DeputyDane Morning Show

#DDMS Episode 15: Navigating Parenthood, Policing, and Public Perception: From Personal Trials to Social Concerns

November 27, 2023 Dane Episode 15
#DDMS Episode 15: Navigating Parenthood, Policing, and Public Perception: From Personal Trials to Social Concerns
DeputyDane Morning Show
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DeputyDane Morning Show
#DDMS Episode 15: Navigating Parenthood, Policing, and Public Perception: From Personal Trials to Social Concerns
Nov 27, 2023 Episode 15

Ever wonder what it's like juggling the rollercoaster of parental responsibilities while training to serve and protect as law enforcement officers? Let's navigate through the messy but memorable moments of parenthood - we're talking about everything from our daughter's first birthday party getting canceled due to be sick, to the challenges of building our own family traditions. Plug in as we reveal the realities of our journey, and yes, there will be some laughs along the way.

Picture the grueling physical workouts, the mentally taxing classes, and the intensity of the police academy training. We're pulling back the curtain and giving you an insider look. Hear about the unconventional strategies we used to keep morale high amidst the toughness of it all. From amusing academy anecdotes to the importance of humor, experience the camaraderie that made it all bearable.

As if parenting and police training weren't enough, we're also taking a deep dive into some serious societal issues. How is law enforcement perceived by the public? What is the impact of freedom of speech and bullying in the education system? We're opening up about an unforgettable suicide scene we attended and discussing the balance between online criticism and the realities of our profession. This is a platform for candid conversations, dispelling misconceptions, and providing an insight into our world. So, tune in, and let's navigate these complex societal issues, together.

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Ever wonder what it's like juggling the rollercoaster of parental responsibilities while training to serve and protect as law enforcement officers? Let's navigate through the messy but memorable moments of parenthood - we're talking about everything from our daughter's first birthday party getting canceled due to be sick, to the challenges of building our own family traditions. Plug in as we reveal the realities of our journey, and yes, there will be some laughs along the way.

Picture the grueling physical workouts, the mentally taxing classes, and the intensity of the police academy training. We're pulling back the curtain and giving you an insider look. Hear about the unconventional strategies we used to keep morale high amidst the toughness of it all. From amusing academy anecdotes to the importance of humor, experience the camaraderie that made it all bearable.

As if parenting and police training weren't enough, we're also taking a deep dive into some serious societal issues. How is law enforcement perceived by the public? What is the impact of freedom of speech and bullying in the education system? We're opening up about an unforgettable suicide scene we attended and discussing the balance between online criticism and the realities of our profession. This is a platform for candid conversations, dispelling misconceptions, and providing an insight into our world. So, tune in, and let's navigate these complex societal issues, together.

Support the Show.

Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

Speaker 1:

Warning, warning. Warning this content may be sensitive to some. If you feel the need to leave, it is completely understandable. Content may contain examples of death, suicide, sexual content and other shit. We don't know what we're gonna get into. This is not to offend anyone or upset anyone on purpose. This isn't your typical deputy dane, so listen at your own risk. Sit back and enjoy. Good morning everybody. Welcome to the deputy dane morning show. I appreciate all y'all for being here. We got some stuff to get into. I really don't know what we're gonna get into, but we'll get into something. Sit back. Oh oh, yep, there's the sirens. I think we're all gonna be detained. Sit back and enjoy the show. Good morning everybody. Welcome to the deputy dane morning show. It's been a week. We've had Thanksgiving going on. Hopefully everybody had some great Thanksgiving.

Speaker 1:

Our babies were sick, so we really stayed around. The house didn't get a whole lot done for Thanksgiving. I worked a little bit. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful. We stayed home, which was actually quite nice, not gonna lie. You don't have to go out to someone's house, bring out the babies, pack them up, take them there and then everyone's pissy and moan-y. It was nice just being able to just do it ourselves. We had some dinner here at the house, hung out at the house, let the babies do their own thing. It's kind of getting to the point now where you gotta realize we have our own family. We can start our own traditions, we can start doing our own things. It's not always let's go somewhere else, let's go do what they want to do, let's go on their timeline. We have our own family and if we want to do our own family thing, if we want to have breakfast instead of turkey and everything, we can do that. That's what we did. It was actually quite nice.

Speaker 1:

Then baby girl had her birthday. She turned one. It's hard to believe that my little princess is already one year old. One year old, it's years, whatever. I don't know what it is anymore. It was nice. It was nice, besides babies being sick and snotting all over you Son comes and wipes boogers on me and baby girl's coming and she puts her nose on me and starts wiping it on me. Now understand. When I used to do it to my parents they'd be like what the f***? Now I understand, because that's how I feel. Why would you do that? But then we had to cancel her birthday party. She's not contagious, she doesn't have anything, no sickness like that. Well, as far as we know, we had a one year checkup and the checkup ended up turning into a really sick check. It's supposed to be just your wellness check for one year old and blah, blah, blah, but it ended up being she was sick, so we had her checked out.

