
005: Divine Mediumship with Carolyn Swift Jones // Part II

November 16, 2023 Clairvoyaging Season 1 Episode 5

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Join us for Part 2: the fascinating journey with our guest, Carolyn Swift Jones. Our conversation with Carolyn extends beyond just understanding intuition - she reveals some of her secrets on how to expand your mediumship and teaches us to ask pertinent questions that enhance our spiritual connections.

As we delve deeper into the spiritual realm, Carolyn discusses the collective representation of the Akashic records, the evolution of our planet, and the impact of our spiritual habits on the future. She beautifully encapsulates the spiritual journey of a medium, committed to recognizing everyone in their full divine potential. Tune in for part 2 with Carolyn Swift Jones!

To learn more about Carolyn, to book a session or take a mediumship class, go to

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Way Father Media presents Claire Voyaging. Hey, hey, hey, hello, welcome to Claire Voyaging. Boom, boom, yo, oh Yo, we're really feeling that right now. Good morning, lauren, it's morning, today it is morning.


Good morning, Frank. I heard it's morning every day.


There is a morning every day.


Guess what we're talking about today? Tell me. Well, we only did part one of the two parts of Carolyn Swift Jones' interview.




And boy, oh boy, did I enjoy it.


Me too, man, she's just a lovely wealth of information. That's a word right Wealth, wealth of information.


Did you spell it with an F at the end? That's what I thought I heard.


That did not All right, no.


Hey, give us some updates quick before we get into it.


Okay, someone bought us a coffee.


Are you serious?


A couple of coffees. Thank you, carol. She was a she's a lovely supporter. She supports our podcasts through buymeacoffeecom. Slash Claire Voyaging so thank you, carol.


Thank you, carol, carol. Thank you for making the worst financial decision of your life. I appreciate it a lot. Yeah, anything else before we get into it.


I was in New Orleans. It was very busy, it was a bachelorette party, but I tried to open up my intuition because it's a very ghosty city. You know, I had never been there before and I tried to open up my intuition, see if I felt anything, see if I saw anything. I don't think I did, although we were staying in a B and B and I was like I got to choose which room I wanted to stay in. Turns out, I stayed in the slave quarters, but Okay, former, former, slave.


They don't have a slave.


Anyway, we did like a ghost tour and I was trying to feel anything. I'm still working on it.


Practicing. Carolyn Swift of Jones says practicing.


Yeah, we're practicing.


Everyone is practicing. Yeah, all right, are you ready? Yeah, let's go. Let's go wax poetic with Carolyn Swift Jones.


Part two here you go.


So the universe's sweet spot is to find the pattern that repeats, that supports health and wellness and excitement and joy and passion going forward in this life. Now can I please talk to you about the Fibonacci sequence?


Oh, please do yes.


Okay, this is where Fibonacci comes in and this is something also that I teach Fibonacci sequence. Let's all think about a number line. Let's think about zero, one. The next number is one, and one plus one equals two, and then, if we are in that two, we're going to reach back into the one and add the one to the two, and the next number is three. Then we reach back to the two and add the two to the three. The next number is five. We get the next number eight on Fibonacci by adding the five to the three that's behind it.


So the Fibonacci sequence is another way of describing the Akashic record and how they work in our life. Let's say the present moment is three, that's the numeric value we'll give to the present moment, and so we have the number two behind us. That's in our Akashic records. So when we combine what's two to three, we're naturally evolving forward into five and so forth and so on, that we grab everything that we learned from the past and we absorb it and integrate it and then move forward. I've seen beautiful poems where a piece of Akashic record from like 2000 years ago somebody laid a tile in a temple and thought the tile looked beautiful and thousands of years go by, that person becomes a master architect just from that simple laying of a tile. There's a rhythm, in other words, to the Akashic records, and they are fluid in the sense that they are always being added unto, and there are pieces in our Akashic records that are healing, I believe. So we're not victimized by them, but they are enormously useful and creative.


I like that a lot yeah yeah, that's really great.


I mean it's going back into the healing and evolving and bringing that wisdom to the next phase.


For me it's part of the part of the work that for me is thrilling. I never get over it. I never get tired of seeing how a pattern can be picked up and move forward and alchemized in the present moment to construct a entirely new future, One that wasn't even dreamt of until that integration happened. Could we talk about how to practice?


Oh, I was going to ask you that actually.


