Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News

Underdogs and Upsets: Forecasting the NFL's Divisional Round Surprises After Dallas' Downfall

January 18, 2024 Lacie Season 1 Episode 19
Underdogs and Upsets: Forecasting the NFL's Divisional Round Surprises After Dallas' Downfall
Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
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Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
Underdogs and Upsets: Forecasting the NFL's Divisional Round Surprises After Dallas' Downfall
Jan 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 19

Experiencing the sting of defeat isn't just about the scoreboard; it's a raw emotion that festers long after the final whistle. Feel the weight of every intercepted pass and defensive mishap as I, Lacie, dissect the heart-wrenching playoff loss of the Dallas Cowboys to the Green Bay Packers. The conversation doesn't shy away from the hard-hitting questions: Could a shake-up in the coaching staff spark the success we crave? As we scrutinize Dak Prescott's future with the team and Jerry Jones's decision-making, we're not just analyzing plays—we're examining the very soul of America's Team.

The football landscape is shifting before our eyes, and this episode doesn't miss a step on the gridiron. We tackle the broader implications of the Eagles' faltering synergy and entertain the thought of Devonte Smith donning the star in Dallas. Then, strap in for some unexpected predictions for the divisional round that could see underdogs rewriting the narratives. Through the lens of a devoted fan and former athlete, join me in a journey that transcends the X's and O's, touching the heart of what it means to live and breathe football.

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Experiencing the sting of defeat isn't just about the scoreboard; it's a raw emotion that festers long after the final whistle. Feel the weight of every intercepted pass and defensive mishap as I, Lacie, dissect the heart-wrenching playoff loss of the Dallas Cowboys to the Green Bay Packers. The conversation doesn't shy away from the hard-hitting questions: Could a shake-up in the coaching staff spark the success we crave? As we scrutinize Dak Prescott's future with the team and Jerry Jones's decision-making, we're not just analyzing plays—we're examining the very soul of America's Team.

The football landscape is shifting before our eyes, and this episode doesn't miss a step on the gridiron. We tackle the broader implications of the Eagles' faltering synergy and entertain the thought of Devonte Smith donning the star in Dallas. Then, strap in for some unexpected predictions for the divisional round that could see underdogs rewriting the narratives. Through the lens of a devoted fan and former athlete, join me in a journey that transcends the X's and O's, touching the heart of what it means to live and breathe football.

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Speaker 1:

Hey listeners, it's your girl, lacey, and normally I'm so excited to get on and talk football with you guys. Don't get me wrong. We're still gonna highlight some really good things that happened this past weekend. But your girl is heartbroken. Her cowboys let her down so hard this past weekend and it has been rough trying to put together the words that I'm gonna be able to dissect this game that happened on Sunday. Bear with me, it's gonna be a lot, but we gotta talk about it. So Wildcard on Lacey's lineup starts right now.

Speaker 1:

["the Cowboys First"]. All right, so I wanna talk about the Cowboys first One. I wanna just get it off my chest. You guys are gonna see probably mixed emotions. I've been sad, I've been mad, I've been angry and I just still keep thinking that this is really not what happened on Sunday. But it was Jordan Love's first appearance in playoffs. Comes in and de Thrones, a two seed, a cowboy's team that has won 16 in a row at home, and they embarrassed us. I go through so much like what was it? Was it the hype? Is it the normal cowboy? Let down the choke, too confident, overlooking, like what was it? But from the get go, anyone that watched this game, something was off.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how you can come in to one of the biggest games where you're the advantage, you're clearly the better team no offense to the Green Bay Packers, but the Cowboys were better and not show up. You had, right off the start, dac and CD not matching up. You see them exchanging words in the first quarter. What you guys are veterans? You guys should keep your composure. You should be pumping each other up, not having hostile communication on the sideline In the first quarter. You guys are the leaders. You gotta get this team back in it, which I think ultimately led to DAC's two interceptions, which don't even get me started on those, but I do think he was trying to force it to CD to get him going at the wrong times. Packers knew the only person they had to shut down with CD and normally I know that CD can find ways to get open, but he wasn't this game. So go look. Gallup was open. Ferguson is your hot hitter, cooks is good. It just wasn't working. So they had that. Then you had Dan Quinn as one of my biggest complaints in this game. Not just Dan Quinn, but Dan Quinn and his defense. But he leads this. He tells them what to do and they execute.

