Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News

Tales of Gridiron Glory Predicting the Super Bowl Path

January 25, 2024 Lacie Season 1 Episode 20
Tales of Gridiron Glory Predicting the Super Bowl Path
Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
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Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
Tales of Gridiron Glory Predicting the Super Bowl Path
Jan 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 20

Feel the electric charge of playoff football as Julie Paulson joins me, Lacie, for a deep-dive into the divisional round's most exhilarating moments. We're just two football aficionados, unwrapping the layers of strategy and emotion that have led to some of the most unforgettable games this postseason. From the 49ers' edge-of-your-seat victory over the Packers to the looming challenges of the championship round, we share our insider take on the plays that made us leap from our seats and the anticipation that keeps us glued to the screen.

Julie and I don't shy away from the tough topics, like the controversy swirling around quarterback contracts and the ripples they send through the waters of team success. Brock Purdy's Cinderella story adds a twist to our conversation about the economics of the game and whether the Cinderella slipper fits when it comes to fair compensation and team chemistry. Listen as we champion Purdy's underestimated prowess and dissect how a quarterback's salary can make or break the dream of a cohesive, championship-caliber team.

As the countdown to the AFC/NFC Championships ticks louder, Julie and I cast our Super Bowl predictions, mixing professional insight with personal tales that tie us to the heart of the game. We debate whether the Bills-Chiefs matchup will be the anvil on which the 49ers' Super Bowl hopes are forged or shattered. And in sharing stories of survival and triumph, we peel back the layers of our football allegiance, revealing how the game intertwines with life's most significant battles. So, join us and feel the passion for pigskin that runs deeper than strategy, deeper than statistics – straight to the soul of every touchdown, tackle, and triumphant cheer.

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Feel the electric charge of playoff football as Julie Paulson joins me, Lacie, for a deep-dive into the divisional round's most exhilarating moments. We're just two football aficionados, unwrapping the layers of strategy and emotion that have led to some of the most unforgettable games this postseason. From the 49ers' edge-of-your-seat victory over the Packers to the looming challenges of the championship round, we share our insider take on the plays that made us leap from our seats and the anticipation that keeps us glued to the screen.

Julie and I don't shy away from the tough topics, like the controversy swirling around quarterback contracts and the ripples they send through the waters of team success. Brock Purdy's Cinderella story adds a twist to our conversation about the economics of the game and whether the Cinderella slipper fits when it comes to fair compensation and team chemistry. Listen as we champion Purdy's underestimated prowess and dissect how a quarterback's salary can make or break the dream of a cohesive, championship-caliber team.

As the countdown to the AFC/NFC Championships ticks louder, Julie and I cast our Super Bowl predictions, mixing professional insight with personal tales that tie us to the heart of the game. We debate whether the Bills-Chiefs matchup will be the anvil on which the 49ers' Super Bowl hopes are forged or shattered. And in sharing stories of survival and triumph, we peel back the layers of our football allegiance, revealing how the game intertwines with life's most significant battles. So, join us and feel the passion for pigskin that runs deeper than strategy, deeper than statistics – straight to the soul of every touchdown, tackle, and triumphant cheer.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Lacey's lineup. It's your girl, lacey, and, as you can hear, I am in better spirits. I have mourned my cowboys, I have moved on. I have swallowed that loss, even though it still hurts. I was excited about the divisional round and just good football and it did not disappoint. We saw a lot of good games and I can't wait to break it all down with you today. To do that, I'm actually bringing in a 49ers fan and she is obviously having a great week. She had a little bit of a heart attack with the Packers game last week, but she is ready to break it down and we'll get her insight. And I'm excited because it's an all-girls show today.

