The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 14 - Raise Your Standards

January 07, 2024 Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson Season 1 Episode 14
Episode 14 - Raise Your Standards
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 14 - Raise Your Standards
Jan 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 14
Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson

More magical awakenings to be shared with you - thank you again for tuning back into The Magical Midlife Crisis (prayer hands emoji)

Throughout our conversation, we touch on various topics... 

  • discussion around healthy eating & reducing fast- fooding
  • highlighting the importance of conscious consumption, even with product materials
  • the deceptive marketing techniques used by big brands
  • emphasis on reducing plastic usage and investing in sustainable products
  • personal experiences about shifting towards organic food & non-toxic products
  • the harmful effects of chemicals commonly found in daily-use products and the impact on health
  • advocacy for network marketing & private business support
  • the importance of embracing skepticism & open-mindedness 
  • sharing insights about societal programming & power dynamics within consumer goods industry

This is your invitation to awaken to the overall theme of conscious living, physical health, emotional wellbeing & environmental sustainability!

Shout out to Ronny & Joey @ First Response Plumbing - Meg had an outstanding experience with your support of her clean water installation!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> *** Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

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Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Show Notes Transcript

More magical awakenings to be shared with you - thank you again for tuning back into The Magical Midlife Crisis (prayer hands emoji)

Throughout our conversation, we touch on various topics... 

  • discussion around healthy eating & reducing fast- fooding
  • highlighting the importance of conscious consumption, even with product materials
  • the deceptive marketing techniques used by big brands
  • emphasis on reducing plastic usage and investing in sustainable products
  • personal experiences about shifting towards organic food & non-toxic products
  • the harmful effects of chemicals commonly found in daily-use products and the impact on health
  • advocacy for network marketing & private business support
  • the importance of embracing skepticism & open-mindedness 
  • sharing insights about societal programming & power dynamics within consumer goods industry

This is your invitation to awaken to the overall theme of conscious living, physical health, emotional wellbeing & environmental sustainability!

Shout out to Ronny & Joey @ First Response Plumbing - Meg had an outstanding experience with your support of her clean water installation!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> *** Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

Listening on Apple Podcasts? scroll to the bottom, tap "write a review"

Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

This is the magical midlife crisis podcast, we're your hosts, I'm court, a compassion activist, animal lover, nature, nut and entrepreneur in the mind, body, spirit connections. And I met a free thinker with a passion for non toxic living, a dedicated hockey mom and a multi business owner. We are a couple of friends who met through health and heartache. We discovered through our crisis moments, we all have magic within us. This podcast is about awakening to a different perspective and being the creators of our own reality. Every Sunday, you can expect an abundance of stories from all kinds of kinds in their different layers of awakening. We hope you expand your heart and minds and create the shift with us. So unplug from the matrix and tune in to this magical mystery ride. Beep, beep. Honk honk. Year! Happy New Day! Happy New Moment! Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Magical Midlife Crisis! I am Court! And I am Megan! Call me Meg. Okay! We are back together! And it feels so good! Yes! We hugged extra hard today, didn't we? We did! Yeah. Exchanged energy. Our hearts touched. Yeah. Did you touch your heart to someone else today? I have no idea if this is true, and this really goes into our podcast episode topic that we were trying to decide what to talk about today. I have no idea if this is true. It's all about deciding for yourself because we are all in this human experience for our own experience and trying things to formulate our own experience. But, um, I wish I could plug his name, but I don't know who he is, but he said he's a doctor. So it's gotta be true, right? Doctors know everything. Um, that we need eight hugs. And I can't remember why, but eight hugs a day for maintenance. And it has to do with the exchange of energy. It has to do with Elevating, you know, um, our own energy through connection. Yeah, just like obviously being there for someone else and feeling loved, like all of those things that we talk about and I just, so I actually do aim, not always, but like when I'm really thoughtful of like trying to get eight hugs in a day. Well, yeah, and I'm very mindful on who I give my hugs to. Yes. But I have definitely heard, I've heard that hugging releases stress. And yeah, like whenever I'm feeling like a moment of overwhelmness, I just grab Joel wherever he's at and I just hug him and yeah. Yeah, when I, when I'm feeling that same over, overwhelm is like the feeling that I just, I can't stand. I cannot stand the overwhelm feeling. But when I feel it, I go to Joel like, I just need a hug. Yeah. I do. Um, and that made me think of. This really disturbing study, but it said, and I know I've shared this with you. This was done back in the, I believe the forties, the thirties or the forties where they were experimenting on, um, baby monkeys, and then also baby humans. They had these two different study groups where the baby, there's like a bunch. I don't know how many, like, let's just say 20 baby monkeys and baby humans. in separate studies. 20 of them were in a study room with a mama monkey that was actually a mannequin and the mama monkey had milk for the babies to drink and then in the next study room. There were 20 baby monkeys and they had a mannequin mama set up with like really warm blankets and like a, like a, like a swaddler or like, um, and the ability to like rock and hold. Yeah. Like, okay. Hold the baby as we're, we're like, we're like doing the movement, but you can't see us. And so, um, They had to stop the studies. They did it with baby monkeys and then they did it separately with baby humans. They had to stop the study with the baby humans because in both studies, the babies that had milk died before the babies that had their mothers like holding. So that goes to show that love is essential. Babies literally die, there's a syndrome, I forget what it's called, but if babies don't receive love, they literally die. I think it's a sudden death syndrome or something like that. It's been proven. Well, I know too, humans that don't get hugged turn out like Jeffrey Dahmer. So there you go. Yeah. That was one of my studies I watched on Netflix, a documentary, The Lack of Love. That's why he was cuddling mannequins. So, hug more, hug more, hug more. And don't believe everything you hear. Or, ask questions. Like that was, that was one of the few topics we talked about for this. Like, if you, like this is the, this is the era of creating your own experience and stepping into your own fucking power. And that means Like, really doing things for yourself, not believing, like, it's, it's really healthy to be skeptical. Yeah. Really healthy. Yeah. Ask questions. I learned this from an old boss. Poke holes in something, in a theory or something that's said that, like, does that make sense to you? And Meg was showing me her whole water system that she's changed in her house because she was poking holes. And the theory of our tap water is safe for us. Yeah. I never, never knew the depth of like water, you know, I would always get like my water delivered and I was like, okay, that's good water. I'm not saying that's bad water to drink, but. Not even thinking about, I mean, it's definitely better than tap water, but I wasn't even thinking about the water that I'm cleaning with, that I'm cooking with, that I'm showering with, that I'm, it's going in my skin. Yeah. I never even thought about that. And then I remember you started talking about RO systems and I'm like, what the fuck's an RO system? Reverse osmosis. I never knew anything about that. And then. I kind of started like looking at some and then it was just the universe was just putting people in front of me talking about these systems and I was like, Okay, I'm hearing more about it and doing my own research and, um, yeah, so I initially first put in our system in my kitchen, and that was probably one of the best decisions ever. So what I'm actually saving money I'm not having delivery. I'm not buying plastic water bottles to just get tossed in the fucking ocean. I am very sustainable