Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News

Hard-Hitting NFL Drama Unfolds, Eyeing Division Titles and Playoff Dreams

December 28, 2023 Lacie Season 1 Episode 17
Hard-Hitting NFL Drama Unfolds, Eyeing Division Titles and Playoff Dreams
Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
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Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
Hard-Hitting NFL Drama Unfolds, Eyeing Division Titles and Playoff Dreams
Dec 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 17

Ever felt the rush of a last-second victory or the sting of an unexpected defeat? This week's NFL rundown is all about the highs and lows of Week 16, with my surprise at the Buffalo Bills' narrow escape against the Chargers, despite crushing the Cowboys earlier. Meanwhile, the Detroit Lions have us roaring with a division title in their pocket and their sights set on that coveted NFC number one seed. And if you're itching to know how this all shakes up the playoff picture, buckle up, because we're breaking down every thrilling detail, including the Lions' upcoming clash with the Cowboys.

Now let's talk about frustration, the kind that only football can induce. The Dallas Cowboys' stumble has us scratching our heads and dissecting Dak Prescott's every move. And if that wasn't enough to get your blood pumping, the Patriots' upset over the Broncos throws another wrench into the playoff gears. I'm laying it all out there, from the defensive slips that had us on edge to my predictions for how the Cowboys can dust themselves off for their next big showdown.

Closing out with some hard-hitting reflections, I'm tipping my hat to the Ravens' aerial assault that left the 49ers grounded, and yes, even handing out my personal "worst" and "best" of the week. As we gear up for the last Thursday night football of the season, I'm piecing together the puzzle that is the NFL as we face down Week 17. It's been a roller coaster, and I'm here to guide you through every twist and turn, right up until we crown the kings of the gridiron. So tune in, turn up the volume, and let's get into the nitty-gritty of NFL football. Lacey out.

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Ever felt the rush of a last-second victory or the sting of an unexpected defeat? This week's NFL rundown is all about the highs and lows of Week 16, with my surprise at the Buffalo Bills' narrow escape against the Chargers, despite crushing the Cowboys earlier. Meanwhile, the Detroit Lions have us roaring with a division title in their pocket and their sights set on that coveted NFC number one seed. And if you're itching to know how this all shakes up the playoff picture, buckle up, because we're breaking down every thrilling detail, including the Lions' upcoming clash with the Cowboys.

Now let's talk about frustration, the kind that only football can induce. The Dallas Cowboys' stumble has us scratching our heads and dissecting Dak Prescott's every move. And if that wasn't enough to get your blood pumping, the Patriots' upset over the Broncos throws another wrench into the playoff gears. I'm laying it all out there, from the defensive slips that had us on edge to my predictions for how the Cowboys can dust themselves off for their next big showdown.

Closing out with some hard-hitting reflections, I'm tipping my hat to the Ravens' aerial assault that left the 49ers grounded, and yes, even handing out my personal "worst" and "best" of the week. As we gear up for the last Thursday night football of the season, I'm piecing together the puzzle that is the NFL as we face down Week 17. It's been a roller coaster, and I'm here to guide you through every twist and turn, right up until we crown the kings of the gridiron. So tune in, turn up the volume, and let's get into the nitty-gritty of NFL football. Lacey out.

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Speaker 1:

Hey listeners and welcome back to Lacey's lineup. I hope everyone had a great Christmas day with family, good food and I promise you you had some really good football. Football games were insane over the weekend. I cannot wait to break it all down with you. So let's just not waste any more time and go straight into the recap of week 16 Christmas holiday games. Let's just start with.

Speaker 1:

Can we talk about the Chargers and Bills game that was played on Saturday? How do the bills go from destroying the Cowboys, dominating them, to barely beating a Chargers team? The Chargers don't have a quarterback. They don't have a head coach. They let go of their captain on their team. I mean, the Chargers had nobody like. They had just some. You know their players that they had left and the Bills went in and did not. They looked like the wishy-washy Bills that we've seen all season.

