, can't speak on behalf of you all, but it's probably very rare that you would ever have yourself in front of a camera or your body in front of a camera, or, you know, posting photos of yourself on social media. So that whole body image probably really isn't present before filming. Like you probably haven't been so familiar with your body or how you looks pre porn, right? Yeah, was never really that sort of person. Yeah, not a male stripper. Yeah. Oh no. have that sort of in that industry before, you weren't modelling let's say like you weren't taking your top off and getting photos like you were playing footy and you're in good shape, but you were never in front of a camera when I'm drunk at a footy function or something, don't they? Oh, it's just a country led to drink leaves a person? Yeah, fully. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yes. So I definitely felt that for me like when more filming was a lot more present there about angles and what was where and everything. And it's really interesting, because, for me, like, my biggest pro is a little bit opposite to you with filming porn. And that's it. Like I've really fallen in love with my body even more so. Because I know this sounds so bizarre. But when we used to have sex, and before we filmed, I was just like, oh, like, How do I look like I was in my head. Maybe like how you are now with filming. I was in my head and I was like, Oh, I'm better you know, this doesn't look very nice, right? Like, I can't believe the lights are on like rah rah rah. And now when you do POV and I get to watch myself back on my deal he gets to see awesome like and you know Minnesota right when they say they're not looking at the rolls or the cellulite or whatever you think is going on your head it's not happening and trust me because I can see the POV like the view you guys get is not looking at all of that. So I think for me a really big pro is that I've gotten really comfortable in fucking and like not having the lights off. We're not being under the do now because I've seen myself on camera and I edit all the videos as well like Don't forget I know you hate see that when you hate listening to the anytime I edit a video and Hank can hear in the background its own turd it. Oh. Because no one likes to hear their own voice right and watch it back. Oh, definitely not. Yeah, deep voice doesn't sound that great. Yeah. Especially like role playing and and like, you know what you're like in bed. You need to really spice it up for the camera but and be different duty to me. Yeah, like be really different. There was a hiker presentation, right? So just be really different. And it's just so out of character that sometimes it can be a bit egg. But yeah, so for me, when I'm editing all my videos, I can see all my angles. And yeah, like I can still see my roles, and they're all present. But I see all the good bits. So for me, it's been a really nice journey of just loving my body and falling in love with my body and even the imperfections and just feeling more comfortable in bed. The cons of actually filming porn together would be us filming I think is really hard. Like, just in terms of if we had someone there to do it, how much better would it be? Definitely. Yeah, like I said, earlier on, when I filmed your girl scenes, I can move and get the angles and it's so much easier to try to do a POV, you only get to a certain angle or a certain spot or you set up a tripod and you can feel certain things. But if you had like a videographer is sweeping around and in and out. And yeah, what to do and what not to do what looks good. Because yeah, it's it's all about what looks good. Yeah, that's right. And it's hard, because a lot of the subscribers on my page are all about authenticity, and they want to you know, just see what we do on our farm. So getting a videographer in really defeats the purpose of what the subscribers are after because they're not after the professional film. They're not after all of that, but fuck, it would make our life so much easier. Like there are times where Hanks slipped his finger in front of the camera, or the cameras blurred or the cameras on from him on the camera and flat facial finish and hand and push record. Oh, yes, yes, I was livid. Because we don't we record those. We don't miss those. So yeah, there's just been some things like that. So for me, the cons is just the actual filming side of it. Because we do want to really show like our authentic selves and our authentic selves. But it's really, really hard to do so. And I should mention, we don't go out and buy all the gadgets. Like we don't go out and buy all these big cameras or these big like, strap on things. I don't even know what you call them. What do you mean? Oh, yeah, just an iPhone, which can make it hard. But I mean, it works. It works for us. I really don't feel like we need to then have a temperature. Yeah, that's right. No, we are not professional whatsoever. Oh, okay. So here's a really cool question. Because I do get a lot of inboxes around women saying, I wish my husband would let me do this. You know, how does Hank handle you guys doing this? So a question has come in around that. And the question is, Hank, how do you handle honey and her content being out there for other men to obtain and how does that make you feel? It doesn't bother me because I'm comfortable with how we are who we are. It's I don't know. It's not really that doesn't play out. My mind at all. Yeah, I think it's got a lot to do with how comfortable we are with each other. Like, obviously being together 18 years. I was waiting for the look, I'm joking. 