Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News

Dissecting Cowboys' Stumble, Spotlighting Promising NFL Teams, and Week 9 Recap

November 09, 2023 Lacie Season 1 Episode 10
Dissecting Cowboys' Stumble, Spotlighting Promising NFL Teams, and Week 9 Recap
Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
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Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
Dissecting Cowboys' Stumble, Spotlighting Promising NFL Teams, and Week 9 Recap
Nov 09, 2023 Season 1 Episode 10

Hold onto your helmets, NFL fans, it's about to get heated in here as we put the Dallas Cowboys under our microscope following their disappointing loss against the Eagles in Week 9. Can you believe the officiating during that game? And don't even get us started on the questionable decisions that cost the Cowboys dearly. Our guest, Matt Paulson, jumps on board to dissect Dak's performance, the pivotal role of the Offensive Line, and why the Eagles' offense might have had the upper hand in this showdown.

But this episode isn't just about the Cowboys - we're throwing our net far and wide over the NFL. We're challenging the recent signings, including Martavius Bryant, and the puzzling player utilization that left us scratching our heads. We're not ignoring the other teams either, especially the San Francisco 49ers and their quarterback situation which, let's face it, is a ticking time bomb. 

Rounding off our analysis, we cast our gaze over the broader NFL landscape, praising the Chiefs, Dolphins, Bengals, and Bills for their impressive performances. We're also sharing our insights into the San Francisco 49ers' trades, their depth, and the significance of their upcoming games. Finally, we put Week Nine's NFL games under review, discussing teams that surprised us and those that simply didn't make the cut. This episode is jam-packed with no-holds-barred debate, so get ready to tackle this wild world of NFL with us.

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Hold onto your helmets, NFL fans, it's about to get heated in here as we put the Dallas Cowboys under our microscope following their disappointing loss against the Eagles in Week 9. Can you believe the officiating during that game? And don't even get us started on the questionable decisions that cost the Cowboys dearly. Our guest, Matt Paulson, jumps on board to dissect Dak's performance, the pivotal role of the Offensive Line, and why the Eagles' offense might have had the upper hand in this showdown.

But this episode isn't just about the Cowboys - we're throwing our net far and wide over the NFL. We're challenging the recent signings, including Martavius Bryant, and the puzzling player utilization that left us scratching our heads. We're not ignoring the other teams either, especially the San Francisco 49ers and their quarterback situation which, let's face it, is a ticking time bomb. 

Rounding off our analysis, we cast our gaze over the broader NFL landscape, praising the Chiefs, Dolphins, Bengals, and Bills for their impressive performances. We're also sharing our insights into the San Francisco 49ers' trades, their depth, and the significance of their upcoming games. Finally, we put Week Nine's NFL games under review, discussing teams that surprised us and those that simply didn't make the cut. This episode is jam-packed with no-holds-barred debate, so get ready to tackle this wild world of NFL with us.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, it's your girl, Lacey, and week nine has come and gone. Guys, we are halfway through the NFL season. I can't believe it. It's literally going by so fast. But with, week nine definitely didn't disappoint. It came with a lot of ups and downs. Some teams were on a bye week they desperately needed and they are coming back this week, hopefully more healthy your injuries, devastating season ending injuries, big upsets, exciting games and guys the cowboys losing a game of inches against the Eagles on Sunday. Who is to blame for this? No trades, bad officiating and those crucial mistakes at the end that cost them. Your girl has a lot to say. So let's not waste any more time and let's get talking. Lacey's lineup starts right now. All right, we are here and I'm so excited to have Matt Paulson. If you guys remember, he was my first guest ever on Lacey's lineup and I have asked him to come back to debate me now that week nine has happened and let's see if any of our thoughts are different after the first nine weeks. So welcome to the show.

Speaker 3:

Matt. Thanks Lacey. I appreciate the distinct honor of being the first and being back halfway through the season.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I know last time you were here we were really excited about the Cowboy 49ers matchup and great game for you, not for me. So we will just skip over that and just move on and never happen.

Speaker 1:

And look forward to seeing you guys in the postseason, I guess. But you know what I like to do first. You know, I like to talk about my Cowboys and Cowboys losing a game of inches against an Eagles team that I am just not impressed with. I don't know how they keep winning, but you have to give them credit because they do. But game of inches, what do you think happened? Was it the officiating which I'll go into that in a little bit because I'm very passionate about that or was it just the Cowboys not capitalizing at the end to win?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, with division rivals like this, you know it's really a roll of the dice. It's that key turnover at the wrong point, it's the bad call at the wrong point. I mean it could have really gone either way. Obviously, the Cowboys, you know, put up a lot of big numbers. Dak had a good game on paper, the CD-Lam had a monster day and some others had some good days. You know what happened. It's hard to say. I mean, the Eagles are the Eagles right, they were at home and that's a tough place to play. You know, if I had to kind of point out one thing, it would be that kind of looking at again on paper, the Eagles may have been a little bit more balanced on offense and maybe that helped just to sustain some longer drives and give their defense a better rest. So it's hard to say, but just on paper. You know, I like the balance of Philly's offense a little bit more than Dallas.

Speaker 1:

Looking at it, I think Offensive Line had a lot to do with this game. The one thing that the Eagles, I will say are better at right now is their Offensive Line and they protected at injured hurts. I mean he was limping during that game. We knew, coming in, that he didn't, you know, wasn't 100% and he wasn't going to be as mobile as he was. But the crucial at that last drive, that was the Offensive Line and I'm going to call him out still. I mean he got beat every single time and those were those sacks and that was a big. I mean Offensive Lines are huge in these games and we just did not.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that's always seems to be what follows Dak around right Is that he can drive the field 80 yards and chunk plays and a lot of momentum, and then just one bad decision in the pocket and take that one sack at the wrong time or throw, you know, in front of the line, you know the first down marker. So you could probably point at a couple of different things, but your offensive line is huge. They didn't probably give them enough help there at the end, but some of that falls on Dak and just getting rid of the ball.

Speaker 1:

Matt at the end of the game. We're on the six yard line. 27 seconds left. We have at least three shots, if not four, to go to the end zone, if they're quick, and we get a delay of game, we get a sack and it just goes away from that. Now we're pushed back and we're looking at a 30 yard throw instead of just an easy like. Is that play calling?

