Do The Work with Harold McGhee Jr.

Ep. 2 Exploring Purpose, Overcoming Temptation, and Embracing Biblical Masculinity with Kyle Golden

September 03, 2023 Harold McGhee Jr. Episode 2
Ep. 2 Exploring Purpose, Overcoming Temptation, and Embracing Biblical Masculinity with Kyle Golden
Do The Work with Harold McGhee Jr.
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Do The Work with Harold McGhee Jr.
Ep. 2 Exploring Purpose, Overcoming Temptation, and Embracing Biblical Masculinity with Kyle Golden
Sep 03, 2023 Episode 2
Harold McGhee Jr.

Prepare to embark on a spiritual journey with our esteemed guest, Kyle Golden, as we shed light on an important but often overlooked aspect of our lives - our purpose, freedom, and legacy. Kyle’s own journey is not one of simplicity but rather a complex battle of overcoming personal struggles with lust and the strength found in vulnerability. Listen in as he shares his experience of navigating through temptations and the pivotal role discipline played in his life. 

As we navigate further into this enlightening conversation, we’ll touch upon the power of prayer and spiritual discipline. The discussion takes a deep dive into the importance of good physical health in serving the Lord and the menacing role of distractions, such as social media, in our spiritual journey. Do you truly understand the power of prayer? Have you ever considered the significance of an intercessor? Kyle discusses these elements, bringing a fresh perspective to the table.

Lastly, we venture into the fascinating world of biblical masculinity. Could it help us stand stronger in the face of truth? Kyle’s powerful conviction leading to his marriage just four days later serves as a testament to this. We also ponder upon how fear of the Lord can lead to wisdom and discernment and the potential pitfalls of taking God's grace and mercy for granted. Join us for this insightful conversation to expand your understanding and strengthen your spiritual foundation.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Prepare to embark on a spiritual journey with our esteemed guest, Kyle Golden, as we shed light on an important but often overlooked aspect of our lives - our purpose, freedom, and legacy. Kyle’s own journey is not one of simplicity but rather a complex battle of overcoming personal struggles with lust and the strength found in vulnerability. Listen in as he shares his experience of navigating through temptations and the pivotal role discipline played in his life. 

As we navigate further into this enlightening conversation, we’ll touch upon the power of prayer and spiritual discipline. The discussion takes a deep dive into the importance of good physical health in serving the Lord and the menacing role of distractions, such as social media, in our spiritual journey. Do you truly understand the power of prayer? Have you ever considered the significance of an intercessor? Kyle discusses these elements, bringing a fresh perspective to the table.

Lastly, we venture into the fascinating world of biblical masculinity. Could it help us stand stronger in the face of truth? Kyle’s powerful conviction leading to his marriage just four days later serves as a testament to this. We also ponder upon how fear of the Lord can lead to wisdom and discernment and the potential pitfalls of taking God's grace and mercy for granted. Join us for this insightful conversation to expand your understanding and strengthen your spiritual foundation.

Speaker 1:

All right, y'all this episode. We're gonna continue the conversation with my man's, Kyle Golden. He's gonna answer some more questions. We're gonna dive into some more of his story. I can't wait. So, without further ado, let's get to it, that's I mean. So, after seeing that, like kind of give, kind of give, give me an example of how, how doing that work has kind of changed my mindset your mindset, because you know my brand and my mission.

Speaker 1:

My mandate in life is to you know, I have one with my wife and I have one that the Lord's really, really awakening and pushing forward for, for men and for people in general, is to really see a life of purpose, freedom and legacy.

Speaker 1:

And how has, how? Has doing the work mentally and spiritually and emotionally, how's doing that work helped you in your purpose or in your, in your freedom, my freedom and, most importantly, your legacy? You could, you could pick one, or you can touch on all three. But purpose, freedom and legacy. I'm gonna go with freedom. All right, let's go, let's get it Okay.

