Never Been Promoted

Engineer Your Mind with Daniel Packard's Anxiety Solutions

April 20, 2024 Thomas Helfrich Season 1 Episode 42
Engineer Your Mind with Daniel Packard's Anxiety Solutions
Never Been Promoted
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Never Been Promoted
Engineer Your Mind with Daniel Packard's Anxiety Solutions
Apr 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 42
Thomas Helfrich

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Never Been Promoted Podcast with Thomas Helfrich

This transformative journey with Daniel Packard, CEO of Permanent Anxiety Solutions, delves into innovative methods for conquering anxiety. Daniel shares his personal struggles and breakthroughs, revealing a unique approach that has reshaped the lives of many by addressing the root causes of anxiety.

About  Daniel Packard:

With a background in engineering and a personal battle against severe anxiety and PTSD, Daniel has pioneered a revolutionary approach to mental health. His method, developed through extensive research and personal experience, offers a mechanical, results-driven solution to overcoming deep-seated fears and anxiety.

In this episode, Thomas and Daniel discuss:

  • The Mechanics of Anxiety: Understanding anxiety not just as a mental issue but as a physical phenomenon rooted in the nervous system.
  • Innovative Solutions: How Daniel’s approach shifts the focus from symptom management to addressing the core mechanical issues causing anxiety.
  • Empowerment through Safety: The importance of feeling safe from within as a foundation for personal and professional success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Resilience in Entrepreneurship

Mark emphasizes the importance of resilience, sharing how personal challenges have shaped his professional path and taught him valuable lessons in persistence and grit.

  • Mentorship

Reflecting on the impact of mentorship, Mark discusses how guidance from experienced mentors has been crucial in his development as a leader and entrepreneur.

  • Adapting to Challenges

Learn from Mark's experiences on how to adapt to and overcome personal adversities, applying these lessons to achieve business success.

"True freedom comes not from managing anxiety but from eradicating its roots, allowing individuals to live fully and fearlessly." — Daniel Packard




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Never Been Promoted Podcast with Thomas Helfrich

This transformative journey with Daniel Packard, CEO of Permanent Anxiety Solutions, delves into innovative methods for conquering anxiety. Daniel shares his personal struggles and breakthroughs, revealing a unique approach that has reshaped the lives of many by addressing the root causes of anxiety.

About  Daniel Packard:

With a background in engineering and a personal battle against severe anxiety and PTSD, Daniel has pioneered a revolutionary approach to mental health. His method, developed through extensive research and personal experience, offers a mechanical, results-driven solution to overcoming deep-seated fears and anxiety.

In this episode, Thomas and Daniel discuss:

  • The Mechanics of Anxiety: Understanding anxiety not just as a mental issue but as a physical phenomenon rooted in the nervous system.
  • Innovative Solutions: How Daniel’s approach shifts the focus from symptom management to addressing the core mechanical issues causing anxiety.
  • Empowerment through Safety: The importance of feeling safe from within as a foundation for personal and professional success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Resilience in Entrepreneurship

Mark emphasizes the importance of resilience, sharing how personal challenges have shaped his professional path and taught him valuable lessons in persistence and grit.

  • Mentorship

Reflecting on the impact of mentorship, Mark discusses how guidance from experienced mentors has been crucial in his development as a leader and entrepreneur.

  • Adapting to Challenges

Learn from Mark's experiences on how to adapt to and overcome personal adversities, applying these lessons to achieve business success.

"True freedom comes not from managing anxiety but from eradicating its roots, allowing individuals to live fully and fearlessly." — Daniel Packard




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0:00:06,000 --> 0:00:29,000
Welcome to the never been promoted podcast with Thomas Helfrich. Get ready for a thrilling adventure as we uncover entrepreneurial journeys and life changing business insights every week. And now, your host, Thomas.

0:00:29,000 --> 0:01:30,000
Welcome back to another show of Never Been Promoted. Thanks for listening on the podcast, watching on the YouTube channel. If this is your first time visiting, thank you for coming. And if this is not your first time, you get extra dad points. And you know what I mean? Because I give out dad points. And if you can figure out where to spend them, God bless you. Because no one else can listen. We are on a mission, a mission to create as many entrepreneurs as possible and make them better in entrepreneurship and life. And we're doing that through the stories of other entrepreneurs, other people who can help you on your journey, because you're going to need it. And if we can do this, if we can help you become better entrepreneur and you can help others, we're on our mission to redefine what a normal job is, to cut the tide of what holds us back and just be better people and be happy in our lives. And today, we're joined by Daniel Packard. Daniel is the CEO of Permanent Anxiety Solutions. They have a really innovative approach to solving anxiety. So if you have a bit of anxiety and you're getting anxious thinking about what's going to happen next, take a breath, try your best. I don't know what the right answer is, but he's gonna tell us. But let's meet our guest. Daniel. Thank you for coming and being on the show today.

0:01:30,000 --> 0:01:59,000
I mean, it's a pleasure. And because you're prepared and you're a good speaker and you have a good radio voice, that was a heck of an intro, and I wish everybody was lucky to have an intro every day. You know, I come on podcasts, I give talks all over the world, and I get an intro, and it feels good to have someone say, like, hey, there's this person. And I wish everybody, you know, if everybody woke up every morning and there was just somebody like flavor flav to be like, oh, yeah, come into the world now is you. This person.

0:01:59,000 --> 0:02:01,000
Yeah, boy. Yeah.

0:02:01,000 --> 0:02:06,000
This person can inhale and exhale. Give it up for you. Gold stars. So, anyway, you just gave me a.

0:02:06,000 --> 0:02:23,000
Great idea of things you should play for your alarm clock, like getting out of bed at 06:00 a.m. Is Daniel Packer. That's right. This mother is the baddest mother in the whole world. Do you see how I bleep my own words?

0:02:23,000 --> 0:02:45,000
No, that's. That is a rare talent. Now, I mean, you're very passionate about creating entrepreneurs. I'm passionate about helping people heal fear and anxiety. But we could have a little side hustle, kind of like cameo, where people would pay us to do their, do their intro. My name's Daniel. We could call it only Dan's. I'm just brainstorming about what to call it. What do you think?

0:02:45,000 --> 0:02:57,000
I mean, do you have a. It's You can do that? You can get hired to do stuff like that. I will tell you. In college, we used to say we were so cool. I had my own theme song, and we would just kind of boom boom chicka boom boom.

0:02:57,000 --> 0:02:57,000
I know.

0:02:57,000 --> 0:02:59,000
That's all I could do because I couldn't be boxed.

0:02:59,000 --> 0:03:01,000
Pretty good. It's pretty good, guys.

0:03:01,000 --> 0:03:18,000
Daniel told me offline he's in Mexico, and it's. It's by choice, just so he hasn't exiled. Just everyone should be aware of that. I made that up. He may be in prison right now. We don't know. It's the most beautiful prison ever. It's a prison of emotion. And, Daniel, would you like to give us a few minutes on your journey story?

