Honeys Makin' Money

Taila Maddison - "My Step Dad Secretly Bought my Porn" 😨☠️

October 09, 2023 Honeyy Brooks Season 1 Episode 14
Taila Maddison - "My Step Dad Secretly Bought my Porn" 😨☠️
Honeys Makin' Money
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Honeys Makin' Money
Taila Maddison - "My Step Dad Secretly Bought my Porn" 😨☠️
Oct 09, 2023 Season 1 Episode 14
Honeyy Brooks

This week on the podcast, Honeyy is joined by very special guest Taila Maddison who is here to chat about her experience on the OF platform that includes a story that will have your jaw literally on the floor.

Episode Highlights

☠️ What led Taila to leave retail and join the OF platform

Taila shares her journey into the world of OnlyFans during COVID

☠️ OF's Impact on Her Sex Life 

Taila discusses how her OnlyFans experience has positively impacted her relationship with her partner, bringing them closer and enhancing their personal sex life

☠️ The moment shit got very real

Taila reveals the jaw-dropping moment when she discovered her stepdad secretly subscribed to her OF content

☠️ Family Fallout

Learn about the challenging aftermath of the incident, including family confrontations and navigating online hate

☠️ Consistency on OF

Taila shares her key to success on the OF platform, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, audience engagement, and creative growth.

☠️ Exciting New Venture

Talia chats about the release of her podcast with bestie, Annie

This episode is going to blow your mind but what shines throughout is Taila's strength in character and determination to not let the actions of someone else destroy what she had worked hard to build. We love you Tai! 

If you want to see more of Taila, you can follow her on Instagram HERE

If you haven't already, make sure you head to the Honeys' Makin' Money website to download your FREE e-book, Honeyy's Top 10 Only Fans Tips to make Bank! Download HERE

Thank you for tuning in to another episode! If you loved it, please do us a solid and rate and review the podcast as it helps these stories to reach a wider audience. Don't forget to take a screenshot and share to your stories tagging @honeysmakinmoney_ with your favourite moment from our chat with Tai.

Until next time honeys! Keep makin' that money!

Show Notes Transcript

This week on the podcast, Honeyy is joined by very special guest Taila Maddison who is here to chat about her experience on the OF platform that includes a story that will have your jaw literally on the floor.

Episode Highlights

☠️ What led Taila to leave retail and join the OF platform

Taila shares her journey into the world of OnlyFans during COVID

☠️ OF's Impact on Her Sex Life 

Taila discusses how her OnlyFans experience has positively impacted her relationship with her partner, bringing them closer and enhancing their personal sex life

☠️ The moment shit got very real

Taila reveals the jaw-dropping moment when she discovered her stepdad secretly subscribed to her OF content

☠️ Family Fallout

Learn about the challenging aftermath of the incident, including family confrontations and navigating online hate

☠️ Consistency on OF

Taila shares her key to success on the OF platform, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, audience engagement, and creative growth.

☠️ Exciting New Venture

Talia chats about the release of her podcast with bestie, Annie

This episode is going to blow your mind but what shines throughout is Taila's strength in character and determination to not let the actions of someone else destroy what she had worked hard to build. We love you Tai! 

If you want to see more of Taila, you can follow her on Instagram HERE

If you haven't already, make sure you head to the Honeys' Makin' Money website to download your FREE e-book, Honeyy's Top 10 Only Fans Tips to make Bank! Download HERE

Thank you for tuning in to another episode! If you loved it, please do us a solid and rate and review the podcast as it helps these stories to reach a wider audience. Don't forget to take a screenshot and share to your stories tagging @honeysmakinmoney_ with your favourite moment from our chat with Tai.

Until next time honeys! Keep makin' that money!


