Honeys Makin' Money

Wine time with Lucy Banks - Bullying + Authenticity 🥂

September 18, 2023 Honeyy Brooks
Wine time with Lucy Banks - Bullying + Authenticity 🥂
Honeys Makin' Money
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Honeys Makin' Money
Wine time with Lucy Banks - Bullying + Authenticity 🥂
Sep 18, 2023
Honeyy Brooks

This week on the podcast Honeyy is joined by OF superstar Lucy Banks - someone she has looked up to since she started in the world of OF. Lucy is here to chat about all things OnlyFans, motherhood, bullying and so much more.

Episode highlights

🥂 Lucy's Journey into OnlyFans 

Lucy discusses how she got started on OnlyFans, what inspired her to join the platform, and any initial challenges she faced.

🥂 Motherhood and OnlyFans 

Lucy opens up about her experiences as a single mum while being an OnlyFans creator and talks about how she balances motherhood with her career.

🥂 Dealing with Online Bullies

The conversation turns to online bullying, and Lucy shares her personal experiences dealing with trolls and bullies. She provides insights into strategies for handling negativity and harassment on social media.

🥂 Personal Growth Through OnlyFans

Lucy reflects on the personal growth and self-discovery she has experienced through her OnlyFans journey. She discusses the positive impact of engaging with her audience on her self-esteem and confidence.

🥂 Balancing Personal and Professional Life 

Lucy offers practical tips and strategies for managing the busy life of an OnlyFans creator. She talks about time management, setting boundaries, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

🥂 Lucy's Advice to New Creators 

Lucy shares valuable advice for newcomers to OnlyFans. 

This chat is so juicy and gives you such an incredible insight into the life of a top OF creator. If you enjoyed it then share the love gf! Take a screengrab and tag @honeysmakinmoney_ and @imlucybanks and post it to your stories. We absolutely love hearing from you!

Lucy mentions Repurpose in the pod. An app that assists with posting content to multiple social media platforms. If you want to check it out you can do so by clicking this link!

Until next week, keep makin’ money honey’s!

Show Notes Transcript

This week on the podcast Honeyy is joined by OF superstar Lucy Banks - someone she has looked up to since she started in the world of OF. Lucy is here to chat about all things OnlyFans, motherhood, bullying and so much more.

Episode highlights

🥂 Lucy's Journey into OnlyFans 

Lucy discusses how she got started on OnlyFans, what inspired her to join the platform, and any initial challenges she faced.

🥂 Motherhood and OnlyFans 

Lucy opens up about her experiences as a single mum while being an OnlyFans creator and talks about how she balances motherhood with her career.

🥂 Dealing with Online Bullies

The conversation turns to online bullying, and Lucy shares her personal experiences dealing with trolls and bullies. She provides insights into strategies for handling negativity and harassment on social media.

🥂 Personal Growth Through OnlyFans

Lucy reflects on the personal growth and self-discovery she has experienced through her OnlyFans journey. She discusses the positive impact of engaging with her audience on her self-esteem and confidence.

🥂 Balancing Personal and Professional Life 

Lucy offers practical tips and strategies for managing the busy life of an OnlyFans creator. She talks about time management, setting boundaries, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

🥂 Lucy's Advice to New Creators 

Lucy shares valuable advice for newcomers to OnlyFans. 

This chat is so juicy and gives you such an incredible insight into the life of a top OF creator. If you enjoyed it then share the love gf! Take a screengrab and tag @honeysmakinmoney_ and @imlucybanks and post it to your stories. We absolutely love hearing from you!

Lucy mentions Repurpose in the pod. An app that assists with posting content to multiple social media platforms. If you want to check it out you can do so by clicking this link!

Until next week, keep makin’ money honey’s!


