Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News

Conversations on the Crown A Look at Chiefs' Championship Revelry

February 16, 2024 Lacie Episode 0
Conversations on the Crown A Look at Chiefs' Championship Revelry
Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
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Lacie's Line-Up: NFL News
Conversations on the Crown A Look at Chiefs' Championship Revelry
Feb 16, 2024 Episode 0

Discover the potential rise of a football dynasty as we reflect on the Kansas City Chiefs' monumental Super Bowl victory, despite the heartache of a local tragedy. Our guests, Jimmy and first-timer Adam, join the conversation to dissect the game's pivotal moments and the electric connection between MVP Patrick Mahomes and Coach Andy Reid. We'll explore whether the Chiefs are poised for a historic three-peat and unpack the impact of injuries on the outcome, offering a multi-faceted look at the triumphs and trials of championship football.

This episode isn't shy about tackling the tough conversations, including the ripple effects of player conduct during high-stakes moments. We candidly discuss the responsibility of sports figures as role models while also diving into lighter fare, like the spectacle of Usher's halftime show on roller skates. From Travis Kelce's season of brilliance to the 49ers’ defensive prowess, we're unpacking it all, promising a blend of critical insights and pure entertainment.

Wrapping the season with heart and humor, we welcome Tyreek back into the fold,  As we anticipate the off-season, rest assured your football cravings will be satisfied with discussions on leadership dynamics, coaching changes, and the intricate strategies that keep the gridiron glory alive year-round. Join us for a look back at an unforgettable season, with an eye toward the future that any fan, new or seasoned, won't want to miss.

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Discover the potential rise of a football dynasty as we reflect on the Kansas City Chiefs' monumental Super Bowl victory, despite the heartache of a local tragedy. Our guests, Jimmy and first-timer Adam, join the conversation to dissect the game's pivotal moments and the electric connection between MVP Patrick Mahomes and Coach Andy Reid. We'll explore whether the Chiefs are poised for a historic three-peat and unpack the impact of injuries on the outcome, offering a multi-faceted look at the triumphs and trials of championship football.

This episode isn't shy about tackling the tough conversations, including the ripple effects of player conduct during high-stakes moments. We candidly discuss the responsibility of sports figures as role models while also diving into lighter fare, like the spectacle of Usher's halftime show on roller skates. From Travis Kelce's season of brilliance to the 49ers’ defensive prowess, we're unpacking it all, promising a blend of critical insights and pure entertainment.

Wrapping the season with heart and humor, we welcome Tyreek back into the fold,  As we anticipate the off-season, rest assured your football cravings will be satisfied with discussions on leadership dynamics, coaching changes, and the intricate strategies that keep the gridiron glory alive year-round. Join us for a look back at an unforgettable season, with an eye toward the future that any fan, new or seasoned, won't want to miss.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Lacey's lineup. Super Bowl Recap. Before we get started, I just wanted to make sure I addressed the unfortunate tragedy that happened in Kansas City yesterday. It was supposed to be a day of families going out to celebrate the Kansas City cheese, bringing home another trophy. Instead it was marked with tragedy. I just want you to know that we're all praying for everyone involved, the victims, and our hearts go out to you guys during this time. All right, well, here we are. Super Bowl has happened. I'm a little sad that football's over, but back to back champions, which means back to back Jimmy on the show with us. But welcome to the show. Adam is here as well. He is also a Chiefs fan. We're excited to have him on the first time here. So welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, Lacey. We're excited to be here. We had so much fun last week when we were debating between Kansas City and San Francisco, and so I was excited to be back.

Speaker 1:

Do we have guys? Do we have a dynasty building in Kansas City?

Speaker 2:

I wasn't all the way for it until they won this last one. I mean biased I was. Logically I knew they had to do this Now. You can't argue about it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, this was a vulnerable year for you guys. I mean we discussed it last week. I personally the regular season. This was going to be a one and done, maybe two. I did not see them winning two huge games on the road and then, on paper, 49ers were definitely the more talented team, but you have a quarterback that knows how to win and you have people that want to play for him, and I think we're looking at a Tom Brady Patriots type building here, which is not fun for all fans outside of cheese. But I mean, I think we're going to see Kansas City here. Can they do that? Three Pete though?

Speaker 3:

You know that's. Patrick said it at the trophy presentation afterwards we're going to celebrate tonight, we're going to celebrate tomorrow and then he's going to get back to doing everything it takes to get back to that game, and I believe him. You know, adam and I were talking about the fact that Patrick is a savant when it comes to the game of football. He sees the game differently. He's very. The reference Adam made was to Peyton Manning, not the most talented quarterback we've ever seen, but man, the guy understood the game and he read defenses and he just he was a student of the game and so it's exciting when you have that guy and you can't forget all red. I mean Andy Reed, the guy, match, it's just those two together and then you throw in Travis Kelsey and heck, we've got a that's the Spagnolia.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you talk about the triplets Reed and I mean, that's the dynasty right there.

Speaker 1:

Right, travis Kelsey we don't know how much longer we're going to have him in the league. Obviously, he said that he is going to come back, but I think you definitely need to get some key weapons in the off season to go after that. But we'll get to that in a little bit. But overall, though, let's just let's just start talking about the game. I mean the first half, you guys have to admit, pretty lackluster, boring, not a lot.

Speaker 1:

I mean I just didn't see much. I mean there was no really. I mean, what would you guys take away from that first half we?

Speaker 2:

got dominated.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean we were, we were lucky to be that close. They didn't put the nail in us, because they were. I was scared, I'm scared. I said, oh, this is going good.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think those turnovers were key, right, the Christian McCaffrey who the kid doesn't fumble the ball.

Speaker 1:

I mean that was. I would think everyone was kind of like wait, what number? Just fumbled.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And so when that happens you're like okay, well, maybe, maybe we are in this game. And then you know, obviously the muff punt that happened a little bit later.

Speaker 1:

But I mean Pacheco. To tell you, pacheco fumbled too and it seemed like both teams couldn't capitalize on those turnovers. So it became a wash. So at least there was like no effects that way. But those were two crucial drives. I mean they were in scoring range, and that just changes the momentum, and on top of that the 49ers, when you know that happens. Green law celebrates and oh, my goodness.

