Inside Design

13: Creating the Final Layer of your home with Bea Lambos

November 27, 2023
13: Creating the Final Layer of your home with Bea Lambos
Inside Design
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Inside Design
13: Creating the Final Layer of your home with Bea Lambos
Nov 27, 2023

“I add the final layer”. Come inside the incredible mind of Bea Lambos as we discover what goes  the final layer of your home - styling. The final piece of the interior design story that gives your space its personality and soul. This isn’t about filling your space with stuff or buying lots of vases. It’s not about “shelfies” or forced styling either. And I don’t think we mentioned a cushion the entire episode!  

Bea’s approach to styling is so much more than this. It’s instinctual, non-rule bound and working with what you have to give your space soul. 

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Show Notes

“I add the final layer”. Come inside the incredible mind of Bea Lambos as we discover what goes  the final layer of your home - styling. The final piece of the interior design story that gives your space its personality and soul. This isn’t about filling your space with stuff or buying lots of vases. It’s not about “shelfies” or forced styling either. And I don’t think we mentioned a cushion the entire episode!  

Bea’s approach to styling is so much more than this. It’s instinctual, non-rule bound and working with what you have to give your space soul. 

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