Honeys Makin' Money

Orgy's and squirt Olympics with Eden Luxx💦👯‍♀️

October 02, 2023 Honeyy Brooks Season 1 Episode 13
Orgy's and squirt Olympics with Eden Luxx💦👯‍♀️
Honeys Makin' Money
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Honeys Makin' Money
Orgy's and squirt Olympics with Eden Luxx💦👯‍♀️
Oct 02, 2023 Season 1 Episode 13
Honeyy Brooks

In this saucy new episode Honeyy sits down with the one and only Eden Luxx, one of OnlyFans' top creators. Pour yourself a wine and tune in while Eden chats about her journey into the world of OnlyFans, her favorite scenes to film, a hilarious tale from her recent trip to the States and so much more!

If you're an aspiring creator, be sure to stick around right to the end and don't miss Eden's  advice for making it big in the industry.

Episode Highlights
💦 How Eden Got Her Start in OnlyFans
Eden shares her decision to make the switch from nursing to OF and how she slept her way to the top 😉.

💦 All Time Favorite Scenes to Film
Eden delves into her favorite scenes to film and the surprising revelation she came to.

💦 The Show Must Go On
Eden shares a hilarious tale from a content filming day in the states and how an unexpected handyman got more than he bargained for.

💦 Collaboration Etiquette
Eden provides valuable tips on reaching out to potential collaborators, emphasizing the importance of respect and communication.

💦 Haters Gonna Hate
Eden shares her experience from a previous career that helps her handle negativity and online hate.

💦 Squirt Olympics
Get ready to lose it as Honeyy and Eden discuss the upcoming "Squirt Olympics" event.

💦 What's Next?
Eden discusses her future plans and what the future holds.

💦 Eden's Advice for New Creators
Aspiring creators receive wisdom from Eden on staying true to themselves, consistency, audience engagement, and more.

This is such a juicy episode, we hope you took lots of gold dust from Honeyy's chat with the immaculate Eden Luxx.

Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Honey's Makin' Money we absolutely LOVE having you here!

If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review and be sure to follow us @honeysmaikinmoney_ on Instagram. Don't forget to head to our website www.honeysmakinmoney.com and grab your Live Show Masterclass e-book today!

You can follow Eden on Instagram @eden.luxx

Until next time, keep makin' money honey's!

Show Notes Transcript

In this saucy new episode Honeyy sits down with the one and only Eden Luxx, one of OnlyFans' top creators. Pour yourself a wine and tune in while Eden chats about her journey into the world of OnlyFans, her favorite scenes to film, a hilarious tale from her recent trip to the States and so much more!

If you're an aspiring creator, be sure to stick around right to the end and don't miss Eden's  advice for making it big in the industry.

Episode Highlights
💦 How Eden Got Her Start in OnlyFans
Eden shares her decision to make the switch from nursing to OF and how she slept her way to the top 😉.

💦 All Time Favorite Scenes to Film
Eden delves into her favorite scenes to film and the surprising revelation she came to.

💦 The Show Must Go On
Eden shares a hilarious tale from a content filming day in the states and how an unexpected handyman got more than he bargained for.

💦 Collaboration Etiquette
Eden provides valuable tips on reaching out to potential collaborators, emphasizing the importance of respect and communication.

💦 Haters Gonna Hate
Eden shares her experience from a previous career that helps her handle negativity and online hate.

💦 Squirt Olympics
Get ready to lose it as Honeyy and Eden discuss the upcoming "Squirt Olympics" event.

💦 What's Next?
Eden discusses her future plans and what the future holds.

💦 Eden's Advice for New Creators
Aspiring creators receive wisdom from Eden on staying true to themselves, consistency, audience engagement, and more.

This is such a juicy episode, we hope you took lots of gold dust from Honeyy's chat with the immaculate Eden Luxx.

Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Honey's Makin' Money we absolutely LOVE having you here!

If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review and be sure to follow us @honeysmaikinmoney_ on Instagram. Don't forget to head to our website www.honeysmakinmoney.com and grab your Live Show Masterclass e-book today!

You can follow Eden on Instagram @eden.luxx

Until next time, keep makin' money honey's!