Speaker 1:

So we're sitting there and a nurse comes in and she picks Blakely up and starts kind of holds her and kind of just talks to her until baby starts freaking out and she hands her off to mama. She does her whole thing, does the checkup, does everything, and we're in the smallest room in the office. This is the first time we've ever been put in this room and they even talk about how small it is. Sorry, this is the only thing we had available, which wasn't a big deal, yeah, that we knew of. So they do the whole thing put the pulse locks on the baby, check the baby out, get her weight, get her height, do all that stuff and then they walk out to wait for the doctor. Well, as soon as they walk out of the room, we hear that same nurse go are you serious? And we're like huh, wonder what that was. So later on our doctor comes in and starts checking on the baby and doing everything and then she goes hey, I have to let you guys know you've been exposed. We're like what she's like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that nurse had COVID. She took a test yesterday and she has tested positive for COVID and I'm not really too mad about it. But there's some things I just don't understand, like why would you, first of all, if you have a pending result test, why would you even pick up an infant? Why would you pick up a baby? Why would you do any of that with? I mean, I'm not a big mass person, I'm not any of that, but the mask are really to prevent you from spreading it. But why would you even be around people? Like I said, we're not mad, it's going to go around, people are going to get it, no matter what. But it's just kind of like, why would you, why would you even come over and grab my baby and lift her up and talk to her and then hang out, I don't know? And so it's just like whatever. Long story short. Baby tested negative for everything. But that was also. Now we're on our little COVID waiting period. Hopefully nothing happens, but who knows.

Speaker 1:

We've had some rough nights of no sleep, mama and I definitely mama. Mama picks up a lot of the, a lot of the slack from a lot of my slack really was, I should say. She picks up a lot of the flat. She takes care of the babies a lot. At night I get up and I'm kind of just like a hype man. I'm like you got this girl, get it, you got it. And I make bottles and do stuff like that and hype mama, I'm like you go, girl, you got it, you're a bad ass. And then I kind of go wait for her to come to bed. It's just a just how we roll. I don't know. Um, it's been, it's been rough, lot of lack of sleep, but it is what it is, baby girl. Hopefully she's slowly starting to feel better now, little dude starting to feel a little bit under the weather, but they still play fine. It's just their allergies are killing this back and forth temperature change, but it it jacks me up too. So it is what it is. I mean, everyone's sick, it's going to get sick and there's just not much we can do about it. We'll see, we'll see how it goes.

Speaker 1:

Enough about talking about snot and stuff. So we we've been talking about different things in law enforcement and one of the things that comes up a lot is the academy. And before I went to the academy I was kind of going well, what's it going to be like? Is it going to be running, is it going to be doing this, what's it going to be doing that? So we'll kind of break you down what happens in my state, my state, the academy in 16 weeks long, that is 16 weeks of you being there.

Speaker 1:

So I'd live near our state's academy, so I didn't have to stay. If you don't live near. Like one of my close friends, she lives six and a half hours away, so she had to stay there during the week. Like I said, every night I got to go home. But the people that stayed there, they stayed up there and it was just a party. There was good things about it and there was bad things. There was people cheating on their spouses. There were people just doing things they shouldn't be doing in the bunks, all sorts of stuff, people going out, drinking and driving. Our academy wasn't too bad. The academy before us had a bunch of people kicked out and the academy after us had a bunch.

Speaker 1:

The academy after us is like it started this whole woke generation in law enforcement and it was rough. They complained on one of the instructors because the instructor the instructor had a lot go on in their life. They lost a son due to suicide, all sorts of stuff and they were telling people this is a place. If you can't handle stories in the academy, you're not going to be able to handle it out on the road. And this instructor is an amazing instructor. I've always loved this instructor. She does a lot. She's very informative, she's not going to just jump your ass for no reason, but she's also going to get on you if you're dumbass.

Speaker 1:

Well, she told her story about her son and, yes, it's rough. It is rough, it's very touching. She's very honest about it, she's very open about it. But if you can't handle that story, I don't know how you're going to handle it on the road. Well, she had several of the academy after us complain, said it was too much, it's too real, it's too this and this whole woke generation. I'm like, hold on now. If you can't handle what she's telling you, what she's experiencing in her life and how terrible it was, then you're not going to be able to handle it in first person. You're not going to be able to handle family sitting there crying and wondering why, as your doing everything to make sure first of all wasn't a murder, you gotta make sure it was suicide. You gotta wonder all these things and they're being completely open about it. And then, since Dr is being open, and then to get complained on for her telling her story to just show you shit's gonna hit you hard whether you're at work or at home. Life can suck and you complained on it. But that's beside the point. That was the catamap dress there.

Speaker 1:

A bunch of cry baby bitches and a lot of Mark cops Hell, there's a lot of them in my academy that are no longer in law enforcement. This whole COVID time and the whole George Floyd time and the time that defund the police time. It's got a lot of people at us profession. That would be really good, but they got tired of handling the bullshit for the pay we deal with we don't have huge salaries and then to deal with people just bashing you all the time. And then when you go to family dinners, people start talking down about law enforcement to you. And why are you a cop? You know there are just a bunch of pigs and they kill people. I even had it in my own home.

Speaker 1:

My mom. She was like, well, you've always wanted to help people, you were a fireman, you did this, you did that. How are you gonna be able to kill someone and shoot them? I was like, well, mom, I hope that never happens. But if it comes down to it, there's a reason I had to do it. But I pray to God it never happens because I don't wanna take someone's life. And she's like well, every cop kill somebody. I was like whoa, what are you talking about? And my mom she watches a lot of news. She watches a lot of leftist news. I love her to death, but we can't agree on politics. We can't agree on a bunch of this woke shit. But she was like well, how are you gonna do it? Every cop kills someone. And I had to break down. Mom, majority of law enforcement never fire their firearm ever, besides training. She's like no, that's not true. I was like, yes, it is true, mom, majority of law enforcement never fire their weapon ever. It's just what the media is telling you. So you have to deal with that.

Speaker 1:

And it's caused a lot of people to get out. There's a lot of my friends that they just like it's not worth it. It's not worth the amount of hate. You lose friends. You have friends that you grew up with it. You'll lose just because you put a badge on. They're not gonna ask you hey, what's your stance on this? What's your stance on that? How do you feel about this? How do you feel about that? They automatically go now you're a piece of shit. You put a badge on.

