Startup Business 101

The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader

March 19, 2024 John Reyes Episode 36
The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader
Startup Business 101
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Startup Business 101
The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader
Mar 19, 2024 Episode 36
John Reyes

In this compelling episode of Startup Business 101, listeners are taken on an insightful journey into "The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader." The host passionately delves into the essential elements of leadership that go beyond innate traits, emphasizing that effective leadership skills can indeed be cultivated. The episode revolves around three critical aspects: Vision, Communication, and the intertwined qualities of Resilience and Adaptability, each explored through personal anecdotes and the host's own entrepreneurial journey.

Vision is presented as the cornerstone of leadership, a guiding light that not only sets the direction but also inspires and unifies the team towards achieving a shared dream. The episode highlights the transformative power of having a clear, compelling vision, which elevates everyday tasks into steps towards a larger purpose, keeping the team focused and motivated through challenges.

Communication is underscored as a vital tool for leaders, not just for conveying information but for creating a sense of purpose and connection within the team. Through examples, the host illustrates how effective communication involves listening, adapting, and genuinely engaging with team members to inspire a level of dedication that transcends ordinary interactions.

The discussion on Resilience and Adaptability sheds light on these qualities as indispensable for navigating the unpredictable nature of business. The host shares how embracing change and learning from setbacks can foster a culture of innovation and openness, setting a tone that encourages the entire team to contribute their best ideas.

The episode concludes by reaffirming that leadership is a continuous path of growth, learning, and self-discovery, where embracing these three keys can transform challenges into opportunities. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their leadership journey, practice these principles, and subscribe to Startup Business 101 for more insights and inspiration. The host assures the audience that they are not alone in their journey, emphasizing the podcast's mission to guide, inspire, and support aspiring leaders in making a significant impact.

Startup Business 101

Startup Business 101 is a company that helps people start and run a successful business.  It consists of a Startup Business 101 Blog, Startup Business 101 Podcast, and a Startup Business 101 YouTube Channel. has many resources to help entrepreneur navigate their way to begin their business and resources to help them it succeeds.  

If you want to start a company or have questions on what it takes to make your small business successful, check out our resources.

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© 2024, Lion Enterprises Inc. and Startup Business 101 reserves the rights of this content.

Show Notes Transcript

In this compelling episode of Startup Business 101, listeners are taken on an insightful journey into "The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader." The host passionately delves into the essential elements of leadership that go beyond innate traits, emphasizing that effective leadership skills can indeed be cultivated. The episode revolves around three critical aspects: Vision, Communication, and the intertwined qualities of Resilience and Adaptability, each explored through personal anecdotes and the host's own entrepreneurial journey.

Vision is presented as the cornerstone of leadership, a guiding light that not only sets the direction but also inspires and unifies the team towards achieving a shared dream. The episode highlights the transformative power of having a clear, compelling vision, which elevates everyday tasks into steps towards a larger purpose, keeping the team focused and motivated through challenges.

Communication is underscored as a vital tool for leaders, not just for conveying information but for creating a sense of purpose and connection within the team. Through examples, the host illustrates how effective communication involves listening, adapting, and genuinely engaging with team members to inspire a level of dedication that transcends ordinary interactions.

The discussion on Resilience and Adaptability sheds light on these qualities as indispensable for navigating the unpredictable nature of business. The host shares how embracing change and learning from setbacks can foster a culture of innovation and openness, setting a tone that encourages the entire team to contribute their best ideas.

The episode concludes by reaffirming that leadership is a continuous path of growth, learning, and self-discovery, where embracing these three keys can transform challenges into opportunities. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their leadership journey, practice these principles, and subscribe to Startup Business 101 for more insights and inspiration. The host assures the audience that they are not alone in their journey, emphasizing the podcast's mission to guide, inspire, and support aspiring leaders in making a significant impact.

Startup Business 101

Startup Business 101 is a company that helps people start and run a successful business.  It consists of a Startup Business 101 Blog, Startup Business 101 Podcast, and a Startup Business 101 YouTube Channel. has many resources to help entrepreneur navigate their way to begin their business and resources to help them it succeeds.  

If you want to start a company or have questions on what it takes to make your small business successful, check out our resources.

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© 2024, Lion Enterprises Inc. and Startup Business 101 reserves the rights of this content.

The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader


Hey everyone, welcome back to Startup Business 101! I'm thrilled you're here because today, we're diving into a topic that's close to my heart and crucial for anyone stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. We're talking about "The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader." Now, I know what you might be thinking – leadership is a born trait, right? Well, I'm here to share some insights that might just change your mind.