Hello, and welcome back to a another episode of honeys making money. Today is a interview episode and I'm really, really excited to have a special guest on which is the beautiful Eden. Welcome, babe. I'm so excited to have you on I feel caught up in so long. No, it's been like, at least a year. Yeah, I was thinking before I was like, but it was the actual last time we've sat down and had a good chat. So this will be fun. We're gonna have lots of fun. Now I have known you throughout my whole onlyfans business. You were actually one of the first people that I ever saw you were my first girl girl. Yeah, you know, yeah, so you were the first person I ever collabed with which is kind of cute. comical. Um, so I know a little bit about you. And I've watched your journey, but just for the listeners that don't know you. Yeah, I'd love for you to share a little bit of insight into you know, where you were before only bands. Why do you join it only fans a little bit about your journey. Okay. So I've been doing on the fans for probably, I don't know, probably almost three years now. I would say pre COVID. It would have been right in the middle. Yeah. Okay. So COVID was sort of the reason that I joined as per launch. I am actually registered nurse. And was doing that in the hospital at the time when COVID kicked off Tom, which was horrific. It took like an already stressful job and made it even more stressful and unbearable. And I already was dabbling and doing like topless, waitressing and stuff whilst working at the hospital. And through that, I met some girls in that industry who had done only vans, and were doing really well. And I was like, I see and I wasn't too I wasn't brave enough to do it while I was in the hospital. But I ended up like moving jobs and decided to give it a go. I think this has changed. Sorry. I don't know why that's sorry. I don't know why. That's cool. Sorry, to do. Video. Storage. I'll just feel sorry, man. So we'll just cut this part out. I'll just film it on my personal phone. Okay. Always always wouldn't be like a typical buddy day in the industry. That wasn't something that just went and I seen it on the corner, man. I was like, oh, like, the storage is I don't know what's going on the storage isn't full. If you just want to position it wherever. Sorry. Not particularly ideally. Oh, yeah. I never want that one. Because more is my excuse for so you were in the you change jobs. I think that's where I was at. Yeah. Anyway, so I changed jobs and was still keen to do it on the fan. So I thought I would dive in and give it a go. At the time I had a partner. He was a male stripper, and sort of in industry as well. And we just started out by kind of thinking we would sell nude photos we didn't really know, like, where the money was really at. Because you just don't know. You don't know. Yeah. So we started doing that together and then eventually ended up kind of just taking more steps into doing, you know, full Triple X stuff. Yeah, so how long did it take for that journey to evolve from just being like, oh, it's gonna be a few topless packs to full blown like X rated adult content. I want to say maybe like six months? Yeah, cuz it was slow for us. Oh, you know what, maybe it was faster than that. Because he and I obviously could do it together. Like had I not had a male partner at home, it may have taken me a little bit longer to kind of graduate to that. But since we were available, you know, it just kind of made sense. And I think we learned pretty quickly that like, unless you're famous. You're probably not going to be making the big money just from selling like topless photos. Yeah, of course. There's so much variety online now isn't there and there's so much to choose from. So the more content you have available that you're comfortable with that you can put out it just appeals to more subscribers. Yeah. Oh, yeah, awesome. So what kind of content do you create on your page now and which is your favourite type to create? Like leaning? I can just say you're a bit more quiet than me sorry. Yep, perfect. So favourite content. So in general I do pretty much everything everything triple-x There's a boy girl there's threesomes of every variety orgies. You name it. Fun so on girl you know, I'm best to create. I don't know, I for me, it really just depends on the chemistry with the Creator that I'm creating with. Yeah. So I can pretty much enjoy anything if like my co star is awesome. But maybe something I do have a little enjoyment in is I love doing strap on scenes where like I get to strap Yeah. Oh, hot. I love. Yeah, I feel like you would just be really great in those scenes as well. I want to see that. I mean, you can experience actually planning on collabs. So you know like another day. Oh, I love that. Yeah, that's really cool. But that was actually something that really crept up on me because I had you ever tried to strap on before? Yeah, neither had I. And it was just I think it's something in the industry that you just you open to trying new things because it's your work. Like you're evolving. You're doing different things. And it surprised me when I first did the scene. I was like, I've never done this before. I was like, Oh, I like it. I feel like I to it made me understand a little bit more. Like having a penis is fun. All so much fun. So much fun. I was like, I totally get it. Like, I didn't tell one of my friends. And I was like, Man, I get it. That's why they go hard. Like they just really get into it. Yeah, you know, you start doing it. And she's loving it and you're like, you know, on a fucking shadow. Yeah. And I also feel like the view you get right. It's just, it's amazing. It's like, this is the best time of my life. We are so hot. It's just so good. Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I couldn't agree more. I love that so much. So you have just come back from the US and you have done heaps of collabing I really enjoyed watching your whole journey. And I really want to know from you Has there been a story or something that's happened it's just been really funny or something you want to share to lighten the mood. Oh boy. Yes, this story involves Kayla East he was there with me Charlotte okay. So we got the opportunity to go to this sort of content houses this huge mansion in Bellaire and we pretty much got a full run of the place to do whatever. Yes, so good. And on one particular day we were there and one of the male porn stars that we both shot with his name is Anton he seen them over there. I've done a pool scene with him at that house. Yeah. And he was like, Oh, I'll shoot with Kayla too. So he came over but at this stage there was like a party going on at the house pretty much the house is glass like the pool right there. And Kayla's getting absolutely right. Just in everyone's like watching a free show. And there was like a guy who was just minding his own business wasn't in industry it was just there to fix the aircon on right cool he had to walk past them like so many times and I was like you doing great sweetie