Our Voices Matter Podcast

America Talks - David Eisner

June 11, 2021 Linda Lorelle

When America Talks, people listen. At least that's the goal of what is described as a weekend of connection in the midst of deep division.

This Saturday and Sunday, June 12th and 13th, Americans will talk one-on-one, face-to-face on video across our political divides. I will be one of them.

As a member of the Our Voices Matter Podcast community, you know that courageous conversations like this feed my soul. It's safe to say I have a kindred spirit in this week's encore guest, David Eisner.

I first interviewed David in June of 2020, shortly after he assumed his role as CEO of Convergence. The Washington, D.C.-based non-profit is making great strides in bringing people together across political divides to solve critical issues of national importance.

As a proud Board member of Convergence, I'm eager to share this conversation with those of you who might have missed it the first time around.  It's particularly timely as America Talks gets underway this weekend.  David wrote a terrific Op-Ed about it in USA Today earlier this week.

This will be my first time participating in America Talks and I can't wait. I look forward to sharing my experience with you in a future podcast. But for now, check out David's Op-Ed, and then enjoy our conversation as David guides us through how to build trust and find common ground with "the other".


This podcast is devoted to empowering us all to better understand each other's differences...one story at a time.  Emmy Award-winning journalist, Linda Lorelle, guides guests through insightful, unexpected conversations that reveal our common humanity.  This show is not about politics per se; it is about finding a way to reclaim civility in the context of the contentious times in which we live, by sharing our personal and professional stories, in hopes that others might find a glimpse of themselves.

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