Speaker 1:

Anyone that has watched the Cowboys game any game this season knows that we were the most effective and the best when we were man defense. We don't run a lot of zone at all. I mean we might throw it in for a second, but we don't stay in it long. We just we see I'm starting to get angry now, like talking about it, but we went to zone. We had a rookie quarterback and you had Micah Parsons, marcus Lawrence, you know everybody there that should have applied pressure to this guy. Every single time he took a snap, he didn't even get pressured and we played a very soft zone and allowed the Packers to have a heyday.

Speaker 1:

Now we know that the run game defense has always been an issue, and stopping Aaron Jones was gonna be the key to our success, but we weren't even doing that. So that wasn't actually a surprise to me. I mean, it was unfortunate that you that should have been your game plan going in there on how to stop that. We clearly did not do that and you had a zone defense. So not only could you run it, you got no pressure to the quarterback and then you were playing a soft zone where people were wide open in the middle of the field. They were wide open everywhere. I mean there was blown coverage. I think they were confused, because we don't run zone.

Speaker 1:

I don't understand it. I used to be as a Cowboys fan. I was happy when the defense came on. We know the frustrations with the offense and kind of the ups and downs of Dak, but defense has always been consistent and they've always created turnovers. They give in a short fields. I know it's a lot of pressure to put on them, but that's what defines them. We were talking about them at the beginning of the season as being a Super Bowl caliber defense just destroying people.

Speaker 1:

I know we had some key injuries with digs. Some other people got hurt. I know Gilmore was playing with a hurt shoulder, but that was so uncharacteristic. I mean, bland got too much hype mid season. Ever since the Buffalo game he's been non-existent and he's been getting beat over and over again. So I don't even feel good about that. But what are we doing? Who, like? How do you not show up?

Speaker 1:

I played collegiate sports, not the professional sports, but I played collegiately and when the lights are the brightest is when true athletes shine, and these guys just do not. Are they just content with how they're playing? I mean, is that what it's coming down to? Like it's just okay to get to the post season? I just can't wrap my head around it, guys. I just know it has to be a change and it's unfortunate because in my eyes they need to clean house. You keep a couple of the guys I mean obviously you keep CDLM Dak.

Speaker 1:

It's such a question mark for me because I don't think Dak has much. What I consider giving him one more year and drafting a rookie quarterback and letting him learn under him for one year and then take over. But if they pay this man the top salary for QB, like if they stroke him a check, for I think they're trying to go for 60 million and we lose players because we have to pay Dak Prescott, the Cowboys have lost their dang mine Bottom line. He is not deserving, nor should he want it. He should not want to go after the highest paid. I don't think he's probably left his house in Dallas since that game. I don't think he wants to be seen. I mean, cowboys fans are very passionate and we all were hugely let down, and Dak was a big part of that too. I know his stats. But let's just let's be honest, guys. He got that last 100, 150 yards in the last minutes when the game had been over since the first quarter. But those two picks, or one pick, six and the other interception was just the dagger for me.

Speaker 1:

Do you know the Cowboys were the only team to not win at home in the wildcard round? Anybody else use the home core, a home field advantage, to their favor? We did not at all. Do you know that the Cowboys are the first team for a second seed to lose to a seven seed in the wildcard round in NFL history? That's saying no one else has ever done that. These keep making history for the wrong reasons and until that changes, cowboys will continue to be that either mediocre and get a low seed and pray for the playoffs. They will do great in the regular season and choke in the playoffs.

Speaker 1:

I was watching Steven A and they were talking about who was the biggest disappointment the Eagles losing the way they did or the Cowboys losing to the Packers and he said it was by far the Cowboys, and I have to agree with him. We saw the Eagles demise coming Even when they were 10 and one. They just weren't looking. It was like they were getting the lucky breaks and I've said lucky a lot with the Eagles on this show all season. So we were kind of the build up of knowing that this was going to be a let down season for Eagles and Eagle fans.