Speaker 1:

Well, a lot of those people just say you know are the ones that are breaking the law. They have a history breaking the law, they're gonna keep breaking the law, so don't let it affect you that way. And then you're gonna have the other friends that are gonna blow you up with legal questions about everything. So my neighbor puts this trash out on Tuesdays, but trash does actually there style and like also does that you can't pull it out until Wednesday night and they're not dead. And think about it Like I know that, like you no longer live in the town we grew up in, but is there any way that, like you could get a hold of somebody and like ask them to come write this guy a ticket? I'm like no, dude, I'm not doing that shit. And then you're also gonna have a friend at. Every time you're somewhere at a party, at a club, getting dinner, you've always got a friend's like hey, he's a cop.

Speaker 1:

I don't need everybody knowing I'm a cop. But even then it's really weird. You have that going on. But then you have other cop friends that like don't want anybody to know they're a cop. It's like whoa, bro, calm down, it's gonna be okay. Like I don't go around blasting I'm a cop, but I'm also not gonna go out of my way to act like I'm not a cop. The ones who act like they're not a cop look more like a cop than anybody. Completely. They look like more cop than anybody because they try to act so hard not to be a cop to watch everybody seeing that they're not a cop, that they look like a cop. It's quite funny. Okay, so back to the Academy. Okay, so you are gonna start the Academy.

Speaker 1:

Our Academy started at 6 am. You had to be at Flags and every morning you had to raise the Flags. If it was really really bad weather you didn't have to, but it's what it is In our Academy. You would go in after that and you'd go to your class, whatever your class was, and you'd go sit in the class all effing day. You'd go until about lunchtime.

Speaker 1:

You could either eat there on campus or you could go out and eat elsewhere, but especially those first couple of days you don't know what PT is gonna be like. So you're like I don't think I'm really gonna eat. That sounds like a bad idea. So it's just kind of up to you eat there on campus it's school food pretty much or go out and eat at a restaurant and get really bloated and fully MSG and really hate life. I did a little bit of both, not gonna lie. So then you get back from lunch and then you go until about an hour to two hours before the end of day, which is at six or five one, I don't know can't remember five or six and you would go until those times and then you would start PT and it just depends. Some places do a lot of running, some places do a lot more calisthenics or stuff like that Ours was more of in a gym, so you would be on these mats and these mats they were just recently replaced and thank.

Speaker 1:

God, these mats were so beat up and old. It felt like running on the beach and if you've never done that, go do it. You'll feel holy shit. So you're on this mat and they'll have you run in a circle and you run in a circle and then they'll tell everybody stop six inches, then you gotta get in six inches. If people start crying or they'll start yelling, they'll make you do it longer. Then they'll get up, you run again. Then they'll do like pushups, and then you do it again and then they'll do like sit ups. Then you do it again and crunches, and do it again and planks and all these different things, and then, after you get done with it, they'll tell you to line up.

Speaker 1:

So you're getting a bunch of different lines at the edge of the gym and then you have these different exercises and it just kind of depends. Like you have a bear crawl. If you don't know what a bear crawl is, it's just like a crawl but you keep your knees up. Then you have one that's called like a shrimp. What it's supposed to do is like mimic someone on top of you and you're trying to push them off. A lot of these have movements are made for a reason. But you, as you're doing them, you just hate life because you're sweaty. If you got a big dude sometimes it was me sweating more, sometimes it was another dude sweating more You'd have like a slug trail behind them and you'd be right just going right through it. So the shrimp is like you're on your back and you have to kick up with one foot up and then push to the side it's hard to explain on here and then you have things like oh, there's like alligator crawl and then you had with slap drags which really sucked, which that's where you put your feet. You're lying on your stomach with your knees but you let, your feet are up in the air and you have your hands. You slap the ground in front of you and you drag yourself. Now take in mind if there's that damn slug trail, you are just slapping and dragging through someone's just and you get done. You get to the edge of the mat, which is about I don't know 50 yards, 30 feet, 30 yards, 50 yards hell, I don't know, that's a 30 yards jump up and run back and get in line and as you're in line waiting for the other people, you have to jog in place. So you jog in place, you wait for them to come around, you do it.

Speaker 1:

Then you also had we had one guy that would puke every day, every day, and really what it was was like I was never the front of the class, I was never at the very, very back of the class, I was towards the back. I wasn't gonna sit there. I learned that I'm not gonna give a hundred percent every day because they're gonna want more and more every. Every. Every day that you go there, you want more. So you just start out low and you kind of slowly move up. I really kind of hurt myself there by not pushing myself harder, but it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

So you'd have a guy like sitting there puking on the trash can every day and there's a way for him to like. Normally those people sit on the trash can and puke because it gets him a second to slow down. But by doing that you've made everybody in the academy sit there and jog in place until you're done puking, so that person normally gets along long talking to. Then they run back. You get in line and you do this every day for about an hour to two hours of just different exercises, different runs, different this, different. That. And then every now and then they would throw in like mats where you would hit like, or bags or whatever. You hit bags with a baton.

Speaker 1:

You do this, you do that, just kind of depends. You did just things changed. You'd have like a gauntlet you'd have to go through. It's like go here to punch it, then go here to kick it, go here to knee it, and you're running to each one and then you get back in line and you jog in place until you go again. So you do this. Normally.

Speaker 1:

The first couple weeks is the penal code, which is like you're legal and it sucks. Two weeks. You just go over the law and you go over everything and is it enough? No, but you don't really learn enough in the academy. Academy that teaches you enough to get your ass hurt. So you get done with legal.

