DeputyDane Morning Show

#DDMS Episode: A Deep Dive into Law Enforcement: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs

October 09, 2023 Dane Episode 8
#DDMS Episode: A Deep Dive into Law Enforcement: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs
DeputyDane Morning Show
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DeputyDane Morning Show
#DDMS Episode: A Deep Dive into Law Enforcement: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs
Oct 09, 2023 Episode 8

Ever found yourself questioning the depth of paranoia that a nationwide alert could instigate? This episode takes you through a riveting journey of public emotions, as we navigate through the sea of tin foil hats and faraday boxes. As we dissect the fears and distrust towards the government, we bring you into the world of law enforcement, where the judgment is a two-edged sword - from within and outside.

What if you were a law enforcement officer, forced to make split-second life-threatening decisions? Picture yourself in the shoes of an officer who had to take a life and still grapples with the guilt and doubt. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions as we share firsthand accounts of harrowing experiences, like dealing with a gun-waving man and abandoned puppies. And then, we take you through the darker shades of the profession, where camaraderie often gets overshadowed by backstabbing. You don't want to miss this.

But, it's not all doom and gloom. The episode winds down on the power of positivity. We highlight how our words hold the potential to either push someone into a downward spiral or give them a much-needed lift. We emphasize that a little love, support, and kindness go a long way in this challenging world. So, are you ready to start this conversation about understanding, empathy, and positivity? Tune in, and let's get this show on the road!

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Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

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Ever found yourself questioning the depth of paranoia that a nationwide alert could instigate? This episode takes you through a riveting journey of public emotions, as we navigate through the sea of tin foil hats and faraday boxes. As we dissect the fears and distrust towards the government, we bring you into the world of law enforcement, where the judgment is a two-edged sword - from within and outside.

What if you were a law enforcement officer, forced to make split-second life-threatening decisions? Picture yourself in the shoes of an officer who had to take a life and still grapples with the guilt and doubt. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions as we share firsthand accounts of harrowing experiences, like dealing with a gun-waving man and abandoned puppies. And then, we take you through the darker shades of the profession, where camaraderie often gets overshadowed by backstabbing. You don't want to miss this.

But, it's not all doom and gloom. The episode winds down on the power of positivity. We highlight how our words hold the potential to either push someone into a downward spiral or give them a much-needed lift. We emphasize that a little love, support, and kindness go a long way in this challenging world. So, are you ready to start this conversation about understanding, empathy, and positivity? Tune in, and let's get this show on the road!

Support the Show.

Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

Speaker 1:

Warning, warning, warning. This content may be sensitive to some. If you feel the need to leave, it is completely understandable. Content may contain examples of death, suicide, sexual content and other shit. We don't know what we're gonna get into. This is not to offend anyone or upset anyone on purpose. This isn't your typical deputy dane, so listen at your own risk. Sit back and enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Good morning everybody. Welcome to the deputy dane morning show. I appreciate all y'all for being here. We got some stuff to get into. I really don't know what we're gonna get into, but we'll get into something.

Speaker 1:

Sit back. Oh oh yep, there's the sirens. I think we're all gonna be detained. Sit back and enjoy the show.

Speaker 2:

Good morning everybody. Welcome to the deputy dane morning show. Hopefully everybody's doing fantastic. We're gonna get this show started off. It's been a week. It's been a week, Um, actually been two weeks, sorry. Um, we were doing the other podcast and it was going great. Not other podcasts, We've been doing the podcast. It's been going great. It's been a week there were. We didn't release one, Um, I was sick, Family was sick, and well, this kind of comes last, uh over anything.

Speaker 2:

So we're gonna make sure that we end up getting this taken care of, um after family's taken care of. But, that being said, we're here. Everybody survived October 4th. Uh, man, what a crazy, crazy thing. So many of these people were talking about all this crazy stuff and, uh, how I don't even know how to bring it up Like some of the stuff these people are talking about was, this is uh gonna be the end of the world. The government's gonna find out where you are. The government, guys. The government knows where you are, no matter what. So if that's what you're worried about, I'm I'm sorry it happens. The government knows where you are, Um, anyway, but let's, let's listen to some of this right here. It's pretty, pretty, pretty wild, the um stuff that was being said during this whole shebang of everything and it kind of just it floored me. It really did so, uh, let's see if this works for quick Hold on one second.

Speaker 2:

On October 4th and there we go.

Speaker 3:

Eastern. Every single phone in the United States is going off. I sat on a TikTok and thought they were lying, but I went off to fact check and it's real and apparently this is not like an Amber alert where you can kind of turn it off. It is going to happen to every single phone that is powered on in the United States.

Speaker 2:

So okay, so there we go. That's what they're saying. Um, if you I don't know if the video picked that up I'm still learning, guys, so bear with me. Guys. This is also going on YouTube where you can actually see me doing this this whole time. It's not going to be exciting. You just get to look at my ugly mug as I do this.

Speaker 2:

But, that being said, pretty much the video states, as chicks given a PSA, that on October 4th, at 2 20 PM, by the way, newsflash came two minutes early, cheating government. We knew you would do something, so it came two minutes earlier and it gave us a warning saying blah, blah, blah. This is. It wasn't even anything crazy, but people were losing their mind. This chick in this video says your phone will be shut off. And then people in the comments like oh my God, your phone will be shut off. And she's like no, it's a go off. And they're like oh my God, it's going to go off. How does the government have enough control to shut down all the phones? And they're like Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down. That's not what they're saying. They're saying that every phone will go off, just like a national Amber alert and everything like that People have. We're wearing tin foil.

Speaker 2:

People are losing their mind. It's the end of the world. Shit's going crazy. What's going to happen? Who's going to do this? Guys, you got to relax. Shit's going to happen either way. There's people that were putting their phones in fair day boxes or whatever they're called because they're worried about it's going to shut off the phone and we're going to lose connection with everybody. It's going to be in the world, things going to happen which, nowadays, if we lost our phones, a lot of people it would be in the world. We lost the internet and all that people couldn't defend for themselves or fined for themselves. Sorry, not defend, but it's crazy, just the amount of just fear that people were going through and it's like, guys, relax, it's going to be okay. But at the same time, that shows you how they feel about their government. It's just pretty, pretty scary that they're so worried about their government that they're going to let this thing take to the point that everyone's losing their ever living mind. That being said, guys, sorry, we're all here. We're not all zombies, I'm not a zombie.

