Make Your Business Work for You

Quick update from Brooke!

October 31, 2023 Brooke Monaghan
Quick update from Brooke!
Make Your Business Work for You
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Make Your Business Work for You
Quick update from Brooke!
Oct 31, 2023
Brooke Monaghan

Hi friends! In the aftermath of what turned out to be a pretty awful month, this is just a heads up that we are moving to an every other week episode structure for a bit. Once I'm caught back up on recording, we'll be back to weekly! 

Thank you and see you in 2 weeks!

Join us in Fruition Growth Network


Show Notes Transcript

Hi friends! In the aftermath of what turned out to be a pretty awful month, this is just a heads up that we are moving to an every other week episode structure for a bit. Once I'm caught back up on recording, we'll be back to weekly! 

Thank you and see you in 2 weeks!

Join us in Fruition Growth Network


Speaker 0:

Hi friends, brooke here with a little update for you Now. You may or may not know that over the past month or so, maybe two months, I've really been going through it over here. My dog passed Shortly after that, I had the flu, and all of this to say that my recording schedule got very messed up. I am behind on recording and what I don't want to do is start pumping out filler episodes just to create content. There's enough content out there. So what I'm going to do is, for the foreseeable future, we're going to be doing, every other week, podcast episodes until I can get myself back on a regular weekly schedule.

Speaker 0:

If you are really dying to just hear more of my voice and you've not listened to my other podcast, transcend your dichotomy that podcast is no longer in production.

Speaker 0:

However, there are hundreds of episodes that you can go back and listen to wherever you listen to podcasts. So you can find me there, and I also just want to give you a reminder that fruition growth network is officially open. We are running our first co-working this Friday, the third, and we have a few free events happening in November, some of them the contributor workshop that we're having at the end of November with Tristan Katz, those are actually going to be paid moving forward. This is the one month where I am going to be extending that to everybody for free, just so that you can get a sense of what it's like. So if you are bummed to hear that the podcast is only every other week, we're actually going to have more live events in fruition than we are going to have podcast episodes this month, and so why don't you just come and join me live and go to joinfroitioncom and meet me there. Otherwise, I will talk to you in our next episode, which will be not next week but the week after.