DeputyDane Morning Show

#DDMS Episode 18: A Merry Mix of Simple Joys, Social Media Struggles, and Future Excitements: From Family Challenges to Holiday Celebrations

December 18, 2023 Dane Episode 18
#DDMS Episode 18: A Merry Mix of Simple Joys, Social Media Struggles, and Future Excitements: From Family Challenges to Holiday Celebrations
DeputyDane Morning Show
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DeputyDane Morning Show
#DDMS Episode 18: A Merry Mix of Simple Joys, Social Media Struggles, and Future Excitements: From Family Challenges to Holiday Celebrations
Dec 18, 2023 Episode 18

Have you ever noticed the joy that simple things bring, like finding a good deal on crab legs or watching your favorite Christmas movie? Join us as we reminisce about our love for "The Grinch" and discuss the impact of a recent family injury. We navigate through the challenges of being there for your partner in testing times and finding happiness in the little things that life throws at us. 

Switching gears, let's talk about the influencers who rule our feeds. Unfortunately, the digital age has also brought out some who prioritize profit over positive interactions. We share our frustrations and highlight the importance of balance in work and family life. How do we keep it real in a world where everything is filtered and monetized? We also share our gratitude for your unwavering support, which has become our anchor in the tumultuous sea of social media. 

Finally, we're thrilled to announce plans for live shows and the construction of a studio for future interviews. We owe it to you, our listeners, and our Patreon supporters, who've made all this possible. So let's be kind, check in with each other and spread some holiday cheer. We're excited about what lies ahead, and while we're at it, let's plan a fantastic crab boil. Merry Christmas and here's to a safe and joyful week ahead!

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Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

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Have you ever noticed the joy that simple things bring, like finding a good deal on crab legs or watching your favorite Christmas movie? Join us as we reminisce about our love for "The Grinch" and discuss the impact of a recent family injury. We navigate through the challenges of being there for your partner in testing times and finding happiness in the little things that life throws at us. 

Switching gears, let's talk about the influencers who rule our feeds. Unfortunately, the digital age has also brought out some who prioritize profit over positive interactions. We share our frustrations and highlight the importance of balance in work and family life. How do we keep it real in a world where everything is filtered and monetized? We also share our gratitude for your unwavering support, which has become our anchor in the tumultuous sea of social media. 

Finally, we're thrilled to announce plans for live shows and the construction of a studio for future interviews. We owe it to you, our listeners, and our Patreon supporters, who've made all this possible. So let's be kind, check in with each other and spread some holiday cheer. We're excited about what lies ahead, and while we're at it, let's plan a fantastic crab boil. Merry Christmas and here's to a safe and joyful week ahead!

Support the Show.

Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

Speaker 1:

Warning, warning, warning. This content may be sensitive to some. If you feel the need to leave, it is completely understandable. Content may contain examples of death, suicide, sexual content and other shit. We don't know what we're gonna get into. This is not to offend anyone or upset anyone on purpose. This isn't your typical deputy dane, so listen at your own risk, sit back and enjoy Good morning everybody.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the deputy dane morning show. I appreciate all y'all for being here. We got some stuff to get into. I really don't know what we're gonna get into, but we'll get into something.

Speaker 1:

Sit back, oh oh, yep, there's the sirens. I think we're all gonna be detained. Sit back and enjoy the show.

Speaker 2:

Good morning everybody. It's almost Christmas and welcome to the deputy dane morning show. I kind of threw that in the middle there, kind of weird placement to throw. I thought I was gonna throw it with grithmuth. I just got excited. I was kind of talking to my wife about what Christmas kind of meant to me growing up and some of the movies I used to love watching. I don't know about everybody else. I love the old Grinch, it's not even old. I love the older Grinch with Jim Carrey. I love that one. I watched it so many times growing up I can't even tell you. It just like breathed my whole to my face.

Speaker 2:

Everyone's over here wondering about this diehard Christmas movie and I'm over here like which Grinch do I want to watch? I don't know the Jim Carrey one. I've always loved that one. I think I will always love that one. You know, and I was explaining how much the lights and everything meant to me growing up. I don't know what that is. It's just like a special time that I remember just the little things, just the tree and how, what the tree meant and the lights outside and how I could see the lights through my window. Just little things, and it's crazy how fucking quick time goes by. It seems like yesterday. I'm sitting there and looking out the window at the lights and wondering what I'm gonna do with my life, and here I am talking into a microphone by myself. I did not, did not see this happening at all.

