The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 6 - Part 1: Dan Bolin's Soul Connection

November 12, 2023 Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson, Daniel Bolin Season 1 Episode 6
Episode 6 - Part 1: Dan Bolin's Soul Connection
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 6 - Part 1: Dan Bolin's Soul Connection
Nov 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 6
Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson, Daniel Bolin

Hello TMMC Tribe! We are amped to share today's episode with you! We had an expansive connection with  our guest, Daniel Bolin. The conversation was just shy of 2 hours and could have kept going! So we’re sharing it into Two Parts… here are some highlights in Part 1 with Daniel:

- Two near-death experiences as a child

- A spiritual quest for truth beyond traditions starting at the age of 13

- Becoming aware of subliminal influences as a teen and coping with loss

- A 12-year exploration of alternative healing modalities, including meditation and mind-body awareness

- Redefining masculinity, first experience with tears of joy, navigating internal conflicts, laughter as medicine, embracing life’s creative side

- The mind-body connection, exploring different tools for releasing stuck energy

- Embracing change and creating new habits

- Acknowledging the importance of a supportive tribe 

- Embracing the power of collective consciousness for transformative change

Stay tuned for Part 2 next week! We have massive gratitude in our hearts to have been able to spend those couple of hours with you Dan and look forward to our next level connection!

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Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
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Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Show Notes Transcript

Hello TMMC Tribe! We are amped to share today's episode with you! We had an expansive connection with  our guest, Daniel Bolin. The conversation was just shy of 2 hours and could have kept going! So we’re sharing it into Two Parts… here are some highlights in Part 1 with Daniel:

- Two near-death experiences as a child

- A spiritual quest for truth beyond traditions starting at the age of 13

- Becoming aware of subliminal influences as a teen and coping with loss

- A 12-year exploration of alternative healing modalities, including meditation and mind-body awareness

- Redefining masculinity, first experience with tears of joy, navigating internal conflicts, laughter as medicine, embracing life’s creative side

- The mind-body connection, exploring different tools for releasing stuck energy

- Embracing change and creating new habits

- Acknowledging the importance of a supportive tribe 

- Embracing the power of collective consciousness for transformative change

Stay tuned for Part 2 next week! We have massive gratitude in our hearts to have been able to spend those couple of hours with you Dan and look forward to our next level connection!

Connect with Daniel Bolin:

If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

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Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Court and Meg here with the Magical Midlife Crisis. This podcast is intended to inspire and support you on your personal journey towards feeling more magic. Breathe, press play, expect real and raw stories and shifts. Come back with your own stories, shifts, and magical light moments through your darkness in your life. Once we pinpoint The mind to search for the magic, the magic will show up. It's just a matter of time. It could be at any moment in the middle of this magical ride we call life. Enjoying this episode. Grab your seat every Sunday. Expect magic

Dan Bolin:

Hi guys, Megan Court here witH the Magical Midlife Crisis. We are excited to have Dan Bolin on our podcast this evening. Why am I saying this evening? This is what I do. I start talking so weird. Well, that's one of the fun things that we were just talking about before we met up with you, Dan, is that we listened back to our first few episodes and we've had just Awesome support from our, from our, our people, but we're, we're, we're listening to ourselves. We don't even really sound like that. So it's, it's so cool. We're talking about developing the truest self and we're continuously on that journey. But, um, What's so cool about connecting with you, Meg has shared with me that you and she and her, whatever the proper grammar is, um, don't, don't know each other other than on Facebook, which is so cool. And then I'm meeting you right this moment. So, um, what Megan has shared is how are you two connected? We are connected through my Bestest friend in the entire world. Shout out to Miss Daniella Carbajal. Um, it's a great connection because they're an amazing family and you are connected to her older sister Claudia. And me and Danielle are always spiritually connected. Like she lives in New York. I'm here in Chicago, and we're just always connected one way or another. So there's no greater way that I'd like to be connected to anybody than a Carvajal. So I think it's amazing. So welcome, Dan. Thank you. I'm really excited to hear that because, uh, Claudia, uh, really transformed my spiritual awareness and my energy awareness in a time when I was really, um, at my lowest of lows right after my father had passed and I was Definitely reaching out for the spirit world. And she was a guide, a friend. And so that, that's, uh, Someone that, uh, I hold very near and dear to my heart as well. So the soul connection is super fun. Love it. All right. So Dan, give us a little background story of just kind of like a general of your life and your spiritual journey and kind of how were you, how you got to where you are today? I would love to. So it's, that's the greatest part is it's a journey. So I don't think it really ever ends. Um, But for me, it started pretty young and I had some near death experiences, uh, before I really had self awareness, like in the two and three year ranges, I had a, a thing called the troop that I suffered from throughout my whole childhood, where the phlegm would build up so much that there is no breathing possible. And so the first time it happened, my dad didn't know what to do. And he rushed me to the hospital and I was definitely. You know, completely blue out of it. And so in my dreams, I was always flying and seeing things in my dreams. And this, you weren't taught anything right or wrong about those dreams as a kid. So you're free to fly and dream and have these, you know, this amazing dreams. Limitless. And, uh, so I got into a car accident at around 11 years old. And in the car accident, I hit the dashboard of a 79 Buick that's metal. And so I was knocked out extremely hard, um, from a head on collision and to that dream place I hadn't been to in a while as a kid, where it's all just kind of rainbow magic awareness, where you're kind of like in two places at once, these dreams that seem so real. I would visit my grandmother in my dreams. And say, Oh yeah, I saw, you know, I talked to her on the phone and I said, I saw your grandma last night in my dreams and she would entertain it and Oh yeah, yeah, you're wearing this and you're watching this TV show and she would be silent but she wouldn't disregard it, you know, and this car accident had that awareness to it and I tried to talk to people about it like, Hey, I heard what you were saying. I heard this. I heard that I was above my body. Yeah. But really, all that stuff was disregarded and in the early 90s and late 80s, it was just really the energy and all this type of talk was, they really wanted us to, you know, not have any talk of this, like you thought you're crazy or whatnot. So it's really shown like, Hey, Katie didn't hear or see anything. I kind of forgot about it all. But you know, I knew that day was special when I was above my body. And. When I became 18, I had done some plant medicine, some, some stuff called LSD and decided to go into the shower to take a shower before the, the medicine kind of kicked in and in the shower, there's, there's a window and I had that, that rainbow feeling again. the, the waters were kind of wrapped around my body and I felt the energy differently and the light was going through the water and making those rainbows everywhere. And it happened that, you know, I was very atheist from some spiritual beliefs, which I'll get into. And so I was really had given up on the, anything good. I was really on the devil's side for sure, from just heavy metal music and other influences in life, deaths of friends and whatnot. And so in this moment in the shower that that LSD really changed my awareness because I went right back to that car accident place, um, where I knew I wasn't my body and that I was this big awareness everywhere. And I knew I didn't want to be a jerk anymore and didn't, and I didn't want to be how I was like, thought I was better than everyone. I knew I was connected so much more the spiritual side of things. And, you know, it was a moment that you can't really shake off. It wasn't enough for me to be right back to spiritual or anything, by no means. It was definitely a much further journey for sure. Um, as far as religion went, um, when I was about 13, I asked my dad, Hey, how come we don't go to church? And my dad said, you know, you're old enough to know why we don't go to church, you know, I'll let you know. And he said, well, I don't believe what, what the, the Christian church believed. The nuns really beat me bad and said horrific things to me. And so, I even couldn't believe in what they believed in. And he said the closest thing he could believe in was Buddhism. But he wasn't 100 percent sure with that, and it was up to me. And so that kind of shattered my whole world in a way I think most people don't evaluate life. You just kind of accept, hey, I have to go to church, or I like church. And you accept like heaven and hell and this model of everything. Um, but at that point, Schomburg was very blessed town. We had every religion. So I just started seeking out, but I couldn't sleep. I was an insomniac from that moment forward so much. I started doing self hypnosis to try to get rest because I just questioned everything. It was my midlife crisis at 13. Amazing. Wow. At 13. At 13. Wow. Yeah, it really broke me when my dad said, yeah, I don't believe in that stuff. And the closest thing I could believe in is what everyone, you know, we were taught to make, make fun of that stuff that was outside of our norm. So that was definitely a shift that my, my own dad said, yeah, I kind of believe in this Buddhism stuff, but you're going to have to find out for yourself because there's no proof. I really like how he gave it to you to figure it out on your own rather than just