Speaker 1:

I gave them so much praise last week, saying they're gonna be the team that nobody wants to play in the playoffs. I even said that the Bills have a good chance of going to the Super Bowl and Surprising a lot of teams that have counted them out already. And what do they do? They show me that they are still struggling with things on their team. You go from cook having an amazing game against the Dallas Cowboys Literally where Josh Allen only threw 94 yards and they destroyed Wasn't even a close game against the Cowboys team who have a winning record right or picked to still be one of the top teams in the NFC, which we'll get to that in a little bit. You don't even start cook, you start Leonard for net. I mean, maybe that was because they thought the Chargers weren't gonna be anything, so they were just gonna see what this guy could do now that he was active on your roster. But even when they were struggling, it was like cook wasn't getting the ball very much like why go away from your run game? Josh Allen was playing very panicky again. You know there was no presence from Um Stefan digs. They found gave Davis I mean, gave Davis tends to be Josh Allen's favorite wide receiver right now but 24-22 came down to the very end, beating a depleted Chargers team.

Speaker 1:

Come on, bills. I gave you so much praise. You guys are way too talented to have games like this, especially at the end of the year when playoffs are next month not even next month, I mean, it's next month, but Really just a couple of weeks away. Come on, bills, like you guys have to show, you now have a Struggling. I mean, ravens are showing and we'll talk about that game in a little bit that they are clearly the front runners in the AFC, but the Chiefs are struggling. Dolphins are still there, but it was a close game.

Speaker 1:

I mean, bills, you have a prime path to get to the Super Bowl because on paper, between you and the Ravens is really who it should be, but you have to pull it together. I mean, bills, you guys are struggling and it's like your one team and not the next. You can't go away from your run game. That's what makes you dangerous. That's what got you a crucial win and you barely squeaked by a Chargers team that could have sent you home for this season. Bills, you got to wake up.

Speaker 1:

I mean, was anyone else surprised by this bills team or is this expected by a lot of y'all? I Just I really thought the bills had started to figure it out, their backs against the wall and now they were gonna play their best ball. But Saturday was not their best ball and it just looked like they are still struggling and I don't know if they're gonna be able to get their pieces back together and find that winning recipe to get them at least to the AFC championship. But let's move on to another exciting game that we had and that was with the Lions and the Vikings. This game was all the way to the end. We call that a barn burner and but the Lions did it. First time in a really long time, lions came out with a victory 30-24. Lions clenched the division. They didn't play their best ball by any means. I mean La Porta has been carrying this team and he was targeted. I think one time. I know there was a lot of people being like hey, did you forget La Porta's on the team? But they had some stands with you know, gibbs was, they were running the ball, great there. They were founding St Brown a lot. They still were struggling. I mean they really didn't come alive till that second half, and Vikings too. But they're coming with a backup quarterback and Moulins and they finally found Jefferson and he was making some unbelievable throws and I mean it was a tough game, it was a hard fought game.

Speaker 1:

The Lions, I told you guys, the Lions have a really good chance of running everything through Detroit in the NFC and they are right there, especially with the loss the 49ers just had. I mean, it's theirs for the taking and they are Still not all put together, but they're probably the most complete Right now. They just got to keep using all their weapons and just fight through. They got a big matchup this weekend with the Dallas Cowboys in Dallas, which Cowboys play the best at home, which is not gonna be good for the playoffs with the way that they're playing right now. But this is a big matchup. This is gonna be a pretty intense game and the Lions are gonna have to bring it if they want to stay in the running for the number one seed. But congrats to the Lions. You clinched the division, you're going to the playoffs and you have the talent to get you where you want to be.

Speaker 1:

But let's talk about my Christmas. All I wanted for Christmas was the Cowboys to beat the Dolphins and it was so frustrating. We should have beaten them. It was ours for the taking and and surprisingly, yes, we did fumble on the one-yard line on our first possession. There was a mess with the Handoff, with our linebacker loop key or tight end loop key. That still didn't dictate. Even though we didn't get that seven there, it was a crucial. Obviously it came down to points at the end, but let's talk about this like we.