Speaker 3:

I mean you have to look at everything, yeah, and play calling. Is some of it right? I mean some of it is the receivers running the routes and getting into open space, getting just to the other side of the goal line rather than, you know, at the half yard line, so that you're not, you know you're not going down, you know outside of the end zone. So a lot of that could be coaching. That kind of goes back to you know my belief in a balanced offense and making sure you're making those decisions in the second quarter rather than the end of the fourth quarter, right? So, yeah, that's some of that you can't, some of that you can't get too upset about, because that's just kind of how you know, how those division rivalries kind of play themselves out.

Speaker 3:

But that was a tough finish. Yeah, I can.

Speaker 1:

But for the first time ever. I don't think it was on deck, I mean, it was a crucial where he stepped out of bounds, but in slow motion it looks very obvious that he could have stayed in bounds, but he did have someone coming at him. That's just a crucial. Obviously that helps us kick a field goal to go in overtime instead of needing a touchdown. But 29 for 44, 374 yards, three touchdowns and the biggest thing is no turnover.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I mean, he did what he needed to do to win this game. Yeah, and. I don't think it falls on deck.

Speaker 3:

Against a really good Philly defense too. I mean, I guess I would ask you, do you think there's too much of a reliance on CD-Lam? You know, sometimes you can get locked into a guy who's your playmaker, your big splash player, you know playmaker and he had, you know, 11 or 12 grabs. Is that too big of a focus on CD-Lam and so spreading the ball out To some of the other playmakers and using CD as a decoy? Is that sort of going forward?

Speaker 1:

See, I don't know because I've been so mad, and up until the last two weeks, of not utilizing CD. I mean CD we, he is our number one. He makes plays. Not only that, but he catches and gets yards after the catch. So you can throw him short of the third down and nine out of ten times he's gonna do it. So he has to be utilized and I think you have to involve him early, but you can't only look at him the entire time. I mean, last week we had cooks involved and now we're like okay, now we're involving cooks into this game.

Speaker 1:

Gallup has been non-existent and I'll get into this later. He should have been traded for a running back, but Jerry Jones doesn't choose to do that. But I do think we find him. He should be our leading guy, just like everyone has on their teams. But you don't go away. There's no reason. He has a hundred and ninety one yards and cooks doesn't even get targeted. So the Distribution of the ball could be on deck, could be the play calls, but we're not utilizing the guys. And let's add now We've signed Martavius Bryant. When was he good? What year?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I had him on my fantasy team I think 2015 or 2016, exactly in between stints and jails. So he's a splash pickup and big name. You know, in our generation we know that name and so Jerry likes to make headlines, so it's not a surprise.

Speaker 1:

Why, when you're not even utilizing cooks like are you saying, martavius Brian is better than cooks in present time.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't think anybody would say that, I don't think even Jerry would say that. But you know, one thing Jerry would say is I'm the owner, I have the right to make the picks. I mean, he said that with trail ants, right, he doesn't have to ask anybody. This is pretty classic Jerry Jones pickup very little, very little risk, very little risk, but no reward.

Speaker 1:

That is not a need that we need. Yeah, we need a running back. If you're gonna go to a couch and pick something, go get Adrian Peterson Right, like, at least get somebody that we need in that position. Yeah, our running backs are not good. I mean Pollard. I think it was right to go away from Zeke last year, but we didn't. We needed to replace a Zeke like player with a physical running back that can get you that third in one.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

He's proven he can't do that. Plus, he can't help with the press pass protect and that shows especially with the offensive line that's struggling.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean coaching and DAC and even, even the other playmakers need to find ways to get Pollard out in space, not, you know, get him outside the tackle box, and so that's the challenge. Obviously you'd like to have a guy that could take Zeke's place inside the five-yard line and just kind of be the bulldozer which you don't have. But, yeah, you're not utilizing the weapons you do have. You know with with Turpin as well I mean, there's another name who could really be a weapon. You mentioned cooks already. I'm just taking pressure off DAC, so it'd be nice if you had somebody. I don't think Bryant is gonna be that guy at On the team at the end of the season. He's not gonna be the difference maker, because if so, you're just kind of taking touches away from your current weapons, and so, yeah, I think, just level loading the weapons that you do have, and I think that's hopefully the direction they go in the second half but it's the run game.

Speaker 1:

I mean the run game and I'll say it. Tom blue in the face until somebody hears me in that organization and I think, non fans of Cowboys, I mean, I think they were all scratching their head that we didn't go after. So, especially when you have we took Trey Lance from you guys we have a Michael Gallup who is not performing. You know he's got a couple catches this past Sunday, but he's not who he used to be. Yeah, those are just two people that are valuable in a trade that another team would, especially about a quarterbacks going down. But then again we don't even show Trey Lance, like I haven't even seen him. You guys barely saw them, but I don't think we've showcased.

Speaker 1:

I mean you look at what Cardinals did with Dops. I mean they have a choice, but they showcased him and they were able to trade him, you know, for their draft picks next year because they could see what he could do and Vikings obviously needed it, with Kirk cousins going down, yeah yeah, yeah, the other.

Speaker 3:

The other wrinkle here is do you look at Trades to make and you look at who's who? Do you have to resign? You look some of the trades that were made across the NFL and they're really half season rentals and then you have to make a decision are you gonna sign this guy to a contract extension? And so I think maybe, benefit of the doubt here, maybe the Cowboys are also looking the long game here, which is you got to pay big money for Dak Next year, or somebody at quarterback. You got to pay Micah when there's guys you're gonna have to pay, and that all factors into how much money you have available, you know, under the cap right now and so Jerry Jones has literally he said he's not getting any younger, he is in that win now mentality.

Speaker 1:

He wants to see a Super Bowl before he moves on. But he's not making any of those moves, and you've seen it. There hasn't been a team in as far as I can remember that has won a Super Bowl by straight off draft picks. I mean, can you recall any?