0:03:18,000 --> 0:04:17,000
Well, yeah, two things. I'll tell you kind of how I ended up here, but I want to make sure your audience's time is very valuable. And they've heard a lot about the topic of fear and anxiety. And I want to be clear in the value I'm going to try to bring to your audience for the people that want to hear this. So what we saw was basically at the root of a lot of what holds people back is sort of one thing, one core thing, and that is that from within themselves, they don't feel safe from within. If you don't feel safe from within, it's gonna show up in different symptoms, such as fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of public speaking, fear of sales, anxiety, overwhelm, panic attacks. They're basically different symptoms and different degrees a fear. But underneath that fear is that they just don't feel safe from within. Can you sort of see that?

0:04:17,000 --> 0:04:26,000
Oh, I mean, absolutely. It's insecurity on your own self awareness and self. There's preservation. There's all kinds of things. And you experience this all the time when you are an entrepreneur, right?

0:04:26,000 --> 0:08:12,000
So, actually, hourly, we say, you know, our company is Permanent Anxiety Solutions. And your listeners say, we'll say, well, I don't have anxiety, or I can manage my anxiety. It's not about just anxiety. If you are an entrepreneur, unless you are a formerly enlightened Christ figure or Buddha himself. You probably are smart and successful, but there are areas where fear, worry, worry, what people think of you, insecurity, doubt. When you get on stage, maybe there are areas where fear, worry, doubt, anxiety can get in the way of you being the most successful entrepreneur. And also, we work with a lot of entrepreneurs who are very successful through brute force. They blast through the fear, but it's there holding them back. They're not as authentic, they're not as open hearted, and they're not enjoying things as much, because when you're afraid, it's really hard to really enjoy life. That's why when I have sex, I don't have anybody put a revolver by my head. It ruins the mood. It's a timeless classic. So if you're listening to this, thinking like, I don't have anxiety, it's not about anxiety. It's ask yourself, if I woke up every morning feeling safe and solid from within, would that allow me to be a better person, partner, parent, or entrepreneur? And the answer is probably yes. So that's what we're here to do. It's not just about anxiety. And the reason, the other reason entrepreneurs appreciate what I do, and we work with a lot of entrepreneurs, is entrepreneurs need results. Their time is busy, they're trying to get stuff done, and they need something that really works. And what we spent eight years developing was a system that allows you to basically be free of the fear and anxiety permanently. It's gone and it doesn't come back. That's real freedom to then be that best, most successful entrepreneur. Your entrepreneur audience already has tips and management to manage this stuff, to mindset shifting, or calming down, or visualization, all sorts of tips to manage the fear and anxiety. They already have. That what we're offering is a system that allows you to be free of it permanently. And when you're free, not only can you operate at a higher level, but it's what we all want. What's the point of being an entrepreneur and being wealthy if you're not free? And the reason we ended up here, and this was no accident, it's not that I just, like, pulled this out of a lucky charms box. I had a father. Well, I still have a father. He was a scientist. And he said something to me when I was younger that stuck with me, which is he said, you know, Daniel, anybody can have a theory or an idea or a concept, but the person you want to trust and what really matters is who gets the results. Like results matter. Now, of course, entrepreneurs know this. But that idea of results, like, results matter, it stuck with me. And my dad was also an inventor, and he would. He would. He. He would go shopping or he'd go to the stereo store or whatever, and he would look at things, and if it didn't work the way he wanted, he would just invent his own. And I thought my dad was like an avenger. I thought that was the neatest superpower ever. So I became. I wanted to be an inventor and make things that work and get results. So I went to engineering school and I got trained how to look at complex problems, how to break it up into the mechanics and mechanisms, and then build a prototype, and then test and optimize things until they work, until they get results. And it's very satisfying when something works for everybody. The problem was, I knew how to make machines work and robots work and bridges work. They didn't teach me how to make relationships work. I don't know if that was like in quantum theory, and I missed that. I don't know. But I came out of engineering school and I fell in love, and I was completely ill equipped. Spoiler alert, we did not live happily ever after. Disney is going to get a strongly worded letter from me on that. And then we loved each other, but the relationship turned very unhealthy very quickly. And then, Thomas, I made a mistake that I know you or your audience would never make. I stayed in an unhealthy relationship too long. I know. It's just me.

0:08:12,000 --> 0:08:13,000
Never would do that. No, everyone would.

0:08:13,000 --> 0:08:43,000
Just me. No, everyone else sees the one red flag and says, well, that's the end of that. Arrivederci. Not me. So I stayed in this way too long. I later found out I was being verbally and emotionally abused, but I was too insecure and codependent to leave. So I stayed. It was on me. I stayed. That's me. And two weeks after the relationship was over, somebody interrupted me, and my whole body just filled with terror. And I was like, that's not a good sign. And then.

0:08:43,000 --> 0:08:44,000
How do you mean that?

0:08:44,000 --> 0:08:47,000
Just, we were talking and they just, like, interrupted me.

0:08:47,000 --> 0:08:50,000
Oh, I gotcha. Like, I just did. See what I did there? Yes, I was.

0:08:50,000 --> 0:13:18,000
Oh, you were, you were. You were giving me. And I mean, no joke, though ten years ago, that would have. That would have sent me into terror. Now I don't notice it. And then the next day, again, something small happened. Someone was running five minute late. Five minutes late. And I just. Again, my chest tightened. I thought I was gonna die and thought, oh, God, what the. So I get diagnosed with severe anxiety and complex PTSD. So, like, a lot of people that have some form of fear, whether you call it stress or overwhelm, fear of rejection, fear of social situation, whatever it is, I went, you know, looking for help, like your audience does. And I went to therapists and psychologists and gurus and teachers. I was, you know, lived in an ashram. I was in a cult. I did Ayahuasca. I did EMDr and Eft and CGT and CBT and mouse. Like, I. I did all the. I did all the letters. I went to all the experts with letters at the end of their name. And what I wanted, what we all want, is to be free of this. But I wasn't free of it. I still had it, and I was unhappy, and I wouldn't have taken my own life. But I definitely got why people do. Because if you can't live that life you want to live and you've gone for help and you can't get help, you feel trapped. You start to lose hope. And I just. I had, like, this rock bottom moment where I kind of looked up to the sky, whoever the heck is up there, and I said, hey, man, like, what do you want from me, God? Like, what? Tell me. I've. I just spent $100,000 in ten years trying to figure this out, and I'm still. And I'm worth. What do you want from me? What do you need me to do? I know this is a test. What's the test? Tell me the test. And I heard the words of my dad, which was a, if something's not working, invent something better, and results matter. And I had this sort of. I came out of this fog where I went, oh, my God. The therapy, the psychology, the personal development, the spiritual teachers, it's well intentioned people, but when it comes to real, permanent results, they don't get good results. It's not great results. And people need results. When you're in pain, you need results. You don't want band aids. So I started my own research company with the mission. Could we engineer. Could we reverse engineer an understanding and solution of anxiety and fear that allows you to basically be free of it permanently? No more band aids. It's just gone. And was that possible? We didn't know, but I was in a lot of pain. I saw the world was in a lot of pain. Our teens suicide is the number three killer of american teens. And the experts aren't getting the job done. It was. It took eight years total, over a million dollars in research and development. I worked. I lived on five continents. I worked with addicts in South Africa, I worked with monks in India. I mean, we tested this extensively. I was one of the first test cases that got the results. I remember waking up one morning and just calm. I was just calm, and I thought it was temporary. I was like, there's no way this is permanent. And it was permanent. It never came back. And it's been ten years. I've been chill as a cucumber. I can feel a little bit of stress, but nothing more than two out of ten for more than five minutes. So when my team saw this, they said, oh, my God, we figured it out. We solved fear and anxiety. And I said, no, no, that's not. Maybe for me, but we got to get this out to the world and we got to do this better. We looked at the whole mental health industry and we said, we got to do it better. So what we did is we developed a system that just works. It's simple, it's easy to follow, and it has a 90% success rate, so that if you try this, you're not going to fail. We also made it affordable, we made it online so anybody can access it. And it's just designed to get results, meaning you're free of it. And because my dad said, results matter when we work with people, we don't take your money at the beginning because we haven't helped you yet. We ask to be paid at the end, when there's clear, measurable data that your fear and anxiety is either significantly gone or completely gone. Because if we can't help you, it's wrong to charge you. Other people will take your money. A trillion dollars a year gets spent on therapy and psychology and spiritual. I call it the improvement industrial complex. It takes in a lot of money and doesn't deliver great results. There's plenty of people that will take your money and already have. We won't. We care about you feeling better, and our success and your success are linked. If you don't get results, we don't get paid. Because that's just the right thing to do.

