Reclaiming Pride: LGBT+ Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse

12: False Hope: How this Extends the Life of the Toxic Relationship & Journal Entry

November 12, 2023 Sally Season 1 Episode 12
12: False Hope: How this Extends the Life of the Toxic Relationship & Journal Entry
Reclaiming Pride: LGBT+ Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse
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Reclaiming Pride: LGBT+ Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse
12: False Hope: How this Extends the Life of the Toxic Relationship & Journal Entry
Nov 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 12

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This week, we look at the hope we have that the relationship will get better. We look at how and why narcissists manufacture this sense of hope in us by first showing us what we long for in them and then slowly devolving into abuse. Just as we hit rock bottom, the cycle starts again with idealization, igniting hope all over again. We also look at how we are susceptible to this false hope and therefore how we can be more aware of it. The journal entry for this week is also themed on setting new, truly hopeful goals for ourselves.

I look forward to healing with you.

Show Notes

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This week, we look at the hope we have that the relationship will get better. We look at how and why narcissists manufacture this sense of hope in us by first showing us what we long for in them and then slowly devolving into abuse. Just as we hit rock bottom, the cycle starts again with idealization, igniting hope all over again. We also look at how we are susceptible to this false hope and therefore how we can be more aware of it. The journal entry for this week is also themed on setting new, truly hopeful goals for ourselves.

I look forward to healing with you.