Speaker 3:

Terz is a goalie, I mean, you know, I feel bad for for Dre that that stunk. You don't want to see anybody get injured. But then just he was so hyped to get up there after I mean, they just punted and he was ready to play defense. And you hate seeing that, because that guy's a beast, he's a difference maker.

Speaker 1:

He is a difference maker and he's been a difference maker in the playoffs. So to lose that, I think, probably took the wind out of the defense. But there was injuries. There was a lot of injuries in this game, I mean on both sides, I think you didn't, you guys have someone playing with a torn ACL.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Aligretti In his elbow.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the ACL, he had a UCL but he was like, but he was like Second quarter.

Speaker 2:

He was our backup. Anyway, he was the backup to Jotuny yeah.

Speaker 1:

He had Debo go down right for the 49ers Kittle was in and out of the training. I mean, this is the game where it's like, hey, give me a shot, Give me whatever, Obviously outside of Greenlaw, who we found ruptured his Achilles there's no really taping man. But do you think these? I mean, what injury do you think was the most impactful? I mean, what do you feel like?

Speaker 2:

I think Greenwell I mean because he was, if you go back and watch the game he was really getting with this. He was giving us problems.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And he went out a little tide switch then.

Speaker 3:

Him and Warner, they kind of work in tandem, and so when you lose half of the dynamic duo and you could see Warner was trying to compensate for the missing Greenlaw, he was trying to be that guy and he can be, but you just can't do it all by yourself and so Well they even.

Speaker 1:

I mean later, when they showed the thing, I mean even across the field, you saw Patrick Mahomes being, like you know, 54, whatever his number was, 54 is down, like they even recognized that, oh yeah. Like that was like a huge thing.

Speaker 3:

And that poor kid, his I forgot his name, the substitute for him. He came in man, they literally went at him.

Speaker 1:

I mean why?

Speaker 3:

not, you could see.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean you have to, but Middles open.

Speaker 2:

Kelsey opens up for Kelsey, our drag routes, everything I mean, right there it's open, the Middles open.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Those linebackers run like D-bags.

Speaker 1:

Hey, greenlaw was getting interceptions in the playoffs, yeah, like I mean, he was a big fat People were throwing away from him, so that had to be a.

Speaker 2:

Huge because they play Zones.

Speaker 1:

Early Valentine's gift for Patrick Mahomes? Right, yeah, not having him on the field, but it's unfortunate. I mean these guys they put their body on the line every single week to get to where they are and for that to happen. I mean you even go back to the Rams member one OBJ tour, his ACL, when he, you know, had kind of a controversy season and then was doing really well for them. I mean you just hate that for these guys.

Speaker 3:

Well, they've worked they're A lot of times their whole career to get to that game and then you get there and something like that happens. Yeah, your heart definitely hurts for them. I mean being athletes, all of us are athletes and we've competed on different levels and I mean, you get there, you try to be there for these.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean it doesn't matter. At the end of the day there's a brotherhood, obviously, and they all feel I mean you saw that with the guy from Buffalo number four a few years ago. Yeah, I think so. Nobody wants to see a teammate or an opponent suffer an injury that could be you know crippling life crippling, life threatening, not to mention season ending or career ending. You don't, you don't want to see that. I mean Achilles injuries. A tough thing to come back.

Speaker 1:

He definitely needs to call Aaron Rodgers.

Speaker 3:

Yes. Find out who he used to find out where Aaron went. Yeah, I mean, he got.

Speaker 1:

I mean it was kind of the year of the Achilles, though. Right, I mean he's got Kirk Cousins he can go call. You know, there's a lot of people, I think Dobbins maybe from. Was that ACL or Achilles? I'm not sure it was early on the running back for the Ravens.

Speaker 2:

Ravens yeah, that's their turf, yeah that's a big thing.

Speaker 1:

We talked about this early on in the early seasons, about turf, first grass, because we're seeing a lot more major injuries and it's like AC. I mean they're season ending, it, sometimes its career ending for these teeth. So it was unfortunate to see. But I mean I definitely think green Greenlaw would definitely be the one that was the most factor and, I think, took the wind out of them. So I know we touched on it a little bit. But turnovers, I mean turnovers are a big part of this game. We talked about Pacheco. I mean even Patrick Mahomes threw an interception, so you had that, you had macaffery. I mean it was just craziness, things that we hadn't seen from these teams in a really long time. But I Agree, I think it was the muff punt that literally switched the game because till that point these turnovers weren't being capitalized by any points. But do you guys feel like there was a different factor on what turnovers?

Speaker 2:

I think the punt and what I think the pressure, where people play Mahomes, you almost have to be perfect and so if they make a mistake, you're probably in trouble. We can make mistakes. We got Mahomes, we're gonna overcome it. So I think they start tightening up. They're 49. I was like man, we can't get rid of them. We can't get rid of them, we're beating them. We're still right here by them. So I think they got nervous.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think they did start tightening up.

Speaker 1:

I definitely think they're. I mean, I think from the get-go You're always nervous when you're playing Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I think they're the most vulnerable where you feel like you don't have pressure there. But you got to capitalize on him because he can make plays. But I mean, if he goes down, right, but he tapes up. You remember when he had his rolled ankle and he's a world toe.

Speaker 2:

Remember broke toe was his Tampa Bay. Yeah, didn't break the toe he does not get enough credit for how tough he is. So tough I'm gonna tell the quarterbacks to the league.

Speaker 1:

I mean because you have quarterbacks that will go out.

