The Low Budget Ghost Squad

7. The Hole in the Wall Gang

February 22, 2024 Season 2 Episode 7
7. The Hole in the Wall Gang
The Low Budget Ghost Squad
More Info
The Low Budget Ghost Squad
7. The Hole in the Wall Gang
Feb 22, 2024 Season 2 Episode 7

You can also call this episode: The Time We Should Have Actually Waited for Security. 
The Low Budget Ghost Squad finds itself in the middle of a showdown in a haunted elevator... but it doesn't end there.  Wait until we go back into the ballroom with some news that our ghosts may not want to hear.

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

Show Notes Transcript

You can also call this episode: The Time We Should Have Actually Waited for Security. 
The Low Budget Ghost Squad finds itself in the middle of a showdown in a haunted elevator... but it doesn't end there.  Wait until we go back into the ballroom with some news that our ghosts may not want to hear.

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

You had a ghostly showdown, a haunted handprint and a missing diamond necklace.  It’s all come down to this for the low budget ghost squad.  – and I’m going to say thanks to our ghost app… we know what to do to solve this mystery at the lord Baltimore hotel.


Thanks for sticking with us. I’m Natalie.

I’m Alison

And I’m Ethan.

Nat: This is episode seven, the finale of this season of the low budget ghost squad. And you know, we’ve seen a lot, this low budget ghost squad has. and if you don’t know, it’s made up of a mom and two kids and our adventures at haunted hotels.

Alison: so how does this story end - here we go…

Nat:  we ended last episode with ethan saying –

Ethan:  I know where he’s going to be and we have to get there first.

Nat: he was talking about Christopher who had gotten a message on his own ghost app – and it had actually come through mine as well – because I was hiding under the table nearby– kind of eavesdropping.

Alison: on a ghost.  You were eavesdropping on a ghost. Anyway, we learned the ghosts may have been trying to distract us – like a classic misdirection… or a red herring.  They made mom think that a missing diamond necklace could be at the Washington monument that’s in Baltimore.  Came before the big one in d-c by the way – a little history for you.

Nat:  yeah – there’s a mural on the wall of the wall of the ballroom that shows that monument – it was painted in 1944 something had ripped at it... you can see a picture of it on our social media. Plus, two of the ghosts who are central to this story – Jonathan and hannah had been there on Christmas eve right before they were killed in front of the hotel, not long after her husband died.

Ethan: but instead the ghosts or maybe just one ghost told Christopher “find handprint.”  I have to say I have actually spoken to Robert fielding – hannah’s husband. And he is the shadow figure who kept appearing throughout this story  – in our hallway when we first got here, in our window, on the 19-th floor when the elevator took me up there.  and he said he needed my help.

nat: And he said he’s the one who has been talking to us thid whole time on the app.  giving us names – like hannah and Jonathan which is the first time we heard those.

Alison:  and our friend clovis had described what she saw in the room, as a child, the morning Robert fielding died in 1929. And we’re pretty sure hannah probably poisoned him because he was taking styrchinine for medical reasons.. don’t do that. it was on the table where he died during breakfast.  And we think that Jonathan, hannah’s boyfriend was involved too – he worked here – in the laundry.. and as a part-time server.

Nat:  so ethan I want you tell everybody what you remembered when you heard the phrase “find handprint.” 

Ethan: it’s the haunted handprint – if you try to wash it off or even paint over it, it always comes back. 

Nat: yeah, we mentioned it in an earlier episode - and it’s in one of the penthouses – and you can get to those from the 19th floor.  There’s a special elevator up there. and the 19th is The most haunted floor if you do remember.  That’s the one where many people have seen little molly’s ghost with her red ball. And weird lights floating around.

Alison:  so, there are four penthouses on the top floors.  But that section used to have things like the telephone switchboard up there, the hotel carpenters, and the laundry was toward the top too…along with the locker rooms for the workers. – and Jonathan worked in the laundry – remember that.