Welcome back into a another episode of honeys making money and I hand over the moon for this one because we have a very, very special guest joining us today. And I am so excited to introduce Lucy banks. She has been with you may not know this day, but she has been an idol of mine ever since I first started to the mother in the business. She's an absolute go getter, a hustler. She's absolutely incredible. She's so authentic, and I just absolutely adore her a bit. So welcome Bae. What insha Allah? Gosh, thank you so much. I am so thrilled to be here. I'm so excited about your podcast. I've listened to every episode, and it's an honour to be a part of it. It's an absolute honour to have you here. Now I know I touched on who you are. But for those that don't know, Lucy banks, let's hear about you and your journey. And being a mom and coming into only fans. I'd love to hear where you were before only fans why you joined only fans and a little bit about your journey. Yeah, sure. So I come from a corporate banking background, which is super boring. I got a job in banking at 17. And it just got to the stage where this whole life I guess, shift I am was in a marriage that I wasn't happy with. I left my husband, I left my job. And then I had these two beautiful little kids and I thought I don't want to go back to the bank. I didn't want to be doing six hour workweeks. What am I going to do for an income. And I had a girlfriend doing this thing called only bands. And I didn't really understand it. Like I was very prudish. I guess I had never been to a strip club. I've been with the same person since I was 21. I had no idea about the adult industry. And I messaged my girlfriend and I was like, What is only fans? She explained it to me. And I was like, I just didn't understand. I was like, Is this real money? Or is it just like internet credits that sit somewhere like, it'll just make your bank account? I don't know why. And she's like, Yeah, I think at that time, she was making maybe three or $4,000 a month. And I was like, great, Sign me up. And I yeah, I started doing only fans, just before it was just before the pandemic. So I was really lucky to get in early and sort of ride that wave for four years ago, this month now. So for a long time, I haven't always done it full time. I honestly didn't really take it seriously. For the first two years, I sort of came and went. And then during a lockdown. I was like, No, this is what I'm gonna do now. And I've been able to do it full time ever since. And it's so I'm so grateful. Like, yes, the money is great. But to be able to work around my kids, and be able to be there for the pickup and drop off and just be very present parent is my favourite thing about being an early FAS creator. I absolutely love that. And I really feel like our journey was quite similar. I share. Yeah, I shared my journey early on in the podcast about why I joined. And I think there's this thing about becoming a mom and having a beautiful existence. And then just feeling this threading, failing over, I possibly have to leave this child to go to a nine to five or to go work for somebody else who really give a shit about me. So it's really powerful. I think that we have such an incredible business opportunity in front of us to create our kind of freedom. And I think you touched on it as well, that freedom is different for absolutely everyone, right. So for some some mums that don't want to return to work, freedom is being able to work around their children, and not going to a nine to five job. It's not necessarily making a million dollars in three months or the first year. It's just the fact that they can replace their nine to five paycheck and that they get to do the school drop offs. They get to go to assembly, and I'm sure there's so many amazing things like that you get to do because of r&b bands. Yeah, absolutely. And that to me is you know, I can earn you 10s of millions of dollars, but being able to be there for the kids. But that's the most important thing to me, especially, you know, I'm a single mom. So it's just, it's just me, if I had to work a nine to five, that'd be in after school care and our lives are very, very different if I didn't have this opportunity. So it's it's interesting and yeah, like you said before, we've had very, very similar journeys and the the positivity of it is amazing. There's also those those downsides up at like the stigma, the negative feedback falling out with family and friends, but to me and that's really, really hard. All of those things. but my kids come up before all of that. So it is worth it for me it is worth it. Yeah, absolutely. I couldn't agree more. Now touching on that a little bit the stigma that does come around what we do. And the whole industry, do you think as a mum in the industry, we get a lot more slack and a lot more opinions thrown at us because we are parents and that people think that they can judge us that little bit more. Yes, absolutely. You only have to open tick tock and have a look at my comments or your comments, or anyone who's a mom. And it's all things like your kids should be taken away. You know, your poor kids are gonna get bullied, like, feel so sorry for them, blah, blah, blah. And it's just I don't know about you, but none of it actually hurts me. None of it like penetrates my heart because my kids are so happy and they know what I do for work. And they don't care. So why if they cared, I would care, but they don't. And we're all happy. So people just think that auto your mind you can't do that. And I'm like, Well, why not? How do you think we became mums in the first place? Is because we were having sets? And where does monetizing that everybody does it? I think we're really smart. You're monetizing something that everyone does anyway, and leveraging that to be there for our children. But what's the problem? I honestly could not agree more. And I think it really comes back to the basics as well. When becoming a mum, I know I've felt to and possibly yourself as well and other mums out there that as soon as you become a mum, there's just this stigma of you can't wear a bikini anymore. You can't wear a short skirt, you can't go out and have fun because now you're a mum. And it's like there's this in like invisible pressure on you that all of a sudden who you were prior to having children doesn't exist anymore, you've got to now bury that person deep inside of you. And you've all of a sudden got