Speaker 1:

If you guys are, please come on over. I got a zombie plan and I'm ready.

Speaker 2:

Okay, where to start? You know, I've been listening to a lot of these other podcasts and they're a law enforcement related podcast and there's some good ones. There's some really good ones out there.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I had to get a drink of coffee. Black Rifle AK-47. Oh, sorry, Sorry, I'm not sponsoring anything.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why I did that. Okay, so I've been listening to a lot of these podcasts and it really I enjoy it because a lot of these people hit home with me and there's different kinds in law enforcement. Unfortunately, there's so much judging in law enforcement, internal and outward. You know, you have cops that try to be 100% politically correct and you have cops that just want to go out here and cuss a bunch of bad words on your podcast and act like hey, I'm the Billy Badass and I've done this. I've done that. I try to do the middle. I still try to show you who I am. I do use bad words, I do say some crazy stuff. I've seen some crazy stuff, I've dealt with some crazy stuff and that takes a toll on you. It really does. So I try to stay in the middle. I try to stay who I am. I stay the person who I am. It's just when I'm on, like TikTok or these other things, I try to keep it to where I am not so forceful and everything, because it'll get you shut down. Nowadays there's too many snowflakes out there. People are going to get offended and they're going to cry, no matter what. It's crazy the amount of just Just hate coming, even internally, guys. So I want to break this down for you and I'm gonna.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna start off a little story of an officer that got in a shootout and it's gonna lead into some of the other stuff and some of the stuff I've dealt with it as well. There is a brotherhood in law enforcement, but I'll tell you there's also a lot of backstabbing. It's like high school cheerleaders Okay, if you're a high school cheerleader, no judgment. It's just I'm gonna get the damn quarterback. You're not shut up, susie Becky, and I'm a bitch. I got him. Oh, sorry, okay. So this goes back to, I think, 2019. This officer's directing traffic. You're not in a heightened stint, stint. You're not in a heightened state when you are doing things like directing traffic for a parade. At all times, we are aware and we have to stay aware, but you're not always gonna be in that heightened state. You're not always gonna be oh, shit's gonna pop off today, but you unfortunately it's. You do get comfortable and you do deal with just kind of getting Lack of days at cool as well, but you know, on things like this homeboys out there directing traffic for a parade.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I'm also trying to get my coffee before it gets too cold. I'm not gonna lie to you and be 100% honest with you.

Speaker 2:

I got bad is about everything, okay. So officer out here directing traffic, doing everything he needs to do, he's doing a good job, he's doing what he has to do and he's sitting there doing exactly what he needs to do. So as he's directing traffic, a car pulls up next to him and stops. As he's sitting there, bullet holes start going through the windshield. Now, if it hasn't hit you, you have no idea what's going on. So this officer sees bullet holes, automatically goes oh shit, something's going on. It's, it's responding to the stimulus, it's happening to him, your brain. It takes you a minute to realize what's going on, not really me. It takes 1.5 seconds to realize it. 1.5 seconds on the average to react, as long as there's not anything on board, such as drugs to slow down your reaction time or alcohol. So this officer sits there and he Kind of worries about um, is there an echo or is it just on me? Hold on one second. I gotta see if there's an echo. There's an echo. This is not gonna work. I'm not gonna lie. Be right back.

Speaker 2:

Okay, guys, I had to check that that was getting a little bit too much and I think it made a little bit of echo on there. Hopefully it has fixed our problem. Okay, and for everybody on YouTube you have seen it and now it's still doing it. What in the hell? I don't know. I don't know how to fix it. Well, this fix it. No, it won't. Well, yeah, it does.

Speaker 3:

If he says it where I can't hear it, but there we go.

Speaker 2:

I got it, I got to hear some of it, so I know if it's coming through or not. Okay so, maybe I don't know, I can't do that, that is killing me. Okay, so the officer is sitting there and directing traffic, all of a sudden sees bullet holes coming through the windshield and doesn't know if they're coming towards him, doesn't know if it's coming towards the victim, victim in the car, you don't know. At this point it's gonna take you a second to realize what is going on and, oh shit, I have to respond to this. So this officer ends up stepping off center, which is that's one of things you're taught step off 45 degree angle, kind of get a kind of way from what's going on. At this point he sees the window and the down and he starts yelling at the driver driver, show me your hands, as he's drawn. So he's grabbed his weapon, he's drawn up the because he doesn't know is that person a victim in the car or is that person a suspect? Has this person shot at me, or so much shot at them? Because you really don't know in that moment. Here we go Drawing the gun. Hey, show me your hands. Are you okay? Show me your hands, are you okay, show me your hands, are you okay?

Speaker 2:

At this point he says that he sees the woman looking at him and she has that look. She just has a look in her eyes. She's, she's scared, she's everything going on. So then he walks up to get a better view and notice she has a pistol in her hand. He ends up telling her don't do it, don't do it, don't do. It ends up having to shoot her. Now this officer remembers Shooting her and her head just popping back and then her car moving forward. So the car moving forward is, you know, now her body's limp One to the dome. Your body just goes. Oh, okay. So the foot that was on the brake is no longer on the brake, it starts rolling forward.

Speaker 2:

This officer also says at this point that's when I lost it. Um, he ends up backing up off of it, ends up falling back to the next officer that was there and falls on the ground, starts crying guys, you don't know what you're going to do until you're put in that situation. Um, and it sucks, it really does. No officer wants to shoot somebody. No officer wants to kill somebody, as much as media tells you that we do. We do not want to do that. I do not want to kill you, I do not want to shoot you. I don't want to have to live with that either. Um, long story short, the girl ended up losing her boyfriend a couple days before in a shootout not involving law enforcement. She was a blm supporter and she was upset. She wrote a suicide note, wanted to do suicide by cop pretty much and Unfortunately this cop has to live with this. This cop still lives with this.