Speaker 3:

No, not not. Draft picks definitely. I think we've seen it in the early years of free agency. When that became a thing in the 90s, we saw that the Niners themselves did it, cowboys did it the year after. And there's ways yeah, there is ways to add pieces and it's all comes down to timing Right. You get guys like the Niners were able to pick up a lot of big names, but they were also getting some value out of some players that they don't have to pay a lot of money right now. Yeah, it's. It was a little surprising not to see him go after a back or Somebody on the offensive line or, you know, defensively, somebody on the left side.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the thing, and you everyone, derek Henry was obviously like a big name for us. Obviously, tennessee has to agree to that too, and they probably weren't as quick to release him, but there was not even a phone call made. But I even look at the other side, new York Jets. You have Dalvin Cook who is getting no touches, is frustrated because of breeze Hall, which rightfully so. Breeze Hall is dominating right now. But you have Aaron Rodgers who went down and Zach Wilson, who your team just doesn't believe in. How does that not become a trade for Dalvin Cook for like a trailance? And that wasn't like Cowboys. I think we're at the World Series all week. During the trade like I think they were watching, it was funny there was a meme of Jerry Jones and it said like it was like his mad face, he goes watching. My neighbors have a party.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that had to have been a bittersweet. He said all the right things, but I think that was probably a bittersweet to see that happen. But but yeah, I mean, comes down, who's who? Are you listening to your, your coaches? Are you listening to your scouts? Are you listening to your, your you know to, to your son, I mean. So who's making the decisions in the front office and who's looking at the landscape and really knows who's available?

Speaker 1:

I mean, for starters, so we had the cap space and we're gonna use that on a player that we haven't seen since 2015.

Speaker 1:

I know for a little to nothing. But yeah, you still went out and did that and now you're not active. It's just, it's always been the Cowboys thing. They've never been active at this. And I know Marcus Spears that I watch on you know one of the sports shows. He gets so irritated and he has a voice and he talks to me like I just don't understand it and I I don't think anybody does. If anybody knows the answer to this question why Jerry Jones does not involve himself in trades the last time he did, matt, if you recall, it was a Mari Cooper, and how much did that benefit the Cowboys team?

Speaker 1:

Yeah only to let go of them when that was crazy. Because he's dominating right now for the Browns. But the last time we made a big trade is when we amped and went into the postseason on a team that probably wouldn't have made it without a Mari Cooper on that team.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, that was a need you had at the time and that was that was a great pickup. That kind of made everybody happy that wants to see the big yards and the big numbers and the you know the, the high scoring. But yeah, sometimes you got to kind of get into the weeds and invest in the trenches and invest in some of those positions that aren't necessarily headline grabbers but, you know, help you when you get into the fourth quarter and help kind of free up your playmakers.

Speaker 1:

I just hope they can Figure it out. I mean, it's it's kind of becoming apparent. I don't think the defense for the Cowboys played a bad game overall. They didn't create a takeaway, which when we don't create a takeaway with our defense. It was close. I thought that fumble on the when they were about to score, when he grabbed it, but that was just the luck. We did a strip on the quarterback and it just bounced right back into his hands. So as a fan you're like, okay, all the luck is on the Cowboys side.

Speaker 1:

But the officiating and I'm sorry I have to talk about it and not trying to make excuses, but the officiating was awful and it's been awful on a lot of games this year but there was a hands-to-the-face I don't know if you recall this against the Cowboys there was a hands-to-the-face, a crucial third down that would have kept our drive going.

Speaker 1:

They threw the flag the flag was on the ground for the hands-to-the-face and then picked it up and said never mind, that's huge. It's one thing if you don't see the hands to the face, but when you throw the flag and then you discuss and say no, it wasn't. And then in the replay of course we're gonna watch it and it was a clear slap, so that was a huge one. And then the pass interference with Shoemaker on the fourth down, where his knee was down, which he was short, but if you look, he was tackled before the ball got to him, which is why his knee was on the ground, and that's a first and goal right there and that's a pass interference. He interfered with the play and caused a turnover instead of us getting seven points.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so I hate when officiating Doesn't do their job.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you're seeing that in a lot of games and I kind of feel like that's on repeat. We all say that about all of our teams and it's getting. We think it's getting worse every year and in some cases maybe it is. You'd like to see that accelerated, that expedited review Be used more often in cases like that, especially in games like this that are, so you know, crucial to the standings in the division. So, yeah, I think they probably could have when they start talking what did you see, would you not see? I don't know how you tell a guy he didn't see what he threw the flag for. I don't know how you convince him he saw it wrong, but that's when, that's when you see.

Speaker 3:

New York, step in and and say, guys, there was hands to the face, or you know, let's move on.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thanks for that, it's so. It's unfortunate. I mean I just don't like when officiating dick takes games, any game, especially the with the Cowboys but you're there to call it. If it's there, especially if you throw it and you saw it, I mean you got to make that. So it's just unfortunate. Now, like I said, there was crucial things that we didn't capitalize on the end. But officiating, I think we would have been. We wouldn't even made it a game at that point, because I think we would have had 14 points on these two Mistakes. Yeah, it is what it is. My last question, before we move on from the Cowboys, is do you think the Cowboys are still a Super Bowl contender? Can you see them? I know you don't want to see them get past the 49ers, but do you see?

Speaker 1:

them making a run in the postseason.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the Cowboys are gonna be a team that's there at the end. You know what, where they come out of the east, you know. Whether that's first or second, whether it's, yeah, the division champs or wild card, you know, remains to be seen. But but they're a team you can't discount. They can put up 50 just as easily as and give up 10 just as easily as they could score 10 and give. So that's a team you just you don't want to face. Even San Francisco does not want to face you're lying, you're lying.

Speaker 3:

You love facing it because my blood pressure, my anxiety can't handle you were, you were really struggling on week five.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you, you were, you were pacing your January.

Speaker 3:

January is always gonna be different than than October.

Speaker 1:

I will say in the postseason we have made them closer games, yeah for sure, yeah, we saw that the last last year. The same thing with the Eagles game, though it's just the Cowboys have to figure out a way to win at the end. They won on all phases of the game except for the score, and at the end of the day, that's the only thing that matters. Yeah, we'll see. They play a Horrible giants now, with Daniel Jones going out, so I'm hoping that we can re-gather.

Speaker 1:

I think this is the game where you, I think, try out new things, start, you know, getting more people involved, utilizing certain things. This is where you work on the things that you're gonna need going into the second part of the season, sure.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, just with the, my last thought on that game is they're doing the same thing on their end the giant meaning the giant, so you kind of know who they can go to. But they're also kind of Tinkering with some some different options and different names and that could be Kind of a sleeper team that you don't want to just completely discount. It's again another division rival with a lot of history there. Maybe Daniel Jones not being behind center isn't a terrible thing for New York.

Speaker 1:

And so I think it's gonna be DeVito now, because yeah, and not having to right Taylor is out too, and what's it?

Speaker 3:

when's the last time we saw a quarterback really tear up the NFL when there was no tape on them? Right Is so. You never know what what could happen. You see, you want to play with a few things, but you really got to get the game in hand first, yeah that's true.