to become somebody completely different. So I think it even starts outside of the industry. Yeah mums being told how they should act, what they should do what they should wear now that you're a man. So of course coming into this industry people have even have a more bigger opinion on that. And you touched on people saying about your children and bullying. And I truly believe that it comes back to how we raise our kids, right? Like we are raising our kids, we are home we are around them were with them, we creating incredible memories. And I feel like there are people out there that are so caught up with how you know our kids are going to get bullied. But we're not focusing on the bullies. Like why don't we pull that energy into educating children not to judge other people for what they do for lag to bully other children for what their parents do. It's like all this energy is going into your children being bullied, like I'm so worried about your child being bullied, but they're not looking at in their own family and going have I educated my child on not to bully not to hurt other kids. Because I know that I know for me if I'm sending my kids to school, they're not the bullies because I've raised them, right. I know that they're not going to be the ones out there bullying. So I think sometimes it's a little bit about looking inside and going well. Why are we so worried about the kids getting bullied when we should be focusing our energy on the bullies? Exactly. I can guarantee that my my kids will go to school and they're not going to make fun of other kids, if their parents are sex workers, if they're from a different race if their parents are gay, if they're you come from low socio socio economic background, it doesn't matter where the other kids in the playground have come from, I guarantee my kids are not going to be the one to bully them. Because they've been raised in a household where that's not tolerated and we lead with kindness. So if a child's going to be a bully, like okay, like my children, you know, the bomb does only fans. What if I was gay? What if they had two moms? Or what if I had like a, you know, dip on my forehead or I was deformed or something? It doesn't matter what I do. If the other children are bullies, then I can't control that. So I agree. I think we should the focus should be on instead of oh, your kids are going to be bullied issue. But oh, why aren't you focusing on your own kids? So who's bullying my kids? Yours is your kid? Then who is it? Like? It really does come down from the parents. So I completely agree with you there. Yeah, that's right. Like when I get negative comments on my social media, and I know that their parents I just look at it because I know that that's what their children are hearing like how they're speaking to other people, how they're speaking to us online and what they're leaving for us to see and their comments and their negative talk. Their kids are seeing that and their kids are thinking now it's okay to talk to people like this. So not only are their parents out there bullying online, but then it's passed down to their children that are bullying. So yeah, if we can make a A awareness around education in the family and like you said, leading with kindness and leading from the heart. And if you don't agree with someone, or if you don't agree with something, that's not always your place to say something, and that you, you go, you go towards the people that light you up and that you love that you love. And if that's not, then then you leave them where they are. So thank you so much for touching on that, because I think it's just such a good conversation to have, especially between two parents that get it a lot about our children, possibly being bullied in the future. It's a really, really great subject to touch on, but turning it on to you. Because I mean, or have you in just how you hold yourself and how you put yourself out there. And we know that when you're in the arena, and when you're putting yourself out there, and you're on social media, and you're doing all the things, you're gonna get those negative comments, you're gonna get the negative backlash, and you just seem to always hold your head high. And just really do you lead with grace and kindness. So I want to find out from you, how do you deal with the haters on a day to day basis? Thank you. That's really, that's really lovely to hear. So thank you for saying that. I think at the end of the day, it just comes down to hurt people hurt people. I don't know anyone more successful than me in life, who is commenting nasty things on tick tock, or you're being like, oh, like, you know, you're so fat, you need a nose job, or like, those aren't people that aren't happy or successful. People who are, you know, for example, I own a huge property portfolio, they're not going to make fun of you for buying a shitty first house, people who are billionaires for making a business, they're not going to have fun, make fun of you for trying to start a business, all the people that, you know, successful in the world. They're not on social media, making fun of others. And if they're on social media, they're encouraging people because they've got that emotional intelligence. So at the end of the day, like I do, I see these comments, and everyone, then it's not often every now and then it will get cut me a little bit. But don't stop, like, where does that come from? Why these people commenting it? And again, like it's just yeah, hurt people hurt people. If I haven't personally done something to that person. Why are they commenting, they're either jealous, or they're just miserable. They're trying to bring people down. So I try to approach it from a spot of yeah, like I said, leading with kindness and just being me now and then I'll let you I'll say something back, because I can't help myself. But most of the time, like I would, I would never go on an attack someone's appearance or bully someone back because I don't need to like, it's just your block, delete, or I just leave it there. It doesn't affect my life. I'm surrounded by the most like beautiful, supportive people. Do I give a fuck what you know, user 1234 thinks about me? No, that doesn't impact my life. I do not, it's really, really easy to be affected by it. And to see those comments and to start questioning yourself and your appearance. You've got to have a very, very thick skin in this industry, otherwise, you won't