Speaker 3:

I mean not calling out my cowboys, but like you have, a jammed finger and they're like caught it off Right, right, call out the cart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you do and that's the kind of grit that you need, like, hey, you know, and I think that adds another level to the teams because hey, if my quarterbacks gonna play through all this and I mean it's just been crazy, I got it. I got to hear y'all's thoughts on this, because I am so torn on how I feel about this moment. But the Kelsey Reed exchange in the first half is that I know he's competitive, I know he wanted the ball. His team is losing. He had one catch, I think for five yards and he was compassionate of that. But he's a role model and these kids look up to him. So all that showed me I mean it wasn't just a. I mean his players had to pull him off of them. He grabbed him. I mean Andy Reed almost fell over. Can you imagine if he would have kind of hurt in that moment?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Andy's, no spring chicken, you know I know, like when they did that replay of it it was Crazy. But I mean he looked and I'm just saying you got people watching you and what are we teaching our young kids? Is that Okay to disrespect a coach like that? I mean, what do y'all think on that?

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's okay. You know, I played for a while so I've seen things happen, but they're not thinking about that on the field. They're not thinking about being a role model. They're not thinking about probably the parents are thinking about right now, in this moment. So it's not right. But if we just look at it just for what it is, it was a passionate situation, a little loss of his cool Commander in yelling the coach. I don't like it, but it happens. It's so intense down there. People just think you can turn it off.

Speaker 3:

You can't really so I mean just hard it's. It's no different than then a couple weeks ago, three, four weeks ago, when Patrick came off the field and slammed his helmet down. It's not behavior we want to see, but in the, in the midst of battle, these guys and and after the fact Travis admitted he was out of line- His brother called him out. Big brother said hey, you were out of line.

Speaker 1:

He's nacho Libro.

Speaker 3:

My goodness, yeah, so yeah, I mean and, and Andy, I think the public took it more personally than Andy did Andy Understand? I mean, if anybody understands the game is he protecting his player?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. That's what you do, yeah, and they may have had a conversation behind closed doors. That will never be pretty too. But I'm sure Andy said to Travis you ever do that again, you know. But at the end of the day it's, it's the, it's the heat of battle. You I mean lacey, you're an athlete, you've been in the heat, the heat of battle, and you just get so intense.

Speaker 1:

I do and I actually understand the throwing of the helmet or the slamming or, but it's when you go To your coach or you know a high like that figure for you, I mean even a teammate, I don't. You can motivate them and say, hey, like you got to pick it up right now, but to me you're crossing a line when you go at the coach like that, when you know the whole world is watching.

Speaker 2:

Sure, yeah. There's another thing though. I think there's double standards. How many times Peyton Manning has done it? Tom Brady? I mean it happens. You know, I think it happens. You don't like it. It would have been way worse if we lost. I guarantee it'd been worse. It'd be all over tv. But thank god we won. So it's a big thing, but it ain't that big but to your point that way.

Speaker 3:

I think that was the thing that Jason hit on. You know, talking about as a baby brother was. You've got to understand. There are cameras everywhere and they're looking at you. No matter where you are on the field they're looking at you and when you go right for the, you know the, the head of the snake, maybe he was just upset that they were panning to Taylor too much.

Speaker 1:

He wanted to get the camera back on him, since he wasn't catching anything. Yeah, but I get it though. I mean it. Congrat or good job to the 49ers defense, though, for holding him in check, because he had been A beast on a different level in the postseason. I mean, kelsey has struggled this year, we can all agree to that, but he, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I mean he, he did he did finish. He finished 16 yards short of a thousand with taking it, taking two games off.

Speaker 1:

So yeah but he went through his stretches of not catching, and I mean just Uncharacteristic Kelsey type things. Now, if you're the only receiver for 12 out of your 18 games, yeah, you're gonna get a thousand yards.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. The triple teams are hard to beat Everybody hard to beat a triple team.

Speaker 3:

But he finds his way. I'm just glad Rishi rise figured out how to catch the ball.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you. And then for I mean we'll get to it, but mccole hardman.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god you know, do it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's you like see it? You like see him back in the?

Speaker 1:

season, bring them back home. I mean, that was kind of a full whirlwind, but we'll end with that last play, so we'll get to it in a second. But before we go to the second half, real quick just a blurb like what do we think of usher's performance?

Speaker 3:

Okay, that roller skate thing was insane Dancing on roller skates. I used to roller skate back in the day. I know Adam did too. We thought we fancied ourselves pretty pretty good on some skates. That was impressive.

Speaker 1:

That was impressive. I mean his changes were great. I mean it was like reliving my teenage dream, right, like I was. Just I was singing every song. Now I wish he would have played OMG a little bit longer. I didn't like that, just a little perp, but I loved how he ended it with. Yeah, I thought he worked the stage well, I mean oh, seeing Luda, and yeah, just everybody coming up Now what was up with?

Speaker 3:

Jermaine Socks.

Speaker 1:

Do you know? I mean no offense to Jermaine Socks, but I thought he was CeeLo Green when I first saw him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, those socks were horrible. They reminded me of my little sister wearing her little black pat leather shoes with those little frilly socks like that was horrible.

Speaker 2:

No, I thought of Benjamin Franklin.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yes, yes, he did look like a round like him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean that style had gone out. Maybe it was in back when he was doing stuff, but I know that was a little bit sorry, but I thought he worked and brought it all in Alicia Keys. Like that moment with her was just awesome. I mean, obviously there's some things like oh, are they together? I was like guys, it's, that's the industry, right, but I thought it was a great moment. I didn't realize how short Usher was.

Speaker 3:

But when he put skates on he's so much taller I know that's probably why he did it. Yeah, but I did tell my wife that when Usher took his shirt off, you know, I said babe, that is not how a 45 year old man is supposed to look, that is not normal.

Speaker 1:

I had to look up his age. I was like he's 45. Dang, yeah, so that was interesting. But I just had to make sure that I did that because that was a that was good. Usher performed just like I thought he was. So props to Usher. He's coming to Dallas, so I'm probably gonna go see him so you're going oh yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let's skip. Now we're in the second half. Chiefs are down by 10. Are you starting to be like, hey, we've been here before? I mean, this was four years ago, you guys were down 10. You came back. I think you actually didn't start coming back to later. Four years ago I think you were already into the quarter Six minutes Six minutes left. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

With the comeback.

Speaker 1:

And I was watching with 49er fans and they were feeling the same thing. I'm not getting comfortable like we've been here before with the same team in the same spot, but like, kind of, what were your thoughts going into coming out of halftime being down? Petra Mahomes really wasn't playing in rhythm like he was. I mean, were y'all?