Nat: the morning Robert fielding died – Jonathan was on that floor - the 18th where the fielding’s suite was.  And he had his laundry cart.  And we had noticed that some things were missing from robert’s room that didn’t make sense based on what we learned from the newspaper article and also the hotel security log that Christopher gave us.  first off, robert’s breakfast plate was gone.  He had been eating breakfast.  Assuming eggs because clovis said eggs were all over his face as if someone had forced him to eat them.  And we did get the word “eggs” on our ghost app – and it had all red bars on the emf reader when that came through.  You can see that on our social media too.

Ethan: plus, I didn’t see that she had a plate.  Was hannah not eating?

Alison: not if it was poisoned…

Nat: – also, at the scene there was an open bottle of bourbon – but no glass.  And clovis told alison he smelled like liquor.  It was the Apple valley brand by the way. And just like with the eggs – the word apple had appeared with big red bars. So – I’m going to say – I’m going to be a little Nancy Drew for a second. what if both those things were poisoned with a little extra strychnine . Since he was the one sending us messages – then maybe he was trying to tell us how he was poisoned.

Ethan – and the voices on the mezzanine said things like “no.”  and then a woman said – do it.  And them some guy’s voice said – he’s not done. 

Alison: maybe that’s the conversation that was going on – as they were poisoning him.

Ethan: and I’m thinking Jonathan got that stuff out of there like the plate and the glass and it was in the laundry cart and headed to the top of the building. 

Nat:  and if this handprint clue is correct – then that necklace may have been hidden up there this whole time. 

Alison:  we all got into the elevator but then realized we couldn’t get up there without a special key card – and that’s probably what Christopher was making.

Ethan: so dad went to get help… like from security.

Alison: but that’s not exactly what we needed at the moment was like the responsible adults in the building. What we needed a key card so we could get in there and deal with it ourselves.

Nat: and just like that…the penthouse elevator door randomly opened. but no one was in there.  

Alison: but of course we just stood there staring at each other.

Ethan: but of course we got in.

Alison: and it went straight to the floor we needed – just like those other elevators that would take you straight to the 19-th floor. This one went to the right penthouse.  I love a haunted elevators they can be so useful.

Nat:  the door to the actual penthouse was open when we got out of the elevator and we peeked inside of course. Christopher had knocked a hole in a wall.  I guess where that haunted handprint had been. And the kids and I ran and hid in the kitchen area – I mean this a nice set up… lots of room and plenty of places to hide.  I mean if you’re ever here, I’d look into getting one of these rooms.

Alison: ok booking-dot-com. anyway, let me say we were bumbling fools running into each other trying to get behind a wall.  I’m shocked he didn’t hear us with the amount of commotion we made.  It’s not as big of a mystery as how mom got under a table, but it’s still a mystery.

Ethan: we saw him pull out a broken plate…. A glass…. And something wrapped in a cloth. 

Alison: he looked inside it – and then took off.

Nat:  well, he got on the elevator…and guess what – we ran right after him.  like we didn’t even say a word to each other.  We just took off – and of course ended up on the elevator with him. 

Alison: that elevator ride takes the cake for the most awkward elevator ride and definitely not dangerous whatsoever.

Nat:  he looked shocked and y’all – things changed quickly because he pulled out a knife.  He said the necklace was his.  his family’s.

Alison: I don’t really know about that…. I mean I’m not an expert on possession laws, but I’m pretty sure it’s your girlfriend’s dead husband’s family’s.  not yours but ok.

Nat: he said his family had spent years looking for this thing – and he wasn’t giving it up.

Alison: I’m pretty sure the Fielding family spent years looking for it, if we’re going to have, uh, a competition.

Ethan: mom pushed us behind her as the doors opened to the 19-th floor – 

Alison: so the set up there -  you have the penthouse elevator…  and then you have to go to the main bank of elevators to go down to the lobby.  Which I’m assuming is where Christopher was wanting to go.