survive. Simple as that. So yeah, I guess, just to sum it all up, hurt people hurt people. And those people's opinions should hold no weight, in your opinion of yourself. Yeah, that's so powerful. And it's something that I personally really lean into as well that hurt people hurt people. And I think it really takes away the emotion of it all it takes away it being so personal and taking it personal. And I love that you touched on that it does get you down sometimes that you know you do have your moments of being like ah, chips, you know, this, this sucks a little bit. Because we're all human, right? You know, we all have feelings, we all have a sense of belonging and community. And when we do get those comments, you can be as tough as you want to have thick skin but there are days where it does really pierce through that thick skin. And you're just like, oh shit, and it's really good and healthy to recognise that because I think sometimes if we come into this industry with I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks attitude. Sometimes it can be a little bit blinding or misleading in a sense, because of course we care what people think of us to some extent, right? Like we have, we have people that inspire us we have people that we look up to and we have our close people that what they say it whether it's positive or negative means something so it's really healthy to have relationships with people that you do admire what they think of you and that you can learn from them and that they're a really great friend or family member that can say hey, like what you're doing is shared or not okay, but he's moved this way or go lean that way and really understanding that so I think you sharing that not always as I don't give a fuck what everyone thinks of me and also saying that my close people that people have got my back, I really care about them. And also I do have ship days. It's really Be authentic. And that's what I love about you and, and your journey. Thank you. I think I think that's, I guess a part of my longevity of why I've been able to be in the industry for so long because I do allow myself to have sad days to kind of sad girl days, but you can stop having sad girl days and have bad bitch days and happy girl days. So as long as you stay in the sad girl day, then you can keep going. Yes. And I spoke about this in an earlier podcast as well. And I'm like, I fired myself all the fucking time. Like I get up Sundays, and I get a negative comment. And I'm like, sit, I'm not working today, like Today's my day off, I'm quitting everything, get bent, you know, don't talk to me. And I think the difference is, is the next day you just get up and rehire yourself, right? Like you get up and keep cracking on because you know, it's business you know, you don't take it personal. You sleep on it and realise that, yeah, who is this? No, Joe Blow down the road, sitting on his couch, with a barony pan and probably crumbs in his belly button commenting on our, you know, yeah, yeah, absolutely. So let's talk about what only fans has taught you. Because I feel like from when you shared where you were beforehand to where you are now, in the industry, I feel like there's been such growth there for you. So I would love to hear what really fans has taught you about yourself. So this is a really good question at this point, because it kind of ties into what we spoken about before. When I started on the fence, like I said, I was frustrated, forced, I had two kids and I hadn't been single since I was 21. And I was like a tiny, little tight size six. And now all of a sudden, I had this Mumbai, two kids, I was really afraid of putting myself out there. I mean, number one to be single. And then number two, taking photos and videos of that body and who I am now, my biggest concern was am I going to be able to cope? Because I knew that I didn't have the, I guess, stereotypical, like, perfect look. So I was really concerned. I was like, I'm gonna get torn to shreds. How am I going to cope? But what I didn't realise was that when you put yourself out there on the internet, you tend to attract people that are your audience, I guess. So there are literally 1000s of men out there who look at me and they're like, She's perfect. I love her body. Like I love the mom, Tom, I love you know who she is. And I just didn't realise that I guess. So, from going, going from someone who was, I guess, a little bit fragile, and then joining only fans and you're all the social media stuff, I have gained so much confidence. And it's not that I think I'm you know, the hottest pitch in the world. I just know who I am. I know what I look like. And I know that that has a lot of value. And I know that I'm worthy, I guess. And that's one of the things I love most about the industry as a whole is that it doesn't matter what you look like what your brand is, that you mentioned on an earlier podcast, you know, like you're tall, blonde, big babies. And so you're I'm going to be really successful, which you are, but because you work and you grind, and you hustle. And there's other girls who have a completely different look who are just as successful, because they grind and they hustle, and they've got the same level of success. And it's open to all of us. It just depends on how hard you work. So I think only bands for me has, it's given me not only so much confidence in myself as as a woman as a mother as a business owner. But it's just opened my eyes up to how do I put this, I guess human nature and people crave connection and they crave that genuine relationship with people, which we all do. And only fans can deliver that which is it's beautiful. I love it. That's so powerful in itself, because I really resonate with that. Like I really feel that when you when you express all of the body love and how you do go on a journey of really falling in love with yourself. And I feel like the moment you join right and you kind of get this feeling of I need to be this I need to be perfect. I need to look like this model. And then as soon as as soon as you accept who you are, and accept Well, this is me. I'm going to turn up as authentically me and really turn up as yourself loving yourself. That's when all the juices start to fucking flow. Yes, I was like as soon as I was good too early fans don't know really I will quickly save up for a tummy tuck because then I can make more money. And then I didn't even realise if I got a tummy tuck. I