Speaker 1:

I mean you can't take any team lightly ever. I mean we saw that with the Broncos and the Chiefs right, so you can't go in doing it. But I really hope that we can clean up stuff in this game for sure and hopefully they aren't onside kicking and doing all these trick plays so that we can just get out of this with a win and move on. Alright, now I'm ready to talk. Maybe some give you a little bit of frustration. Take some frustration off of me, but you're 49ers. Best thing that has come is that you were on a buy this past week.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't say it's the best thing, but it was.

Speaker 1:

yes, it was good timing yeah wow, ever since I'm gonna say I think it was Kittle doing his, his shirt Mocking. The Cowboys put this bad karma in the air and you guys have not won since beating us in week five.

Speaker 3:

So did he put that karma on us, or was that? Was that Cowboys fans? Did you put that karma on us? You may be too young to remember this, lacey, but Kittle's. That was a an honor to the 1994 Gary Plummer who wore that shirt in the championship game against Dallas and he wore that in the locker room. He didn't wear it onto the field because I think there was a fine here or some. There was some threats there, but anyway, what Kittle did was more of a throwback. Tip of the cap to Gary Plummer.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I don't as much as a as much as it was not a direct insult to Micah Parsons or anybody else who got the feelings hurt.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think they've had fun with it though all the memes now, because it was like you lose to the right, so they would put it on his shirt online.

Speaker 3:

Kittle loves it. He loves the attention but serious.

Speaker 1:

Note that, all jokes aside, on that cuz Kittle destroyed us and he deserved to wear anything on his shirt that night because he didn't even get touched. But I Know you're struggling with injuries and it's a big part because you're struggling in key parts. Especially Trent Williams, I think, is your biggest injury to date right now. But you have a banged up Christian McCaffrey who's still playing and then a Debo who Does a lot of things for you guys and really gets your moat. So I understand all that. But what do you think your biggest problem is? Do you, do you trust party Still the same way you did before these losses? Like, is he exposed now?

Speaker 3:

As exposed as any quarterback is, if you know when they're getting pressure in their face, a little bit more pressure than they're used to. And so I'm gonna try not to use that word that we're trying to stay away from and the excuse but has he been exposed? You know, I don't know that they've figured out the, the secret recipe to taking down San Francisco, but but yeah, he's human, and when he gets pressure and he's Seeing some things that he's not used to seeing, and missing some of the parts, the pieces, the weapons that he's been used to, yeah, he's a little out of his comfort zone. This, this is mr Irrelevant. He's that for a reason.

Speaker 3:

So I can whether you want to call me out on this or not I, and maybe some, a few of other 49ers fans I can think of, we're not panicking about this. We actually, I feel a little more comfortable that he has been punched in the mouth. We were nervous about it at the end of last year. Going into this year, we were still nervous about it. You have to see how people respond to adversity, and so this will be a really telling week for for Brock Purdy to answer some of the critics. You know, despite whoever you're missing, whatever excuse you have, and you still got to make plays, and so there's a lot of other areas on the Niners that have to, that have to improve For them to lift up Brock Purdy and put him in a situation to be, you know, to be successful.

Speaker 1:

I agree, and I've been talking about this, purdy has been, like you said, mr Irrelevant, but now he's become mr Unreliable. He he even had some of the Dak Prescott deer in the headlight looks in these past three games and I think he's just shocked because he's had almost 20 seconds to throw the ball, like forever. I mean you guys you know hats off to your team because you've had all this stuff and I think Shanahan does a good job with his play calling and moving things around. And if you know you can do the deep ball to I, you or you can do the slant pass to Dbo or Obviously you're still of the century with Christian McCaffrey that can do it all. So if Run games not working, then you can throw to him in a short pass and he can create yards. So you have all the weapons.

Speaker 1:

I think you guys are fine. I hate to say it, I hope. I mean it was nice for one week fill it. We have less losses than you guys, so I was feeling really good about that. So now we're tied again, but I don't have the full trust in party. He was drafted down for a reason and I think his weaknesses Just haven't been able to because you guys have surrounded him with greatness and I think now it's okay. We're struggling and we need you to go win these games for us and I think he's been falling short.

Speaker 1:

Given that, you I just don't know. I think that's the only thing that makes you guys beatable right now is your quarterback. If you had any other quarterback in the league, I think you guys would be untouchable.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's always a tough one because you're probably right. I mean, if you take some of the top tier quarterbacks and put them on San Francisco and a lot of people have said, oh, it's just if they just have a big name quarterback, well, if we did, we'd also be paying them $35 million a year and we couldn't afford some of these other weapons that we put on the interior or on the outside. Some of his weapons yeah, I don't want to take away from it, it can't all be. On Brock Purdy, you look at the Cleveland game and he had one of his best drives of the year at the end of the game and if our kicker makes at least one of those kicks of the two he missed, then we're having a different conversation against Minnesota.

Speaker 3:

So he has made some unbelievable throws and had big days, even just most recently against Cincinnati. I think he set a PR with almost 400 yards passing. So a couple of mistakes along the way. If you have to lean on him to win the game, that's where you're going to see that inexperience kick in. But when he has less pressure and he has some of the other things around him, some of those other pieces, you really see him a lot more comfortable, so it hasn't all fallen on his shoulders. But yeah, you're right, he's seen, definitely we're seeing that he's human.

Speaker 1:

So I have a question for you, though, talking about how paying all that money, you guys are kind of now in a win now situation because of things coming up in the next year. As a 49ers fan, are you willing to lose some guys to pay Brock Purdy to be your quarterback?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, there's always going to be a trade off. They're fortunate we don't have to think about it for a couple of years.

Speaker 1:

You'll have a roommate for a couple more years.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. Yeah, so it's all those own grocery shopping and eating top ramen or whatever 22 year olds do. But yeah, you always have to consider you're going to have to give up. There's been a lot of talk about who the Niners will have to eventually cut loose and to pay some of the bills. We have a lot of guys coming up there. We're going to have to pay too. I know I mentioned Dallas earlier, but we've got some of our guys locked in. San Francisco has got some of their big names locked in. But yeah, purdy is going to be one extensions with some of the other players, but you always have to consider that you're not going to keep a single team intact for too many years. You got a small window.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And the Niners aren't a win now situation. They did resign, shanahan and Lynch, so there is some longevity, there's going to be some continuity there, but with the weapons you have now and the cheap price on our quarterback right now, how?