like, was it was it was he acting like nothing was going on? Or it was like this is awesome. He was trying to act like nothing was going on. I think he might have even accidentally like walked out there on them once and it was just I was just I was laughing so hard. This is out of control. Oh my god that is I wish I was a fly on the wall. That is hilarious. It's so funny because you just you get so used to sex don't you make in the industry and you just get so used like we go to club days all the time. And we're all walking around naked and then we finish our scenes and we all stay in the kitchen talking for hours nude like it's just same for me like and I wasn't really even used to that level of it being a like not even that that was fun. But when I first went over to the house like I walked in, and I was just gonna collab with Anton as well. And there's like a lady cooking in the kitchen who obviously lives there. There's like an office there people there's a couple of people They're Yeah. Anyway, we we go we do the same, like there's people around, but no one really around we finish and you know, I'm a bit of a mess. And I just walk in the house and this guy's like, Oh, hey, like it's so nice to meet you. Blah blah blah and I'm like Sorry about like my parents worry about it like happens all the time. All the time so good bathrooms over there at all. I love that vibe is so good. They're just they're so used to it. Used to Yeah, they're so chill about it. I was like, Okay, so do you find that that's bigger in the US that people are more chill about it? Like, what's the vibe over there? Dragon versus Australia? I mean, I don't I don't know if it's, I could really truly answer that. Because the people that we were around shoot porn. Yeah. So it's like, of course, they're gonna be chill about it. Yeah. If you went up and ask people in the street and maybe in like Alabama, probably not. Yeah. You know, like, in general, I think in LA. Yeah, definitely. Because like, that's just kind of like the porn capital. Is there? Yeah. But I think if he went to a more traditional area, the US I don't think they'd appreciate it. Like the whole glass house and the pool thing? Oh, well, I wish I was bummed that I missed out. Okay, cool. So for you, what is your best practice for collabing? Because I know when I first I can't remember if I reached out to you, I think I reached out to you. Because we did a girl Girl scene. And then we did a foursome scene with Hank and your partner at the time. So we did quite a few shoots, but I just remember leaving because we were a little bit nervous, like, wow, this is the first time we've ever collab like, we're out. And you guys were fucking awesome. Like, you were just you were, you're really, both of you are really professional. And you're just really kind and we got there, we did the business, and it was great. And it went really smoothly. So in your opinion, what's the best practice for collabing and reaching out for collaborations and just having a smooth process? Um, I would just say, like to take your ego out of it. First of all, you know, like, lots of people will get pretty butthurt if they don't get a response or anything. Yeah. You know, you just can't take anything personally, if people don't don't want to work with you, first of all, but secondly, it's just working. Personally, I just message people and say, you know, hey, I'm in town, these dates, I think we'd be really would make some really good content together, like, let me know, from then, like, I just keep it as professional as possible, you know, no, cheeky messaging to make anyone potentially uncomfortable, because you've never met these people for the most part. On the day, you just make sure you got your ID, your paperwork, you've got your STD checks, fresh and ready to go. And then you just get down to business. Yeah, I love that. Because I think it's so important because you do get quite a bad name quite quickly coming into the industry, if you're not collaborating in the right way. And you're not treating it like a business. So I think awareness around that, and knowing that, yeah, it's okay to reach out and that you will get nose. Because this is business. It's not personal to you. It's not whether you're attractive or not. It's got nothing to do with you personally. But it is business and treating it like a business and understanding that you're there. And you've got to be professional and turn up and like you said, have all your checks and your paperwork done. Yeah, legit. And I mean, it's never really I've never really understood either. The sex industry is the only one where people would be like, demanding of you to sleep with them. You know, in real life. If someone asked you and you said no, they'd be like, Okay, that's fine. But here, they're like, What do you mean? Sleep with me? Yeah, I just don't want to. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Businesses. No, and I say no. Like, ultimately, you are having sex with these people. Yeah. Do you feel like there's a bit of a sense of creators coming in and just thinking that because they've labelled themselves as a creator, it means that they're obligated to get collaborations sometimes like that will be the minority for sure. Like generally, people are so good, but particularly small, unknown male writers. Be like, yeah, expected of a collab and you're like, well, business wise, it wouldn't make sense for me to work with you. Because you're going to, you know, get to sleep with me which you want to do, and benefit off my platforms. And you don't have the same like, what's the return for me? Yeah, like, I don't just want to fuck you. And that's the things they're like, you don't just want to fuck me. And I'm like, no. There's a business transaction here. I gain followers for you gain followers for me or cross promotion. It's a business transaction. Yeah, exactly. Right. Exactly. Right. Yeah, interesting. It's really, it's really great to touch on this subject. Because I do feel like that there are some new creators that come into the industry and just think that they have to go out and they've got to do all this collaboration and that they just can go out and collaborate with everyone. But it's so important to collab with people that you vibe with you feel comfortable with you feel safe with. Yeah, so how do you personally vet, I suppose people that reach out to you, or that you want to reach out to like, are you looking at their early fans? Are you looking at their following? Are you getting word from other creators that have collab with them? Like, how do you decide? Um, it depends, like, attraction to them? Probably first and foremost for me, because I, if I'm not into it, like, I'm not even gonna be able to fake it on camera, you know, and I'm not gonna put myself through that. Yeah. So first of all, it'd be attractiveness in my own eyes. Secondly, I just go by word of mouth, from other people in the industry that I trust. If someone relatively new comes in, especially a man and asks, and I'm like, oh, maybe. And I get other creators who say, I've never heard of him. I probably won't, until I know a few people who have gone there, because it's just not worth being the potential one that pays the price. So you know, yeah, of course, I didn't know him. So. But yeah, that's pretty much it. And I mean, following as well, especially when went to the US, like, making use of everyone's platforms that you get to be cross promoted on that huge. So? Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. I think that there's been a like, you can see when you build your business, as soon as you start collabing, and you're collabing, with creators who are either at the same rate as you or they're above you, as soon as you start doing that cross promotion, the growth just really starts to kick in, because you're tapping into a new audience. And you're crossing into each other's arms. So yeah, it's really, it's a healthy, great thing for growth and business. So yeah, and for both parties, you know, like if you've, you've done the work and built your platform, they've done the same thing. It's a mutual beneficial thing. Yeah, that's right. Like a lot of the time, like, I know, personally, for me, when I'm looking at, I'm not necessarily looking at the biggest creators out there to collab with but if you're in the trenches, and you're hustling, you're showing me that you're treating your your business like a business and that you're posting every day and you're actively out there, then yeah, cool. I'll consider to to collab with you. Because I think that's really powerful. The Yeah, how hard people are willing to work and treat it like a business. Yeah, I totally agree. And that's the thing is, it probably comes off that way. But you don't need to have you know, hundreds of 1000s of followers in order to collab with me, but is a factor that you look cool. To know about. Right? Like, I'm gonna knock it but yeah, but you're absolutely right. You know, if someone's, you know, really doing the work getting around, they have a good reputation. They're great to work with. They're attractive. Yeah, of course. Yeah. There's no no reason to say no. Love that. There you go. That's the way to go. So let's talk a little bit about social media. Because I know you have an incredible social media, you are just so incredible with your videos and your reel. So I'd really love to know, from you what works best for you. And why do you think it works so well? As in like, platform platform? Yeah. So my biggest platform is tic tock, by far. It's been a process of TiC tock, everyone says that. But I'm honestly still learning to stay. But it's just it's just the best platform like you can grow so quickly. The views are insane. And they translate to your only fans like straightaway. Oh, yeah. You know, the conversion rates so high. Yeah, it is so high. There's no platform that matches it in my opinion. Yeah, I agree. So yeah, that's, that's kind of what I've done. My tic toc has kind of evolved as the guidelines have evolved. has had to Yes. And it will probably currently undergo change as well. Yeah. So it's, it's been a lot of trial and error. I do a lot of sort of thirst, like bikini stuff, which a lot of people can't get away with. But I think because I did it from the beginning. Yeah. And went viral with that. Takes off sort of set you in Your path? And then yeah, that's all you can really do. It sounds like you know, so I've been able to do that for most of the time. I also feel like with your tick tock, you've been, like, yes, that the straps, but you've been quite strict from the start, because I remember when we're collabing. And I was like, let's do it the Kimi thing, and you're like, outside looks like you do not do it. And I was like, What do you mean, and you're like, you can be in a bikini inside, like, Hey, come on. I feel like even though you do do your thirst traps, you really particularly bad because anytime you'll see that, like you're in a bikini, it's like you're just walking to the beach. And like, I'm so innocent. I'm not doing it. I just happen to be rubbing lotion on someone else's butt at the beach. Exactly. Yeah, so I think it was a really, tick tock appraises you for that? Love it. So I feel like that even though Yeah, they are thirst traps that you've been really clever about it. Try to be and I mean, it's worked so far. So I mean, fingers crossed. Yeah, I love that keeps working. I love that for you. Your Instagram reels though do really well as well. Do you pull them from your tick tock? Or do you film them in your Instagram? No, I actually filmed everything outside of the apps themselves. And I think of maybe I filmed one tick tock intakes on wow, that's really interesting, because there's a lot of talk in around tick tock about it being authentic and filming it in the app. And you can't go viral if you're going to use it outside of the app. So that's really interesting to hear. Yeah, I don't know. I just, I just don't believe any of that stuff. Yeah, like, I've heard this from a few creators, and they're like, you've got to do this. And it's got to be this way. And you can't repost this. And I'm like, you know, I just I'm sorry, I didn't believe it. Because I've proved wrong many a time. Like, I take all the videos outside, I edit them outside. And then I put them in my tick tock, and they perform. And I've taken the same video that I've posted on three, repost. actually notice you did that the other day when I was looking at tick tock, and they did incredible, like some viral sometimes it does three times better. Yes. Uh huh. So, I mean, I don't know, I just don't really think there's any rules. I think it's just a game of luck. Yeah. You know, like, ultimately, it's kind of like running the lottery. Yeah. And then you get on a roller you don't like, exactly, and one size definitely doesn't fit all. So it's really trying to figure out what works for you. Because I'm sure if you started filming in the app, your views will probably go down. Because that's not what your account is built on. So yeah, I don't know. It is. It is definitely everyone's got their own little fingerprint that they can and can't do. But yeah, I don't know. There's just no, there's no way to kind of know the rules, unfortunately, you know, like, like you said, what works for me would not work for someone else, you know? Yeah. 100%. And if there was like, a blueprint to tick tock, we'd fucking have it already. Like we would be in on that lay in this industry. If anyone would be over it would be the sex workers just absolutely going for and hopefully not. So yeah, just being adaptable. I think it's really important with tick tock and you were talking before about possibly change, you know, adjusting a little bit with what you're doing with tick tock and I think that's a really great sign of growth is not being like, well, this is always work. So I've got to do this, but just being a bit adaptable, with the terms of conditions and also with what's trending. Yeah, exactly what it does, it does tend to go it ebbs