Diary of a High Net Worth Investor

Why Scotland's Biggest Landlord Has Moved To Dubai - with Graeme Carling

September 10, 2023 Graham Rowan/Graeme Carling Season 1 Episode 2
Why Scotland's Biggest Landlord Has Moved To Dubai - with Graeme Carling
Diary of a High Net Worth Investor
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Diary of a High Net Worth Investor
Why Scotland's Biggest Landlord Has Moved To Dubai - with Graeme Carling
Sep 10, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2
Graham Rowan/Graeme Carling

My guest today doesn’t do anything by halves. With his wife Leanne he made his first foray into property investing after a Robert Kiyosaki event and went on to become the biggest private landlord in Scotland. From there it was a short step into property development and construction, before he expanded into mergers and acquisitions, where the Carling Group has been involved in a billion pounds worth of deals in the UK and Europe with a focus on distinct but fragmented sectors such as technology, Energy, construction and Healthcare. He also runs GCC Equity Partners with offices in Dubai, the UK, the United States and mainland Europe where businesses with ambitious leaders can fast track their growth by leveraging the company’s network, expertise, and knowledge of other international markets. And, in his spare time, he runs United Capital which is busily consolidating the fragmented UK de-carbonisation sector with a view to winning lucrative government projects in green and renewables projects. His name is Graeme Carling. 

Show Notes

My guest today doesn’t do anything by halves. With his wife Leanne he made his first foray into property investing after a Robert Kiyosaki event and went on to become the biggest private landlord in Scotland. From there it was a short step into property development and construction, before he expanded into mergers and acquisitions, where the Carling Group has been involved in a billion pounds worth of deals in the UK and Europe with a focus on distinct but fragmented sectors such as technology, Energy, construction and Healthcare. He also runs GCC Equity Partners with offices in Dubai, the UK, the United States and mainland Europe where businesses with ambitious leaders can fast track their growth by leveraging the company’s network, expertise, and knowledge of other international markets. And, in his spare time, he runs United Capital which is busily consolidating the fragmented UK de-carbonisation sector with a view to winning lucrative government projects in green and renewables projects. His name is Graeme Carling.