DeputyDane Morning Show

#DDMS Episode 12: A Serious Look at Parenting, Community Faults, and Policing Challenges

November 06, 2023 Dane Episode 12
#DDMS Episode 12: A Serious Look at Parenting, Community Faults, and Policing Challenges
DeputyDane Morning Show
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DeputyDane Morning Show
#DDMS Episode 12: A Serious Look at Parenting, Community Faults, and Policing Challenges
Nov 06, 2023 Episode 12

Did you ever pay attention to how your children mimic your every word and gesture? It's both amusing and terrifying at the same time. Like our little dude, who's been marching around the house shouting 'march, march,' and saluting everything, after learning about saluting the flag at school. Parenting moments like these are adorable, but, sometimes, they also demand our serious attention. Like when he didn't want me to leave for work. Was it just a child's plea or a sign of something more profound?

But not all parenting tales are sweet. Some rip your heart out. Like a 13-year-old's life cut short due to negligent parenting and society's apathy. How are we, as a community, failing our children? The chilling story of Amelia and Christine, two sisters caught in a cycle of abuse and violence, further underlines the lasting impact of these failings. But, it's not just about identifying the problems, it's about holding those accountable that perpetuate them.

Switching from parenting to police work isn't easy, neither are the challenges we face in the line of duty. Like this one time, when an officer had to prove his right to use an oil pad. The dark underbelly of society, marked by gang violence, drug use, and theft, doesn't make it any easier. But, the support from our Patreon community and keeping a positive mindset amidst negativity, helps us get through. Join us in our conversation, and let's figure this out together. Post your thoughts and feedback in the Communication tab on our page.

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Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

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Did you ever pay attention to how your children mimic your every word and gesture? It's both amusing and terrifying at the same time. Like our little dude, who's been marching around the house shouting 'march, march,' and saluting everything, after learning about saluting the flag at school. Parenting moments like these are adorable, but, sometimes, they also demand our serious attention. Like when he didn't want me to leave for work. Was it just a child's plea or a sign of something more profound?

But not all parenting tales are sweet. Some rip your heart out. Like a 13-year-old's life cut short due to negligent parenting and society's apathy. How are we, as a community, failing our children? The chilling story of Amelia and Christine, two sisters caught in a cycle of abuse and violence, further underlines the lasting impact of these failings. But, it's not just about identifying the problems, it's about holding those accountable that perpetuate them.

Switching from parenting to police work isn't easy, neither are the challenges we face in the line of duty. Like this one time, when an officer had to prove his right to use an oil pad. The dark underbelly of society, marked by gang violence, drug use, and theft, doesn't make it any easier. But, the support from our Patreon community and keeping a positive mindset amidst negativity, helps us get through. Join us in our conversation, and let's figure this out together. Post your thoughts and feedback in the Communication tab on our page.

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Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

Speaker 1:

Warning, warning, warning. This content may be sensitive to some. If you feel the need to leave, it is completely understandable. Content may contain examples of death, suicide, sexual content and other shit. We don't know what we're gonna get into. This is not to offend anyone or upset anyone on purpose. This isn't your typical deputy dane, so listen at your own risk. Sit back and enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Good morning everybody. Welcome to the deputy dane morning show. I appreciate all y'all for being here. We got some stuff to get into. I really don't know what we're gonna get into, but we'll get into something. Sit back. Oh, oh, yep, there's the sirens. I think we're all gonna be detained. Sit back and enjoy the show. Good morning everybody. Hopefully everybody's doing great. Halloween is now over. Hopefully everybody had a fantastic Halloween. I know I did.

Speaker 2:

I would have loved to spend more time with the babies, but you know it is what it is. You know we just get to spend as much time as we can and enjoy what we can with the babies when we can. Other than that, we've had a pretty interesting week. My wife and I had to take the babies in. Baby girl has had an ear infection which has been pretty awful, pretty, pretty bad. The ear infection has made it to where she doesn't want to drink, she doesn't want to eat and it's really stressing us the hell out. I'm not gonna lie, it's really it's wearing on us. I'm getting a little nervous, but we're kind of doing okay. I guess we can slowly get her to drink a little bit. She'll eat fine, but drinking wise. She's not wanting to drink anything.