Speaker 1:

do you do it? How do you not just the cheap price, but how do you get cheap players? I mean McCaffrey, and then I mean I wanted to move into it too. I mean the one thing that you guys did great, you're struggling. You go into the buy week and Shanahan makes a huge move and gets you help and Chase Young for next to nothing.

Speaker 3:

Well, if you don't have a lot of cap space and the 49ers do, or did have a lot of, still do have a lot of cap space, at least around $40 million. When you don't have that cap space, though, what is your currency? And your currency becomes a draft picks or it becomes some big name on your team that you unfortunately have to deal, and we've kind of been the beneficiary of receiving a lot of draft picks, and compensatory draft picks is another big one. We've received a lot of San Francisco has received a lot of picks through that process but also just the restructuring of some of those big salaries and freeing up some cap space to go out and pick up some big names before the trade deadline.

Speaker 1:

So are you excited to have Chase Young on your team.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was excited to have Jason Hargrave too, and especially after one week, and he had a couple of sex in the first couple of weeks. So strength on the interior, depth on the interior, is huge, especially going into the playoffs. I think that's what the 49ers are looking at is, where have we been bit in the last couple of years? Injuries, injuries, injuries. So building depth. Again. They might be short term rentals, but that's huge. I'd like to see them apply that same thought process to maybe our backfield, to our secondary. I would have liked to seen a little bit more out of them there because we did have some more money to spend. But yeah, it is going into the second half. It's exciting to see and a Chase Young and a Nick Bosa, come on. Who doesn't want to see that?

Speaker 1:

That's what I was saying Before. All you had to stop was Nick Bosa. Now you have them coming from both sides and I think it's that just shows the mastermind of Shanahan again, because you have a struggling quarterback and now you're going to go try to pump up your defense and give your struggling quarterback the shortest field possible. And it's brilliant. It's brilliant. I can't ever knock Shanahan. I actually learned from him and I wish the Cowboys would learn from him too. But it makes sense. What he does, Every move he makes makes sense, and you can't say that a lot inside the league. I mean the trade to Chicago for a sweat when they don't need to win and they made a win now type trade. That makes no sense.

Speaker 3:

A lot of really baffling Like why did you do this? Why did you make this? Now you have to sell seats. I mean, these owners want to put people in the seats and so I get that. You bring in some big names, you got to put bodies in the seats. But you know I don't want to also discount the importance of a partnership between the GM and the coach. Right that a lot of this is as much John Lynch at GM and he's a defensive guy as much as Shanahan Shanahan and his creativity on the offensive side of the ball. So you know, I think the defensive coaching is probably where, if there are any other 49er fans in the room, would would probably have a question mark. Or are they taking advantage of those weapons? As much calling the right, calling right defensive schemes. But yeah, it's, it's been impressive what they've been able to, to do over the last few years just through trades and through free agency.

Speaker 1:

So, moving into this week, you obviously had the bi-week. You're hoping to get people healthy. Debo is still listed as questionable, which I'm sure that won't come out till the end of the week. Trent has there been. I haven't seen much on him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean it's when you just look at the practice, you know who's in practice today, who's not in practice. Trent Williams is one of those guys. They don't force him to practice every day. He's not an everyday guy, veteran. They are trying to save him. He gets the vet day off, I believe that on Wednesdays, and then going into the Thursday release of the injury report. So he's not going to be an everyday guy, to preserve him and keep him healthy. But you know when he shows up and he's going to be the one to tell you he can go or not that you're going to get the best offensive lineman and football on the left side week in, week out, right. So I think he's on track to play. I don't know about Debo, but definitely there's a lot of pressure on protecting Brock Purdy and if he can go they definitely need him to be out there.

Speaker 1:

So you guys have the Jags this weekend, which I mean they've been coming up. They're six and two not a lot of talk.

Speaker 1:

I mean, they have struggled at times, but they also made it to the postseason last year. They've added Calvin Ridley to the lineup. Obviously, they have Etteney, who is really destroying the run game. Do you feel like, let's say because even if these two guys play, I don't think they're still 100 percent, but as a fan and as an organization, if you don't, is this a must win? If you don't win, this does there? I know you hate to use the word panic, but do you start to worry a little bit?

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah it's. I don't want to say must win either, but you're looking at the games coming up with the Bucks, the Seahawks, a couple of times the Eagles. It's a tough month coming up for San Francisco. If they're not healthy and if they don't get a win on the board, you have Seattle coming up. They were very fortunate. Seattle lost this last week. I destroyed because Seattle was in first place, was sitting in first.

Speaker 1:

I actually had them as somebody that was on the rise and could contend.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and we live week to week. This last week it was Seattle and then next week it'll be some other team that is gaining some momentum. So I don't want to say it's a must win, but yeah, in light of the last three weeks, we haven't won in a month. The weapons that Jags have, they are training up. You definitely want to go in there. Unfortunately it's it's another trip to the East Coast and that's hard on a team.

Speaker 1:

You're used to the warmer weather. Well it's. Jacksonville, so I don't expect it to be you know Jacksonville should be a bit of a travel to the Eagles too, right yeah?

Speaker 3:

exactly. So yeah, it's definitely a game we, the San Francisco, would like to get before they go into some of these tougher, this tougher stretch over the next month.

Speaker 1:

Interested to see how you guys are going to come out off the bi-week, how your injuries look, what you guys have made changes with during this week and if you can capitalize on a Jags team. That is trending and I think it could be a really good matchup for sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, on the other hand, it's my birthday, so I expect that I don't.

Speaker 1:

Birthday magic.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't expect any issues. They'll bring home the W for me.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, you heard it, I was expecting a birthday present from the 49ers, so you guys have to come through in Jacksonville so we'll see what it brings. The second half of the NFL season is going to get really interesting, all right. So moving on from our teams, because you know we love to talk about our teams, but there is some other games that I wanted to discuss from week nine, because we had two really big matchups. We had the Chiefs playing the Dolphins in Germany on Sunday morning, which I love. I love when there's international games, because we get football all day, so that's nice. But and then you had the Bengals playing the Bills. Which one do you think was the more impressive win the Chiefs beating the Dolphins or the Bengals beating the Bills?

Speaker 3:

My vote is for the Chiefs over the Dolphins, and I have my reasons for that. But how about you? What do you think?

Speaker 1:

I have to say the Chiefs too, because the Dolphins what they are, right, they're all about putting up major points. They've already hung 70 this year, which is very impressive. I'm never worried about scoring a lot of points, because I think their defense is their weakness and when they don't have that, their offense has to perform. But they've been struggling as of late and the Chiefs coming out and dominating with nobody on their team, and Travis Kelsey was nonexistent in that game too.