and it puts back in the minerals that your body needs. It's unreal. It's just. And I didn't know this, that fluoride in the water increases when you heat it up and when you cook with it. Oh, wow. It's, yeah, I don't know that either. So I thought that when you're boiling, like tap water, yeah, like that it would boil off the fluoride or whatever, but I guess it just activates it even more. Oh my gosh. I didn't know that. But yeah, I mean I, like I said, I mean that's something that I read and heard, right? I mean, you could take it as a truth or not, but. Yeah, I mean, that's a topic we could talk about is fluoride and yeah, but yeah, so that got me into I put a whole house system at my at my bar because I started to really think about it. Well, I have to drink in my water and I went to work and I had a glass of water and I was like, I could taste all the metal in my cavities and I was like, this is no, I can't have this. Like, it's just one of those things. Once you start to kind of become aware of, you know, You know, so I invested in a system for, for the bar, and it's not only just good for your body, but it's good for your appliances. I didn't know that. Oh, wow. A lot of people put in house systems for their appliances. That makes a lot of sense, because it's disgusting. Like, where I live, I have no idea where our water comes from. I mean, as far as, I believe it's the Fox River. I'm, I'm not totally sure, because we're on this side of the lines in Illinois from Lake Michigan. But our faucets. I mean, our shower heads, everything is corroding. It's disgusting. Yes, and the lime deposit and all that. Um, and it's like, yeah, that, that's fucking corroding our appliances. And it's obviously showering us and we're drinking from it. And it's just like, wow. It's, I mean, obviously this is like a first world thing that we have the opportunity to even think about these things, which is, I mean, how fortunate are we? I, I don't ever want to forget about that, but it's so funny too, because when I first, like, when, when water bottles came out, like, um, plastic disposable water bottles, like, I was quote unquote too good. Like, I drank from the tap because, like, I had. Like a rock hard stomach, and I could just deal with whatever the heck was in the tap, and I, I felt too bad for Mother Earth to like, deal with the plastic. But it's like, I was throwing myself under the bus, and drinking the shit water. Yeah. And there's an awesome, um, there's an awesome website that you can plug your zip code into, and you can actually see, like, what your water source is. where your water source comes from and all of the contaminants and toxins that are in your water. And if you think about it, I mean, we should all be drinking more water. I, my boyfriend and I are always giving each other high fives for how much water we drink, but we, we buy organic food, but if we're drinking shit water. That's barely filtered from filters that we believe are doing what they say to be doing. But it's like, it's not about like, who's right, who's wrong, good, bad, unhealthy, healthy. It's about just doing what you can for yourself in this experience of life. And then, and exploring and discovering and see what fits for you. And it's like, I really do want to have really clean, healthy, hydrated, mineralized, um, non toxic water. I really do. Yeah. I mean, I know that you've done it. I noticed a difference probably within a week or two, even just drinking it alone, like my skin and I can't, I can't even put into words how refreshing it is. Yeah. It's the perfect word. Yeah. It's like crisp. It is. I'm drinking it right now, but I have to give a shout out to Aqua sauna because their systems are legit. I have my RO system from Aqua sauna, and then I have their max flow system from Aqua sauna. And it's all made from Italy. It's great products. I mean, they're, they're legit and, and they do have random deals. So I did get mine when it was 50 percent off. So, cause originally it's a lot to invest in. So before I was able to make that commitment to invest in a water system, I had put a filter on my shower head for my hair and my skin. It obviously doesn't take everything out the way that a filtration system does, but. And then for my faucet in my bathroom, I had like, it's called Filter Baby. For those of you that have an apartment or something, it filters out some of the water if you want to have cleaner water to clean your face with and stuff. So I was using those, you know, there's nothing wrong with that if you're not able to invest in a house system, but I snagged the deal when they were half off. So keep Aquasana in your thoughts and see if there's ever a sale because it is worth it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, 50 percent off these systems was legit. And thank you to first response plumbing for doing all my installation. Ronnie is the shit and professional. If you need any plumbing done first response, plumbing, shout out to Joey O'Malley. Right on Joey. But yeah, my dad has, um, given me all kinds of little water filter types of things over the years. And here's another interesting thing, like, my dad, hi dad, cause you listen, um, at least you say you do, um, he has very different priorities in his life. And so I just thought it was really interesting because like, here I am. Like really have gotten into like holistic living and understanding as much as I do about nutrition from my own perspective and my own experience and like more of the non toxic products and like all of these different brands that are actually out for your health and not so much you're harming you and your money and putting you into the medical system. But my dad is. Definitely, and he'll say this to a victim in the medical system, but he still invests like in all these different filters for his water and I'm like, that's so cool. That's a high priority for him. It's like really, that's a core value. And it's like, that's that it wasn't really a mine. So it's like he's influenced me to look at my water filters differently. And obviously, with all that