Speaker 2:

Oh fuck, it's been a. It's been a hectic hectic last couple weeks. That's a few of you might know. My wife got injured. She was working a scene and went to go take pictures. It was raining, or had been raining all day, I don't think it was raining at that point. She stepped off in some mud and then it automatically felt like she was getting shot in the leg and come to find out, long story short a whole bunch of back and forth she had torn her calf muscle completely. So that was awesome.

Speaker 2:

So then, after that, now we're dealing with the whole workers comp stuff. She can't go back to work until she's completely healed, which that kills her. She is a perfectionist and she loves her job. So staying home with the babies, it that's. Yeah, we love our kids more than anything in this entire world.

Speaker 2:

But oh, my God, man, it's nice to get away from them from time to time. It's nice to get a little bit of free time where you can sit there and watch movies without having to go. Oh shit, can't wake them up. Or can they see this? Can they see that without them running in going miss Rachel, miss Rachel. Or let's watch the monster trucks? So she thinks I'm taking the brunt of this by picking up a lot of the slack. She says but I'm like, no lady, you got the brunt of it, I can still go to work and do everything I need to do. And then, oh no, no, you got the brunt of all this. But I guess that's really what makes you a good team is if you can look back and say, man, they're really doing all the brunt of this and then they think the same of you. That just shows that both of you guys are putting forth as much effort as you can. You know, whether it's 5050, 6040, 3070, whatever it is, it's you need to be there for your partner. And this has put a big damper on a lot of things. But it's also brought us closer on a few things. It's made us realize that we don't have to go do family stuff all the time because we are our own family. You know, thanksgiving we did our own little thing and it was nice. Now we can do that for Christmas if we want, you know. So it's got its ups and downs. It's opened our eyes on a few things and then other things, I don't know. It's just been a lot. It's been.

Speaker 2:

It's been a crazy last couple weeks with everything and then today we got a super excited. We love doing crab boils. So, like, this is the highlight of our life right now. You know, we're sitting there for the last couple weeks just dealing with chaos and then all of a sudden we see there's a sale on crap snow crab for 799 a pound. Where we buy it's normally 1499 a pound. So we went and bought 30 pounds. Yeah, we love crab boils, but you know that's bougie. Sometimes we can't afford crab boils. So now we have enough to do it for a while. I'm pretty excited about that. We love doing the crab boils. Oh, my god, this occasion goodness and crab and potatoes. And then there's oh sorry, this isn't that ASMR stuff. I don't know what I'm doing here, but it's just funny. Today we got super excited that we loaded the kids up, we went and bought a box of crab we go in. We asked the dude I'm like my wife and I are both like looking at each other.

Speaker 2:

It's almost like a Sketchy friend you don't know, or like it, not a sketchy friend, you don't know. That's fucking weird. A sketchy person that you halfway know, that you kind of trust but you're not sure. So, like my wife looks me. She's like how many pounds Do you want to get? I'm like, well, how, how many pounds? Like you don't want to say the wrong thing. So I'm like how many pounds do you think we should, should, get? You know, like we could put this in the freezer and it'll be good for a long time. So, like what are you thinking? And she's looking at me, like what I think? I think at least 10. I was like, okay, good I'm. I was like maybe 20 pounds. So then she's like, yeah, it's just funny, some of the transactions you make with your spouses. You're over here like I don't say the wrong thing. Don't say the wrong thing. Two pounds, okay, that's not gonna be much, but all right, let's go ahead and get those two pounds. So we'll ask the guy and he gives us. He's like, well, I was like what? Do you have enough for 20 pounds? He's like, well, I got a box of 30 pounds. I was like, well, fuck me, let's do it. So then we got 30 pounds and there we are and we're both super excited about it.

Speaker 2:

We're all also still getting over this damn virus. Supposedly this virus is nationwide. Everyone's getting it some. Some people say it's a form of COVID. I Don't know it's. It's terrible. Some people saying it's COVID stuff, some people saying it's just upper respiratory. Some people are saying you have to take shit, other people saying you're not having to take anything either way.