Speaker 2:

nervous. We were getting whipped, our tackles were getting whipped. They're beating us off the edge. I mean they could have had five sacks. He didn't move like he did. I mean they were getting pressure on us.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And so when I just thought, like if you control that middle four, like we always talk about, and I felt like, okay, we didn't, we didn't win the front two, but we didn't lose it, and so we were still within 10. I felt like we were close enough that I mean it's one score and it's a ball game, and so I just that's. That was the mentality I had to have. Watching the game was okay, we're now in. We know we get the ball to half let's, let's go down and do something with it.

Speaker 3:

Finally and you know, everybody talks about halftime adjustments, and that's that's the thing you look for from geniuses like Kyle Shanahan, andy Reed, bill Belichick, all these brilliant coaches they make halftime adjustments and they're not. You're not going to see the same product you saw in the first half in the second half and we talked about it last week with Matt Mattie we miss you. I'm sorry you're not here, but those halftime adjustments are what you really are looking forward to as an avid fan is what is? What is Andy and Spagg's going to do different this half? And yeah, they're. They're mad scientists, like we talked about last week, tinkering. They're always like little.

Speaker 1:

I mean they're the best up there. Oh my gosh. Yes, but side note real quick before we go any further. Were you guys shocked that they put the blame? I know you got to put the blame on somebody, but firing their defensive coordinator Wilkes I don't think that's right.

Speaker 2:

You held in the right. I said Cowboys.

Speaker 1:

Call him right now like are you?

Speaker 3:

kidding you. In regulation you held Patrick Mahomes to 19 points and you're gonna fire him.

Speaker 1:

Yes, like what is going on, I'm sorry, like you get rid of somebody else and that's not fair to him because now all the jobs are. I mean this guy deserves. That's why I'm like Cowboys call him. We're still building. I know we hired Zimmer, but which I would have taken over Zimmer? But we didn't know that was possible. But I was shocked when I saw that.

Speaker 3:

I was too.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry you fire special teams or something like you don't fire a guy that has got you to where you are. I mean, their defense was and and then he gets the chase.

Speaker 3:

Young deal to come over and I mean he's remember we talked about chase young last week and he stepped up he did really.

Speaker 1:

I did say that I was like I feel bad because I was saying he wasn't, he should be benched. I agree with that, but he he's, he held his own. Yes, he did but man, I was shocked. I mean, that's Steve. I mean I just I don't understand it. I don't think that is why they lost the game. I actually think it was more on Shanahan.

Speaker 1:

Yes for sure not saying that he should be fired, because I still think he's a great coach, but if you're going to put blame on that game, it's him. He got out coached especially then, yeah, well in fourth quarter and overtime.

Speaker 3:

You know, if you, if you listen to the folks out there that are on social media talking about the 49ers not understanding the overtime rules and finding out the chiefs had one session every week at the playoffs and then two sessions Super Bowl week on playoff rules, to find out that I just find it hard to believe that the caliber of coach Cal Shanahan is that his guys, and he specifically, didn't understand the rules right because you don't, you don't take that ball first?

Speaker 3:

no, I think I honestly feel like this is going to be an unpopular opinion. It was an ego thing they're like we're going to show you, we're going to drive this ball down.

Speaker 1:

You know your offense.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't there got a field goal, yeah and so I just I don't buy it.

Speaker 1:

These guys are professionals it's crazy, I mean, and if you look back, when they did the coin toss, he said it again. The referee said, hey, playoff rules, each team will possess the ball. And you know, he went through his thing so to say but yeah, when they they did Kyle, I believe you're sick. I mean, there was like three people they did on the 49ers and they were like I wasn't sure about that, you know and what. And, like you said, the chiefs were like hey, we had a meeting. Now it happened because of that chiefs bills game. Right, that's where you turn the rule and there was.

Speaker 3:

There's some film out there. If you see Patrick talking to Andy before the coin toss, you know about them getting the time and he's like, okay, which way do you want to kick Andy's? Like it doesn't matter, right, but you know they were. They were having that dialogue before the coin the coin toss. But Patrick knew, I mean, he knew, he. I think he felt like if they won the toss they were gonna, they were gonna kick and they didn't.

Speaker 1:

So it was mind-blowing if you look at Patrick Mahomes, he was like we'll go this way, okay, well, okay, but you could tell. I mean he knew, he, yeah, and he knew, but he definitely didn't know.

Speaker 1:

I think it was word right yeah yeah, but I mean that is, that's a major fail and that's, I mean again, not Steve Wilksons fault, that's the headcopes but I couldn't believe that when they didn't know and I'll tell you I it left me a little bit like I'd forgotten the rules, you know I was thinking, oh gosh, okay, they just need the score.

Speaker 3:

And then halfway down the drywall I was like wait, it changed so, in your defense, the reason you forgot the rules because you're a Cowboys fan, they're we don't go to overtime yeah, you don't. You don't go to the Super Bowl, so or the playoffs usually. But but we knew because Buffalo made the huge stink we made it.

Speaker 1:

What 20 minutes in before you brought the Cowboys up. Thanks, appreciate it.

Speaker 3:

I love your, your Cowboy fandom. It's, it's, it's passionate and true faith.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, something really gonna ride or die we're going to New Orleans next year here we go.

Speaker 3:

I mean, you started off earlier when we were talking about Weed and Boys. I mean Weed and Boys that's right up there with what is it bang bang, nine or gang?

Speaker 1:

oh, I heard uh Shanahan saying I don't even know where this came from, like he wasn't a fan of it, like he doesn't like that. Saying I was like you need to stop calling out everybody yeah, you're not making friends, kyle right, exactly, yeah. So okay, let's go to overtime. Goes into overtime first of all. That's exciting.

Speaker 1:

I mean just even just for any fan to extend this game even longer. It's a close game. I think that overtime and the Super Bowl is extremely low. I don't think it happens very often. What was the last time it happened?

Speaker 2:

But I think it's first, but but think about.