Speaker 3:

So as freedom, I can tell you, before I I got myself into a lot of situations. I guess you could say growing up, and if I would have implemented y'all, y'all got to learn that this man Stan.

Speaker 3:

Jackson. He lives in my head rent free. I really need to be charging this man some rent. But he used to always instill in me this is early on, this is before I was even. I was still in that process, going through counseling. They were still trying to get me to do the discipleship group at this point. But he would call me and he'd be like are you implementing the three G's? I'd be like the three G's, what are you talking about?

Speaker 1:

What's the?

Speaker 3:

three G's man. He's like you got a, you got a guide Yep Guide. You got a guard Guard Yep and a guide guard and a gauge, Engage. You got to gauge your situations that you're in and I never really understood that. And then discernment came into the came into the picture and I'm thinking even. You say discernment all the time and I never really understood it until I started getting my faith, until I started waking up and getting my devotion time and really starting to listen.

Speaker 3:

And in listening and sitting back and listening and getting quiet and getting real again, that time of the Lord, he started to reveal things to me, things that I was weakened. Some of the things I was weakened, I'll talk about it. A lot of men I feel like some men are scared to talk about it, but I'm not scared to talk about it because in our weaknesses he makes us strong. Yes, that's word.

Speaker 3:

And this was a weakness I had and I think it's a weakness a lot of men have as well and that weakness was, it was lust. It was lust, plain and simple. It was lust Absolutely. I had problems with pornography as a child growing up and in this, in my spiritual journey, in my spiritual acceleration, if I was to sit here and tell you that there weren't attacks, I'd be lying. Come on, man.

Speaker 1:

I'm like man get out of my room If anything if anything, the attacks were stronger now than they were back then.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because when you bound, he ain't really got too much, because you bound.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. I mean if you going out and you doing what you ain't got, what you're not supposed to be doing, without him even trying to do anything.

Speaker 3:

Why he?

Speaker 1:

like man. This man is just destroying his own life.

Speaker 2:

We got him on lock.

Speaker 1:

But then when you start trying to change and you start trying to do the work to really get yourself in position and in alignment is a better word when you're trying to do the work to get in alignment not only in alignment with what the Lord wants, but sometimes we have to get in alignment with our families, get in alignment with our spouses, get in alignment with those in our inner circle, so that we can work together to accomplish the assignment that the Lord has for us. In this season, and when the enemy sees that man he like hold up, my man's making some moves that I ain't really approving of, I got to start doing some stuff.

Speaker 1:

I got to start putting some stuff in front of them. I got to start sending some things to them. I got to start, you know whatever, an old flame trying to connect, or you know some people trying to, and I mean some weird things.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm talking to the point and this will get. This goes into why. Because I had to do a absent, absent, absonance, absonance, sorry, I'm talking about there. Absonance from Facebook. Yeah, and how that started is, you know, sunday, after church, you know, me and the wife were hanging out on the couch. I'm scrolling through Facebook. All of a sudden, pornography pops up on my Facebook page. Come to find out a couple of weeks later, during this fast app standing from Facebook, two other guys was a sponsorship group. Same thing I said. I ain't seen that. I mean, we're real, we're vulnerable.

Speaker 3:

We're vulnerable in my deception class, so like I haven't seen points, as I was kid and it popped up and I was like man.

Speaker 1:

Don't give me that, bro. I said, you just tell me.

Speaker 3:

And we're talking about Facebook here.

Speaker 2:

Like we're talking about Facebook. Like if I was living my old ways.

Speaker 3:

And I was scrolling the pornography. I could see it then. But, man, when I get on the internet, I'm just looking to buy some books off of Amazon and get some protein here and there, you know. So when I saw that, I knew I said no, no, no. I said that's an attack, come on. I said I need to step away from that.

Speaker 3:

That's right man, I need to step away because I couldn't, I didn't even want the temptation there to draw me back into my old ways, Come on. So I said absolutely not. So I looked at my wife. I said I'm deleting Facebook and Instagram. Look, I'm getting clean off of it. Come on, I'm going. Pastor Jason's been speaking about this 21 day fast. He even said you get off Facebook. You need to even set it. Heard him saying so.