and flows. I find you know, like, you'll have a few videos do really really well and then it will trend down or or you'll get something reported. Have an account warning on there. And then you're not you're not gonna do well that week. Doesn't matter what you post. Yeah, and the same thing with Instagram, like, I was shadow ban for so long for so long. And then for no reason at all. It just got lifted. And I was reposting things I got out of jail. Jail. Yeah. And the same shit I was posting though. I'm not kidding was getting 1500 views. Yeah, was now getting 3 million. Oh, you know, like, I was like, come on. I knew. Yeah. Like, give me a complex and be like, maybe you know, the content just isn't good. Yeah, but it isn't. It's not that. Well, it's not like I think I think content is important. Like the quality of your content is important because I eat especially with you and your videos. I think you've got top notch quality there and it is it is really it's it's not obviously just filmed on a shitty phone or Blackberry or whatever. It's really not as content but it also shows that if Instagram or Tiktok don't want to push you they fucking worried they will not you need the gods on your side. Nothing that you can do. Yeah. Yeah, cool. Thank you for sharing all of that. It's been really cool to hear about the insight into tick tock, especially the fact that you make it all outside of that. And the other thing that I wanted to talk John with that, that I love is that every time you're doing drafts and you're filming in inside the app, you've always got this niggling feeling of like, if I lose my account, yeah, all my hard work over the last few weeks of drafts are gone. So the fact that everything you film you've bought, like you own it, you've got it, it's there. You're never gonna, if you wake up and you're tic TOCs gone. There's no chance of you losing all that hard work over the last few weeks. Yeah, that's right. And I mean, it's all it can all be changed. It can all be you know, repurpose other apps, which isn't originally why I started doing it, actually, because I would go to like content days with like, a bunch of girls. And they'd be like, Let's film some tech talks. And then you doing this fucking tick tock, eight times for everyone. Yeah, I remember those days. And I was like, There's got to be another way. Yeah. So I was like, You know what, let's just film it once. Or drop it. Yeah. And then I'll edit it outside. I'm not I'm not doing that. Because that was kind of where it started. Yeah, that's good. And then just from there, I was like, well, that's how I'm gonna do it forever. Now because filming in Tik Tok is annoying for me anyway. Unless there's a specific sort I'm looking for something I want to use in the app. Yeah, like the filter or some trends that you can't find elsewhere. Or like speaking to the sound of the video would you film it in there? Like you know how like, probably don't want there's a trend going around now. Like the dancing penguins. My four year pages old country? Tiger Woods. I'm sorry. If I wanted to do that trend, I'd have to film right. Dancing penguins. I feel like you need to do a patent dancing game where laid up on the ground? Is that what you're doing? Yeah, so I'm having an argument doing it because it's like a dance but like it's ridiculous. The Penguin Come on, and people just they walk on the screen and then they start dancing and then mimicking the dance in the back. Oh I will hold you accountable we are gonna see even do the penguin dance. Well, I own that. So I'm doing like the hilarious stuff. Because I see you are so into it. I love it. Some of your reels are just so funny. And you're showing your authentic self and you're having fun, which I absolutely love. But within saying that putting yourself in the spotlight and putting yourself out there just always comes with people's opinions. Hate and people just sharing negative. My God, it's like, oh, it's just a whole I'm just terrible people isn't. So how do you deal with the hate being in the spotlight? Um, it's definitely taken some practice. I will say, genuinely, I just I don't read things. Yeah, I'm quick to block quick to delete. Yeah, you know, like, if it's really something really nasty and like, I just don't, I just don't need it on there. But I rarely read my comments on Tik Tok. There's too many of them anyway, to kind of really go through. So there's just no point in ever looking at it. But honestly, I learned a really valuable lesson. Even before I started doing onlyfans When I worked at the hospital. I remember having this patient who was like so I used to work on like an alcoholic liver ward. We had some very interesting characters, as I'm sure you can imagine. Yeah. And this patient of mine was awful. Like, just not great. He was not a very nice man at all had a lot of issues. I think it was schizophrenic and stuff. But anyway, I walked into his room one day, and he was like laughing at his phone. And he told me that the way he spends his time all day is just trolling people on the internet and trying to get them to kind of respond, and that's how he feels his time. So every time I kind of read a comment, that's not great. I'm like, Look, this could be you know, where it's coming from? You think of humans. Yeah. And I'm like, do I really care? You know what he's saying? Yeah, no. Yeah, we're just so powerful. It's really cool that you can like resonate that to something in your mind or just being like, well, like, Why would I care about what that person says about me? Or, you know, why should they dictate how I live my life when I really don't care about their opinions, so yeah, exactly. And I think it just comes from having like enough self worth and like, personal identity, honestly, because 98% of the stuff that people write is just so false, anyway, yeah. You know, like, I get the comments too, like she must be stupid. She does this job like that's So those aren't even true. Yeah, like, why would I feel bad about that? Yeah, I mean, there have been times when they're like, she's gained weight and I'm like, I'm bulking. Right. Yeah. And like, funny because like, they're so quick to criticise you in what they think is gaining weight. But like, what are they at the gym? Because typing on your typing on your Tiktok? on the treadmill? I doubt it. So yeah, a lot of the time, it's just really, like, they're too scared to look in the mirror and really evaluate their deep down feelings and how they feel so they project that on to other people. Yeah, I think so. And I think also, like, people try to chop down tall trees. You know, I think it comes from to having jealousy over not having the courage to live like a free life and an authentic life, you know, because I think if you really got down to it, you took away the stigma, and all the stuff that we have to deal with. And ask people, you know, would you do this? If it was socially acceptable? Yeah. You know, they would say, Yeah, of course, they were, like, if doing only fans was as heroic as being a