Speaker 2:

We've all been hacking up stuff for a long time and it sucks Like. I'm tired of hacking stuff up and not get much sleep and then worry about waking the baby, but then I hear that baby hacking stuff up and then she's coughing so much you vomit. This is I'm tired of it. This is awful. They're saying it could last up to eight weeks. Eight weeks, what? The ever-living Fuffa. That's, oh man, crazy.

Speaker 2:

But I've been trying to use my vacation time. So they tell me that I have to use 80 hours before the 21st December because that's my anniversary date. Excuse me, see, there's that coffin. Hold on one second, I'll be right back. I don't know why I say hold on, you're not gonna know that I'm hitting. Stop. It's like almost like someone's here. I don't, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

So I'm trying to use this time up and I was trying to use it earlier in the month and then got a crazy call over the weekend and then that call required me to get search warrants and warrants and Evidence that I got to go get search warrants on and then you got to go get the search warrants sign. You got to get the search warrants for this, search warrants for that. Then you got to go take it to get to the lab to get done. And then this case is something that I wouldn't say near and dear to my heart because it's terrible. But anything involving children, it bothers me. So I'm gonna do my best, I'm gonna give everything I can because it's not right what some kids have to go through and that's what kind of got me Wanting to do the, the donation, the bless you, the donations to the advocacy center.

Speaker 2:

We, with all of you guys and everybody on tick-tock and everything, we are able to raise $500 in a week for them. And how awesome is that like. And when I gave them that $500 because I had to go back for another call, they were super, super grateful. So it was awesome to see that they're like oh, thank you. And I was like well, sorry, you know, I was hoping to get you some more, but this is what I've got and they were super grateful and just to see what they do for these kids, these kids, guys, just, I know I've been harping on it, but, man, this, this last month, this last couple weeks, have been just some of the worst things and you could imagine on children. And that's what I'm hearing. I'm hearing these kids say this stuff, I'm hearing these kids say this, say that, and these are some of the worst things that Kids should never have to deal with. And you have to hear a kid Just say it, like it's oh, just a normal Saturday, just a normal day, oh, yeah. So yeah, I go to school. People make fun of me because I stink, because my parents don't clean the house and the house has dog poop everywhere, and then I come home and it's supposed to be my safe place and that's not, and it's rough. It's rough hearing these kids talk about this stuff. So it was near and dear to my heart and with all y'all we raised $500, which is absolutely amazing.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to do more battles and stuff, because these battles are crazy. I watched some of these dudes. It. It just blows my mind.

Speaker 2:

There's one guy I'm not gonna say his name. He's a pretty boy, he's a cop, but I don't know if he's a cop anymore. I don't know he's making killing. But he's a pretty boy. So if you watch him he gets a whole lot of women in there and they're just throwing money at him and all he does a smile. Like half the time he doesn't even say anything. And if he does say something, like Gina gave you this gift, jaina, thank you Jaina. And then if Gina helps get, then then he puts these gift goals and these gift goals He'll have up there and then whoever gives the most of those gifts gets to pick the next gift goal and then and next it's just a scam. It's all gimmick and Sadly I was trying to get myself in that. Unfortunately, I know that's a sellout to me and I tell people I don't want to do it, but we're doing it for good cause. So I was gonna try to do it.

Speaker 2:

But man, this case took so much out of me that it just it took all my free time, it took everything out of me and it really put me in it, not the best headspace. I mean I'm okay, but you know I haven't been able to do my lives, my lives with y'all and everybody that I do my tick-tock lives with. When I tell people, making people laugh is how I deal with my own mental struggles. I'm not lying. These last two to three weeks have been rough on me. You know I haven't been going live near as much and it really I can tell the Toll it's taken. I love making people laugh.