Speaker 2:

Little dude was funny because he pays attention to everything we say like extremely, extremely well. So we're talking about baby girl and why she's not eating. What's going on, baby girl? Why are you not? Or she was eating fine, but she's not eating her bottle, sorry. And we're like I wonder if it's because she's teething? We are teeth hurts. Maybe she doesn't want to suck on the bottle because her teeth hurts. Yada, yada, yada. And then we start talking about that. Well, we go to the doctor's office and at the doctor's office, sorry about that. We go to the doctor's office and as we are at the doctor's office, little dude is sitting there with us in the room and they start to check him out. My son hates the doctor's office and he automatically starts going no, not me, baby teeth hurt, baby teeth hurt, not for me, baby teeth hurt. That's how much he's been paying attention to us. He knew it was time for baby to get checked out, not himself. Let's check baby out, not me, I don't want to be checked out, let's check out baby. It was quite cute, it was it. Just it kills me how much he pays attention, just sitting there looking at the doctor like bitch. What are you doing? You're not supposed to be checking me out. Baby's teeth hurts. So it was fun.

Speaker 2:

We've been also dealing with a lot of stuff with what he's learning in school. So he's learning to march in school and then salute the flag. Let me explain my son's marching and saluting the flag. He is marching around the house and as my son is marching around the house and he's working on his saluting what he's learning in school, I look over and he's saying march, march, march, as he's trying to salute, and I'm going to be 100% honest with you, he looks like a Hitler youth. He looks like a Hitler youth as he's walking around screaming march, march, as he's working on his saluting. Yeah, I'm like what are we teaching him in his little school, as he's just got my little Hitler youth going around the house march, march, salute, march. And I'm like whoa dude, what are we learning? And then I had to ask mama and mama's like he's learning to march in a line and when they get to where they have to, they salute the flag and they do the Pledge of Allegiance. I was like, well, thank God you knew, because I'm over here wondering if we're going to have to get him checked out Very terrifying. I was like whoa dude, simmer down, you're going to get us canceled real quick. It's just funny to watch him try to learn how to do everything. And he's trying to do it to the best of his ability but he's still working on getting the motions right and everything and it's just like whoa, okey, dokey then. It's just, it's awesome to watch. Even the other day I had one that it broke my heart.

Speaker 2:

I got home and as soon as I get home I normally try to get out of my uniform and I try to get stuff going Well, one of my guys was on a call and he was calling me, asking me questions. So I had to go straight to the office, lock myself in and answer a few questions, help them out, contact them. Different agency kind of did some investigating from home and helped him out on this case. So I get done with that and I go to the living room and I go to help mama get the babies ready for bed. Little dude is sitting on the couch next to where me and him sit. Every night we cuddle on the couch, we watch TV and we, you know, we sit there and we play, we talk and we get ready for bed as we're winding down. So I've already gotten out of my uniform.

Speaker 2:

I'm sitting there and I get a phone call from dispatch and dispatch says hey, we need assistance. This officer's out or this deputy's out on this call. We need another deputy to head to this call. We have another deputy on this call, the day guy staying late, and I said, not a problem, let me get dressed and I'll head that way. So I go there and I start getting dressed and I look over at little man and he's looking at me with the status size. He says no, dad that sit, stay dad, don't go. Dad that sit, please stay. Dad that stay, dad, that no, work, no work. And he's saying all these things over and over as I'm getting my boots on and getting my pants, just everything on and I'm just listening to him just plead with me not to go stay dad, cut it with me, dad, stay, dad, dad. And it just broke my heart it really did To see him do that.

Speaker 2:

And then part of you also wonders like do they know something that we don't know is somehow he linked to higher abilities and higher ups than we are and he over here knows if I leave the house I'm getting a car wreck and die or getting a shoot out and die. You never know. And then the next time I'm like, well, shit, is he telling me not to go because he knows something? Or like what's going on? Does he tell me, hey, don't go, dad, that stay, because if you go it might be your last time. I'm like, oh shit, this is some higher calling. So it's kind of weird just to have that one going on the back of my head.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I think it's some outlandish shit, but I'm sitting there watching my son beg with him, plead with me not to go, and he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand. Somebody else needs me at this point. Somebody else needs dad and you think about it and it's heartbreaking, because he needs dad. He needs dad. But I signed up for a job that I have to take other people's needs over mine sometimes, over my own family sometimes. And it's sad to think, because he doesn't understand. He just knows dad has going to work and I don't want him to ever look back and go. Dad chose work over me because I would never choose work over my son, but it kills me. You're just seeing that his little heart just dropped. And then, as I'm going out the door so I'm tearing up a little bit and not going to lie this it kills me. As I'm going out the door, he's just whined, yells no, dad stay. And I, you know, I close the door and I go, but then I get in my car and I have to get ready, I have to get my right mindset right, but at the same time I just see my little baby boy that I love more than anything in this world just sitting there begging me no, dad stay, no, dad stay. And that's the what. If you're thinking about getting in this profession, that's what you have to understand that you are giving up so much To be there for others that most of time they don't give a shit. They don't care that you were putting your babies down, they don't care about this, they care about doing whatever they're doing and you are impeding whatever they're doing. It just it's sad.

Speaker 2:

Luckily, the call I went on was actually closer to the home. I witnessed this on. That got done with that and I headed home and Bubba was still awake. But this is my son. Okay, my son's not just gonna be like oh, dad, dad's home, my son is laying in this crib because we had to put him in the crib. If we put him in his bed, he gets up in the middle of the night. It's bad juju. So he's laying there. He's got the sides and he always lays so he can look out the side and look down the hallway.

Speaker 2:

And I Go in there and I see his little face looking at me and I said I'm sorry, bubba, dad, dad loves you and I'm sorry I had to leave. I love you more than anything and I want you to get some sleep. Can I have a hug? He wouldn't say anything, he just locked up and look forward like if you, dude, you had your chance. And there you go.

Speaker 2:

That's my son and his little heart head in this. Instead of sitting there Giving dad a hug, giving dad dad kiss and saying anything, he just is like nope, you missed your chance, dickhead. And yeah you. I just like this little son of a bitch. I've just got cold shoulder by myself. He wouldn't even like. I didn't even know really if he was awake or not. I look, I had to turn my light on and his eyes are just looking straight ahead as he's laying in the bed. He's not gonna give dad any attention at this point, which that's his right.

Speaker 2:

That little shit. I love him or anything, but he's too smart for his own good. He just watching him grow and watching him get so much better with his words and after his surgery had he has Grown tenfold in his words and his understanding and everything. It's just amazing to watch and how him being such a great brother to sissy is amazing. I mean, we still have the baby fights every now and then where he doesn't want to share and baby gets upset. But it's awesome. It's just awesome to watch them grow and be closer Towards each other. It's just crazy. So, as we do, we normally talk about some random cases that have gone on in the See in the world, and I found this one I thought was pretty interesting. It's gotten a lot of debate, some Against the cop, some for the cop. Let's listen to the news thing and we'll go from there.

Speaker 3:

West outside an office building that 13 year old Bernard Tony jr Was shot and killed when he allegedly tried to carjack An off-duty federal security officer. It was around 10 Saturday night. Police say the officer was sitting in his car waiting for a shift to start when two juveniles told him to get out. According to the report, one of the teens had his hand in his front waistband pocket as if he had a handgun, and as he was complying, the officer pulled a gun and shot Tony in the chest. A Second juvenile ran away. The off-duty officers gun was the only one recovered from the scene guns.

Speaker 2:

So right there, there's a lot of outrage. Some people are saying the officer's in the wrong side by saying the officer in the in the right, what's your opinion? You know they're saying a seventh grader and they're gonna say seventh grader just to kind of get you to think oh my god, that's a child, he could never do anything. Oh my god, that's terrible. There's several questions I have. Where the fuck were the parents? Why weren't they in this kid's life? This is a bad example of Kid well, good example but a bad thing to show is these kids aren't having parents teach them. You know, just being a parent doesn't mean just being there. You have to be there for your child and teach your child what's right and wrong. And if you're a scumbag teacher, kid to be better than you. I See all these families in my area that these, these Parents are dead beats and their pieces of crap and I see their kids and their kids are gonna do the same shit. I got one family I come in contact with all the time and I looked at the dad one day. I said you do understand. Your children are Bringing light to you, so I'm watching you harder. He didn't like that, but he's too stupid to realize. What I'm saying is parents your kids. If you still want to do a legal shit, do a legal shit, but parent your kids. So that way I'm not here as much. All your kids doing this is bringing me to your house Five times as much because you don't know how to keep it in your pants. So all your five kids are the reason I'm at your house as many times. I am not just you now, and every time I come I'm gonna find anything to get you on. He did not like that, but that's a prime example. This is an example here. Where were this kids parents? This wasn't the first time this kid had done anything. This wasn't his first running with cops. He's stolen cars before. He just fucked around and found out, found the wrong car, tried a car jacket and Then act like he had a gun on them to scare the people. Well, unfortunately for him, the guy that he's doing that, too, had a gun as well, and it sucks.