Speaker 1:

Is that because Taylor Swift wasn't there, or was she? But I mean, cheese came out and they were firing. Also, they got people that I didn't even know were on their roster right like they got the val des scantling, which we know, but he's been nonexistent. They got him going sky. More came out of the sky, literally like we haven't heard him talk. So it's like a toss up. I think the cheese are probably the more impressive when. But the team that's impressing me the most right now is the bingles. Just how they started the injuries playing them. He took some magic juice between week three and four, four and five, whichever one it was, and the injury is not there anymore. And they you know when in and be the quality team of the bills who have so many tools.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, on the other hand, you can look at these, at these teams, and they're kind of proving to be who we thought they were right. The chiefs are always going to be who we think they are. They're not the team that. They're the team when I was 12, running around in the backyard throwing the ball up in the air and somebody's gonna catch it right there. The team that's Not gonna be always the most conventional driving the ball down the field. They're gonna make some plays. You don't expect them to make plays when there is no play. I'm always gonna find a way, and maybe that's a product of being able to get a lot out of somebody who's not that splash name, that that splash player, a big pickup.

Speaker 3:

Whereas the bangles in the bills they're kind of who we thought they were to have. We've been waiting for the bangles to pop. They did against San Francisco. They're showing who they really are as they got healthy. They're putting points on the board and they're holding defensively, holding otherwise good teams back. So the bills to. I mean there's a lot of concerns about the bills, right, can Josh Allen, you know, perform in a clutch game like that? I mean, I think this probably goes to you. Know how is he gonna do in the playoffs year in, year out. And so I think these teams are showing us who they really are the dolphins are. We don't write them off just because this loss. I think there's still a more complete team. But when you have this playmaking ability that the chiefs have, that it's really hard to unless you're up by a couple scores in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to Contain that and that's what you, when you look at all four of these teams, who do the dolphins have? They have Tyree kill, who is, you know, leading a candidate for MVP outside of a quarterback. Jalen waddle bingles have Jamar chase, boy Higgins, bills have digs. I mean, they all have big time names and, yes, chiefs have probably the biggest name as far as my home comes, but outside of that they only have Travis Kelsey. So these two guys and really it was I gotta give it to Patrick, my home because he was able to find new guys they are winning and have nobody on their roster like that's impressive yeah, and show cracks also, which they have already this year.

Speaker 3:

so you know they do have a way of they're never going to be out of the game and in this case they were able to contain some of the dolphins weapons. You mentioned, tyreek, but there's also a monster and those guys are crazy fast, but if you don't let him get to the outside, or if you, if you make those solid tackles and you don't get much chance to show off that speed. So, yeah, the chiefs are, you know, probably gonna be there at the end. But I agree with you what you said earlier, that the bangles are the most dangerous Team I think you mentioned, and just because they're healthy, they're putting it all together and they're beating up on some pretty good teams now. So I would look for the bangles to continue that and I think to me they're the most dangerous team in the NFL.

Speaker 1:

I agree, I think and I've said it the past two weeks I knew when they started their stride. They know what to do, they aren't worried when they dig a hole, they know how to win these games and they beat quality teams and they're just running and it's just. You know, we call him Joe cool, like it's just, it's not like flashy, it's. They don't do anything. He's last year he was the most sacked quarterback in the NFL and he just pops up and he finds a way, like his dynamic. He's fun to watch, like I like watching Joe burrow. I think what he does is amazing, but he's got tons of weapons around him.

Speaker 1:

Good coaching staff. I think their defense isn't the best, but I think they're good enough to with staying off and says, and if they can stay healthy, which is, I guess you could say that about any team, but to me they have everything it takes and they've been. They've been to the Super Bowl, they've been to the AFC championship games. They want that Super Bowl so bad. So that gives them, I think, even more momentum to get back there. They know how to get there now they just want to win it. Sure, I also don't you think you can argue a little bit about the Ravens. Yeah, yeah, I learned how to throw.

Speaker 3:

We say that this week and you know we say that because of last week maybe, but we don't know what's going to happen this weekend and it's so. I think that's just the up and down is what? What games does he choose to run the ball 20 times versus past the ball 20 times? And I just never know, with with Lamar, what you're going to get from him. He's, he's always dangerous, he's an athlete, he's a playmaker, week in, week out, or you have to game plan for him. But does that amount to be the most dangerous Team overall? And I don't know, I'm not sure if you, when he puts up those kinds of numbers, but he doesn't do that every week, right, it's just.

Speaker 1:

But I think and we know that, we know he's somebody on fantasy that will probably drive you crazy, right, because he can put up 50 points one week and only for the next week. So I do understand the hot and cold of him, but I think they found a gym and Gus Edwards I think he now has created a huge run game for them. I think the Baltimore Ravens defense is becoming the Ravens defense we once knew. I say flowers, I think, is a stud rookie that is really coming alive. Odell Beckham hasn't done anything for me, which I didn't think that was going to happen anyways, but they have ingredients and they have these guys stepping up and they really Are becoming, to me, I think, dangerous. The scariest team, no, but what I want to play them? Probably not.

Speaker 3:

No, and they have that, keep that. They have the ability of course them, they they did lose by one or win by one score against Arizona. So you know I don't want to start carving the Lombardi trophy just yet, but no, you're right, they definitely have the ability to blow a game out. I'm on just a couple of plays and it's funny.

Speaker 1:

When we first started the season, they thought AFC really wasn't gonna have a whole lot and it was gonna be more of an NFC dominance this year. But it seems the tides have turned and I'm I feel like I'm talking more about the AFC teams and as far as contenders and what they're doing week to week, and I feel like the NFC we're only talking about four teams now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I think everybody's just used to talking about the chiefs and nobody else. Right, we're used to the chiefs and well before that was just the Patriots.

Speaker 1:

The bills are doing good the dolphins are.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we got some good teams, but at the end of the day it's gonna come down to the chiefs. We've kind of gotten used to that. But but yeah, you're right, there's still some really good races, both in both conferences.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's gonna be an exciting race to the finish for sure. The last thing I want to talk about which it wasn't the best game to watch, but it was the best performance I've seen by a rookie in a really long time and that comes from the Texans, who not only Lost their kicker in the first quarter, two which made them have to go for two-point convergence, but who is this CJ Straug guy in Texas right now? Unbelieveable 30 for 42, 470 yards and five touchdowns. That's impressive.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah I mean, how do you? What do you think of CJ Straug? I mean, he lost to the Panthers the week before and I'm sure I terrible.

