Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News

Super Bowl Speculation: Niners vs. Chiefs Strategic Showdown

February 09, 2024 Lacie Season 1 Episode 22
Super Bowl Speculation: Niners vs. Chiefs Strategic Showdown
Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
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Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
Super Bowl Speculation: Niners vs. Chiefs Strategic Showdown
Feb 09, 2024 Season 1 Episode 22

Step into the arena of excitement and strategy with Matt and Jimmy, as they bring heart and humor to our Super Bowl special, each rooting for their beloved Niners and Chiefs. Experience the electric atmosphere as we reminisce about the epic face-off from four years ago, and analyze how the teams have transformed since. With an air of nostalgia and anticipation, we dissect the prowess of the Chiefs under the legendary Patrick Mahomes, and the Niners’ fiery quest for redemption. It's a gridiron chess match, filled with the strategic nuance that only true aficionados can appreciate, as we shine a light on the masterful moves of offensive stars like Christian McCaffrey and defensive titans of the Chiefs.

The stakes are sky-high, and so is our debate. Is a star quarterback worth their weight in gold, or can the financial underdog pull off a victory that defies the salary cap? We quarterback our own financial playbook, pondering the fiscal finesse of managing a team's treasure chest while keeping an eye on the prize. Swapping stats and laughs, we dive headfirst into the value showdown between George Kittle and Travis Kelce, the art of the yardage battle, and the electrifying potential of players like Rashee Rice and Kadarius Toney. Join us as we dissect the on-field chess match and lay out our MVP predictions with a dash of personal bias, all while keeping the conversation as lively as a tailgate party.

As the clock ticks down to kickoff, we're buzzing with speculation and hope for an unforgettable showdown that will have us gripping the edge of our seats. We're not just watching for the thrill of touchdowns; we're here for the strategic intricacies, the halftime nostalgia courtesy of Usher, and the raw emotion that only a Super Bowl can invoke. And when the dust settles on the field, we promise to reconvene, breaking down the epic plays, the game's legacy, and giving a nod to "Background Noise the Henson family" by Stephen Henson for those who crave even more football fervor. It's not just a game; it's the pulse of a nation, and we're here to capture every heartbeat.

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Step into the arena of excitement and strategy with Matt and Jimmy, as they bring heart and humor to our Super Bowl special, each rooting for their beloved Niners and Chiefs. Experience the electric atmosphere as we reminisce about the epic face-off from four years ago, and analyze how the teams have transformed since. With an air of nostalgia and anticipation, we dissect the prowess of the Chiefs under the legendary Patrick Mahomes, and the Niners’ fiery quest for redemption. It's a gridiron chess match, filled with the strategic nuance that only true aficionados can appreciate, as we shine a light on the masterful moves of offensive stars like Christian McCaffrey and defensive titans of the Chiefs.

The stakes are sky-high, and so is our debate. Is a star quarterback worth their weight in gold, or can the financial underdog pull off a victory that defies the salary cap? We quarterback our own financial playbook, pondering the fiscal finesse of managing a team's treasure chest while keeping an eye on the prize. Swapping stats and laughs, we dive headfirst into the value showdown between George Kittle and Travis Kelce, the art of the yardage battle, and the electrifying potential of players like Rashee Rice and Kadarius Toney. Join us as we dissect the on-field chess match and lay out our MVP predictions with a dash of personal bias, all while keeping the conversation as lively as a tailgate party.

As the clock ticks down to kickoff, we're buzzing with speculation and hope for an unforgettable showdown that will have us gripping the edge of our seats. We're not just watching for the thrill of touchdowns; we're here for the strategic intricacies, the halftime nostalgia courtesy of Usher, and the raw emotion that only a Super Bowl can invoke. And when the dust settles on the field, we promise to reconvene, breaking down the epic plays, the game's legacy, and giving a nod to "Background Noise the Henson family" by Stephen Henson for those who crave even more football fervor. It's not just a game; it's the pulse of a nation, and we're here to capture every heartbeat.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Lacey's lineup. Super Bowl is here. I'm so excited. This is our Super Bowl episode and do we have a show for you guys today? I have guests here today and it only makes sense that I have a Niners fan and a Cheese fan. I have a returning guest, Matt Pawson, who we've been talking Niners all year and I told him he wasn't going to be here, but here he is. So welcome back to the show, Matt.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Lacey Excited.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then reached out Big Cheese fan. We go way back and Jimmy agreed to come on to the show. So we have a first time on Lacey's podcast and we're happy you're here, go Chiefs, is that what we're saying?

Speaker 3:

Amen, thank you. Thank you for the invite, lacey.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome. Well, here we are. Is it deja vu? Weren't we just here four years ago, chiefs 49ers?

Speaker 2:

I mean I've done these Super Bowl podcasts. Now this is my eighth time doing that the Super Bowl episode so it does feel a little bit like deja vu.

Speaker 1:

So this is how we're starting. So we're just starting.

Speaker 3:

Out. Of that happened four years ago, lacey, can you remind us all? Yeah, I think it was COVID.

Speaker 1:

No, but Cheese 49ers did meet Super Bowl 54. Great game for people who are Cowboys fans and don't have any root in the game. At least it was a good game. And you thought fourth quarter, matt? Your 49ers were up by 10 points with 11 minutes to go. And then Jimmy who started playing.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 1:

Who was it? Who's your quarterback?

Speaker 3:

I don't know his name Patty. Ice.

Speaker 1:

You just can't bet against Patrick Mahomes. But they came back, you guys didn't score, they won 31 to 20. So I guess, what are we most excited about?

Speaker 3:

Do we feel like it's going to be a repeat, or I feel like you know, in thinking about this Super Bowl versus, you know even the last, several current, you know Super Bowls that we've been to. It's just that all the Chiefs players, they know what they're in for. Patrick has a routine. I mean now being at his fourth Super Bowl in five years. This nothing is new to him this week and I think that's the thing that becomes really overwhelming to some of these young players when they're getting in the hustle and bustle of the Super Bowl week is the schedules and everything, and the practice is different. And so the fact that we've been there you know this, we've been there, done that, got a T-shirt sort of thing that we can, we can really just get in and handle business. You know Patrick. Patrick said in an interview that I read earlier this week this is a business trip. You know, afterwards we'll celebrate. And they're able to handle that with that maturity. They're not starstruck, they're not looking up at the lights going holy cow. What do we do?

Speaker 1:

So you're saying Travis Kelsey did not attend the Grammys because he was focused on business?

Speaker 3:

right, it's a business trip.

Speaker 1:

So you have someone that knows how to win. They've been there. I'm shocked, actually. I mean, if anyone that listened to this podcast Chiefs were not going to be there this year, I feel like this was your year. You were vulnerable. You didn't have your wide receivers. They looked like they couldn't catch a cold for most of the season. Patrick Mahomes can't do it to him, but you have someone that knows how to get there and he got his team there again and now you're playing Mr Irrelevant.