Welcome back to a another week of honeys making money today I have the beautiful tail with us. Thank you so much for joining us, Dave. That's okay. I'm so excited to be on here. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to have you here. You have an incredible business, you have an incredible story. And I'm just so excited to dive into all the good stuff. So much to talk about. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Well, let's go right back to the start. Let's talk about a little bit about yourself and why you joined only fans for those that don't know. Yeah. Okay. So I did a massive Europe trip when I was 20. Came home. And I fell into a casual retail job, which I just thought not much of it, and then fell in love with it. I've always been like a very customer service based kind of girl like loved making people happy. I worked my way up was a store manager for a very popular women's activewear brand was there for four years it went from I don't know what's going to happen with this job to okay, I'm now making commission on I guess this whole store and making so much money and then COVID happened. Oh, oh. Yeah. So I love my job. I love my team. And like, yes, retail just completely changed when we all went into lockdown. And I stayed with the brand, then coming back out of lockdown. I guess I just fell out of love with it because everyone was shopping online, or it was click and collect. And I was like, Okay, I need something else. Like I just kept trying to stay afloat. And obviously I wasn't making money in the store. So I wasn't making my commission. I'm like, I there's something more for me out there. Like, I know that I have more potential and can be doing more than just standing here for eight hours a day, making I think I was making like, sometimes seven or $800 a week. I'm like, nah, this is not it for me. And then my partner was just like, you should just try are the fans. And I was like, Okay, I actually already had an account from years and years before where I just made one just to see what it was like. And I was like, alright, I'll just see if I can log in. And turns out I had three subscribers. Without Even Trying I love that. Like, how did you guys find my page? It was no content. But yeah, he's like, just try it. And then I was still working in retail. And the week that only fans made more money than my salary was the week that I was like, I'm gonna quit. Ah, how amazing. So did you dive straight in then? Or was it more of like dipping your toes in and going in and out? It was definitely just dipping my toes in. So I didn't share it on my Instagram. I put a link in my bio, but I didn't post the story didn't promote it. It was just sitting there. So I'm like anyone who I guess is looking at my page, often they're gonna see the link and hopefully subscribe. So I think I maybe had 20 or 30 people, probably all men that I knew. They were basically making me that few$100 a week. And then yeah, I handed in my resignation, I offered to stay casual. And I was because I love my team. And I did love working in retail. But then I guess only fans started gaining more momentum as soon as I became open with it. And yeah, just had to switch over. Yeah, I love that. I was like it kind of happened for a reason didn't like, you know, COVID head and and you were working in a job that you loved. And then it all changed. So it's like the universe had a little plan for you, which I absolutely love. Yeah. And I also love that your partner came up with the idea and encouraged it. So he's obviously really supportive with your choice. Yeah, well, you're paying. He's just he just can't believe that. I guess I I created this from nothing, just from me coming home from work one day saying I was unhappy, pretty much. And he's just like, in shock. I guess that this last 12 months has happened just from one small idea. Oh, that's amazing. And is he? How much involvement does he have in in the only fans business? Yeah, so he is in all of my boy girl content. We do live streams, everything with me. But at this stage, he is anonymous. That's just a choice that we've made, I guess in our relationship. And I'm glad that we did with I guess my story we're going to get into soon. I'm glad that I could protect him and his family from what happened as well. But yeah, we do talk about his face and his name being out there one day, which hopefully will be within the next few months. But we've just made the decision to keep it just me at the moment but then he'll come home and be like, I just can't wait to tell the world that this is what we've been working on. I suppose that's the beauty of running your own business right like you can do it how it suits you and and this is what suits you guys at the moment. So that's so powerful. I really love that. Yeah, I can't just it's gonna be so good one day because he's very low key on his Instagram and he's like, sees me living this life with 1000s of followers. He's like, I just can't wait to make the switch. But when he's ready, we'll I guess share it with the world. Oh, that's really exciting. I will be the biggest cheerleader I love. How do you? It's interesting because Hank and I also in the business, we do the filming and everything. How do you find the filming with your partner? How do you find that part of it in terms of keeping it separate to your normal sex life? I suppose, if I think it's made our sex life so much better. And I think he would say the same, because we obviously had great sex before. But then this has allowed us to try so many different things and things that maybe we wouldn't have done. And we can figure out like new positions, or just, I guess, I don't know, completely different kinds of kinks and fetishes that like, Oh, we're actually kind of into that. And then it translates in to our personal life. And another thing a lot of people don't know, a lot of our friends will be like, you know, do you guys just have sex for the camera? And I'm like, No, we create that content for say, we take an hour or 30 minutes out of our day to make that, and then we have that film forever. So then if we normally try and do like one day of filming a week, then that means the rest of that entire week, those six days of sex is just for us in our relationship. Which right, like, isn't it funny? Because a lot of people think that every time you have sex, yeah, and it's just not feasible, because when you are filming porn, there's so much that goes into it, you know, it does take you know, an hour sometimes a little bit longer than setting up the preparing. So I think if you were doing it for every scene, then yeah, it would absolutely, you know, interrupt with your personal sex, but the fact that you're doing it more outside of it is even better. Now, I totally agree. I actually said this on another podcast, that it's