WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast

Episode 4: Glaucoma in bassets - Chili's Story - WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast

November 13, 2023 Don Bullock
Episode 4: Glaucoma in bassets - Chili's Story - WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast
WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast
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WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast
Episode 4: Glaucoma in bassets - Chili's Story - WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast
Nov 13, 2023
Don Bullock

In this episode I share Chili's story and the health issue of glaucoma in basset hounds. Yes, Chili is a basset that developed glaucoma. His story includes how he and and we coped with his loss of eyesight. Since glaucoma is prevalent in the breed I'm also including information on the disease. It's information that all Bassett hound owners should know about.

Since I encouraged everyone to attend some dog shows in Episode 3 I give ideas on what to expect and do at dog shows in this episode. They are great places to meet other basset hound owners, breeders and, more importantly, see beautiful examples of the breed. I've explained when it's best to approach those who are showing their bassets at a show as well as other tips when you attend a show.

The issue of bites in basset hounds is also discussed. While this isn't a big problem for those who own bassets it is important information. The bite of your basset hound may be why the breeder was willing to sell him or her.

Important Internet Links for this Episode

A Bit on Bites: Judging Canine Dentition 


The Basset Hound Club of America Main Health Information Page


The Basset Hound Club of America Glaucoma in Basset Hounds Veterinary health video seminar


Show Notes

In this episode I share Chili's story and the health issue of glaucoma in basset hounds. Yes, Chili is a basset that developed glaucoma. His story includes how he and and we coped with his loss of eyesight. Since glaucoma is prevalent in the breed I'm also including information on the disease. It's information that all Bassett hound owners should know about.

Since I encouraged everyone to attend some dog shows in Episode 3 I give ideas on what to expect and do at dog shows in this episode. They are great places to meet other basset hound owners, breeders and, more importantly, see beautiful examples of the breed. I've explained when it's best to approach those who are showing their bassets at a show as well as other tips when you attend a show.

The issue of bites in basset hounds is also discussed. While this isn't a big problem for those who own bassets it is important information. The bite of your basset hound may be why the breeder was willing to sell him or her.

Important Internet Links for this Episode

A Bit on Bites: Judging Canine Dentition 


The Basset Hound Club of America Main Health Information Page


The Basset Hound Club of America Glaucoma in Basset Hounds Veterinary health video seminar
