Glass City Church Podcast

Sexual Sin, Biblical Illiteracy, Forgiveness and More

Glass City Church

This week, the guys talk about the woman caught in the act of adultery! They discuss sexual sin being so common and even celebrated in our day and age, and what hope the Gospel brings to unworthy sinners like you and me!
 It's the GCC podcast!

Love GCC Podcast!?!? Love Spotify!?!? Well you're in good providence! (We're reformed and don't believe in luck). The Glass City Church podcast is now on Spotify! All your favorite Podcasts are now on your favorite music platform give it a listen!
For you're chance to win a $15 Chick-fil-A giftcard, be sure to share the podcast on social media (Instagram/Facebook) and shoot an email to For funsies, email us topic, ideas, and/or questions at the same address! We look forward to hearing from you!

**After a bit of research in the Ohio Revised Code... the Intern found that  brandishing in the State of Ohio is not an actual classification of crime. There are many crimes you can be charged with that fall under waving a gun (or even a sandwich for that matter) in a threatening manner, however in the state of Ohio it's not called brandishing. We recommend that you don't do it. We aren't lawyers, (we are nicer and make less money) please forgive us and consult a real attorney for your legal needs!**

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