bought me and Hank closer together as well, because I'm trying different things, right. Like you're seeing things and you're like, oh, because you've got that business money. Like, let's try it that you maybe wouldn't have tried earlier on. So I love that you guys are on the same page. You just become so much more comfortable, especially when things go wrong. And you can just laugh and be like, Oh, my God, that looks horrible. And I'm so I guess, raw and open with my partner now that the there's no, no awkwardness or anything anymore. Yeah, I love that. And also, I suppose you would find that it would be really great to have a support system that really knows the ins and outs of the business like your partner really understands, like what it takes for you to get where you are the work behind the scenes, the filming of the porn, like they're really, really involved. So when it comes to supporting you, and and, you know, helping you through that they really see every side of the business. So don't you think that just makes such a big difference? Yeah, it's insane. Like he, I think a lot of people don't understand that. It's some days, it is hard when you log on, and I have to be, I guess, a certain way and be sexy and be happy. And to these 1000s of people. And he'll be like, okay, just put a couple of hours into your subs today. And then you need time to chill, like, especially when I'm on my period, or I'm just sad. And he's like, yeah, he sort of sees that, I guess social media. And our job sometimes is a little bit hard. And he's the one who brings you back to Earth. And he's like, you've got it's your job, you got to do it. You love it, give them that time. And then we can come back. And I guess he'll support me through the hard days too. And I feel like he would have so much energy for that. Because he is not a he's not showing his face. He's not doing the social media. He's not putting himself out there. He's not getting the height up front. And he's not getting the negativity so he can see it through you. So he's got that distance from it, where he can still be your really great support. Because yeah, getting pulled down with it. So I feel like that's a really great dynamic. Yeah, yeah, it's good. Oh, I'm so happy for you guys. I just love seeing couples in the industry just kill it. And, like become a happier, closer couple out of doing it. Like it's such an incredible experience. Yeah. Okay, so what's your journey been like throughout? Can you share a little bit of your ups and downs? We all know that business is not just always growth. And it's, you know, it's not just stabilised, there's always going to be ups and downs. So can you share a little bit about your journey? Yeah, of course. So, like I said, when I first started, I, I was floating around, I think 70 subscribers. And at that stage, I was still making me maybe like 12 to$1,500 a week, which I was so happy. I'm off. I've come off earning seven to $800 a week. So that was still great. And I just thought, oh my god, this is so cool. It's so much money. And then I started meeting a few other girls and like sharing each other and taking photos together. And then I slowly started to climb. In January of this year, I had a massive influx and I went up to I think 700 subscribers, which was amazing. And I was just like, Okay, now I'm making four or$5,000 a week, which was just I couldn't even fathom that. I think I was in the top 2% At the beginning of this year, which I just thought was amazing. And then I had something a bit crazy. Talk about it. I woke up with nearly 10,000 subscribers from seven. Oh my goodness. Oh, yeah. And what's your subscription subscription? Right on your page? $10. It was at the time. Yeah. Do the math. That's absolutely insane. Yeah. So I jumped from the top 2% to top 0.02%. So and what was that over a matter of like, what, a few days a few weeks? In one week? That happens one way. Yeah. So there was one night where I went to bed and I woke up and I'd made $25,000. Overnight. Insane. It was saying extremely overwhelming. It got to the point where I couldn't, I just couldn't keep up. I had, you know how on the website, if you have over 100 notifications and messages, it just says 1999 Yet, I just woke up and I was like, I don't even know how to talk to these people like this is too much. Then obviously since then, it's settled down still making heaps and heaps of money. I guess the beauty of only fans is I can access those subscribers now forever, once they've subscribed, but people dropped off at you know, dipped back down. I think people subscribed just because they wanted to know if my story was true. Yeah, little people. Yeah. So now I float around me, I think the top 0.3% or 0.4 around there, which I'm so sorry. Amazing. Like, that's life changing. You know? Yeah, even hitting those kind of numbers overnight, and in a few weeks is incredible. You know, and like you said before, even your top when you're at top 2%, a couple of extra grand a week is incredible. Like the fact that you can do that from home. And now that you're sitting at 0.3 to 0.4. And you can design your own life, you can wake up, you've got freedom, like I see you go to the gym all the time. You know, you're doing you That sounds absolutely amazing. Yeah, I think a lot of people just see, I guess what I do and what I have and what I make, and they, I think, tend to assume a certain sort of person in life that we have. But a year ago, I was in so much debt I had, like$4 to my name because my partner was like, You need to pay off his personal loan you've had since you were 18. Get rid of it. So my first few paychecks from onlyfans actually went to debt. And I was left with nothing for about a month. And then you though. Good on you. But that's how tempting is that when you get that cash just to go this way, that way, but I put everything into that data like this is making me sad. So it needs to go got rid of it. And then just started from nothing. Even though I had been doing all the fans and people thought I was making all this money. I was like no, I've put myself in a bad position when I was 18. So I had to get rid of that. Yeah, I'm so happy for you just you've really made an incredible life decision. And you've done so much for yourself. Isn't it as a been a year? Yeah, one year and two months, I think like you have literally turned your life around in a year. I feel like you're just getting started, right? Like you just how I feel too. Like I just, I bought my first car or not my first car because the first car I bought was that debt. And then this year to go to the dealership and just be like, he's like, Oh, how you gonna pay I was like, I'll just transfer it to you. And I was like, that is the weirdest feeling to be able to just say I have all this money to go and buy something I've wanted for years and