Speaker 2:

That's a 13 year old child that lost his life because his parents sucked at parenting. That's a 13 year old child. Society has failed to help To teach. We should be doing so much for these kids that get in trouble. Instead we pat them on the back and say I know, life is tough, we make bad decisions, help these kids. We get so many kids that get arrested and from stupid stuff that we could use that as a growing experience. Obviously, their parents aren't doing something. We need to step in and we need to do something, but we don't. We put them back to their parents. They get a slap on their wrist and they don't think there's any consequences until it's too late. Now this officer has to deal with knowing he killed a seventh grader Trying to car jack him. Now I haven't really looked a whole lot into this. I've looked a little bit into it from what I've heard.

Speaker 2:

The other child that ran away. His parents turned them in. That's fantastic. Now hopefully, you actually step up and be a parent for him from now on. For some reason, that kid was already in the process of trying to car jack somebody. He just didn't get shot.

Speaker 2:

The other one, acting like he had a gun on him, lost his life Honestly, to bad parents and as a society we failed him. We failed that child. I don't know that child, but I felt that child. We do it all the time. We fell these kids because we don't want to take the time to step up and do anything, but, at the same time, society as a whole. We've got to fix the problems. We're too busy worrying about what's going on with your neighbor, what's going on with China, what's going on with Russia. Instead of just going, you know it, let's figure out how we can help people. Don't fucking worry if they got the shot. Don't worry about who they voted for, worry about where they are as a person. We need more compassion in this world and our country is looking dumber and dumber to every other country in the world just because of this. We're too busy in our own shit Instead of helping this child, and we failed this child. Now we also failed this officer, because this officer has to deal with the fact that he shot a 13 year old seventh grader. Awful, I know I would be devastated, but at the same time, in that moment, I don't know if this 13 year old is going to take my life, because you never know.

Speaker 2:

These children are getting outrageous and getting worse and worse. Chicago's gotten outrageous because they know that the mayor has made it to where they can't do shit to you. Why would these kids follow the law and do the stuff and not make money, when they could be making bank and doing all this other stupid stuff and looking like they're a thug and they're cool. And society failed them as a whole. We have failed these kids by letting these politicians get in and say they know what's best for us, when all they want to do is fill their pockets. How is it that politicians go in from making bank and then they take a job that's supposed to be making less but now they leave millionaires after they get out? There's a lot of these politicians that get in that already had amazing six-figure jobs. They go in to a job where they're going to make less than that and then they leave with ten times the amount of money. Crazy, it's all money, grab everything.

Speaker 2:

And we fail these kids by these politicians not stepping up and doing what's right for the community, but instead of what's doing right, it's right for them Taking those handouts, taking the stuff to be greedy and make themselves better. And this is prime example. Kids are going to lose their lives because we don't step up and work as a society to go. Why aren't the fathers in their life? Why aren't the parents in their life? And if they get in trouble, instead of putting them back in that household where they weren't taken care of. Get them help.

Speaker 2:

I know that might piss a lot of people off by saying, oh, don't separate the family, but I'm sorry. At this point the family has done nothing but raise a thug. And I don't care if you're white, black, asian, purple, green, blue, whatever. A thug is a thug. We've now made it that if you say the word thug, you're now racist. I don't care, I know plenty of white thugs and that's what we're showing is that it's okay to be a thug and that's what we're raising. If the family fucking failed them and to this extent they're not going to get better and we need to fix that and that's sorry. I've been on my soap dish here, or soap boxer. I'd need soap in my mouth. There's many cuss words, as I said, but I've been heated about this.