Throughout my journey as an entrepreneur, I've encountered my fair share of challenges, successes, and everything in between. But one thing has remained constant: the undeniable impact of strong leadership. It's not just about making decisions or giving orders; it's about inspiring, guiding, and empowering those around you to achieve a common goal. And guess what? I've discovered that great leadership can indeed be learned and cultivated.

In today's episode, we're going to unlock the three pivotal keys that have not only transformed my approach to leadership but have also been game-changers for countless successful leaders I've admired and learned from. Whether you're just starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking to elevate your leadership skills to new heights, these insights are tailored just for you.

So, grab your notepad, get comfortable, and let's embark on this exciting journey together. By the end of this episode, I promise you'll have a fresh perspective on leadership and actionable steps to become the leader your startup needs. Let's dive in and unlock the potential that lies within each of us to lead with vision, passion, and resilience. Welcome to "The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader" on Startup Business 101. Let's get started!



When we talk about vision in the context of leadership, it's like holding a flashlight in the darkest woods that guides not just you but your entire team towards the destination you believe in. It's this compelling picture of the future, a destination so vivid and promising that it pulls you and your team forward, even through the toughest times.

For me, understanding the power of vision was a game-changer. It started with a simple idea, a glimpse of what could be. But it wasn't just about what I saw for the future; it was about sharing that vision in a way that everyone around me could see it, feel it, and be driven by it too. It was about painting a picture so clear and compelling that it became a shared goal, a common dream that we all worked towards.

Having a vision meant more than just setting goals or benchmarks. It was about creating a sense of purpose, a reason for being. It transformed the mundane into the extraordinary, turning everyday tasks into steps towards something bigger. And when challenges arose, as they inevitably do, that vision was our north star, keeping us focused and motivated.

But developing and sharing a vision wasn't just a one-time task. It was a continuous process of engagement, discussion, and refinement. It meant being open to feedback, willing to adjust and adapt, but always keeping that overarching destination in sight. It was about inspiring confidence, not just in the vision itself but in the journey towards it.

For me, being a leader with a vision has been about more than just guiding a team; it's been about inspiring a collective drive towards something truly meaningful. It's shown me that when people believe in a vision, when they see how their contributions fit into the bigger picture, they bring their best selves to the work. They're more engaged, more innovative, and more committed.

So, in essence, vision is the heart of leadership. It's what transforms a group of individuals into a unified team, driven by a shared purpose. It's what makes the challenges worth facing and the achievements all the more rewarding. As a leader, nurturing and sharing your vision isn't just part of the job; it's what makes the difference between leading and simply managing. It's what sets the great leaders apart, and it's what has made all the difference in my journey.



Diving into the essence of leadership, I've discovered that the ability to communicate and inspire is not just a skill but a transformative force. My journey as a leader has been filled with moments of triumph and challenge, but at the heart of it all was the realization that how I communicated could indeed inspire action, change, and growth, not only within my team but within myself as well.

Reflecting on my early days, I remember stepping into leadership with a toolbox of ideas, strategies, and an unwavering resolve to make a difference. Yet, what I quickly learned was that having a vision wasn’t enough; the real magic happened when I was able to share that vision in a way that ignited a spark in others. It was about painting a picture so compelling, so vivid, that my team couldn't help but see their part in it. This was the first step in understanding the true power of communication—it wasn't merely about conveying information but about creating a shared sense of purpose.

As I navigated through the complexities of leading a diverse team, I realized that inspiring others was about more than just the words I chose; it was about how those words were delivered. I learned to tune into the nuances of my team's needs, adapting my communication style to ensure that my message wasn't just heard but felt. It was in these moments of adaptation that I discovered the heart of inspiration lies in connection. By genuinely connecting with my team, understanding their aspirations, and aligning them with our collective goals, I could inspire a level of engagement and dedication that transcended the ordinary.

But communication and inspiration are not one-size-fits-all solutions. Each member of my team brought unique perspectives, motivations, and challenges to the table. I found that one-on-one conversations, where I could listen intently and speak directly to individual aspirations, were just as crucial as our group discussions. It was in these personal exchanges that I saw the light of inspiration ignite, one conversation at a time, transforming individual potential into collective power.

Moreover, I recognized that inspiration wasn’t a one-way street. My team inspired me just as much as I aimed to inspire them. Their ideas, resilience, and passion were constant reminders of why open, two-way communication is vital. It creates a cycle of inspiration and innovation that drives us all forward. This reciprocal nature of inspiration taught me that great leaders aren't just broadcasters of vision; they are attentive listeners, catalysts for change, and, most importantly, humble learners.


Resilience and Adaptability

In my journey as a leader, two qualities have stood out as indispensable: resilience and adaptability. These aren’t just buzzwords or trendy skills to add to your LinkedIn profile; they are the very essence of what has allowed me to navigate through unpredictable storms and emerge stronger.