16 years, 16 years being together 16 years has a lot to do with it. Like we know each other so well, and I'm not a jealous person. Yeah, you know, like, I know you're gonna run off for someone else. Evil off? No, yeah. And that's it, right? It's just about that trust and communication. And we're not insecure. It's, yeah, it's I suppose it is what it is. It's not really. I know, it's hard to explain why it doesn't bother me. But yeah, I think it's, I think it's hard to explain why it doesn't bother you. Because we've just always been like that, like, we've just always been open and honest. And, you know, we've been through ups and downs, through our relationship, we've got through it all. And it's just at the end of the day, it's also business like, I think, do you think it comes down to like, you know, when we're doing this, we understand that it comes down to that it's, it's a business, right? Like, it's never like, even went like, we are totally in love. But even when we feel there's nearly no love there, right? So for for two people to be so in love and doing the work. So yeah, we are just providing a service. So it's, it's a business. That's how we treat it for we feel. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah, I feel that 100% Okay, here's a very interesting one. How do you deal with the haters? There was a little bit of an eye roll there. Oh, it's again. It's the it's not towards me. I don't have haters. I've never heard had anyone saying to me, probably. Nor would I? Well, you're not really in the focus. Are you like you're not doing the tech talks you're not doing even if I was I suppose I didn't know. But I don't. I've never really heard of blokes copying a big Flack. It's I said, it's always the women in industry. copying it which it does irritates me. It irritates me a lot that bullies keyboard warriors considered a home and they can hammer all the women in the industry over anything over their bodies or over the how they look or anything. Um, I just don't really see how they can get away with it. And I suppose is the way society is these days is getting worse and worse. Yeah, like I think the fact that you're not really forefront president with it, but I think you do feel a little bit of, of the haters through me. Like I like he said before, I'm quite thick skinned. But like, there are a few nights out there where I'm just like, fuck, like, these guys being an asshole or someone's being like, it's just something's just gotten me down not because I've taken it personally. It's just because it's compounded. And I just, I think this is totally normal and totally healthy. But I just need like five minutes to sit down with you which you are my biggest support, and my partner and just sit down and need a cuddle and just be like, Fuck everyone. And I know that like, obviously we put the content out there and and all the other creators do the same thing. And they do open himself up to criticism, but that is also there's not a there's no need for half the things that get said there's no need for I don't know where people have got off on thinking they can say what they want to hurt people. Yeah, it's very interesting. It's very interesting diving into, I suppose the adult industry, but then also putting yourself out there. Yeah, it's just this online social media. You know, it's, it's the game, it doesn't matter if you're in this industry or another industry, if you're going to put yourself out there. And you know, be in the arena, then people think that that's their God given right to place their opinion on us. So the haters aren't going anywhere, right. And it's just, we've got to keep moving forward. We're gonna keep being bigger and better and just turning up every day turning up for ourselves and showing up for our kids. Yeah, you've literally just got to gotta learn to have thick skin. If you haven't got a thick skin then it's not the right honestly, it's not the right industry for you. Like, do anything on socials. If you if you're not gonna have thick skin and you're gonna put yourself on you're gonna put yourself out there for the haters. You gotta let have thick skin. Yeah, quite quickly to especially tick tock tick tock just seems to be way worse. No idea. Why do you think only fans has changed you? Maybe a little bit? I think it's brought us closer together. I suppose it's made a stronger Rory lovers will be good anyway, but things may have been more stronger couple. Yeah, I agree. I think we've become a lot closer. I think also our sex life is much better just because a you're getting more of it and be like we're just more open. Yeah, there's a lot more going on there experimenting new things. You know, there's, there's things that were kind of, I'm not gonna say forced because we never forced ourselves to do anything but we're kind of, you know, push ourselves to experiment a little bit more because there's a business opportunity there. So I think in terms of that it's brought us closer together on with our sexual relationship as far as closer together in our personal life as well. You know, you