you've invested in now, Meg, it's like, I'm like, so cool. Cool. Pumped to make changes with my water systems. So we have a water friend. Her name is Erica I've been Instagram friends with her We're totally gonna get her on the podcast so she can share all of her water knowledge with us And then another cool thing you've done I don't know if you want to plug it now because we're gonna have him on the show at some point your glass guy Oh, yeah, Blake from Glass King. Yeah. Yeah talk about That shift a little bit with the bar. You've made so many cool changes with the bar. Yeah, so For years, you know, we would just take our garbage we throw garbage In garbage, but we would take all of our glass and throw it in the garbage bags, which goes into the dumpster Which gets picked up and then it just goes into the landfill. So all those bottles Are just sitting in the landfill doing nothing with it. And I had one of my liquor reps tell me about this program called, um, Glass King and how they, you recycle your bottles and they come and they pick it up and then they regenerate the bottles into sand or crush it to make new liquor bottles. And so it's just recycling the glass over and over and I was like, okay, I'm intrigued by that, you know. And I have, how big would you say the crate is? It's pretty big. Yeah, not very good at dimensions. Yeah, it's got How many of you can you fit in there? It's almost as tall, I'd say it's four feet tall, right? Yeah. It's about four feet tall, um, we'll just say it's, I don't know, it's big, okay? I'm not good with measuring. But anyways, it's a huge fucking crate. And every week, I mean, it's filled to the brim. And they come, and they pick up the glass, and they even like Take, um, windshield from cars. I mean, they collect all different types of stuff and then it just gets recycled and back into good products. Yeah. Glass is where it's at, actually. Oh, hold on. I don't mean to interrupt Courtney, but he's got his motto that don't trash glass. Yeah. And I love it. I love it too. But yeah, he, his journey kind of started because he was working in the clubs. And he became aware of all the glass that was just going into the landfill. And he's like, there's got to be a solution. I love him. And he started it in Arizona, a small, himself, just starting it with milk crates. And then now to expand into Illinois and, you know, have sponsors and to, from liquor companies. I think Bullitt sponsors him, but we'll have him on, we'll have him on one time and he can really. Yes. Get into it. But yeah, it's really about, um, like there's always another, there's always something else for us. So like, I'm, Meg and I were just talking because we literally haven't seen each other because the holidays and everything are happening and life gets lifey like I have been saying lately and like there are so many people that we're connecting with that are just in like a really dark spot like a true rut and we were there. Can relate in any way that we can maybe not in the same circumstances or whatever But like we're here for you. Like really we really are we're here for you. Life isn't always gonna be Dark wherever you are. It's not always gonna be light like where I am at the very moment It wasn't like, I don't know, five hours ago. I wasn't feeling this light right now, but in Meg's energy, I'm always lighter But yeah, it's it's like we're elevating and we have been elevating since we met each other through all of these Growing awarenesses. It's about growing your awareness Learning from people that really do light you up, that, like, actually make your heart, like, feel bigger, like the Grinch, we just watched the Grinch movie, and I'm like, that's, that's, like, real. Sometimes I just, you talk about this too, you feel your heart, like, literally, bigger, like growing in size in certain energies. And like, that's, that's for everyone. That's for everyone to like tap into. And so we just want to be that for people. But also we're learning a lot about. Filling our own cup first because we can't pour into other people without protecting our own boundaries and learning how to set them. I never even knew that was a thing until I started getting into self development, the whole setting boundaries thing. Yeah, it's something I'm learning. Yeah. I can't pour my energy out to everybody and I can't help everybody. No. Especially can't help those that don't want help. Right. And then I think there's so many of us that. Like we've almost chosen people to be with as. Like a project to show that we can change people. Or I, I, I know that I've had that pattern before where I felt like if I can help this one person and that's proof to me, it's everyone that can see that I am worthy, I am worthy of something. And it's like, no, I'm worthy all on my own, but I never. saw that until I really started investing in and Connecting to really like a group of people that helped me see that within myself Yeah, I truly feel that once you're able to Awaken yourself up and start to change your reality It's we're so enamored by it and we want to share it and we want to let everybody know that it's possible. So I feel like in the beginning of my journey, I was like shoving it down people's throats. Like if you do this and you do this and you do this, and if you don't do that, don't do that. Like, hello, if I can do it, you can do it. And, but it's like, Looking back at it now, I know that it I can come on very strong and very like don't do this whatever and I'm just like Oh you do that you're gonna have this like just spitting out bits of knowledge And it's like but I have to like tone it down and just remember it remember where I started. Yeah, I didn't know Nearly half the shit. I didn't know any of the shit that I know. No, I was completely Asleep. Asleep. What did we call it? I was in a fucking coma. Yeah. Sleeping awake. Yeah. I was in a motherfucking coma. Yeah. Like, consuming products that I, just because the packaging said it was good for you, or protein because this certain celebrity says that it's vegan, and it says in that, like, A