Speaker 1:

I said no one.

Speaker 3:

Make it plain, Lord, make it plain, I'm gonna put it away and to some people it may not be much, but I feel like social media has such an influence on today's day and age.

Speaker 1:

It's a we live in an influencer society. Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean influencer marketing, influencer personalities. It wasn't a big thing like five, 10 years ago. You know, it was just very few people. You know, you had the big, big people who had like hundreds of thousands, you know millions of followers. But now it's ridiculous, everybody trying to be an influencer. Everybody, bro, I'm trying to be an influencer, hey, hey.

Speaker 3:

But let me tell you all you little influencers in the gym that want to be there with your cameras, in my way, and tripods yeah.

Speaker 1:

Chill out, chill out. I'm trying to get this word. I'm about to make you duty. I'm finally gonna show you the correct form. I've been working out three months and I'm about to train you on this form.

Speaker 3:

I'm about to get my certifications.

Speaker 1:

So holl at your boy, Yo holl at Cal for the personal training Get that body right. Get that body right, man. I was talking to you, man. I just told you this the other day, man, that the Lord was convicted me about my physical health. Man, it's just just being lazy, not hitting it like I used to. Man, and I was like Lord. I feel you.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna get look man.

Speaker 1:

I heard a preacher say don't let your, don't let your body keep you from where God is trying to take you. Oh, he said some people can only go so far in life because they physically can't handle it anymore. Like I don't want to be that guy he be. Like God says man, I want so much more for you, but you out of breath and I'm like oh snaps Boy, you got three boys chasing around the block or something. Man oh man. So you know it's important, it's important to be in shape man.

Speaker 1:

look at Jesus man. This man walked everywhere.

Speaker 3:

You know, that's cardio on lock and he had people following him.

Speaker 1:

Boy, and when he said following, he literally meant it Like you look behind him and they walking with him.

Speaker 3:

They're trying to be in his dust. I want to be in that man's dust, come on.

Speaker 1:

So you know, physical, the physical, is very like. Our physical health is very important, and we'll talk about this on another episode, but our mental health impacts our physical.

Speaker 1:

And vice versa, yeah, and vice versa. You know, sometimes when you're not in physical shape, it affects how you feel mentally the fog, the drowsiness, the laziness. It's just tough sometimes, man. I'ma just say it. So I might make a like a separate content piece on this. But somebody sent me I don't have it to pull up now but maybe I'll show it later but somebody sent me a clip of Kevin Gates. He's like a secular rapper, kevin Gates, and the man was talking about his health and how he went on like a three week no water, no food. Oh, he went fast, fast.

Speaker 3:

For three weeks. For three weeks, no water, no food, nothing, nothing. Oh, he heard from the Lord.

Speaker 1:

No, he didn't. He did this through demonic strength. Oh, he went like that. Yes, this man said. This man said he messed with the wrong spirits. This man said that he was putting his body in submission for other spirits to talk and live through him. And somebody still said they was like man. What you think about this? And he was going on talking about how his mom had him with an angel and he was birthed that way and that he acts to come into this world.

Speaker 1:

So that he could up his rank in the demonic spiritual realm. And they was like yo, man, this is like. This is going on. And the person who sent me the clip was like yo. Why is the enemy soldiers more disciplined than the lords?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Bro, I was like yo. This man fasted for three weeks to hear from the devil to open himself up to receive from someone other than God.

Speaker 3:

Bro, but think about what you just said, though. Why is the?

Speaker 1:

enemy, the enemy soldiers are more disciplined and dedicated than the lords. Now, that's a blanket statement. There are some that's really rocking and doing the work and being who they're supposed to be. But that convicted me, dude, hard. I was just like yo, I got so much truth.