Speaker 2:

This cop lives with a lot of the, the doubt that I do the right thing, did I make this right? There's a whole lot to it. So, as this cop's dealing with this, um, you have to do these things called inavaction reports and evaction, debriefing, stuff like that. So he goes to this now, in these debriefings and everything, they're going to tell you things oh, you should have done this, you should have done that. Good job here, good job there. You're going to see videos which I think we need to see. These videos it shows you what I messed up on. So I don't do it again. If I even stay in law enforcement. This because, like I said, no one wants to shoot somebody. The media tells you we do. I'm telling you right now, majority law enforcement never fire their service web at ever besides training in the course of their duty.

Speaker 2:

So this officer's dealing with this, um, he ends up getting put on leave. He comes back and he gets there, and there's all these other officers that are with him that are saying you should have done this, I would have done this, I would have done that, I would have done this. So few years back, um and, by the way, I was always. That person was like man. If it comes down to it, I'll do it. Um, I was putting that situation a couple years ago and I was put into it. I get called out to a Hosted situation and this is where I won my medal of valor. Uh, I still don't think I deserved it, but it was given to me and I'm freaking stoked about it because my son will have something to look forward to and then look at On the wall going look what dad he did, look what daddy did.

Speaker 2:

So this is a scary day, very scary day. I get called out to a hostage situation where the husband is holding the wife hostage and she's scared because he's got firearms and he's pretty much keeping their hostage with firearms. So I get called out, I head out there, my partner heads out there. We're out on this scene. As soon as we're pulling in, I'm get out of the truck, I pull into my first. I kind of pulled towards the front of the house. Um, there's like a garage right ahead of me and then the front doors to the left. It was a window garage, it was a. There's a bedroom Bedroom right ahead of me. There's a door to the left and that's the door. My partner goes around to the right and he kind of covers those windows that we're sitting there, um, on the we'll say the right side of the house. It's the easiest way to do without going on here. It'd be the south side of the house. I'm on the west side of the house.

Speaker 2:

Um, as I'm doing this, I get out of my car. As soon as I get out of the car, the woman runs out screaming. I said checkpoint. Fuck yeah, let's go. So I run around, I grab her, I run around the other side of my vehicle so that way we're covered. I open my back door, I so get in. This woman looks at me and she says no, I can't get in, I can't just give me a second. My puppies, we can't leave my puppies, don't leave my puppies, we can't leave my puppies. And I told her ma'am, I don't give a fuck about your puppies, get in the back seat. I can't leave my puppies, I can't leave those puppies, please don't make me leave those puppies. And I'm yelling at her ma'am, shut the fuck up, get in the back seat. And she wouldn't do it. I grab her, I throw her in. I start to go around the front Back to the other side of the truck where my door is. Uh, as I get to my door, I hear the front door open. So I already have my pistol drawn, kind of aim at the door in case somebody comes out.

Speaker 2:

The husband comes out with the revolver in his hand and he's waving the revolver around. Um, I end up Aiming my gun right at him. And if you've never shot a pistol, it's not, you just hit the trigger it goes. There's a stopping point on the trigger. You can pull all these pounds up off your trigger and you can. If you pull one hair further, it'll shoot, it'll fire. I had my pistol drawn to that, had my pistol drawn on him, aiming on him Don't drop the fucking gun. Drop the fucking gun, stop it. Drop the fucking gun. I don't want to kill you. Drop the fucking gun.

Speaker 2:

I Said a lot of the things, I'm sure, things I don't remember, but, like I said, my pistol was drawn and Aimed at him. The maximum amount I can at this point. I'm in the door of my car. Out the window I'm holding my gun. Drop the fucking gun, drop the fucking gun, drop it, drop it. And in the backseat of my truck I hear, oh my god, he's not gonna do it. Stop it. He's not gonna do it. That's my baby. Don't do it to help my dogs get my dogs. And I'm yelling at him drop the fucking gun. Let me shut the fuck up. Drop the gun, shelly, shut the fuck up. I'm trying to get this one. On.

Speaker 2:

One conversation with him and I told her I was like, lady, I'm gonna fucking shoot him. You better shut up. I can't handle you screaming at me and him screaming at me and everything going on. Shut the fuck up. Sorry about language guys, but it was a stressful situation and, like I said, I'm pretty honest about everything. I'm gonna be honest. I'm screaming at the lady to shut up as I'm screaming at him. No point that I ever take my eyes off of him. He's waving the gun around. Okay, at no point to the aim. It at me or he would no longer be here and I'd be in a lot worse situation. I was in, or that I am. I Told myself my whole life I ever got to that situation. I would shoot somebody. I had every legal right to shoot this man, but something didn't seem right. Something seemed like something's going on. This man needed help not to be shot and killed.

Speaker 2:

I End up being able to get into my car at this point because he goes back in the house and he pops back out. He goes back in the house, pops back out. I shouldn't allowed him go in and out, but if you're not in that situation, you don't know. I'm not gonna lie. Looking back, I had a lot of downfalls myself. I beat myself up. I should never let him go back in the house, but it was either kill him or try to get this lady out. So I I jump in my truck, I Start to put it in reverse and I had my gun, my door still open. I didn't even take time to do it. I got my gun at the window, aimed at the door in case he pops back out. We take the lady the road, we get her out of there the house is about 150 yards off the road I kind of get her off and in the safety and then we make a plan what we're gonna do to get this guy.

Speaker 2:

Long story short, the next shift came out. We ended up tasing the guy. He came out to the gate to kind of talk shit to us. He had a hammer and a pistol. We ended up tasing him and getting the pistol away, because at one point he we told him to drop the weapons. He dropped the weapons but he closed the gate on us. But we're able to. We're able to get the whole situation taken care of with a taser.