0:13:18,000 --> 0:13:42,000
Yeah, I mean, it's. So let's dive into it a little bit. Maybe, you know, just through a common use case of why people would work with you or come to you, just walk them through the journey a little bit of what they. How you do it. And there's all kinds of fear and anxiety, but just, you know, pick something that's typical that you see a lot of, and say, this is kind of how it goes. And this is where they have these reflection or inflection points. And you walk me through it.

0:13:42,000 --> 0:14:22,000
Well, on the one hand, it's a good question. And I think there's. I'm kind of feeling into what I want to share with your audience that's most impactful for them. Here's the thing. Because most of your audience has either gone to therapists or psychologists or spiritual teachers or read the books or done the apps, they may be experiencing what I experienced, which is that you try so many things and it never goes away, and it ends up leaving you feeling like it's your fault, trapped, broken. There's something wrong with me. Because when you can't, when the experts say, hey, just do this, and you'll feel better, and you try and fail, you start to kind of blame yourself and think there's something wrong with you. Does that make sense?

0:14:22,000 --> 0:14:32,000
It does. I mean, that's, I think, a natural response to things. Not working on your results piece. Like, I didn't get results. Works for everybody else but me. Must be me.

0:14:32,000 --> 0:15:05,000
Yeah. And I'm sick and tired of it. I was one of those people, and I talk to those people every day. And so I like to clear up really kind of what anxiety is and it isn't, and an understanding of it so that your audience doesn't blame themselves for this. This is not their fault. So I want to explain to what's really going on in a much simpler, easy to understand way so that, a, your audience doesn't blame themselves, and then, b, they have hope that they can be free of this. It's more important to change people's mindsets of what's possible and give them hope. So is it okay if I do that instead?

0:15:05,000 --> 0:15:18,000
Of course. I mean, take me on the journey of how you think about it. I think that's what I'm looking for and why it's different. Right. So, you know, it's. I think, you know, you're not a list guy, right? You know, we're talking off camera. You're not tips and tricks. You can google the hell out of that. Tell me how it's different.

0:15:18,000 --> 0:17:57,000
So it's different. There's a lot of reasons it's different. And it's good that I tell people why it's different, because, look, everybody wants to be free of fear and anxiety, but when what we run into is, then people think it's too good to be true. And I get it. I mean, if everything you've tried from all these experts didn't get rid of it. And we're claiming we can solve this, and we can solve this in six weeks. It seems too good to be true. However, if you know anything about magic, the most impressive magic tricks in the world, there's always something simple behind it. You know, when I was a kid, David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear and it was on national television. When I saw it, I was just like, oh, my God, how did he do that? And then you find out years later it was just a revolving stage. It was nothing. There's always so if you don't know the simple thing. Sometimes things seem too good to be true or like magic. But what we have done is not magic. And the reason we were able to solve it is a couple reasons. First of all, we wanted to. We just wanted to. Most therapists and psychologists and spiritual teachers, you know, they go to school or they learn something valuable that's basically insights or tips and tools to manage it. Then they pass it along, they make a little bit of money, and, like, it's a form of help and they're fine with it. It's a good little business model and they're okay with that, but they're not trying to solve it. They're selling management, and there's a place for that. But I'm an engineer, man. My dad told me results matter. And when you're in pain, band aids is not real help. So we wanted to solve it. So going in, that was our focus. And as you can imagine, if your goal is to solve it, you're probably going to solve it quicker than other people. The other reason we solved it is because we looked at what isn't working. Here's what's not working. What's not working is that most of what's available out there is books and videos and tips and therapy that tells people what the problem is. Like, here's the reason you're anxious. Here's the reason you're insecure. Here's the reason you're afraid. It's your mindset. It's that you're not gratitude enough. It's your childhood. They kind of tell you what the problem is. An interesting way of understanding what the problem is. What they don't usually give you, what we need is the how. They don't tell you actually how. Like, you need to believe in yourself. Great, you had me believe in myself. But, like, where's the where's the how? How do I actually get there? Like, if you hire a personal trainer and they walk up and they say, you need to lose weight. Bye bye. You're like, no, no, no. I already knew that. Where's the how, mother effer the how. The actual steps in the right order to get the actual results. So, can you see, Thomas, that the world sells a lot of what, but doesn't give a lot of how?

0:17:57,000 --> 0:18:59,000
I think I see that, and I think there is a lot of how I find when I interact with coaches and other people, there's a lot of curriculum, and that doesn't always work. And I'll give you an example why. And your case, it wouldn't work if you had anxiety and PTSD from an abusive type of relationship. And that's one form. But I personally have overcome the fear of success, a completely different kind of anxiety. It's, things are going well. This is something I got over in childhood. And you start losing or you start doing things that don't allow you to be successful for whatever reason, it's still very incredibly like, doesn't sit well with you. There's a lot where it goes with that, and you got guilt and anger and all same result, same emotional state. But the curriculum to go through that, the how, would not work. So maybe talk to me about how your how isn't how it's different or how it's the same. But I do think there's some hows. I just think it kind of. It's best to serve the person selling it and not sometimes the best to serve the person receiving.