years. independence and freedom. I love it so much. And also like, I know that there was a big pivotal moment in your business that really did blow up. But previous to that, like I'm sure there was lots of hustling like you know, you were you were working in the trenches. And now you are now that that off the back of that viral video that you know, you've always been hustling and you've always been in the trenches. So I think that's such a big reflection on how hard you've worked and treating it like a business. Yeah, it is difficult like every day you have to I remember you talking about on my podcast as well you wake up and you have to have your list of things like your non negotiables you have to do like as is sometimes like okay, I need a story on all four of my Instagram accounts. I need five Twitter posts today I need this all of these things to keep up to keep the business afloat essentially like there's definitely no days off every day is work. Yeah, absolutely. Like this money just doesn't fall into your lap for for you know taking a pussy pig. It is definitely definitely hard work. And that's going to bring us to your story. You know, obviously with our marketing and posting on social media all the time, we're sharing a lot about our lives. We're sharing a lot about what we do. So share with the listeners that pivotal moment in your business when your only fans did blow up and a little bit of insight into the story because man this is so fucking juicy. Like I remembered seeing this and just thinking there's no way that's fucking true. I feel to this day people will message and be like, This is not real. I'm like, Well, unfortunately it is. Yeah. Because at the moment or over the last six months, I've seen a really big trend on tick tock where women are just elaborating on stories and making up stories because it is bringing in engagement, right? So we do what brings engagement. So I think off the back of that, that's the mentality. But let's, let's jump into it. I really want the listeners to hear so go, go go. I'll give you the timeline as well, because that's kind of important. So like I said, I hadn't posted my early fans on Instagram straightaway. But when I did share our story, I got this subscriber. So this would have been about August of last year, got this subscriber, he was so lovely. I live in Newcastle. He told me he was from Sydney, basically bought anything that I would send him made customer requests every day. And I was still working. I hadn't quit yet. And he would be like, I want to see your underwear every day. Can you be sneaky and send me photos in the bathroom at the shopping centre every day. And I was like, this is cool. Like, it's really, I guess it's not too sexual. Like he's just into the everyday kind of stuff and like, wants to see these little things. And then two months goes on. And this continues for the entire two months he had spent I think it was like 2200 Australian dollars, which at that time, he was my biggest spender. Yeah, he was my biggest spender at the time. And he started saying a couple of things, which were like, a bit bizarre, like, I was just like, oh, that's, you know, how do you know that about me? Like, I don't post about that. That was a bit strange. And I actually said to him, I'm like, Have we met before? Like, no, you're in Sydney, and I used to live there. Have I met you on a night out or something? And you've, you know, something about me? He's like, Nope, definitely haven't met. And I was like, okay, cool, whatever. And then someone looked at my tic tock page with the exact same username as the only fans username, which I was like, This is not a generic username, and they've chosen this and then I just go on to their tick tock, and it says, from your contacts, or I just got goosebumps. My heart like dropped and I just I was in complete shock. I'm like, Oh, my goodness. I know this person. Like it has to be someone from school. Like a guy from school. I don't have that many phone numbers. And I actually have to find it. I can send you a photo I have the list. I wrote down every single contact in my phone. My boyfriend thought I was crazy. And I crawled off. People who already had Tik Tok and people if it said like, invite to Tik Tok. So they obviously didn't have an established account, cross them all off. And I was left with six people. And was a couple of girls and you that actually was two guys from school, funnily enough, they were on the list. And one of them was my stepdad as well. And I was just like, these guys like them. They're my mates like, I'm sure if they subscribe, they wouldn't have spent this much money. Like it's, it's not going to be them. And I just went out on the limb and I messaged on early fans, assuming it was my stepdad. And I said, I know who this is. And his message back was who question mark, babe, you don't know? No, it just was like, I was like, it has to be like, I have to trust my gut. It's gonna be him. And I FaceTime my sister. And I'm like, Look, I think it's him on my account. And I'm going to say if you don't tell her, basically, my sister and I are going to tell my mom right now. So I kind of gave a little bit of a threat. And within two minutes of me sending that message on only fans. My stepdad texted me and said, Hey, Tay, can we please talk? Oh, my Lord. Oh, why me on it? I still like feel a bit sick. Oh, wow. That is intense. Yeah. So how long had he been your stepdad for? Since I was 25. So I was 11. And just happened when I was 24. So it was 13 years. He'd been in my life. And they'd been married for I think 10 or 11 years of that. Wow. So he's it. This isn't a fresh stepdads it's just come in the last six months. This is a real figure in your family that lived in our home at the time. Luckily, I'd been staying away with my boyfriend a lot. But my home was his home. Like I live there. All my stuff was there. At the same time that he was subscribed. Oh my goodness. Yeah. And yeah, I was on FaceTime to my sister, luckily, and he's sending me these texts asked him to talk to me and I was just like you, my mom was in the other room with my sister. And like you need to go and give mom the phone right now. I need to tell her like her can't keep this from her. And basically within 40 minutes of all of this happening, he had arrived home from work and mom was like, get out. Oh my goodness. How did that make you feel? Because I feel like that there would be so much betrayal for you. There'd be so much hurt for you but at the same time you would feel like you would nearly need to be pushed under the rug and look after your mom, right? Like it would be so hard to juggle your feelings and your mom's feelings. So how did you handle all of it? My, funnily enough, my first my mom is very, very tough lady. She's so strong. A lot of my first thought went to my sisters and because I'm 25 my sisters are 23 and 21. And they live there too. And I was just like, oh my god, like, they're home with him there all the time. Like, this makes me feel sick. Like, what if he's, you know, my sister's out in the backyard tanning in a bikini? What if he's standing there sexualizing her as well. It just changes everything. Yeah, it changes everything, doesn't it? And then I went straight to is he with my mom, because when they met, she had three young girls like, Was this just a goldmine for him? There's, there's so many thoughts that can run through your head. But you're right. I did drive down the coast. And my wife and I stayed with my mom, for a couple of nights. And her best friend drove up from Sydney, and we're just all there to support her. Like, my mom doesn't cry. And my mom was crying and just questioning her whole marriage. And like, if she's like, I've been sleeping next to a monster. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, that is that's just absolutely insane. It's insane that he's been in your life since you were a child. And you're right, like, those thoughts are gonna go through your head because you're gonna think Well, what was the reasoning here? Why was he living in our home? Was it for the right reasons? Was it for the wrong reasons like that? It's just absolutely gut wrenching. I'm so sorry. You guys all had to go through that. How long ago was that now? It will be one year next month. Once a year. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Right. And he's obviously completely out of all your life now. Yeah, he's actually kind of gone. Mia. So mom's trying to do all the things she's got to do to I guess, like they had a home together and whatever. So she's trying to, I guess clear all of that up and he's completely Mia. Wow. Yeah. So obviously can't deal with himself. They got caught here. Yeah. With he knew that was wrong. That yeah, so wrong. Well, when I haven't seen him since, but I did talk to him on the phone that day, because Mum basically said, she's like, I want you to talk to him, and I want to hear it. So we had my mum on one phone, muted her and then I called from my boyfriend's phone, and he was just like, it's turned into something it wasn't meant to. Obviously I you know, I just he actually said, I subscribed for your welfare. Our bully said, like, I'm okay. I'm like, at the time, I'm like, I'm 24 I can literally do whatever I want. And I mean, if it was genuinely for your welfare, he would have sat you down and said, Look, I'm Yeah, and about you being on the only fans platform. You know, let's make sure that you're safe and do all the right things. Not subscribe to your fucking page and make film customers for him. He doesn't need to see your intimate sex life to be happy. He bought everything he had seen in all because I had to then tell my mom of what he had seen. And just like there's nothing he hasn't seen. Wow. So he was he was ordering quite explicit customs. Yeah, so yeah, he every single mass message like locked message he had purchased and then custom content on top of that. So that's your boy girl content, your solo content. Yeah. With the solos as well, this makes me feel sick, but solo content, he would request that I wouldn't do it in the bathroom that it was always in my bedroom in the house that he lived in. They might wish I was just like, maybe he echoes too much in the bathroom. And he doesn't like that. Like I didn't think anything of it. When really he could go into that room, whatever he wanted when I was at work. I mean, when you get normal customer request, you don't really think about it if they like it on the bed or outside or wherever. There's always personal preference. That when you when it's your stepdad. Yeah, there's a big question mark behind that. You know, he's going into that room all the time. And you know, I don't know if he if he followed your washing or you know, he would have been because I was working and then I'd say with my boyfriend's I'd literally just go home and be like, Sorry, mom, but he's still washing and he would help her out with the washing so I'm sure there was a bit of crossover with the underwear he'd seen in the watching. Oh my god, imagine if that tic tock moment had never happened. Like, like that's insane. Like what would have happened? Where would that have gone? Like it's a blessing in disguise really, because obviously that is extremely unhealthy for everyone. And it's just such a blessing in disguise that that one little pivotal moment on your Tiktok you found your stepdad subscribed to only fans. Yeah, and that's the thing like I could have made it up. It could have been fake. And once I posted the first one I think it maybe got like 200k views that's when I initially just said this is what's happened. And then people were commenting saying we we need more like tell us the whole story. So now there's like a seven tick tock saga on my tic tock And one of them was, I think it's up to like, maybe 20 million. That's the one that went crazy, which was actually me explaining his custom requests. That's the Tick Tock that. That did it. Wow. So I mean, another blessing in disguise. I mean, absolute shit circumstance, I would not wish that upon anyone, like I couldn't even imagine how that affected you and the family. And you know, I take my hat off to you because you've handled it so well. Your mom's like a fucking true bar. And. And you've really looked after your sisters and your family, and you've just handled it in the best way. Like I said, I would never wish it upon anyone, but you kind of turned it into an incredible business opportunity where you share. Yeah. And it's really great, I suppose to share for knowledge for other creators as well, you know, just that these things a can happen. And then, you know, it tiktoks picked it up. It's gone viral, and he's no longer your biggest subscriber anymore. And you make more than what you didn't a year overnight, like, yeah, that the money was nuts that that biggest week was over 100,000 Australian dollars in one week, which just completely completely changed my life. And yeah, I just, I wonder what would have happened if I didn't make the TIC tock because there's so many things. I'm like, well, where should I post this? Should I not post this? But just that one moment? Was there a little bit of a feeling of like, you still wanted to protect him in a way or you didn't want it out to the public? Or did you want to protect your mum, like, what was the thought process behind putting or not putting it up? It's mostly my mum and my sisters. They're, they're the ones that I want to protect. So luckily, a couple of weeks before this went viral, I was actually on SBS and one of the ladies she's like, Oh, just letting you know, you might want to change your Instagram name because the lots