How can we better support women in medicine? With Chelcie Jewitt. Episode 71
Doctors at Work
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Doctors at Work
How can we better support women in medicine? With Chelcie Jewitt. Episode 71
Mar 15, 2024 Episode 71

Most women doctors have experienced sexism at work, and face adversity ranging from micro aggression to sexual assault. What can we do about it? Chelcie Jewitt from Surviving in Scrubs tells me that changing the whole medical culture won't happen overnight, but there are small steps that each one of us can take. When witnessing discrimination, the least that bystanders can do is to acknowledge the event to the person on the receiving end, but it is important to let the person affected decide what should happen next. Speaking up and listening to what other's say is a key step, as is having an open mind and seeing things from the other's point of view.

Dr Chelcie Jewitt is an Emergency Medicine registrar, and co-founder of Surviving in Scrubs. You can connect with her on LinkedIn, and learn more about her work at

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