Nat: So, Christopher started backing out of the elevator saying – you’re going to stay here but I’m leaving.  and you know sometimes things go in slow motion – you may have experienced that.  because the next thing you knew, Christopher was on the ground – and that necklace was thrown across the hallway.  Even before that happened -  I heard the noise first.  I had heard it many times on this trip. You see, clovis mcphail our 102-year-old friend had knocked Christopher over with her scooter and had parked right on top of his knife.

Alison: like the girl boss that she is.


Nat:  yes, you see, clovis had been watching us – she had been up there on the 19th floor trying to find molly, the ghost girl with the red ball. So she sat in front of the penthouse elevator just waiting for us to come back because she knew there could be some trouble.

Alison: by this time, dad had brought augustus the security guard – who come to find out… had been suspicious of Christopher because you see, Christopher hadn’t worked at the lord baltimore for months.  He had been hanging out there trying to find the necklace.

Ethan:  yeah so he and his family had been searching for it for decades.

Nat:  so Christopher got hired here just so he could snoop around, but he gave up and quit a few months ago. and then, word got around that we were coming and what we had done during season one, solving that mystery.  You know, talking to some ghosts. So he decided to befriend us.. 

Ethan: you know when you think about it – we never really actually saw him working.  He was always – near the front desk.  never actually behind it.

Alison: until he stole a key card to steal a necklace.

Nat: yeah – and he gave us all the info he had, hoping we’d figure it out.  which we did.  Sort of.

Alison:  because if he hadn’t have downloaded his own ghost app we would be digging around the Washington monument looking for the necklace.  It’s like an historical monument.  I’m pretty sure that’s a felony.

Nat:  I am aware.  

Ethan: so I asked – who opened the penthouse elevator for us?

Nat: augustus just smiled and said – like I said earlier, the elevator company can’t explain it.  it just happens.  

alison:  as we went to go back down to the lobby or maybe the ballroom level– I got a glimpse of something down the hallway in front of the doors that lead to the bar up there. And our ghost app went off.  And there she was - a little girl, in a long cream colored dress and black shoes..and she had a red ball. She waved and the phrase “you’re welcome” was on our screen.




Nat: So it was Molly who opened that penthouse elevator for us. ha.  hannah and Jonathan were not having any of that. 

Alison: yeah so mom walks into the ballroom and says – =we= found the necklace. And she’s just yelling up at the ceiling looking like a crazy person. And the response from the ghost people was definitely more of a =they= found the necklace (mad)… more so than they found the necklace! Yay.

Ethan: the lights were blinking like crazy.

Nat:  Those beautiful 1928 chandeliers were shaking. You see, Christopher said – he had been following us around and when ethan deciphered that morse code message that said “diamond” – that was actually meant for him.  not us.   They wanted Christopher to have that necklace And now, well, it could end up going to robert’s family.  If they’re still around I guess.

Alison: so at this point, Ethan is walking toward the big windows – towards a man standing there.  I hadn’t seen him before.  He had on the blue sports jacket, shiny buttons and an ascot – you know, the fred from Scooby doo scarf. 

Ethan:  it was Robert fielding.  Staring at the window, just like that hotel worker saw years ago.  He turned and said – thank you.  they poisoned me… and now whole world will know.  He said he had been the one knocking their picture off the wall so we’d notice it.  

He was talking about the photo from the big nurse’s alumni dinner where Jonathan and hannah met.

Alison: yeah and they weren’t done yet.  Apparently we had some battery power left so hannah was making herself known. And she wasn’t happy.

Nat: she visualized right in front of us –and she was yelling – at Robert.

Alison: she said – it’s your fault I died – if I hadn’t been looking at you in that window I would have seen that trolley.

Nat: she had seen something strange in the window according to the witnesses.

Ethan:  but then Robert quickly said – uh, honey – you killed me first.

Alison: he said eggs and the bourbon had been poisoned or at least he thought they had been.  He said it tasted funny and then she started pushing it in his mouth.  Ugh.

Nat: and he claimed the last thing he heard was something dripping from the table.  The bourbon bottle had been knocked over on the table.