of people are gonna watch this. And it just had my last name in my in my user name. She's like just just an ID, you might want to change it in just for protection and safety because I was going on to talk about my stepdad. So the lady from SBS told me to do that. And then obviously Tik Tok blew up and I went from, I think, 4000 followers to nearly 40,000. And I was just like, thank goodness, I changed my last name, because both of my sisters had the same username, and then it just would have unfolded like, oh, that's her sisters. That's her mom. That's the stepdad like I just Yeah, ripple effect. Yeah, I wanted to protect them mostly. So I'm so glad that I just I guess cleared anyone who could have leaked it to my family. Yeah, amazing. You've done such an incredible job. Like you've really built a business off of it. And you've done an incredible job in protecting your family and doing what the best you can do in that situation. Right. Like, no one's trained for that. No, like ever prepared. Like when you think I'm gonna start in early bands? Yeah, there's a lot of things that fucking crush your mind. But like, that is not one of them. Because you just don't expect it right? No, no, of course not. Just like he said blessing in disguise. It was a bit of a shitty situation. But I was just thinking this is going to sell people are going to share this Tik Tok and then the results I just couldn't even fathom as it was happening. Yeah, absolutely crazy. Well, thanks, stepdad, for your viral videos. There's one thing you broke up the whole bloody family. But the videos went off. He knew what he did. I mean, I'm sure he's seen it, because obviously, he's got a tick tock account. So I mean, and like his friends, his family, like he just he's obviously disappeared, because there must be so much shame lies, his friends were just in complete shock. So the day that it happened, he showed up at his friend's house to stay there, because Mum was like, You are not staying here. So she goes to his friend's house. And he's like, Oh, we've just had a fight. So then the wife calls my mom. And she was like, No, we didn't have a fight. This is actually what's happened. Like he was completely in denial. But he was ruining where his life that's it like, you know, potentially ruining all of your lives, but he's ruined his life. Like, that's just, oh, that's insane. That's heavy. So I'm assuming of the back of that, right, like going so viral on Tiktok. And being you know, in the arena and sharing your story, off the back of that there is going to be so much hate so much negativity, so many people leaving comments and just you know, putting their two Bobs in because they think they need to. So how do you deal with that? And I would love to hear as well, like, coming off the back of with what happened with your family and then getting hate. How did you deal with that in that certain time? Yeah, it was actually really, really hard at the time. So that week where it was going crazy, I could look at the comments. There were obviously some people who were very supportive saying this man is sick like this is you know, you've done the right thing out here and make money off him blah, blah, blah. Then there were people saying things like, This is so insane. So I can't believe you were selling that content to him. That's disgusting. And I'm just like, I didn't know for one, it just got to the point where my partner is actually really, really good with hate. And he's just like, Taylor, you don't need to explain yourself to these random people. Because like, it's always the ones with no profile picture. They've got no following made a fake account, to comment, this hate. He's like they are so unhappy within themselves to log on and make it their mission to comment, hate on other people's stuff. But you know, there is still bad days where you do let it get to you. And I will comment back sometimes and be like, I didn't know it was him. I wasn't doing this because I was getting a kick out of it. I was doing this because it was my job. And he was just a subscriber. Like, I wasn't going oh, this is so naughty. It's my stepdad. I want to show him. Of course, not like my family is so important. But I guess even now, I still get hate comments on those videos, months and months on. And I honestly just ignore it. There's no point turning it off. Sometimes I'll leave in like their comments. Or stir them up a little bit. Yeah, but yeah, like at the end of the day, it's just what it's engagement still. So yeah, that's right. And do you think that at that time, like, obviously, that week of hate was really, really heavy, but your bank account was really, really pretty? Yeah. Do you think that that was really helping, you know, not dive into the negativity, but really reflecting into your business? And what's going into the bank account and what you're building? Do you think that had a play on it as well? Yeah, I think it's just more motivation. And it always came down to the hate. The Hate is never to my face. The hate was never coming from people who would stop me on a walk and be like, Oh, my God, you're that girl. It was always just on a screen, basically. So every time I did, I went on a couple of radio stations. And when I'm talking to real people, they were always, I guess, understanding and siding with me and want it to listen, instead of just taking a snippet and making an assumption about it. I think just being present is probably the best way to deal with hate just be present in your real life. And, you know, it's really, it's a reflection of them rather than a reflection of you. Yeah. 100%. And I mean, we can't please, everyone, like, like you said, people are gonna get on a book, oh, my gosh, you're amazing. You did the right thing. Other people gonna be like, I can't believe you did that, like everyone's going to have different things to say, and we can't please anyone. And it is it's such a big reflection on them. And whenever I get hate, I always say like, I just imagine someone sitting on the couch, topless. I've got crumbs in their big belly button, they're drinking a beer. And you know, they're just sitting there scrolling and sharing hate and like, they're not living their best life. Like they're out doing all the things that they love. Like, you know, you have an incredible life you go you build your day, every single day, you are so in love with the gym at the moment, and you get to go to gym whenever you want. You get to go on holidays, you know, you're diving into a new business adventure, which we'll touch on soon. So you're doing all the bloody things that light you up. And these people are just sitting inside just depressed. So it's such a big mirror image, like when anyone is commenting. Negative stuff. Yeah, it's just really reflecting on their personal life and how they feel about