Speaker 2:

We received the Medal of Valor that day. It was a crazy day and the the worst thing about everything that went down that day Not the worst, the worst thing was be put in that situation. Anyways, if you're an ever in that situation where you're just a hair, hair, pull of a trigger away from killing someone, it's a, it's a crazy thing and you have to live with that and a lot of people think that that's not a lot to live with. Oh you, you're a pussy Dane. You've never taken someone's life and blah, blah, blah. I haven't and I hope to never have to. I was so close to ending that man's life that day and it still weighs on me and I don't know why it does. These are the things that weigh on us and it sticks with you. So I'm on a smaller agency. You don't really get days off like that, you don't you? You finish today.

Speaker 2:

Luckily, that was the end of my shifts. I was able to go home. It was a rough night. I didn't sleep well, made me an alcoholic beverage and I had went back to shift the next day. You know, didn't shoot them, didn't either. That Didn't really. We don't really get a whole idea. Very pretty. Where I'm at, people check on you. A Couple days later the next rotation of people come in and they're talking shit to the dispatcher about how much of a pussy I am.

Speaker 2:

Telling everybody at our sheriff's office. If it was them, they would have fucking killed that dude. They would have fucking killed him and blah, blah, blah and talking all this shit on me that I'm worthless, I'm a pussy and we should have ended that dude. A Lot of things were said, a lot of hateful things.

Speaker 2:

Now, taking mine, I'm already beat myself up. There's things that I should have done differently. There's things I could have done differently and it could have went a lot worse. I could have killed him. He could have shot at me. You don't know. Him going in and out not a good idea, but I had. I had a choice to make and if you're not in that situation, you don't know what the fuck you're gonna do. He's aimed a gun around, not at me. He's aimed to gun around and if he would have ever put it anywhere near me, he would have been shot before he raised it high enough.

Speaker 2:

Now, him going in and out wasn't a good idea on my part, but I didn't have a choice. I had to get this lady out of there and I don't want her shot in the crossfire. I beat myself up still to the stake on some of this stuff, but one thing I can look back and and be happy about, is this man needed help. At the end of everything that went down, I ended up getting an AR on Perimeter kind of further away, not really further away, about 20 yards away from the gate, watching him. In case he did anything, I would have shot him with an AR.

Speaker 2:

So two times in this day Well, not two times, but two different, separate events I almost shot this man Either with an AR or my pistol. Of the first, the deputy, who's a good buddy of mine, very close friend of mine, very close friend of mine pretty much family Ends up tasing the man at the gate. After everything said and done, this man, he's pissed, he's like you fucking shot me at your tazer, you fucking pussy. But as it's done, and he's dealing with him and patting him down. Hey, look at my partner and he says good job, you did good. This man that's been waving a gun around that we almost killed even took the time to tell the deputy that dealt with him and tell Us all good job, good job, you guys did good here. Shit like that makes me realize that we did the right thing.

Speaker 2:

That dude was a veteran, had a lot of mental health problems. He seeked help. After all this going on. He didn't do prison time. He ended up getting the help he wanted. Wife didn't want to do anything. We didn't want to do anything. We just wanted this dude to get help. He got help and we haven't dealt with him since.

Speaker 2:

Knock on, knock on wood, I Receive the medal for valor. This, all this stuff, but it hated me. There's things I could have done different. There's things I could have done this. But if anybody of my guys were put in this situation where they could have been killed, I would have shot this man without a problem, not without a problem. I would have shot him if I had to. It was still problem. I didn't shoot the dude and I dealt with a lot of Internal problems.

Speaker 2:

And then you go back to work and find out some of the deputies are talking shit on you, that you're a pussy, you should have killed that man, you this, you're that and this and it's like that. You're supposed to be my brothers. And this is Law enforcement. And this is law enforcement to a tee. It is law enforcement, is a bunch of type A Mentalities that everyone thinks they're the most badass motherfucker out there and they talk shit on each other 24-7. It's like high school football cheerleader everything drama all into one and and everybody wants to judge you. Everyone's talk shit on you day and your fat. You need to do this. That's fine hate on me. At the end of the day, I made the decision I made and I'm happy with the decision I made.

Speaker 2:

Could I've done things different? Yes, but I don't have to live with ending that man's life and I don't have to live the rest of my life. No, and I ended a man's life, no matter what that's gonna stick with me. I mean, obviously, but you just you don't know until you're put in that situation. And it's crazy. There's so much backstabbing in law enforcement. There's so much petty, childish shit in law enforcement. There's a group on Instagram and it's a bunch of cops that get together and and hate on tick top cops because of Instagram's. Okay, tick top, no. No. Now these guys are doing the same thing I'm doing, but they're doing it on Instagram and the hate on me, they and your fat. You're doing this year an embarrassment to law enforcement. You need to act this and you do that and you do this. You're wasting company time. You're doing that, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

Now, a lot of these guys I've realized aren't actual cops there, want to be cops and they're mad that it make it in there. I'm upset that me, being a bigger dude has made it and I'm making people laugh instead of being knife-hand all the time. I'm not that guy. I'm not taking people to jail for flawless, stupid shit. That is. That doesn't need to go, just little bullshit. I'm not taking you jail for you do real things. I'm taking jail you still from your neighbors to support your drug habit. You're asking going to jail. You touch little children 100%. You're going to jail. You hurt women. You're going to jail. If you deserve to go to jail, you're asking going to jail. So these guys are hating on me. They find the picture they spit.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now take it. Take a mind. It's about 3,000 cops that are very salty, very upset with their life and they're very sad of their existence. It's called the. Well, we want to give them a shout out because then they're going to get more attention. But it's just these cops on instagram that hate tick-tock cops, so they end up 3,000 cops.

Speaker 2:

Take the time to find out where I'm at. Take a mind, guys. We are cops. We can do this stuff. We can figure shit out pretty, pretty easily. Um, they take the time. One cop which is the leader of it.

Speaker 2:

This is where it all started. I'll tell you where it started. We're doing a tick-tock live. We're all having a good time. The guy says does your sergeant know you're doing tick-tock? I said, oh god, he doesn't know I'm doing tick-tock. My sergeant doesn't know. Please don't tell them. This guy is screen recording this. Now, take a mind, he's on tick-tock, doing this stuff, getting screen recordings.