Speaker 1:

Cowboys, on the other hand, they're supposedly all in, even though you don't make any mid season trades. You don't offer anything. You don't even make contact with players that you desperately need. Jerry Jones talks about you know he's getting older. He wants one more Super Bowl win, but he's not doing anything to get there. He's not making any big moves to get there. It took him 10 years to fire Jason Garrett, who we knew was never going to get as far. Then you bring in Mike McCarthy. Okay, some hopes, he's won a Super Bowl. You know, can he be that missing piece? No, now we're on four years with him and he's doing the same thing.

Speaker 1:

These guys are not the answer and unfortunately the coaching answer is a guy like Parcells or Jimmy Johnson. Not them, but someone like them that could light a fire under these players, hold them accountable, yell at them. I mean, there was CD when they were fighting. Mike McCarthy went over there and was like almost consoling him and hugging him. Like that is not what these players need in the middle of a big game. They need to get in their face and yell at them. But that's one thing I think the Cowboys need is that aggressive, you know adjustable accountability type coach. And they're not going to get that because Jerry Jones has to maintain that control.

Speaker 1:

And I don't understand why Jerry Jones can't just be the face of the Dallas Cowboys, own it. He's obviously an extremely smart man. He's made boo-coods of money. He knows how to promote them. I mean, they're a $9 billion franchise. But he needs to just be there. What other team do you see that gets the owner the first interview post game? It's always Jerry Jones. You don't see Roger Kraft. You don't see anybody else owner. You'll show them in the press box as a picture, but they're not the first ones talking. They have. He has to release that control if he wants what he wants before his time on earth is done. And to be so smart he is not smart with containing that role for his team. I love his passion. I know he wants it probably more than anybody, but he doesn't realize he's hurting them more by doing that control.

Speaker 1:

Everyone talks about Bill Belichick coming in. I don't know if I agree with that. I really don't. I mean Bill Belichick, amazing coach. I got to give it to him there, but what has he been since Tom Brady? He was not good this year. He hasn't been good this year. He's, you know, changed a lot of things around. He ended up benching Mac Jones, who he called his next Tom Brady. He had to lose it. He didn't make the playoffs. I don't think he is the answer.

Speaker 1:

Now. Could he come on as a defensive coordinator? I wouldn't mind that one bit, do I do feel like he would hold players accountable. I do agree with that statement, but he's they're not going to work together. He's not going to be a defensive coordinator, he's going to be a head coach, which rightfully so right. I mean, I'm not saying take it to motion, I'm just saying defense is his specialty. But they're not going to do it. I mean we are now mid week after the embarrassment on Sunday and not a peep from the organization.

Speaker 1:

Now could Jerry Jones be? I mean, he has to be sure, because you do, you have a lot of people out there that are better replacements than Mike Carthy. I mean even Vrable, okay. Jim Harbaugh, okay. I mean there's so many options now that you can't not look at it. Is he really going to say, no, we're good, let's keep everybody and just run it back next year. It's not working. You have to make a change.

Speaker 1:

Dan Quinn, I was like super sad about mid season when he started getting the talks of head coach and especially when Seattle opened, because Seattle's where he's from and or where he had coached and he has a lot of stock into that organization. So I was like when that opened I was like well, he's for sure gone. But now I don't care. I think he's run his course in Dallas. I mean his ways and not adjusting like he did the two previous years was extremely crazy and makes it like a head scratcher, like did he do this on purpose? I mean, surely not. But we've never seen this from him. We've never seen a lot of things that we saw on Sunday. It was unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

Dak Prescott, like I said, gotta go. Jerry Jones has to be just the owner. You have to. Stephen Jones when he takes over, you have to be just the owner Now, be involved with your players, go to practices, do that. But as far as who makes the calls, that needs to be the head coach. I just I don't understand it. I don't understand why he can't take those things. But it is what it is Again a huge high to a huge let down.

