Reclaiming Pride: LGBT+ Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse
Reclaiming Pride's mission is to foster a sense of belonging, validation, and support, recognizing that the intersections of identity can add unique challenges to the healing process both during and after narcissistic abuse.
Each episode is themed by situations that LGBT+ narc. abuse survivors encounter with their NPD partner / relative / friend / co-worker.
New episodes every two weeks.
Reclaiming Pride: LGBT+ Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse
10. Children of Narcissists: Characteristics of the Narcissistic Parent - Episode 2 of 3
In this second of three episodes on narcissistic parenting, we call out all of the hallmarks of a narcissistic parent. if you are the adult child of a narcissist, you may recognize many or even all of these.
There are certain key elements that are usually present in parenting. To the best of someone's ability they will try to be consistent, they will empathize, sacrifice, be self-aware, use discipline, have empathy and equanimity. These are precisely all of the qualities that someone with narcissistic personality disorder is incapable of because, as part of the disorder, they do not possess them.
I hope that, in hearing about these characteristics, you are aided in identifying and validating your experience with your narcissistic parent or parents.
I look forward to healing with you.