would lose money because my whole audience is made up of people who find me attractive and who love that. And like how cool I love that for me like it's being genuine so elfin, everyone has a tight, that's what it comes down to. And only thanks facilitates that for all of us for as creators. And as subscribers, it's great it is, it's absolutely amazing. It is such a powerful message to send to new creators or even creators out there now that are thinking that they do need to go and change themselves, or they do need to stick to a brand that they think is more attractive. It's such a powerful message in itself saying just turn up as you the way you are. Everyone loves authenticity. Like, if you are not following Lucy on social media, head over there and go and have a look at her photos and go and have a look at her stories because it just shines through your brand you and how you turn up every day as yourself is so powerful. And I think that's why it's had a big impact in why you are so successful in the business because you really don't aim to be somebody else. You are Lucy banks. And that's powerful in itself. I love that. Thank you so much. Yes. Is that something that that shines shines through to people and I hope, because I know, every single week, probably a few times a week, and I'm sure you're the same. I'll have people in my inbox saying, I want to join only fans, but I have to lose weight first, I have to do this first. And you don't have to do any of it. So yeah, it's really exciting seeing what all of us as individuals have done on the website. It's great. Yeah, it really is. And it also gives us as drivers. So much more choice to go out there. Like imagine if you're a subscriber and there was one look online. And that's all there was like, if, if you think you're not good enough, or if you think that your body needs to look a certain way, just put yourself in the subscribers shoes. Like Lucy said, everyone loves something different, and everyone is out there looking for it. And if you are going to turn up as you authentically you, there is no one else on there like that. So the subscribers will absolutely adore that. So absolutely love that you touch on that. So thank you for sharing. I'm jumping in here for a hot second to let you guys know, I am giving away a free one on one coaching sessions every single month. Throughout my podcast, I am really excited to be working with some more creators on a more personal level. So if you want in on this, make sure you go and hit follow, leave a starred review, screenshot it and send it to our Instagram account. If you want extra points into the drawer, go and leave a review on your Instagram account and tag us in it. I am so excited to see you wins this month and who I get to work with. Okay, now back to the good stuff. Let's get into a little bit of real talk, right? You are a busy mom, you are a single mom, you are a top onlyfans creator, which we know how hard that is right? Like let's not just skim over the business and treating it like a business and waking up every morning and working hours on end day in day out and being consistent. So with all of this, how do you manage your time with being a business owner being a single mom and just being Lucy, so I have a routine. And I'm pretty strict on it. Because that's the only way I can make it all work. So I'll get up in the morning, I always check my phone before I get out of bed and noia people say that you shouldn't do that. But that works for me. So I'll clear my inbox. I'll post on my social media, put my phone down, and then I'm ready to switch into mom mode. So I'll get the kids ready for school, spend a couple hours with them, drop them off, come home, and I'll work that entire time. So from drop off, to pick up, I'm on my phone or I'm on the computer. And that's from talking to subscribers. And my subscribers know this like a pocket in the morning and a pocket in the afternoon with I won't get a response for a while because I'm you know, with the kids, pick them up, do the afternoon staff put them to bed and then I'm online for another maybe five hours or so after that. And then I'll go to sleep. So that works really well for me in the sense that the kids come first. And all my other hours around the kids are dedicated to the job. It's not I think people think you can start on early Thursday, you won't have to do much. That's a myth. You have to it's the same as running any other business. You work harder, but you do have the flexibility. Yeah, I couldn't agree more with all of that. And you know, the kids coming first is just such a testament to the business and the freedom that it's given you like how incredible that you've been able to build a business where you can say this is my time management. My kids come first like I wake up every morning, and it doesn't matter what I got on the roster. My kids come first that is absolutely incredible. It's there. Very cool. I've had to sort of train myself because sometimes I'll have someone who wants to, you know, have a video call or something when the kids will be like, you know, during the park, and it is frustrating sometimes sometimes I'll be like, Ah, no, we can't go to the park. But I always think that but then there's the other side of me that will kick into gear and be like, No, you're self employed. I'm a mum first. And I work with business around the kids. I'm not a business owner, and I look after kids in the background is the kids first. So it is a juggle, and it's hard. And some days, I feel like I'm nailing it. Some days. I'm like, What am I doing? But generally, that's my routine. And that's worked really well for me since I've been doing it full time. Yeah, amazing. And I'm a bit like that as well. You know, like, Yes, I have my To Do lists, and I really love working on lists. But some days you kids are sick, some days, business is different, like onlyfans is not the same business every single day, like you just mentioned, you may get video calls, you may get customs, you may get a heap in one day, you may get none. So every day is so unique in itself. So I think it's really important as a business owner, and a mom to be adaptable, and just wake up and you know, yeah, just know that, you know, this is the priority today, as long as I get the top priority done, then everything else will be okay. Like it will be fine. And I like I like I mentioned lists before, so I use the Ivy Lee method. I don't know if