Speaker 1:

Cd lamb is our number one wide receiver. How do you get him involved quickly? And he is Dominating. I mean, the dolphins do not have great cornerbacks outside of Ramsay, but CD lamb was open almost every single time and every time you gave it to him he was productive. Not only was he catching, but he was getting you know yards off the catch and he was running and he scored the touchdown. I mean, keep this guy involved. How does he go the second and third quarter without even being targeted? Is that the coach not doing the right play calls? Is this deck Not doing all his check downs and finding his guy? I Just don't understand it. You can't let a guy like that go cold and Not keep him involved when he's dominating from the get-go. We stopped doing that. Our run game is still horrible, our Offensive line is still a huge struggle and Dak isn't doing His scramble anymore to buy more time. It's like he's getting caught in the pocket or he's not moving good in the pocket to create more time for his offense. But the pressure was a lot and the Dolphins defense of line is not that great. I promise you you're gonna face a lot better defensive lines than the dolphins coming up. So it's just still a head scratcher for the Cowboys. I mean it was theirs.

Speaker 1:

We did go, dak did his job and did a scoring drive at the end of the game to put them up by one point. And Dallas defense that's who we've been raving about at the start of the year and then it's kind of been fluctuating. I know we've had some key injuries, but Dallas is known for coming alive. Michael Parsons obviously complaining about being held which he is being held, but we can't make that. I mean, if he's being held by three guys, somebody's able to get to the quarterback, right. But we Did not do that and we allowed them to go down, could not get a stop, could not Get the ball back in our hands to win this game, and allowed them to kick the field goal to win 20 to 20 at the end, with a field goal by Sanders, who was money. I mean he didn't miss, I think on fantasy he had 22 points. A lot of people won just because they had Sanders on their team for fantasy. But we just allowed that to happen.

Speaker 1:

I mean, dak, put you in a place to win, put it back in the defense and Expected the defense to finish the game for us, which they've done for us in the past, but they just are playing very soft. Is that Dan Quinn? Is he not calling up the right stuff? I know he wasn't making adjustments for the run game. That's the one thing about the Dolphins. Two is not running. Two is one hit away from being done playing in the NFL. If you just saw Michael Parsons coming, he was gonna throw the ball away. We should have pressured the heck out of him and made it really hard for him to find Tyreek and waddle, but we did not. We played soft, let them march down the field, used their last time out and they kicked a easy chip shot to win the game 2220. So the Cowboys lose their second straight on the road, again proving that we are still struggling on the road.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of Questionable things happening with the Cowboys right now. They're going home. They're playing the Lions. This could be a huge momentum game for us. We know we're going to the playoffs, but we got to beat the teams like the Lions and they have all the confidence in the world and they want to beat us. So we're gonna have to come defend our home play like we should, because we'll get to it in a minute. But we still have an opportunity. With the way the Eagles are playing, I still feel like they have a chance to drop a game that they shouldn't and Allow us to take the division. But we're just giving games away right now and we got to figure it out. Come on, cowboys, like, get back to what you know is good. We have way too much talent on the field For us to let these games slip. This was a game that you guys should have taken you definitely should and you just let it slip away. It is December, you know, after Christmas it is playoffs or two weeks away. You guys got to figure it out and figure it out quickly. Well, right after the Cowboys lost, you wouldn't think Christmas Eve would get any more interesting, and sure enough it did.

Speaker 1:

The Christmas Eve night game Patriots beating the Broncos 26 to 23. What are you kidding me right now? I don't even know how anyone could bet on games right now. There's no way anyone went in saying the Patriots, who are struggling, they've benched Mac Brown. You know they're already out of the playoffs. There's no way they go in here and beat Broncos, but they do 26, 23, I mean the Patriots, I think it was more their defense. But they just came alive and Did the biggest surprise. I think of the day on Christmas Eve and beat the Broncos. And now it's not up to the Broncos to make the playoffs. They got to have other teams help them Because they dropped a game that they should have never dropped. So Insane, I just had to talk about it for a second. Not Not too much to say in this game, except for the Broncos. Look terrible. Patriots did enough to win and they left on Christmas Eve with an early Christmas present and beating the Broncos.