having you go along with his beliefs. Yeah. Pushing anything on you. I think that makes your journey even kind of more beautiful that, you know. It was and it did launch it. I definitely felt alone at that moment. The whole world crashed down. Um, you know, everything, everything, heaven and hell and all these constructs that make the questions go away. Put your faith here and everything's simple. And I thought started thinking like maybe people just believe in religion because it's easy to go to sleep at night, you know, so that was more programming of my own insomnia that, you know, people just can't handle the truth. And what I saw back then was a lot of people numbing themselves with alcohol anyways. So they weren't in touch with the voices in their head. They were using You know, the alcohol to numb their minds to sleep and make it through their days. So I think now we're just more self aware and we're, we're doing the inner work. It's more accepted. So we're, we're really in a good space. Uh, that's another side project that I'm involved with, with the friend, uh, called mushroom to grow, uh, to help, um, veterans to not. Go through a suicide but to learn about their minds And wow, that's beautiful the post traumatic stress using healthful mushrooms Yes So awesome. Sorry if I got a little on the sidetrack there. No Love it. It's all connected Yeah, so That journey was definitely a rough one for me. It kind of led me to that atheism and and at 18 with einstein and and some other things like the theory of relativity that energy can't be It can only be transferred that kind of shifted me to agnostic and having that experience with the LSD was like, okay, wait there. I saw the spirit world again. Maybe it's like, you know, I had no way to talk with God. I had no good belief or connection there. In fact that, uh, you know, some of the heavy metal music that I listened to a Dio shirt of mine in my eighth grade yearbook picture, it says Dio in English letters. But if you look at it upside down and backwards, which I was dyslexic, so I could see things better upside down and backwards. When I looked down at my shirt, it actually said devil. And so that was subliminal programming in the clothing of these heavy metal bands. And so my dreams were pretty horrific by 18. I saw a lot of devil stuff in my dreams. And, uh, two of my best friends died when I was 18. And I felt my, my best friend died when I was going to visit him. And so. That, uh, really shifted my life, didn't mess with my mind in another way that, am I crazy? Did I feel someone's energy shift? You know, um, so that led me more towards the path of numbing myself, to not wanting to remember my dreams. So that led to more of, um, overusing marijuana and using alcohol to be in a state to not remember my dreams. To not have any recollection of them, so I definitely did that for 12 years, pretty, pretty hard, um, you know, functioning because I was in a lot of car accidents, um, that was my, my pain relief, but I didn't have a way of being taught how to use it because I was allergic to the pharmaceuticals, so I didn't have relief of the pain pills that made me want to itch my skin off, and so, you know, That was a blessing for me to use, to have to search that out and then ultimately search out meditation and mind body awareness to heal my own body and, and to understand that you can feel your body in other places than your pain, and that ultimately my pain, a lot of my pain was emotional mental pain that made me hold tension in my body, which led to these longer chronic pain and disease because of You know, not being able to shift energy, not being able to have permission to have fun, permission to cry. You know, as men, we're taught, uh, I'll give you something to cry about. Boy, you're, you know, that's, that's for girls. You gotta be a man. You can't, you can't do that. And so we don't have our, our reset button, which is a very powerful tool. I didn't know what, uh, tears of love, pure love, tears of joy were until I was 30 years old. I thought that was a lie. That people who cried tears of joy, I'm like, what a joke because I was so trained against my, my, my head and my heart, my male and feminine energy to love and care. And so when I felt that my first real tears of joy is when my daughter was born, uh, she took her first breath inside of the womb. And so that was really bad. That was all the poop went into her lungs. And so as soon as she was born, after I cut the cord. They started vacuuming out her lungs and they, you know, did all these really hardcore treatments that, hey, you gotta sign, she could die from this, she could die from that, we may have to fly her to another hospital. And so she was on pure oxygen and I wasn't sleeping anyways from the first, as soon as I knew I was having a kid until she was born, I wasn't really sleeping anyways, a whole life changing events. Um, but. To the grace of everything we're here to learn we get to learn when I found out that she was going to be okay That's when I experienced my first tears the joy that I could remember And so many men cannot cry if they cry in someone's in front of someone they feel shame and Guilt and fear of being judged they can ruin friendships because they cried in front of some dude You know, and that's a lot of things that we have broken and domesticated into us and we all have it. And so for me, it's the great unlearning that we're, we're a part of, it's not the great awakening, it's the great remembering of what we're all here to do is enjoy, love, and be loved, to serve, you know, and, and so I've, I've been just enjoying the journey so much more, which wouldn't be possible if I was stuck in my anger side because. Men, why are they so angry? We're not allowed to have a quick cry and let all that energy move. So how do we have to express it? Well, we're taught to bottle it up until what? The wrong person uncorks it. Now everyone's looking the fool because you, you know, you have this lash out. And now when you try to retrace the steps, it's like, why am I acting like that? Why, why is this happening? Well, it's really hard to see that because the Mask of Anger is really covering up another mask or veil, which is the mask of sadness, no connection, not doing anything fulfilling with your life, you know, being taken for granted, not being seen, not having, you know, feeling like you have any worth, and, and we have these dogmas of pitting each other against each other versus themselves. Celebrating each other's assets. And, you know, we don't really have true men's, uh, or women's groups. We have a lot of distrust and people, you know, it's, it's a world we get to create now and now is the time for us to create in this way. Uh, we get to go to this creative side of life and do something like this. Imagine, you know, 20 years ago, Hey, I'm, you know, because I wanted to, I created That could be like instantly heard around the world. How lucky are we that we get to explore this modality of social healing and, uh, evaluating and, and creating different ways of