Our Voices Matter Podcast

The Path Forward - Linda Lorelle

November 04, 2020 Linda Lorelle

Election Day 2020 has come and gone.  The votes are still being counted.  Now the real work begins:  forging The Path Forward.  

As I share my thoughts on the subject in this week's podcast, I invite you to join me in Our Voices Matter's new initiative, The Path Forward,  by sharing your solutions on how we move forward together.  Pull out your phone, video record your thoughts and upload your video on OurVoicesMatterPodacast.com.  It could be featured in an upcoming TV special Thanksgiving weekend and during the coming weeks and months as we continue our Courageous Conversations here on OVM.   I go into more detail in the podcast so please take a brief moment to watch or listen.

One thing I know for sure:  if our path forward is going to truly bring us together and remind us of our common humanity, it must be paved with empathy.  


This podcast is devoted to empowering us all to better understand each other's differences...one story at a time.  Emmy Award-winning journalist, Linda Lorelle, guides guests through insightful, unexpected conversations that reveal our common humanity.  This show is not about politics per se; it is about finding a way to reclaim civility in the context of the contentious times in which we live, by sharing our personal and professional stories, in hopes that others might find a glimpse of themselves.

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