Speaker 3:

But that's what you expect out of a guy. I mean like, like that he's, he is new to the league and so he's going to have some growing pains. It's gonna be up, he's gonna be down, but you saw what he was capable of taking over a game like that, so that was impressive. You know really, and for me Not knowing too much about about him, but also you know, with mobile quarterbacks you never know what. You know what they're gonna lean into there. They're, you know, escaping the pocket and running the ball or. But yeah, he looked really good and that's not a team you obviously are not worried about right now, but over the next few years they start to put some weapons around him and with with D'Amico Ryan's who's a defensive guy but comes from yet you know good history with, you know coaching up to San Francisco defense, they could be well positioned going forward. I.

Speaker 1:

Agree. I mean CJ Straug. He's proven. He should have been the number one pick instead of Bryce young, not to take things away from Bryce young, but obviously he hasn't lived up to his hype at the Panthers. But CJ Straug is Making the Texans on the map and, like we talked about with the Chiefs, he really has no one around him to even elevate him anymore and, as a rookie, he's taking this team on his back and creating fun, exciting games and he's finding Ways to win. Yes, so I think he's gonna make it to the Super Bowl this year. No, but you have to be excited about up-and-coming guy like this. He's making a name for himself.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, definitely. And Getting the ball to your playmaker, spreading the ball out, making them confident and you and you're you know You're making decisions and giving the coaches confidence to put the ball in your hands and, you know, calls out the line. So, yeah, he's doing everything right, not again kind of comes back to the Not to compare him to Brock Purdy, but there's no tape on him right. So the NFL's figuring him out right now and there will be more challenges going forward, definitely over the next couple of years. But once they start putting weapons and when you look at the division, you know what does he really have to contend with? I mean, he has obviously Trevor Lawrence and he's got got the Jags, but it's just not a very deep Division right now. So once he has a few more weapons and some experience, yeah, that could be a division that's in play for them.

Speaker 1:

Congrats to CJ, celebrate that you got your win. Obviously, it's a lot better when your team wins too and you put up numbers like that, but so far that's been probably the most impressive Quarterback stand that I've seen this season. Well, I mean, a lot of stuff went down this week. We just wanted to cover some of like our main topics. I think we're gonna go into week 10 with some more big matchups for sure, and that'll be exciting to see. But before I let you go, you know the drill because you've been on the show before. Who is your best team Just in week nine?

Speaker 3:

a couple of a couple of teams. Well, you want one team. I'm gonna give you a couple teams that nobody's talking about in in week nine, but one out the Saints. You know the Saints and nobody really talks about the NFC south, but when you you look at, the Division is really so. The bucks that the Panthers are what they are. Obviously the Falcons made a lot of changes. The bucks with Baker, that's so. They get a lot of. There's some optimism there, you know. But the Saints, their win, I think that was impressive. The Packers with Jordan Love Think that was impressive. The Chargers so I'm not talking about necessarily teams that you probably have high hopes for in the playoffs, but in terms of just week nine and you know who probably did a little better than expected. You know, I think those, those teams did a good job.

Speaker 1:

That's, and I'm actually happy you said that because the Saints I haven't been giving them much love on the podcast because they're you know they win and they lose and they're just not doing anything to me worth. But they are there, I mean cars, doing a great job down there. You know they got that. Is it Rashid guy? That's coming along really well. Obviously, michael Thomas Kamara he's dominating the run game. So they are somebody that you cannot take for granted and they're in a winnable division. So there's a good chance that they come out of that division on top for sure. So I do like that.

Speaker 1:

But I've already said it, but I'll just say, because they are my best of the week, I have to give it back to the Bengals. I just I've just been so impressed with them. Like I said, they're doing it just Slow and cool. They don't get rattled. There's no sense of urgency with them. If the deep ball isn't working, they're running the slant. If the slant isn't working, they're on the run game. Burrow is making really good choices, taking care of the ball. Defense is coming alive. Just a well-rounded win by the Bengals who, like we mentioned before, becoming the scariest team in the NFL.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, when they put it all together, they're hard to beat.

Speaker 1:

So on the flip side of that, who do you think the worst? Of week nine oh, the worst. I think there was a lot.

Speaker 3:

I'm biased in this, but I'm just gonna say at the NFC West just the entire division, sam.

Speaker 3:

San Francisco went in limping, looking for Something positive and that might have been the crux of the, of the big trade, or, you know, it's picking up a chase young, but Seattle with such an opportunity, the Rams with such an opportunity to take advantage of Niners being on by and Seattle already being out in front and both losing. So I think the whole, the whole division really lost out on that and you know, san Francisco got a good pickup. But at the same time, you know so I would say probably that the other teams in the in the West were really the most disappointing. Not not a bad thing for San Francisco, but yeah, there that was. There's the big letdown in Seattle and for the Rams.

Speaker 1:

That's true, I Could go a lot of way. I mean, you could say the Cardinals getting shut out by the Browns was the worst of the week. But I don't think that's fair because you know the Cardinals really don't have a quarterback. They've traded Dobbs. Kyler Murray isn't back, so they're not really working and they already didn't have anybody. Their only win is against the Cowboys, which is just unbelievable to me, but there's just nothing clicking there. So to me it wasn't the worst of the week, because it was. It was expected for them to play that way. The Rams also without a quarterback, and Giants losing the you know Jones to an ACL. But those teams are just a big mess. To me.

Speaker 1:

The worst of my week is the New York Jets. They continue to not show up. It's like they win and then they go back. Even you think the defense is gonna come alive. Wilson's taking care of the ball, but that offensive line is atrocious. It is so bad and it's so crazy. Like as a football fan, I've found myself watching offensive lines. You've heard me talk about it probably three times today. But it's so true. It's a make or break of a team and it's just so bad, but Zach Wilson doesn't do a good job of. It's like he doesn't feel or see the pressure coming to him and be able to escape it and he's getting sacked over and over again and it's just an embarrassing loss to a Chargers team whose defense is, I think, one of the top ones of like letting the most points scored on them. I mean, the Cowboys came in and, you know, really put up a lot of points with them and I know Herbert still struggling with his finger but the Jets did not capitalize.