you've heard of it. So Ivy Lee, she, she was hired for one of the top universities or something, I can't remember the story. And it was hired to help them be more productive. And she invented this method is you write a list every single day of six items. And it can't be more than six. Because that's too much. And you have to try to get to that six. So say if you want to get through for the other to move over to the next day, and I use I know some people write it down, and she's notes in my phone. So six things every single day, I'll carry it over to the next step doesn't get done. And that is my top production. Tip. I don't know why. But it works really, really well. The Ivy Lee method. Oh, that's great. It's really great that you found something that works for you. Because I know lists for me are really important as well. If I wake up in the morning, and I don't have a list, I'm like, What the fuck am I doing today, like, tonight, but you just haven't written it down, you have to have a list. Exactly. And I think on the back end of that as well, for me, and if you do have a listen, you're not doing this, this has helped me so much. But before you clock off for the day, or normally it's me going to bed because I much like you lose the I wake up in the morning and I'm working. And then I go to bed and I'm working. And I do take my work with me a lot of places because adaptable being a mom, right? And I think it's really powerful at the end of the day when you can go to bed and you've got a list there that's physically ticked off. And you can look at it and recognise your wins. So you can look at it and go, Yes, I can do that today. I did this. I did that. Yeah. And on top of that I was a mom, I was this really reflecting on the day and it really trains your mind that you're winning, that you're in front instead of waking up the next morning being like, Oh, I got nothing done today, like I'm overwhelmed. You're getting into this beautiful routine of waking up knowing what you need to do getting the most important things done, and then at night reflecting on all your wins. Yeah, I think that's really important. And that's a very good point. Because sometimes you'll feel like, Oh, I haven't done anything today. I mean, you look at that list, you know, oh, I actually got a lot done. It feels like you're not doing anything, but you actually are so and then that changes your whole mindset. And obviously your mindset is so important. So I think that's a very good point. Yeah, I love that. Let's move on to a little bit about marketing. You do such an incredible job marketing, Lucy banks, the brand's you are everywhere on my feed all the time, you're popping up these beautiful faces everywhere. I love it. I love it so much. So what a social media are you using at the moment? What handles are you using and what's really working well for you? And I do say at the moment because fuck knows what's going to happen tomorrow, right? So at the moment, you can find me on Instagram. My main account is I'm Lucy banks. I've also got probably four other accounts that I use as backup accounts just in case my main line goes down certainly matter of time because we know it's a lot. I also have three tick tock accounts. I haven't been focusing very much on tick tock lately, purely because I find that I'm getting better conversion from Instagram and Facebook at the moment Facebook's a real winner because it never used to be and I feel like it's only been the last six months or so where Facebook is actually getting a lot of traction for a lot of people. I use a programme where I'll post the Tick Tock which I should do more often. And then that tick tock for automatic play that watermark will be removed that we posted Did to Instagram and then it will be reposted to Facebook. So even though it's you know, I'm only actually posting once on Tik Tok, and then I've got that sequence built up. So it goes automatically. And that's been a game changer to me. So I never checked my Facebook page. I never checked the messages. I never checked the comments, but my followers keep going up because they've got that sequence built. So I'm all about working smarter, not harder. I also do a lot of media. So mainstream media. And that works really well for me as well. I don't know why a lot of people do it, and they don't get the conversion. I honestly think because I've got I just looked like a normal Mom, I don't look like a porn star or anything. And that's interesting to people. So whatever plays out, I got a huge amount of subscribers and followers from that. And that's, I guess, my main stream at the moment, my main funnel? Yeah, I agree. I think you're just so relatable. And I think when you know, even when I see those articles that are out there, you you do you really just scream friendly, normal mom next door. And that is so relatable to so many people. So I think you stand at such an incredible way. And now this amazing little app, I don't know what it is that you use a week. Can we plug the listeners into that in the show notes? Yeah, sure. So it's called repurpose, and I'll send you the link to put in the show notes. Repurpose is a breaking game changer, because it's all set up automatically. So I've got I mentioned before, how I've got three tick tock accounts and four Instagrams. So I have Instagram, tik, Tok, Facebook, and then like tick tock, Facebook, Instagram, like it's all sort of connected in this big web, and all automatically posts everywhere. Love that. And it's great for creators like us, but it can be used in any business. If you have like a dog grooming business, and you've got all these different social media platforms, you could do that as well. So yeah, that was a huge game changer for me. And sometimes I'll forget that it's connected. A few weeks ago, I was I always notifications on Facebook, and I was like, what is happening? And I had a real go viral, or whatever. They're called on Facebook real I don't know. But I forgot it was all connected. And I've got like 300,000 views. And now I've got 12,000 followers on Facebook. I was like, wow, that's cool. And a lot of people say like, oh, no, you have to post to the platform directly. You can't use scheduling apps. I haven't experienced any penalties at all. Like, I feel like I'm still getting the same amount of reach, if not more, if I was just posting directly. So yeah, repurpose, I'll send you a link. It's a game changer. For me, I absolutely