Speaker 1:

Now, after we got up, we opened our Santa gifts. We got the day started with some really good football. We started at the noon game with chiefs at and the Raiders in arrowhead. Taylor Swift is in attendance. She brought her whole family and that did not help a Travis Kelsey whatsoever. He continued to struggle again. This is what his third, fourth week of struggling. He's dropping catches. He's not the reliable Guy that he used to be with Patrick Mahomes, and the chiefs Continue to struggle. If it wasn't for their defense, I don't even think they would be in this game. But the Raiders beat the chiefs in arrowhead 20 to 14 and it wasn't even that close in the beginning. I mean, the Raiders jumped out early and they just I mean Patrick Mahomes throwing Interceptions, him still continuing to be frustrated on the sideline yelling at his team. I mean, there's just so much friction on that team right now, which is true.

Speaker 1:

Chiefs aren't used to losing. Even last year they didn't have. They lost Tyree kill. They didn't have like that go-to person outside of Travis Kelsey, which he was playing a lot better last year, and they won the Super Bowl. So they still feel like they could have done it. And now it's just slowly becoming a reality that, hey, we have some major problems, we don't have any offense, we can't do anything unless Patrick Mahomes just runs the ball. But Pacheco had a decent day. He got into the end zone but they went away from it and Patrick Mahomes throwing those Interceptions, kelsey dropping balls, you know they just didn't have anyone that could come in and be Effective in this game and again the chiefs fall. The chiefs not only will play on the road in the playoffs, but I feel like they won't play very long in the playoffs. Patrick Mahomes for the first time in a while, might be watching the end of the playoffs that you know for sure the AFC championship game and the Super Bowl from the comfort of his couch.

Speaker 1:

The struggle is real in Kansas City right now and I think it's shocking to a lot of people. We're not used to seeing Mahomes Not be the great Mahomes, but we can't ask him to do it all. He's got to have help. I assume that Andy Reed is gonna go out and find him help. In the offseason. They probably should have traded and got some people in the season to try to compete, but it is just ugly In Kansas City right now. Can they figure it out? We'll see. You still have a Patrick Mahomes who hates to lose. He finds ways to win and he knows how to get to the Super Bowl, but I just don't think the rest of the team does. Kelsey is in love and it's showing that he is very distracted, whether he wants to admit it or not, but he is, and they don't have anyone outside of that that can help. Rashid Rice is Better, but they couldn't even get him the ball and he was doing some crazy drops there at the end. So, cheese fans, I feel sorry for you Welcome to the world of the Cowboys when you get frustrated with your team. But, chiefs, I don't think this is your year. This is definitely going to be a year where we're gonna see somebody new in the AFC competing for the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get to the 330 game on Christmas Day. I was really hoping for an amazing Christmas gift and it almost happened. And that's what I'm talking about with the Eagles and the Giants Guys. The Giants, yes, they have Barkley. They've been riding on DeVito but guess what? He got benched during this game. They brought in back in tight Tehran Taylor and he did good. I think they kept DeVito in, probably too long, but this was a close game. They were playing at home in the Eagles Stadium. They were coming off three straight losses. This was a must-win. Yes, they figured it out in the end, but they struggled.

Speaker 1:

You can tell there is major tension with this team. They, like AJ Brown is starting to say no comment. You could tell his frustration. Devonte Smith is frustrated. We don't see very much from Jalen Hertz as far as emotions or, you know, really communicating anything. He's he did play well at the end.

Speaker 1:

I will say he, his stats were good, but he's still, the Eagles are just all over the place. They were getting penalties after penalties. You could see kind of like that confused look with all the players. The Eagles are just ready to bust and it is just not looking Like the team that made it to the Super Bowl last year. For a Cowboys fan, I love seeing it. Bring it on, let them, let them implode, let them drop To.