nurse or being a fireman or whatever. Everybody would choose this. Yeah. I love looking at it like that. Because if you're the last person on Earth, and you know, you decided you want to do it, you would do it because there's no one around no one external to you judging you, or none of that pressure on you. So you get to have sex for a living. Yeah, you know, you make great living, you'd make your own hours like, Oh, no. You're right. It's, it's jealousy. Now. No, it's really cool. Like, you know, if it is you're seeing if you are, you know, open with your sexuality, and you are like an open book, and you love all of that. And you get to do it for work, and you get to meet new people who love doing that as well. And like you said, you get the freedom to do what you want. Like you just went to the US and did a whole heap of sex. Like, like living the dream. So yeah, like it's fucking cool. I don't know why we don't celebrate it more in society. Because it's the dream is the dream. I think it's just got to sex is such a touchy topic. Yeah. Western culture. Yeah, I think there's probably a still a lot of shame around. Particularly around women like being really outright with like, I like having sex. Yeah, that's not really acceptable to say yet. Yeah, I feel like, for me, definitely, I was brought up in, like a society that like sex was to please men. For men. It's not for women. It's for men. It's to please man. And if you like it, and you want lots of it, well, then you're just a slot. And you're like, How bizarre is that? That like you No, one, like gender can have as much as they like, because, you know, they're men. But the other if they have none? Well, they're frigid. But if they have too much, they're a sloth, but just enough to please that man that wants it all the time. Right? Like, I feel like that's that whole thing of it not making sense. You know, just just being a woman doesn't really make sense. And there's no way that you could please everybody, and keep everybody happy. So I think that was an important knowledge base for ultimately just doing whatever the fuck I want to do. So much. So how did you? Like did you grow up really open and really open with your sexuality? Or did you just get to a stage where you were just like, Fuck it, like, I'm not hiding what I love anymore. I'm just gonna kind of do it. No, I wouldn't say that. I grew up that way. I'm much like you I'm from a very conservative, small town. But my I know, my family is very sexual. Yeah. They'll tell you, they're not who they are. If you're listening and I mean, I was very sexual from like, from a young age, I definitely wasn't just like, you know, doing it because everyone else wanted or, you know, I was genuinely curious and something I wanted to be doing from probably like 16 I think. Did you feel shame around that? When you're young? I remember like me and my best friend, turning 16 and being like, you know, I think we lose our virginity so yeah, they get they think that sounds like a good time. Really, and then, yeah, like I wouldn't say even then I slept around a lot. I've actually been that girl that's constantly in a relationship. Yeah. But you know, like, with with the right partner, and you know, I've always had a healthy sex life. thought like, what what is better relationship than just like being so intimate that you just want to fuck all the time and just being so sexually attracted to people? I like that there's an issue with that, but being so sexually attracted to each other that chemistry is just, it's so sexy and it's just it's like, the juices. It's just so good. Yeah. And I, you know, I must say, I'll always, always prefer sex with someone that I sort of know. And you know, we have that base level of. It doesn't have to be love, but it has to be some form of like, I care whether or not you get home tonight. Yeah, emotional connection. Yeah, it's a bit of a vibe there. Yeah. Because you're right. Like, I'm not really I don't subscribe to that. The whole new age dating thing where they're like, you know, it's supposed to go stale at some stage. And, you know, like, the flame always burns out unbelieving that yeah, you know. I think like two people can have like, the hottest sex ever, forever. Yeah, if the vibe is right, it's right. Yeah. 100% Yeah, um, yeah, I totally agree. Cool. So getting right into it all I need to label this episode. Just hot sex with Aidan. Loving it. So. So what did I ask you this the biggest reward for starting early pants? No, I don't think so. Because I feel like we just touched on it didn't just say the word sex. I don't know. I feel like oddly enough, the biggest reward for me has just been like cringy. But the personal growth for me, like there's been such a confidence jump. And I've tried so many things that just when would you ever have the opportunity to try that in like a safe environment. And I also really found like, a love for women through doing this because I would have told you before I started that I was very strict. I am feel I know where this is going. Honestly, and I would still classify myself that way. Like, I wouldn't say I'm bisexual. However, it opens your eyes. Doesn't that, like there? I think I would just call myself straight. But like with the right women bendy? Yes, for sure. Because like, women are just so beautiful. It's such a different experience. And it just opened my eyes to a different level of like intimacy and a different vibe of sex, I suppose. You know, and like I really enjoy like, threesomes now, they're so fun to have another girl they're like, it's it's just the best. So yeah, probably rewards wise, is just that like broadening my horizons in ways. Like, I feel like I was in like, a leap year or something for six. Fast education. You know, working in this industry, you can tap into that. And it's our job to tap into that. And you do learn so much about you like, Oh, I think I really like this, like, oh, no, maybe I don't like Oh, girls like this is calling you. And it's all part of work. So you're doing it and you're exploring it. And I think you're right, like, even myself as well. Like, I don't think before starting early fans, would I be having a foursome with three other girls? Probably not. No. But now that you know, we're doing it for work, it does, it opens up your eyes to you know, what you may enjoy that you didn't know, that you did earlier on? So it's really cool. I know. It's so bizarre and like people used to ask me that I like to have any fantasies and I was like not really like I don't really think of anything and now I'm like yeah, you just scroll through the list of things that I would love to do. If anyone wants to take us off the list just call me up it's a really cool place to be at where you know what you like now and like I don't know about you but for solos for me like before, only fans I just orgasm to kind of orgasm but now that like I'm filming my solos and I'm really into it I'm like now I know what I actually like I discovered I can fucking squat and I can do all these things and