rock on that. Because anything that's going to make creators time you know, more streamline, and it gives you time to free up to do other things, whether that's things that you love being a mom or going out with your friends or doing your hobbies or to create other content for only fans, it frees yourself up in so many ways. I think we can intellect. This mindset of, well, I know personally, I do, especially as a mom, we can't outsource like, you know, we've got to do it all ourselves, we can do it all ourselves. We're women, you know, we can we can be everyone at once. We don't need how we don't need to do that. And I think it's really understanding that if you can find a system or something that's going to streamline and give you back time, like trial it like you said algorithm may not agree with you, but you put a trial at right if it's gonna make your life easier, I'd be all for it. Yeah. And on the outsourcing a topic because I'm a bit of a control freak, I don't I want to outsource my early sounds, I want to outsource my social media, I want to have control over it. So using these software systems means that I'm still in control. I don't have to outsource it. No one else is seeing the messages or seeing my content. But it is frees up that time. And that that mental space as well being like, did I post yesterday today? Did I do this? So it gives you that freedom but without having to outsource and relinquish that control? Yeah, I love that. That's an amazing tool. So thank you for plugging us into that. Now. Let's say there is a Creator out there and they feel like they have been hustling and hustling away and they just feel completely stuck. What is one bit of advice that you would give to a new creator that just feels like they're not going anywhere but they're doing all the work my one piece of advice would be keep going I know That's so frustrating to hear because people are like I am. But the only difference between creators who are successful and those who are who have failed and only fans is that the successful ones kept going there's no secret sauce secret algorithm secret, you know, pool of subscribers, we just kept going and everything so all social media channels will favour you if you post consistently. Only fans, your subscribers will know you better if you post consistent Like, I know, it's really frustrating for people if they are posting consistently, and they're not getting results, but you just need to keep going. You're already doing what you need to do. But you just stay strong and keep posting. I get asked that question a lot. And I think people think that there's something that they're missing. But honestly, just that that consistency and keeping up with what you're doing, that's what separates the winners from the losers effectively. Yeah, 100%, that would have been my answer, as well as I think as well, when you're trying to be so consistent. I see this a lot. And that happens within me still, and I gotta catch myself, but comparing yourself to others, right? I feel like that, you know, we're being consistent. And we're, we're pushing we're posting but there's always this niggling little feeling in the back of us going well, you know, there she is. were comparing our day ones to other people's day one hundreds. Do you ever go through comparing yourself whether that be body image business life success? Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to other people? And if you do, how do you deal with that? I do. But I kind of look at it in a different way. I look at people like like yourself, or Jane naughty mom or Leila Kelly, or all the other moms in the industry is JJ. And they all do so well. And I look at you guys and you know, other people. And I'm like, they can do it. So So can I, I don't see it as like a negative thing. I see that these these are creators and women who are doing exactly the same job as me, they've got exactly the same resources. We're all just using our phones and these same apps, but some people have more success than others. The only thing that's telling me is that it's attainable for me, too. And so I need to keep going. I don't tend to look at it in like a negative way. Because I know that's a reflection on what I'm doing or who I am. It's just other people as Yeah, be more successful. But how exciting because that means I can do it as well. Yeah, absolutely. I think once you really master flipping your mindset from she's doing this or the hierarchy of she's better than me or, you know, she's doing more than me, and you flip it to wow, like I'm so inspired by that. That is something that you know, she's worked really hard for I'm working hard, she can do it, I can do it. And really flipping that mindset into as soon as you feel like there is a little bit of let's say jealousy, or comparing or competition coming up, flip that into where she's just proving what I can do. She's just a few steps ahead of me. And I just need to continue to work and be inspired her exactly. When this was probably maybe two years ago, I think it was just before a few months before we met, there was a creator and I actually cannot remember who it was. I don't think she's around anymore. Oh, it's gonna annoy me I thought wise, but she posted on her close friends how much she'd made that month and I screenshot it I set it as like the background on my phone, which sounds so creepy, someone else's earnings. But I saw it and I was like, this woman is similar vibe to me. I don't think she was Australian. I think she was us. I can't remember who it was. But I set it as my background. And every single time I opened my phone or if I'd go to compare myself, I'd come back to that screen. I'm like, no, no, she can do it. So I can do it. And I really made sure that I was never going to be jealous or angry. I just tried to use as inspiration and it's a learned thing you have to sort of teach yourself to switch your mindset and now it's that's ingrained into me like I never see people feel jealous. I was still excited and inspired now. Yeah, and well done, babe because that is just such a testament to the hard work you've done. You know on yourself. You're growing probably a lot of personal development as well and catching yourself. I feel like it's really important to catch ourselves on these things. You know, when we feel these emotions arise of oh, well, she's better than me or putting people in a position of hierarchy. We catch ourselves and go