communicating through life. Like this is pretty magical. It's, it is an amazing time. And I was just listening to Joe Disponza last night, and he was talking about how it's just an amazing time to be alive and part of the world, because. Economy things, everything's are just crumbling and the earth is shifting and how the power of just being positive and enlightening people, how it's going to make a huge wave and an impact. Crazy. Yeah. I love his work. It's really good. Yeah. We're big fans. Yes. Big fans of Joe Dispenza. Shout out to Joe Dispenza. Back to Joe. Yeah. I was a part of my decision to go for something bigger, which was to, uh, Do, uh, my first one half Ironman. So I did that last October. Heck yeah. How did that feel? It was amazing. It was the most difficult thing I wanted to do. You know, like I had a 17 second wind on, on not quitting. Um, it's definitely a great way to get to know your mind and you decide you're going to do something, but maybe the body or the mind doesn't believe it and how we have that tug of war. And that's what the midlife crisis is really all about. So that the inner critic beating up the divine child that says, you don't get to play who, why do you think you're going to get to play today? That's not going to work. You don't get to do that. So we have this tug of war with our energy. And, uh, as we get to know ourselves, we can start laughing at that tug of war. We can get to know the characters and understand that we're not just this victim or we don't have a choice because like. This energy that we're creating this movie in our minds, that's played on the screen in our, in our consciousness. We are, we're not just the actors, we're like the writers, we're like the rewriters, we're the, the producers, the superheroes. And so when we get to start looking at like, okay, wait a second, like, who is that voice that's judging me right now? And put a name to that. Put like, Oh, that's my inner critic. And then for me, I've shifted that to that's my inner jokester. He comes up with the worst case scenario and I get to laugh at it. And then after I laugh at it, I can ask my mind for three other possibilities. And now my, some of my other inner voices, like my fearless teenager self could jump in there, let's do this. And my conservative adult side says, well, okay, well we could do that, but how about this? And we can get it all sorted out in a way that's not having me have fight or flight response or like information analysis paralysis where I'm like afraid to move because I got to overthink it and overanalyze it and miss all the experiences or, you know, like, How about that feeling of energy that your cheeks are on fire because why? You know you're embarrassed and it's like no matter how much you're trying to hide it, your face says it all. Yeah. And look at how much energy that is like created on a dime. And it's not within our control consciously, but I mean it kind of really is when we start working on this stuff. On the Dr. Joe level. Yeah. Yeah. The way he explains things, it's just like an incredible way. It's. I don't know. I could just listen to Joe Dispenza all day. Yeah. I could listen to Dan talking. I know. I know. I know. I mean, you have such a fluid, like, just the way that you speak. It's just. It's so cool that this all started so young. Like, I think about. Like my boyfriend's son, he's 13 right now. And I'm trying to imagine him doing what you did at that age, but also at the time that you were 13, like, that's just, and in the town next over from, I lived in Hanover park, like from age zero to 20. So I was like right next door to you. Um, we were masters at it back then, actually though. So when we went from like grade school. And then we went to like our junior high, we reinvented ourselves. Then we went to high school, we reinvented ourselves. Yeah. Yeah. And it was effortless, like, because why? We didn't have these long ties of, of being stuck and this is who I am, persona. So, I, I think that, um, when I do the inner work and reflecting is that's when we were actually all truly facing that first line of the midlife crisis was the kind of junior high age. We were realizing our parents weren't the superheroes. Like when we were in grade school, we loved our parents and world was so small. It was within our household. And then we've started like real seeing the mirror and seeing like, Hey, wait, I don't stack up. And we're doing the judging and comparison. And, uh, so then we started bike. Getting stuck on these things that were the prison of our mind that some of the hurtful things. Yes, I remember being 11 and having my first thoughts of no longer wanting to live in this world like I was, I didn't have a lot of friends when I was younger, and I was at recess, and I just saw like this huge crack in the In the asphalt of like the parking lot that we played in, and I just imagine that crack just opening and me falling in and just being done. Like, I really believe that that is when, like, we see the world so much more beyond what we thought it was at that age. The world gets a lot bigger, the older we get. And our brains get more programmed. Yeah. Yeah. The grooves get kind of worn in, don't they? Yeah. Yeah. I was definitely like more spiritually connected when I was little. I remember having so many, I just always felt like a presence, very spiritual, but it just went away. The older I got, like you were saying, like the going into grade school and then into junior high, my brain started to get cluttered with negative thoughts, judgment on myself. And I lost that part of my spirituality. That I finally gained back, but yeah. I learned that one from my daughter. So I, I heard her slapping herself in the bathroom. The door was closed and I, I knocked and got in. I said, what are you doing? She's like, slapping myself. I'm like, really? She's like, yeah, what's that about? She's like, it's fun. Oh, okay. And she, she started telling me as though I have this story in my mind. And well, I slapped myself and it's fun. I was like, oh, that's, that's really interesting and I'm like, and then she's mentioned some side thing about her story and, and something about, I can't recall this part of it, but she mentioned something about her story and I asked her like, well, who told her that? Like this, the side thing about her story. And she said, my best friend. And so I investigated that. I'm like, oh, your best friend, huh? Okay. Like your imaginary friend, like, who's your best friend? It's like, Oh, come on. That's silly. I go, she's like, it's my mind. And that was the key connect. Like we lost being best friends with our own mind and our own mind is beating us up 80 percent of the day. She's about five and a half, almost six. Wow. Wow. But I mean, she was really slapping herself full on and, and like. Deciding that that sensation was making her laugh and bending my, my sense of reality. Like this, my kid feel pain, like, what is this, what is going on here? Um, but again, that's when you're not taught beliefs, like slapping yourself. I do it all the