Speaker 2:

I mean there's other players on the team besides, besides the quarterback. I see what you're saying. To everything you said, there is a calmness about them that you only get through experience and through success and through the wins and the losses. So I think you definitely can see that in his demeanor and Mahomes' demeanor, and then some of the others as well. Some of the vets on the team who have been there done that, like you said, got the t-shirt.

Speaker 2:

I think you see a little bit of the younger guys on San Francisco who are taking it all in and it's overwhelming, but we're the second oldest team in the NFL for me, and some of these guys they're vets too and haven't really won the big game, but they've been there, they've been in big games. So I think on both sides you're seeing a professionalism to it and you don't hear a lot of, you know the headlines of people out partying or just, you know, trying to, especially in Las Vegas, making, you know, bad decisions on this time off in the lead-up. So it should be a good game. I don't think the moment is too big for either side.

Speaker 1:

But we do have a lot of people and if you go back to the game you guys played in 2020, kittle has a famous thing that was mad about the loss and he said we'll be back and we'll get it done. And that's kind of been, I feel, like their motivation going through Sure and Kittle.

Speaker 2:

There's a few common denominators, a few guys who were on the team last time. There's a lot of new parts, clearly, so it's not the exact same team, so starting with quarterback. But there's also, you know, iu. Can obviously this guy in the backfield, where's number 23? I don't really know his name, but I hear he's pretty good. But yeah, and then Kittle, and he said, listen, I will be back, I'll be back with a vengeance. So there's definitely some fire there and neither team is exactly what they were four years ago, so it's hard to compare the two, but definitely there's a fire on the San Francisco side to try to make up for that last five minutes.

Speaker 1:

Does it make you nervous, though, that you guys have not played well in the postseason so far?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, there's different ways of looking at it. Yeah, in the first half it's been a struggle of you know the game plan and adjusting to, and really credit to the other teams. I mean, let's not take anything away from Green Bay, who probably came out more fired up. We don't talk about Green Bay on this show we don't mention Green Bay.

Speaker 1:

The team from yeah, my wild card. No, not talking about it.

Speaker 2:

You know credit to. You know sometimes you want to get punched in the mouth, you know, as long as you can get back up, and so I don't. I definitely want a team that's battle tested. Obviously, Kansas City is battle tested this year. You mentioned they've taken some punches that probably they're not very used to, and so I don't look at the first halves of the last two games as being symbolic of who that team is.

Speaker 2:

It was really nice to see a second half comeback, which we weren't used to seeing, because San Francisco was never losing in the second half, you know rarely especially as being healthy. So they had to confront some challenges they weren't used to. They did, and so no, it doesn't, it doesn't worry me that they were playing bad. I want to remind you, though, in the first half against the Green Bay game, his QB rating was 110. So everybody knocks Purdy for having a bad. He didn't have a bad first half. Okay, there's some badly timed mistakes, but overall he had a good game. And then just, obviously, we gave up some plays on defense that weren't characteristic. Well, we had to come back in the second half.

Speaker 1:

But on the flip side, chiefs, who were struggling their postseason first time they've ever had to travel. They go to Buffalo, beat Josh Allen at home and then everyone expected Baltimore to be there and even though it was a close game, patrick Holmes and the Chiefs I think the defense has been the most impressive to me and they're so young, but they controlled that game the entire time and, I think, shocked the world by sending Ravens home.

Speaker 3:

Without a doubt. I mean, nobody gave us a chance against Buffalo. Patrick's never won on the road. That was the. That was the big story.

Speaker 1:

He's never had to. Well, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean that's hey, you know, give that to him. But you know, they've never, he's never won on the road. And he goes into Buffalo and I mean Josh Allen it seems like everybody's kind of rallied around Josh Allen and he's the next face of the NFL and Patrick found a way to win. And then, same thing, they go to Baltimore and this, you know, vaunted Baltimore defense and Lamar Jackson and MVP talks, and then all of a sudden Patrick says wait, I've won an MVP, let's, let's, let's, let me play the game. And so both times underdogs in both games as far as the score went, and then playing on the road. And so now you know I was happy when the line came out in Vegas that they're underdogs, because Patrick really takes that personally. You know now he's undefeated as an underdog. So you look at that and go okay, well, the odds are stacked in our favor.

Speaker 3:

We we played them before in a Super Bowl Shea and a hand and Spagnola have this huge, long history of the offensive genius versus the defensive genius. That is really a compelling storyline that I'm excited to see because it's like too mad scientists tinkering with stuff. And then not only you know, just to see the start of the game, but then the halftime adjustments, which will really blow your mind when you start watching the game and thinking stuff that worked in the first half is not going to work in the second half, but stuff that didn't work in the first half will work in the second half, the second half. So it's exciting. It's, I'm excited. You know, I've got to enjoy a lot the last five years. Be excited about football.

Speaker 1:

I'm just living vicariously through you guys. It must be nice, like I wish I could just at least go to the AFC championship or Super Bowl every single year.

Speaker 3:

But, but Romo, I mean he finally gets to get to a Super Bowl. Yeah, so he will be there Sunday.

Speaker 1:

DeMarcus Lawrence was there doing interviews with. I mean we're, we're a strong presence. I will tell you, listen, I mean even the Cowboys did make media day.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the fans did give a shout out to Dallas Cowboys the other day. The 49ers fans did at least, so you did get it was terrible.

Speaker 1:

You did get some airtime, didn't?

Speaker 2:

they say you suck Well, but take what you can get. I mean, it was airtime. There's no such thing as bad publicity, jerry says all publicity is good, publicity Right and that's what's wrong with the Cowboys.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I know we're not talking about them, but that's what's wrong. He's just okay if we're always talking about the Cowboys, not the Cowboys being. They actually interviewed DeMarcus Lawrence and they asked him why, asked him about that Green Bay game, and I'm sorry I'm going off kilter here, but he said well, it's a long season and when people play the Cowboys it's like their suit are Super Bowl every year or every game. So by the time we get to postseason we're tired. What?

Speaker 3:

Well, just think if the Cowboys played everybody else like it was their Super Bowl. That would be great.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't think they know how to do that, but I'm just saying, when he said that today, I was like did I need to rewind this and listen to it again? Like that's an excuse right, I'm a coach, that's an excuse. Like we don't make excuses and that's our problem. But anyways, back to the big game. Sorry, I went off a little bit, but let's move on now. So let's talk about this matchup. We know how we got there. You guys are both there. Congrats to both teams representing the Super Bowl. What do you think your keys are to win this game? Let's start with you, jimmy.

Speaker 3:

So I think the big thing in watching that San Francisco Detroit game I'll talk about the opponent first you can't let party take over the game and that really in that second half we saw we saw Brock pretty do things with his legs with his legs.