0:18:59,000 --> 0:19:11,000
Well, it's a good point. There are some hows out there. There are some people that have a program, and I've looked at them and I tried them. Usually what it is, it's still symptom management. How, you know, for instance, those are.

0:19:11,000 --> 0:19:17,000
Addressing the pains and the band aids, not the core source of how you getting correct.

0:19:17,000 --> 0:20:58,000
Like, I took a program on, like, how to do deep breathing to calm myself, how to do it. Okay, great. But I still needed to constantly do it. I also did a little program to shift my mindset, how to go from negative mindset to positive mindset. Okay. But I still kept having. It was still there. It never addressed the root cause. So I should be clear how to actually address the root cause. That's what we didn't see. So I want to tell your audience that's partly why you failed is because you were not given the how. You were given a lot of whats, but not so much how. It's the how that you need. Our how is effective. For this reason, most hows out there or even just most whats out there fall into two categories, which is basically psychological or spiritual. Now, psychological or spiritual, its good. Its insights, its ways of understanding whats going on with you. And theres value in that. If you have no clue whats going on with you and it sheds some light and youre like, oh, thats an understanding of whats going on, there's value in that. However, a abstract theoretical understanding is usually not enough to solve something. If you take your car to a mechanic and your mechanic looks at the car and says, oh, here's what's going on with your car. Your car has a power issue, okay, like, that's an understanding, but like, that doesn't solve anything. So we looked at, there's a lot of spirituality and psychology, and it usually doesn't solve things at the root cause and certainly not quickly. To solve something quickly, you don't want spiritual or psychological. You want mechanical.

0:20:58,000 --> 0:21:03,000
What does that mean? So tell me, tell me how that translates to everyday mechanical means.

0:21:03,000 --> 0:22:05,000
Like this is connected to this. This isn't working because this is off. If you wiggle this, this will move. Here's an example. If you're out and you start choking and two people walk up to you and one person says, hey, okay, let's explore what's going on here. I think when you were younger, maybe there's a lot of fear at the dinner table, and so maybe you ate really quickly. And also, I feel like, I feel like you have a real scarcity mindset around air. You're really focused on your lack of air instead of the abundance of air that's out there. And also, I feel like you're really attached to breathing, and that attachment is almost making it worse. So if you could just let go, let go of the attachment to breathing, okay. Or another person walks up and says, here's the deal. You have an airway and it's mechanically blocked, and that's what you're feeling. I'm going to add mechanical pressure to your stomach. That's going to put pressure behind the blockage. It's going to pop it out, and then air is going to mechanically get back into your lungs, and you're going to live in that particular moment. Do you want an understanding that's spiritual, psychological, or mechanical?

0:22:05,000 --> 0:22:09,000
It sounds like the mechanical on that one.

0:22:09,000 --> 0:22:11,000

0:22:11,000 --> 0:22:40,000
I mean, I want to breathe because I care about these things. The scarcity of, I like the benefits of it. Okay, so you get to the core of what's really important in that metaphor, right? It comes back to your original thing of results. Right. So dive into that. A bit of in your own, maybe using your own, your own story. Where did the breakthrough happen on the mechanical? Or, like, where did you see the first breakthrough on it?

0:22:40,000 --> 0:23:09,000
Well, what I'd like to do, because, look, everybody likes the idea of simple, mechanical. Like, of course everyone's simple and mechanical, but people don't be. Again, people have been conditioned to not believe that's possible. We tell people we have a simple solution, they're like, that's impossible. I've had this my whole life. This can't be simple. So can I do, like, a little interactive role play with you? Non sexual, no offense. It's just not appropriate where you can.

0:23:09,000 --> 0:23:12,000
Feel, I haven't hit the stairmaster enough to even qualify at this point.

0:23:12,000 --> 0:23:31,000
No, it's not that. No, it's not that. What I would like to do is give you and your audience an experience to feel that what they're experiencing, this fear and anxiety, it's not that complicated. It's actually more simple and mechanical because that'll give them an experience that'll help this make more sense. Is that okay?

0:23:31,000 --> 0:23:33,000
Oh, yeah. Let's go for it.

0:23:33,000 --> 0:24:01,000
Okay. So again, and the reason I don't is to do this is to. Is to change people's mindsets of what's possible. Because then again, that gives them hope. So again, most people, based on trying a whole bunch of stuff, think it's complicated and it feels complicated. One person says this. One person says, your fear is that. One person says, anxiety is good. One person says fear. There's so many different theories. Most of them don't solve anything. And it leaves people feeling very confused and like, this is complicated. Does that make sense?

0:24:01,000 --> 0:24:04,000
I think so, yeah.

0:24:04,000 --> 0:25:06,000
It was my experience. I think it's a lot of people's experience. This does not feel simple. But if it's mechanical, then it's simple. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna do this little role play that'll give you kind of an experience that where your fear and anxiety is coming from, that makes this simple. Okay, the first thing is the first inner mechanics. Lesson number one and why people are confused and not able to get rid of this. A lot of the fear and the anxiety falls in category of mental health. Right? Mental mind. You'll hear things like change your mindset, change your negative thinking mind. All the experts are telling you, focus on your mind. Okay? Now, they haven't gotten the job done. They haven't solved anything in 100 years of this. But they're telling everyone to go to the mind. So we were engineers. We were like that. The mind theory is getting horrible results. Is it the mind? So, when you feel something like anxiety or overwhelm, do you say, I think I'm anxious. I think I'm overwhelmed? Or do you say, I feel anxious, or, I feel overwhelmed?

0:25:06,000 --> 0:25:08,000
It's the feel, for sure feel.

0:25:08,000 --> 0:25:24,000
And where do we feel this? You'll feel it in your throat, your chest, your heart, your stomach. You feel it. Now the experts are telling everybody, you know, that this is a problem of the mind, but listen to those words. Throat, chest, heart, stomach. Does that sound. Sound like the mind to you, or more like the body?

0:25:24,000 --> 0:25:52,000
I definitely. Actually, I don't feel it physically. I typically, like, even, like, show I feel in my head, like my. My mind is overwhelmed. So when I do it, I know it's. It has to do with task, typically, or things to remember and execute against that. That's where my anxiousness or overwhelming feeling comes from. Just lots of shit going on in my life, like, with work and family and everything. So that's I feel in my head, and I need to calm my mind in that point, because it's not a physical response for me. For me, it's definitely a mental thing.

0:25:52,000 --> 0:26:12,000
Okay, fair enough. Here's what I would say. You don't have a lot, a ton of nerve endings in your mind. Usually what you can have is a spinning mind, a mind, you know, that's racing. But usually, you don't feel a lot in your mind. You may have an anxious, overwhelmed mind, but usually we feel things in our body. And if you don't, I mean, that.

0:26:12,000 --> 0:26:22,000
Probably translates more tension through shoulders and, you know, elevated, probably blood pressure, I'm sure, to some degree. Things I'm not measuring, I could probably sense it, like, you know, just.