you know what feels good so it's like just opens up these amazing doors don't be forgot that you can squirt to God we should do so we were gonna organise this thing that we didn't do what we should do this on Tuesday. We were going into the squirt Olympics right as long as she doesn't squirt or like my face again. Well, we can't promise I'm down for the square. Thinking like just because we were gonna measure who can squirt the longest. Because like, I would think that I can square like 20 feet or something now like it's I want to say I live waterfall is very much up and out. Like distance is not my strong point. Like I'm happy to. I'm getting in on this. Because I want to see everyone else but yeah, did we get a middle? I think we should make a recommendation in middle of something. Okay, all right. And the needs to be a first, second and third. Okay, okay. Exciting. Oh, I love it. I'm very competitive too. So I'll probably just end up just, I don't know probably myself and collect you because I don't know what it is. But like, I can actually get like a stream if I realise. Oh, wait, I just got so many content ideas like oh, God, I'm gonna have to come back to Gold Coast for like a month. Literally. It was so good. We did like a reverse gangbang couple weeks ago. And like, I got everyone to like gather around and I squared all over every cube. I reckon. I don't think I've seen you square anytime we've collabed together. I know you haven't squared it. No. And you know what the thing is, too is I find it really difficult to do with women actually, because it needs to be a little bit of aggression there. She likes to I've found just anatomy wise women have short fingers. So we tried, but the male fingers they just don't know what's gonna happen on Tuesday. You get the sub summons but they had on Oh, spare ahead for today for the Olympic seasons fluffer. Oh, I love as long as he's hot. It's fine. He'd be hot. Well, I'm very excited for today. Not that I wasn't before. But I'm even more excited now to see this stream. Yeah. And I have to update the listeners on the streaming Olympics. I'm gonna have to hydrate I'm nervous now. On the podcast, we just record she's like, look, I don't talk about my I don't talk at all. I just show up and I fluctuate. I do the same thing. People are like, Whoa, I seen this clip of you. It was awesome. And I'm like Dennis bet that today? Yeah. And don't get offended. It's not you. Okay, it's a lot of things. But I'm gonna try my best. And let's just see what happens. Like then I end up squirting them in the face usually. God, I'm coming over prepared, broken square that on Tuesday that's going to know who's coming. To be honest. It's going to be a speaker Olympics. Oh, I'm excited if everyone can score it, that would be so I love that. All right, let's crack on so we can practice our squirting. So all this is a little bit different to the squirting beat that we just had going on. But what challenges have you faced during your journey? Oh, the challenges? Oh, mine has been kind of interesting, because I had a partner that was also in industry. So that's kind of like a whole different ballgame. And like, obviously we share with each other. We would primarily do like, threesomes with other creators and stuff like that onto the girl scenes and stuff. So there's a whole can of worms that comes with managing a personal relationship, as well as work sex and intimate sex and all that kind of stuff. Excuse me, but I would say for that portion of it. That was good. But a challenge. You know, like, anyone I think anyone in industry would agree that managing that just spinning plates over your head. There's a lot going on there. Yeah. But other than that, I would say like getting it platforms deleted is such a bummer. Yeah, I think it's the only industry in the world where like, you basically like your Twitter, your Instagram, you tick tock is your business. You know, like, they're the reason you're making money. And you could wake up tomorrow and someone's just decided that that's all gone. You know, there's no nowhere else you couldn't walk over to Bunnings and be like, this is just shut down. Okay. Yeah. But for us, they're like, Fuck you guys. Yeah, yeah, that is that is a real challenge. It is like mentally as well. Even when it doesn't happen. You're still waking up every morning like Is today the day like Is today the day where I lose my business. So it is tough. It's tough to get past that mental barrier just knowing that at some stage you probably will lose a really big account and you won't get it back. Yeah. And really getting that mindset of being like Well, I'm He's gonna build from scratch again, because it is my business and I have to. So yeah, I definitely feel that. Yeah, I feel like I'm in a pretty good place with it right now actually, like, a couple of weeks ago, I got my big Tiktok deleted, but restore it, so it's all good. But even on that day, like, I probably would have had a meltdown, like a year ago or so. But on the day, I was like, you know, like, he's what it is, everything happens for a reason, you know, like, maybe this next tick tock is gonna be even bigger. Yeah, like, it's just, that was kind of where I was at with it. And I was like, you know, it's totally out of my control. It's just, it's not going to do me any good to sit here and cry about it. Yeah. That's just, it's such a powerful way to look at it. Because, you know, maybe the universe does have plans for you, maybe you've got to build your resilience. Or maybe you just got to work on your growth and understand, you know, building your business a bit more. So, if you look at it in terms of like, the universe has a fucking gland for me, like, they've got a platform, and it's gonna pan out. It's always a good plant, like, every time. I mean, obviously, you go through stuff in life, but I've never not come out on top in some way. You know, like, I'm always have always been fine. So I mean, if, if I would go delete it, I'll be like, You know what, maybe I was, like, typecast into doing thirst traps, and I had no way to get out of it. And maybe times changing. So yeah, you know, try something different with a new one. Yeah, I love that. That's so it's so powerful to be able to pivot. And I'm saying, Well, you know, this worked well for that period. And now I'm going to jump in and do this and build it up somewhere else. So it's a really powerful mindset. Yeah. To have. And I mean, we know it's up. We've, I've been deleted. I don't know how many times you've been deleted, but I've been deleted a lot of done the thing I started the new thing. I know what's up. So I mean, we've all done. Yeah. And I think sometimes we lose ourselves a little bit as well. Like, we build up a big tick tock, or we build up a big Instagram. I mean, forget that. Where the brand, like tick tock doesn't necessarily own our brand, or Instagram does not own our brand. Like, yes, we put a lot of foundation and a lot of hard work. But we are essentially the brand. And we built it up once we can do