Speaker 3:

Let's go back before we, before we fast-forward in overtime. Moody's blocked PAT. Oh shoot, how many, how many? I mean the dude was like that was the only one all year, right? Only missed PAT, block PAT, whatever. All year and I had Moody on my fantasy team and Percentage of blocked field goals.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't happen, it doesn't. I mean, there was what game was it, where they had 12 men on the field because they were trying to block the field goal and they ended up costing them the game. But you're like, why are you? You even trying this, like it's not gonna happen. You can just be Dan Campbell and just keep going for it. Yeah, let's do it.

Speaker 3:

Eventually, you're gonna get one.

Speaker 1:

Right? No, you're not but that, and thank you because I'm I would have been so sad if we didn't discuss this, because I really think we would be talking about a different game had he made that extra point.

Speaker 3:

You want to talk about that huge, that, like that was the momentum shift right there from and then second half. When you looked, when you saw that All of a sudden, hey guys, we're, we're only three points out of this game. Yeah like three points is nothing. I mean we got Harrison, but Kerr who, if they could split the MVP trophy- he scored 52% of the points, yeah like Harrison but Kerr, and the dude was automatic and he broke the record for simple.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah so Moody breaks it and then, but Kerr breaks it after him, like okay, anything you you can do, I can do better. It was great.

Speaker 1:

I mean it was, and that's what made the game kind of boring, because it was field goal, field goal. Oh yeah we're used to team two teams that score a lot of touchdowns, but I mean that was huge and that's to. You have the muff punt and the two and the Blocked extra point. I mean that's two momentum shifts to the chiefs where I didn't see any.

Speaker 3:

No mental shifts on special teams, not on defense on special teams. But who got fired?

Speaker 1:

That's I mean back to your point earlier it's like really I get you got to blame somebody, but blame the right person. I mean, now you're gonna start over with your defense.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, this is first year. This was what, this first year, yeah, it's just first years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I mean. What he did in this year, I mean by itself. It shouldn't be on one game when it really wasn't even his fault. I mean 62 to 12 in a Super Bowl or like a TCU game.

Speaker 3:

You get blown out. Let's let's talk about replacing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when you have Patrick Mahomes, who you hold to one touchdown until the very, you know, the overtime, crazy, get out of here, crazy momentum point, I think we would be talking about a different one, because that forces them to have to go for the touchdown Instead of kick the field goal to go in overtime, and I think they were too far out with not enough time left in order for that to happen. I mean, patrick Mahomes only needs 13 seconds. I was about to say I was like wait, wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 2:

Not enough time as long as we're tick on that. We got a chance with Mahomes.

Speaker 3:

I know we're just, we're so lucky in our lifetimes to see these performances that that these quarterbacks pull up not just Patrick, a lot of these quarterbacks. They're so gifted and so talented. You know Lamar Jackson's of the world, the Josh Allen's, the Joe Burroughs, I mean these guys do these amazing things with so little time that when we were growing up you would have thought was never possible. Right, like you mean to tell me you he can go win a game in 13 seconds with no time Outs.

Speaker 1:

I mean that Bill's chiefs game still probably my most favorite game I've ever watched and.

Speaker 1:

I don't like either one of the teams. I mean I don't not like them, but you know what I mean like they're not my team, but I was like on the edge of my seat, like I felt like I was a fan of the Cowboys During that game, like it was that to me that was the Super Bowl, right, like I mean that was gonna be it. I think the only person to your point to, I think the only person not afraid of Patrick Mahomes is Joe Burrough.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he has to stay healthy. There's the catch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and they actually said that they're worried about his thumb Like it's more significant, like not just a certain. They were talking about it today. That stinks, because that gives a talent.

Speaker 2:

Another thing, just not the dog. He's a good talent, but they're about to lose the receivers, so I'm lose one for sure. Almost guarantee it he's coming. Can see if I hope so it's over them.

Speaker 1:

You think you'll go to Kansas City? I mean, you guys got to get a receiver.

Speaker 2:

I don't know for pay. I wish you would. I wish we could make it work. We're about we're gonna have to pay Chris Jones, Yep and Snead probably. Yep yeah or Chris.

Speaker 1:

Jones is gonna sit in the stands again.

Speaker 3:

And Chris Jones deserves to be paid. Adam and I were talking about.

Speaker 1:

I mean that pressure, and we're about to get to it. But his pressure at the end of the game is literally what won it for you.

Speaker 2:

He does it a lot like the stats. You look at it. He led the league.

Speaker 1:

I think defensive tackles I mean, he has a difference make each double teams.

Speaker 2:

He does best anybody. He does so, jimmy. That's why our linebacker so good. You can't touch them. Yeah you have Chris Jones here, another linebacker to go free back and forth.

Speaker 1:

But can you tell me why? And three Super Bowls that you guys don't get a holding call?

Speaker 3:

I'm not sure Come on, you could call a hold. Hey, did you see that? Okay, did anybody notice? Did you see what color Trent Williams gloves were? No they were red, you know why? Because the chief said Red Jersey's. So I mean.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying I think you can call a holding call on every play, 100%, and I do like when the refs Let them play out and that's what they did. There was a couple that I think were huge. And when it's blatantly obvious, like where it affects, like if it's an off-ball or something, but when it like is to the ground and it allows a play to develop. I think you got to make that call, you're not. I could show you video this is called Lacey's lineup.

Speaker 3:

I'm not gonna disagree with you.

Speaker 1:

I will cut your mic off.

Speaker 3:

Suddenly nobody hears me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and then today, I don't know, have you guys seen this? The weird first down, second down thing.

Speaker 3:

I Try to ignore the trolls.

Speaker 1:

I just I didn't even realize it. I did take the game so I should go back and watch it and just see if it's just the thing. But it said on that last drive Patrick Mahomes is driving, he got a first down. It says first and 10. He Runs for only two yards. It's clear and obvious. So it should be second and eight. They show second down but then all of a sudden it just switches back to first and 10.

Speaker 3:

What? I didn't see that, but.

Speaker 1:

I feel like if that was it I mean Somebody's watching right to be like, hey, that's not right, like this shouldn't be, but anyways, I just saw that today so I thought I'd throw that.