lot of those products were actually harming me and were actually making me sicker. Yeah. So I think that it's a journey to learn and see what works with you and, and really find your own truth too. Yeah. Like my truth isn't necessarily the same as all of your truths, and that's the joy of having your own perspective. Yeah. And to have your own truth and everybody's entitled to that, you know, there's a lot of people that I follow and that I listen to Um, but I don't agree with everything that each person says same and you don't have to hate on them or harp on them Right write them off just because you don't believe in you believe in 90 percent of what they said But it's at 10. It's like oh fuck that i'm not i'm not connecting to them anymore. Yeah, I used to think that way I used to be like, if I'm not 100 percent aligned with them, like, I don't want anything to do with them. And now I'm like, that's so ridiculous! Yeah, there's so much knowledge out there that it's, it's like a We all get to choose! It's a fucking gift! You could take bits and pieces of that knowledge from each different doctor or advocate for this Whatever they're speaking upon you can take those bits of knowledge it and roll with it. Yeah, you know You don't have to agree with everything, you know, and it's something that i'm learning and not everybody has to agree with what I believe Yes, you know I believe what I want to believe and for me it's working for my life so but different things might work for somebody else right right well and That it's the power of choice, which, I mean, I awakened to, but I didn't even know the depth of it when I first started in therapy. I started to understand, like, everything is a choice, and I'm choosing to be unhealthy, and I'm choosing to blame people that I'm not happy. And then, like, I get into naturopath talking about the power of choice, and exploring and discovering, like, What fits for you? Like that was all like foreign language to me. And I mean, a lot of who I tune into now are traditionally trained healthcare people on all different levels. Doctors, nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, psychiatrists, psychologists that have followed their own advice that they give to their patients and have still felt. terribly sick and diseased. And so then they went against what their teachings were and practiced the power of choice and found a holistic form of health, an alternative, a non conventional form of Like, using food to help them, using meditation, using acupuncture. Another friend, Yasmin, we're gonna have on to talk about, um, um, oh my gosh, physical Physical therapy. Therapy, thank you. Yeah. Um, but like, there's so many different options out there. And that's why I think it's so cool to just try things until you feel a difference. Which we talked about with Kristen in the other podcast. Yeah. When she was on with us. And it's like, why do we deem things right or wrong, black or white, when, like, we live in a world full of so much color. But when you're in the black darkness, it's really hard to But like, I don't know, a few shades of gray. I don't know. I, I, you just have choices, people. Yeah. I, I like for myself, it reached a point where I felt powerless and I wanted my power back and it's an evolution. It's an evolution to discover what works for you. It's a discovery to try different things and. explore and you know and just see what aligns with with yourself, you know? Yes, it's like tuning back into who you really are inside. Again, language that I totally didn't understand until I did, but it's like we're totally Following all of these programs outside of us like commercials, celebrities, you know, I'm not knocking marketing because obviously I'm involved in it, but the way I see business and the way that I've grown to understand business is that it's an exchange of value. And if there's going to be true value that I actually absorb from something or someone, like I want to fucking pay for that. I want, I want them. I want to invest in that. I want that in my life. And. When I finally tuned into me inside and like, well, okay, so I paid, I paid to learn how to tune into me inside and that was the best fucking value that I could have ever paid for because now it's like I trust me. Like, I don't have to look outside of me, and when I feel that I have to, I literally am like, when I, when I want to check something with you, Meg, or Joe, my boyfriend, like, when I want to check something with them, I'm like, wait. Do I have to? I don't. But sometimes I'm like, even today, I'm like, Mag, I know you trust me, and you already know that you're gonna give me your stamp of approval, whatever it is, but I still wanna just tell you, cause I'm like, sharing it with you. So if you get to that point where you're just like, I don't need their stamp of approval, but I wanna share it with them, like, that's really getting into trusting yourself, because I never felt that way before. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I've tried. I just when you're talking about like celebrities, for instance, yeah, like it's funny. We'll be driving and we listen to Spotify and every ad that comes on. It's either a fast food commercial or. Um, supplements or whatever it may be. And Mason even comments, he's like, Oh my God, that one was McDonald's. And then this one was for Pfizer. And then there was one from this. I go, yes, Mason. I go, and when you watch TV, he even is aware that every commercial is for fast food, um, medication, medication. I go, yeah, I go to the commercial before that. You get side effects that you need the medication for, and then you need, you have side effects from that. So it's a system that we're just absorbed in, and I never really pay attention. Me neither. But to have awareness now, you really just see how we're just, it's programming. Yeah. And I think we've become programmed. So much to buy Wheaties because Michael Jordan's on the fucking box or especially all of our cereals and stuff and how it's eye level for all the kids to see and it's all colorful