Speaker 3:

He's not a running quarterback, I mean, mr Irrelevant. All of a sudden he took over the game and he was a leader and he was a winner. We can't let that happen. And so I mean, I've read, you know, things on different blogs about you know, put McDuffie on him the whole time. And I don't think that we need to shadow Brock Purdy. But there's some people thinking, hey, he took over that game against Detroit and you know you at least have to respect that. So I think you know for us the key to the game and this is no epiphany Pacheco's got to continue to run like he's mad at the ground. Just that's what he does. He runs so angry and Like he's got a chip on his shoulder, and then that sets up Patrick for the play-action. And if Patrick gets out of that pocket, that's where he does his magic. And so those two things that run Sets up that play-action. And then you know, just don't let pretty, don't let pretty beat us. Make Christian McCaffrey, brandon, iu, debo, samuel, make George Kittle's not gonna be this.

Speaker 1:

See, I don't know if I agree with that, though.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I think I would rather Perti beat me than McCaffrey beat me.

Speaker 3:

No, it look. But our run defenses are strength. I don't. I don't think McCaffrey is gonna. He may touch the ball 15 times out of the first 20 plays. He's not gonna gash. I don't think he's gonna gash the Chiefs like he's gashed other other defenses, because they know it's coming. I mean, they've seen the script, everybody's seen the script. Shane a hand is. He's confident in his game plan. He's not gonna change his script because he's up against back. No, he's gonna come run that same script and go stop me and then I'll adjust. So I don't and I mean if you, I mean I get it.

Speaker 1:

I just to me pretty. Yes, did it once. Could he do it again, possibly. But I Still feel like McCaffrey, the reason you get they got behind in the beginning is because he couldn't get going. The reason they came back and are in the Super Bowl is because he went and went going. So I just think McCaffrey is that difference maker and I mean let's hear from you, matt. I mean, what do you think about?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I pretty much agree with everything you said, I mean I agree, you guys are enemies.

Speaker 2:

I guess the point being, you know, going back to a comment made earlier, you know this really isn't Perti versus my homes or Reed versus Shanahan. I like what you said earlier. It's it's the defense versus perty and how you contain him. And we had. He has this new set of tools in the toolbox that nobody knew about, maybe even including him, that was unlocked and can move the chains and keep things moving when everybody's focused on Debo or McCaffrey, and so there's just where do you focus your attention? And then, oh, by the way, yeah, you might have a kid will going up the seam who's just completely forgotten about. So you do have to account for perty. I don't think he's at the level where you put a spy on him, necessarily, but but, boy, I mean as a fan watching him, for you know, only you know less than two years he unlocked something that maybe even Shanahan didn't know about. So that's, that does a huge element to the game that we didn't see Up until you know, two weeks ago. So that's a that's a big one, you know, for you know in terms of keys to the game.

Speaker 2:

But on the other side of the ball, or defense, san Francisco's defense, I should say is containing, not letting my homes out of the pocket, because that's where the damage is done. You know, bossa said it best when they played against Philadelphia and he said we took, for the first time ever, we took a different approach during practices with it, which isn't pin our ears back and go after the QB, because that's when he's gonna get outside and that's when damage is gonna get done. It's collapse the pocket, contain him and then he's got to make a decision. Do I throw the ball? What do I do when all of these 300 pounders are kind of crashing in on me? And that's when you see the happy feet come into play, and you saw it against Philadelphia. So I think they can.

Speaker 2:

The key is not sack my homes Six times, because it's just ain't gonna happen. He's just too good on his feet. But keep him in the pocket, and you know, and give those defense, give that defense time to get after him and make him think about it with a couple of, you know, a couple of pressures and hits, but that all it is gonna allow time for him to find some weapons, you know. But you know, if we're doing our job in the secondary with against Kelsey, then you know I'll, I'll, I'll bet on my San Francisco's D line more often than not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've heard. This week, though, there's talks of chase young being benched. Do you agree with this?

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, no. I mean it obviously can point to the effort against Detroit on on some of those. You know at least two of the plays, the touchdowns to the right side where he cut back in and we had a San Francisco I'd over committed but then laid back on the cutback and so there was. It was really soft. There was talk of some very, some very strong meetings that called out the efforts of a couple of players to, in particular, with chase being one of them. So you have to challenge him and you have to put him out there to respond. Let him respond. You know he was picked up for a reason. He was, you know, top pick. For a reason. He has the skill set. But I think he just got a little complacent. He was happy to be on San Francisco and in the playoffs.

Speaker 3:

So that's kind of in the knock on him right though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah he underperforms his talent and so I mean, he did it in In Washington before and that's the thing you know. Yes, he's, he's on a great defense now, but yeah, he's, he's underperformed his talent. And so when you see a guy that has First-round talent, but he's, you know he's not finishing plays and he's not. You know it doesn't have the motor like bossa, that's. I think that's the disadvantage. Chase, young, is that you got a player like bossa on the line who has a motor, like Aiden Hutchison, and there's, there's a few guys in the league that are really like that that just don't quit. Max Crosby, hate the guy, but oh my gosh, the guy's got a motor and he's such a Jerk to everybody.

Speaker 1:

It is true. Yeah but do you think that is something, whether it's happening in the locker room or it's just media trying to blow something up? Do you think mentally, if he's seeing that that's a factor like, is that gonna be in his head?

Speaker 2:

He's an NFL player. He's paid millions of dollars. I hopefully that motivates him. I do think it's somebody that motivates nobody.

Speaker 1:

When they get paid, they tend to just relax.

Speaker 2:

He's keeping mind. He's working on getting another contract, he's a free agent after this year, so he man needs a job. He's got bills to pay, I'm sure. So I think you could see somebody come out of the shadows in this game and be the X factor. Maybe it's a chase, maybe it's somebody you know on Kansas City side who we're not talking about, the media is not talking about, but they're the difference maker and they're the ones that tilt the scales in this game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true, All right. So far you guys have been really nice to each other. So I'm gonna ask some questions now and let's get you guys a little bit more heated. So I'm good. Who is the better tight in?

Speaker 3:

Matt go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I mean what? What era are we talking about? 10 years ago?

Speaker 1:

Taylor's boyfriend.

Speaker 2:

Mr Swift yeah, I mean mr Swift makes the game. That'd be great. You know it's like. Just you know, if he makes it with his, his Wheelchair is Walker, whatever he's carrying around these days.

Speaker 1:

Are they not the same age? Are they not close?

Speaker 3:

They're the same age, they're both healthy. They're both. No, no, no, kelsey's only been. Kittle's only been in the league eight years and Travis almost had his eighth thousand yard season in a row. So you know he's had basically, no, I'm sorry, kittle's been in league seven years. This is this is a seventh year, but Kelsey had seven years of a thousand yards and this year he had 984, I think, and he didn't play the last game of the year, I mean 16 year.

Speaker 2:

all the credit all the credit to Kelsey over the years he's he has set. He has set the standard for several years. Granted, he was the only option on the team. So I think that's kind of like you know it's it's taken a great, a great team but you only have the one weapon and it's not like San Francisco who had four guys go over a thousand yards. This year Everything is weighted towards kelts. That's not a knock on Kelsey at all. He's performed and he stepped up when he's had to and he fine, he gets, he fine, seems he gets open, not knocking Kelsey at all.