time. Now it really moves energy, you know, tapping, slapping. It, uh, when you have stuck energy, it moves the vibrations through the nervous system and really can like take my neck tension down to nothing. Whereas I could try to massage it out. Not going to really let go at all. But if I do some deep breaths and some tapping and some slapping and some stretching and use my mind, it will totally release. Yeah, that's my younger self. It would stay stuck. And then guess what? Tension through the whole night. Can't sleep, wake up in more pain because why my muscle was tense all night and all day. And then that leads to what further breakdown to where you you can't do anything. It becomes locked up. You're pulled, you have to go see the chiropractor, all kinds of things. And really, what was that not knowing my energy system and how to reset what's. And now I'm not sleeping. So what do you do when you're not sleeping? Well, I guess I'm going to head and have two pots of coffee today, which leads to the next night where you're not going to sleep again. And it's a downward spiral. And so, yeah, it is until you get the awareness that, you know, you have to look at your lifestyle and what can you really do to change all this? And, um, you know, the hardest thing is, is. Deciding like, why, why am I not loving myself? Why am I like really investigating? Why am I not making these choices to love myself at a higher, but I'll do all that I'll spend on and invest money into getting drunk or high, or I'll spend money on all these things that have no value, but when something that has value, that's going to better myself, or it could be a business or an investment or, or an invite to something. That we have this weird hidden wall of fear and resistance. And, and again, that's totally hidden subconscious. And until we work on it, it's going to affect our lives all the time. So that, that's the fun part, is when you start getting to know how the mind works and getting some of these tools to say, Oh, wait a second. All right. Interesting thing is. I'm, I'm not my thoughts, I'm, I'm the actual thinker behind the thoughts. And my mind's going to have a lot of random thoughts because that's how it works. And my mind is also also often going to give me the worst case scenario. And most of the time, it's not even going to be close to true. And it's might even misrepresent some people that really care and love me. And I'm going to see them through this skewed lens and have these really harsh, uh, perceptions of them and, and push away. And then when you finally let go of all this and say, you know what, I'm worthy of love through all this. I actually have people that show up and have the gratitude. Then you can let go and say, I am divinely here. I'm divinely loved and protected. And start loving yourself at that level. And again, when you're not giving it to anyone else, you're definitely not giving it to yourself. And if you're not giving it to yourself, you really can't give out what you don't have. You don't possess something. You can't give it out. So if you're not practicing doing things just because of the kindness of your own heart and wanting zero praise, wanting no acknowledgement and just doing, you know, random acts of kindness. That was something that helped me is just, okay, every day I want to do a random act of kindness just to know that that exists in the world and to prove it to others. And then what happened magically is, I could believe in receiving it because I was actually someone that was giving it out. So I knew, I moved into knowing that that exists. So good. So good. So good. Meg is the master of generosity in my book. Like she is a giver a giver of all givers. And she, it's just, it's a beautiful thing to be around because it does remind me exactly what you're saying, because sometimes in the general public, I hear this. It's a lot that society sucks and there's it like, we're, we're headed in the wrong direction. Like, and, and I think to myself, thank God I don't live in that reality anymore. I like, that's not my, that's not where my thoughts are because I've developed, developed a connection to myself, to my soul, to my mind, to my thoughts. To the, the being behind the thoughts and it's taken multiple years to develop that. And I mean, where you are, it obviously it's it, you're, you're, you're saying everything that I listen to all day and it's just amazing how that is who you are, Dan. Like, that's so amazing. Like how are you sharing this with. Your people today, like, what are you doing today to, besides being on our awesome podcast. Thank you so much for being with us and sharing your, your, your growth and contributing to the world in this beautiful way. Like, how else are you connecting with others? Like you are with us. Thank you. Uh, I, I, um, work very hard on moving into self sufficiency. So after COVID kicked in, I, the first day of lockdown, I got chickens. And so I started growing food and started getting in touch with, with more of that side of nature. And, and through that, uh, I do have, um, uh, a book in the works. I've done a chapter in a book in the past and that book became a Amazon bestseller. So that should help when I launched my book, but really. I, I work, my main passion is, is energy healing. And so that's really the thing that I pride myself most on the biggest gift that, um, I've been really hesitant to profit from it because my energy feeling is something I feel is, it's really divine when the voice speaks through me. And I learned, like, so much when that occurs. Some people are like, Hey, you know what you just said to me, can you tell me that again? And I say, I can tell you again, but it's not going to be what you just heard because I wasn't really in control of that, that source of knowledge. Like, I'm just as amazed at what came through my voice as you are. And that took a long time for me to be able to even say that around other people. That, uh, you know, when two or more are gathered in the, in the name or the word or the energy that it's multiplied. And when I started witnessing and understanding this at deeper levels, it, uh, challenged my whole perception of, of the worlds. And I first started seeing this in a way that made me like a kind of another wake up moment is when I went to Palooza, La La Palooza tour in 1993. And the Tibetan monks were, were touring, uh, as an effort. They never did a tour before, but they were touring to raise money to free Tibet. And, and so I, I got to see these energy masters that use energy in ways that defy anything that we know. They'll take a gentleman and pick him up by his legs, but on the soft part of his neck where they do, like if you need to breathe and you can't breathe, they put a hole there, a trach. So it's just literally a thin piece of skin. They put a sword there and they balance on the sword and then they get off of that and the sword, there's just a little red line and they take giant boards and they break them over their arms and they do all these demonstrations that are just, you know, that's