Speaker 1:

My guest is Julie Paulson. She's one of my good friends and we bond over the love of football, so she is just as avid of a football fan as I am. She just roots for a different team. So let's not waste any more time and get Julie on the show. Welcome to the show, julie.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for coming on, thanks for having me and, just like I have been so excited about this, you know how long I've been trying to get you to come on because, as girls, we love to talk football and I've been having guy guests, which I do love talking. You know the podcast and the sports with the guys, but it's just something different when you have a girl that knows the football and you know that's one of the reasons I started this podcast was just to get a girl's eye view. So, yeah, I appreciate. I mean it only took to the championship round to get you here. I just wanted some confidence to back it up. But I do appreciate and for you guys that don't know, not only is she my friend, she's avid football fan, but she also is the girl behind my designs for my merchandise. She has been making all my shirts, my koozies, the things that I post online, and I can't wait. We're gonna do more designs coming up, but JP designs, she is here for me, so I appreciate you being all my behind-the-scenes.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely thanks for the shout out. Yeah, what a great week for you to come on. Oh, is that really why you agreed to come on? Pretty much, if we were to loss, I don't know that I would be sitting here right now. I remember me and you were texting during this game because I didn't want to talk to you at first because I was like, oh man, this, this might be a repeat of my heart rate the week before. And then you're like, what is actually going on? I mean, they outplayed you guys.

Speaker 2:

Oh, 100% for 58 minutes. Yeah, that was a brutal, brutal game to watch, very, very stressful that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

A seven seed. And don't get me wrong, I think the Packers came in strong. Their season, their regular season, didn't really defined who they were in the postseason. Obviously they shocked the Cowboys. They were minutes away from shocking, you know, beating the one and two seed, which would have helped my heart. But I mean, what were your feelings like?

Speaker 2:

watching that game. Listen, going into the game, everyone kept saying, oh my gosh, y'all have this, you're gonna destroy them, like no offense. But you know we beat y'all by so much that they were like, oh, you're gonna have them in the bag, no big deal. And I kept. I was so nervous. At our friend's house we watched a neutral playing side because we have really good friends that are Green Bay fans and they came to watch as well not in the same room, because they couldn't even handle being with us.

Speaker 2:

I kept saying I was nervous. If you were like y'all are crazy, what's wrong? You're just playing this up like my Green Bay fans. And it's because when a team has nothing to lose and they have all the momentum coming off of a huge win against the Cowboys, clearly that's someone to be worried about. So I was definitely not comfortable going into that game. Yeah, and with the rain, when the rain started pouring in before the game, I was like, okay, here comes another factor on brand new turf in the rain not good, yeah, which you guys aren't used to, and Purdy shows that he doesn't play well in the rain.

Speaker 1:

So that's that looks like this week. It's supposed to be Sunday. Yes, we're supposed to have good weather. That's a good factor. But yeah, you saw him in the game taking his glove off right, like struggling, not knowing what to do.

Speaker 2:

Well, same with the defense. They kept changing cleats, trying to find something that was gonna give them a better grip. It was just nothing seemed to be working, and that was favored for the Packers because they're used to those kind of inclement weather and snow, so that was like a huge another advantage for them, right?

Speaker 1:

So definitely was an interesting game. I mean it was hard to watch. It was fun to watch. I mean Jordan Love, like if you're a Packers fan, you're excited about your future.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, they have a young team. They're gonna do great. I mean, I feel like they will come back next year and probably go just as far, if not further, like I feel like a lot of these teams that are building these young you know franchises, I think that they're gonna be successful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or you just stick with one quarter back for eight years.

Speaker 2:

Or you just change.

Speaker 1:

You can't have a different team. Leif Can't do it.

Speaker 3:

Can't do it.

Speaker 1:

It's in the blood. But going back to it though, like you guys started in this game, it looked like rusty, and do you feel like that was because you rested your starters in week 18? Then you have the bi-week, so really, I know it was great for injury purposes to get back healthy, but do you feel like you guys had rest because you were off for so long leading up to that game?

Speaker 2:

Yes and no. I mean I feel like we needed the rest because of injuries and we needed that time to kind of heal. I mean I feel like we've been overworking McCaffrey and then, you know, even Debo had already been hurt in a previous game. I feel like that we needed that. Like we've watched multiple seasons now where we get really far and then injuries take us out. We seem to have the perfect team, everything's put together and then next thing, you know, half of them are on the sidelines. So that was nerve-wracking, but I feel like that two weeks was good for us in that way. I honestly think there were other factors that played a role. I don't think it was as much of that break.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think you were talking about that with me too, because normally we see Shanahan as just the mastermind he had. Just he infuriated me the whole game. Yeah, I mean he even talks about he defers because he wants to control those four minutes, the last two of the first half, the first two of the second half and nine out of ten times. He's great in those moments and you guys capitalize in those. But what happened right before?

