Shining Moon: A Speculative Fiction Podcast
“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” --Anton Chekov
Interviews and readings with authors and editors of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and speculative poetry. Hosted by Deborah L. Davitt.
Shining Moon: A Speculative Fiction Podcast
Shining Moon Episode 30: A Walk in the Dark II
Tara Campbell : www.taracampbell.com.
Kat Day writes regular flash for her blog, thefictionphial.wordpress.com.
Lindz McLeod: https://lindzmcleod.co.uk/
Suzan Palumbo: suzanpalumbo.wordpress.com.
Sam W. Pisciotta: www.silo34.com or @Silo34 on X and Instagram.
Stories on this episode
Tara Campbell
“Spencer,” Speculative City #7. https://speculativecity.com/fiction/spencer/
“Sasabonsam,” Strange Horizons, December 11, 2017 http://strangehorizons.com/fiction/sasabonsam/
Kat Day
“When I Was Young, I Did Not Need Magic,” PseudoPod 832 October 14, 2022
Lindz McLeod
'Sunbathers', Cosmic Horror Monthly.
Suzan Palumbo
“Douen” -- https://www.thedarkmagazine.com/douen/ and https://pseudopod.org/2023/12/09/pseudopod-896-douen/
Sam W. Pisciotta
“Words for the Dead,” Spirits and Ghouls Flametree Anthology.
“Blue Line on a Winter’s Night,” Factor Four, https://factorfourmag.com/blue-line-on-a-winters-night-by-sam-w-pisciotta/
J.S. Breukelaar
“Auscultation” in The Dark. https://www.thedarkmagazine.com/auscultation/
"Don't tell me that the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." -- Anton Chekov
Piano music for closure
Thank you for listening to Shining Moon! You can reach the host, Deborah L. Davitt, at the following social media platforms:
Bluesky: @deborahldavitt.bsky.social