it again. So yeah, just having that business mindset. There have been like, No, fuck up my brand. And if you haven't let me build it here. I'm going to create other accounts. Just let you build it a little bit. Yeah, just yeah, just give me a little bit. A little bit. I'm on the site. And I think to like the knowledge, particularly with tick tock that you just a couple viral videos away from the game changer. You know, like, I think there have been times where I've had like, a few videos doing well, at the same time. And I think I think I caught like 400,000 followers within the span of a couple of weeks. Yeah. You know, like, so it's not, it's a big number to be like over a million, but that's like, probably 10 of the videos on there that have generated that. Yeah, like, yeah, so it's, yeah, I like if eating can do it a handful of times. So can anyone else and I think that's really great inspiration to take from like, you've got an incredible tick tock account that has over a million followers. But it was a handful of videos that went viral that just shot you there. So and I don't know what I'm doing. Like I'm totally winging it. It's not like I knew that I had the secret. I wouldn't be a billionaire. Yeah, right. Yeah. And it's so true. Like I, I lost my really big Tiktok account, and I had a backup one that was doing absolutely nothing. And I was like, Whatever, I'll start posting on that now. Just getting back into the field. And it was only like a few days of putting actual solid effort into my backup account that one of my videos hit 4 million views. And I had my biggest week ever. Like and it's just it's crazy how it works. Like sometimes we get so caught up in like these big accounts. And you know, like this is where the moneymaker is. But we forget that you can go viral with new accounts like that, like that's the beauty of Tik Tok like Instagram, I think is a completely different name. Yeah, but tick tock like, I've seen accounts that have posted three videos. Only on their account. They've gone so crazy viral. Yeah, I know. It's wild. Let's give me some inspiration, actually, because I've been telling myself I have a backup account that I rarely post on as you do. Because I'm like, Oh, it's a big account. Like it's got like for him to carry on or something like that. But I'm like, whatever. Like I kind of just blowed off and um, you've given me some inspiration. I should get your other full viral. If you don't, don't hold me to it though. Cool. So what's next for you? Like, you know, you are collabing you're in the US. You're doing all these great things. What's on the horizon for you? You're gonna keep hustling. We Is oft Do you have other plans? I think yeah, I think I'm just gonna continue doing what I'm doing. Yeah. So are you gonna stop? Um, yeah, no, I'm actually I've gotten to a place where I'm really enjoying it. You know, like, I went to the US I had the best time he looked so freakin happy. Like he just looked like you had the best time I was watching your stories and all the stuff all the girls. Yeah, it was just like, it was so much fun and like working with all the creators was so fun. And I feel like I've really fallen into like, making content that I really liked doing both Triple X and social media stuff. Yeah. So slow. Yeah, so I'm just gonna kind of continue on with that, to be honest, like, it's been. It's been such a good, like few months of all of that. So, yeah, I love that. Like, I mean, there's never, like, I sometimes hear that where you feel so pressured to have like, goals and plans. But I think you've got to be so innovative, you know, because things can go things can change. Like, if may decide tomorrow that six work is not allowed anymore, you may lose Tiktok. So it's just about going with the flow with what's working with you now and you're having fun, you're enjoying it and plenty go hard, like I love. Well, it's always been sort of a dream of mine to like, I really, I really love like philanthropy. I think that's probably appealing to the nurse and me, you know, yeah. And I obviously I still, I still do nursing two days a week, just to keep my reg alive. But I would love to get to a point where I'm making enough money that I can put money into causes I really care about, you know, so that's kind of like the driving force behind me wanting to really make it myself so that I can, you know, kind of put that back into things that I really care about things a lot you like, well, you know, not that all these things doesn't like something outside of the industry that really excites you, when you think of it as a hobby and you want to pour yourself into it. That's really exciting. Yeah, like, I've never I've always wanted to like donate to charity and stuff, but I think that they're all big business and they're taking most of that stuff. You know, so like, if I could pick something like go build someone a house or do whatever you know, like that's the sort of stuff that I would be doing eventually fulfilled life like Yeah, happy lady. Oh, so many Williams me vaginas and donating to the things you love. Just does it get better? It does not. Okay, well, let's end this episode with you going back to little baby Eden day one. She's starting the business. What would you tell her? Like? What piece of advice would you give her what you know, now that you could share? What would I tell myself? I would tell myself to be more consistent posting on socials and stuff. Like, I feel like I've gone through and really learned that social media the job, and I think the focus was a lot more on, you know, not necessarily like the sex like, obviously, but but the triple x side of things, there was more of a focus on that. When in reality, this job is marketing with a side of sex. You know, because like, technically, you could not make a new sex video for like a year probably. Yeah. But if you had 1000s of people flooding to your page, because marketing was that good. We could just float on that. Yeah. I would probably just drill into myself the importance of marketing, as opposed to actually the triple X stuff. Yeah. Just fun dolls. You gotta you gotta mark it as well. Damn it. Well, look, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. I've had a really fun catch up with you. It's been so good and you shed some really cool insights which I've absolutely loved. Now for the listeners out there who is like Eden's just the best how do we plug people into where's the best place to find you? So best place is my Instagram which is at Eden dot Lux with two x's amazing. I will pop that in the show notes as well so you can go hit her up go have a look at this beauty. What are we calling a calling to Orban orange, well, it's actually meant to be copper but it's grossly grossly out of will maybe by the time they go and say you'll get a read on beautiful copper. Go and check out the beautiful copper Bay. And yeah, get some inspo so thank you once again so much for jumping on. I've had so much fun and See ya can't wait to catch up again thanks for having me bye