themselves. I always imagined a person in a dark room. Yes. Do you just like sitting there? Commenting, hate and like, yeah, totally this open the window, there's so much more. It's 100%. Like, you're absolutely not living your best life. You're not happy. You're not doing all the great things. And they're just picking on the people that are so yeah, when you can have that mindset. And you can flip it just to be like, well, you can still hate me, but I'm just gonna go live my best life anyway, I think it's, I think it's really healthy. Okay, so your business, like you said, You did your tech talks, they went viral. And obviously, with any viral video, you can have a huge spike, which you did absolutely amazing. Like, I can't believe you made 100,000 In one week, that's just fucking epic. I'm so proud of you. So you had a big spike, and then it kind of slows down a little bit. And off the back of that you'll get a few more viral videos. But in terms of consistency, right, you've got to stay consistent, especially when that paycheck comes in, if you want to keep seeing the money roll in. So how do you stay consistent and motivated with your business? I think the one of the biggest things for me for staying consistent is to just show up every day, like I don't want to out anyone but sometimes I see girls in this industry and they'll go on a holiday even people that I'm friends with go on a holiday and they take that whole time off the website and their posts even on Instagram sort of shift from who they're trying to be finally fans to their actual real, I guess, real self. So what I've tried to do is to try and make my subscribers know that I get up and I go to the gym like you said. So I've sort of put my brand and my real life together. Similar to what you've done like you your farm life is your real life and you also base your content off of that. So I just try and be show up As myself everyday instead of trying to be something that I'm not, and I think my subscribers appreciate that, because they know that I'm real, they know that, if I'm not replying, it's probably because I'm at the gym more, I'm walking on meal prepping or grocery shopping, whatever, they just, instead of me, I guess falsifying it for them. It helps me stay consistent. Yeah, I love that. And I suppose that helps with the motivation as well. Because you are who you say you are, you know, you love you literally love going to the gym. So the motivation is naturally there, you can go to the gym, and you can take a few photos or you know, snap yourself on the way walking to the gym and doing all of that. So it comes easy. It's not like, oh, my gosh, I've got to go and do something that's not natural, or that I don't like so that motivation comes so easy. So I love that because I talk a lot about authenticity. And a lot of the creators that I interview, all touch on that. And I think it's something that everyone has in common in the top 1% Is that they're just being authentic. They're, they're showing parts of themselves that they love. And it's easy to stay consistent or easier, I should say to stay consistent and motivated when you turn up as you write. Yeah, because I guess if you're doing even just making content and you don't love it, and you're not comfortable, you're gonna put that custom video off. And then it's they've been waiting for weeks. And I think the best way is to just be yourself and not. Yeah, I remember I did have a custom, where I was not comfortable with it. It was a roleplay it was actually a family roleplay. And when I got it, and he tipped I think 200 US dollars, which is a lot of money for five minutes of my work. And I was just I read through it was the whole script. And I was like, You know what, this is not me. And I can't do this job to the level of like, I guess perfection that I want to give you. So I just told him that and he was like, that is so fine. Let me can you make a video like this, I see that you enjoy this position, or this kind of sex, do that. Instead, he's like, thank you so much for being honest with me. And then he's still subscribed to this day from like a year ago. I love that so much. And I think there is a misconception out there that, you know, the subscribers on your page are just hungry for what they want. And they will just tell you what they want. And you've got to get it done straightaway. But I have a very similar experience as well, where if you just honest with your subscribers, and you chat to them, and you show them that you're a real human being. They love you and they respect you. And it's a really nice place to be like, I don't know about you. But I mean, besides stepdads situation, but I've never had a subscriber that's been really like, angry or disgruntled because I wasn't comfortable doing something or I say no, that's not my boundaries. Because when they see that, yeah, you're a real human and you open up and you're authentic. I think the subscribers that are attracted to you mirror that. Do you think? Yeah, yeah. Even just yesterday, I had a subscribe. I get a little bit frustrated with me because I hadn't he subscribed and I'm giving away a free video when you subscribe at the moment. And he hadn't got it straight away. And he's like, where's my free video? And I ended up sending a voice message. And I was like, hey, like, I've actually got this many videos. I did send you a message asking you what number you actually after, like, you need to communicate with me. And then he replied, he's like, Oh, my God, you're you're sending me a voice message or a real person. And I was like, yeah, yeah. Yeah. 100% I think when you clap back, you know, when you do get those ones that come into your inbox and be like, I don't have this yet. I do the same thing or I back and I'm like, Hey, like, I'm a real person. I'm a mom. Yeah, give me five. You know, I do this on my own. They literally step back, like 10 steps. They're like, Oh, holy shit, I'm so sorry. I think they come in with maybe a little bit of expectation that it's all going to be automatic, or however it's going to happen. So it's really good to just be honest and upfront and be like, Hey, you're gonna you're gonna get what I promised you but just unreal. Like, you know? Yeah, that's me. So after that, he was like, I'm so sorry. I thought this was going to be like me talking to a bot. I was like, Nope, it's all me. Yeah. So good. I love that and he'll stick around for so long. Because yeah, you've shown that authentic side and that you care and that you get back to him and that you are you so I love take inspiration from and why. Okay, this is actually so funny because the first person that I came across on Tik Tok, who was my main inspiration is Annie. Oh, really? Yeah. And now we're friends and I guess colleagues, but I saw her on Tik Tok and at the time, like I had the same colour