Speaker 2:

What Kittle's been able to do in a short amount of time and still go over a thousand yards with the weapons that he has all around him. And really he's kind of the next generation of you know taking the torch that that Kelsey carried also. So it's not to take away from Kelsey. I Think he's a little more limited in terms of his past blocking and things like that blocking for other players that that Kittle does. He just, I mean he just has a blast when he's Piled driving, you know, aiden Hutchinson into the ground, which we saw last week. Those guys had a good time and battling each other and laughing about it. So I think there's some things that Kittle does, that that that Kelsey hasn't been asked to do.

Speaker 3:

But Kelsey, he was Patrick's only option last year too. So I mean, I guess, I guess it works you know works so and and to Matt's point, you know, if you look at the PFF rankings, like past blocking, I think there's a two-point difference between Kelsey and Kittle. That's what the experts say. But on catching, which is important role for a tight end, especially if you're the only option, right is coming in strong for you. Oh, rishi rice, he's a stud, he's. He's the difference.

Speaker 1:

You are getting a second option now. And he's, I will say Travis Kelsey is the difference of why you guys are in the Super Bowl Just in those two games. I mean he played out of his mind.

Speaker 2:

I guess that's a good way to look at it. You know, if you were to, if you, if you take a guy out of the equation, what does the team look like? If you take Kittle out of the four, off the 49ers, they're probably gonna still be a good team. They have others to have, some other weapons, some other places they can distribute the ball. Yeah, kelsey, in terms of valuable value to your team, yeah, there's no, there's no question there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when you look at that statistic of wins over replacement, I don't think. I don't think there's anybody. And if anybody was building a team today to play in the Super Bowl today, are they gonna pick kiddler Kelsey, and I think I mean are you taking?

Speaker 1:

I'm taking.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Are you?

Speaker 2:

taking oh, come on.

Speaker 1:

That's Kelsey, so who are you taking?

Speaker 2:

Hutchinson, the Hutchinson guy from from Dallas. I'm gonna take him.

Speaker 1:

He's Detroit.

Speaker 2:

Ferguson, ferguson, there you go exactly.

Speaker 1:

Oh, ferguson, yeah, of course I'm taking kid.

Speaker 2:

I'll take kid away every single day, if not, if for no other reason. Is personality?

Speaker 3:

That's not being honest. He would take Sam LaPorta, sam.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and his bum knee. No, he's not cuz he's like I beat them there at home but I beat them too, so In the controversy game of the season. But so right now you would pick kiddo absolutely no questions.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't mean that he doesn't mean it 100% he wouldn't if for no other reason, I would never have to see Taylor Swift's face on TV.

Speaker 1:

Should we play this on?

Speaker 2:

There's the deal breaker right there. If they were the exact same person, if they were twins and One was dating Taylor, I take the other guy every single day. I.

Speaker 3:

Just thought, seeing Taylor Swift, you'd be more happy seeing her than the Patrick's brother. So I was.

Speaker 2:

I was like, okay, finally as a chiefs fan, I would probably be listening to this game on the radio. That would infuriate me, seeing those two every 35 seconds.

Speaker 1:

That is hard I mean?

Speaker 3:

my conspiracy theory is that when Aaron Rodgers went down first week of the season, the NFL was like, oh, my gosh we have to have a storyline. Here we go and then all of a sudden Tay-Tay's in the box and they're in love and Travis loves her like nobody else apparently friendship bracelet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he made her friend they spend about the same amount of time on their hair and their outfits, and it's a lot of quality time in the In the closet together.

Speaker 3:

I do think Travis is a better dancer.

Speaker 1:

Do you?

Speaker 3:

Yes, he's a great dancer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I Mean karma is the guy on the chiefs team, right? You don't know that because you don't listen to this, but that's a song. But I do think this game is gonna come down. I think the winner is Based on if Kittle or Kelsey play better. I do think that there are factors on the team I. You have different weapons, but I think that's just a huge motivation.

Speaker 3:

But I think to Matt's point it, kelsey is even more valuable if they're keeping Patrick in the pocket, because that's the safety valve. Every time Kelsey gets open he finds, he finds holes in the zone, finds little open spaces, and then Patrick throws a tune and we saw that catch he made last week. That was, that was next level when he laid out, caught the ball. It was a catch without a doubt, kind of like does code it, but he did, he did absolutely. But making sure everyone knows that that's that plays in if they keep Patrick in the pocket like that it limits the Rishi rice touches and the other touches, but but Kelsey's gonna get his and I can.

Speaker 1:

without even looking over at Matt Right now, I know he's gonna say Kittle, doesn't have to do that, because we have I, you can, we have McCaffrey and we have Listen when other, when other teams and other fans do the talking for me.

Speaker 2:

You know you're doing something right.

Speaker 1:

You know your team's doing something right already know I could already hear he's like we don't have to. You know Perti doesn't have to be perfect, like that's just his mentality. But all right, who will have more yards, patrick Mahomes or Brock pretty?

Speaker 2:

There's, I mean there's a couple ways to look at this. Everybody, 99 people out of 100, are going to say Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 3:

But except for the 49ers.

Speaker 2:

Well, and it depends how you think the flow of the game is going to go right and who's going to be investing more in the run game. You, brock pretty, can put up the yards and he and he can out throw it. Mahomes, it depends who gets out and it turns. It gets out to a lead first and who starts throttling back to try to soak up the Clock more. Perti can win in a shootout. He absolutely can. If the Niners go up, though, you know.

Speaker 1:

Mahomes is gonna be throwing it downfield.

Speaker 2:

So who will have more yards? Obviously, I'm gonna go with my guy on this one, but I also like to think if 49ers get out ahead, it's all the pressure is gonna be on Mahomes to get that ball downfield. Get big Chunk yards to either Kelsey or or or rice. So you know I have confidence in my guy, but I also have confidence in our defense to force Mahomes to be in that situation.

Speaker 3:

And I think when you, when you look at total yards from scrimmage, I think that's where Patrick has the edge. I mean he, he can use his legs. He's seen on those play action passes where he gets 10 yards at a pop. I mean it's it's.

Speaker 3:

It's not pretty, it's, but it's 10 ugly yards that he gets, even on a scramble, because they have to respect His arm he extends plays to every, he has every throwing angle that you could possibly want and so that you can't cut off passing lanes because he makes his own, and so you know if you total yard, just from scrimmage being realistic, I think, I think it's Mahomes because you throw those rushing yards in there. Um, remove last week's game, or two weeks ago's game against Detroit, where Purdy, just in the second half, all of a sudden figured out I've got legs, captain Dan. I mean All of a sudden he's, he's running the ball and everybody it wasn't pretty, everybody was Pretty runner he switched hands middle of the run he had he switched hands.