Speaker 1:

But what am I doing to really position myself, to be in alignment with the Lord, to hear from him? Because when you can't hear from God, man, it's usually something that's blocking, it's something hindering that. That's hindering that, whether that's physical, whether that's distractions in you too busy, maybe it's just your health. And sometimes I know, for me, whenever I'm fasting from food and I'm just going on a water only or no water, no liquid man, I can hear clearer than a mug from the Lord. Imagine what them cast hair from demons when they like that. I don't even want to know, dude. So I was like God, I repent, dude. I just was just like, look, I need to get right, I need to get in some good shape, because you got people like there was a. There was a. I was listening to an interview from a lady. She was, she was, she was like a new age witch or something, and she was like an evangelist, like though, like she was evangelizing witchcraft, like she was going out converting mugs converting cats to witchcraft like heavy.

Speaker 1:

And then God got a hold over and she started doing that for the Lord.

Speaker 1:

But she was just saying how there will be weeks and months where she would be on a restricted diet so that she can be empowered to go out and win people to witchcraft. And I was just like, look, how many week people we got this sustaining from the desires and the pleasures of the flesh to win souls for the kingdom, man, dude, come on, come on. And so I was just like, look, man, I never want to be in a position to where my physical health cannot carry me with.

Speaker 1:

The Lord wants to take me. Some of us be like look man, I feel like the Lord leave me in Africa, but I and I can't walk that far. Like in them, villages is a pretty far. Yeah, you got to walk everywhere sometimes, and especially if you're out there and I'm just like, look man, you know God is God of grace and mercy and everyone's not called to that. But at some point we got to be good witnesses. You got to be good witnesses and I don't know how we got to this.

Speaker 3:

But we're just letting this flow. I talked to my brother. I said how you want to do this.

Speaker 1:

He said we're going to let it flow, listen because because that's how it is in prayer and I think a lot of times let me make this clear Before I'm anything, I'm an intercessor, before I'm anything, I'm an intercessor. And so a lot of times the Lord has shown me some stuff and I'll be praying and I won't say nothing to no one. And sometimes I had a brother from Texas who hit me up and he was like, he was like look man, this is what I'm going through, blah, blah, blah. And at first I thought God wanted me to give him some counsel, some advice, because the Lord had been having me on a counseling tip, counseling a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

But, like I said before anything, I'm an intercessor. And I was just like look man, I really believe the Lord just had you share that to me so that I can be praying for you intensely for the next few weeks until it breaks. And he was like bet. He was like bet, I think that's the Lord. I think that's like he's like you know what? Yeah, I think that's the Lord.

Speaker 3:

Is he a believer? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he's a strong believer.

Speaker 1:

And so he just was like I don't know what this is, but the Lord was showing me like this is a spiritual attack against you and your family, and he just needed some reinforcements. You need some reinforcements. And what the Lord was showing me was just like, look, man, this guy has been attacked and there's not really anyone around him who can really stand in that gap and really fight him, fight that, fight that he needs, so he can feel the camaraderie of the prayers and stuff. And so I was just like, yeah, man, I'm just going to pray, I'm just going to be an intercessor for you. And I was like, just let me know when this is better.

Speaker 1:

Let me know when this breaks and he's like bet, and that's what it is, and I've just been praying ever since. So so I say that to say before anything, man, I am a intercessor and I love to pray, as you know.

Speaker 3:

I love to pray man.

Speaker 1:

And prayer. Prayer changes things, man, I think. Stands at my door Stand them on Jackson, Come on bro.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, have a seat, bro. Oh man, so we got, we got, we got our brother standing. He's. He's off the camera, but he's going to be coming up soon, next, next, but no man, I was just talking before anything. I'm an intercessor Before, yes, before anything. Yes, we are, we are intercessors. And so, before I try to say anything or try to give anything or try to fix anything, I've learned they're doing the work of just being in God's presence. Yes, that sometimes the best work we can do is pray. Yes, yes, yes, yeah, come on, man, come on. So, look man, so, yeah, so that's, that's before anything. I'm an intercession man, but but, yeah, that's, that's exciting.