Speaker 2:

It's sad, and I read some of the comments and some of them are blaming the cop, that cops are too itchy to shoot and all this stuff. First of all, he's a security guard. I don't know if that means he's a cop or security in DC. I don't know Whatever it is. He's an armed officer and he shot this kid and they're going to blame him for being trigger happy and all this BS. Not ever put in that situation. A 13 year old is very unpredictable. If he has a gun, you don't know if they're going to kill you. It's like a juvenile copperhead. A lot of them are more dangerous than an adult copperhead because they'll use all the venom they got because they don't know how to hold back their venom. It's the same thing with these children they don't know consequences, they don't know their actions, they don't know what they're going to do and they're going to do everything tenfold and you just it's crazy. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

So I figured I'd go into. I've been really getting into these murder mysteries and murder stories and stuff, so I found one that I thought would kind of fit along with this, with shitty parents making these kids lose their mind. So, that being said, we're going to go on to the story I've never heard of. I did some research on it and I thought it was pretty interesting. It's about a murder that two sisters committed and they were the poppin sisters, pappin sisters, pappin I don't know, they're French and I'm probably going to butcher a lot of stuff, but the sisters were Christine and Leia or Leia, I think it's Leia, I think it's Leia.

Speaker 2:

They had a very troubled childhood. Their father was abusive. He was now alcoholic. The mother had low morals and really unsuited to be a mother. So these two sisters, they had an older sister. Her name was Amelia. Amelia was raped by the father. The mother divorced the father but still blamed Amelia for seducing her father. So, this being happening, the daughter has been raped, and this happens a lot of times, in a lot of cases that the rape victim is blamed. And this is back in. This is early 1900s, and we still blame rape victims. Why are you wearing what you're wearing? Shouldn't wear that blah, blah, blah stuff like that. So the mother blamed her.

Speaker 2:

So she sent her off to a convent. She sent her off to a convent of very, very harsh standard nuns and then, at the same time, she went ahead and grabbed Christine, which is the middle daughter, and said you know what? You need to go too and her not wanting to be a mother, she grabbed the youngest one, leah or Leia, and sent her to live with her great uncle. So now we got Amelia and Christine. They're in a convent and they're actually doing well, they're doing very well in this convent. They become very close to her sisters and that really pisses the mom off. The oldest Amelia ends up being, and converting to being, a nun when she gets old enough. Christine wanted to fall on the path of her sister and be a nun as well, but the mother really wanted to use these children as a gravy train. So she then grabs Christine from the convent, knowing that Amelia's already pledged she can't take her. She grabs Christine, takes her, removes her and makes her work. So she's making her mother extra income.

Speaker 2:

Now Leia was removed from the uncle and she too was forced to work for the income for their mother. Ironically, even with a separation, the sisters became very close and they worked and really just made money for mom. The sisters then finally found a Lancelin family. Lancelin family actually brought them in, loved these girls, took care of these girls. For a long time Madam Lancelin actually found out that the girls were sending money to their mother and told them to stop sending money to your mom. She doesn't deserve your money, she's just using you. She then kind of became like a mother figure to these girls Until later on she all of a sudden started becoming abusive to them, scrutinizing their work, saying they weren't doing good enough, yelling at them, screaming at them, abusing them physically One time even pinching Leia so hard that it was making marks and kept pinching her and pinching her until she picked up an item she missed while sweeping. Leia would later tell her sister, christine if she does this again, I'm going to have to defend myself. I can't continue to allow these beatings so pretty much. This is really pretty much like slavery.

Speaker 2:

At this point, the Lansom Ladies, which was the mother and then her daughter, genevieve, went out shopping one day. While they were shopping, leia was doing stuff around the house and she ended up shorting the power out by using an iron. Once the ladies returned home, christine met Madame Lansom at the door and said hey, this is what happened, which caused Madame Lansom to lose her mind and go into a rage. According to the girls, this is when Christine grabbed a pewter jug and smashed her in the head. Genevieve, seeing this happen, decides to jump in and protect her mother. All as this is going on, leia ends up getting in and jumping on Genevieve. During this time, christine yells I'm going to massacre them and just smash their head into the ground and tear their eyes out. So Leia does it. They beat these women until they're unable to see. So now you have two women. They're battered, they've had their eyes ripped out. So then the sisters at this point go to get a knife and a hammer. They begin to beat the women with this knife and hammer until they're dead. Then they begin to mutilate the lower halfs of these women. They even say that they would hear moaning and screaming, but as this is going on, they couldn't understand what they were saying. Pretty much they were in a rage, they were in a murderous rage and they were just going to do what they were going to do. After they were dead. The girls prepared the lancelins as they were, or lancelins as they were would a rabbit dish in a cookbook in the early 1900s. They even covered the women in Genevieve's menstrual blood after mutilating her lower half. After this, more they do. I mean, you got to get cleaned up, it's time for bed. They get cleaned up and they go to bed.

Speaker 2:

Mr Lancelins returned home that evening to find out the house was locked up, so he assumed that the girls had already headed to where they had previous dinner arrangements. To his shock, when he arrived, the ladies weren't there. So he then grabs a friend from the dinner party. They go back to the house and the only light thing seen in the whole house is a candlelit room in the servants' quarters. Knowing something wasn't right, they end up getting a gendarm, which I guess is a police officer. At that point the police officer jumps over or pretty much scales the garden wall, shines his light and pretty much makes the entry to the house, shines his light towards the staircase where he is freaked out and shocked because he sees a milky eye staring back at him. Here are these girls who removed their eyeballs.

Speaker 2:

At this point the officer orders Mr Lancelins and his friend to stay downstairs, where he went up to the second floor to see what happened. On the second floor he found the Lancelins' ladies beating so bad they were not recognizable. The mitems' eyes were ripped out and were pretty much put into her scarf that was over her shoulders. Thinking the servants, which were the two girls, had received the same fate, the officer headed to the third floor. As he approached the girls' room he could see light flickering in the keyhole and hushed voices on the other side of the locked door. He ended up breaking the lock to the door because he knocked and they didn't come to the door. I'm assuming he hell, I don't know, this could have been a she, I don't know back then I don't know. The officer then breaks the door. Once inside he sees his sisters at the corner of the room in their bed with a tight embrace, shivering in fear. Next to the bed was a small table with a hammer that was covered in blood and brain matter.

Speaker 2:

The sisters immediately confessed to killing but said it was self-defense. They were arrested and charged with murder. Ironically, the girls got a lot, a lot of public sympathy, so even several like big names of the time. The celebrities of the time said that this was really like a class struggle between the rich and poor and took sympathy on the girls. Their attorney pleaded insanity for the girls. They looked the part during court. Really they just pretty much. It was said that they were looking forward, making no eye contact with anybody and kind of looked off in a daze. They both confessed to responsibility of the murders, not wanting to blame their sister. So both of them said it was me, not my sister.

Speaker 2:

Their lawyer at this time brought up their terrible upbringing and he said her redditary disposition for insanity due to his cousin dying in an insane asylum an uncle who committed suicide, a grandfather who had bits of rage and a father that raped their sister and severe alcoholism. One minute, let me go last minute. What are you doing? Three medical experts said that they had tested the sisters and were able to sway the jury, that the sisters were mentally fit and Even said that they it was a planned attack and cold-blooded because they even cleaned up at them after the mutilated, after killing them I can't say mutilations, thank you Jesus. Surprising, in court it was not brought up the fact that the girls had prepared the women For a rabbit dish, which might have swayed the jury's mind that, hey, these girls really aren't all there. After all, this was going on. The jury and court have already made up their minds. So then they ended up saying Leo, she was Given ten years of hard labor. Hard labor back then is a whole different thing to ten years in prison nowadays. Um, that's legit work, that's labor, crazy amounts of labor.

Speaker 2:

Christine was sentenced to the guillotine in September 1933 in Le Mans square. So they said in September 1933, you will be set to the guillotine in the middle of the square. They, during their whole time in jail they kept the sisters separate, which caused their mental health to deteriorate. Christine begged often to see her little sister and have even attempted to rip out her own eyes because they wouldn't let her see her sister. She was input in a straight jacket. Later on, the warden finally granted to let them see each other. Oddly, when he did, christine made sexual advances Towards her little sister, leia. She even attempted to unblouts, unbutton her blouse and say say yes, please. She would say this repeatedly say yes, please. Whoo creepy.