Speaker 2:

half time. I don't know that minute and what was it. It was about a minute, I don't remember how much exactly, but play clock management was absolutely atrocious. Like the nine are fans that were in the room. We're just. We just kept looking at you like what's happening? Oh my gosh, what's happening? We have three timeouts a minute to go. We should totally be able to drive down and score and then come out of half time with the ball and we just kept watching them run the clock, run the clock. We're like they waited till there was like 20 something seconds to try and do something and at that point what we got a field goal.

Speaker 1:

Like you could have gone into the half match up match start over the next half and then take control in the second half and instead we just have.

Speaker 2:

They're looking like what is he doing? You have three time outs, use them.

Speaker 1:

I can't take them to have the not carrying over, use them and it was. It was baffling, it was crazy. It was almost like mat la floor out coach them to yeah, and I know there's a rival there too there is.

Speaker 2:

So I feel like there's a little bit of green bay not having. They're playing for whatever they want to play for nothing to lose, where in the coaches had their own rivalry of wanting to like kind of prove something. So it was crazy. I mean, it was on the edge of my seat for sure.

Speaker 1:

I really thought green bay coming off of their win cuz one they weren't gonna make it to the playoffs than they do. Then they come play a two seed in Dallas where we were sixteen, and oh so to me I felt like that was their Super Bowl. This was just a bonus game and they were gonna come in. I thought you guys would control the game the entire time and it was sloppy. It was crazy very very hopefully got it out of your system.

Speaker 1:

I hope ready to move on. But Dibo goes down. I mean he is like your spark, yeah, I feel like he kind of gets your offense going. Obviously you have a lot of weapons on offense, but something about him, he's just loud, he's a good leader, just his, and I mean your slant routes with him alone that's definitely hurt us.

Speaker 2:

But I, like you said, we are pretty loaded and I feel like I think we have more than one player that creates that spark and so as long as we can have good play calling and good management of the team, that kind of thing, I think we can Deal with not having him. Obviously I would like not be the case but you heard it here. She's okay with that. We're not okay, but obviously we'd be better. Fully, you know he'll do it, but I mean I think we saw the loaded.

Speaker 1:

I just think it was like a Dibo goes down. It took McCaffrey a long time to get going in this game and for a long time Aaron Jones was Making McCaffrey look like nothing and your defense couldn't stop the run. Mccaffrey couldn't get going, which put a lot of pressure on party, and that's where you kind of see where party can go. He ended up pulling himself out of it, but he was in law because he's used to Dibo getting him out of something, mccaffrey getting him out of something and not having that. I think that's just what kept you guys. It was like you weren't worried and then you started to worry and it was just like a lot back and forth. It was the first time that I felt like you guys were in your heads a lot during this game yeah, we were, I think I think with party a little bit of factors.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he's been protected a lot of the season and are honestly like I. We kept being like where's both, that is, even in the lineup, like nothing was happening and on that end, and then with him, like the rain, he kept like sticking his hand in the pocket and drying it right before going up to throw it, like in the yeah, in during the play. So I feel like there was I don't know if it was so much in his head as much as just factors that we're having to be dealt with.

Speaker 3:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but you say you think you're fine because of your weapons with Dibo. Stephen A Smith, who is a sports analyst on ESPN, made a very bold statement this week and he says if Dibo doesn't play, you guys will not beat the Lions.

Speaker 2:

I think he's never seen a roster. I mean, maybe he forgot to check the rest of the roster.

Speaker 1:

because I feel like we have other options, that's why you say I think if you had a Mahomes or a Josh Allen or even a Dak Prescott with your weapons, I think that's the only thing that gives teams a chance.

Speaker 2:

Did you just say that we should have a Dak Prescott over pretty. You think that would be successful, you don't think? Dax an issue for Dallas.

Speaker 1:

I do think he's an issue. I don't know. I wouldn't want him anywhere near my Niners.

Speaker 2:

That's a little mean I feel bad for the guy.

