STAND with Kelly and Niki Tshibaka

Democrat Blues: Swing States Turn to Trump

Kelly Tshibaka and Niki Tshibaka

In this segment of STAND, our hosts discuss the positive outcomes of former President Donald Trump's recent trial. They highlight the record-breaking fundraising for Trump and the RNC, with a significant portion coming from first-time donors. The two also note that Trump is leading in all seven swing states and that some traditionally blue states may now be in play.

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Kelly Tshibaka:

Welcome back to Stand with Kelly and Niki Tshibaka. Let's talk about the Trump trial from last week and what a dark day in history it was. There are so many things about that that give Americans great concern about the state of our American judicial system and how political opponents can persecute you through the establishment and the power that they have to leverage the power of the executive and the judicial together to affect the outcome of an election. That said, I don't hear a lot of people talking about the positives from that day, and I wanted to recap some of those for our audience. Because there were positives that have happened because of the trial, so let's talk about that. Because there were positives that have happened because of the trial, so let's talk about that. Number one fundraising has been absolutely epic for President Trump and for the RNC.

Niki Tshibaka:

Off the hook.

Kelly Tshibaka:

Absolutely, and fundraising is how you win campaigns.

Kelly Tshibaka:

So for people who are wondering how this whole process works, as somebody who ran for an election, you can't power a campaign and election very well if you don't have money.

Kelly Tshibaka:

I know that we have some of these outlier stories like the trucker in New York or New Jersey who won buying pizza or donuts. Remember that story from a couple years ago when he got a seat in the state legislature. But usually the way that you win a campaign is you've gotta have money to do things like pay for your ads and pay for marketing. You've got to pay for the mail that goes out. You've got to pay for the events that you have, like the rallies we see President Trump going to, and that stuff costs and it really relies by the power of the grassroots donor because that shows the actual support a candidate has. So for the month of May, trump and the RNC broke fundraising records for a month and raised over $140 million and a lot of that came in right at the end because of the trial and you were just telling me some new numbers- yeah, so Fox was reporting that, as of the verdict, he's actually raised over $200 million now since the beginning of June.

Niki Tshibaka:

Yeah, since the verdict up to now, beginning of June, over $200 million, over $200 million.

Kelly Tshibaka:

That's more than any other candidate for office in history that's amazing has raised in that same amount of time. I read something like is it 20, 23% of the people who've been donating 30%. Are small donors, and then how many of them are new donors?

Niki Tshibaka:

No, 30% of those small donations were first-time donors to a Trump campaign that is mind-blowing.

Kelly Tshibaka:

So you'll read online, especially from outlets that are against President Trump, that he's losing support. All these people you know this money percentage would say they wouldn't vote for him again. However, the fundraising number shows something completely different. If you've got that many people who've never donated to a political candidate before putting their money where their mouth is, that that's a vote. Putting their money where their mouth is, that's a vote. And not only that, but the way that we think of it in the political world is that's also a circle of influence. That person is saying not only am I going to put my money there, but that's now a public donation and I'm going public with my support. And so now I'm going to tell my family and my friends and I'm going to be an influencer for this campaign. So you've just made a little campaigner, if you will, out of that person who just donated. That's a really big deal.

Kelly Tshibaka:

Another thing I think is positive is the change in public opinion. So we've seen that there's a little bit of a toss up in some of these seven swing states. The swing states are going to decide the election. I know every state matters. I'm a little bit partial to the state of Alaska. For those who know me, however, in this particular race in 2024, the reality is the seven swing states are going to decide this election, Niki Tshibaka. What are those seven swing states?

Niki Tshibaka:

Those seven swing states, Kelly Tshibaka, include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Kelly Tshibaka:

Previously we had some on there like Ohio and others, but some of those states Ohio, Florida used to be swing states for those who have a 20-year track record of being in politics, but they have now shifted. Ohio and Florida are solid Republican states now, and so these are the toss-up states this year that we're all watching for the presidential race. There are some congressional races, like Alaska, that are actually your toss-up states. This is one of our top congressional seats for the toss-ups actually up here this year, but for the presidential race it's in those seven states, so really the only polls we need to watch are in those seven states.

Niki Tshibaka:

Well, I would also add, we're seeing some blue states that might be in play now. I mean New York is now. I mean he has shrunk that lead to a single digit lead for Biden in New York which is just like amazing. And then you've got Virginia, which may be in play now as well. So the race is starting to tighten, and it likely will tighten more as the summer progresses and people start paying attention, especially post the GOP and Democrat conventions.