being such a big support building business, I think just personal growth, going through the ups and downs leaning on each other. Arguing about, you know, business and where we're gonna go and money and investment and just everything like it's just, it's forced us to come become even closer together than what we were. Yeah, definitely. All right. So moving on to our final question for this episode. I'm sure you guys have just about had enough of us. So let's get this one over and done with what would you tell a new couple thinking about starting in early bands, make sure you have good discussions, like you're on the same page? Like, you know, prepare, plan properly. There's a lot involved in and I suppose it's not just a quick, take out the photos or pick the homemade video and throw it out there. It's it's out there forever. So obviously, you got to be comfortable with that happening. I suppose you'd have to be comfortable with the backlash, judgement, the judgement 100%. Like, it's, yeah, there's a lot involved in it, making that decision. Don't just don't just jump into it, and then regret it. Make sure you've thought about it properly, I suppose. Yeah, I agree. There's a lot of process to making the decision making sure you guys are both on the same page. And also taking it so like we took it really slow. Like now we're two years in, we're balls deep. We do it all. We love it. Right? Like we love it. We're just so used to it. But that it was never like that, like we took it really slow. I wasn't no face for so long. I don't even think I showed like a posse pic. For the first eight weeks I was online, like it was just really, really slow. It was what we were comfortable with. Because I think if you jump in straightaway, and you do go balls deep, so does they, and you put it out there then you might find afterwards, there might be a ripple effect of you not been comfortable with that. So just go really slow, just do a few bits at a time. And if anything pops up for either party, discuss it there and then and move on with it or say that that's not where we're going to be going with it. Test the waters. Yeah, test the waters. Because I think that's what worked really well fast. Like, you know, six months before we even did boy girl. And I was no face. And we spoke about every single part. And it was just, it worked really well for us. Because we didn't we didn't rush into doing like a full orgy scene for our first appearance. If it's just if it's just doing a few topless pics, or whatever, it is no phase to start off with. And you only had a few 100 bucks extra weight, but it's helping heaps and sweaty, yeah, don't don't put pressure on yourselves either. Like don't put pressure on yourselves to, to do these big scenes or to go in and collaborate and do these, you know, big orgies or whatever you think, go at your pace like this is not a race go with what you feel comfortable with what you both feel comfortable with. Because there's longevity there, there's going to be longevity in your business. If you both go at your own pace, if you're trying to catch up with everyone that have been in the business for so many years, and you dive in the deep end, and just do you like sit down? Don't worry about whatever else is doing. Yeah, I love that. That's so powerful. Because we do we get caught up so much and what everyone else is doing. We just need to stop and breathe something else I want to give like a little bit of insight in as being a long term creator. Is there such a big selling point for new creators on the website, like if you're gonna do it, right. So many subscribers love that you're new, like you're new, you're fresh, you're doing new things, people have never seen it before. So you've got such a selling point there. Because you set yourself apart because you've never done it. And people may be there for the first time when you've released your first boy girl scene. One of my biggest selling videos now was our first boy girl scene. And it's made so much money because it was the first time that we had ever filmed together. I look back at it now. And it's frickin terrible, like, like, I could feel the awkwardness through the screen. And that may hold you back as well. But I mean, you just if you feel comfortable, just film it and put it out there. And you will get better with practice. You'll get better over time. Like Hank, I know you definitely did like how's how's your roller coaster of filming gone over time? I'm definitely a lot better now than I was at the start. But more comfortable and confident, I suppose. Yeah. And you you meet and trips and yeah, you meet people and they they give you tips and tricks and tell you what they do and how to do it. And yeah, it's just it's a journey. It's a journey. It's a good industry. They're all good people. They're all out there to help each other out. We haven't really met any nasty ones. I suppose. That's like, that's not our vibe isn't Uh okay, and I think that's a perfect note to end today's episode on. Hey, thank you so much for joining today. It's been it's been fun. We've had a wine you've had a br and it's been a good chat. So thanks for coming on. No thanks for having me. No worries. And make sure you guys tune into next week's episode. It is a really, really exciting one but until then, I hope you have the most incredible day. Bye