Speaker 2:

Talking about, you know, there's like pretty runners and it's like a water. Dragon kid will even said it. I mean so he looks like Dan. He just learned, he's you know Gotta give him credit 20, he gets 15 yard down Downfield and he's switching hand running backs don't even do that as much as they're supposed.

Speaker 1:

I wish we had the camera in his face, because I think at that moment he didn't even realize what he was doing, like I think he was.

Speaker 2:

If you didn't think, they added some plays to the playbook that you know in this last week yeah, we're gonna shock everybody and run.

Speaker 3:

Did you see Purdy's media day photo? He looks like a kid modeling a San Francisco 49ers uniform for the Sears catalog.

Speaker 1:

Like when homes are standing up together and they're talking. You could just tell he is so uncomfortable. I just think party is uncomfortable. I think that is gonna be a key. He hasn't been worried all year, but I think the homes intimidates him. He might not ever say it and he might still play well, but I think in his mind right now him he's facing his giants at this moment.

Speaker 2:

Sure, I mean, he sees and he's human. Sure, of course, he's gonna be a little starstruck. He was watching these guys, he was watching the chiefs when he was in high school, right? So yeah, he's probably a little starstruck. Is the moment too big for him, though you know he's a pretty level-headed guy. Yeah, I don't think the moments get.

Speaker 2:

I don't, I think you know, you, you, you factor that into the game plan early on to take the pressure off of him, and I think Shanahan does a good job of that. So, yeah, yeah, but you're right. I mean he looks like a guy who's you know, delivering your pizza or something, and I mean it's funny, they started filming him walking in every time and it is hilarious.

Speaker 2:

I mean the guys got great Listen listen, there was a you don't know if you saw the mean, this, the, the all the talk the last few weeks, right, cam Newton and the game changer versus the game manager. Would you see the mean? This week's the game changer is wearing $10,000 outfit, right with the $3,000 pants and the beats headphones. That's the game changer. And then here comes mr Game manager walking up with his with his roommate penny loafers on and his slacks and his His old Navy jacket.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so target what?

Speaker 2:

would you rather have? I'll take the boring guy every day of the week.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you agree with that.

Speaker 3:

He doesn't mean that it's because that's who he has.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't mean yeah, you have to. Would you not take Patrick Mahomes right now as your quarterback if given the opportunity?

Speaker 2:

We're here to play hypotheticals.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I just want to know Of course you know if someone came up to you and said do you want Patrick Mahomes or Brock Purdy?

Speaker 2:

Of course I'm gonna be. Of course I'm gonna be the Homer and saying I'm taking Purdy. No, you're not, and I'll tell you why. And I'll tell you why. And there's a there's a perfectly logical reason for this. He's not worth 50 million dollars a year. We can invest in other areas of the team. We're paying him 800 thousand dollars a year for the next three years gonna pay him.

Speaker 2:

So of, and he will be paid. But at this stage of our team, when we've paid everybody else and San Francisco does have some cap rooms still, which is a magic show. I don't know how they do that, but do you want 50, 60 million dollars and tied up in your quarterback now? And and maybe the only guy in the history of football that could pull it off is Patrick Mahomes and the chiefs but that's not a recipe for success on other teams.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but if you can get the four Super Bowls in five years, absolutely pay the guy 50 million a year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like he's dodging the question. I didn't talk about money.

Speaker 3:

I just said, if I was presented.

Speaker 1:

Purdy or Mahomes, who do you take? Got a factor in them. Three thing, of course, you do money, it's value for the value for the money it's okay, so he's not gonna answer the question. All right, most yards McAfrey or Pacheco, just gonna pick your.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think probably going back to the first question. If you factor in total, you scrimmage yards which I was a good pointing out the rushing yards in this instance, maybe factoring in the receiving yards and the dump off yards and things like that, I don't think there's any question.

Speaker 3:

We're gonna be going with our own teams on all of these, but no, I mean, but they're gonna, they're, they're both being used differently in their offense. But Checos are gonna be very violent, hard yards where McAfrey man. If that guy hits a hole, it's over, and I mean and McAfrey.

Speaker 1:

It does receive a lot more than. Checo does, I will say that they started utilizing him more there.

Speaker 3:

But Kelsey gets Machik Pacheco yards and receiving, and then McKinnon. They bring McKinnon in for those third down plays.

Speaker 1:

I'll the best and Edwards a layer right.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a huge fan of he was good. He was good for a season.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to my life. All right, rice or divo.

Speaker 3:

If you would have said Rice or Iuk, I would have probably said Iuk. But since you said Debo, I think Debo does what he does and he gets those plays out of the backfield like a running back, but as a wide receiver I don't think he's the player that Brandon Iuk is. He's violent, he's mean, he carries the ball with an attitude. But I think Rishi Rice is going to have a game.

Speaker 1:

He's going to introduce everybody to SMU and Is nerves going to be a factor for him?

Speaker 3:

No, I think Patrick has probably got that kid under his wing. I mean, they were working out in the preseason before he was even drafted. He just happened to be working out with Patrick. He's had enough time to be coached on this and he's got a lot of veterans around him that are telling him, hey, kid, you still do what you do. And then I mean, don't forget, you know, yeah, we picked Rice there, but they've still got Valdez Skantling, who's got a lot of skins on the wall. The guys played the game for a long time, played with really great quarterback in Aaron Rodgers.

Speaker 1:

So Well it's just different now, Like it's that saying, somebody learned how to catch right, oh, I watched every single game and I love the same thing. I mean, those memes made me laugh out loud. Like that you said, Valdez Skantling. All I could think about is that one that he just like, completely like.

Speaker 3:

Oh, but did you see his catch at the end of the game last year to seal it?

Speaker 1:

No, I agree.

Speaker 3:

Like he learned how to catch, he squeezed that ball like it owed him money, I mean.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the question for you, though before I know we're going to answer that, but the talk of Carderius Tony coming back, not having him, I think, has changed your team. Do you want him?

Speaker 3:

When we got Carderius Tony from the giants back several years ago, I said the guy can't stay healthy and he's proven us wrong.

Speaker 1:

He's off sides a lot too.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, I was making you lose your chance. He asked.

Speaker 1:

He asked. No, he did not, he asked.

Speaker 3:

So Carderius Tony, he changes the game up a little bit, but I think James has been returning the ball well, so we don't really need Carderius Tony to do that. Well, just, I think you ease him in. You maybe have a couple of, because the kid's quick, send him down the field and see if he can catch a, or if it can stick in his face mask or something. I don't know, but I don't think he'll be a huge part of the game playing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's some weirdness going on, like he's healthy but they're saying he's not and he's kind of coming out of the woodwork. So I think it's better To me. I think he's been. He needs to stay off right now.

Speaker 3:

He said he was healthy two weeks ago, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. He came out and said that yeah, that's what I'm saying, but I don't think Andy Reed wants him to play and he's trying to, so there's something weird there. I don't know. All right, Rice or Debo.