0:26:22,000 --> 0:27:44,000
So here's what I'll tell you. I mean, what we're trying to do is create a simple understanding. Each person may have different results, may vary. So, basically, the experts are telling us this is just a problem of the mind. If that solved it, great, except it's not coming from the mind. It's coming from the body. So, inter mechanics lesson is that your fear and anxiety originates in your body, and I'll explain to you why. Then, if your body feels afraid, your mind thinks there's a threat and will start to spin. And so your mind can get scared. But that's a symptom. It's not the cause, but, you know, everyone's being sent to the mind, but it's mechanically coming from the body, specifically, the nervous system. Your nervous system regulates fear and feeling safe or not, it's what it's there for. It's a threat response system. And so it's not coming from your mind. It's coming from your body, specifically, the nervous system. If the nervous system is wonky, it will create a feeling of unsafety. And if you feel unsafe, then mechanically, you'll feel a feeling called fear. And then you may name that fear. Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of public speaking, anxiety, overwhelm, panic attacks or overwhelm. So can you see that mechanically, on some level, underneath what's going on? We're feeling unsafe in the nervous system. Can you sort of see the wisdom of that?

0:27:44,000 --> 0:27:48,000
I can understand that. I think I get the physiological sourcing.

0:27:48,000 --> 0:29:01,000
So now the question is, mechanically, why do we feel unsafe? Because people will ask me, why am I just sitting around at home trying to netflix and chill, and I think there's a tiger in the room. So why do we feel unsafe? And we want to understand it in a way that's simple and solvable. So, again, we'll do this little role play, and I'll show you that the reason you feel unsafe is simple and mechanical. So, in this role play, we're going to be long term friends. Okay? When I talk to you, Thomas, I'm also talking to your audience. All right? Okay, Roger, let's do it. All right. Okay. So when I say the word you, I'm talking to you, and also you, wonderful audience member. Okay? So let's say we're friends, which we are. And for many years, I'm a good friend to you. And, you know, you feel safe and calm around me. Now, let's say, for reasons which you don't understand, all of a sudden, I start treating you like crap. I'm mean to you. I'm not nice to you. I'm not there for you. I'm inconsiderate. When you need me, I'm not there for you. I know it scares you, and I do it anyway. I criticize you, and when you reach out for help, I tell you you're on your own, and I put everybody else first, and you get scraps. If I do that long enough, after a while, just keeping it simple, are you going to feel safe and calm or unsafe and fearful and anxious?

0:29:01,000 --> 0:29:02,000
I mean, the latter, for sure.

0:29:02,000 --> 0:29:23,000
Yeah. Well, it's the reason for sure. Cause it's, like, almost mechanical. It's almost like a reflex. Okay, so now let's say you tell me. Okay? On the count of three, I want you to say to me, the way you're treating me leaves me feeling unsafe. Okay? On the count of three, say, the way you're treating me leaves me feeling unsafe. One, two, three.

0:29:23,000 --> 0:29:26,000
The way you're treating me makes me feel unsafe.

0:29:26,000 --> 0:29:48,000
I don't care, man. And honestly, what is wrong with you? Seriously, everything's fine, and you're freaking out. You're going crazy. There's something wrong with you. You shouldn't feel like this. Seriously. And also, why are you bringing it to me? I got a whole life. And every time you feel this way, you are bothering me, and you're a nuisance. So whatever you're feeling, no matter how afraid you are, get it away from me. You're on your own. Does that leave you feeling safe?

0:29:48,000 --> 0:29:52,000
And that's why I threw all your shit in the street and you're out?

0:29:52,000 --> 0:29:55,000
Yes. On top of that, your record collection is on street.

0:29:55,000 --> 0:30:01,000
The key is broken off in the key door, and. Oh, I don't live it with you. I just took all your shit through the street and broke the key off. Now you can't get it.

0:30:01,000 --> 0:30:09,000
So if I do that and throw your key out, will that leave you feeling safe and calm or unsafe and fearful and anxious?

0:30:09,000 --> 0:30:22,000
I don't know, but I'd feel better with a great story at that point. I would be like, I got that mother right in it. It would not make you feel good. I mean, you'd question a lot of things in friendship specifically, and you'd wonder what you did, sir.

0:30:22,000 --> 0:30:55,000
Of course, a lot of other stuff would happen. But the point is, if I talk to you that way, when you come to me with fear, it's gonna leave you feeling worse, more unsafe, more anxious. Mechanics. If you know the mechanics of move things in one direction, in another direction, if you know how to lose weight, which is to burn more calories than you eat, you know how to gain weight, eat more calories than you burn. So, mechanically, I can make you feel unsafe. Now I can make you feel safe. Same mechanics. On the count of three, say to me, the way you're treating me leaves me feeling unsafe. Okay? On the count of three, say, the way you're treating me leaves me feeling unsafe. One, two, three.

0:30:55,000 --> 0:30:58,000
The way you're treating me leaves me feeling unsafe.

0:30:58,000 --> 0:31:27,000
Thank you for telling me. I feel horrible. The way you feel makes a lot of sense, given how I've treated you. I've broken your trust. I've treated you like crap. You can't rely on me, and I'm glad you told me. Cause that gives me an opportunity to be a better friend to you and rebuild trust, and it's gonna take time for me to do that. But in the meantime, I just wanna tell you that I'm glad you told me. And it makes a lot of sense why I feel this way. And I'm sorry. Does that leave you feeling safe and calm or unsafe and anxious?

0:31:27,000 --> 0:31:32,000
Takes me to more positive route with some skepticism of, will you do it again?

0:31:32,000 --> 0:31:35,000
Fair enough. But that wasn't the question. The question was, would that most likely leave?

0:31:35,000 --> 0:31:46,000
I know, but I don't answer the question. I'm asking the f questions here. No, it does. It makes me feel better. It's a better way to respond, but, okay, that's another person not in this equation who doesn't do this.

0:31:46,000 --> 0:32:13,000
So again, there's a lot of layers to this. What I'm just trying to show is there's things that you can do to the nervous system that are going to make it feel unsafe. And we have a lot of unsafe people. So in this role play, we're in a friend relationship, but humans are in a relationship with themselves. If I treat you crappy, you're going to feel unsafe. But everybody's in a relationship with themselves. And can you see that in some ways, you're not always a great, loving, caring friend to yourself?

0:32:13,000 --> 0:32:15,000
100%, yeah.

0:32:15,000 --> 0:32:23,000
So if I treat you crappy and that can leave you feeling unsafe, can you see that if you treat yourself crappy, that could leave you feeling unsafe?

0:32:23,000 --> 0:32:25,000
That is a great, great point, yes.

0:32:25,000 --> 0:32:26,000
And why is it a good point?

0:32:26,000 --> 0:32:30,000
Yes. Because if you know, it's the mechanics, like you said, if you treat yourself.