Speaker 2:

Ends up Posting that video instagram and says we fucking got one boys, we're gonna find out. Where is that? We're gonna tell a sergeant we got one boys, let's figure it out. Now you have 3,000 salty cops that work together. Find out where I'm at. And they find out where I'm at.

Speaker 2:

So they start sending messages to my uh works facebook. Well, me being social media guru that I am. Well, I'm in charge of our social media page on facebook, but I wasn't gonna answer. That's not my place. Someone's complaining on me. I'm gonna let my sheriff answer. So I tell my sheriff. My sheriff messages them. They go back and forth.

Speaker 2:

The guy says my sheriff's naive. Now, take in mind. This all started because I told him my sergeant doesn't know. News flash guys, I don't have a sergeant. So now I tell my tell this. So he tells my sergeant or tells my sheriff. He tells my sheriff You're naive, blah, blah, blah for letting him do this and stuff. And it's like, bro, this all starts because You're naive and you believe the joke. So that's the ironic part of it. So he goes back and forth. Then he goes through the facebook page of my sheriff's office, finds a picture where I see the middle of valor. He posts that and he posts some other videos I use for humor to make people smile about rookies and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Guys, if we make fun of rookies, we make fun of this. It happens as part of the brotherhood. And what's funny is they act like they don't do that, but yet they're hating on me, I don't know. So they grap this picture, they post it on there and say I should be embarrassed. Then I start getting messages from all these cops that are on that page about how I'm fat, I'm out of shape, I'm an embarrassment. If me receiving a medal of valor is an embarrassment, then I guess I'm fucking embarrassed. Yes, I'm overweight. Yes, I'm a big dude. It is what it is. I'm not dumb.

Speaker 2:

I still run, I still work out, I still do a lot of stuff and, to be honest, I trust myself a lot more than these dudes. I really don't even believe all of them are cops. There are a lot of people that want to be cops. I'm mad they didn't make it, so they're gonna try to call me fat just because they're upset. I made it. Guys, I am a big dude. I still run, I still do stuff, I still passed all the physicals. I still do everything.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy or I wouldn't be in this profession anymore, but it it. It's crazy how much hate that your brothers and sisters are supposed to have your back. But they spew this hate, they give this hate. We get so much hate throughout media, so much hate Throughout social media, through everything, through all the random Druggees we arrest. They give us hate, they hate on us, um, but it didn't always go that way. You know, yesterday I was at a thing, um, it was an event, uh, for fall. It's a big festival. We do all sorts of stuff. One of, uh, a big druggy that we chased a lot I've arrested Um, he does a lot of stuff.

Speaker 2:

Well, he's doing good. He's staying clean. Every time he sees me. He comes and shakes my hand. So this man came with me today shaking my hand, tell me that now he is Leading the sober group at the church. He's actually leading prayers at church, he's doing this at church, he's doing that at church. And I said, man, that's freaking awesome, dude. I love it. So keep doing what you're doing, dude. I love to see you clean, because clean is sober. A lot of these people are amazing people. They're not the shit bags that you deal with on a daily basis when they're clean, and it's, it's awesome, it's it's it's crazy. But you know a lot of the hate that gets spews, it's mind blowing and a lot of the ignorant stuff that grow. It just it blows my mind.

Speaker 2:

Um, the other night, so the other day, in our state, we had a deputy shot. We had another bystander that was actually shot and killed in this instance, and the guy took off after shooting the deputy, shot the deputy. The deputy got Lucky, very lucky. He's working for the drug test, for it's doing big things. Good thing stops this car. The dude shoots him. The kid he's like 24, has a big history of this, released from prison early, shocker Because, uh, I don't know, he shot at cops before, before, so he's gonna do it again. Now he's done it again. He shoots the deputy In the chin. The bullet goes around his chin, down his neck and out his collarbone and he had to get stitches. No surgery, none of that. Lucky as shit. Now the bystander that was killed. Unfortunately, they weren't lucky, it was their time to go and it's sad. All because one dirt bag. So this guy gets away. He's hiding in the woods.

Speaker 2:

Um, a lot of these instances they'll start asking for other agencies. Hey, we need help, we need help. So I have part of a buddy of mine with my agency. We went out there and we worked perimeter. You know we're taking shifts on who's watching who's doing this. But we're sitting at our spot doing what we're supposed to do and, ironically, man, I was gun hoe, so i'ma be 100%. So this, I'm gun hoe. All right, I'm ready, we're getting there. I'm fucking pumped. We're gonna get there, we're gonna catch this piece of shit, we're gonna do what we have to do. So I get there and we do our briefing. They sign spots and they give me spot two and I'm like fuck, yeah, I'm gonna take care of spot two.

Speaker 1:

I got spot two.

Speaker 2:

So they, they give us a map. Spot two Was the entry gate to the command post. I'm not going out there in the woods waiting for this dude to show up or looking for him, because we're holding perimeter where we think he is. I'm not getting any of that shit. I'm getting the gate to the command post. Like, wait what, hold on dude, like I'm gonna be out there and maybe we can get this dude, maybe this dude, cuz it's raining, it's cold, this guy might turn himself in. Nope. Gate to the command post. So we go to the gate to the command post. Oh, good shit.

Speaker 2:

So we go out there to the gate of the command post where there's a guy working the gate. This dude is very disgruntled and I don't blame him because that was gonna be me. After 12 hours of sitting at that gate. You sent the gate and this business is nice enough. This Oil-filled business is nice enough to let us use their building for command post. Awesome deal, community really comes out and helps on these big things because they want this dirt bag too. So we're at this command post area, where that this place well, this place has an intricate that you have to get a code. I Walk up and this deputy is just sitting there, just pissed off his mind, and as I, hey brother, your spot too. I believe we're here to relieve you he kind of lose a side eye. Secret in the sand is like I don't have a fucking spot.