Speaker 2:

Well, rice could be one of those X factors out of the shadows we talked about. He could be getting the touches and the looks, whereas some of the others are maybe getting more attention. I know Debo's not that big play guy who's catching the football off of other people's heads and doing all this crazy stuff, but Debo did have eight, nine grabs last week for 90 yards and he's. All of the energy for San Francisco runs through Debo touching the ball, whether it's behind the line of scrimmage, just behind the linebacker's him just running the ball out in space. So I do still think it's key that he gets big chunk plays, because that's the lifeblood of San Francisco is getting energy from him being fired up.

Speaker 1:

Is he healthy? I mean, is he? I mean, he got hurt first game, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then he came out and had a great game against Detroit. So I think again, he's the source for their energy when he's fired up, when he's playing well, when he's hitting guys and because he's a physical receiver, he needs yards for San Francisco to have a day and not taken away from Rice, which, by the way, not related to Jerry Rice. There seems to be this misconception out there. He's related, he's not, but he could kind of be a guy under the radar that San Francisco needs to look out for. If nothing else, he's going to be benefiting from some of the other decoys running around.

Speaker 1:

All right, last one, who's going to get more defense of side? Who's going to get more sacks? Bosa or Jones or Micah Parsons.

Speaker 3:

Micah, definitely not getting any sacks.

Speaker 2:

Micah doesn't show up after December, right? Oh wow, Whoa, whoa, whoa. Once December hits, he doesn't. So it's fired. Does he kind of sit down?

Speaker 1:

Can you turn his mic off for me please?

Speaker 3:

So obviously you look at the regular season, they both had 10 and a half sacks but they're both used. They're both used differently in the defense and so the way that Matt has said, san Fran is going to have to contain Patrick. That's going to shut down on Bosa's sack opportunities, whereas Chris Jones they're still going to have him pin his ears back and he'll get his two sacks for the game and Bosa will probably stumble into one or Patrick will run into his arms because he's missed him. But yeah, I mean I think it's going to be close. They're both amazing pass rushers and they both play the game so different that it's hard to say. So I'm not answering the question, but answering it. You know they both perform the exact same way during the season from a statistic standpoint.

Speaker 3:

But Bosa does other things in that defense that make me lean a little bit towards him. Even on my notes I didn't put anybody, because I think Bosa's got an interception and I mean there's things that he doesn't coverage, that Chris Jones can't do, because they don't ask him to do that. They asked George Harloftus to do those things. He's more in the kind of the model of a Bosa athletic, you know. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I tend to agree. I think they're totally used in different ways. The approach to containing him at homes is different than going after a Jared Goff right. So he had two sacks against Goff where he basically just grabbed his jersey and just tossed him aside like a flag. So you can't do that with my home. So I would also tend to lean Bosa In Jones's case. Correct me if I'm wrong. I think he might be face to face with one of the greatest offensive linemen in the history of football, williams is okay so he oh, you shout out.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't necessarily. I mean if he allowed a sack it would be the first time all year. So I think they need, if they move him around, which they are probably going to do move him around to get him in space and on somebody else. But Bosa is, I think he's going to find that other gear, he's going to find a way and they move him around too, kind of like a Parsons who kind of hybrid plays up and down the line.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's smart to move. I mean, why would you leave Chris Jones with Trent Williams?

Speaker 3:

all night long. You can't.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's, if they do that, then that's a mistake. But do you think they do that? No, or are they switching?

Speaker 3:

I think Spag is smarter than that. I think he's going to move him around, but they've also got other weapons there too.

Speaker 1:

That You're young, though it's crazy. Your weapons have like come out and I'm like, who is this? It's the defense, yeah.

Speaker 3:

McDuffie, gay Bolton, I mean Carl Loftus, yeah, the kid's playing out of his face. So I think he's going to move him around. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, Okay Okay. You know, gays, a 4-3 guy, I mean the guy's fat for a linebacker, that's impressive. And so having those other weapons to bring that pressure, even if you engage a guy like Trent Williams with a Chris Jones and they've got to go one-on-one, there's a gap in there. But Trent Williams, in normal situation he can handle two guys.

Speaker 1:

He can handle. I think when you had all your injuries early in the season, the most one that you were concerned about was Trent Williams by far.

Speaker 2:

By being missing, eat even missing.

Speaker 1:

It was like not McAfrey, not Debo. And he was like Trent Williams, like that's a big deal. So which is true? All right. Well, this has been the part of the episode that you all have all been waiting for, because I know we want to talk about Taylor Swift, or the halftime performer Usher, or even Reba McIntyre doing the national anthem, and even Tiesto, first in-game DJ in the Super Bowl this year.

Speaker 3:

Yes, let's go.

Speaker 1:

I'm kind of crazy, but what are you most excited about?

Speaker 2:

The game in general. I'm excited for all the noise to die down?

Speaker 1:

Is that when you're going to go on a bathroom break?

Speaker 2:

Music to turn off. I'm not excited about the commercials. I'm not excited about.

Speaker 1:

You're not.

Speaker 2:

No, we're here for a football game.

Speaker 1:

The new Twister movie is going to.

Speaker 2:

I'm not excited to see what the wags of what Brittany Mahomes is wearing. Nobody cares.

Speaker 1:

I don't care, nobody is your girl is the one that does she's chicks wife so making, they make someone.

Speaker 2:

And they'll continue to cash the checks. There's no problem there. But I don't, as a consumer of football, don't need to see that. I don't care. So that's when I go grab a beer. So what am I excited about? I'm excited for when the whistle blows, the ball snapped, and then what's happening?

Speaker 1:

on the field and those minutes on the film.

Speaker 3:

Listen, lacey, I'll buy it. I'm excited to see every time Patrick makes a throw to Travis, to see Taylor excited in high-fiving and chest bump and Brittany Mahomes. I'm excited to see that because it's been enjoyable. It literally has opened up the NFL to so many new fans, and it's I mean you got to question. What are they? Football fans. It doesn't matter, they can become football fans.

Speaker 1:

See, because I've actually. I mean, I'm a girl but I'm obsessed with football, so I have gotten tired of it. And it's not even my team Now, as she brought more attention to it. I don't even know if it's real love right now. Like, I question it, like is it something to question? But who are we?

Speaker 3:

to question it. If it's real love, it's real love.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not. I don't like I said, but it is bad when you're trying to watch a game and you almost miss a play because they're zooming in on her smiling or wearing her Christmas hat or flying back from Tokyo in time.

Speaker 3:

Well, hey, when the Cowboys play in the Super Bowl, we'll show. Whoever you want in the press box. Taylor date Ferguson yeah you could date Jake Ferguson. You can date anybody.

Speaker 2:

I mean at that point Taylor Swift probably will be dating somebody on one of the other teams. It really just depends who's winning that year.

Speaker 3:

She'll have a song about Travis.

Speaker 1:

Watch. Taylor's gonna date somebody for the 49ers next year and we'll redo this episode and he's gonna be all about Taylor, I will eat my words gladly. I'm excited about Usher though.

Speaker 3:

I really am.