Speaker 1:

Right now it's hard to be a quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys.

Speaker 1:

I thought being a kicker is harder this year but yeah, oh man, that came on a lot of pressure. But with Dak I just feel like if he had a Shanahan type coach, I think he's athletic. I mean he did a lot of great things this year. I think the play calling was a big factor. His decision making was skeptical at times, but pretty has that too. I mean his decision making isn't great, but thanks for bringing up the Cowboys. I'm trying to give you all the glory this week, but I'm just saying I feel like he is, even though he does great things and I don't want to take it away from him because he leads in a lot of things but I think without those weapons he's just a good quarterback, not a great quarterback.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, but people could argue that a Brady was always really good because of his teams. I mean, you're built around who you have around you. So I feel like Purdy's earning his spot there and, yeah, he's got protection. He's proven that he can win with a little less protection here and there. So I feel like young quarterbacks it is what it is. They got to prove themselves over the years.

Speaker 1:

OK, so let me throw this question at you, because right now your quarterback lives with a roommate Right Like he Poor guy I know and it is, but he isn't costing you guys a lot of money. Right Now you're going to come to the. You either have to pay him the money and you're going to lose your weapons or you go after. I mean, do you see him being your franchise quarterback? Like, would you be willing to pay him that money and lose a Christian McCaffrey, adebo Sam, you'll, somebody like that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a tough one because I feel like, just to give you perspective, I tend to buy the Jersey of the quarterback Every time we sign a nice big chunk of change to a quarterback. I have Garoppolo back in the day I have we won't even mention number seven every single time, something we know why you got Garoppolo right, like we both think he's very nice to look at.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's fine. The coaches on this week's team weren't too shabby either, but Purdy, I feel like, will, at the end of the day, end up getting paid. I feel like Shanahan has already kind of led that thought out and said that he feels he's going to pay. That's going to be his franchise quarterback. So I feel like, regardless of what my opinion is and I don't honestly know what the right answer would be for that, which I guess is why those coaches make a lot more money than me but I think they'll end up paying him ultimately.

Speaker 1:

But as a fan, do you? Would you be more upset with Purdy losing or McCaffrey leaving?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I think we would be insane to let go of McCaffrey.

Speaker 1:

I still can't believe you got this guy for like next to nothing, like it wraps my mind. But that's where it comes down to and you'll start feeling that pain because you're going. I mean they're trying to pay DAC $60 million this year, which is crazy to me. Like, why do you want that pressure on you? Why not renegotiate? Take your pay down, keep weapons around you that make you look good? I mean you're going to, you're set. It's not like you're hurting for money when you're in the franchise quarterback.

Speaker 2:

I never really understand the money. I mean you have a Purdy quarterback who's living as a roommate, making what? The minimum 300,000 or whatever he's making. Why does it have to go to? Where it's going to make all your weapons go away? Like I don't understand why these guys have to be so. I know it's not greedy, I know it's just the name of the game, but like I don't understand why that would have to sink us If I can't. A Purdy who's super young, okay, take a lower contract for a couple of years to through your contract, whatever, and then prove yourself and then get that big money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it doesn't work that way. It's so frustrating and it's more the agents, the agents are the ones.

Speaker 1:

And you know you're injury prone. You're one injury away from not being able to play anymore, so they try to give you job security. I'm not saying they're not worth all that, but why do we keep having to keep going up? And you know it was 45 million, now it's 60 million, is the next highest paid quarterback, and I just think it's just way too much money. Yeah, I agree, and they end up getting in trouble and we start losing. Players and fans start getting angry, exactly. But Pretty is not considered an elite quarterback by a lot of people this year because because of your weapons, that's the only reason you're here. I mean, do you feel like pretty is kind of being disgraced?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I feel like coming in with the name Mr Revelle irrelevant to start was part of the problem. I mean he already kind of was playing from the bottom. I feel like he can only prove more and more to the fans and to people watching that he deserves a chance, and I think right now people want to hate on us a little bit, but we have weapons and we have a quarterback and I feel like we have a lot to prove and I want so bad for a third time's a charm, since I've been a fan to actually get to the Super Bowl and finish.