Speaker 2:

I was like, hey, man, I think your spot too. He's like I don't have a fucking spot. I'm just here yelling at cops because you think us, being cops, we'd know, we would know what a fucking gate is, and a gate opens inward. So I've been yelling at all these troopers and all these dumbasses. I can't get now to this gate. Now this poor man has has to hit an entry code for every cop that goes in or out of this business. There's hundreds of cops going in and out of this place and he has to hit that damn code. And he's like yelling at these cops. He's like I've hit the cop cars with these damn gates and I was like, whatever, dude, so as I'm sitting there, talk up to him.

Speaker 2:

This troopers right inside the gate didn't pull far enough and this gate starts slapping the ass into this truck hard and I was like, well, I'm gonna go, let him know to pull forward. He's like, fuck him, he'll figure it out. It's just like Jesus, hey, this is, this is some good shit right here. This is comedy goal. So I'm telling him like, alright, dude, well, you know, you've been here all day. We're here to relieve you. He's like I'll be here till 7 am. I'll just stay here.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't argue with this dude. I knew I was gonna hate my life if I ended up Getting stuck on a gate, hitting a code and watching cops get hit with this damn gate over and over, and I'd be like this, is that my nightmare? This is awful. Well, he ends up calling his under sheriff's. Under sheriff says oh no, spot twos north you. I was like deal bye, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna debate with him, see you. So we go to the spot north him. Well, that's spot one. And those guys are like well, we just got here too. I was like, well, we got to figure out something. So we end up driving and making our own spot near gate, the gate, and we called it 1.83, my partner and I. So this is what point one, at point 1.83, that's gonna be our position, because I don't want to wear that gate. Well, ironically, it's also where the news crews were, so we ended up being on the news several times that day, but it was just a funny deal.

Speaker 2:

So, as we're sitting, there we're near the command post. There's cop cars everywhere and at this point is like this dude's not coming to here. Out of all points he ain't coming to here. That'd be a just dumb on his part. So my buddy's watching the woods and he's kind of doing his thing. Wind up doing a tick tock lot and we're joking on tick tock Live. We're having a good time while still watching perimeter, still watching everything we have to do. I can multitask, he can multitask. So as we're doing this, people are looking at my lights going. You're working to construct in town. That's a fucking construction done. What are you doing? Oh, my god, don't do your job. Go catch criminals. We're wasting taxpayers dollars. You're doing this. We've volunteered for this guys. We're out there volunteering for this, um and the wasting taxpayers dollars. I'm doing exactly what we're supposed to do. We're trying to get this guy contained and keep them contained in the area.

Speaker 2:

But it's the amount of hate from idiot people that have no idea what they're talking about. First of all, you're not a real cop. Okay, whatever, dude, I got my lights off, amazon, all sorts of stuff, but just it was killing me because people like I wasn't sharing what I was doing. And then they're like well, why are lights on? And I was being a smart ass. Well, it's cuz I flipped them on. Well, why cuz I turned the switch? Well, are you construction zone? No, well, you're just wasting taxpayers dollars in your driveway, no. And they're like go do your job. I was doing my job, but that just shows you how many people don't understand and everybody talks about. They know everything, they're the best. All these guys suck and everything is kind of cool. Though I was right.

Speaker 2:

The command post, like I, did get recognized by a few deputies, few officers. One of the deputies it was his agency, it was his buddy. They got shot. He came up. He's like hey, man, I fall young, tick talk, I really appreciate you being here. That's like this is for a brother. A brother, they got shot. We're gonna be here. I'm gonna come. If I have the ability to be here, I will fucking be here, and it really had been a lot to me. You know, this guy was kind of. He was in a bad state. He thanked me for being there and I was like dude, you don't thank me. This is what we do. This is what we're here for. We're here for our brothers and sisters, and we're gonna make sure that we do the best of our abilities. So we're I'm dealing with this whole thing. We're doing with it Long shift, long shift.

Speaker 2:

I didn't get any sleep the day before. We're out there for like 14 hours sitting there at the same spot. It was long, and then they, we didn't have way. I won't go into logistics, but it needed to be worked on, but it is what it is. It was 14 hours without any food or water, but that's beside the point. I should have been ready and I wasn't. I I took everything out of my front seat that I normally have, like my drinks and my Coldest water bottle, because the other guy was riding with me. But oh well, it is what it is.

Speaker 2:

So there we go, we're out on a manhunt. That's what we're doing. The other night dude still at large, I think he got out of there before we even got in the area. He's out and about. So there are, we just kicked the bottle. He's out and about. They'll find him, though. They'll get him. But yeah, that just shows you the ignorance.

Speaker 2:

And then you deal with the hate from internal People talking shit on you. You should have done this, you should have done that. But you know, you just never know. You know. And then it makes you realize we as law enforcement officers have to deal with way more shit than we should have to deal with. And then you have all these people in the media saying, well, you should be dealing with that 100%. Most law enforcement officers tell you yeah, we shouldn't be dealing with this bullshit, this isn't our deal, this is not something we should be dealing with. This doesn't fall in the criteria of things that we normally do. I don't understand why we're doing it, but we're stuck with it because when you call 911 and you have something random, they send the cops and that's what we do. We go out, we keep our head down. Most time. We don't do it without complaining. I'm not gonna lie. We're like this stupidest name my job, but we do it.

Speaker 2:

And it makes you realize that Society as a whole expects law enforcement to be a master of everything and we can't. What? What happens, really, when you expect someone to be a master of everything? They not a master of one thing or another. Some of us are good at certain things. There's cops that are amazing at traffic I'm not. There's cops that are good at Rex I'm not. I'm good at taking care of people in the Rex with my fire department history, but I'm not good at writing Rex. I'm not good at SFSTs. I'm not gonna lie to you. I did. I work day shift. I don't get a whole lot, do you wise? There are cops that are amazing at SFSTs. They do damn good job at it. They're amazing at it. Their reports are on point and everything is on point because that's something they deal with on a regular basis. But it's just crazy on how much law enforcement officers we deal with and we're expected to be a master of them all. But we can't, you can't, you cannot do it.