Speaker 2:

I love me hanging out with all y'all and you guys I could never Say thank you enough to y'all ever. The fact that you're even here listening to me ramble on about stupid stuff, I don't know. I appreciate you. I could never express my gratitude to everybody the way that you deserve. You guys keep me Just humbled and down to earth and and keep me just Mentally sane. Some of this shit we deal with. You just look back and you go man, this is rough, this is just. This is rough and just the things you hear these kids talk about, it's rough. So I appreciate everybody. And going back to these other lives, you know I I appreciate everybody so much that I do my best and sometimes I mess up. I do my best that if you are gonna come into the live and you're gonna say something and you're gonna hang out with this and we're gonna have fun and you you amp up at the party a little bit, we're having fun. You deserve. The least I could do is say hey, thank you Kristen, hey, thank you crystal, hey, thank you Old man Tom. Thank you to everybody that takes the time out to just make it a little bit more exciting, not just for y'all, but for me, and I go to some of these big lives and they don't do that, though. I've went into these lives just to test it and I'll say something. They don't read comments, they only read the big giftors. It got so bad.

Speaker 2:

One of the guys I was watching I'll say his name. He's a douche and a half. I have no idea why this dude has the amount of followers and the amount of views and the amount of money he makes. I have no idea how, and it's J hop or whatever. I don't know. If you ever watch this dude, he's mean to people.

Speaker 2:

And then I Watched one the other day, that's people were gifting him two smaller gifts so he told his mods to block them. That absolutely blew my Ever living mind there. You're not gifting me enough. Get, get the hell out of here. Um, no, excuse me, at Mont's I'm not even gonna take the time to block them. Go ahead and block anybody. That's just sitting me a rose. The rose is not good enough. What? The ever living fuck. I I just don't get it. I don't, I just.

Speaker 2:

And then, like some people are saying, I've had a few Sam jealous or something, I'm not jealous. I mean, I'm jealous of the money they're making. I'm not gonna lie, these dudes are making a killing, but if you watch it, all they're doing is panhandling through an amp and they've put their life into this. I've watched a lot of these people that they put their life into it. I've watched one dude. There's an ex-cop that I tried to Try to associate with. I can't do it. I've watched him pretty much get on and cry because he's not making enough, because he's quit his job and he's quit everything he's known, just to sit here and do tick-tock live battles. And if he's not making enough he's not gonna pay his bills. And that Floors me. Don't be wrong.

Speaker 2:

One day I would love to do social media, be a stay at home dad, do all the social media stuff, take care of my kids. My wife's the breadwinner. I'm a cop. I don't make a whole lot of money and if I could be a stay at home dad, do social media, I wouldn't get out of law enforcement. I probably couldn't get completely out because I'd miss it.

Speaker 2:

I've taken a break from first responder life before and it was rough. Every time lights and sirens went by, it just was like man, what am I doing with my life? I messed my life up. I used to be that guy and I was like man, this is rough. I need to get back Into it. So I think I still do stumps some. I wouldn't be full-time, I wouldn't be doing detective work because it takes a lot. I'd probably go to a reserving or something like that. I don't know. I don't know what I would do.

Speaker 2:

But some of these guys I just watch and I'm like how is this even a thing? Like I understand, like I wonder how I'm even a thing I completely do. I've looked into everybody that comes and hangs out with me and watches stuff and like interacts with me. I try to stay humble. I try to stay who I am. Sometimes I'm a sarcastic asshole. I am. If you want to come in and be a dick, I'm gonna be a dick back. But this dude to be dicks to people that he's friends with on there just to be like I bust me balls and stuff, but blocking people because they don't give you a big enough gift is fucking absurd to me. Absurd, I Don't know. It's just a thing I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I Try, I try to do it every now and then, but I can't. I just feel like a sellout. It's rough. And then this last week, the two weeks I was gonna do it for good cause and probably I'll do it again for good cause it just I don't even know where to start. I feel dirty like, even when I'm doing it just for a good cause, I was like man. I feel like a piece shit. I feel like I'm up here begging for money and my lives are not about that. No, no, me wrong.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate every gift that I'm give gifted. I appreciate everybody that comes in. You don't have to gift, I appreciate it. I'm not gonna sit here and deny that. We've done a lot of cool things with it. It's also helped me and my family in very rough times. I'm not gonna lie, I'm. I Make 36,000 dollars a year. So anything extra I do appreciate.