0:32:30,000 --> 0:33:28,000
It'S mechanics and it's in your control. So what if you don't have anxiety? You don't have anxiety disorder. What if you don't have a fear of rejection? What if you don't have a fear of failure? What if there are just little things that you do every day? Our research showed ten to 30 times a day, there are little things that people are doing completely unknowing to themselves that are leaving them feeling unsafe from within. And then they call that anxiety. But that's just a symptom. And so what we figured out is how, with a set of very simple, easy to follow steps, 30 minutes a day for six weeks, it leaves you feeling safe. When you feel safe, not only does the anxiety and the fear go away, but you feel confident. You just. And you can take on life. Can you see, as an entrepreneur, how much more successful you would be and how consistent you would be and how much more you would enjoy things if you woke up every morning just feeling like, safe and solid from within. Can you see the value of that?

0:33:28,000 --> 0:33:46,000
Of course. I like the idea of doing things that are non destructive to your success in life. That's a. I'll sign up for that. I'm curious. 30, though. Oh my God, that's a lot. Why that? Why 30? Is it up to you? 35 any given day.

0:33:46,000 --> 0:34:07,000
Well, put it this way, you're probably feeling people think how costly that fear and anxiety and doubt, staying in your comfort zone, not being the best father you are. Husband. I'm not talking about you. Just think how costly. 30 minutes a day for six weeks so that you could be free. That's a pretty good value proposition. But anyway, any questions? I got more to say, but like, I.

0:34:07,000 --> 0:34:11,000
Is it about one thing per minute? I'd have to do 30 things.

0:34:11,000 --> 0:35:17,000
No, no, no. The exercises that we've laid out are really simple and easy to do. It's four times a day for five minutes. You apply the tools to your nervous system and what it does is it sets it back to zero so that you feel safe and solid from within. And here's what's cool. A lot of times people say, Daniel, what is that? Like, I haven't felt safe ever. Is that even possible? And there's a group of people that does feel safe, kids. Before kids get scared and have their nervous system get messed up, they feel safe. And that's why kids are open hearted and present and loving. You rarely hear a four year old say, you know, I'm thinking of going to the park, but I have a lot of doubt about my sandcastle skills, so I think I'm going to stay home. You'll rarely see a four year old say, you know, I think I need to go to Tony Robbins and awaken the giant from within. Four year olds don't do cocaine because they have tons of energy, amongst other reasons. So if you've ever listened to this and thought, man, when I was a kid I had so much more energy. I was so much more optimistic and fearless. That version of you still is in there. If you had a healthy nervous system where you felt safe, I'm thinking my.

0:35:17,000 --> 0:35:50,000
Social media post misses that's why kids don't do cocaine. I mean, you want to know why kids don't do cocaine? Little kids. I think that's the. I'm going to use that. That's coming. If that doesn't hook people in to listen to this I don't know what will. Because that's funny. All right. I thought there were some other reasons. Costs. Just getting good, solid cocaine at four years old, much more difficult than in your twenties. I've never done drugs, but I'm assuming that's the case. Please continue as I derail the conversation. Number one skillset. Derailing conversations, just so you know.

0:35:50,000 --> 0:39:27,000
Number one, it's all right. Do you have. So the point I want to make, and then I'll let you ask a question, because you've been very patient in letting me go on this little explorer exploraganza. I just. It's a new word. Is that again? It's for people to realize that this fear and anxiety that they've had maybe their whole life, it feels complicated. It feels, like, unsolvable. But what we saw is it's mechanical. And if it's mechanical, it means it's solvable. If you have a root canal that's infected, that's a mechanical issue. People don't have to live a lifetime of root canals. If you break your leg, you'll never see somebody with a broken leg saying, I've been going to a doctor for eight years now, and he's really helping me understand more about my broken leg. No, it's a mechanical issue. They put a cast on. You're up and running. So we figured out a mechanical, simple, solvable approach to fear and anxiety. And here's what's even yummy about it. A lot of your listeners who may have fear and anxiety may be passing it along to their kids. And we. This happened two months ago. This gentleman, his name was Alan, he's from Hawaii. And he said, I'm anxious and afraid. I'm passing it on to my teenager and I can't stop it. I had anxious parents. I'm anxious. I'm passing it on to my kid. You know, they're going into this world of social media and global warming and, like, he's full of anxiety, and I don't know what to do. And I said, I'm going to show you how, what you can do every day to feel safe and solid. And then your kid, you'll be able to model the behavior and your child will pick up on it, because I've seen this. So he went. Alan went through the program about week three. We knew from his data his anxiety was down about 50%. And he reached out and he said, I just want to thank you so much. Now, his anxiety wasn't fully gone yet, so we said, why are you so grateful. He said, my teenager came home from high school today. And I said, how did school go? And my teenager said, oh, I got bullied today, but it didn't bother me. And the parent was like, what? Because their teenager had been crippled by the bullying? And so Alan asked their teenager, like, what happened? They said, well, I've been seeing what you've been doing through this program. And I started, like, doing it myself. And so when I got bullied, I didn't like it, but it just didn't affect me as much. And so this program that we're doing, man, it's not even about fear and anxiety. It's giving people real lives by something that's effective, which is that people can feel safe. Man, if every person can wake up in the morning feeling safe, whether it's you, whether it's your children, our whole world will just be better, because so much of the dysfunction in the world is from a lot of people not feeling safe from within. So to us, what we're doing, it's just more than anxiety. It's really trying to heal people, to set people up to be confident, happy, fulfilled entrepreneurs. So many entrepreneurs that are successful go from good to great, because when you feel safe, your sales skyrocket because you don't give a flying f whether you make this sale or not, you do not care what happens because you're good no matter what, from within. And as we all know, when you're not attached to the sale, your sales go up. But also consistency. When you have less fear, you can show up more. You work harder. Like me, I'm working all the time. And this is not cocaine. This is all natural because I'm just healthy and I get lots of work done. And so for your entrepreneurs out there, they're doing great. But, man, if they could feel safe every morning and wake up every morning confident, resilient, calm, and not give a crap what anybody thinks of them, I just think they would not only be more successful, but they would enjoy what they do more. What do you think?

0:39:27,000 --> 0:40:03,000
Well, I mean, of course. And I think it extends past that, too, right? So I think it goes to it's hard to really develop relationships of any kind if you're not even comfortable. The one you have with yourself, it'll be based on sand, right? So it can wash away. And the more foundational pieces you can build to yourself, the less you need people to be yourself. And I think what you're describing is just like, whatever your path is, if you can work on getting that part solved, you're in a good spot to just be better at life in general, because you'll just be more comfortable with who you are.

0:40:03,000 --> 0:41:00,000
You said it perfectly, and you said it in the language of entrepreneurs. People are aware of these things. They know these things, hold them back. They know the what. And what we're providing them is a very simple step by step system where it adds consistency. You have a complete toolkit, not individual tools. It's like a complete toolkit. We also have all the instructions, all the explanations, what to do on what day. You don't get confused. If you work the steps, you get the results, which is to feel safe. And when you feel safe, you're just so much more effective in everything that you do, and not just in your entrepreneurial. We constantly have people coming to us saying, I'm such a better husband or wife. Like, I'm just healthier, I'm happier, I'm more vibrant, because when you're just rock solid in you, we all know we're better, happier people. And so for us, we do not want to participate in this industry of band aids. We're here to help people feel safe so they can have a complete life. Upgrade. Mic drop, baby.