Speaker 1:

So we were talking about the physical hell, mm-hmm, and, and, and I, I was, I was sharing how I was. I told you guys, I was convicted about not I, but I. I had that problem and my brother Kyle made a very good point when we prayed about it. He was like, look Harold, sometimes the Lord he's a. I thank God for you guys, because what you may be weak in, I may be strong, yeah, and what I may be weak in, you may be strong, mm-hmm, and that iron, sharp as iron. But you know, somebody gotta be sharp. Yeah, can't have two butternights, no. So. So I appreciate that because you know I I have brothers in my life that really keep me accountable and and really Desire that that relationship and so yeah man, so yeah we're we at maybe kind of has been bouncing over.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you were saying how, how? The freedom, the freedom, yeah, doing the work has really changed your freedom, and especially the discernment yes, and guide, garden and guide guarding the three G's yes, the three G's, yes, stan was this living in your man over here. Right here, this man rent free in my head, but but the three G's is important yes or, and you know To do that.

Speaker 3:

I guess, in that freedom it really it just goes back to vulnerability and yeah, even with no disrespect disrespect, athena, but those just things as a man Especially, absolutely a man of God and that's why I felt like the podcast was geared towards man, because it's no shy to women are disrespectful women are anybody for that matter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just that you know, men need a safe place to be men.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, yes To, because we are men. Men do have desires, sexual desires regardless. Yeah, you know, it's just keep it playing here. I mean absolutely, absolutely, it's true. And there were times where I was having desires and Obviously, I've mentioned my wife is pregnant. You know, come on, there's gonna be some days you're gonna be like get away from me, don't touch me. You know, that's real talk.

Speaker 1:

It's. This means real talk you know I have kids.

Speaker 3:

Maybe you don't understand if you do then you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah so, but I there was one morning, I think I don't know I Spoke with you about it. I think I think Stan was resting that day. I had a high eight so I I got the herald of this one but I talked. I cleaned up, talking Stan later on that afternoon. But I woke up and I just was just aroused and in the past I probably would have gave into that arousal, Absolutely man, and got into pornography or got on social media lusted at some girl and I was like, uh-uh, I can't do this, come on, and I'm just gonna keep it playing, I hopped in my truck.

Speaker 3:

Usually I leave my house around 6.30,. I'm talking to him. I hopped in my truck at 6 am and I did. I straight up, did I'm driving around out in the country and I was talking to Harold on the phone because I was like this is an attack from the enemy. Yes, I'd see that now. Yes, because I'm practicing discernment and judging, well Listen. So I was like I need to get out of this situation.

Speaker 1:

So I got out of it. There is wisdom in having a healthy fear of the Lord. Amen, the fear of the Lord will keep you.

Speaker 3:

Yes for real.

Speaker 1:

The fear of the Lord, and it's not like a fear, it's like I'm afraid to go to hell. But let me tell you, I was raised in a denomination that only preached fire, in Brampton, and so, like I'm gonna tell you this story because it's similar to yours, but on another extreme. So I was in college, right, and I was rooming with a Nigerian roommate by way of Canada. So his parents lived in Canada, but they were from Nigeria. His brother was dark. This brother was dark. His brother was dark.

Speaker 3:

His brother was dark. Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

But he used to always try to like he had a. I was like a player and he was just like a staunch like woman I pay too much for these pans, you better not rub up against them, and so. But so we had this thing, you know. So I was, I was inviting a girl over to the room and so I put the little thing on the door, let him know that I had company. And he was. This man yelled through the door let's go, mcgee. And she was like what's that? That's not, that's not, that's my roommate. Let me know that he he gonna come back later. And so the girl this is this is real, true story. The girl was ready, like she came with intentions, and I've never felt a conviction like I felt in my now. Look, I wasn't, I wasn't living for the Jesus. I had her, I knew who he was. I had a relationship as a kid but I had backslide, like, like detour backslide.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I wasn't like backsliding on the road that I was on, like I was like backslide, was like all right, I'm gonna go this way, yeah, wow. And so I hadn't really experienced God's presence in like over a year. And I was in that room, bro, and the presence of the Lord was there and scared to live in daylight out of me. I looked at her and I was like yo, you gotta go. She was like what's your outside? You gotta get up out of here.