Speaker 1:

I really do think you guys have a really good chance at getting there. I mean, the Lions, I think, are going to be another test for you. I think weather will be in your favor this week. Obviously, you're still playing at home We'll get into that in a minute but I just think it's another team that has nothing to lose. Right, they've kind of already exceeded. I know they want to get there, but they're young. It's not like a do or die where I feel like it is for the 49ers this year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I think that maybe the Green Bay game was a little bit of a wake up call. Like you know, we're not going to skirt through like we have against some of these teams and they know what's at stake, and I feel like there's a lot of veteran players who have, who got a taste in 2020 of what it felt like and how much it hurt to walk out without anything, and so I think those players have a lot of good leadership on our team and they're hoping for a different outcome this time. I think there's a little bit more grit and maybe reasons behind why they want to get back and try again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think last year or two, right your championship game. Not to try to bring it up, but I feel like that's momentum right, like that was a fluke. I mean I think you guys should have been in the Super Bowl last year. I mean, who loses all your quarterbacks in one game?

Speaker 2:

where you're not even playing with a quarterback. Yeah, injuries have been on our Achilles heel for sure.

Speaker 1:

And I think that was kind of your mindset when you went and played the Eagles, when you did and you're like, look, you guys should have never even been playing with us. You getting to the Super Bowl was complete luck. That was yours mindset and if you can keep that mindset, I think that's your momentum to get you where you want to be. Yeah, I agree, crazy, crazy turn of events. It's going to be a fun game. But looking ahead to this week the 49ers against the Detroit Lions Everybody's asking for a Taylor Swift, eminem, super Bowl. Lord have mercy. But the Lions are hot. I mean, they got a lot of weapons too. They have a good defense. I mean, on paper, I feel like this team might match up with you the best. Do I just make you really nervous?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a little nervous, but I mean you should be this front in the game. I mean, when you're down to four teams, I mean at this point everyone should be tough. Yeah right, it's not like nobody should have made it this far. That should be destroyed in any game. I mean it should be close games, it should be a fight, it should be good matchups because everyone got this far. Yeah, I don't think it's going to be easy. I still think you know we're going to come out on top. I'm hoping not as close of a call as last week's game, but I mean yeah, I think your heart could take it.

Speaker 2:

No, definitely not.

Speaker 1:

I feel like a nice sunshiney day in Santa Clara and hopefully, hopefully, that can be a turn of events for us, and you have the 530 game, which is nice, I think the Lions, though, they match up. I mean La Porta and Kittle. It's like La Porta is Kittle when he first started. You have a Saint Brown who just has crazy speed and gets you know yards after the catch, which is you can put him next to Debo. They have two running backs that with Gibbs, that are very dominant and they're going against McAvery, so you've got to stop two runs. I mean there's a lot. I don't think this is a game where you have to take anything lightly. Like Shanahan needs to dust off whatever happened last week and he has to come in ready for like a big game plan.

Speaker 2:

So in order to win this game, we need to pretty much do everything we didn't do last week. I feel like our run game needs to get going early. Mcavery waited until second half to get going. I think we need to, you know, activate him early on. You know we need to distribute a little bit of these plays among the weapons. I mean, one thing that's been super frustrating as a Niner fan all season is I feel like it's McAvery, mcavery, mcavery, mcavery, which, yeah, he's making big plays, but half the time he makes a play and goes off the field and has to get like his knee tages, you know, his ankle tages. He's always being like pampered on the sidelines for some injury. So I feel like we're going to need him if we win this game, to win. We win this game to go to the.

Speaker 2:

Super Bowl. So making sure that we distribute that. I mean we have huge players that we need to be using IEuk more Kittle. I mean Kittle had normally he's super reliable. He had that one drop pass that was super frustrating that he probably could have scored on last week. I don't even think IEuk caught a ball. I don't think so either. I mean you weren't hearing any of those names. I mean even I mean McAvery. Even when you heard his name it'd be like a three or four yard drive.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I think McAvery might have dropped the ball. Actually, like a slot, that might have been your other drop.