Speaker 1:

Then you move to the next thing and the next thing, and then you kind of go to firearms, firearms a lot of fun. You shoot. Unfortunately, I went in January and it's icing and you're still out on the range. You, there's not a day in the real world that you might not have to shoot in an ice storm. You never know. So you're out on the range we had a burn barrel and this burn barrel cracked me up because the burn barrel was filled with all this wood and stuff. But I'm looking at it and so like treated wood and like pallet wood and stuff like that that they're burning and everyone's hanging around like nah dude, I'll freeze over here and I'd go find a corner that'd be blocked from the wind during breaks, while everyone's cuddled up and I was like nah dude, that's way more cancer than I need. I've been a fireman, I've been around cancer enough. I'm not gonna do it more than I need to do it.

Speaker 1:

So then you'd have the driving which in our states, ledt, law enforcement, defensive driving or driving tactics or shit. I don't even know anymore driving tactics. So that's pretty fun. It's a blast. You go through, like some cones, like they call it, the city track, where you go through and you can't hit a cone at all. And then you go around the outside track which like mimics a highway, and you get in a pursuit and all that stuff, which is a lot of fun. There's actually been people that drive off the track and hurt themselves and hurt the driver and hurt the instructor. It's a blast.

Speaker 1:

Then you go through ODT, which is defensive tactics, and it sucks. It's two weeks of. You go in and it's PT all day pretty much. You go in in the morning, you do your PT. After you're done with PT, you go to the mat. There you partner up with somebody, you throw them to the ground, they throw you the ground, you throw on the ground, they throw you the ground over and over and if the instructor see you stop, then everybody has to pay for it and it gets old. It's just over and over and over. Then there's handcuffing and there's all these other things. It's, it's what you make of it. You can make it miserable or you can try to have fun with it.

Speaker 1:

Me, if you've known me, I make jokes, I do voices, I do stuff like that and that's how I get through things when I'm uncomfortable or I'm nervous or anything like that. So I was doing a lot of voices and doing stuff. It's as miserable as you make it. If you go in dreading it to the point where you want to make it miserable every day, it will be. I'm gonna ask is academy hard? It's as hard as you make it. I can't. I know when I got that answer I hated it, but it's true Every day that I felt uncomfortable or I was tired, I was this. I just started making people laugh and that's what gives me energy. All right, I'll just get through it. I made this guy laugh. As I'm handcuffing him I'll ask him why did you? Did all the goat or something? You know just something stupid. And it's how you get through it.

Speaker 1:

After DT then things kind of slow down. Dt is like the instructors. They don't treat you like shit but they treat you like a peon. So they will sit there and they'll push you and they'll push you and they'll push you. But once DT's over they slack off a little bit. They're more fun, they're more personable. They're actual people. They're not your instructor. They still are. You still have to listen to them or they'll punish your ass. Then you still have to do things by the book. You still have to do everything, but they won't be as hard on you. Again, it is what you make of it. So after that then you go to like just different things. There's like crime scene. There's all sorts of stuff you go through. You learn how to do like felony takedowns. You learn all sorts of different stuff. I can give you an example of kind of what I'm talking about of it is what you make of it.

Speaker 1:

So during our felony stops we had a bunch of people that were scared scared to talk on the PA, they're scared to do things. They were just like I don't I. So I got, I was like, fine, fuck it, I'll do it. So I went up and again I use voices and I do stuff like that. So the first time I went up I did it, right, you know, put your hands up, do the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, nobody would go again. So I was like, well, fuck it, I'll keep going. And the instructor's like, whatever, we don't care. And some of them liked me, some of them did not like me whatsoever. I'm, I'm, I'm either going to like me or you're going to absolutely despise me. So here's a prime example of one of my felony stops.

Speaker 1:

I can't show you the video. I'm not really supposed to do any of this, but I'll show you. I'll let you listen to it. You can even hear at one point one of the kids I say kids, one of the Academy cadets goes. Man, I feel like I'm in the police Academy. Some instructors go you really are right now this guy. Okay, so here we go, we'll listen.

Speaker 2:

With both hands. Grab the keys. Don't you put them on top of the car. On top of the car, both hands out the window, yeah, yeah, alright. Well, guys, you're right here and go and reach at the car. I feel like I'm really in the police academy movie right now. You really are.

Speaker 2:

Would you rather you want your back of your chest and what you lift straight up. Good job, that's nice. Alright, let's turn around. You staying, you staying. Alright. Stop Passing job, come down, put both hands back up. You're not rocked back to the sound of my voice. Are you ready? I'm inside.

Speaker 1:

go all the way inside to bring it up Ready Going back up, Back it up, Back up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, keep coming. Alright, what's going to stop? Alright, I want you to take my what two of our three steps to the right now. Alright, going to stop.

Speaker 1:

To the left. So that's kind of an example. It is what you make of it. You can sit there and make everybody laugh. You can sit there and have a good time, and there's still people from my academy that despise me just because I was funny in an academy. There's one guy that's recently moved to my area. He is a douche in a fucking half. He does not like me, he hates everything about me. He tells people I barely graduated the academy. I mean I don't know what that means. My test scores were some of the highest because I also got a degree in this, my PT.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I didn't push it as hard as I could every day, but it is what it is. Dude, you dislike me because I had fun. I made people laugh and even through my torture I would sit there and laugh, not to the instructor's face or anything, but as we're doing it I would laugh or I would root other people on. Helping other people, whether it be by laughter or pushing them harder, makes me push myself harder, if that makes sense. So you know stuff like this making people laugh. After I did that, I did this like four times of these felonies, takedowns and just different voices and stuff. And when I was done, other people started jumping up and doing it, feeling less uncomfortable, less this, less that. So once I was done with that, then I kind of got to sit back and watch everybody and everybody else started having fun. You know, I took something where everyone was scared to do anything. They were scared to get up there. And it's not scared. You're nervous, you don't want to mess up. You don't want to mess up in front of there's 60 cadets out there. You don't want to make yourself look stupid. But the fact after I made myself look stupid by just doing funny things, it made other people feel more comfortable to do it. So it's all about what you make of it. If you want to go in and say it's going to suck, it will suck. I promise you 110%. But I made some of the best friends.