Speaker 1:

Fear of God she was like you know, I go. I'm like, nah, she's like what's wrong, am I? It's nothing wrong with you, but you gotta go. I literally thought I was gonna go to hell if I did something with her. I felt so convicted by Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, and I ain't never. This is why I haven't felt the presence in so long that when I felt it and I knew I wasn't living right, I was like either I'm gonna die or this is the decision that's gonna send me to hell. I'm gonna die Bro.

Speaker 2:

That's interesting. So a lot of people don't think that our behavior is compounded?

Speaker 1:

Oh, definitely. So you have a compound interest they could go negative because you just storing it up.

Speaker 2:

They could be in a way, but there is a price to pay. The Bible talks about in Galatians 6 and 9.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know when it talks about you.

Speaker 2:

Whatever you sow, sow in a flesh you're gonna reap it so a spirit as well. Whatever you sow in a spirit, yeah. So that was your warning, that you know that your days were numbered.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and you keep going on this path, absolutely, people take advantage of God's grace and mercy, and that's exactly what I was doing. I was taking advantage of God's grace and mercy and I don't mean to get kind of interroof no no no, you're good Because you lead me into my next thing how I got convicted.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I was taking it because I knew better, bro. I had given my life to the Lord in middle school and I had, you know, dabble with some stuff in high school, but I still had like some conviction that I knew I was gonna go too far. But in college all the strength was off, bro. Yeah, it was like you know and in that moment I felt the tangible presence and fear of the Lord and I was like yo, I'm not finna mess with this.

Speaker 3:

I'm not, I'm not finna mess with this.

Speaker 1:

And I kicked her out of my room, bro. And, funny story, I woke up the next day. Well, I was woken up the next day by a neighbor who wanted to borrow my bike to ride to class cause he was running a little bit late. And he was like, hey, let me give me, give me a lock. So I mean, give me your keys so I can get your. Can I ride your bike to class, Cause it's across campus? I was like no problem, man, and he went down to get my bike and he will. Came back upstairs he was like, bro, I don't know what you did, but somebody slit your bike tires. Bro, the girl I kicked out had cut my bike tires. Doug, what you upset.

Speaker 3:

Petty bro.

Speaker 2:

Bro, and not knowing what was attached to that.

Speaker 1:

And here's the grace, here's the grace in it all. Just imagine if I had got a soul tie with her from sleeping with her, and that would have been on my life?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Cut them bike tires.

Speaker 2:

Save my soul.

Speaker 1:

That's the question I know you about to go into. That's good.

Speaker 2:

That's good. Were you doing like at that moment, in that very present moment? Were you like drinking or any kind of narcotics or anything like that? No, so here's the thing this is what people do, and that's why the enemy always want you to drink and smoke and all that to numb you so you won't get a.

Speaker 1:

As my parents will say, I was in my right mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Right right, right, yeah, but I just wanted to let you know no, I had, no, I had.

Speaker 1:

So the question was was I under any type of substance or influence? So, no, I was not under, and, interestingly enough though, I met her. I didn't even think about this till now. Yo, I met old girl because I had got high with some friends from East St Louis and they had like it was overkill, bro, I'm talking about overkill, and she was there, and that's how we met over blunt, but I'll say that to say man.

Speaker 1:

So I met this girl around substances, drinking and smoking. But I was in my right mind when we were in this encounter and, bro, it scared me. I felt conviction like I've never felt it before and I was just like you gotta go, like you gotta get out of my room, out of my room, out of my presence. But yeah, man, I was taking advantage of the Lord's grace and had that the Lord was protecting me, because had I slept with her, there definitely would have been some type of soul tie there, yeah for sure, and that could have ended really badly, especially if I would have tried to pursue her in a relationship type of way and we'll talk about something like that later.