Speaker 1:

You know, they got to play the Giants one more time and they got to play an Arizona team which are favorable for them to win for sure. But right now you can't take anyone for granted. You got to figure yourselves out and the Eagles are struggling with their identity right now. The Giants are not gonna roll over. I'm really hoping they can still a game from the Eagles when they play them in week 18 At home and just really give us a great New Year's present.

Speaker 1:

I Don't see it happening with Arizona. They're already out. I don't even know if they'll play Kyler Murray. I just don't know if that will happen. But then again, you just never know. I mean, the Eagles are Really just shooting themselves in the foot. Penalties, you know, turnovers it's just not the Eagles team that you were all talking about, even me right, like I hate it putting them number one and they were just dominating. But I always said they were luck, you know they were getting lucky and all these games and that their luck was going to run out. And it has. And now they're exposed and they're just really struggling to win these games now, even against teams that they shouldn't even be in the same league as as far as talent goes. On the, we'll see. I don't think the the Eagles, I still think, have a good chance especially with the way the Cowboys have been letting these games slip of winning the division. But it doesn't matter how we line up. They're either going to face alliance team they got a hot Rams team, obviously the 49ers they would have to play. I mean, all these teams right now are way better than the Eagles and it's showing and the frustration is only going to hurt this team. So we'll see if they can bring it back together or if they're going to keep their hothead mentality and just self implode and not even make it past the first round of playoffs.

Speaker 1:

Now for the last game on Christmas Day night. This was a very highly anticipated game. A lot of people said this is the preview of the Super Bowl and this is the Ravens verse the 49ers. Everyone was excited. I was excited to watch good football. I thought these were two very well deserving teams battling it out. I just thought it was going to be a lot closer. And, guys, it was not.

Speaker 1:

The Ravens came to Santa Clara and they showed what real football was. Even the start of the game, with Lamar Jackson running 20 yards backwards to his own end zone and then tripping over the ref to give a safety. I mean, at one time it was five to three. What kind of football score is that? But after that moment, I mean Lamar Jackson just showed why he is in the MVP race all by himself. To think that you know he was not going to be signed by the Ravens this year, that he had talks with other club or other teams and they were all like, nah, we're good. Lamar Jackson is proving everybody wrong.

Speaker 1:

And he didn't even do it with his feet, which is his best thing. Yes, he ran for a couple crucial first downs when he needed to, but he mostly was throwing. He founds a flowers. You know, gus Edwards stepped in and did a really good job. Odell got some key throws, but he was just have. I mean he had all the time in the world against a 49ers pass rush that is dominant. He knows how to move in the pocket. He was creating more time. He was very comfortable throughout this whole game and they just dominated. I mean it was crazy to watch the 49ers.

Speaker 1:

Fans were shocked. I'm sure a lot of them were like this is not why we spend all this money to come to this Christmas day game. But they were struggling. They did leave with some key injuries, their Trent Williams having a groin injury. Brock Purdy came out because he has a stinger for the second week in a row, which I don't think will prolong anything and I think he probably could have went back in if the game was closer. But they decided just not even to risk that. But he had four interceptions. I know not all of them were his fault. They hit and bounced up or got deflected, but for interceptions you can't win a game and the Ravens made them pay for each interception. I mean it was not even close.