Speaker 1:

I went to the academy thinking I'm going to get this shit done. I'm just going to get it done so I can go back to the streets and have fun. I had a blast in the academy. There were days I mean it was rough, but you find a battle buddy. I had a couple the days they were down. I would talk to him. I had one buddy.

Speaker 1:

He's a good dude, big dude. I can see defeat in his eyes. One day we're on the mats and he's pushing and, like I said, you're put, you're throwing down, they're throwing you down and each time you get up, as you're going through eight hours of this, you get tired. At the end of the day, you're getting up is I'm gonna put my hand on my knee, I'm gonna get up as fast as I can, because I want to yell that, but you're still not doing it. And he looks at me and goes man, I don't know, dude, I just don't know. And that's when I went into the friend mode. Hey, man, you better shut up. You got this, you can do this. It's all mental, it's all you. He made it through. He's now a great officer and another part of the state.

Speaker 1:

Good dude, very nice, very nice guy, very humble dude. And there was a day I was down. He did the same thing for me. I was like man, fuck, is this worth it? Dude, I can go to Walmart, I'm, I'm done. And he pushed me through and at the end you made all these friends that you pushed each other through. You had a good time and there's so many fun things that you look back and go. Man, it was actually kind of funny. Um, there's one point one of the firefighters was there. He's an older dude, he was there for he's becoming a fire marshal. He's he's near retirement from one of our big fire departments in the state.

Speaker 1:

Good dude, we were doing traffic stops and how they could lead to stuff. Well, then he starts acting a fool and like kind of swings on me. Well, I Just jumped and I didn't even realize it. I picked this man up and I body slammed him to the ground and then instructors like stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, holy shit, stop. And then I was like, oh, that's uh, that's my bad, my bad. And he looked, he has glasses, he looked I'll just shovel. Looking at me like oh, I was like dude, I'm so sorry. He's like no man, I took it there, you did good, you did good. And then you just like, oh shit, then you'd have these night classes.

Speaker 1:

So your firearms, you have to go in at night one night and you use a flashlight on your driving. You have to go in at night On defensive tactics. They have a night class and what they do is it's called night fight. They put like lights on, like police lights on. They play heavy, heavy music and they scream at you and they yell at you and they do stuff. Well, that same fireman and I, since we were previous well, he's still a medic, I was previous so we got to go to the front.

Speaker 1:

I hate waiting. The anxiety kills me more than anything. If I can tell you, if you let anxiety get you in the line, jump at the front line every time, get it over with, because sitting there as you listen to people, it sucks. So we, we, we go in and Right off the bat you have like four people screaming demands at you do do burpees, do this, chop your feet, do this. They said they're playing extremely hard rock, hard rock. They got lights on. So it's fair. I mean, all the lights in the building are off, except for these like crazy strobes and shit like that. You feel like you're in a haunted house. Then they tell you go the next thing. So they have me beat up this bag and all of a sudden this guy at all Just right feels, comes you just Rams my ass and then I fly and I have to fight him. You get done with that and you do a couple things. What the end of it?

Speaker 1:

It's called a red man suit. I was a dude in this giant red suit and you have this foam Pull noodle for a baton and they tell you to take them down. So I'm sitting here beating the shit out of this dude with this damn pull noodle and he's in a padded suit. So you see how far this is going. And he's just punched me in the head. Okay, so I'm just getting punched in the head. I'm hitting them with a fucking limp noodle going hey, stop, stop, get on the ground. There's stop, stop, stop, sir, stop resisting, right by the like. The fourth time I got punched in the face. I had enough. I threw the pulled noodle down and I lifted the Dude up in the red man suit and then they they told me to stop like three instructors started run. Okay, okay, okay, you got it. You got it. Go now go handcuff that other guy. You're like. I was like fuck man, I really want to throw that guy to the ground. Now he's been punching me in the fucking head, but you get done with that and I got to watch other people.

Speaker 1:

They give us a safe word. I think our safe word was apples that day. So If they use the safe word, every light comes on, all the music stops and everything comes out until they check every single Person that they're okay, including instructors, people in the damn hallway. If you're taking a duke, they're gonna come make sure you're okay, even though this one person used it. We had one chick use the safe word. This red man Was Slapping her so lightly Some of the small chicks.

Speaker 1:

After a while they would pull their gun there it's a fake gun, it's a blue gun and tell the person on the ground that's what you're supposed to do if you get tired, if you're getting your ass, but you have to do that. Well, this girl was sitting there. It's like stop, stop. And she's hitting him like just so lightly and finally he grabs her to take her down. And that's when you're supposed to pull your gun and go hey, get off me, blah, blah, blah. Well, she's just sitting there and he's like okay, I'm gonna take you to the ground now. Like it's the slowest shit. I watch it in slow-mo. I was just like what in the fuck? Then he gets on her and she's like apples, apples. And then they shut it. Like I said, it's an like an hour of a process. This whole thing gonna take two hours and but now it's gonna take three because Some chick can't do anything.

Speaker 1:

This chick failed every everything and Still made it through. That's the kind of times we're in firearms. She was shooting my fucking target. She's right next to me, so I got in trouble. They're like you shot more. I'm like the fuck I did that chick has three on her. She had her on her sheet. Where do you think they went? Oh, good point. I was like yeah, dude, she's shooting the shit out of mine.