Speaker 2:

Later on Christine was granted a stay of Execution, was re sentenced to life of hard labor again hard labor, a life of that, jesus. Oh, it's suck. I'd rather get him forget that. She was later transferred to an insane asylum in Rans. She begged to be reunited with her sister Leia, but this was not granted and she refused to eat until the day she died at the age of 32 on May 18th 1937. So pretty much she was never reunited with her sister to try to rape her sister again. So she ended up killing herself by not eating and drinking. Leia was released after eight years of good behavior in 1941. She then moved back in with her mother and Nance and Got a job as a hotel maid under a fake name. Her death was never recorded but there has been a photo of her in her elderly age. So now, looking back, they had believed that the sister suffered from a condition known as Foli ad war or something I can't pronounce it fully.

Speaker 2:

Adduce at Dukes pretty much means madness and pairs pretty much it is stating that the sisters had a Paranoia that they shared together because they were isolated together so long, which I don't know. It's pretty, pretty crazy. So there you go. There's a perfect story of terrible upbringing leading to children Eventually growing up together in a sign asylum and all sorts of killing people. Pretty crazy, pretty sad, sad. And If you look at the times we're in now, look how many kids are dealing with this. How many kids, how many more child murderers are we getting nowadays? How many more Mass shooters are we getting of young ages, of people doing this shit Because they don't know better? It's just, it's crazy. All because parents are not there, they're not helping, they're not doing what they need to do and they're not helping these children grow to be better people. And I know this was kind of a random murder story throw in. I'm just kind of seeing Chet testing some stuff out, but I thought it kind of fit along with what we're talking about a Seventh-grader shot after trying to car jack someone, pretty much due to bad parenting, and now we have these little girls. I had terrible parents, terrible upbringing, and then they end up going murdering someone. That's a story I never heard off. So I thought it was pretty interesting, just kind of listening to it and going to it and it's different and it's sad to see these kids deal with it.

Speaker 2:

But moving on from that, it's been a crazy week of doctors visits, all sorts of cases at work that I'm working on. Even the other day we're doing a live and everybody in the first responder word. We don't use the Q word unless you want to be a dick. And you always have that one guy that says I hope you have a quiet shift as he's leaving thinking he's funny and it's not funny, shit sucks. So the other day people try to get me in my lives to say the Q word all the time. Well, I finally let it slip the other day and I had two sick thirties. I mean it's two dead bodies in one day. Yeah, I was like, really dude, look what you did and come to find out he had a shitty shift later on. So jokes on you, connor. Now you get to have the same kind of shift I had. Only good thing about it was I got to see mama. She was we're on duty that day too, so she got to go have dinner with me.

Speaker 2:

It sucks when people lose their family members. It's never an easy thing. It's crazy, and it was so opposite sides of the spectrum too. It's crazy One very. I Can't say that. I don't want to say any of that because that's gonna make it seem like I don't know. We won't talk about that, just going off my computer. Either way, it's been a crazy week of just random things. I've got some cases I'm working about I can't really talk about. We're still having a bunch of the gang violence in the town next to us. We're still having some Violence where we're at, a lot of thieving going on, a lot of meth use, a lot of fentanyl use I did have the other day which was kind of funny.

Speaker 2:

I'm sitting there on the pad I normally sit on. I do my lives in the morning not bothering anybody, but the same time I'm sitting on this pad. It's oil pad, so where I'm at there's a lot of oil and these oil companies. I don't understand it exactly like it's a salt water, I don't know. I don't know what this is. Disposal side I don't know what this? I know it's not a whale, I don't know what it is.

Speaker 2:

So I'm sitting on this pad and this guy comes up and he's known as a pumper and he checks the pumps periodically. The dude comes over. I can tell I probably flash my lights out on time or two because he was not very nice towards me. He came at me and Tried to big dick me and he's like do you have permission to be on this pad? And I was like well, I've been doing it for a while. The farmers like me goes. That doesn't answer my question Do you have permission? I said you know what, sir? You are correct. I'm not sure if I have permission. Now a lot of people that were in the live at that time they're like man, I would never talk to cop like this. Some people do it because they don't like law enforcement and this is not the time to argue. It's not the time to argue with this guy because he's right. Technically, I need permission to be on the pad. I was on. I didn't think I'd have any issues. I do a lot of cases for the company that gets stuff stolen off these pads. So I thought it would be free security. But he's right at this point and he wanted to big dick me. Well, I'm a petty bitch if I want to be, so I decided okay, sir, I'm gonna leave and I will get permission and I'll be back. So I left.