Speaker 1:

Baltimore Ravens defense came to play. They proved that the AFC was theirs for the taking and that no one could compete with them. I mean they put on a show and maybe it's good for the 49ers to kind of get punched in the face. I still think they're a dominant team. Like I said, these injuries might play a small factor, but they still have time before the playoffs. They now play the Rams will be challenging for them. I think the Rams are on a surprising upside right now, so I don't think they can rest there. But they play Washington this week, which is a good chance. They might rest some of their starters and still be fine. Shanahan's not known for doing that, but I could see maybe Trent Williams not playing in this game or maybe suiting up and not going in unless absolutely needed. But the 49ers are fine. But man, if that's the Super Bowl preview, ravens showed that they were there for the taking. Ravens are taking names and not worrying about anybody. They're only worrying about themselves and they are dominant. Ravens right now, I think, have the best chance to win the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1:

So do you guys agree? Those were some crazy games. I mean I could not believe how close some games were, the teams that lost the games and just some surprising upsets on Christmas day. It just makes football so much fun. I mean it's any given Sunday. I think people get wrapped up on seating and I get trying to make to the playoffs. But at the end of the day, everyone's a professional football player. They got drafted, they're there for a reason. They're an elite player and they're gonna give you their best game. So to think that you can just walk in and beat any team is not true, and it makes it so much fun for a fan to go in and watch good football or ugly at times, but still it's just never a given that you're gonna win this game. So I loved it. It was a great Christmas for me, minus the Cowboys. Losing. That was hugely disappointing, but family food and football couldn't ask for anything better. I love that football falls on these holidays, with Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I just am more sad that we're getting to the end of the season but also excited for the playoffs, where it's just so much fun to watch and I just love reporting about it. So I do wanna end with my worst and best of the week and I'm gonna have to go.

Speaker 1:

The worst of week 16 is definitely the Kansas City Chiefs. You're playing in Arrowhead Against a Raiders team that has not been very good all year and they came in and embarrassed you. Kelsey's distracted dropping balls Frustrated. Patrick Mahomes is not playing. He's not trusting his wide receivers. I think the only upside was the defense had a pretty decent game Jones obviously still doing what he needed to do, but they are just a hot mess right now and it was hard to watch. You felt bad for them. You know it's just not what we're typically seeing from a Chiefs team and it is lingering. It is not a bad game and then a bounce back. This is something internally that they're really struggling with and it tends to follow them. But for sure, I think the worst performance came to the Chiefs in week 16.

Speaker 1:

But my best of the week, which might surprise you, but I'm gonna have to go with the Los Angeles Rams. I know that sounds crazy. The Rams have not really been effective very much, but they have found it. I mean, puka Nakua is a beast For him that he went fifth round in the draft, which I know you can get those stills every once in a while but he has been a major player for this team. Watching him play is fun. I love his energy. He makes insane plays. He's good at the catch and the run. He's just a huge target for Stafford who is just loving throwing to him. Then you have a Kyren Williams who is just running the heck out of the ball. I mean, he is dominating the ground. Puka's dominating the air. They're doing it without Keenan Allen right now, which they should get him back, hopefully soon. Stafford is good. He's really good. I mean, he's won a Super Bowl, he's a veteran. He is very composed back there, he's accurate in his throws and now he's got weapons. The Rams are scary.

Speaker 1:

I was talking to one of my 49ers friends and I was just saying hey, you thought your schedule might be easy, but the Rams could surprise you. I know the 49ers are used to beating the Rams, but if it's a must win and the Rams have to do it to get them to the playoffs, they're gonna give you their best game. And let me tell you, their best game is not bad right now. They got some young talent who is thirsty, they wanna get to the playoffs and they are showing up to play. So by far the best of the week for me was the Los Angeles Rams, my top five Super Bowl contenders.

Speaker 1:

And this is fluid, like Stephen A says. It is fluid because you see strong teams in beginning. Some plateau is just always moving. But I'm gonna start with number five. This might shock some people because of the way that they barely squeaked out a win against the Chargers, but I'm still gonna put five for the Buffalo Bills. I don't know if they're gonna get it figured out, but they, on paper, are really, really good. And, just like everyone talks about Patrick Mahomes, josh Allen is a freak of nature. He's really good when it matters and he's known for choking. So I still know that that's on him. But he is so competitive and I know he really wants to change that. If he can start finding Trevon Diggs, he obviously loves throwing to Gabe Davis. They have Cook. They better utilize him more, but they have weapons everywhere and, not to mention, their defense is stellar. So I'm putting bills as my number five.