Speaker 1:

The Cowboys continue the same trend. It's almost disbelief Like even talking about it with you guys right now, I still feel like the Cowboys are playing this weekend Like it doesn't seem real. There's no way, with the season and how we were performing in December and everybody getting, like you know, offensive player of the year, this or that, like the awards, all the Pro Bowl nominees how do you go out against the seven seed in the first round on your home turf? Ugh, it's, it's devastating, it's literally devastating. Like I've cried. I do take it personal, probably a little unhealthy, but when you're passionate about a team and you know that they have what it takes to get where they want to go, that we haven't seen in a really long time, and I think I met didn't finish what I was going to tell you guys earlier, but with Steven A Smith Last time the Cowboys won the Super Bowl, google had not even been invented.

Speaker 1:

Google, that's how long it's been. You know, players come and go, coaches come and go, but us fans that have been in this drought, we take it personal. We don't understand especially fans that have played a sport, a competitive sport, and been in those pressure moments how these players do not perform when the lights are the brightest. I'm not saying they didn't want to. I'm sure they're madder than all of us, but they had control. We just have to sit there and watch it. Even though we wanted to turn it off, we had to watch it. They could have gone out and tried to make a difference, and they could have, but Dak doing his panic, you know.

Speaker 1:

Hats off to the Packers. I'm saying they came in with a game plan. Matt LaFleur did a great job adjusting, hitting our weaknesses, and they won the coin toss to start this game and they knew hey, we're at home. Dallas always outscores their players in the first quarter, so we're going to take a gamble, want the ball first and try to go down and score. And that's exactly what they did. And because they scored a touchdown first, it just threw off the Dallas Cowboys.

Speaker 1:

So that's why I think we need a coach that isn't old school. We need a new, young coach like the Shanahans, the McVeys, the DeMarco Ryans, the Matt LaFleurs right, they are evolving with the game. The other coaches are kind of setting their ways. Hey, we won with this before you know it's a winning thing, so why change it? It's not that way. You have to evolve with the game. The game is constantly changing and we don't adjust.

Speaker 1:

Defense was awful. I mean 48 points at home, just awfully awful. Soft, soft ugly out Like it was like the first time they had met, but run game not existent. I mean, there's so many things that these guys need to do and, as your fans that had to watch that Sunday Cowboys, you better start coming out with some changes that you're doing to try to help ease your fans' minds, because we're sitting here waiting and the longer it goes, the more we feel like you're not gonna make any changes, which is just gonna make for a longer year.

Speaker 1:

But that's all I got, guys. I mean I could sit here and talk about it for days. I've rewatched it, as painful as it was. You know I didn't even take off my shirt that I made for the Cowboys for over a day, because I just couldn't face that it was over. I had this gut feeling just because of how everything was aligning, but I just really wanted to have the faith in the Cowboys. But it is what it is. It's over. I gotta move on Hoping for a great week of football this week. It's just a huge hole in my heart knowing that the Cowboys won't be there. So, moving on to the rest of the games of the Wild Card Weekend, I know Cowboys were gonna be a big chunk of this episode. Just because I needed to think it was good therapy for me to kind of talk about it, process it, get over it, because I really have taken it very personally. So I appreciate you guys letting me vent to you.

Speaker 1:

But overall Wild Card Weekend, really they anticipated. I mean I love this weekend. I look forward. It's like one of my most favorite because it's just great matchups. You know, now it's winter, go home. There's tons of games right, like the most you'll have in the playoffs, because it's the most teams still left, and it's always been just an exciting one, good game after another. There was no good games this weekend outside of the Lions Rams, which we'll talk about here in a second.

Speaker 1:

The other games were all lopsided. I mean the Browns losing to the Texans. I mean CJ Stroud and DeMarco Ryan and that whole group over there. Ravens cannot take this team for granted this weekend, that's for sure. They came in with another. You know Browns were at the top with the Dallas Cowboys as far as Super Bowl caliber defenses when they were struggling to find a quarterback. The Browns defense is what was carrying them close games, tight and actually getting some wins, just on the defensive side. Texans came out and literally just dissected their defense to where there was just no chance. I think the Texans were even shocked that it was that big of a difference. They didn't even have CJ Stroud in in the fourth quarter. That's how big. And it never was close. I mean, flacco did the same thing that Dak Prescott did. He kind of just got in his head, he threw interceptions. You know, I really love that story of him coming off the couch and just the type of guy that he is. So it was sad to see. But not a good game, great game for Texans fans. But they took care of business at home and they did a blowout with the Browns. So congrats to the Texans. They're moving on.