like, Hey, that doesn't make, well, now we just lost you, and I was a gymnast and he, uh, did a backflip in his early fifties, as high as I could do. A backflip in my early twenties. And I was just like, wait a second, like this doesn't, doesn't, I don't understand this, like I gotta know more. And so he, uh, went to the stage and he passed out two pieces of metal to the audience and I got a piece of the metal in my hand and I couldn't bend it or break it. And I hurt myself by hitting it on my leg and I hit it on the asphalt. And he took that to the stage and he took two of those, not just one of those. And he did this energy work and he broke both of those on top of his head. And he did not have a, a frog, a red mark, nothing happened to his head. He, they do work to make their skull tougher. They do meditation where iron protects them. Um, and that, so that really just like, okay, wait a second. Like I'm an infant. I, I'm, I know nothing. I let go of all my perceived limitations and started studying. Energy work at, at my early twenties because of that, that was a huge shift for me to say, well, I'm glad I didn't get stuck up in the dogma of religion because this is way outside of that. And if I was stuck in religion, I wouldn't be open to this. Um, so they do other, other feats of challenges where they, they wrap themselves in, in wet sheets at 17, 000 feet in their temple. And it's freezing cold in there, where, like, steam is coming out their breath, it's so cold in the room. And they do a meditation of fire coming out of their chest. And through that, the sheets are dry within an hour, they actually start steaming dry, but if you or I were in those conditions, we would die of hypothermia if we had a wet sheet wrapped around our bodies. So again, it just taught me that we aren't our thoughts, we aren't Whatever thoughts we have are a lot of limiting thoughts. And so again, another blessing for me was as being dyslexic and being more genius towards math and how things worked, the programming of words didn't really slow me down because I wasn't paying attention. So another gift that I had to be more on the Dr. Joe side of things was. I wasn't getting caught up with the, the reading. I was more into the doing and seeing and knowing for myself. I'm just blown away right now. This is incredible. It really is. The, just the level of open mindedness they have had throughout, like you talked about resistance, like that's been probably like where my. awareness is at right now, just noticing my emotions and then asking myself, what am I resisting right now? And like, I mean, you talk about how that shows up in the body because we're, I mean, we're into all different levels of wellbeing. Right now on on in our own individual ways, everyone is but like Megan, I talk about it all the time. And so, like, for those that aren't aware of how resistance shows up in the body, what can you share with Us and everyone, uh, for me, my resistance shows up. The main one is tension in my neck, and so tension in my neck is definitely cuts off my head and my heart chakras and so. That's our inner guidance from male to female, I think, is our head and our heart. Our heart is our first brain, and the head is the second brain, and the gut is a brain as well. But first that's formed is the heart to get the blood through the system, and it gets all the same neurons as a brain. And so, the heart has a magnetism that is so much more than the brain's magnetism. So when you talk about manifesting or how the physical world works, the heart is what brings stuff in. So when we're manifesting a lot of the things where resistance, the push and pull comes into play, is that we get what our strongest emotional belief is, what we're being, what we're holding true to. And so that's going to be usually the longer program that was either beat into us or we submitted to or, you know, life proved to us over and over, see, I told you, I told you, you know, it's, you know, whatever that limiting belief may be like, you have to work hard for money, you have to work hard for money, then, you know, your mind's always going to not want to make the liar out of you and give you that evidence first. That's the way the RAS system works in the mind. And so that resistance, that push and pull, the only way the body has to speak is with pain or pleasure. And so, in the beginning, it starts off with a little bit of tension, maybe your lower back, it may be your sciatic nerve, it may be you write or type in a way that you're getting tennis elbow. We, uh, there's many different ways that the tension shows up in the body. And there's, you know, a lot of charts from the ancient... Um, Eastern medicines that they can say, Oh, yeah, this is affecting these systems and we attribute to these to these types of thoughts and a lot of accuracy in that because words program us and, and, you know, the body is definitely where we store emotions. So, again, a lot of tension somewhere can show, like, for me, you have a lot of tension in your neck, guess what I know about you? You're gonna have some anger issues, you're gonna be hiding something, you're gonna be bottling, you're gonna be holding back that, and it's gonna show up in the body. And, uh, but the great thing about the body is it works the opposite way. When you do some yoga, when you do some stretching, some breathing, some tapping. You don't have to let it get to that hyper pressure where it over affects you. When you get to know how the mind works, the trickster mind, you say, hey, okay, my inner critic, I know you're going to try to stop me from going outside of my comfort zone and keep control of everything, because that's your job. When we were primal animals, that's what you were supposed to do, but in this sophisticated world, I got a new job for you. You're my inner jokester. You're my inner comedian. And I'm going to be making new friends with you now, because every time you come up, I'm going to understand, like, I don't want to have that tension in my body. I don't want to have that cortisol. I don't want to have that adrenaline, fight or flight. I don't want that affecting my energy for the next day, just because I heard someone's name and it invoked these memories of some stuff that, why I didn't let go of or learn how to forgive for my own sake. So that push and pull is really... You're getting to know yourself through the body's mind, uh, body connection. And so resistance is a great way for you to start revealing your inner blocks, but you don't even have to necessarily like reveal or know them a hundred percent. You just have to get to know it's showing up. You can use tapping and breathing and stretching, taking a walk, all kinds of different methods to release it. And like Dr. Joe says is spend more time and energy on creating the new. And make that the new habit. And once that becomes the new habit, when we start playing with the mind in this way, instead of going right to the worst case scenario, you automatically laugh. It's not even seen as the worst case scenario. You're