Unmasking Hyperarousal | Ep 6
Mind. Body. Sleep.®
Mind. Body. Sleep.®
Unmasking Hyperarousal | Ep 6
Sep 07, 2023 Episode 6
Beth Kendall

Have you ever wondered WHY, despite sleeping better, you can actually feel more tired than you did before you were sleeping?

When I had insomnia, I felt either wired but tired OR like a complete zombie.

There wasn't a lot of middle ground.

Which made no sense whatsoever.

Today, we’re taking the mystery out of this upside-down characteristic of insomnia.
Tune in to hear more about:

  1. Unmasking hyperarousal: I’ll demystify the term and show you how it relates to the process of sleep.
  2. Why it’s so normal: Discover why feeling more tired despite better sleep is such a common experience for many.
  3. How to make it a part of your recovery process: This shift in perspective will keep you moving in a good direction.

By the end of this episode, you’ll have a clearer understanding of this strange struggle and why it can actually be a sign you're on the exact right path.

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Full Show Notes & Transcription Here: https://www.bethkendall.com/podcast

About Beth Kendall MA, FNTP: 

For decades, Beth struggled with the relentless grip of insomnia. After finally understanding insomnia from a mind-body perspective, she changed her relationship with sleep, and completely recovered. Liberated from the constant worry of not sleeping, she’s on a mission to help others recover as well. Her transformative program Mind. Body. Sleep.™ has been a beacon of light for hundreds of others seeking solace from sleepless nights. 

© 2023 - 2025 Beth Kendall

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