Speaker 1:

It's like you want to like they have hit a stride and they're coming alive and you expect them to make this a game. And you know Aaron Rodgers throwing on the sideline and whoo, he's gonna come back for the postseason and they just continue to let you down, like week by week. So the expectations of the Jets and them underperforming makes them the worst of the week for me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's our discreet and that's a team that people put a lot of optimism in. We you, when I talked about this at the beginning of the year and Aaron Rodgers and everybody seemed to focus on, well, they put in the final piece. Aaron Rodgers is there, so he's here to save the day, but they had a lot of other pieces that kind of plugged in that don't really have experience working together and playing together. And so then when you're kind of you know, fumbling the quarterback back and forth with, you know it's, it's hard on a team, so I don't, I think they are showing who at least I thought they were, whereas on the other side of the ball, the Chargers are also sort of doing this the same. You know, herbert is a good quarterback. He's gonna find ways to win when he's hurt or, you know, when he's playing against a good defense. Yeah, it doesn't mean that the chart, that the Jets are that bad and that the Chargers are that good, but yeah, that's the result itself I'm not terribly surprised with. I just think.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna be closer. I just thought they were gonna, you know.

Speaker 3:

Surprising to see a Robert Salah defense. You know, give up 27 points like that. I mean, the the Jets knew, and we all knew, that if they Going forward they were gonna be led by their defense and that obviously it was not the case in this game, right.

Speaker 1:

All right. Last question before I let you go after Nine weeks of the NFL, you can. It's AFC NFC combined. Who are your top five Super Bowl contenders For?

Speaker 3:

me not. A lot has changed from beginning of the season to now mind changes every week. I know there's week to week the power rankings who's got the momentum and who's? You know who's playing who. I get that, but overall, when I just look overall, who are the favorites to make it out of the playoffs? My, my top five, top six hasn't really changed at all. So I still have the Niners and Bengals, do you?

Speaker 1:

have Niners as one.

Speaker 3:

I have them on the list this is in no particular order and Let me just like I'm 49ers, calm down.

Speaker 1:

You've lost your last three.

Speaker 3:

But, yeah, the Bengals, of course, the, the Dolphins Cow, you haven't even the Cowboys I have. I know that None of these teams are Perfectly well-oiled machines. They all still have flaws, including the Eagles are on my list and of course, my outlier they're kind of with a, you know, at the end of the list would be the Chiefs, just because Not nearly the complete team that the others are. But they find ways to win and they find ways to take advantage of whatever weakness you have, and a lot of that's coaching and a lot of this. When I look at this list, I'm looking at who's got the most seasoned coaching, who's got the coaching that says I think you said earlier just kind of keep it cool, relax and just make those adjustments that you need to. So the Chiefs, not because they're a complete Team like the others, but probably from a coaching standpoint, have the most experience and the most success. So that's not the perfect answer that you wanted, but again, I don't think you're 49ers should be out there.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm joking, they can be my contenders. You got to keep the Eagles up there. It's annoying because I don't. I think they're winning straight by luck. I think they're a very beatable team, so they don't. They don't make my number one because they're just literally getting it because of their record. You have to give it to them because they're finding ways to win, I think a little help from the officiating, but still they're winning. Bengals, I think, are on the rise, so they'll take my number two.

Speaker 1:

Ravens have now entered into my list and then, after those top three, like you said, the Chiefs. They they're defending champions, they're finding ways to win with no one on their roster and it's impressive wins at that. Mahomes, you can never count him out, ever, even with a non-existent Travis Kelsey last week he found a way to win against a good quality team. So Gotta keep them in there. I, I would say the Cowboys too, because even though they didn't win, they competed and With you say, arguably the best you know record in the NFL, and they were right there.

Speaker 1:

I took them completely out when we played you guys in the fifth because they just got blown out and it was just a disaster. But this was a game of inches. I think there was a lot of good from that game. It just didn't swing our way in the end and I think overall we outplayed them in every aspect, but the score, which obviously matters most. But I still think they have everything going for them. We're just gonna have to find a way to run the ball, and if you can figure that out, then I think we have everything it takes to stay as a contender, mm-hmm, and then everyone's tied at the end. I still think the Dolphins and Bills, on paper have all the tools to be a complete team. They just don't know how to use them all. And I put the 49ers you're, you had a buy. You're struggling with energies. I just think Jack Jacksonville this week will be a big test on if they are going to rebound or if you're gonna continue to struggle.

Speaker 1:

So yep it's fluid, so it will continue. Yours doesn't change very much. Mine changes all the time because I get mad at teams and I just take them out. They don't deserve to be on my list, but I appreciate you coming on. Thank you, hopefully you'll come back again. This is second time, so it's always fun talking football with you and maybe, if, like normal, if the 49ers and then Cowboys match up in the postseason, maybe we can get together and break down that game before it happens.

Speaker 3:

I just we just this. 49ers just need to win. I don't even want to think about the playoffs, I don't think about any of that.

Speaker 1:

So hopefully, yeah, the next time around with something different to talk about, but yeah maybe I'll get you to come on a video and give a shout out to your 49ers one day and and my and my favorite Cowboys.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I'll do the same.

Speaker 1:

Yes, see, you heard it. He's gonna do a video of the Cowboys for me.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, gladly. Yeah, be careful what you ask for.

Speaker 1:

All right, thanks for coming. All right, thanks, lacey. It's that time again. It's time for Skyler's picks of the week. Welcome, skyler.

Speaker 2:

What is that guys at your boy man Skyler. Back on Lacey's lineup for week 10 predictions. First, thursday night football Panthers Bears I'm gonna go with the Bears by three For the Sunday matchups. First at 12 Giants and Cowboys Going with the Cowboys, of course, that's my favorite team by 17. Next, texans Bengals Texans are looking pretty good, but I think Bengals are going to beat them by 10. 49ers Jags I'm gonna go with the Jaguars by three. And now for our second to last game of week 10 Sunday night football Jets Raiders I'm gonna go with the Jets by six. And Last Monday night football Broncos Bills I'm gonna go with the Bills by 12. And that is week 10 predictions for you.

Speaker 2:

I'll be back on Lacey's lineup next week for week 11 predictions Skyler out and.

Speaker 1:

That's all we have for Lacey's lineup week 9 Recap. Hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to another fun week of football and I'll be back next week to break it all down. Until then, your girl is signing off.

Speaker 2:


Week 9 Recap, Cowboys' Loss
Cowboys Trades and Player Utilization
Cowboys' Defense and Officiating Controversies
49ers Quarterback Situation Discussion
Assessing Trades, Depth, and Must-Win Games
Impressive NFL Teams
Week Nine NFL