Visa Navigate CEMEA

Unlocking Value with Portfolio Profitability Optimization

October 06, 2023 Visa CEMEA
Unlocking Value with Portfolio Profitability Optimization
Visa Navigate CEMEA
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Visa Navigate CEMEA
Unlocking Value with Portfolio Profitability Optimization
Oct 06, 2023

In this episode of Visa Navigate podcast, Walter Lironi, Head of Visa Consulting and Analytics for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa at Visa and Deepak Chandran, Group Head, Retail Products at Emirates NBD, discuss portfolio optimization in-depth and, specifically, why it matters and how it can help financial institutions unlock the full potential of their payments business.

Show Notes

In this episode of Visa Navigate podcast, Walter Lironi, Head of Visa Consulting and Analytics for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa at Visa and Deepak Chandran, Group Head, Retail Products at Emirates NBD, discuss portfolio optimization in-depth and, specifically, why it matters and how it can help financial institutions unlock the full potential of their payments business.