Speaker 2:

I ended up calling one of our reserve deputies who actually works for the state Corporation commission that deals with all these oil wells, and I asked him if he knew who I could contact. So he gave me the contact number. I call the people and they're like, excuse me, our pumper did what I said. Well, sir, knowing that your, your stuff gets hit a lot, I really didn't think you'd mind me sitting there because it was free security for me to sit there and I'm sorry if I had upset you guys. I don't know if I dealt with you this morning or somebody else. He's like it sure as hell wasn't me. It must have been our pumper that checks the pumps.

Speaker 2:

And at this point another guy in the background's going do what. What happened? So he starts telling him and then the other guy who's higher up says here's my fucking number. If this happens again, you call me, tell him you talk to so-and-so if he comes back and tries to do it again. I was like, okay, sir, and I at this time I mean I'm petty. Okay, I'm gonna play the game. I was like, yes, sir, I'm very sorry. I was just thinking you guys would like free security for me to sit there and I just don't understand why he had to come at me so and they're like, no, you're allowed to sit there again, I'm playing the part. Okay, you got to play the part, I loved it. Dude tried a big dick me. He was being a dick about the whole thing, so I'm gonna be a bigger dick.

Speaker 2:

So now, now that I have permission and the private number of the people, I can't wait for him to come back. I Can't wait for him to come back and be like do you have permission? I thought I told you leave back. Absolutely, actually, I do. Here's the contact that you want me calm. Right now we can call them together Just because I'm a pay-to-be, like that. I loved it. But you get that a lot. You get a lot of people that just want to question cops and tail cops. I'm not doing their job right and all this other stuff. So I thought it was pretty, pretty funny and now I can't wait for him to Come back.

Speaker 1:

Come tell me, I can't park here, boy, I can't wait.

Speaker 2:

All right, guys, we've been talking for about 40 minutes. I know it was a little bit different. I kind of do a little murder case in there. I thought it was pretty interesting as I was reading it and I thought I'd share with y'all. I don't know if this is something you want me to do. I just kind of I don't want to be just a let's throw out this, let's though I don't know what I want to do yet and I don't know where to take this and I would love feedback.

Speaker 2:

If you can't go to my tick-tock page and like, leave me feedback, there's a deputy Dane, more deputy Dane morning show podcast page. If you can go, check it out and leave me feedback, let me know what you think. Um, I kind of want to throw my life into it, just so you see my life and understand my life, because I think that really humanized is who I am. I'm not just some robot out there writing tickets. You guys see how my tickets are right. But I also don't want to be just a murder mystery thing. I don't want to be. I want to be a little bit everything. I want to throw something out there every now and then feel good story, invite some people on for some interviews, throw random stuff I have no idea them somebody might know about and they can enlighten me on. Maybe have some debates on here. Who knows what we'll have. But Please leave me feedback, give me ideas what you guys think I could change. Make better stuff like that, guys.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate you guys so much for the continued support. Again to my patrons on patreon. You guys really help me. Keep this afloat. If you guys everyone check it out, there's a now a Communication tab. There's like a whole tab or we can just chat on there and it's only a few of us. So I'll definitely be seeing your comments and plus, I'd love to sit there and get more information from people. And I'm not gonna lie, it supports our page, it supports all of what we do. So I appreciate all you guys so much. Connor, pebbles, ladybuck, eye, kylie and trauma thank you guys so much for the continued support. I really need to get better writing all these names down. But yeah, either way, guys, much load everybody. Stay safe, make it a great week, keep your mind positive and don't let the trolls get you down. You.

Morning Show Updates and Parenting Stories
Heartbreaking Moments and Job Sacrifices
Failure of Society and Parenting
Sisters' Disturbing Upbringing and Murder Trial
Navigating Challenges and Seeking Feedback
Appreciation for Patreon Support and Communication