Kelly Tshibaka:

Well, and with the big Hunter Biden trial starting. So remember it was Comey announcing that the investigation was continuing against Hillary Clinton that really shifted the outcome of the trial or the outcome of the election between Trump and Hillary Clinton at the time. Whatever's, the most recent thing on people's mind tends to affect the outcome of the election, and I don't think that the Hunter Biden trial is going to go well for the Biden family. Nor do I think they're going to handle the questions or the public media around that very well. But I want to get back to the swing states. It turns out for those who care about these numbers, in all seven swing states.

Kelly Tshibaka:

As of this week, trump is leading in those seven swing states. So don't believe the negative media from the fake news outlets that want to tell you Trump's in jeopardy. He should fold, he should quit, he should yield to a better candidate without baggage. Whatever all of that is. It's all just some of that inflammatory news to try and stir up and divide Americans. The fact is, trump is leading in all seven states. All seven states, which is a complete flip from just a couple of years ago. That's a big deal.

Niki Tshibaka:

Yep, and I mean the race is still probably going to be tight, right, we know like right now he's about one point ahead of Biden overall, which again is pretty, is pretty big. So it's it's going to come down, at least at this point, to less than 60,000 votes potentially in those states in those states.

Niki Tshibaka:

So we've still got our work cut out for us, for those who support Trump and, quite frankly, for those who support a better America going forward, making America great again.

Niki Tshibaka:

And you know what People associate that or have in the past with something evil or something awful.

Niki Tshibaka:

But that's another piece that we're seeing positive coming out of this trial is folks who might have called themselves never Trumpers are now realizing that this is bigger than President Trump, and he has said this himself, that this is bigger than him. Everything that the Biden administration has done to basically erode our institutions in these last three and a half years is impacting Americans in such tragic and difficult ways that people are finally realizing you know what we want America to be great again, because when America's great, we're doing great. This isn't about some sort of evil genius who's trying to hurt our country. This is about a leader who is strong, who loves our country, who believes that our best years can be ahead of us and who has put himself in front of the metaphorical firing squad for Americans, for this country, to push us into and to lead us into a better and brighter future. And Americans are increasingly coalescing around that truth, that reality, and I think we're going to continue to see increased momentum behind the president.

Kelly Tshibaka:

Well, I think that increased momentum will also help us with down ballot races. So the presidential race is not the only race in play this election cycle and, as you're saying, this really is not about President Trump. This really is about the direction of America, and are we going to swing to this far left, progressive agenda that is taking us down, this socialist, communist kind of blended society that is really eroding everything that America stands for, or are we going to swing back to something that really stands on our values as an American society, where this government is actually led by the people and not by institutions partnering with big tech and social media to tell us what to think and how to think and why to think, and then controlling us and controlling our pocketbooks, and instead we tell them who's actually in charge here and instead the power is in community engagement and individual empowerment? That momentum I think that this trial and these convictions has kind of caused an awakening for a lot of Americans to go wait a minute, I need to be involved, I need to do something. I think that could be very positive for our congressional races, for our local races, and very beneficial for like the trajectory going forward, and so I'm very hopeful actually that we will see really good hearted American candidates being elected in all jurisdictions and all states across the country to really set us back into a balanced path going forward. That momentum, I think, is really really good and I think that that's what our worldview for our audience. That's what our worldview really leads us towards.

Kelly Tshibaka:

We really believe in a positive worldview, not one that's like let's just give up, let's just surrender, let's just quit, let's throw in the towel or let's get hostile, let's get angry Instead. If we're going to have quit, let's throw in the towel, or let's get hostile, let's get angry Instead. If we're going to have hope, it's got to be a perseverant hope. It's got to be based in something. But my worldview is based on the story of the gospel and I really believe that after really really horrible things happen, where people thought it was the end of the story on Good Friday, that God brought back our resurrection story. That's what I believe. I believe that really great things can happen after really, really bad things, and that's what I believe can happen here. I believe that, instead of giving up hope and going back to doing whatever we could do, our worldview says that really good things can happen after really bad things, and that's what we're gonna hope for, because God can do great things.

Niki Tshibaka:

Yeah, cynicism is not going to help us.

Kelly Tshibaka:

That's right.

Niki Tshibaka:

And defeatism also isn't going to help us. But I love how Laura Ingraham has put it on her show. She has said don't get mad, get motivated, and I think that's a great way to put it. For all of us, it's going forward. We say we're not going to become cynical, we're going to still be hopeful and we are now motivated to support the president and support the vision we have for a free, democratic United States of America going forward. That isn't what the Democrats the more darker vision that the leftists in the Democratic Party are trying to put forward for us.

Kelly Tshibaka:

Absolutely. We're up against a break. Stand by, We'll be right back. You're with Kelly Niki Tshibaka on Stand. Go to standshoworg and hit subscribe on your favorite podcast streaming platform or on YouTube, our social media channels. We'll see you in a minute.

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