Speaker 2:

There was a lot of dropped balls. So how about that penalty? We didn't talk with this earlier 40, some odd yard penalty that happened on us. That gave them that first down to score. But you had two of those. That was insane. You had two passers. That's good.

Speaker 1:

That's good, but those two pass interference and it wasn't even close Like you guys like. Oh my gosh that was so frustrating. Yeah, and you want to think I and I'm not going to jump on this like it's funny, but they talk about the conspiracy of the colors of the logo and what it is, which I will say it's in favor to you, because not only is it the colors of Baltimore and 49ers, but they say the color with the least amount wins the Super Bowl.

Speaker 3:

So I'm just saying if you believe in conspiracy.

Speaker 1:

It is there. So you started thinking you're like oh my gosh, is this a conspiracy because Packers had done so much? And then, but then you look at it. That's why I'm going back to your point. Packers were very minimal penalized.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, part of me thinks that the Niners are always more penalized than other teams we play, I feel like, for whatever reason, more than the Cowboys. Well, okay, maybe we're even there, but it just felt like a game, it didn't matter. I mean, yeah, I think some of them were legit good calls. I mean I'm not saying that we lost that because it calls by any means, but we made some silly errors in those moments too.

Speaker 1:

You were getting beat, which is not normal, and then, instead of catching up or whatever, you guys decided to go with penalty route, which maybe you save a touchdown pass, and they just did that out of luck. But it was sloppy. I just haven't seen your defense be that unorganized in a really long time and I don't think the Packers are a team that could just, you know, disorganize your defense, because you're not. I mean, you don't even have pressure and you have to have pressure this week to your back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So to my point of not doing anything, we did last week. Defense needs to definitely apply more pressure. I feel like we kept being like, like I said earlier, where's Bosa, where's Bosa? Like how we didn't get any sacks in that game, did we? I feel like there was no sacks last week, I don't think.

Speaker 1:

you barely got, and it might have been at the very end when you started applying on that last drive which forced that crazy. I mean, if Jordan Love could take anything back from that game, it would be that cross body pass.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go ahead and put it out there. Bosa, go get you some big sacks on golf.

Speaker 1:

But that's what you got to do. You got to get pressure to the quarterback. I mean, golf is not going to be a love where he's going to make those errors because he is a veteran quarterback. But if you give him all day in the pocket, they do have weapons and it's going to be hard for your defense to do so. It should be blitz after blitz after blitz.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree, and I feel like I mean this week our defense has a lot to prove. After last week, I feel like they'll step up. And last, I think Shanahan just has to do a better job managing the clock. I feel like, ultimately, that just. And normally he does, yeah, but again you're down to pressure. I mean, coaches are under pressure, just like quarterbacks and just like the defense. I feel like he just has to keep his cool stick with what works with us, stop trying to go off the middle path, I think.

Speaker 1:

Matt LaFleur was in his head. I don't think you will have that with Campbell this week. The Lions and one thing you can do to the Lions head coach is he's very emotional. You were at my birthday when we were watching the Lions Coway game when that crazy controversial ending, but for him to go for it three times in a row because he was acting emotional.

Speaker 1:

So if you can get to him, which I think, shanahan will have that upper hand and I think he will make him play emotional. So Shanahan is going to be a big piece to y'all's win this weekend. I sure hope so. Well, good luck there, thank you. I mean, look, I gave 23 minutes of talking about your 49ers.

Speaker 2:

You can't tell me, I'm not a good friend.

Speaker 1:

But good luck. I think it's going to be a really good game. Hopefully we are having a Super Bowl party with you when it comes time in a couple of weeks, but until then, take care of business one day at a time and we will see what happens. This weekend Sounds good, all right. Before we jump into the second part of this week, I'm going to test your knowledge. I know you know your 49ers inside and out, but I'm going to kind of see your thoughts on some other different games, but Bill's chiefs game on Sunday night. Yeah, I mean the most viewed game, which we expected. It's Mahomes versus Josh Allen. They tend to fight just like the Cowboys find the 49ers in the postseason.