Speaker 2:

And people ask me want to get a second job. Yeah, I can't. Yeah, I wish, but it's not how it happens. I don't have enough time. Then I'd miss out with my kids and miss out with my family and I miss out with so much and they mean so much to me. I already miss on so much getting called in on my days off and stuff. I can't, I can't do that, there's no way. So I Appreciate you guys so much and I try to explain this because some people like, why don't I have money? What that I don't? You're here hanging out. That's as cool as can be. I mean, yes, the gifts are nice, but you don't have to give me. And then I say, some of these guys, I'm like goddamn, but I'm not gonna lie, it does get tempting. I watched some of them. These dudes are making five thousand dollars a day just sitting there and Smoothing people. So I mean I guess I would be a jealous a little bit. I'm not a lot, but I can't do it, just can't. I can't do it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know I wanted to do a lot more, but this call this, this case took a lot more out of me, took a lot at more time than I thought I would. So I didn't really get to use any of the vacation time. And then then it's also one of the things I got a balanced family life. I'm home bomb vacation. I can't just like well, but babe, I'm gonna go out there and do tiktok now, appreciate you, can't. I can't do that. That wouldn't be right. That's. That's not cool. But I Don't know. I just got a. I got a balance, the life, and that's why I'm trying to. I'm trying to get a studio built in the shop so that way.

Speaker 2:

Right now Our office was moved to our bedroom because of the baby needed the room, which I'm okay with, but planned on that, and I really need to get a studio so that way when people are sleeping and my wife's sleeping and she's trying to get sleep, I can go out there and work on stuff and film stuff, record stuff and do stuff that way, without it, you know, affecting everybody. So that's kind of my next goal. So all the stuff that I get, all the gifts we get, now, that's what's going for them. I, I appreciate it. Um, hopefully we can get that built and then we can do a lot more fun. Um, I, you know my wife's dealing with so much with her healing. She's going to physical therapy now and workers comps Jector around where we've had to get an attorney and it's just.

Speaker 2:

It's been a whole lot. Everything with the family. It's been a lot this last week to two weeks, the point where, like, I didn't even know what to talk about on this podcast. I didn't have anything ready. So it's going to probably be a short one and I appreciate everybody hanging out.

Speaker 2:

I just I haven't had any of the time and pretty much I've had to humble myself. Where I've made it to the investigator position, but where I'm at, there really wasn't an investigator position before, so maybe way back in the day, but since I've been there hasn't been. It's been one of those things where you get a case, you work the case and you try to do everything you can and then you get another call and you go. So I got into this position and this took a lot longer than it takes. Some of the people have experience, but I don't have someone teaching me. I've got friends in the same profession. I've taken classes, but I've got friends that I can reach out and that can kind of give me some pointers and stuff. But I'm legit learning as I go.

Speaker 2:

So, like I took the search warrant over the judge. The judge said you messed here, here, here and here, fix that, bam, get it done, got it. Then I go to the next thing and then when you get a case like this, you don't want to mess anything up. I went, I listened to these interviews and I could have just gone. Okay, I believe they said this, this, this and this, but I don't want. That's not doing those kids justice. I listened to each one of those interviews, probably three times each, just so I don't miss anything, because that's what those kids deserve.

Speaker 2:

Those kids deserve someone to show them that they're cared about. They have dealt with their life of just terribleness and just filth and someone not showing them how much they're loved. And then go to school when you're picked on because your whole house smells terrible. So you smell terrible and it's sad it just. These kids deserve me to give up vacation time. They deserve me to sit here and give them my all. Some of the people around me are like kind of like well, damn man, it's taking a long time to get this done and instead of rushing it, I'd rather it be done right. And I'm working other cases at the same time and some of those those went on the back burner. Sorry, like this, this. These kids need to be put in a safe home. These kids need to be shown that they are cared and loved for.

Speaker 2:

You know, could you imagine everything you've done and every day that you have is terrible. Could you imagine being a kid. You wake up in a house that you're not, you don't feel safe in, you get ready, you go to school. At school, you have no friends because you've moved to a small town so it's very clickish, and then you stink and you're different and they treat you terrible. Your teachers are the only one that ever shows you any kind of niceness, because your teachers know that something's up. Then you go home and deal with some of the worst things that you could imagine. And this is a child's life Every day, day in, day out. They never have a safe place.

