The Affirmations for Recovery Podcast

Affirmations for Recovery Podcast - Season Eight Day five

May 06, 2024 Erick Allen Season 8 Episode 5
Affirmations for Recovery Podcast - Season Eight Day five
The Affirmations for Recovery Podcast
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The Affirmations for Recovery Podcast
Affirmations for Recovery Podcast - Season Eight Day five
May 06, 2024 Season 8 Episode 5
Erick Allen

Wrapped in the comfort of my robe, today's discussion is ignited by the sacred morning ritual of prayer and the raw, open conversations that follow with God. It's about letting our guard down and speaking our truths, no matter how messy or peppered with strong language they may be. Because when we're candid with ourselves and the divine, we expose the heart of our journey to recovery. It’s not just about facing our addiction, poor choices, and mistakes head-on—it’s about understanding these do not define who we are. Our true essence is sculpted by the efforts we invest in bettering ourselves and the authenticity with which we communicate our struggles.

Day five of our journey underscores the power of words and the necessity of speaking truth into our existence. I stress the importance of effective communication—not just the words we share with others, but those we whisper to ourselves. We’re building an unshakeable foundation in recovery that can't be bought but must be tirelessly pursued.  As we navigate these days, it’s all about creating opportunities for meaningful understanding, influencing change, and trusting each other. Let's commit to living a great day on purpose, and remember—self-care and mutual support are the bedrocks upon which we stand.

Questions that this Episode Answers:
1. How can morning prayers and candid conversations with the divine aid in the journey of addiction recovery?
2. What role does speaking one's truth play in the process of healing and personal transformation in recovery?
3. Can embracing authenticity and open communication really help reshape our identity beyond past mistakes and poor choices?

Connect with Erick Allen - HERE

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LIE Foundation:

I invite you to enter my invitation code "EA" for exclusive access and a FREE $10 to use to call anyone you’d like on the Owwll App!!
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If you are recovering from anything, this recovery podcast is a daily dose of positivity. I speak on mindfulness, and share thought processes and affirmations to help with your recovery journey. Recovery is not just about substances, recovery is needed for all kinds of addictions and thoughts and ideas that you may be addicted to. This podcast is for you!

Show Notes Transcript

Wrapped in the comfort of my robe, today's discussion is ignited by the sacred morning ritual of prayer and the raw, open conversations that follow with God. It's about letting our guard down and speaking our truths, no matter how messy or peppered with strong language they may be. Because when we're candid with ourselves and the divine, we expose the heart of our journey to recovery. It’s not just about facing our addiction, poor choices, and mistakes head-on—it’s about understanding these do not define who we are. Our true essence is sculpted by the efforts we invest in bettering ourselves and the authenticity with which we communicate our struggles.

Day five of our journey underscores the power of words and the necessity of speaking truth into our existence. I stress the importance of effective communication—not just the words we share with others, but those we whisper to ourselves. We’re building an unshakeable foundation in recovery that can't be bought but must be tirelessly pursued.  As we navigate these days, it’s all about creating opportunities for meaningful understanding, influencing change, and trusting each other. Let's commit to living a great day on purpose, and remember—self-care and mutual support are the bedrocks upon which we stand.

Questions that this Episode Answers:
1. How can morning prayers and candid conversations with the divine aid in the journey of addiction recovery?
2. What role does speaking one's truth play in the process of healing and personal transformation in recovery?
3. Can embracing authenticity and open communication really help reshape our identity beyond past mistakes and poor choices?

Connect with Erick Allen - HERE

Find the Affirmations for Recovery Journal

Contact OceanTree Creative

LIE Foundation:

I invite you to enter my invitation code "EA" for exclusive access and a FREE $10 to use to call anyone you’d like on the Owwll App!!
Apple users, here is the link:
Android users, here is the link:

If you are recovering from anything, this recovery podcast is a daily dose of positivity. I speak on mindfulness, and share thought processes and affirmations to help with your recovery journey. Recovery is not just about substances, recovery is needed for all kinds of addictions and thoughts and ideas that you may be addicted to. This podcast is for you!

Speaker 1:

happy day. Five affirmations for recovering. Yep, this morning I'm in my robe because for me, journaling starts best in the morning. Man, after I, after I wake up, praying. The first thing I do in the morning is pray. I was asked that is the question what do you first do when you first wake up? Yes, great question, prayer. I'm thanking God for another opportunity to bridge the gap. Yep, and I talk to God just like I talk to you. It's like he's one of the homies. Yep, thank you God. Thank you God, thank you. I mean, no, I definitely don't use any curse words or anything like that, but there have been times where I have used curse words. Okay, I am human and we're talking to God. Sometimes, through frustration, we use swear words. But yo, god knows my heart, man, and he knows it's not necessarily meant to be that way, but sometimes, man, emotions make us sad, sometimes. Let's just keep it real. So day five is all about how do we communicate? Yes, communicating your truth, whatever that may be, whatever your truth may be. Man, yes, we are an addict. Yes, we have messed up in life. Yes, we have made some bad choices in life, but that does not define us. Yes, what defines us is the work that we're willing to put in. So, communicate. I'm telling you, man, the world revolves around better communication. So today, remind yourself I am communicating in my truth, because you might fall off. And if you fall off, remember words have power. You got to watch what you say to yourself, yep. So happy day five. Create an opportunity, motivates meaningful understanding. Now influence, change and trust each other. That is the acronym for communicate man. That's powerful, that's like, that's like poetry in motion. Yes. So shout out to you in recovery, because, I'm telling you, we all have to experience recovery some way or another. It's not about substances, it's about how we think, it's about our mindset. So I'm super excited, super excited for us, because this journey has just begun and we are putting in the work. Yes, day five, putting in this work, man, because we ain't got nothing better to do but put in the work. You can't buy recovery. Unfortunately, I wish I could sell you recovery, but you can't. You have to actually actually do the work. So make sure you guys are following, make sure you subscribe in, yes. So find somewhere to just say something to somebody, yep. And make sure you share this message. Sharing is caring. That's how we, that's how we've been able to grow to this far Organically, it's just by sharing, and sharing with our community. Shout out to the wave community, man. They do a lot of great work. Out of Atlanta, man, the LIE foundation. It's a non-profit organization I'm actually a part of that organization and it's all about influencing change. Influencing change. You need a working community. You need to find your tribe O-W-W-L-L. Thank me later and shout out to Ocean Tree Creative man, that's, they are the magic behind everything that's happening right now, man. They're O-W-W-L-L. Thank me later. And shout out to Ocean Tree Creative man. They are the magic behind everything that's happening right now. Man, they're doing a lot of great things for people like me. So today is a great day. Day five we learned how to communicate in our truth and, yes, I want you to have a great day on purpose, man. Until next time, take care of yourself and each other. Let's go. The Affirmations for Recovery podcast is an OceanTreeCreativecom production.