Speaker 1:

This is a matchup that happens quite regularly. The only difference this time was Patrick Mahomes had to leave his little precious arrowhead and fly all the way to Buffalo and play Josh Allen at home. It was good. There was over eight lead changes in this game. I mean for a fan, super fun to watch Down. At the end Josh Allen misses a huge touchdown throw. Their poor kicker, who now has turned off social media because of the threats that he's getting, which is unfair. I mean, he's been a solid kicker all year but he missed a crucial field goal at the end and bills lose another divisional round there. Oh, and four. Three of those to Patrick Mahomes, one to job, job or oh, and they just can't get over that huh. So why are the bills and Josh Allen choking?

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I'm a loaded question. Well, I don't know. I mean I feel like I mean I didn't get to watch all the game. I did, you know, come back as I was coaching but I Caught up and watch all the highlights and stuff and I feel like, at the end of the day, josh Allen just tries too hard, he tries to take the game in his own hands, forces certain plays too much, resulting in a loss of possession, which you know. Obviously that's hard to come back from. I also think that, at the end of the day, bills playing call wasn't great either. We've, you know, I got a little taste of that week last week and I feel like coaching does come into play and then, with that trying that fake punt like I don't know, oh, my gosh, what was that?

Speaker 1:

That fake plant like it didn't even make sense. It was a fourth in five and they're going to putt and the snapper just picks it up and tries to run from five yards out and literally lost yards on that play. It was insane. The only blessing in that which I don't even understand why they would try to go for that unless you knew you were going to get it Was the chiefs went down and turned it over because they fumbled through the end zone, so it kind of wiped that slate out. But I think that was the turn Of Buffalo starting to freak out a little bit and, like you said, the play calling, the calling wasn't good.

Speaker 1:

But Josh Allen man, I mean, you talk about that Josh Allen to me, though, like he has everything. I mean he is fun to watch he really is, but, like you said, he tries too hard and ultimately he's his own worst enemy. Yeah, I mean, and they can't get digs going. Digs missed a huge pass and he's been very vocal this year about not getting the ball as much so for him to miss potentially a game winning throw. I feel like digs needs to look at himself in the mirror a little bit too, and stop putting all the blame on Josh Allen. But yeah, fun game, don't you agree though? Yeah, it was a good game. I mean it's in Buffalo. The atmosphere was crazy. You could tell the fans were passionate. This is just the time of year where you just love like it's good football. Only one team can win.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, I'm just kind of tired of seeing my homes 100% and tell you Swifties out there, I'm tired of seeing all that crap too.

Speaker 1:

I know I did enjoy seeing Jason Kelsey that was funny.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I remember putting on my Facebook page. I was like move over, tailored. Jason Kelsey is here, but he was fun to see. That was the only time I liked seeing up in the suite. But I'm just, you know, I just don't want my homes to become the next Patriots team where we're seeing them in the Super Bowl every single year. I think it's going to be a hard matchup this week, but let's talk about that. Chiefs and Ravens play this week. They're playing in Baltimore, you as a 49ers, and let's say, everything goes right for you and you are going to go to the Super Bowl as a fan, who would you rather play that?

Speaker 2:

is so tough. Let's be real. I mean, since I've been a fan, we've made it to the Super Bowl twice, once to the Chiefs we lost, and once to the Ravens we lost. So I'm not really sure. I mean, obviously I think that either way it's going to be tough, but, like you said, I'm kind of sick of seeing my home, so I wouldn't mind seeing him lose Marches back to Kansas City and go for the Ravens, personally with a little bit of other.

Speaker 2:

Like a sidebar here is back in 2013. Back in 2013, that's when we played the Ravens and personally, my husband had just found out he had cancer that year. And then we go to the Super Bowl, we lose and it seemed like the worst thing ever. But perspective kind of drew us back from our tears of loss to realize that the grand scheme of things, it's football. But then, ironically, he goes to have his surgery and his surgeon is a Ravens fan. So we always joked that, okay, you got your win, now do your job really, really good. Like you know, you're all happy because you won the Super Bowl, because days after is when we had his surgery, fast forward eleven years, my husband's cancer free, which is amazing. So I kind of think a rematch would be pretty bad ass.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, though I mean I feel like you might have told me that story in the past. I didn't realize it was the Ravens. It would be cool to see it full circle. Yeah, I mean, that's what everyone's predicting right there, predicting the 49ers and the Ravens in the Super Bowl, but I think it would be such a better feeling On this side of everything watching this game. So, with that being said, is that your Super Bowl prediction?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I think that my predictions gonna be Ravens and Niners, and I would like to give it a little flip flop this time. Instead of losing thirty one, thirty four, I'd like to win thirty four, thirty one.