and fun and it's poison, you know, and I try to explain to Mason I go once you're an athlete or you're a celebrity. You get paid big money to be the face for McDonald's or whatever product it may be. I go and I can guarantee you, Mason, none of those fucking people are eating or using that shit. No. They're just collecting their check and we're the consumers. So it's really important to see who is behind the company because a lot of these celebrities, um, who have skin cares and certain stuff, it's just their name that is stamped on it and they reap the benefits. They they're not clean. They're they're not sustainable. They're not good for you. It's just all marketing and I fucking hate it. I hate it. Yeah, seriously, like it pisses me off. It pisses me off that we have athletes promoting fast food subway. It makes me disgusted. Yeah. Um. And when my son goes pro, which he will one day, we're manifesting it, he will not fucking be promoting no fast food. Or vaccines. Yeah, it's, it's uh, I don't think I really, I had to like do something different, like when we did the 30 days, that was like the first time that I like took a break from eating fast food. I, I, I don't think until you. Stop eating those kinds of things. Not to say that it's all bad. It's all horrible and that I don't do whatever Oh, yeah, i'll dabble in a french fry or yeah, like yeah, come on, but like to gain perspective You gotta do something new. You gotta just shift and I think that's probably one of the best um pieces of advice that i've gotten to should change perspective is to gain clarity. And another fun line that I've learned, contrast creates clarity. So when you're bumping up against something that doesn't fit, that doesn't sound right, There's gonna be clarity in that. It's gonna show you something that you really do want to see or know. I had to dismiss myself and tell my child to be a little bit more quiet in the other room while he's thinking he's a pro gamer with his new keyboard he got for Christmas. But, um, yeah, I really see how we are just We are just people that they want us just to buy all their shit Yeah, so if you haven't if you didn't know because I didn't at one point How many how many companies are at the top? There's like there's like, I don't know 10 11 Some you know, whatever. There's a triangle that shows like there's top and then you have The main companies and then those company owns this company and Kellogg's and craft and proper gamble and Johnson and Johnson. Like if, if things that you're using are made by them, maybe try something else. Think about it. Well, and the way I look at it is in COVID really opened my eyes to this. Obviously my family's been small business owners since I was a young teen. Um, I've always kind of naturally been more passionate about supporting small businesses. But even more so after COVID happened, like, all the support that we got, you know, it really kind of opened up my eyes to, okay, like, I should support other small businesses even more. And when it comes to health and wellness, I don't want to do a gimmick just because a celebrity or somebody famous is promoting this product. I want to know a real authentic person that has experienced and gone through the same thing that I'm going through. And can share all the benefits and can be a guiding light. Have the knowledge and the experience. It's not just here, take this, try this, and you'll be better in 30 days. No, it's about the experience about the knowledge that you're gaining and you're getting it from a real person. And that to me, I think is so important. And that's why. I love these networking companies. I think it's brilliant. You know, even the clothes that you buy, you can get from somebody who's networking, you're supporting their small business or a single mom who's just trying to make way. And there's so much down play and negative talk about network marketing. It's not a pyramid scheme. If you have a product, especially when it's clean, good products, there's, there's only benefit to, to it for everybody. Yeah, it's, it's, it's the encouragement for people to look at their choices. And I think when people are closed off to that, um, that's expressing dogma. And dogma, I've learned, and that's such an interesting word to me, is where it's like you are, you have a closed mind. You're not open to anything other than what you believe, which everybody gets that choice. You get the choice to do that. But I've learned the best way to evolve as a human being in this world and to grow and have the ultimate, um, compass toward love is really to be skeptical. But open minded. Yeah. You know, like, we all are here to protect our energy. We're all here to, um, make the choice in whatever decision we ever make. Um, I'm looking for this email. Remember that email I told you that I sent to my brother that he probably never opened? Um, it was so good. But yeah, I'm just, I'm just learning the value of my money and where I want to support and support businesses. And, and that's the power we have as consumers, you know, the products that we buy. And I'm not saying everything I buy is 100 percent sustainable or ethically aligned with my beliefs, but I try to most of the time. Yeah, you know, and. You know, we live in a matrix, so 80, 20, you know, there's perks of the matrix that I enjoy, but when it comes to my health and sustainability, I have learned to not even look at the calories or the stuff on the back. I read the ingredients and I always try to look at the first three ingredients. Just to see what seed oils are used or if it's. What kind of flour is used if there's any artificial flavoring or sugars in it and that is when you give up Unintentional power when you consume those and when you're not aware of that because they are mislabeling packaging like is it Good bar or mr. Good. I don't know what brand it is, but it just you look at it I'd be like like i'd be like, oh my god, that's great obviously, it's better options than a lot of the other stuff, but it's I guess I just get so passionate about it and it it just Fuckin makes my