Speaker 2:

There are laws in our area that not every cop knows. Now we know our laws to a T of the ones you deal with on a regular basis, but when you come in with that most random call or whatever, we have to look the law up. Does this fit criteria for breaking a law? Does that fit that? And we figure it out. We do, and that's what I love about these first amendment auditors. You know I support everything they do. I really do.

Speaker 2:

It's just some of them take it to the next level just so they can get views and clicks and likes. What they really need to do is show the positive outcome and the negative. Show those cops I don't know shit. Show those cops that have violated your rights. Show those 100%. Show them. Show the full fucking clip, though, but also show the clips of the law enforcement officers that did the right thing and handled it the right way, instead of just showing the negative, and show the amount of places you go to Compared to the ones that are bad.

Speaker 2:

Now, don't be wrong. Call out those cops that don't know. I do it. I call out cops that don't know. I call out cops that do a bad job, and when I, if I get called out, I like it. I like making mistakes because I learned from it. You learn from your mistakes. So everybody wants to be perfect in this profession, but there's gonna be times you're not perfect and you have to fucking learn from it, and nothing is a better way to learn. Then, fucking up, you fuck up, you learn. I fixed it. I don't do it again. I just happen to be a lot of times Not on like violating rights, but like forgetting something on a call. I tell you right now I have everything I need for that call now, if I ever have that call again and it comes down the same situation, I handle it the way I need to be handled because I'm not gonna be able to do it again, the way I need to be handled because now I've already been, I already look stupid and I don't like looking stupid. So we figured it out, bam, we got it. But it kills me.

Speaker 2:

Some of the stuff they want you to know, they want you to know this, they want you to know that. You know, on tiktok, I get people that want to go what's the first amendment? And then you answer it, but in a way that's not the way they want me to. They want me to break it down. Well, the first amendment states that you have the freedom of speech, blah, blah, blah. And I'm not doing that. So what I'll say is man, I don't know what's an amendment. One I think it just says I don't know, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure I can still talk on here. I think I have, I have the ability where I can talk freely and they're like, say you don't know it. It's like, dude, you're too stupid to realize. I just answered it. I just answered that. Well, what's the third amendment. I'm like oh shit. The third amendment, I don't know. But I'm telling you right now, that's my house, I'm not gonna let anybody live in there, that that doesn't live there. You can't stay in my house unless unless you live there and they're like so you don't know. I'm like, well, I'm pretty sure it says that we don't have to harbor soldiers. Holy shit, he's answering without answering. I'm not.

Speaker 2:

Tick-tock is my outlet. This job will eat you alive. And tick-tock is my outlet. I've dealt with things, tasted things, seen, things, felt, things you can't imagine. And, yes, taste, taste. If you're there quick, after seeing a someone blowing their brains out, guys, you have an iron taste in the air because there's blood mist in the air. Um, and it's nasty. It is, when you break it down, anything bad like whoo. That nasty, yes, it is, but that's the thing. Tick-tock is my outlet I deal with. First Amendment, honored as a person I deal with. People says I know my rights, which majority of them don't know the rights. When they say I know my rights, if you do know your rights, good, you should, everyone should know your rights. So what you can and cannot do, you should. If you don't, don't say you do, because that's the majority of what I deal with. Um, and it's like tick-tock is my outlet.

Speaker 2:

Making other people laugh is where I get my energy. Um, people always think I'm on Cocaine and stuff. I got in the evidence room because I'm having such a good time in my morning lives. Y'all are what make my morning life so good. Y'all are what make my day Amazing. If I know I've made someone laugh or smile and maybe forget about one little negative thing they're dealing with, even just the matter. Just a minute, just minute Time in their life, that's fucking awesome. I'm gonna do it and that's what gives me energy. That's what gives me a boost. No one, I make someone else today just better. A little bit makes my day better. So it's selfish internally. I'm not gonna lie.

Speaker 2:

I don't get on tick-tock to sit here and just always receive hate or um, answer your government questions about law and stuff and people tell me I'm not a cop because I don't know this 10 code. I don't care, dude you. You want to believe I'm not? Then go watch something else. You're the one that's watching something that makes you mad and that's the existence of you. You want to stay mad? Stay mad. You want to sit there and hate on people because you don't believe in it, dude, you do you? Dude? That's on you, I don't care it's. It's a sad, sad existence. Um, but how awesome is it that you can make someone laugh?

Speaker 2:

There's so many people in this world that live, uh, so close to ending it. There's so many law enforcement officers that are so close to ending it, so many military men and women, but yet we still hate on each other. How do you not know that that brother or sister is going through a hard time and that they're so fucking close to day and I'm gonna suck, start this Glock, and yet you want to bring them down and maybe be that last comment that says I'm fucking tired of it, I can't do it anymore. Why? Why, you know we deal with our. You know there's banter at our job. There's this, there's that you have to do something and, to be honest, we're all family.

Speaker 2:

You know I mess around with some of the guys I work with, because that's how I am with my brother. We talk shit to each other, we have fun, we make fun of each other, we laugh, we do this, but if someone tell me they're having a hard time, that's it. I'm done. We're not dealing with that shit. If someone tells me hey man, your jokes are getting to getting to me, I'm gonna stop. You might have to tell me again because I joke around all the time, but just straight up attacking somebody, telling them they're stupid, they should have done this, should have done that. That's not something I'm gonna do, unless it's Very bad and it was a danger to several people. I will Talk to people about hey man, next time let's do it this way. But I'm not gonna be like you're a stupid, fucking dumbass, shouldn't have done that, should have done this, because you never know what that person's dealing with and I'm not gonna be that person's reason to do something.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, I bust balls. I have fun. A lot of people have fun with me. Sometimes people put me in a place and I'm being too much, and I know I'm being too much. Unfortunately it's part of me and I have to learn how to deal with it. I have to get myself to shut up, chill out. It's whist is for fun, it's not to hurt someone's feelings. Um, and I get put in my place and I need to be put in my place. I learn from being put in my place. I learn from my mistakes, and it just there's so much negativity out there and there's so many people living this negative life set. They want to bring other people down. You know why? Life is too short to sit here and bring other people down, or because all that's going to do is bring you down.