Speaker 1:

Number four I gotta give it to the Dolphins, because they did beat the Cowboys and they show that they could beat a team with a winning record, even though I don't know if you can really count the Cowboys on that, because they struggle on the road and they gave that game to them. I really, truly believe. But they're hot offense, I mean. Two was playing the best he's ever played. He's got Waddle who did get injured. So we gotta monitor that injury a little bit. Tyree Kill is still battling his, but he still had nine yards for 99 or nine carries for 99 yards and they, just when they have a fast offense and they can get going quickly, they're gonna put a lot of points up. Defense, I think, is still a struggle but they've gotten better. Ramsay helps kind of lead that defense and get them going and they're starting to play better, probably better than they are. They're starting just to figure some things out. So Dolphins to me are still my top five and they're number four.

Speaker 1:

Number three has to go to the Detroit Lions. Like I said, they clinch the division. They are on a high right now. They have La Porta, they have Gibbs, they have St Brown I mean you name it and they have it. They have weapons everywhere. Goff is playing on another level. Their defense is really putting pressure on teams and they're finding ways to win. And I know they really want the number one seed and I still think they have a chance of getting it. So we'll see big matchup with the Cowboys in Dallas this weekend. But right now I have number three, the Lions Number two. They did switch places but I still have the 49ers as a huge Super Bowl contender, they got punched in the face. It happens. It's better to do it now, get it out of the way.

Speaker 1:

Shanahan is going to find a way to get his team going again. He's going to be strategic. He's a mastermind. They have offense, they have defense. It was just a flute game in my eyes and they still have all the ingredients to make a Super Bowl run.

Speaker 1:

And number one, without question, that's Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens. They are showing they're beating good teams. This is going to be an interesting matchup. This week they have the Dolphins, who are both competing for the number one seed in the AFC. But and that can make it real interesting If the Dolphins were to beat the Ravens, then they play the Bills the last week, so AFC could get kind of crazy here at the end. But right now, without a question, lamar Jackson is playing at an elite level and he's got his rally of guys and they believe that they can win and they're doing it. So they for sure round out my top five and that's it for this week.

Speaker 1:

I know we covered a lot of games and we did it kind of quickly, but I wanted to make sure that I at least went over all the crazy upsets and the surprises that Christmas brought to us. Christmas Eve and Christmas does not disappoint when it came to football. I mean, this is just shaking up to be a really crazy finish, especially in the regular season. Who gets in, who's going to be seeded where? But, like I said, it's not about really about the seeds, it's about the confidence and catch fire and who can really strategically match up against their opponents and show that they want to be there at the end. So we got some good football around the corner, guys, and I can't wait to talk to you about it. Each week Before we go. We do have Skyler with his predictions for Week 17. And, as always, I will be back next week to deliver Week 17 recap. So, guys, and we will talk after the new year, so see you next year.

Speaker 2:

What is up, guys? It is your boyman Skyler. Back on Lacey's lineup for Week 17 predictions. First Thursday night football the last Thursday night football of the year Jets Browns I'm going to go with the Browns by 4. Then a holiday exclusive Lions vs Cowboys, of course I have to go with the Cowboys by 7. Then the Sunday matchups. First Dolphins Ravens I'm going to go with the Ravens by 10. And then there's Cardinals Eagles I have to go with the Eagles by 12. Then Steelers Seahawks Go with the Seahawks by 3. Then our 3-25 game.

Speaker 2:

Bengals vs Chiefs I'm still have to go with the Chiefs by 6. Sunday night football Packers vs Vikings I have to go with the Packers by 10. Sadly there's not a Monday night football this week, but it still is exciting football this week. Alright, guys, that is my predictions of Week 17. See you next week for Week 18 predictions Skyler out.

Buffalo Bills Struggling, Detroit Lions
Cowboys' Frustration and Chiefs' Struggles
Ravens Dominance and Playoff Predictions
Week 17 Football Predictions by Lacey