Speaker 1:

Then you move to the Dolphins in the frigid air. I could not believe these guys. It was funny because anyone who watched this game you saw Patrick Mahomes helmet actually break because of the cold air. And it was funny because they were saying if he would have had all state instead of state farm, he would have been better protected. I thought that was pretty comical. But it's so cold. I hate being cold. Just me. I couldn't imagine being that cold and then getting hit that hard. So props off to them.

Speaker 1:

But dolphins are used to that beautiful Miami sun. I mean, it was 69 in Miami and it was negative five in Kansas City where they played. So they came in, whether they tried to prepare for the cold or not. I don't think anyone could have prepared for that type of environment. And the dolphins just looked off. Patrick Mahomes this is where he shines. Whether he is vulnerable this year or not, I did pick them to win this one. I don't have them winning against the Bills next week, but it's still Patrick Mahomes. That's someone that's going to show up and he's going to give you your all and he can win games by himself. If he has to, then he will. He's going to give it all he has. But dolphins, after being such a highly talked about team, with Tuha and Tyreek and him coming back home, it was not a good performance for the dolphins. And again, another lopsided game. Kansas City easily beats the dolphins at home to move on to the divisional round.

Speaker 1:

Then the Bills game was supposed to play on Sunday, right, and they did not because of I don't know I think they said like 14 feet of snow. Anyone that saw those pictures on the TV would know what I am talking about. That was just insane, seeing that amount of snow and them trying to shovel it. There was even a travel restriction where they couldn't even. I mean Bills fans were stuck inside their house so they moved the game. This is the one game that I didn't think was going to be an issue for the Bills Playing at home.

Speaker 1:

Steelers this is a two seed playing a seven seed, which didn't matter for the Cowboys yes, I'm still bringing them up. But Steelers I was proud of them. I thought I mean Mike Tomlin hats off, great coach. I do like his schemes. He does get the most out of his players and they gave Bills a pretty good game and tried to come in and disrupt them because they know Bills are vulnerable and they can go either way at any time. But Bills were able to hang on. They did control. Steelers tried to make a push at the end, but it was just too late and Bills wins. So that sets up another Bills Kansas City game in the divisional round, but this time. It is not being played in Kansas City, they are traveling to Buffalo to play this game, which is going to make things very interesting.

Speaker 1:

And then you go into Mutt or no. And then it was Sunday night and that was the Rams and Lions. This was a fun game. You had Matthew Stafford coming back home to Detroit, you know golf, playing his old team that he felt betrayed by when they made the trade for him, but it was just an overall, I mean class act. They were all Matthew Stafford's whole family was like saying wearing jackets that said Detroit born and then LA raised or something along those lines. But it was cute. They gave them a standing ovation. You know Rams fans were considerate to golf and it was just a good game. It was very close. They only ended up winning by one, lions winning their playoff game and forever. I think Google definitely wasn't invented back then either, since the last time they had that, and it was just a fun atmosphere.

Speaker 1:

I mean Rams, I think, are gonna be a contender next year If they can keep everybody. But that Puka Nakuwa absolute steal. That guy can ball Cooper Cup is showing his age. We'll see if he is going to play again next year. I think he's ending the end of his career, especially seeing like the Puka Nakuwa's of the world coming up. But a lot of young talent, a lot of young talent and I just think McVeigh's done a really good job with that team. And that's the one loss that I'm like Rams you hate to lose, but if the Rams, a team, was going to lose, you lose like that. You left it all out there, decided by one point, just a couple of errors, but you were in this game the whole time and you gave it your all. But hats off to the Lions. They do move on. Wish they were playing the Cowboys this weekend. But see, still better guys, still better. I still just keep seeing it. I did wanna play them again because of all that controversy, and I think they wanted to play us too, but it is what it is, so we're moving on from that.