Speaker 1:

So she failed firearms. Well, if you fail something, they'll bring you on. You get one-on-one treatment. If you don't pass again, then you have to do with the whole and the head of the whole Academy. Which fuck that.

Speaker 1:

So she failed firearms. She failed driving. She failed DT. She did all this. She was awful, awful. She was trying to sleep with everybody. She's married, she is a canine and SRO before she's even done with the Academy. I'm like, how does this happen? She's got her knee pads are well worn out. We'll just put that.

Speaker 1:

Needless to say, she's no longer a cop. She didn't make it very long. I didn't see how she would. She. She hit soft-rode my son, who's too.

Speaker 1:

Just, it was a deal I don't know, but it just kills me because you watch, like, a lot of these live PD and stuff. I love watching live PD right now it's called on patrol live and I'm even one of these Facebook groups it's like a discussion group of on patrol live and you have people that think they know the fucking law better than everybody and people are like oh, I like him, I don't like him, I don't like what they did here. Oh, they shouldn't use this that into this. So I got on there this morning and and Chicks like this are kind of what a problem. I don't know. Just, she's gonna get somebody hurt. She can get hurt. Well then I was reading through them and I saw, I heard one. It was a red one. It was like is there no longer PT standards for anybody anymore?

Speaker 1:

People see a big dude now. I'm actually think he can't do anything. I'm a big dude. It's no secret. I should, I could be in better shape. I need to be in better shape, but I've. I've taken a back burner from going to the gym as much as I did and to help with my wife, with the kids. It is what it is. You call me fat, do everything you want, I still can run, I still fight, I can still do that.

Speaker 1:

I have been with people that are Tiny and they can't run around the block. It's like everyone thinks, just cuz you're big, you can't do anything. But I'm telling you right now, if I can have a big dude that can still run just not as fast or a tiny dude that can have that, there's a lot of tiny do's that can't run with all the gear. There's a lot of tiny dudes that can't run in general they smoke too much to do other things, so it's it just kills me. Everyone automatically assumes a big dude can't do anything. But I've been when I'm fighting somebody with a big dude and I've been where I'm fighting somebody with a small dude that isn't in the shape that everybody thinks he is it, and I'll tell you I'd rather have that big dude every time, every time. Sometimes, if there's a dude that's sprinting his ass off, that's a lot faster than us. Yeah, it sucks when you hope to catch him, but it is what it is sometimes that you don't get them. I don't know, it just happens.

Speaker 1:

I had one kid that he was, that he was like 15 I was just trying to get him to talk to him because he's doing stupid shit, and he took off running and he was gone before I made on the inside of the building. I don't know he turned into a spirit animal or what, but he was gone, he was. He was a hawk. Now I don't know he was going. He morphed into cheetah, I don't know. I don't know if he was a beast, bots or I don't know what the hell he was, but he was gone. But I sell his comments.

Speaker 1:

The most people that have never done the job and they're like oh the cops, this cops, that this guy's fat, this guy does this, this guy used too much for assist, guys done until you were there. I don't think you you have the right to say whatever. It's the first amendment. But just judging somebody just by what you think you know because you watch on patrol live and you like this guy and you don't like this guy, you it's. It's a whole different world having someone in your face, hitting you in the face and doing stuff like that. So it just kills me. It's fun to read them because I love to see how stuff I like, this I and some of the cops that they love.

Speaker 1:

I fucking can't stand. There's one that, like everybody, misses him and stuff he was. He just Snotty to everybody, dealt with. My, that guy's a douche. Why do you like him and everyone's like this dude and don't like this? Do there's one guy they really love? I can't stand because he tries to be everybody's friend.

Speaker 1:

Hey man, hey, that is a cool truck. You got there, but you can't park it here. But that is a super rad truck, bro. That's a nuts. Give me nuts, bro. Bad truck, awesome truck, but you can't park here. Don't park here. But oh man, that's a switch. I might do it. Fucking, shut up and just tell me can't park there. You don't have to be a dick, but at the same time, don't sit here and blow them as you're going. Can't park, okay, park here. So here's what it is. I just love watching these people that are on Social media. I think they know better than everybody else. Then you have other just dumbasses in this world, just dumbasses. There's a dude that was in my video recently where I was making a joke about. I See here, about Domestics on Thanksgiving. If you don't know, domestics on Thanksgiving it's a big deal. We deal with a lot, you're gonna get a lot and it's just. It is what it is there's a shit ton of them and you're.

Speaker 1:

It's just, you put too many people In a house that don't need to be in a house together. And guess what? They fight, they argue it, just it happens. So this dude I don't know where, I can't find it, he's an ex airborne Ranger, I guess. I don't know, you never know. He's an ex airborne Ranger and he was like the video was me driving to. It says me driving to domestic and I don't. And pretty much I'm tired of dealing with the bullshit. And then he turned into you mean, go into plant evidence and wrongfully arrest someone. You tyrannical piece of shit or something like that is along those lines. I'm like, wow, dude. Okay, this dude Fought for military and I have nothing but love and respect for men and women that fought for our country and fight for our country.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing they they give up so much to do stuff for so many and they give a first amendment right, just like this douchebag, to say who he wants. But I didn't like his comment. Well, someone got on there and go. Well, didn't you join the military and fight other people? And I liked his comment because I thought it was funny. I love when people are like, well, you do this, you tyrannical asshole, but you legit went overseas and fought for the greed of our Fucking politicians that you say you hate. Yes, I understand that. Trust me, I have nothing but love and respect for men and women to fight for the country. I do, and I know it's not them. They're following orders, they're doing what they think that's right and they're doing all this and then we find out later on it was Completely wrong and we're just greedy assholes and that's kind of what was going on here. I'm just like dude, listen, like I respect you, thank you for fighting for country, but it's like I'm not gonna like your comments, but I like your comments. It is what it is. You have freedom of speech. What you want and I have freedom of speech is like who I want. So I didn't like his comments and he's like, yeah, this little punk ass, he won't even like my comments, he'll like everybody others comments. Last time I checked those comment buttons where it says like is because I don't know, I like it. If you're Calling me names without ever knowing me, I'm probably not gonna like that. It's. It's, I thought pretty Self-explanatory, but I guess not.