Speaker 2:

If you see a comment that someone said something negative, understand that that person's going through a lot worse than you. That person's going through some shit that they feel that they have to spew hate and make you feel that negativity. Um, if you see some positive comments, heck yeah. Or if you see some video you don't like, don't take the time to tell a person you don't like them. Just don't watch them. It's so easy. It's so easy these days to grab your phone and just swipe.

Speaker 2:

If you don't like something. If you don't like something, don't watch it. Don't get mad, don't say negative stuff, because all that's doing is making you stay in that negative mindset and so many people are so close to ending it and your comment could be the last comment for somebody. Why would you want that? And then you have people. They come in my lives and want to talk shit and stuff. And if I. If I say anything back, they're like haha, I heard your feelings. Well, first of all, you didn't. I get way worse. In person, dude, I make comments back, I act a lot, I joke a lot and I have fun. But listen to how happy you are knowing that you're trying to bring somebody down instead of supporting that person. It's crazy. It's crazy guys. It's just a crazy time we're living in and there's a lot of sad fucking people in this world. So try to spread the positivity, guys. Try to help everybody out. Try to be nice to somebody. Um, it's easy. It's so much easier to be nice to somebody instead of trying to think of something negative.

Speaker 2:

You see some girl on a bikini and you try to you. You have to come up with a joke to call her fat, as a well or something. Why? Maybe that was the first time that this woman felt confident enough, because she saw another big girl post a bikini video and she finally said you know what? I'm gonna do it myself. And then you want to call her a well or you want to call her this, and it's like she finally got the confidence to do that. Tell her you're beautiful. I'm not saying you have to say I'm attracted to you.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's beautiful, everybody in this world, everybody. Think about it. You are the one that won a race of swimming with millions of people. Every person on this world is a miracle, whether you're religious or not. Miracle doesn't have to be religious. Everybody is. Your brain Is an organ that makes you you, your brain. Think about that. Your brain makes you breathe. Your brain does this, your brain does that. Think about that. How fucking amazing is that? The people that are hating life and everything. They are amazing. Now they spend their time in crazy, shitty ways. But Think about that next time you want to make fun of somebody. Think about that. The next time that you let someone get to you, don't? You are amazing that you are here and if you are debating on ending your life, please reach out. There's so many places to reach out and get help. I'm telling you right now.

Speaker 2:

I've been on several scenes that these people that think that nobody cared about them, and I can't tell you the amount of Sadness, the amount of crying, the amount of hurt that I've dealt with, these families that lost somebody to suicide when all they had to do is reach out. Your family does care about you more than you think. Your friends care about you more than you think. I guarantee someone there is going to be devastated that you did it. I promise you, even if it's the first responder. Understand that first responder lives with that. They live with it. I live with all the suicides I've dealt with. I lived with all the murder and victims I'm a dealt with and all the crashes I dealt with and these things take a toll on you. You know what happened, this kind of off topic from what we're going. It happened the other day.

Speaker 2:

I've told people about the wreck that is stuck with me for the rest of my life. It's going to stick with me because I told that woman I'd be there till the end and I was. But I remember to the side of her face when she, when I opened that I pulled up the airbag, the side airbag, and I look at her face and she's looking at me with her eye and her it's down to skull. I'm looking at a skull with eye looking up to me because her face is de, de-skin, pretty much de-glove. Um, so I'm looking at a skull looking right up at me. The other day I'm out there feeding animals with my son and he about trips on something and almost hits the bucket of my tractor and all I could think about was my son looking like that and it fucked with me, it, it, it really fucked with me that night.

Speaker 2:

And you don't realize this stuff, this stuff will attack you randomly, it'll randomly hit you and you're like, oh, oh, and tiktok is my outlet, tiktok is my thing. And so many people try to shut me down just because you don't like cops not realizing this is my safe place, this is my outlet. As much hate as I get, I like the hate. I like being a smart ass. I'm fine with the hate. I don't care about the hate. But when you get me shut down because you don't like me or like the people that sit here and say negative comments, they get blocked and they go on another account and they report me and then next, you know, tiktok takes me down because of it. These are my outlets. So, guys, if you are struggling with these things, please reach out to somebody. People love you more than you'll ever realize. Um, please, life is a beautiful thing and you all are amazing. Guys. We've been going about 50 minutes. Um, I think it's a good podcast. Please, let me know what you guys think.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking about starting another tiktok channel for just this podcast. Let me know, please. Um, come to my regular videos. Tell me what you think. Um, was it good, was it bad? Did it hit here? What do you want to know? What are questions you have? What is you know? I'm gonna start trying to do interviews. I do a really good talking to somebody and going back and forth he's talking to. A computer screen sometimes gets a little rough, but just let me know.

Speaker 2:

And, if you can, please check out my patreon I'm having linked in this video. Um, you don't have to support it, but if you just click it at least shows that somebody was there. If you do want to support me, that's the best way to support me. Um, tiktok, doesn't take the crazy amount out of that. Everyone that does support me on their corner Pebbles, lady buck, eye trauma and Kylie. Thank you, guys, so much for the support. It helps me with everything. I'm trying to grow our channel. I'm trying to get a heat press so we can start making shirts. I'm trying to get all sorts of stuff and all this stuff goes to helping the channel or helping with my work, helping with families, helping with giveaways, whatever it is. Guys, thank you so much. Please spread the love and positivity again. Follow, like, share, do everything we do on everything. If you can check out the patreon, everything you think I don't know. Whatever it is, guys, much loved everybody, spread the love and positivity and don't let people get you down. Have a great day, guys, and please stay safe.

Deputy Dane Morning Show
Officer's Experience With Life-Threatening Situations
Gun-Waving Man and Abandoned Puppies
Hate and Backstabbing in Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Challenges & Misunderstandings
The Power of Positivity
Supporting the Channel and Spreading Love