Brain Health Podcast

S01E10 The science of brain training? Issues and challenges in brain health

Kim & Alessia Season 1 Episode 10

What does it mean to have a healthy brain? Is brain training possible and how?

Instead of focusing on a particular topic, in this episode Kim and Alessia discuss brain health in general - how we know if we possess it, what we need to protect it from, and most importantly, how to take good care of it. 

A long-time brain health enthusiast and an entrepreneur in the domain of digital healthcare for brain disorders, Kim has a lot to share regarding the topic - current statistics on most common brain diseases, the mechanisms behind neuroplasticity, as well as health tips that apply to the brain. 

Special attention is paid to the solutions to the problem of brain health that digital health technology can offer. Namely, Kim Baden-Kristensen is a co-founder and CEO of Brain+, a digital therapeutics company that developed an app-based cognitive rehabilitation platform in collaboration with health and education institutions, like the Copenhagen Center for Rehabilitation of Brain Injury and the Copenhagen University. In this interview, he describes the Brain+ approach to cognitive training and other areas in brain-related healthcare, and lays out how it is rooted in current neuroscience

This is the first half of a two-part interview - the next episode focuses on which changes in our lifestyle can improve brain health.

Kim Baden-Kristensen is the co-founder and CEO of Brain+, a digital therapeutics company that helps people with brain disorders and injuries to recover their fundamental cognitive brain functions and daily life capabilities by using an app-based cognitive rehabilitation platform, which is developed in close collaboration with patients, clinicians and researchers.  |
Alessia Covello is a life science IT consultant working in the field of healthcare technology implementation, and advocating for better services for people with brain conditions and learning disabilities.

Topics discussed:

  • 3.43 Introduction to the podcast
  • 6.43 What made Kim start Brain+
    • 10.58 The power of neuroplasticity
  • 17.02 The general problematic of brain health 
  • 22.37 Finding the technological solution to the brain health problems - the mission of Brain+
  • 31.14 What does it mean to have a healthy brain
  • 35.30 Brain training - the importance of lifelong learning


All references to products, companies, and organizations in this podcast and the article that accompanies it are included with the purpose to inform, rather than promote or advertise. The podcast authors do not receive financial compensation for any of these references.