giggling. Haha, universe, you make me giggle. And you already got three other possibilities. Uh, and then sometimes when it's not even a big deal, it's not even going to trigger you anymore because you removed all that trauma that's been stored up. And so you're no longer being triggered by those things. And now you have more energy to be in your better state all day. And that's when the major shift happens where your whole life like my whole life changed like a light switch, where 80 percent of my day was focused on good thoughts. And what the major major thought was, what would someone who loved themselves do? So I had to, you know, I started putting that up all in my house, like, I put got these like Index cards that were the highlight color. And then when I drew it, I did it with love. Like I did the letters very nice. I did like energetic, like waves of energy or rainbows, whatever. Every day I'd make a new one and put it up on the mirror, put it up on the fridge, put it up in different places. And every time I saw it, I would take a moment to reprogram my inner mind and say. Hey, when I start feeling my mind body connection, what would someone that love themselves do in this situation and, you know, not care that I'm embarrassed, but make sure everyone else is all right, you know, these little things that make us proud of ourselves and proud of that inner critic connection that you get to trust it instead of having the battle with it all the time. You've recreated the best friend in your mind. That you know has always got your back. That's when the shit happens. The shit that has the parenthesis of the F. The shift. It's in there. The major. And it just takes little shifts all the time. Like, okay, in the past I'd be super pissed about this. But if I'm loving myself, I don't want to be pissed at all. Ever. I don't want to waste my energy on that. I don't have time to be upset. Because someone cut me off. I don't have, I want to think the very best for them, like, Oh, maybe they need to go to the bathroom really bad. And I let them in. Yes. Will not win for me versus being triggered into, you know, upset because an event happened that you're going to pre label with what the trickster mind, you know, again, so when we start playing with these things and you start seeing these little results, it gets better and better. And, and again, what you're doing is the best thing is. You guys are now creating this tribe, this ripple of energy that we're better together that hey, we know what we think this is so important that we're going to just get creative and do something to, to be a part of the change. So I love that, uh, your genre and your openness with your title says right where you're at, we're, we're creating this community right here. We're going to make this and make this powerful. Instead of making this, Oh, yeah, you should have one of those midlife crisis, watch out. Yeah, it's, it's amazing to share because we're still at like we said different layers and parts of our journey but I mean even just sitting here I'm growing and getting more knowledge and we get to share this with so many other people and. Me having a shift changed my world and people that are close to my world have seen it like I'm a completely different person So it's you know, people have so many different perceptions of you of where they met you in your life And that's their perception. That's fine depending on where you were in your life, and I'm just happy to be at this part of who I am and Share it and heal and release trauma because I don't think we realize how much trauma That we store in our body and it's a lot of things that like you had mentioned things that we don't even remember We don't even know that we store a pain and things from our childhood. We don't remember Yeah, it's silly how that controls so much of our life in the in the background how quick Our our self limiting beliefs can come to that That trigger spot until until again like something in life You usually get to that rock bottom place. I really wish that people could get there without, like, hitting a rock bottom place. Yeah. But I don't, it just, I don't know anyone that's done that, so I can't ask them, Hey, how'd you get there without getting there? Cause, you know, I had to hit rock bottom. I'm stubborn. I had to hit rock bottom like seven times over. So it had to get really ugly before I finally said, Oh, this, there's a reason for this. Exactly. That's, that's when I'm coming to understand Transcribed And there's so much appreciation now for all of the shit that I've gone through, and not to compare it to anyone else's, it's, you know, it's my own shit. Your pile of shit, Court. But, Dan, I'm so curious of your, um, of your thoughts and intuition on those that think, in a way, I'm too far gone, like, there's no helping me now, I've developed. You know, like for example, like a lot of the people that I come into work with because I'm in health care, like they have this story that they're telling themselves that Of course, this would happen to me. Of course, I will have to have so many things as far as problems in their health worked on, or they have to pay for, or they have to come back for, or they have to continue to have tests on for, um, or, or people that feel like they've gone through so much in life that It just makes sense that these terrible things keep happening to them, which what from all that I've learned, my understanding is that's an attraction of that constant negative, well, positive feedback of the negative thoughts. Um, but like, do you come across people that have that story and that think they're just too far in the shit? There's no coming out of it. Everyone's fighting for their limitations. So, that's the subconscious thing that we don't see when, when you ask someone like, Okay, so why do you smoke? And they really, they don't have the answer because they've been hypnotized into all these reasons why they smoke. But if they were to the table and to say, Hey, why do you do this behavior? They can't admit the truth. They can't just openly say because I don't love myself. I'm slowly killing myself because I don't believe in anything. And so to really face that part of your mirror that's holding you back, it takes a certain amount of bravery. Most people can't even like be alone without the radio on, the TV on, and they're going to get that drink as soon as I'm home, Hey, it's five o'clock, I can shut off my mind, I can numb myself. So we've been taught to run away from our inner thoughts versus getting to know our playground of our mind. And so that garden is what we feed it. And so, yeah, I absolutely have, you know, I'm big on language, the spells is language, our thoughts come from the words. And so if you say to myself, well, you know, my cancer, you're telling yourself it's yours, you're declaring it, you're giving your ownership of your energy to this title. And then that's the same thing with, oh, my career, my job, but well, guess what? Newscast, that's not who you are or what you are. You're an infinite, limitless, universal