Speaker 1:

Nice, so you're thinking high scoring game now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think both sides. I think we have quite a bit of weapons. I feel like it's gonna be a show off. I think everyone's just gonna kind of do get out. It is gonna be a show off.

Speaker 1:

I you're gonna be mad at me because I am actually I do think the Ravens will go. I think the chiefs just don't have what it takes and I think they kind of got this bonus here, but I think the Ravens will take care of business. But I'm actually calling the upset. You are with the Lions, we might not go to lunch Meeting the forty Niners. I, just like you said earlier, I feel like they're a team that have nothing to lose. I feel like they're gonna go for it on fourth downs. I feel like they're going to give you some trick plays. They're just gonna pull out everything they have and those teams they either work, certain doesn't, so it could not be, but they have all the confidence has been working for them this far, and Detroit is the last team of the remaining four that has never been to the Super Bowl.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but again that they also don't have the experience of playing under that kind of pressure. I mean, we still have the kiddles and you know some other big players that have been there. They felt the loss, they have worked their butts to get back here and I feel like you know there there's a clip of kiddle walking off the field in twenty twenty saying I'll be back, I'll be back, and I feel like you have players like that that do create that spark for the Niners, that do have that insane drive and get their teams going and, you know, celebrate huge and make huge plays and if we can use them, if we can not just drive the cafe at the middle every five seconds, if we can actually use some of these other big hitters, I feel like we have a good chance at no you definitely have a good chance, and I can see both sides of it experience versus passion.

Speaker 1:

I guess, I'm not saying that you guys don't have passion, but they're just running off of adrenaline and, like I said, their coach is emotional. So, they kind of play to how their coaches feeling. So it could go either way. I just am, I don't know something about it. I feel like it's Detroit's time. It's always time to, because they haven't played or you know, they haven't been there since Google was invented, but Detroit, I think, has been even longer than that. I mean, they've never been.

Speaker 2:

They never won. That's why I'm gonna stand by my nine or we know. We know how to do it we're gonna get there and get the job done.

Speaker 3:

No way to go home yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, I think it's gonna be fun. Hopefully it does. I mean, I would still either way. I think it's gonna be good matchups. I just don't want to see my homes in it. That's why I want the Ravens On the NFC side. I'm happy with either, but I do think it's gonna be a good game. Are you watching with me?

Speaker 2:

Yes, if we don't have volleyball actually I'll be in Houston for volleyball, come to think of it, but I'll be back in time for the game. I hope that's a hard drive, I know.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's good, but yeah, thanks for coming on yeah, I hope you enjoyed it and we'll have you on again some more. Maybe we'll do video next time, like a celebration after the Super Bowl win.

Speaker 2:

We can come talk about that game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you really excited. Talk about that. Yep, I can do that. We can. Celebration podcast when 49ers win the Super Bowl. I love it. Thanks for coming on, I appreciate it and let's go 49ers this weekend. Now it's time for Skyler's predictions. This is his predictions of who is going to the Super Bowl. Let's welcome Skyler to the show.

Speaker 3:

What's up everyone. I am back on Lacey's lineup to see who's going to Super Bowl this year, super Bowl 58. Here we go. First on Sunday. There's only two games so this can be quick. First, sunday Chiefs versus Ravens go to Chiefs by six. Then the night game Lions 49ers go to 49ers by 10. So I think it's going to be Chiefs 49ers in the Super Bowl. So we'll see who's going to be in Super Bowl and I'll see you next week for the Super Bowl prediction. Skyler out.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe we're just a couple of weeks away from the Super Bowl. I've had so much fun talking about the weeks by weeks, but man did they fly by. I'm predicting really good games this weekend and I can't wait to be back next week so we can talk about the two teams going to the Super Bowl. Until then, enjoy your weekend. Your girl is signing off.

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