Speaker 2:

I think.

Speaker 1:

Usher's a performer. I know all his songs, like my teenage.

Speaker 2:

Is this 2006?, but why are we excited about it?

Speaker 3:

That's why Lacey's excited about it.

Speaker 1:

No, this is a reliving my teenage dream Like Usher performs. I love all his songs like I'm gonna be rockin' to it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, they still be up, dancin'.

Speaker 2:

He's sitting at a piano by now. He can't move anymore right, he's older than me, come on.

Speaker 1:

He's fine. Just cause you can't move anymore doesn't mean he can.

Speaker 2:

That was on call for. No, but it was on call for.

Speaker 1:

I mean it will be. I mean I always enjoy it. Hopefully it'll be a good. I just had to throw that in there because I know you guys didn't wanna talk about it, so of course I wanted to talk about it. So there it is. But okay, final thoughts. I know you guys, it's clear that you picked everybody that's on your team except for one. I think you would've picked Ayuk and you picked Bosa. You went straight 49ers, even though you dodged the question with Mahomes and Purdy. But we'll let that slide for now. Final thoughts like what do you think the scoring wise, I guess? Do you think it's gonna be high score or low score?

Speaker 2:

Okay, I think, yeah, I think it'd be. I mean, right now the line is 47 and a half. I think it's a track meet. I mean, I know everybody you can say the defenses, and they do have a young upstart defense. In Kansas City the Niners have a lot of established players on. You know what you're going to get and also keep it in mind that they've had some holes to some gaps in the game plan the last couple of weeks that they've had to tighten up. I still think this comes down to the offenses and the wizardry of the old school, andy Reed and the young upstart not young anymore and not an upstart, but the mastermind of Shanahan. So I think it's gonna be a track meet. I think they. I think, if I'm betting on it, I think I take the over on 48. I think it's a high scoring game.

Speaker 1:

High scoring game. What do you think?

Speaker 3:

I agree, you know, I think it's a 31-20 game, something like that that sounds familiar, sounds very familiar.

Speaker 1:

That does sound familiar.

Speaker 2:

Does that mean the San Francisco's winning late in the game, with five to go?

Speaker 1:

You'll take it back. It was 11 to go.

Speaker 2:

It was five to go, with what a 20 to.

Speaker 1:

Is it still hot? Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I dream about it every night. Are you kidding?

Speaker 1:

I feel like your face just completely changing.

Speaker 2:

But listen, if we can go into the last five minutes with a lead, a two-score lead, especially with the changes that on our side of the ball, I'll be a lot more confident than I was four years ago with Jimmy Garoppolo.

Speaker 3:

And I know that our offense has taken a step back if you listen to the prognosticators out there, but our defense has never been like this, and so I mean for us to go beat Baltimore the way we did and only let them score 10 points I mean at home Are you kidding me, the MVP of the league? And then now you know oh well, you want to make us underdogs again.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I do think that's a mistake, making you guys underdogs, because I do think Patrick Mahomes takes things personally.

Speaker 2:

It's a pick-em. I mean two points. It's down to two points today.

Speaker 1:

Does it feel like more of a home game?

Speaker 3:

I mean they set the line initially. We have the home locker room.

Speaker 1:

You have the home locker room. I just meant location-wise.

Speaker 2:

Well, proximity to San Francisco's fan base, but it's really the I mean Kansas City fans. Number one they're everywhere, or at least over the last five years. Number two it's not too far away for them to get there. So I don't think you're gonna be pretty Just wear red to the game, right.

Speaker 1:

So the conspiracy is wrong, though on the logo predicting the teams right, it's not purple. You guys proved that wrong. Red and red.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and Popeyes was running their promotion on. If the team had wings in their mascot, they would give away six free wings with every order, and then they got off the hook. So they're probably happy.

Speaker 1:

They probably are the ones that rigged that game. They're like please, let's get this game.

Speaker 3:

But circling back to your question, I think it's a race to 21. If we can hold San Francisco to 20, I think we win that game, and it's not because of the 31-20 game. It's the same thing we did to isolate and shut down Baltimore. Held him to 10 points. Mvp of the league, so to speak.

Speaker 1:

If you can make Purdy panic at the end, but he's been responding. He's panicked the past two games, if you call it panic right. He had to play from behind, which he's not used to.

Speaker 2:

Well, one thing we haven't talked about is turnovers, and that's you know who wins the turnover game. Purdy has shown cracks against Baltimore. He did in the last couple of weeks some very badly timed, especially against Green Bay interceptions. Not all his fault, but winning that turnover battle will be huge because both teams can capitalize on a short field in just one or two quick plays. So we haven't talked about it. I think that's something that has to be done.

Speaker 1:

No turnovers are crucial, right, like that's the big part, I think, mahomes, unless it's a deflected pass because you guys don't catch it, I think she takes care of the ball way better.

Speaker 3:

But you know, it's one thing to turn the ball against Jared Goff or turn the ball over against Love. You turn it over against Patrick, he's gonna make you pay for that. And that's the thing that a 49ers fan has to really be worried about is with his propensity to turn the ball over. Almost sometimes it seems like what was that? Where did that come from? You chalk a little bit of that up, I think, to his inexperience. But he's grown. I mean we were talking earlier about how last week he took over that game with his legs. I mean I watch every football game, I swear, and he's gotten better every week at the playoffs. He really has, he does. And then for him to kind of culminate, I'm hoping he peaked last week or two weeks ago and now he's done.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he's like a quiet, like he's listening to all the noise and I think he's just somebody that is quietly winning. Mahomes is always going to be the one that's talked about. He's on an elite level. Purdy, I feel like, wants to be on that level, but I think he's hearing it and I think he does channel that and turn it into something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean nobody really looked at I'm not this is not comparing the two at all but nobody looked at a Joe Montana as a fired up monster on the field who didn't want to just beat you into submission or Tom Brady for that matter but they are some of the most fired up, motivated, fiery guys on the sideline and competitive, and we're seeing a baby sort of growing up right in front of us being thrown to the fire. So I think that'll develop a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

Do you think, for Super Bowl though, that maybe you guys could put his parents actually in a better seat, like not give them just general?

Speaker 2:

admission have you seen the guy? The guy's car is older than my pickup. Okay, he loves it too. He's not alone a sweet, I know. If a Christian McCaffrey can't afford a sweet. Okay, brock Purdy is not affording a sweet.

Speaker 1:

Big news that is so fake news. They aren't even paying for it. They can't afford a sweet.

Speaker 2:

Well, can't afford it.

Speaker 3:

And then, and that's where I cut the humbleness up can't afford it and will pay the Sure, From a stewardship standpoint, you applaud Christian McCaffrey for saying I'm not paying that money for that sweet you can send that.

Speaker 1:

My girlfriend will yeah, okay.

Speaker 3:

And that's why he won't be. You dating Taylor Swift. There you go. But you know, I think what we're seeing now over the last we'll call it five years, is there's a new America's team and you're really seeing that, like he's he said about Lacey, you're looking at me like you want to kill me.