being of this world. And so, you're here to love and be loved. And when you do that in a transparent way that's authentic, well, right now I'm raising your guys vibration of energy. Okay. Cause we're thinking in these higher realms. And so our energy is like uplifted. Like my energy, I can feel my hairs are coming up and my energy is coming up to this place while we're connecting on these universal concepts that we know have a lot of value, meaning that could make us cry. And so now that my energy is coming up and your energy is coming up. And I talked about how when two or more are gathered in the word, it's not just added, we're not like. Your energy and my energy, that's what we are now, which would be great. It, you know, like energy is unique in that way, but it's actually multiplied. Okay. So we both raised our energy to this new higher realm of building off each other's energy, but now in the word, in this intention and this self awareness, it's multiplied. And that's why they currently rated love is at one level on the vibrational scale, joy and laughter is actually higher on the vibrational scale. But authenticity is 4, 000 times that value because this energy is multiplied. And I learned that through doing group meditation, where I finally, after 10 years of meditation, I finally had a breakthrough in meditation. And I saw my first color, you know, like I had battles with meditation. I couldn't quiet my mind. But when we had like 15 people gathered in the group meditation and that energy was multiplied, I felt energy in a way that I never felt it. And then. You know, did some experiments with magnets and other things and like really started like, wow, I can feel that magnetic energy and how it's affecting the nervous system of my body, like the magnetics is sending energy up to my brain. Okay, now I can understand like when they do the Krillian photography, how the energy healers when they wanted to show they're actually doing something, how this, this bolt of energy and this heat was coming out of their hands. Why? Because they were focusing and moving that energy. And so when we start seeing things in new ways and have this education, that's where these shifts can become easy. But I seen people, I told something to, or even myself. Wanting to learn how to like get a better body and I went to all these people that went to that like, you know Hey, you check you train this national body How do I get you know, like a better body oh, well, you know, it's easy Dan just have more good fats I'm like, yeah, whatever. I want to get ripped like no, I can't that's No way. And then I'd ask the bodybuilders friends like, Hey, man, dude, you're so jacked and ripped. And that dude, how do you do that? No, well, you know, you got to get more good fats, Dan, you're having those bad fats, you're gonna get to say, Look, you're gonna just, you know, you got to get the good fats, yeah, whatever. And I'm the I'm the asshole at this point, because I'm asking, and then whatever they say to me, I'm totally denying over and over and over. You know, then I asked the doctor, I did this thing called the 2011. And The naturopathic doctor, I asked her the same thing. I'm like, yeah, you know, I have a hard time gaining muscle, but I don't want to be ripped. You know, I don't want to have any fat, but I got to gain muscle. And then her answer is the same thing. Like, well, you got to have more good fat. But it was like the seventh person that was super, you know, qualified that I'm knowing their best at what they do. And when they tell me their answer, I'm like, yeah, no, whatever. You know, just as such a jerk about it, but what that's the ego. And that's who we are having the ultimate wrestling match with every day, all the time. And now that we can make this a better game that I'm a victim of this. No, it's my own mind. It's my playground. It's my garden. I better like start working on these weeds and clean up the pain cave basement and start making this place a better place to be in, because if I can't be friends and be happy in this. I can't bring anything to the table that, that's, you know, not inside of this vessel. So, cleaning up the temple took on a whole new meaning of cleaning up my information field and my thoughts. My triggered thoughts, like why am I having this thought? What is this really about? Can I let this go? Will this matter tomorrow? Like, what was my main intention here? Oh wait, I didn't call to fight my friend, I actually called to say I'm sorry, I don't even want to fight. And now we're fighting again because it triggered emotions. So when you can start looking at yourself through a different lens with that, I want to talk to myself, like, give the advice to my 20 year old self. And start playing in that arena and saying, I get to be a beginner again. I figured out that my parents, they didn't have it figured out. And their parents didn't have it figured out. So, why would I expect to have it figured out? Why can't I play as a beginner and start moving back, like, be curious like a child, enjoy everything, don't hold attachment to how someone should behave, say like, what does that mean about my behavior, what I'm not doing in my life, why am I so pert, like, perturbed about what they're doing, like, why is that behavior something that's on my irk list, like, I shouldn't even care about what that other person's doing, I should be more focused on me. And so that's the fragmentation of our mind. When we start pulling that all back together and retraining it, that's when you're in for a real treat. So I might've gone in nine different ways on that subject. It's all the dots are connecting. Really? It's really, it's just crazy how we don't realize the external world, how much it controls our inner world. We allow it. Yeah, but until you realize it, it's like once you realize it and you like have a good control on it, it's It's so freeing to be able to like, get rid of those negative thoughts, replace them with positive thoughts and not feeling like a victim and realizing that this isn't happening to me. It's happening for me. And that there's a lesson out of everything. It is so hard when you don't know that when you just think you're a victim and you think things are just happening to you, but you're, it's really the vibrational state that you're living in. It's who you surround yourself with and it's, it's just so amazing. Yeah, once you become aware, I just, I love it because like before my brother died and I started to really like, think about my purpose here on earth and my spiritual connection to him, which I had never felt a spiritual connection before. I thought my mind was hell. Like you talk about. The mind is a playground. That idea would make zero sense to me at that time. Like I, I would, I would wonder if you were on drugs cause or what drugs I should take to feel what you're feeling. Um, which I think we shouldn't do another episode, talk about plant medicine with you, but this has just been so expansive and awesome

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