Nat: and then the lights started blinking like crazy– and hannah said – I know.. Jonathan.  Like real mad like.  She then said – your family almost burned the place down.

Alison: remember that fire in 1980?  On the 18-th floor where Robert fielding died.  Some crazy relative of Jonathan and I guess Christopher too accidentally caused that fire trying to open up walls to see if the necklace was hidden in there.  

Ethan: smart move.

Nat: and then the big reveal y’all – Robert told hannah – “guess what?  That necklace you and your boyfriend wanted so badly – it’s a fake.  I sold the real one.  Right big plot twist.

Alison:  she was so mad - 

Nat: yeah, it’s just like the lie she told his family when they asked about it… remember she claimed he had sold because he had lost a lot of money in the stock market… well, yeah.  That’s what he did.  He was running out of money but she had no idea. 

Ethan: and he just laughed (a ghost laugh you know of course) as he started fading away.  

Alison: but hannah was still there – she started talking about how Jonathan took the necklace and hid it in the wall of the laundry area which we obviously already knew because we found it.

Nat: plus he had to get rid of the evidence of the murder …remember the plate and glass that Christopher also found in the wall, I mean, I guess they’re still up there.  but they had traces of strychnine on them. And oh my, she was so angry that she started whirling around – and it looked like flashes of light were coming from her and then – y’all – that light passed right through us. and she was gone.

ethan: it was crazy.


Nat:  As we packed up to leave, there was a knock at our hotel room door.  It was clovis and her granddaughter.  They would be staying one more night.  but she  wanted to give us a hug.  she said… and it’s hard to even say this, guys.  you never know this may be my last visit to the lord Baltimore.  And thank you for making it the best.   I think my voice cracked for just a second.

Alison: and as we all stood there crying – clovis said – I mean, I’m the one who took down the bad guy.

Ethan:  then something caught clovis’s attention behind us, towards the bed in our room.

Nat: I turned around…to see what she was looking at. It was that woman again.  That ghost woman who kept appearing the room.  And I was looking around hoping that you guys saw her at least this one time.

Alison: yeah – but she didn’t want to see =us.=  because I heard clovis say – mama?

So we had another mystery to solve – do you remember the strange sound that was picked up while I was recording ethan talking outside the ballroom? We played it in an earlier episode. I didn’t really hear it until I started putting this podcast together.   

Here it is -  (dripping sound) so come here.  How do you feel about what just happened in there. I do believe that there is an angry spirit there that’s really mad at us.

Well, I thought it was something dripping..maybe like the last sound that robert fielding heard before he died – the bourbon dripping off the table.

Alison: um yeah so…

Nat: I mean I was sure we had recorded something crazy.

Alison:  and then I had to be the one to disappoint her – it’s the sound of our video camera.  It’s like stupidly loud.  I was trying to record stuff when you were talking to ethan.

Nat:  ok well, I think my version is more interesting.

Alison: ok so next time I’ll give you a heads up that our camera sounds like deadly bourbon dripping off of a table.

Nat: so if you get the chance to go to the lord Baltimore – don’t worry we left the ghosts there.  hannah, Jonathan, Robert, and their voices on the mezzanine.. molly, the madam, the strange spirits that appear in your room and in the hallways…. And the 19-th floor is just as we left it.  and maybe if you’re lucky molly will make an appearance with her red ball. 

Ethan: because she just wants to play.



The low budget ghost squad wants to thank the lord Baltimore hotel and lee johnson lowe for taking time out to show us around and answer all of our goofy questions.   Also –a big thank you to fellow podcasters callie and jeff dauler for your support and great advise on this project.  

The low budget ghost squad is part of spellbound productions. – 

Mom write, edited, directed and produced and whatever else had to be done – like tell us what to do.

Nat: And a shout out to Lucinda Peterson, for our logo that you’ve probably seen.

Thankyou to my husband brian for playing along with this – and of course for the acting skills of alison and ethan as we put the skills the learned in Scooby doo – to the test.