Speaker 2:

I'm just, I'm trying to help the what happened on the next play, though after that it's one play to put on the third play. It was first down.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so well you got three first downs Well, yeah, but it's first time, a first down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what is still? Three plays.

Speaker 3:

Lacey's. Lacey's trying to to help Matt. Stick up for Matt, since he's not here.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, I gotta, I gotta challenge you guys a little bit, right. Absolutely I mean, you guys get some home cooking but actually we are Offered.

Speaker 2:

Led the league in penalties.

Speaker 1:

Did you? Yes more than the Cowboys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Take that trophy home every year.

Speaker 2:

We normally don't know right.

Speaker 1:

That's where we. If that was Super Bowls and penalties, cowboys would be there every year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right, tackles most penalized off in 20 years.

Speaker 1:

Yep Wow.

Speaker 2:

So like that.

Speaker 1:

So we're in overtime, blood is pumping, we're excited. I mean, some of us know that both teams get to possess it, some don't.

Speaker 2:

Well, here's something different over time. So they changed a few years ago regulation you score. If you don't score touchdown, you go back. You know, you keep a feel that you score. That's there's where the players are confused. Now, if you score a touchdown, it was over. But now what? It is no matter what if you score a touchdown.

Speaker 3:

They still get a chance to possess.

Speaker 2:

That's where they mixed it up. I see how they did it. It's so close. But even if you score a touchdown, she still got a chance right. That's where they messed up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what. And I don't. That's where they're saying yeah, that they didn't, which I still think they should. I mean it's, I love college overtime now, yes, they should have to go, not start on there 25, because that's I mean, oh, that will just save that for college. But, I definitely think you should Both possess the ball. I mean you, you can't, and I I felt for Josh Allen that time. I mean the way he played and got them to that and he didn't even get to touch the ball again.

Speaker 2:

You know who I felt for Patrick Mahomes against Brady. Yeah that's helpful.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's what you, that's what you feel so yeah, you're right, it's a quarterback driven league. You want the best to touch it, yeah but you're there, 49ers, take the ball, they're marching. It seems like McCaffrey is like turned into his animal self, because he's, to me, the Patrick Mahomes of their team.

Speaker 1:

Right like I mean they, he puts them on their back, he gets a long drive. They are just, I mean it's just with ease. It's almost like your defense is tired and they get stalled right there and it goes and, like I was mentioning before, chris Jones, pressuring that third down and making him because one Jennings wide open. Yeah, wide open.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was scary.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I mean that's where mr Irrelevant came in right like he didn't. He could have extended that play, but I think his nerves were getting to him in that moment. But I mean, when you slow it down, I mean that was a walk-in touchdown, but Chris Jones, I mean that's the factor, that's why you pay this guy. Yeah they kick the field goal. So, knowing the rules that we know, do you agree with this field goal kick or would you have gone for it? I'm so here's the thing.

Speaker 2:

You're wrong in the way. Either way you do it. If you don't, you know. I mean, there's just no right or wrong to me personally. So I know my homes, I'm one for the touchdown.

Speaker 3:

Sure, you know what you're up against the guy that's across the field from you.

Speaker 2:

I got you.

Speaker 3:

You got to know, I've got. I've got to put seven on the board right now, because if I don't, the Game's over that's where the gamble is, because you know he's gonna get you at least three right.

Speaker 1:

So if you don't get it, but you go for no matter what, he can only tie us. Yes, I mean, that's where you channel your inner Dan Campbell and you stay aggressive. And, to tell you the truth, they were aggressive For most the season.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, and that's what I'm gonna be aggressive.

Speaker 1:

Not getting him.

Speaker 3:

No one's on that level.

Speaker 1:

Her boat Dan with his red nose. But okay, so they kick the field goal, it goes back. Let's talk about that last drive. What do you guys?

Speaker 3:

think that's the stuff dreams are made of.

Speaker 1:

I mean what you had. Patrick Mahomes Really kind of did that. I mean you had a couple of short passes but him with his legs.

Speaker 3:

They hadn't seen that and I think they were so worried about covering those guys and Patrick Mahomes being right you know so aware of the game it's kind of like we talked last week too, I think, because he hadn't done an old game. They underestimate how athletic and fast Patrick is because he's not a pretty runner. We talked about that last week.

Speaker 1:

He's prettier than pretty.

Speaker 2:

He's the fastest 48 quarterback in the world.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's the fastest 48 year we've seen. And he's athletic but he needs 10 yards and you see him run out of bounds at the 11-yard line or after 11 yards. You're like what just happened, like, and he has four, three guys chasing him and so you got a net. It just he angles. He understands the angles of the game and yeah.

Speaker 2:

You do a little pump fake sometimes you have to respect that he was.

Speaker 3:

He was pumping and pastel on its green. Oh, they were biting out, biting on it so it was crazy, no he led the league.

Speaker 2:

And for quarterback, for Russian first down. I Want a bar bet on that, but yes.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You got to think about it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, for a while he had to do it all. I mean you could see his frustration building with his receivers and all that. So if he was gonna stay in this game he was gonna have to do it in his hands. But okay, so Moving forward, we get down there. We know how we got down there. This last play call, I mean they say it's corn dog. They say the same one. They did four years, or was it?

Speaker 2:

It's the third time we've done it. No, that was last year. Yeah, we didn't know. I think it's Philly. The receivers came in on a hard motion and then did back out like a bee cut.

Speaker 1:

And you know how the 49ers didn't know about the rules.

Speaker 3:

Nicole Hardman didn't realize, he just hey, you just want to talk about being in the moment and in the midst of battle, like for the fact that Nicole Hardman I forgot who it was they were. Oh, it was yesterday, jamal Charles. During the parade they were interviewing Jamal Charles and Nicole Hardman just drops the ball, like you just caught the Super Bowl. All Charles said he wanted to run out grab the ball for him.