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, the Eagles and the Bucks. Did you guys see this coming? I did. I said at the beginning Eagles, they started like after week 12, I think all season, all season, they have been this way. There hasn't been continuity. They beat, yes, some really good teams mid-season, but it was all luck of the draw. All the luck was just in their favor, but they weren't winning by big margins, they were just squeaking through. Jalen Hertz, I think, has been hurt most of the season With his knee. He hasn't been that running type of quarterback that it was so effective.

Speaker 1:

Last year you had AJ Brown out, but he's been, I think, a cancer to this team. Anyways, with just how vocal he's been about his frustrations, I think they stopped buying into Nick Siriani's schemes and kind of getting kind of preparing them. They were so focused on all the tweets about Cowboys Fall, blah, blah, blah. They were so focused on us losing that they actually lost worse than us. But anyways, it's just it hasn't been good and I knew it wasn't going to be good. It didn't matter who they played in the first round, if they would have been the second seed or the fifth seed, which they ended up being. They just were down. I mean, they didn't just fall off their bike, they fell off a cliff and it has just been painful to watch. Ever since you had AJ Brown out, you had Jalen Hertz who dislocated his finger and was trying to throw with it. I hats off to them.

Speaker 1:

Playing through Devonte Smith, I think, is the only shining light. You could say Swift too. He didn't have a good game on Monday night, but he had been pretty effective all year. Devonte Smith is a stud. Devonte Smith is a gamer. He's an unbelievable for his size too. Just what he can do as a wide receiver that's who you want to make sure is staying with your organization over everybody else. Next year, if Devonte Smith becomes a free agent, cowboys better start calling him. I just. I think he's great, I think he's an explosive player, I think he brings a lot to teams and he's the only reason that they tried to get going and he's the only reason that they were doing stuff all season, which warrants why AJ Brown was so frustrated. Because why? Why throw away from Devonte? He's the one that's scoring. Aj Brown just kind of wants all the limelight but he's not willing to put in the work. Not a fan of AJ Brown, but anyways. Eagles lose to the Bucks just got destroyed by them in Tampa Bay. So that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Overall, it wasn't a wild card weekend for me. Nothing was wild. I mean wild that the Cowboys decides, but wild that no games were close outside of one. But it just wasn't the hype and the excitement that I'm used to as a football fan watching games it was. It was a letdown. It was a big letdown. I mean, did they realize that this wasn't week 18, that this was first round of the playoffs? Teams just did not give it their all and give it their best like they had in the past. So it was not a fun weekend for me, obviously on top of the Cowboys losing, but it just overall. I mean Monday's games I didn't even really want to watch because I was still sulking about our loss, but I still watched him. But it just wasn't exciting like it was. Like you get all excited wild card weekend starting and then all of a sudden the team just jumps up and it never recovers and you're just left with Okay, we already know who's gonna win. After the first quarter this game is over. Just wasn't the excitement that the wild card weekend usually brings.

Speaker 1:

Do you guys agree with me on that? So that's what I got for a wild card. I'm hoping the divisional round brings us more excitement. I do think there's gun, there is fun matchups and I think a lot of people have picked who they assume is going to win. But I wouldn't be surprised if there is a crazy game or some exciting games that throw, even though the Packers destroyed the Cowboys.

Speaker 1:

Jordan, love man, you've got to give him love. This guy in his elite quarterback Defense is gonna be skeptical against a powerful Offensive in San Francisco. But if they can keep this thing close or if they can even jump up like they did against the Cowboys, this could get interesting. I don't see it. I think they used all their luck in the Cowboy game. I think Shanahan's coming prepared. He even started Scouting them after the second quarter of the Cowboys, which I get. It's just still frustrating. But he's gonna come up with a plan. That's a guy that can adjust and he's gonna make sure his team is very prepared for what Green Bay is gonna bring.