blonde hair as her were both really tall. And I was like, this girl looks like me and she's doing so well. And like, I want to be like Annie. It's gone on that quote. Yeah, it's gone from me looking up to her to now like, we're the same. We do the same thing. We're on par like we do. We talk about every thing like our money, our content, our family lives like I'm just like a comp. Leave that the people who she's not only one there's heaps people, but the people who have I was looking up to and now in my circle, that's it's so amazing. It's so powerful when you can connect with those people that you take inspiration from. So how did you first meet her? Like obviously you saw her on Tik Tok? Did you guys arrange a catch up? Are you in the same area? So we actually first met because she had followed her for ages. And she was going on SBS that was the episode called, it's called Sex and subscribers. You can actually still watch it on SBS on demand. But we went on there to just talk about onlyfans In general, she went on to talk about her transition from her marketing job to only fans. And then she told the producer, she's like, Oh, I know this girl who has a crazy stepdad story. Do you mind if she comes on SBS? And they were like, Yeah, sure. So we actually both went to Sydney and then met at the recording of SBS and then went from there. Oh, I love that. Oh, that's so cool. Because you guys are doing an epic podcast at the moment. So you guys met you fell in love your epic friendship. And you guys just got together one day and decided to start a podcast. So can you tell us a little bit about that and why you started it? Yeah, so this happens so quickly. I couldn't believe it. So I just been on radio in Newcastle. And I went into the studio had the headset on the microphone, and I came home and I made a story on Instagram. And I just said that was so much fun. If I ever don't do only fans, if something happens, and I can't do it, I want to be on the radio. And Annie's requires me and she just goes let's start a podcast. And I was like, okay, like this could be something and then she's so organised. Next thing I know, she's like, Okay, we're going to Melbourne on this day for a photoshoot. And this is where we're going to do our podcasts and these dates, you need to be in the Gold Coast. And I was like, Okay, this is happening. And then when we actually sat down and talked about what we wanted it to be like, Annie doesn't have an older sister. And then I'm the oldest of three girls. And I just thought I want to make it something that my sisters would listen to. And something that I wish I had from a big sister, mainly. So it's really just like, Girl stuff that Dolly and Girlfriend magazine put into a podcast that we talk about anything and everything. And then we've also got that little spice of we both do only fans, and we can talk about whatever you guys want to hear. I love that so much. I love that you guys are paving the way for younger women because I know growing up, right besides that Dali section in the magazine, there was nothing out there. If you were thinking about you know, sex, or you got your first period, if the information you were like getting from your mom or your sisters, or you weren't open enough to speak to them, there was nowhere to go. So I feel like the generation was just really full of like fucking her to figure it out on my own. And I'm gonna have to say how old goes so now that you guys are putting out an incredible podcast, and just being like, hey, like, this happens to all of us. Like we all get periods in our undies and don't know when it's coming and we're bleeding and we don't know what's happening. No one's gonna feel alone, women are gonna go oh my gosh, that happens to other women. Like I love that. So the fact that you're making you know that you have a voice for that and that you are speaking to those younger women and women I suppose ally as well, because there are a lot of women out there that maybe still aren't open about it. Yeah, even though I listened back to every single episode before we put it out, and I'll listen and be like I in my mid 20s still love listening to this. Like, this is what I would listen to on my walk. So I just really wanted it to be something that I guess I want my friends and my sisters and my family and everyone to listen to. And it's just real. Yeah, real and relatable. I love that. So good. Okay, well, let's finish off this podcast with a question around your biggest piece of advice. For someone just starting out in the business like they're brand new, what would be your biggest piece of advice to them? I think something to definitely look out for. I don't know if this is my main advice, but people will always want more. So I think you need to figure out who you are, what you're comfortable with. And make sure you draw that line. Because every single time like I started off with just lingerie and bikini photos, and I always knew that I was going to end up making porn and sex tapes. But I did start off smaller. And it was within days people were asking for more. So I think a lot of girls, if your boundary is laundry you just need to make that clear and stick with it. Like I didn't say on my page that it was going to be just laundry because I knew that I was comfortable filming. But my biggest piece of advice would just to be authentic and to stick with what you're comfortable with and what you're happy with. And if it stops making you happy, don't do it. Yeah, I love that and that it's so, so powerful because You know, we can see the creators jump into the business and they don't have boundaries, they don't know what they're doing. And money is put on the table. And all of a sudden, they're like, this is incredible. Let's do these people are pushing for more. And then all of a sudden it's out on the internet forever. And the money starts to slow down or it's not consistent and an embrace of regret, you know, creeps in. So I love that that's your piece of advice is just knowing your boundaries and getting them really set and not letting people push you outside of them. So that's really powerful. I'm a big believer in that as well. Now, thank you so so much for coming on. This has been so much fun. So much, so much gas so much. inspo. You so incredible. For the babes listening, where can we find you plug us in? Okay, my Instagram is Taylor Madison, but I'm gonna have to spell it because it's not your normal tailor. So Tai L, A, M A double D, i s o n, and all of my links on there, but Instagram has remained go to amazing. I will put that in the show notes as well, so we can go hit you up there. Thank you so much for coming on, Dave. I've had the most incredible time with you, too. Thank you for having me. All right. Thank you so much for listening in to another episode and we will see you next week. Bye.