Leading 4 Life "Stories"

E22 - Review of 2023

December 31, 2023 Bob Judson Season 1 Episode 22
E22 - Review of 2023
Leading 4 Life "Stories"
More Info
Leading 4 Life "Stories"
E22 - Review of 2023
Dec 31, 2023 Season 1 Episode 22
Bob Judson

I'd love to hear from you; feel free to send me a Text Message

Given that I strongly suspect you will have better things to do than listen to me on New Year's Eve when this podcast becomes available, I have made it a reasonably short episode and  focused on providing a review of 2023 and this first season of Leading 4 Life "Stories".

The episode provides a short summary of the episodes so far as well as my own thoughts on the high points and plans for the future.  If you are new to the podcast, it will give you a decent overview of what the previous episodes contain and signpost a few of my personal highlights that you might wish to dip into if you haven't already.

Season 2 of the podcast will launch at the start of 2024 and I would really welcome your thoughts and input as to what you would like to see as I develop the podcast further into next year and beyond.

Whether or not you are a regular listener, I am extremely grateful for you giving up some of your valuable time to listen to what I have to say and I am even more grateful if you have subscribed, reviewed and / or provided me with direct feedback.  Please keep that coming as it means the world to me and I read it all!

Thank you for listening!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judsonbob/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JudsonBob

Website: https://leading4life.co.uk/

Show Notes

I'd love to hear from you; feel free to send me a Text Message

Given that I strongly suspect you will have better things to do than listen to me on New Year's Eve when this podcast becomes available, I have made it a reasonably short episode and  focused on providing a review of 2023 and this first season of Leading 4 Life "Stories".

The episode provides a short summary of the episodes so far as well as my own thoughts on the high points and plans for the future.  If you are new to the podcast, it will give you a decent overview of what the previous episodes contain and signpost a few of my personal highlights that you might wish to dip into if you haven't already.

Season 2 of the podcast will launch at the start of 2024 and I would really welcome your thoughts and input as to what you would like to see as I develop the podcast further into next year and beyond.

Whether or not you are a regular listener, I am extremely grateful for you giving up some of your valuable time to listen to what I have to say and I am even more grateful if you have subscribed, reviewed and / or provided me with direct feedback.  Please keep that coming as it means the world to me and I read it all!

Thank you for listening!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judsonbob/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JudsonBob

Website: https://leading4life.co.uk/