Well, hang on, hang on there. Dogs, you know, what are we doing? Why are we doing this? Let's like go in. Let's have a look. Let's Yeah, yeah, like, feel that way. We all do it. But yeah, just catch yourself and work on it. Yeah. 100% I couldn't agree more. Okay, let's go back to day one that for Lucy banks. Day one, you're in the business. What would you tell Lucy banks right back at the side? If you could give her a little bit of advice? What would that advice be? I would say honestly, just like, fuck what everyone thinks. Just go for it. Just go for it. Because yeah. And it's so funny. I was listening to your podcasts. I was like, oh my god, I thought we had the same story. So I was baseless for two weeks. And then I started off with really like softcore content, because so worried what people were gonna think and like the backlash, and then it got to a point where I did I got so much backlash, and I just threw my hands up and I'm like, You know what, everyone can go get back. I'm gonna go do my own thing. And then Then, once I sort of like shook off everyone's opinions, I did my own thing. That's when everything started to skyrocket because I wasn't 20% of myself anymore. I was 100% of myself, and that authenticity is what people like, because that's how I grow my account. So I wish I had that confidence from day one, and I really should have, but you've got to, I guess, like, warm yourself up a bit. So yeah, if I can have one piece of advice to myself, I would be like, you just go in and hit the ground running. Once you've made the decision. You're all in or you're all out. So be all in and hustle your little heart out. Oh, bless getting balls deep in there, right? Like, just get in there and do it from what you're saying. I can really see a pattern here at a pivotal point in your business and correct me if I'm wrong, but it really seems like that the pivotal point in your business and probably a lot of itself, growth as well, is when you really decide to lean into who you were and lean into authenticity and lean into your body love and your journey and who you are and not caring about what anyone thinks of you. Yeah, it makes it so much easier to maintain when you're genuinely being yourself. It makes it more appealing to people because you do come across as your when you're being genuine you come across as genuine and yeah, it's there's so many benefits of like leaning into who you are and trusting the path you're on and backing yourself it makes such a difference in not only your personal growth but the growth of your business as well. Yeah, and it's so much fucking fun. Like how fun is it just like because right? It's much like yourself turning up as Lucy banks turning up as honey Brooks you are that brand. I feel like I'm more honey Brooks than what I am myself more often than not right. So you are putting so much time and energy into being someone else. How draining is it as soon as you go bucket, I'm gonna pull the parts of me that are fun and sexy and that I love into my dad's like, it's just so fucking fun because you don't need to put on a show that matches this stage name you can be yourself and really enjoy it. And I think that's where the fun comes in. And the enjoyment actually watched a an interview you did recently and you said that you didn't have a time limit on early fans, like you were literally just going to do it until you stopped having fun. And I feel exactly the same. I feel like if you're doing it for the right reasons, and you're having a whole heap of fucking fun, it just changes everything. Exactly. And it's so much more sustainable. Like if I was pretending to be I don't know, like some alternative girl or like dominatrix or something. I will do that for five minutes. And I'd be like, Okay, I can't do this anymore, because it's not natural for me. Whereas I love being like, like fun and positive and upbeat and a bit cheeky. I love making tic TOCs that make me look really dumb and then people in the comments like you're so damn and I'm like you're so dumb because you fell for it like this sort of fun things like that. It's Yes, it's a job and yes, it's a business but how lucky that we can inject part of our personalities into it. Which makes it so much more sustainable for us to upkeep I would I couldn't I'm too lazy to pretend to be someone that I'm not Oh, I'm the same I couldn't think of anything worse like not every day and just pretending to be somebody else and turning up with somebody else every important energy Yeah, such an energy Zappa, like whereas. We can even remember like a glass of Prosecco and it's you know, 1150 something in the morning me part of my brand like, most more but I have got a bottle of wine. I'm not wearing that many clothes and that's just who I am as a person. Like it's so much fun to be able to just hang out with your friends and do what you want to do but get paid for it. Yeah, exactly right. And if you are listening and you're thinking oh shit, like I'm not turning up as my authentic self and maybe this is why I'm you know, leaning into not liking it or not enjoying it then I want to toast to a rebrand like get out there. rebrand brand. It's never too late to be authentic. Right? Like it's never too late. Yeah, bring it out. And I love that you bought one I was so devastated when you said I popping a bottle before I jump on and I'd run out of wine. I was so Devo so make sure you have another glass of for me. I might do it this evening. I don't have any more if it is but it's kind of my band it's party or brand you know I love you start the day with a coffee and it no I'm and how cool that we're able to incorporate that into our jobs like for bloody vibe. I tell you what. Amazing. Dave, I've had so much fun catching up with you and talking to you. Thank you so much for joining us. Yeah. And where would the best place for anyone live? Sitting wanting to follow you to plug into you do see how authentic and beautiful you are on all your socials where's the best place to go? So you can find me on Instagram at I'm Lucy banks on Tik Tok at little Ozzie mama, mama spelled Ma Ma, click on my link on both of those platforms. And you'll be able to find me on all the other platforms through those links. Drinking wine, I'm sure. Yeah. Love it. Well, thank you so much. And thank you once again, everybody for tuning in. I've had so much fun with you, babe. And once again, thanks for coming on. Thank you so much for having me.