Speaker 1:

Right now there is, I mean there's there's a new America's team because the Taylor Swift embracing, and you know Patrick being from. America's sweetheart team.

Speaker 3:

Patrick, being from Texas, played at Texas Tech. He's drawn a lot of Texas fans who are just tired of what they've been living with for the last 30 years. And so you're, you're, you know you either. Right now, I think you see a lot of people. They either love the chiefs or they hate them, whereas when you know me growing up, and even even you know, 10 years ago, nobody really cared about the chiefs. They did fine. They'd go 13 and three lose to the Colts in the playoffs and I went to a lot of those games. But but now it's people either rooting really for them or really against them, which is what the Cowboys have lived their whole existence.

Speaker 1:

They have, and I think it only became because one we're tired of seeing you guys at the Super Bowl. I mean it is. We don't want a patriot Tom Brady type thing where it's just all the time I think, and that's no offense to you guys, but that's why I was rooting for Detroit. I just wanted, I wanted that like I liked that storyline going in. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

There's something we said for that, that America's team. There's really. It's a term. Nobody really knows what it means. It's, what it what, how you qualify to earn that title. You know, and the chiefs have had a go Super Bowls in five years have had a great stretch. I will. I will take eight Super Bowl appearances and, you know, 19 NFC championship appearances over 40 years over five, five small years of success. I'll take sustained success over an entire generation and a half rather than just a very small sampling.

Speaker 1:

So I just want to make it to the championship.

Speaker 2:

Well give me something oh yeah, you know, it's all relative right.

Speaker 1:

Success is all relative.

Speaker 3:

Maybe next year at least.

Speaker 1:

I know I want to be here talking about it. You know it's always next year. Next year's our year. All right, before we leave, I appreciate you guys being here, but let's act like 49ers and chiefs are listening in and you're about to give them their motivational speak to win this weekend. Just a final thought, not like a huge speech, but just what do you want to say to the 49ers before they play on Sunday?

Speaker 2:

Don't change anything from what you've done all season. You know you're healthy right now. The game plan has worked all season when you're healthy and when your key players start and finish the game. That's key. There's nothing to change, you know. Just keep playing that game and be aggressive on defense, commit to the ball. You know whoever's carrying the ball expect him to turn back into your lane. I mean the really just the thing that they did over the last two games was they did change a lot in terms of their defensive scheme and bizarre to most 49ers fans that I've talked to, and even in the media they're talking about it to the point where the defensive coordinator had to get out in front of the public and address it. So don't do anything different. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Everything you did all season worked against the quote best teams in football and those were our biggest blowouts. So no, I don't think you have to go back to the drawing board.

Speaker 1:

Was that a diss at me?

Speaker 2:

It was a diss at a lot of teams. Yes, you're Dallas, philly, seattle, apparently a diss at 12 teams. So just don't, you don't have.

Speaker 1:

He just said blowout, so it just kind of it hurt. It hurt a little bit, it's fine, all right, so don't change anything. Did you hear that 49ers Don't change anything? Signed Matt Paulson from the regular season from the right, oh, from the regular season, oh yeah, not the best season, right? Okay, what's your message?

Speaker 3:

You know, I think it's. They doubted us against Buffalo, they doubted us against Baltimore and they're doubting us again. Let's, let's go out. It's a business trip, like we said earlier, and let's just go handle business. It's at the end of the game, at the end of the day, it's a football game and we've proven we're pretty good at winning the big games, so Patrick can win them. How?

Speaker 1:

many times. What was it that you were saying?

Speaker 3:

Four four and five years we've been to it.

Speaker 1:

We'd like to make sure, because I didn't remember if you said that earlier but you know we are.

Speaker 3:

You can't forget and these kids can't forget that are there. They're the defending Super Bowl champions and you know, nobody gave them a chance. Even even when we talk we were talking earlier Nobody gave them a chance to be there again. And even during the season, I think some chiefs fans were doubting, like what's going on?

Speaker 1:

I did. They were vulnerable. This year I really were.

Speaker 3:

And then it just you turned the ball over to number 15 and just tell them to go win the game, Patrick and it must be nice, must be nice, yeah, well, or you could be like Lamar and just throw and catch to yourself.

Speaker 1:

That was, hey, that was.

Speaker 3:

That was one of the most impressive plays I've seen.

Speaker 2:

Patrick just needs to do that what is, it Isn't catching Patrick doesn't run like for odd and football Biggest fraud in football.

Speaker 1:

It's going to win the MVP. It's. It's ridiculous, marj Jackson. It is crazy Because you didn't even have a great start to the season.

Speaker 2:

He didn't have a great any part of the season. His passer rating was in the 60s. He had the most interceptions of his career.

Speaker 1:

He was a storyline.

Speaker 2:

This guy was a storyline, but so was Taylor Swift, and so so is.

Speaker 3:

So Matt's saying Kelsey for MVP MVP.

Speaker 1:

Kelsey. So you just changed from kiddle to Kelsey.

Speaker 3:

No, you just Just for MVP, just for MVP. He still wants kiddle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course I'll take still take it off course.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, congratulations for both your teams being there One day. I hope to be like you guys in the future To me. I'm just I'm not excited about this game. No offense to you guys. I don't want back to back for you just because I like to see new, and I don't want you because you will beat me in the most chamber, most rings coming home because we're tied right now with Cowboys, so nobody wins tie. Super Bowl tie, is that sound good?

Speaker 2:

That's one of the scripts out there. Right One of the scripts leaked to the NBC officials Money on a tie Double overtime, right so.

Speaker 1:

No, but I do hope it's an excited game, Good food, Super Bowl. The only bad part of this is we have to after this game. We have to wait until September.

Speaker 2:

Do we get to do one of these afterwards? Can we do one of these on Monday?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we could. I mean, we got to have a celebratory. Who wins?

Speaker 3:

You guys, I'll understand if Matt doesn't.

Speaker 1:

But no, look, right now, before the game plays, you guys both have to be here again.

Speaker 3:

Oh, of course, okay, no problem, we'll have our stats with us.

Speaker 1:

And then we're going to reread the questions. Well, thank you guys for coming on. Good luck this weekend. I do hope it's a good game. Appreciate Matt Paulson, jimmy being here today Also. I didn't mention before, but I do have another person here that's been working the mics for us Stephen Henson. He is starting his own podcast and it is called Background Noise the Henson family. It's not sports related, but I promise you it is going to be entertaining and so much fun to listen to. So he will have his release date soon, but please make sure you go out and check that out too. Until next time, lacey's lineup signing off Super Bowl, we will be back one more time to crown the victory. Good luck, guys. Thanks for coming on.

Speaker 2:

Go Niners no-transcript.

Super Bowl Preview
McCaffrey and Kittle's Super Bowl Impact
Analyzing Football Players and Team Strategies
Excitement and Predictions for the Game
Super Bowl MVP Candidates Discussion