Speaker 1:

At least he caught it right, like at least it wasn't. But here's my troll. You're ready for some more trolling? They're saying that there was an illegal man downfield on that play. But help me understand the rule. This is my understanding of the rule is you can go Further down as long as you're actively blocking contact if you're in contact as long as you may waste contact. Which, when you look at it, he's clearly past the receiver, but he's still actively blocking.

Speaker 3:

And that's not illegal man downfield.

Speaker 2:

You have to maintain. It has to be faster driving.

Speaker 3:

Can't you break contact you now you can't regain the contact.

Speaker 1:

But that's a remove, it's. I told you I'm trolling you can help your research.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he did your research. I like that.

Speaker 2:

I know that.

Speaker 3:

That's that play was. And it was. Oh my gosh. I made a fool of myself just jumping up and down when he caught that. He ran in and I'm hugging my wife we just won the Super Bowl and I'm so excited. And then, you know, I couldn't wait to get on the phone with. Adam and I couldn't wait to get on phone with my mom, and you know, it was just.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what I would do if the Cowboys won. What was funny? Because my son he was talking to me because he's a cheese fan too and he was really excited. But here you know we're talking about the Super Bowls and he goes Do you think the Cowboys will win Super Bowl? 60, like he just said that it was two years out. Oh yeah, but I Thought he said before I'm.

Speaker 1:

I was like I don't, I don't neo know if either one of those will happen. I mean, I used to always my family was like I don't know if we'll see another one in ours, but you should see one in yours. And now I'm to the level where I'm talking to my kid and I'm not sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're young, jerry Jones are probably gone by then.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it's Stephen Jones gonna be any better.

Speaker 2:

I think he's a little better a little better.

Speaker 1:

He's, he's it, he's not trying to line light as much well, I mean look at and not to side note, but look at Dan Quinn going to the commanders and the control he already has on the people he's bringing in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean, we just don't have that. It all has to channel through, jerry, I just don't get it.

Speaker 3:

Well there's. There's the last time it didn't what happened. Jimmy Johnson? Yeah, but I mean, if it's any indication, you look at the folks that followed Dan away from this organization, the, the secondary coaches in the defense, and who's now defensive coordinator, as name escapes me. But I mean, why would you leave? Like he could have been the defensive coordinator at the Cowboys because he was next in line. What's the guy's name? Adam, do you remember?

Speaker 2:

I can't think of it right now.

Speaker 3:

And then the, so he's now the DC at Washington.

Speaker 1:

Oh, John Whitaker no. John Whit Jr.

Speaker 3:

Yes. Yeah why would you leave? He could have been the DC in Dallas with Michael Parsons, but instead he goes to Washington because they're gonna.

Speaker 1:

They're bringing the gang back together. We're gonna stay old school Until we all just freak out get tired and you got Lord, you got my tired. I mean Mike Zimmer. I just think like I would have taken Brable, yes, and obviously, if I would have known Wilkes, yes, I would have taken it and that's why I said you to bring him in. You give Zimmer one year and let this guy take over. Right, he knows how to get to a Super Bowl.

Speaker 3:

I hope that's exactly what Stephen did is. As soon as that game was over, he or when they, when he got fired Called Wilkes up and said, hey, hang tight for a year and then but I actually thought Dan Quinn had ran his course.

Speaker 1:

I was actually mad about his second, but that's for another day. Yeah, all right. So to end, you guys are now going for a three Pete.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Congratulations. I mean, can you just share the wealth though, like just throw one every so often?

Speaker 2:

We waited 50. Yeah, I was like I say 50. What wouldn't they win the 70? You guys are 69. Yeah, Jimmy was already born. I wasn't born yet. I mean he's already born, but I wasn't born yet you know it's.

Speaker 1:

You might have to wait till Patrick Mahomes sterling as your quarterback.

Speaker 3:

It was funny. You know, adam and I, growing up in Kansas City, you know we we've now, as adults, been to experience a World Series. Yes, not a few years ago.

Speaker 1:

Rangers won this year.

Speaker 3:

Hey, congratulations Texas Rangers. But now having these Super Bowls, like things, as a kid we I mean we looked up to the Chiefs, every one of them. I mean, you know, now I feel like let's just continue the dynasty, let's, let's make it.

Speaker 1:

I mean you guys are definitely I don't know how much long you'll have, kelsey, I think you guys are. I mean people. You're gonna attract people now. Can they get the stills that Shanahan gets for next to nothing, cuz you are to the point where you got to pay your people. They're still paying a quarterback that lives with a roommate, right, so they have a little bit of time. Yeah, just paying Dak Prescott.

Speaker 2:

Well, think about the league everybody's forgetting this year. Burroughs money's about to hit. Mm-hmm. Josh Allen is about to hit that arm. Jackson, little more Jackson's about to hit. So now they got to get friendly. They give me a be like my homes. Can you win without having all three receivers in? Then Cincinnati or Buffalo digs is probably gonna be gone.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm. Hopefully he's coming to be with his brother.

Speaker 2:

Oh. They want to play together but I think the big thing, I get a little nervous. I'm a real skeptical. I love the cheese but I'm just real analytical.

Speaker 3:

But then I looked at it. Wait a minute, this is a rebuild.

Speaker 2:

We've had two rebuilding years when the Super Bowl yeah, everything's changed. Tackles change, this change. He wins. Can these other quarterbacks win with what? My home I'm asking this if Jill Burroughs was on the chiefs but we won the Super Bowl, do you think? No, marj Jackson in, but I don't think there's anybody quarterback. The world could get us to that circle, even get us to it?

Speaker 1:

No, but if you flip-flop the question and Patrick, my home's, on any other oh my gosh, cincinnati. That's not even fair. Oh yeah, I mean even the Cowboys that would be cheat code.

Speaker 3:

Like everybody would be so mad because of your curse. Who trump?

Speaker 1:

and to think he went 10th wasn't a 10th and I mean that people.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know we traded up.

Speaker 2:

Somebody could have got them, they could have traded. We traded up a bunch.