0:41:00,000 --> 0:41:04,000
That you can. I dropped the mic.

0:41:04,000 --> 0:41:04,000

0:41:04,000 --> 0:41:07,000
You see, if you guys didn't see that visually, you heard it.

0:41:07,000 --> 0:41:11,000
That was really good improv. That was excellent improv, Thomas. That was really.

0:41:11,000 --> 0:41:21,000
It's improv, but I've done it before, so it's like, that's how improv works, right? That you guys on stage, they feel like they're just kind of improving it. They're not. They've practiced it, and they have their own little nuances of things.

0:41:21,000 --> 0:41:45,000
Wow. You still had to access the thing now. Little teachable moment, if you want. Thomas, I love and adore you. I complimented you, and I could be wrong. I feel like you deflected the compliment. If you want to receive the compliment, only if you want to. I'm not here to force anything on you, but if you want to receive the compliment, I'm willing to compliment you again.

0:41:45,000 --> 0:41:53,000
You know, I feel I didn't pay you the right respect by saying thank you for that compliment. It's spot on how I am.

0:41:53,000 --> 0:41:59,000
Okay, well, you appreciate the compliment. Thank you. But again, I'm not telling you. Would you like to receive.

0:41:59,000 --> 0:42:05,000
I don't give compliments. Well, you know what, though? Let's lay it on flatterly. Get you everywhere with me. Go ahead.

0:42:05,000 --> 0:42:30,000
Okay. Let's do this again. Teachable. Look, the whole world, one of the number one things that people where they don't take care of themselves, that's leading to the feeling of unsafety. One of them, one of the 30 that we identified, is that people don't receive the love. So. So let's just. Let's just, you know, do it again. So I'm gonna appreciate you and just receive the compliment. If you burst into flames, I will apologize, but I think you're gonna be okay.

0:42:30,000 --> 0:42:33,000
No one's ever called me flaming, that's for sure.

0:42:33,000 --> 0:42:55,000
Okay, here we go. And not that you would ever use humor to deflect love or appreciation. You would never do that, would you, Thomas? All right, here we go. So I do my little thing. You do the mic drop. That was high level. That was high level. Think on the fly improv. And I just want to appreciate you for that.

0:42:55,000 --> 0:43:05,000
Thank you. Tell me, what's the right way to receive a gift like this? Cause I don't know.

0:43:05,000 --> 0:43:30,000
It's not that there's any right way. It's that most people just block it. And it's unhealthy because love is trying to find you. So just by a simple thank you is fine. It's just most. It's not about the what. It's just allowing it in. Most people block it, and when you block it, you know, it affects us. Like, think about it. I mean, really just, you know, as we dive deeper. I was saying that the things that we do to ourselves. Okay, so let's say again, that's a great point.

0:43:30,000 --> 0:44:00,000
Let me. Let me say. And so there's a defense there, because I know myself pretty well. I'm susceptible to flattery. So when I hear it, I automatically guards go up of why. Now, I believe you're sincere because we're having a good conversation. But my initial response is always some type of deflection to see, really, if you're really trying to angle in for something else, which is usually what people do. Which is. Which is I just also know my weaknesses on a flattery side, so I'm susceptible to it. So I guard against being.

0:44:00,000 --> 0:44:45,000
Well, I appreciate the honesty, and there are reasons why. It's just a lot of people know that we don't. We're not always loving to ourselves. It can be criticism. It can be deflecting. But what we saw mechanically, is, though it's happening ten to 30 times a day, and it accumulates over years to leave a person feeling unsafe from within. That's what we saw. But here you can feel it. Okay, so let's say we're friends. All right. In this role play, again, we're friends. And let's say a friend compliments you. A friend says, wow, Thomas, you're great. And then I jump in and I go, no, he's not. He doesn't deserve that compliment. Get that compliment away from him. Don't appreciate him. Get that love away from him. Does that build trust or break trust between us?

0:44:45,000 --> 0:44:53,000
I would just probably reply with something. That jealous little bitch. I was talking to you.

0:44:53,000 --> 0:44:53,000

0:44:53,000 --> 0:45:00,000
I was insulting you there. Do you see what I did understand? I'm just kidding. No, it would break trust. It depends on the friendship. Though I may take that as banter of that guy.

0:45:00,000 --> 0:45:05,000
Metaphorically. Metaphorically. We're doing a metaphorical sort of role play here. Metaphorically.

0:45:05,000 --> 0:45:10,000
Like, no, he doesn't. I would have questions for you what your problem is.

0:45:10,000 --> 0:45:19,000
You may, but can you see that if someone's trying to love you, and I jump in and say, don't give him love. He doesn't deserve love, can you see that's going to break trust between me?

0:45:19,000 --> 0:45:22,000
Oh, of course. I mean, 100%.

0:45:22,000 --> 0:48:24,000
So these little things that we know we're doing, like not taking in compliments, what people don't know, and we saw in the data, those little things, they've been accumulating for decades, building and building and building. It's like debt, you know, a little bit each day builds and builds and builds. And then your house gets foreclosed. So, nope. We understand that if you don't take care of your physical body with your diet, over time, you'll have symptoms. You may be overweight, breathing, or heart attack. We get that. Little neglects of diet can add up and accumulate to problems if you don't brush and floss. A little bit of neglect, we'll build and accumulate what we saw. The anxiety, the panic attacks, the overwhelm, the fear. All that fear was mechanically linked to decades of these little micro neglects that have been building and building and building from within. That's what we saw. 98% of the people that had something diagnosed as fear, anxiety, or panic attacks. The average person, 30 times a day was doing what we call the micro neglect, and it was building and creating that unsafety. And so in our program, again, 30 minutes a day, you're basically restoring trust within yourself, and it mechanically, you just feel safe and solid from within, and then the symptom goes away and doesn't come back. That's the beauty of it, is it's simple and it's solvable. There's no ayahuasca. There's no third chakra that you have to awaken. You don't have to go back and repair relationships with people. It's just simple and mechanical. If you eat crappy and you gain weight, you can simply eat healthier and lose weight. If you don't brush and floss and your teeth suck, you can go to the doctor, brush and floss, and your teeth improve. It's simple and it's mechanical. And most important, it leaves people feeling safe and effing free. And it just. Effing works. That's the most important thing. It just works. That's how we get a 90% success rate, because it's mechanical. It works on everybody. If you break your bone, if a thousand people break their bone and you put a cast on a thousand people, 1000 people will feel better. Okay? The bone doesn't say, oh, yeah, but your childhood sucked. You're like, you're a really bad person. It doesn't matter if it's based in mechanics, it'll work for pretty much everybody. So if you're listening this and you've tried stuff in the past that it's failed and you think, oh, this won't work for me, there's something wrong with me, and it's broken. No, you are not broken. Your nervous system didn't get cared for, and you're feeling unsafe, and it's completely solvable and repairable. But also, we don't want you to fail. We have built the system to make so simple and so easy to do so that you'll be consistent, you'll finish the program, and you'll feel better. But also, we only get paid when you get results. So we're in this together. We don't want you to fail, just selfishly for us. So your happiness is attached to our results because we don't want you failing and feeling crappier about yourself. A lot of people will take your money, leave you in the same place and charge you. And that's not us. We are here to help you and we're here to not hurt you.