Speaker 1:

So he Went on this whole thing about how much of a piece of crap I am and stuff. And all I can think was this dude Probably went ahead of domestic and he says that he didn't do anything and the cops wrongfully arrested him. A lot of the times the dudes that screamed the loudest, they didn't do anything, or the ones that actually beaten their spouses. So most likely homeboy beat his spouse and he wants to blame it on me and he's projecting on me that I'm gonna go Violate someone's rights and arrest them and they didn't do anything and the evidence was planted or something. I don't know. I can't plant a bruise on a lady. Sorry, dude, that's not how it goes. I'm not planting evidence.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I don't care. I'm not a stat guy. I've never been a stat guy. I take people to jail. It needs people to go to jail. Besides that, I don't care if it's small crimes and stuff. I don't. I could care less if you get away. Or I don't care if you do anything to children, I'm gonna put your ass in prison for as long as I can. If you do anything to a woman, I'm gonna put your ass in jail as long as I can, prison, whatever I can do. And Then you get people like this, like, oh, you're gonna go plant evidence. Just stop beating your wife, dude. And then guess what, I wouldn't be coming for you. And then it also turned into well, 40%. That stat was never verified, then it's. It's just funny how people jump on things that they see on media and think that they know. But his ass is just like some of the normal ones you get.

Speaker 1:

I was out deer hunting the other day and then some lady popped in and Asked me about my oath. As I'm deer hunting, I what does it have to do with anything? And at this time I was being quiet. I was just trying to bring people along so you could see what it's like, and then I can show. I try to show everybody my whole life, so you know who I am. There's no, this is who I am behind the scene type thing. I am a cop but I am a person, so I show up things. And she's like well, what about your oath? I was like, well, I'm gonna play.

Speaker 1:

The fifth is what I typed in there, because I'm being quiet, I'm not talking to anybody, I'm not gonna scare away deer if I get a chance. And she's like, oh, typical cop dumbass, but stuff like that. It's like what? Why does everybody think they know so much more than everybody else or no other people? Just because you had bad experiences? I'll never be the guy say cops are perfect never will. I'll never say our country is perfect. I think our country is one of the best in the world, but it's not perfect.

Speaker 1:

Especially nowadays, everyone's worried about bullying or what the neighbors doing instead of what they're doing and, to be honest, participation trophies and bullying bullies have been around forever. In the fact that we we pointed out so much to kids in school Makes it more Not acceptable. But it happens more often and I and I'm not making light of this anything but kids are ending their life due to being bullied and we're making it. It's not acceptable, but we're making it more of a thing where people think it's okay. Well, I'm in my life just because I'm being bullied. And he said I'm fat Most of the time. You're gonna grow out of that being fat most time. You're gonna grow out of this. You're gonna grow out of that. This dude's gonna be a dickhead the rest of his life.

Speaker 1:

But when you're done with school, do you think bullies just aren't there? Do you think you don't have to fight every day To get better and be better than the next person, and you not think people are trying to hold you back, like there's bullies in the real world and school is there to teach you. This school is there to teach you what you need in life. But unfortunately, we do things like this. And now, to be honest, if I send my kids to public schools, I almost have to teach him to be a bully instead of not being a bully. You know, don't take shit from anybody, but at the same time, I would. I'm sorry, but if it came down to it, I would rather teach him to be strong and be a bully than be Scared of everything. And then I have to worry about him taking his life due to the fact that somebody bullied him, and that's. It's a hard thing to say. I don't want my kid to be a bully. No one should be bullied. It does suck.

Speaker 1:

I've dealt with a lot of suicide from people that been bullied, even on online. Bullies, guys, these are words. I Get hate on him on this all the fucking time. You can't let that eat you up or it will, and it's crazy that we just I Don't know. We've talked a lot about suicide in this episode and my story today is actually about suicide. That's kind of sad, but it's just crazy.

Speaker 1:

We're making our world and our, the United States, a bunch of sissies. It's crazy in other countries, or word, I mean we we're not worried about us. We are too busy fighting ourselves and gun control and this and that, and if you got the shot, know everything that they could invade us and people wouldn't even fucking fight together because we're so worried about if Susie got a shot or if this person's a liberal, or if this person's a libertarian, if this person's Republican, if this person, what does it matter? We can still be friends. We can even have disagreements. The libertarians hate me because I'm a cop not all of them but I get a lot of hate because I think I'm coming for their guns. I'm not coming for your guns, I want my guns. You better not come from my guns. I think the ATF's a bag of dicks as well. There's a lot of things. I think our government's a bag of dicks.

Speaker 1:

I didn't get into this to be the strong arm of the politicians. I got in this to help people. I got in this profession to hopefully Stop someone that's doing something to kids. Stop. Someone is raping women and battering women. Stop domestic violence. Stop all these things. Stop stealing shit. I don't care if you want to do methamphetamine that build down the street made in a bottle, and you trust him, even though that Dude has never even got a GED, but yet you trust him to as a chemistry set to make you some stuff that you're gonna inject or smoke. That's a great idea. That's why you have no teeth and you can't sit still and you're dying from heart disease because of that. It just kills me. It just I Don't know. I don't know Is what it is, and that's the world that we're going in. Everyone's gonna be a bunch of sissies, but we'll go ahead and we'll just move our final story before I get off here because I'm running out of time.