Speaker 3:

That's not a lot gets said about breath each, the general manager. I mean that dude's a. He is a genius when it comes to Finding those diamonds in the rough. The, the Pacheco's. Yeah, lagerious need he didn't, he didn't. We haven't talked about him a ton. You look at the receivers that he was up against through the playoffs, just through the playoffs, physical, I mean the only ones. A flyers had a hundred yard game. But you look at waddle and Tyreek love, tyreek Digs. I mean all these receivers that didn't, didn't, they didn't do anything, yeah. And then Dibo and I you like? Yes, dibo got hurt, but but still.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he came back and I youk was not a factor. I think he had two big catches Jennings, jennings was more a factor than. I, you and Jennings has been a factor. So I think pretty felt the pressure. I still think pretty did I mean he's good.

Speaker 2:

I I still respect pretty.

Speaker 1:

I don't think could have done anymore. I thought he handled the pressure right.

Speaker 2:

I person sees top 15.

Speaker 1:

I was worried, yeah top 15. Absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

Dallas would be happy to have him. Yeah, better decision maker.

Speaker 1:

You got Tray Lance yay.

Speaker 3:

All the one that he took the job the hand me to. He's they've got San Francisco's hand me down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we'll see how it goes, but Congrats to you guys.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you back to back. That's impressive.

Speaker 3:

I just wish Matt could have been here to enjoy the same that was in the restway back to back. Yes.

Speaker 1:

All right. So my last thing, just because it's a fun question you guys have won there. I know that's probably the most special game, but out of the season it can be another team, it could be your chiefs. But what was your favorite game of the 23-24 season?

Speaker 2:

100% Baltimore. Yes, I'm a real estate fan. I didn't bet on the game. I want him to win. I was gonna use the Dallas faith hoping for something maybe it's gonna be hard to get, and we won. I mean, I was surprised I'll be honest, surprise. That was the toughest game, had a great quarterback they had the control that the whole time oh yeah, it should have been a blow up. I'm saying before it started.

Speaker 1:

Statistically, look at it Well, even Patrick Mahomes when he interviewed after the Bills game. Yeah, it was like we got a lot tougher yes, yes to go.

Speaker 2:

We shut Lamar out. No you anything. We dominated their, their, me and.

Speaker 1:

Lamar has ever rated, though I really do think that I mean not saying he's not great, but his throwing I don't know. He just you can get to, I think you can get to him.

Speaker 2:

I think you ever thought it, did you watch the game?

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, watch it again. It's gonna run. You should have run, I mean, and I still don't understand how he got MVP.

Speaker 2:

I really don't party a better sense of him.

Speaker 1:

I thought, I thought.

Speaker 3:

McCaffrey should have been MVP.

Speaker 1:

I really do. I mean, you give him think about the workload he had all season and staying healthy by himself. But anyways, dude, what about?

Speaker 3:

the season most, or hadn't Miami. Mm-hmm that kid just and, and his story being what it's, 31 31 year old running back still fast runner for three still yeah, maybe people don't like it, but I recoup.

Speaker 2:

I'm 17-18 hundred yards. What do you miss? One or two games. I wish he'd have come back.

Speaker 1:

What's your most memorable?

Speaker 3:

game. I think I don't agree. No, it wasn't that game. It was, I Think, buffalo. Because, simply because it was the first Road game that Patrick had to prove to everybody that he could well.

Speaker 1:

That's what lit his fire.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was like yeah, you're as a fan. You want them to say that, right sure, and you know what, and I think, secondarily, that Detroit game, first game of the season.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That showed him. Hey, nobody, nobody's just gonna give it to you. You come out first game of the season and we lose the Detroit.

Speaker 3:

Eight drops yeah and that's what we realized our receivers couldn't catch cold, I mean. And then you know, that was the kind of the the start of and they, they had their little bump in the road where they lost four out of six games. But yeah, that. So first the Buffalo game, just because that was the first time Patrick had won on the road. Well, he didn't have to play on the road than play off, so.

Speaker 1:

But then, second challenge, for sure but do you think he wins of burrow? What a state healthy. Oh, yes, yeah you guys are going with that.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's a thing doubtful through the year Nick right, you guys watch Nick, right Mm-hmm. He talked about all year I mean granny's kind of a Homer, but he said it. He said if you don't think you're gonna be able to trust Andy Reed and Patrick Holmes at the end of the year this is the middle of season we got top two, top three defense. They're kicking butt. You said you don't think they're gonna figure it out. It's almost like a prophecy. We figured out just enough to win. Defense kept us in totally different. We've never. You know we average ten points less the game than we did from his other year, eight points last year 28, you guys were lower scoring for sure 21 points, normally at 28 20 you guys.

Speaker 1:

I really thought y'all were gonna suffer when Tyreek left me too.

Speaker 2:

I was mad.

Speaker 1:

And now Tyreeks, like it might be warmer, but he didn't know stating contacts no I think he had fun there, I mean he's.

Speaker 2:

Made millions. Yeah, no taxes. He kept an extra 10 million. Yeah, I think it made Patrick a better quarterback. Personally, you know I wanted him there. He had to learn to check downs. Reach, I can't just throw to. The fastest human being in the world is launch it. Yeah, now you got a look and check and watch people off. Again, it made him better. I wish you come back now we got it you figured out, come back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah okay, you got. You got paid Tyree, come back, yes right, you enjoyed that.

Speaker 1:

You, you know, got your suntan your house, yes. Got married you got married and divorced, and divorced already. Well, thank you guys for coming on. Thanks for coming on again, adam. Thanks for joining us.

Speaker 2:

I had a good time, awesome time.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, yeah and congrats to you guys.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Will we see you in New Orleans? We'll just have to wait and see we're ready to run it back. But if we do, I'd love to have you guys on again.

Speaker 2:

Awesome anytime.

Speaker 1:

Appreciate it. And Just so you know, the season might have ended, but Lacey's lineup will continue. I got a lot of fun things lined up, so make sure you check back to see what exciting things I have during this offseason. Until then, your girl is signing off.

Super Bowl Recap and Potential Dynasty
Player Conduct and Halftime Performance Reflections
Super Bowl Overtime and Coaching Blunders
Discussion on NFL Overtime Rules
Football Team Dynamics and Achievements
Celebratory Farewell and Future Plans