Get Work Savvy

Episode 28 Sharing Ideas and Learn From Others with Gareth Wilson

Liam Gardner / Gareth Wilson Episode 28

Gareth shares how found his passion for landscaping but also why it's important to work with others to help you learn even after 30 years!

Key Takeaways

Start small - Gareth was intimidated by working on the larger garden shows, but after building his confidence with a smaller exhibit he was able to move on to bigger challenges.

Have a go at something different - When you get the chance to do something different consider taking it on a challenge you can learn from or even as a way to showcase your skills and talent.

Learn from others - No one is ever right 100% of the time, learn from others around you.

Build a team - If not a team of people working for you, those who share the same passions to help you grow together and compliment each other.


Alan Sargent - Landscapers Survival Manual

Links to Gareth

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