Speaker 1:

So the other day people are asking if I was a cat person. I am not a cat person. I'm. I will. I can walk in a house and I can immediately tell you if you have cats, just because my face is well up like the movie hitch. So I was working a suicide.

Speaker 1:

I get to the suicide and Make it in and show the house. There's cats everywhere. There is a lady on the ground in the hallway and she used a firearm, a pistol. I call the ME. Normally ME depends where they're at this one's hours away. So I was like, okay, well, I'm gonna lock the scene down from outside. I'm highly allergic to cats, so I do that. We wait for the ME to get there because I might swell up. There's cats everywhere. So we go, we, the ME shows up, we go in the house and we see that the Bullet went in and out and through the next room and everything and, like I said, there's cats everywhere. And at this point my night shift got there. So I was kind of like, cool, they can help with this, because that house is gonna kill me. But I'm still also intrigued. So we go inside and this might be too graphic. So this is a warning if this is too graphic, stop listening With your suicides.

Speaker 1:

When they do this through the roof of the mouth while I was time, the ME will Open your draw and they'll fill in there. I'm not doing it. That's disgusting. I've seen too many zombie movies. I'm not gonna be the first zombie by being bitten. So they reach in and they see with a bullet track and they look at everything. Well, this chicks draw had already started rigor. So it was tight. You couldn't even get it open to do so.

Speaker 1:

Well, without skipping a beat, the ME goes hey, does anybody have a serrated blade? I Wish I could have saw my face, because I saw my partners and he was like what? And I was just like, oh my god, he's not going to. I can't watch this. But I can't look away. Oh my, no way. So the my partner goes into the kitchen and gets a serrated knife and I'm just sitting there going holy shit, this is about to be probably the worst and and crazy this experience in my life. But I cannot look away. And Then he goes to the wall and cuts out the drywall with this serrated knife is like, oh my god, I was is a sigh relief, but also a sigh of this was gonna be something interesting. Um, I Thought we're gonna cut that jaw open, but no, he just cut the the wall. I think you'd have been in a lot of trouble for that, but he did that.

Speaker 1:

At this time I'm dying. I can't breathe, my eyes are swelling up, I'm just so. I go outside, my partner and them. They find a. They found the round, and then the room over in a box and then the ME dropped it again. They had to find it again as a whole fiasco.

Speaker 1:

Well then Her mom comes up and is talking to us in the road and she's like Telling us about meth and stuff, as she's like smacking her lips and can't sit still and she's like, yeah, crank his math and meth is cranking, crank is meth and meth is cranking blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I know she didn't do it cuz a dr Pepper can. I was like okay, whatever, lady I don't like, maybe she's thinking somebody drinks dr Pepper and she does, I don't know. Well, a couple days later I get a call From one of the tribal agencies, cuz this is one. She was tribal and they were like hey, I need everything you have on that. I was like okay, I'll give you is a suicide. He's like yeah, but the mom says it wasn't and she knows why. And I've already talked to the mom and the mom's already called me and I asked him. I said well, did you? Did you ask her why? She knew. He's like well, no, I go, maybe you should ask her is like well, what did she tell you? I go Okay, let me break down. She said that the dr Pepper can told her her daughter didn't kill herself. He's like what I go, yes, the dr Pepper can. Came to her in her dream and said, hey, she did not kill herself. And he was like oh, I go, yeah. So, yes, I will send everything over and if you want to go get the elusive dr Pepper, can you might want to before it Takes off on the run. And then you got to hunt them down with the marshals. He didn't find that part too funny, but I thought it was pretty interesting.

Speaker 1:

Needless to say, guys, if if you are having troubles, reach out. I know I'm the bullying thing, it's, it's mainly jokes. I don't wish anybody be bullied. I don't wish anybody to end themself. I love everybody and I want everybody to get along. You just have to learn that bullies only beat you down because they beat themselves down and it's a way to make themselves feel better. So if you're being bullied, just know that you're doing better. But if you're in school still and you're being bullied, understand it gets better. But if you can handle a bully, you can handle anything when you're out of school, once you get done with school, you can beat, beat the best of them. So if you are thinking about having these negative thoughts, please reach out there suicide hotlines there's people that help you call 911, tell them that you need help and they'll send somebody. Life is precious and we all are miracles. Whether your religious or not, you're a miracle. Make sure you reach out again, guys.

Speaker 1:

Thank you all for all the support. I think I've rambled on enough. Hopefully it wasn't Boring, but we broke down the academy and helped everybody on that. Hopefully, um guys, spread the love and positivity. Don't let trolls get you down. Life is way too short for that. Hopefully everybody has a wonderful week. Let's make it a good one. Uh, thanks, giving's over. Let's all get back on the treadmill way, way too much. And then around Christmas We'll do it again. Much love everybody. Stay safe. For all my patrons on patreon. I appreciate you guys so much. Mary Pebbles, mommy lady buck eye, matthew Um Kylie Connor I appreciate you guys so much. Guys, the patreon we have a way to chat on there. Um oh, trauma diva as well. Sorry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We're. We're growing on patreon. It's a good way for you to support for what I do so that way we can get better equipment for your podcast. We can get better equipment to do everything. But that being said, guys, much love everybody. Everyone. Have a great week and stay safe.

Morning Show Update and Academy Stories
Physical Training Intensity in the Gym
Law Enforcement Academy Experience
Humor and Support in Police Training
Discussions on Policing and Public Perception
Freedom of Speech and Personal Beliefs
Suicide Scene With Unusual Twist