Resilience, to me, is that inner steel, the ability to face setbacks head-on and say, "This will not define me." Early in my career, I faced challenges that seemed insurmountable. Projects would falter, strategies sometimes failed, and yes, there were days I questioned my path. But it was in those moments of doubt and failure that my resilience was forged. I learned that every setback was a setup for a comeback. It wasn’t about never facing defeat, but about how quickly and effectively I could rise after falling. This relentless pursuit of bouncing back has been my guiding light, showing me that resilience is less about avoiding the fall and more about the strength to get back up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward.

Adaptability, on the other hand, is the grace with which I learned to navigate change. If resilience is my inner steel, then adaptability is my dance. In the ever-evolving landscape of business, change is the only constant. Markets shift, technologies advance, and strategies that worked yesterday might be obsolete today. Embracing this change, learning to pivot when necessary, and viewing every unexpected turn as an opportunity rather than a setback, have been crucial. It's about being fluid, being open to new ideas, and being willing to change course when the situation demands it. Adaptability has taught me that the most successful leaders are those who can look at change not as a threat but as an invitation to innovate and grow.

Together, resilience and adaptability have been my compass and sail. They've allowed me to lead with confidence, knowing that no matter what challenges come my way, I have the inner resources to face them. They’ve taught me that leadership isn’t about having all the answers but about asking the right questions, being open to learning, and being prepared to lead through uncertainty with a steady hand and an open heart.

But perhaps the most profound lesson I’ve learned about resilience and adaptability is that they are contagious. As a leader, my approach to challenges and change doesn’t just affect me; it sets the tone for my entire team. By modeling resilience, I show my team that setbacks can be stepping stones to greater success. And by embracing adaptability, I foster a culture of innovation and openness, where every team member feels empowered to bring their best ideas to the table.

In essence, resilience and adaptability are not just skills; they are a mindset, a way of looking at the world that transforms obstacles into opportunities. They have been my allies in every step of my leadership journey, reminding me that the true test of leadership isn’t how you lead when the path is clear, but how you navigate the fog. And as I continue on this path, I do so with the knowledge that these qualities are not just the keys to becoming a great leader; they are the foundation upon which all other aspects of leadership are built.



And there we have it, friends – a deep dive into The 3 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader. We've explored the profound roles of Vision, Communication and Inspire, and finally, Resilience and Adaptability. Each of these keys, as we've seen, doesn't just stand alone but weaves into the fabric of what makes a truly effective and memorable leader.

Reflecting on our journey today, it's clear that leadership isn't a destination but a continuous path of growth, learning, and self-discovery. Vision sets our direction, giving us and our teams a purpose that's both inspiring and motivating. It's about seeing beyond the horizon and painting a future so compelling that others can't help but follow.

Then, there's the art of communication, a tool so powerful it can bridge gaps, build trust, and foster an environment where every voice is heard and valued. But remember, it's not just about talking; it's about listening, truly listening, and allowing the flow of ideas to inspire action and drive innovation.

And, of course, resilience and adaptability, our companions through the ups and downs. They remind us that leadership is not about never facing challenges but about how we respond to them. It's about bouncing back stronger, learning from every experience, and being ready to pivot and embrace change with open arms.

As we wrap up today's episode, I hope these insights spark a flame within you, encouraging you to reflect on your leadership journey. Whether you're just stepping into the role or looking to deepen your impact, remember, great leadership is within reach. It's about embracing these keys, practicing them, and making them part of who you are.

I'm thrilled we could explore these concepts together, and I hope you found value in our discussions. If you did, please show some love by hitting that like button and subscribing to Startup Business 101. Your support helps us reach more budding leaders, sharing insights and inspiration that can make a real difference.

And remember, no matter where you are in your leadership journey, you're not alone. We're here to guide, inspire, and support you every step of the way. Because here at Startup Business 101, we believe in the power of great leadership to change the world, one visionary, communicative, resilient step at a time.

Thank you for joining me today. If you like this episode, please like it and subscribe to the channel.  It helps the channel to reach a wider audience and help more people. Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and keep inspiring. Here's to your leadership journey and the incredible impact you're destined to make.


Startup Business 101

Startup Business 101 is a company that helps people start and run a successful business.  It consists of a Startup Business 101 Blog, Startup Business 101 Podcast, and a Startup Business 101 YouTube Channel. has many resources to help entrepreneur navigate their way to begin their business and resources to help them it succeeds.  

If you want to start a company or have questions on what it takes to make your small business successful, check out our resources.

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© 2024, Lion Enterprises Inc. and Startup Business 101 reserves the rights of this content.