Speaker 2:

I've talked about domestic violence and women that stay in these relationships, that they don't feel safe in their home, and that should be your safe place. These kids have no safe place. You go to school, you're bullied, you're picked on, no one talks to you, you have no friends besides your siblings. You go home and you're preyed upon. You're dealing with things that no kid should ever have to deal with. It just it. These kids deserve to have a voice. These kids deserve to have somebody to take the time. So I'm gonna take my time, I'm gonna do the best I can to my ability, as I'm learning and unfortunately they got me that I'm still learning as I'm going. I Mean I can know, I know how to be a patrol deputy, I know how to be on the road and how to handle stuff and other law, but it's just you have to put it all together being a detective or an investigator and you have to do it right, and these kids deserve me to do it right. So that's what I'm doing. That's why these cases take a little bit longer. That's why you know it's taken me a whole week just to kind of go. But I mean, at the same time, a whole week would consist of a lot. There's a lot of search warrants, a lot of stuff going on. People get arrested. But these kids deserve that and so much more.

Speaker 2:

In the advocacy center they took such great care of them and what was cool about that place? And just take care of the kids? They took care of everybody. They made sure I was fed. You know, we were there for hours on end and there's not. Yeah, I could go eat real quick, but what am I missing? Yeah, I could go to the bathroom, but what am I missing? And that's not right. So this place took care of so, not just those kids, they took care of me and that's Wild to me. We gave them that donation. Like I said, they put me on their Facebook page and I explained to them where the money came from and stuff. They were extremely grateful and that's the least I could do. You know, they made me feel comfortable on top of these kids. These kids, they gave them toys, they gave them blankets, they gave them a stuffed animal and Then when they had to come back, they gave them the same stuff again. You know, just taking care of these kids, they gave them meals there, there, there, they gave them snacks snacks you couldn't even imagine just whatever snack they wanted this place had. Whatever drink you wanted this place had you wanted pizza, they're gonna get you pizza.

Speaker 2:

So is the the little bit that my part was was having all you guys being amazing friends with me. Man and I couldn't have done it without y'all, so I can't say thank you enough. I don't have Expendable money. My wife and I, we live pretty much paycheck to paycheck. You know, I try to be a hundred percent awesome everybody on here. We pretty much live paycheck to paycheck like most people in the world, so I don't have five hundred dollars to go. Hey, let me do this. And you guys made it possible and I could never thank you enough. And Just to see, you know, we also did shop with a cop and everything, so I got to see that and that was a lot of fun.

Speaker 2:

But, man, just a whole bunch of three weeks of kids that have got dealt shit cards and it's not their fault and it's, it's been, it's been a lot. So that's why that I've been kind of hanging out away from social media a little bit. I've been trying to come in and out, but it's just I don't have time and then my mind's been in a weird spot. So I want to say thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for everything. You guys mean the world to me more than I could ever express. I know it sounds like this is rehearsed, but it's not.

Speaker 2:

I Got on live and someone said, oh, I wish you'd be, or I miss you being live, and I can't tell you how much I miss it. You know, I mean just some days I'm gonna do my job. I know it's crazy, but, man, I'm ready for my vacation to be over so I can start doing lives again. That's how bad it is. I'm ready to go to work so we can do lives. Have fun. With that being said, guys, thank you so much again.

Speaker 2:

This is a shorter one. I could never thank you guys enough. Please just keep being good people and Just take worry about one another, take care of one another, check on each other every now and then and everybody don't let someone get you down just because they're in a bad place in life. Thank you, guys, and everyone on the patreon Thank you so much. Pebbles, mommy, trauma, connor, kylie, matt and everybody else, ladybuck eye. Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart. You guys are really helping keeping this going and Hopefully we get the studio built, get some good equipment in there and we can start doing this when I can start doing interviews and we can really get this going. Guys, you guys have a wonderful week and everybody please stay safe. Let's make it a great week right before Christmas. Merry Christmas, everybody. I appreciate you so much. I.

Challenges, Family, and Crab Boils
Vacation Time and Helping Children Struggles
Frustration With Social Media Influencers
Gratitude and Excitement for Future Content