Honeys Makin' Money

We're back, babes! Life update from Honeyy + what's to come in season 2 🍾🥳

April 22, 2024 Honeyy Brooks Season 2 Episode 25
We're back, babes! Life update from Honeyy + what's to come in season 2 🍾🥳
Honeys Makin' Money
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Honeys Makin' Money
We're back, babes! Life update from Honeyy + what's to come in season 2 🍾🥳
Apr 22, 2024 Season 2 Episode 25
Honeyy Brooks
AND WE'RE BACK! Welcome back to Honey's Makin' Money, babes. We are SO HAPPY to have you with us for season two and trust me when I say it's going to be BIG!

Tune in to this cute little update episode to hear Honeyy chat about;

🥂 What she's been up to during the break - just a casual interstate relocation 🤪
🥂 The launch of her brand new podcast with the incredible @imlucybanks
🥂 What you babes can expect in season 2 of Honeys Makin' Money
🥂 The upcoming launch of something VERY exciting for the HMM community

Thank you for tuning in as always and be sure to stay tuned for next week as we have an incredible guest joined up that you babes are going to be absolutely gagging for.

Until then, keep makin' that money honey!

Show Notes Transcript
AND WE'RE BACK! Welcome back to Honey's Makin' Money, babes. We are SO HAPPY to have you with us for season two and trust me when I say it's going to be BIG!

Tune in to this cute little update episode to hear Honeyy chat about;

🥂 What she's been up to during the break - just a casual interstate relocation 🤪
🥂 The launch of her brand new podcast with the incredible @imlucybanks
🥂 What you babes can expect in season 2 of Honeys Makin' Money
🥂 The upcoming launch of something VERY exciting for the HMM community

Thank you for tuning in as always and be sure to stay tuned for next week as we have an incredible guest joined up that you babes are going to be absolutely gagging for.

Until then, keep makin' that money honey!


Hello, and welcome back to honeys making money. Oh my gosh, season two you guys, I can't believe I am so excited to be back in the studio recording for you guys, this is going to be an epic, epic ride. Oh, where do I even begin? Oh my goodness, let's let's just kick off things with a little bit of a life update. I have had probably the most busiest six weeks of my entire life. I've recently moved house we moved from one side of the Australia to the other side. And it has been a bloody well no, let me tell you that we are all settled in now. And we are so excited to be a living in a sunny, sunny Queensland, there has been so much going on on the hourly fans platform, there's been so much going on with honeys making money, and behind the scenes, we're gonna be sharing more about that. And I honestly can't wait. I have been deep diving into so many courses I have been out levelling, I've been growing, expanding. And I'm just so excited to be back for season two and just sprinkle some of this, this extra knowledge that I have dived into over the last few months with you guys. So it's very exciting. Now I wanted to touch on a little bit about what's in store for season two. So I had the best time in season one recording all the juicy stuff for you guys. And season one was really, really built around those really early on days, where if you are thinking about joining only fans, or you've just joined, you're not too sure what's going on, or you've been hustling for a little bit and you're just hella confused. So I really wanted to build season one from start to finish someone that can listen to the podcasts coming in from understanding only fans, whether it's for them branding, marketing tips and tricks and building up to sustainable business. Now all when we finished up and wrapped up season one, I really wanted to reflect on what you babes loved, like what was some of the favourite episodes, and what you just really wanted to deep dive into. And it was really, really present to me that there are people here that love learning. There are creators that just want to get in and get down and learn all the tips and tricks about only fans. But then there's also another side to the audience who loved the banter behind the scenes, the funny interviews, the wild, crazy staff, the drinking champagne, the talking nonsense. And I thought to myself, why not? Why not just create another podcast built around that. So that's what happened. I linked arms with the amazing Lucy banks. And if you haven't listened to Lucy banks episode, go back and listen to that episode. We have been friends for a long time in the industry. And we just vibe on such a high level and we are extremely similar. So we have gone off and launched the fempire podcast and this is super, super exciting because the fempire podcast is all about that stuff you guys loved in season one. It's about mom life. It's about the fuck ups. It's about laughing It's about not taking ourselves too seriously. And it's about everything else outside of the industry. It's interviewing other women from different industries, how they've built their own fempire their struggles, how they've overcome it. We've got mindset coaches, we've got money coaches, we've got so many incredible people who are coming on the podcast we talk about loving your body falling in love with your body, we talk about sex, there's so much juice here. So if you are wanting to deep dive into that, go and follow the fempire podcast because we speak all the things which is super, super exciting. Now in terms of honeys making money, this is really exciting because we are going to level up in season two, you guys can go and get the banter go get the fun from the fempire podcast but in terms of getting your hustle on deep diving into only fans and understanding your direction in the business then season two is absolutely for you. It is the season that is going to take it up a level. It's the season that's going to take your business, your strategy and what you're doing and just absolutely 10 times I'm so we have some amazing interviews already lined up. And we're really going to be touching on all areas of the industry in season two. So So in season two, you're going to hear from people who work on fanzine on online platforms, people who do webcaming are full service babes. We're going to be interviewing women from all walks of the industry. And I'm excited to have these babes on because I know there'll be women in the industry, who not only do only fans, but also do other areas of sex work. And there will be babes who are also considering to perhaps move into a different element. So we're gonna really be a mixed bag of bloody fun this season. Now something honey is making money has launched right before season two is our community chat. While I was off, I was coaching creators, one on one. And when I really sat down and spoke with these creators, there was a common theme amongst everyone. And that common theme was feeling like they were a little bit lonely feeling like they were isolated on this journey, and they did not have a community. So I decided to connect all your beautiful listeners, all you babes out there working on your business, in a community telegram chat. Now this time is to meet other creators, it's to bounce questions off each other, it's to bounce ideas off of each other. It is to organise cat shops, collaborations, whatever it may be for you. It's gonna be a part of creators where you can link arms, ask questions, and yeah, find friends, like build that community. So we're really excited, we will put the link in the show notes below. So if you would like to join the group a police follow the link. Please also be aware that you will need to verify that you are a creator to be accepted into the group. I know this can be a little bit tedious. But we really want to make sure with the conversations happening in there. And the catch ups and everything that we're talking about is going to be exclusive for creators only. So just be aware that when you come in, you will need to verify. So I'm excited to see you in the chat. Jump in there. Meet everyone ask them questions and bounce off everyone. Honey is making money and the coaching side of things is really getting a re Vamp or strapping guys because there is some exciting things coming up. I'm not going to share too much right now. Because over the next couple of weeks, you will see this space absolutely explode. All I'm going to tell you, the only thing I'm going to tell you is that if you would love to deep dive in a community and have more one on one approach with coaching and have weekly updates weekly mindset and an opportunity to pick my brain every single week, then stay tuned because something super exciting is coming and I need to dip my lips music melons because I can't say any more. But I've been working with some incredible women around building you guys the most incredible resource at such an amazing price where you guys are just you're going to exploit you're going to dot Okay, that is absolutely enough from me. I also want to say a big thank you to you, babes for jumping in the inbox and always providing feedback, asking questions talking about your wins. I absolutely love hearing from you. And I love being able to chat to women about what's working and what's not working because I can really, really build Season Two around you babes and tailor it to you guys. So if you're listening and you have some questions or you really want to know about something in particular, please go to the honeys making money Instagram page, there is a q&a thread there. Drop your questions there because once every couple of weeks I will be getting on and answering those questions and giving you my advice. That is all for today. I wanted to give you guys a little sneak peek into what you're expecting for season two strap in because it is going to be absolutely wild. I will see you next week because we have something very, very exciting happening. Until then. Bye