skin boil that these consu like, these companies are doing this to the consumers, and it's almost like it's a fucking joke. Okay, so I'm gonna plug this guy. I honestly have no idea how I got onto his email list, and I'm really, really terrible about reading my emails. So, um, if you sent me an email and you want me to read it, just send me a text that you sent it to me. Okay, so this guy, um, I believe his business is called the Stern Method. Um, and it looks like Ryan and Teddy Sternigal are the People behind the business. So listen to this message. Fathers, our children are under attack and most of us are failing miserably at our job of protecting them. If you saw someone dumping a bottle marked poison into your kid's drink, You'd probably do something about it. Yet, somehow, we've all heard that glyphosate from pesticides, along with all other chemicals that are getting added to foods these days, cause cancer. And yet, everyday, I see kids being fed this stuff. and hear from women that their husbands say organic food costs is too expensive or that they that they're okay with their family eating that poison in other words if it'll save them 20 or 30 percent on their grocery bill. Every day, I hear from mothers concerned that all the radiation from the Wi Fi and Bluetooth in the house is cooking their kids. But their husband refuses to stop using it because he can't let go of all of his tech. Again, let inconvenience blind them to a now massive and undeniable body of evidence that they're harming their own family with this stuff. And it's absolutely heartbreaking when I hear from a mom whose child has cancer or any other health problem and wants to do all she can with the whole wide world of proven holistic and integrative options available, but the dad won't hear of it and tells her to just trust the mainstream doctors instead of thinking for himself and moving mountains to save his kid. And we need to understand a big part of the reason for this is that the tribal protector energy we were born with has been deliberately diverted towards the sitting in front of the TV or going to the stadium to get all worked up about the results of a game. Nothing wrong with watching sports here and there, if that's your thing, but we've got to be conscious of this and not let it suck the warrior out of us. We need to realize we're dealing with modern day threats. It's not the neighboring tribe storming the village anymore, but our families are under continuous attack now all the same. This artificial culture has told us to be these bros that don't really care about anything significant our whole lives. We need to say, sorry, we need to see that for what it is and start being the men God made us to be and our families need us to be. I didn't even mention microplastics in this little rant here. Oh, microplastics don't even get me fucking started. Everybody at work knows about me and my microplastics just read a report saying there are even more microplastics in some freshwater lakes than there are in the ocean, which is crazy given how contaminated we know the ocean has become. And then he goes on and on and I, I just think this guy's such a great, um, he's just a great wordsmith to really. Obviously, we're all hit with this stuff. And we're a couple of women that are talking about it, but my boyfriend's a man and he's really he's got me more into it before he like opened my eyes to organic. I didn't even, I mean, I was on the health train before I met him, but I knew nothing about chemicals on our food and what that was doing to us. And then obviously. I learned from my friend who is going through cancer how everything you put on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream, goes through your liver, and gets diverted into different parts of your body. It's like, we, we are walking chemicals. What kind of chemicals do you want to be? Toxic? Non toxic? Do you want to, do you have, we have a choice in this. I know. We're easily forgotten that we have a choice. It's, it's so disturbing gets brilliant in a just like in a disturbing way, how they have manufactured our society to be like this, because it's been an evolution. This has been since the 1800s. Oh, yeah, to create workers, to create people that are just glued to the TVs, that feel like they don't have a choice. And I'm truly blessed to be a part of the Spiritual Awakening because It's happening. Yeah, and as much as I was against things like tik tok and I know that they wanted to ban it But these platforms are positive in so many other ways and how it's flooding people with knowledge Yeah, you know and yeah, I I I was one of those people. I'm like social media sucks It is so negative. So this or that but then it's like no I get to I get to be The one with my perspective on this platform, and it's like, that's, it's just a, an extension of our actual view, really. Well, and you create your algorithm depending on what you watch. Yeah. So if you're constantly looking up negative weird shit, and things that bring you down, you're, that's gonna flood your algorithm. My algorithm is fuckin High vibe. Yeah, and it's just teaching me all Holistic ways and what not to do and what to do and like I said, I don't take everything as a hundred percent back But it's try it you try it you see how it fits. Yeah, how it elevates you or it doesn't Yeah, if it's elevating you and expanding you do more of it. If it's not don't like that's that's really it Yeah, everyone gets to decide what their right and wrong is Yeah, and it's going down the rabbit hole of toxic things in our household, like the abundance of chemicals, and I never even thought that they could have a negative reaction on our bodies. Oh, and it's a compounding effect too. Yeah. So, like, one of the rules in our house is if it, if it's something we consume or put on us every day, it's We are investing for as non toxic as possible. Yeah. I never even thought about like, dish soap that you use, or your detergent in your dishwasher, and then it's going through a hot cycle, and then that is going on your food, and then you put