Speaker 3:

Can I touch on that conviction?

Speaker 1:

real quick.

Speaker 3:

Go for it.

Speaker 1:

This is your time.

Speaker 3:

I saw this one get back to this earlier. The Lord, he convicted me in a different way. He actually convicted me when I was engaged. While I was engaged, me and my now wife were living together.

Speaker 3:

It all started out as like a domino effect. Layton, my son got baptized, olivia got baptized, I got baptized back to back to back three weeks in a row. And one day I remember talking to Stan. I said man, I said I don't feel right, come on. He's like what do you mean? I said man, like what kind of a cause? Stan would always, he would always put my head like man, you're a leader. Now You're a leader for the kingdom.

Speaker 3:

You have to act in that. And I had people come up to me and church people I'd never met before and they say I just want you to know that I see you for who you are. You're a mighty man of God. And that stuck in the back of my head. But then I started to get convicted. I'm like, if I'm a mighty man of God, then why am I living with my fiance and practicing in fortifications?

Speaker 1:

and things of that nature.

Speaker 3:

I'm like that's not a good example.

Speaker 1:

Like what am I doing here?

Speaker 3:

But the thing about it was is I was scared because, she's obviously. At the time she was a single. She would have been a single mother, so she was getting state assistance and things of that nature. With the legal situation I had going on down in Texas, my funds were. They were a little low as well. I moved back. So, be just honest, I was scared. But in this conviction it's funny how it happened. There was one time at our church during church service, somebody had lost a ring.

Speaker 1:

I remember that service A wedding ring.

Speaker 3:

I remember that service, pastor Jason's up there this happens on multiple occasions and this was the second time that I knew. But there's another brother, what's his name? He sings. He helped Justin, justin Venus. But Pastor Jason was like hey, I got a ring, if you guys need it Justin Kyle looks great at him Call us out In the middle of service. We're not in a small service here. He called us out and I'm like man, all right, and then that Wednesday first Wednesday again nobody's taking the ring. Yet he does it again. That next Thursday I called Stan. I said man, I was like that's, I was like I'm starting to kind of get into this, into my spiritual majority and things. I was like Pastor Jason just thought that was a joke. But no, that wasn't a joke.

Speaker 3:

That was the Lord. It's the vine.

Speaker 1:

I was like the vine slept upside down. I was like no, no, no.

Speaker 3:

I was like he's like well, when, well, how quick are you trying to do it? And I said I'm going to get my marriage license, like.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And he's like well, you need to get ahold of Pastor Michael. Pastor Michael was like well, when can we do it? I was like well, I know it's Mother's Day this Sunday, but can we do it? Then? He's like yep.

Speaker 1:

We're going to Pastor Jason's office.

Speaker 3:

So four days later I'm getting married.

Speaker 1:

in the past I'm like, come on On Mother's Day. On Mother's Day, conviction that leads to marriage. Like, give it up, give it up, and it was like it was to the point I couldn't sleep.

Speaker 3:

I couldn't sleep, I just I didn't feel right. I just felt off and I was like I don't want to live like this anymore. I'm a mighty man of God. Yeah, I want to be who he's called me to be. I want to be an example.

Speaker 1:

Come on, come on.

Speaker 3:

I'm just here to say there are some bad examples of what man is nowadays which I'm.

Speaker 1:

that's probably like a whole another podcast, yeah, but that's. At some point we will discuss God's definition of man and the world. Actually, I won't get into it, but I was having a conversation with a guy in a barbershop last week about biblical masculinity. Biblical masculinity.

Speaker 3:

And it was.

Speaker 1:

It was a really good conversation, because there's not enough people standing up for true biblical masculinity. And yeah, man, yes, we'll talk about that later, that's another time.

Exploring Purpose, Freedom, and Legacy
Power of Prayer and Spiritual Discipline
Conviction and Fear of the Lord
The Journey to Biblical Masculinity