0:48:24,000 --> 0:48:40,000
That's great. And listen, also conscious of time, but tell me how, if someone's interested at this point, right? And I think that's a great summary you put there, by the way. That was, that really kind of brings it together. Where do you want them to go to get a hold of you and to try it or just learn more?

0:48:40,000 --> 0:50:48,000
So I like things simple. So my name is Daniel Packard. Go to And even though what we designed is simple, so that it could help the most amount of people. What we found is, logically, people don't want fear and anxiety and panic attacks, of course, logically. But what we've seen is people are either afraid to let this go, they've had it for so long, they're almost afraid to, like, who would I be if this was gone? They almost start to identify it, or they feel just so broken and like, I don't deserve it that they unconsciously won't let it go. Or they're just not motivated. They're just sort of accepting the fear and anxiety, saying, it's not a bad life. So the people that work with us are motivated. They are tired, Thomas, of living like this. They know the fear and the anxiety is keeping them from the life they want, and they're actually ready to f, ing do something about it. So if you are motivated and you are brave and open minded to try something, that's no risk to try. That's who we work with. So go to You can get information about the program. You can get the price of the program, which, trust me, it's way, way, way cheaper and more affordable than you think because that was part of our mission. If you can't afford it, let us know. We have scholarships and payment plans. There's a frequently asked questions section so you can learn more about it. And if you are motivated to be free of this, you book a free call with me. 15 minutes. You can tell me how the fear and the anxiety shows up in your life and how it's holding you back and how you want to be. I'll give you some more insights about it, and then I will show you how we can help you. If you want our help, great. If not, that's okay, too. We don't want to pressure you. We want motivated people. That's who we work with. So also, there's testimonials there at the top where you can see people that used to be terrified and insecure and now are free and happy and confident. So you can see this isn't too good to be true. And again, you can learn more about me. There's a dance video of me dancing way better than you think I could. And yeah. So if that resonates with you and you want our help, book that free consultation, all that

0:50:48,000 --> 0:51:22,000
What I most like is your color wheel use and your accent colors and your color of choices, because it does work. It's really right in there. It's the three thank you. And in particular, the colors that I like that make me happy. You said thank you and your compliments. It's the salmon colored pants that might be hinting towards red. I would probably call it like a strawberry margarita color. I'm not really sure what those pants are about, Daniel, but if you guys go to. I'm gonna tell you right now, if you're listening, go to And I want to, if you listen to this, wherever you just comment what color you think his pants are, that's how I know you're here.

0:51:22,000 --> 0:51:31,000
Also, when you see what color I appreciate, Strawberry Margarita was actually my rapper prison name. So thank you for seeing and remembering that.

0:51:31,000 --> 0:51:41,000
We're going to take that. And that went on a different episode of why he was in prison, not how he got the name. We already know that, but we why he was in prison. Daniel, thank you for coming today on the show. This has been awesome.

0:51:41,000 --> 0:51:42,000
It was an honor. Thomas, thanks for playing.

0:51:42,000 --> 0:53:27,000
No, this is great, because I think having some, no. So just bringing it back, right? People try kinds, all kinds of stuff. You go whatever route you want in life. I'm one who's skeptical as it comes to anything with holistic, this, that, ayahuasca. I'm a skeptic. However, as I've gotten older in life, I have become more open to some ideas. And I will tell you that if you find whatever it finds, I'm going to go back to your original word results. If you try something and it works, who gives a shit if it's traditional or not? If it gets you to the place you're trying to go, that, let's assume it's legal, and all the things in life just. Just bubble this up from a broader piece. If you get the results you need to and they're sustainable, that's big. So don't, you know, like our joke about cocaine, if that helps you get more energy, it's not sustainable, just to be clear. But if you can get more energy through better practices and you can get less anxious and feel better about yourself, more comfortable yourself, it doesn't matter if you're seeing a psychologist, therapist, or you're doing Daniel's program. It only matters that you're getting the results. And this is another avenue to try, and I think how you guys have set it up, from accountability of results to money to prove it, that you guys are so confident in it. We're like, you don't pay till you get your results. That if that doesn't make you go, hey, these guys might be real then. You know, if you said, no, it's only $10,000 upfront, and then we start three months later, I'd be like, yeah, we might not air this show, but I love that. So thank you for being like that. Because that lines up more to my own personal beliefs of just kind of this. And since it's my show, I mean, that's what matters. I'm just, I'm just kidding. Listen guys and people out there, if you haven't figured out one thing I am sarcastic, rye witty humor with a tension of asshole. That's what I got.

0:53:27,000 --> 0:54:13,000
Daniel, thank you, thank you. And thank you for, I mean, it is meaningful. The fact that we only get paid for it really matters. It's like important anybody look, everybody thinks they have the next best thing. Everyone's high on their own supply. But my dad said results matter. There is nobody in this industry that lets you pay at the end when you have measurable results, that at the gone and it doesn't come back and it's me, it matters. It means that matters to us and it also means we get results. How do you run a company with that type of guarantee if we're full of crap? So this is real. But again, it's for motivated people. So if you're this, if you're tired of living like this, and you want something that gets results with backed up results, and you are motivated, and I know some of your audience isn't, but some of your audience is, please come find us because we're here to help you and we love helping. It gives us purpose.

0:54:13,000 --> 0:55:05,000
I appreciate it. Thank you. And anybody who's made it to this point in the podcast, as always, you get awarded the dad points. Congratulations. Take your ten, put them in your pocket. At some point someone's going to call me out on it. But I do really mean thank you for getting to this part in the podcast and show. You know, the guests that we have on, they have amazing stories, they have ideas. And if you've listened to this point, you're open to something else. Give it a go. Go try it. Reach out to Daniel, see what he has. It's a fun conversation on and off camera. So if you can get 15 minutes this time even, it's worth it. Until we meet again, I really want you to go out there and unleash your entrepreneur. And if you are an entrepreneur, go help somebody. And if you're wanting to become one, go find someone to help with you so you can unleash your entrepreneur as well. But thank you for listening. And until next time, from the Never Been Promoted podcast, I do thank you for listening. Thanks.

0:55:05,000 --> Unknown
Thanks for listening to Never Been Promoted with Thomas Helfrich. Make sure to check the show notes for our guest contact information and any relevant links. Connect with Thomas personally at

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