Speaker 1:

So I think I'm gonna pick the 49ers over the Packers. But you have to put an upset alert on there. They haven't played really in three weeks. Is that a good thing or a bad? I don't know, but Packers are hot, they're Motivated, they have nothing to lose to them. They just won their Super Bowl and To get to the second round, but they're gonna go in and they're gaining confidence. So it'll be interesting to see.

Speaker 1:

I think the same thing for the Texans Ravens, cj Stroud. I think the Texans actually have a better shot than the Packers because Texans have a CJ Stroud who is playing just on another planet and then you have Just Nico Collins, just all he's loaded. I mean they're all Rookies but he's loaded outside of Dalton Schultz. But DeMarco Ryan hats off. Love this coach, love what he's doing, love his passion, his play calling, his adjustability. He's just doing what it, and that's another team has nothing to lose. They're gonna go in and give it there all and see what happens. And those teams to me are scary. So I'm putting an upset alert on the Texans Ravens. I think the Texans actually beat the Ravens. Then Sunday you got the Bucks.

Speaker 1:

Lions, bucks, yes, did great. Shout out to my OU guy, baker Mayfield. It was OU vs OU at Jalen Hertz. But Baker, just he comes out and his passion and his excitement and just his energy just feeds off of people and he played an amazing game and I think it could be interesting. Lions they're either really good or they're really not. La Porta, I think, is still battling, even though he looked okay against the Rams last week. But we'll see how it goes. This could shape up.

Speaker 1:

I'm still gonna pick the Lions to go. I think the Lions playing at home and them, just they could tell they just want it like that feeling is just wanting. So I think the Lions do. I do think it's closer, though I do think it's gonna be a close game. If Bucks can get hot early in their offense, like they did on Monday night, could make for an interesting game.

Speaker 1:

And then the last game chiefs bills this. This, I'm hoping, is gonna be exciting game. If anyone remembers the playoffs, I think it was two years ago and when that game it was like literally the Super Bowl, unbelievable. So many lead changes, just Alan and my homes just, oh, just going off. It was just unbelievable to watch. And then even coming back and my homes winning that in 13 seconds. I still, every time I see 13 seconds, I'm like, oh, you saw this shot. My homes did it in 13 seconds.

Speaker 1:

I do think this is the first time that Patrick Mahomes is having to travel for a playoff game. So I do think it does get interesting here with Josh Allen able to play on his home field against Mahomes. He's yet to do that. I think that's a huge benefit for the bills. Weather isn't gonna be a factor. It was colder and Casey than it was in Buffalo when they played last week, so they both can Play in this weather, so I don't think that's gonna be a worry thing at all.

Speaker 1:

I Think this is gonna be close, mahomes. You want to take him over, josh, but he just does not have the weapons. So I'm going with the bills on this one. I think it'll be bills and Ravens and 49ers and Lions in both of the championship games. That's my call, that's my prediction and that's what I got. Like I said, I hope this divisional round is more wild than the wild card around, because I really want to, just at this point, watch really good football games before the seasons are over. So, hoping for a great week of football, I am excited to have Skyler back with me today to give me his predictions for this week. He's only got four games, but he's ready to give it to you. So, before I let you go, we'll end the show with Skyler giving his predictions and, like always, I'll be back next week to break down everything that happened in the division around. Until then, I Hope you guys have a great week, stay warm and let's talk football next week here, skyler.

Speaker 2:

What is up, everyone? It's your boy, man Skyler. Back on Lacey's lineup for the divisional round predictions. First, on Saturday at 330, texans versus Ravens I'm gonna go at the upset. Texans beat him by four. Then, saturday night, 715, packers versus 49ers. I'm gonna go with the two teams that are going to beat the two number one seeds. So I'm gonna go at the Packers to beat the 49ers by six. Then our two Sunday games first, buccaneers versus Lions I'm gonna go at the Lions by three. Then the rematch of that amazing divisional round game against the Bills versus Chiefs. I'm gonna go with the Chiefs by seven. Alright, guys, and that is it for the divisional round Predictions. I'll be back next week on Lacey's lineup to Tell you the conference championship predictions To go to Super Bowl 58. See you guys next week on Lacey's lineup, skyler out.

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