your food on that, and then you heat your food up, and you're just heating up all those chemicals, and you're eating them. Like, and people think this is overwhelming. Like, To, to think about all these things, but I like to shift and think it's empowering. Like look at what we get to, like, think about and have choice in. Yeah. And not be the victim of, I used to always buy the, um, God with the poor little duck on it in the oil is Adam Dawn. Yeah. God, I, I just always got suckered into buying that fucking blue dish soap because of the poor little fucking duck and oil. Yeah. But it's great marketing. Yeah. Great marketing. But yeah, it's, it's been an evolution of just learning non toxic living. Like I said, nothing happens overnight. I still have things in my home that I'm not 100 percent behind, but I'm also not the only one that lives here. Yeah. But it's just really educating yourself. Like, okay, there's cleaner products out here and I finally have A lot cleaner, sustainable products in my house. And it's just an evolution of, Oh, okay. I learned this and then slowly swapping things out. Nothing has to happen overnight. It's just educating yourself on your time and. Seeing what fits and what's in your budget of what you can start swapping out and it's yeah, start every small step compounds into bigger greater Grander shift. Yeah, like I had what was I sucking on the other night? I was sucking on some forever chemicals. We went to on the Hawks game Bradard scored two goals one in overtime Bidarties? I call them bidoodos. I was like, let's go bidoodos! That's what I call them. But, I have my, my annual two margaritas while I'm there. And even Mason knows because they give you the paper straws. Well, paper straws have forever chemicals in it. And he actually took his straw out of his thing. Cause he was done with his drink and he gave me his plastic straw. So I wasn't sipping on no forever chemicals. But yeah, it's like, just like little things you learn, you know what I mean? I was like, I really enjoy my margarita, but I would prefer it without a forever chemical, you know, but yeah Just things that you become aware of it places the choices. Yeah, and it's it's a great thing to Teach our children to have awareness. Yeah, it's it's it's also a great way to slow us down You know and really think a little bit more about what we are Putting in our mouth and what we are putting on our body and what we are giving to our child that's growing. And it's so essential for them to have the nutrients to develop. Like the, like the body is supposed to, right? Yeah, Mason, was it last week? It was so funny. He really wanted Chick fil A. And I was like, okay. I was like, fine, I'll take you to Chick fil A. He goes, I know, I know, there's 40 chemicals in the chicken sandwich. And he, he said to me, he goes, what have you done to me? And I said, I have instilled knowledge in your brain that you're going to have with you that's going into a teenager and into an adult and it's going to be continuing knowledge and then you'll have smarter choices you'll make. And I don't want to deprive him of foods and certain things. I'm not about that. I make a lot of conscious choices in our home on what I cook the food in or how I heat it up and Certain things, but it's just even having the knowledge and sharing that knowledge with your children, you know, and he doesn't judge other people. I don't judge other people and I tell him and I'm like, just because people don't live or do things the way that we do doesn't mean there's anything wrong. I go, it's not a place for you to make comments. Well, you shouldn't do that. And I go, I don't ever tell people what they shouldn't do. I'm sure I have in the beginning of my journey. Yeah, but now I just like to share my knowledge of what I know And i'm still learning knowledge. I learned so much from you and from other people. I don't know it all You know, I just share with what I know and what have I i've experienced and I fucking hate microplastics in my fucking microwave Oh, I can't I can't with the heat not the plastic mac and cheese. Yeah, I have glass Containers that I heat everything up in the microwave. Yes Same. I never knew that. Absolutely. God, all the tea bags I've drank before, I didn't know that there was plastic in tea bags. I thought all the green tea I was drinking for my free radicals, I was just consuming plastics. Yep. Yeah. There's, there's so many things. I know. And the body is miraculous. Like it is designed to heal itself in the right environment, the right environment, who you surround yourself with, how connected you are within to the greater. Intelligence that beats all of our hearts, and what you're putting in your mouth and on your body. Amen. A fucking men. Amen. I can't wait to take a shower tonight, scrub my body, maybe I'll take a tub. Ooh. With some detox bath salt. Yeah, I want some of that. And since the holidays, I'm having a little bit of a fibro. Why am I talking like that? A fibro. A fibro flare up. A fibro flare up. A fibro flare up. So all my fibro people out there, I feel ya. My joints are feeling a little wonky. I'm feeling a little muscle flopping going on. I wish you guys would see me. Right now. I'm just flopping like flopping, just floppy flop flops. So if we can be a support system for you, we'd love to be. We'd be honored. Thank you for tuning in to the Magical Midlife Crisis Court and Meg signing off. Beep to the beep beeps honk to the honk honks If you made it to the end of this episode, that means you either just appreciate our messy, awkward life experiences, or you're truly up for finding more magic in your life like we are. Definitely tune in every Sunday for more reality shifts that we explore between us and with many special guests that join. If you feel it, please subscribe so you don't miss your seat on our magical earth school bus. Your experience with this show really means a lot to us. So we want to genuinely welcome you to leave an honest review. Your voice matters exactly how it is. 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