Yeah, I readily share this with every single client and I teach it in my classes. When I was beginning and I saw that this woman's dear father and I was really at a loss as to how to practice, I didn't know. I thought, oh, maybe that's just a one off, you know. And then I heard, or was impressed with, a download from what I would call my teachers and spirit, those who teach and guide me. That energy said let's have you listen to Mozart and let's have you listen to the bass line and let's have you let go of the melody and focus only on the bass line and don't listen with your physical ears, don't listen with this part of you, listen with your medulla behind your physical ears. So this came in and I went thanks, and I started listening to Mozart and noticed that it took a lot of discipline to let the melody go.


Melody mimics, chatter of the world, monkey mind. Bass line mimics foundational note the let be, the I am foundational note upon which all other vibrations are built. So listening into the base is a way of mimicking or reminding us how to listen into foundational note. And I also noticed that, as I would listen with the medulla, that I would hear the note and then it would go away and I would hear it and it would go away, which is also my experience as a medium. I hear pulse, pulse, rest. There's energy, energy or feeling, feeling or word, word or number, number rest, number, number rest and how to just suspend when there's no hearing. So I have my students, particularly in mediumship, one which I teach, level one and level two. But in level one we spend a lot of time listening to Mozart and listening from back here and deepening our awareness of foundational note.


This is the area of our brain that is most receptive to vibration. It's our reptilian brain which is given such a bad rap. It's a beautiful part of our brain. It's the most sensitive to vibration and here's the beauty part. You know, for us Western people our ego tends to live right in our face. This is where, for Western people, it tends to live. So anything we do to kind of go behind the face or go behind the personality, go behind the ego and listen from there, is gonna be very helpful. So part one in practicing is learning how to trust foundational note, which is note of truth, and then allowing the vibrations to build on top of that. Are you with me? So?


far. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out, like I was trying to think of like how I would do that I'm so used to like as a I'm a singer and we did music. I listen to melody. So I'm like actively thinking about this while you're saying it, thinking like wow, I don't, I just listen to melody and I don't wrinkle, sometimes be like did you hear the like baseline or did you hear whatever? And I'm like no, I was only listening to the melody or the lyrics or something like that.


Sometimes it's like wait, we heard the same song, what were you listening to? But then Lauren will be able to recite lyrics and I'm like I have no idea what you're talking. I don't know what that song was about, I was just listening to it.


But this is like kind of resonating with me just because of the chatter I'm not slowing down to hear, just like the foundation and I don't know. I'm like how do I listen with the back of my head?


Okay, can I help you with that Please? Yes, okay, so Mozart, I found, is the best composer to work with this, because of the juxtaposition of complicated melody and then that strong baseline that sometimes is elusive. Yeah, so what you do, pick a Mozart, any Mozart For years it was magic flute for me. Okay, and then discipline yourself to leave the melody and just start listening to the lowest note. You can hear the very lowest note and then ask yourself to listen. If you just send the message to your brain listen with the back of your brain, you'll know you're doing it. When you get a little pressure back here, okay, and if it's a little bit, it's an exercise. So as soon as it begins to there's pressure or you get a little headache or something, you know you're in, you know you're doing.


I was about to ask you if you can get exhausting. You're pointing something out to me that I actually have experienced quite a few times, so this is fun.


Oh good, oh good, good, good. So you can use that as a medium.


Now that I know what it is. Yeah, I don't know if I would have identified that as any kind of mediumship, but I was just talking to Lauren last night about how sometimes when I'm helping somebody or like talking through something with them, I can't look at them and I know a lot of times people make offense to that because I'm not making eye contact but I literally have to look away and actually like to fully process what's going on, Ego removed and a lot of times it does feel like it's coming from and I'll be tired afterwards I'll be like my head hurts. I just want to lay down I should stop talking. I should let Carolyn talk more because she's gonna take it off.


One of the things that we've noticed I say we, the collective around that teaches mediumship has noticed is that a practicing medium tends to lose potassium in their bodies. And that's one of them.


Gotta get those bananas?


Yeah, we had them when I was in seminary and studying mediumship and applying to get my mediumship papers. They had bananas, whoa, and I'm sure I have my prunes every day, which are full of potassium. That's amazing For that reason, but we do tend to, and now nobody knows why we're losing potassium. Yeah, that's so weird, but I think it has to do with using the medulla in ways that we're not used to using and integrating our whole brain, because when we use the whole brain, we are burning up calories like crazy. We're just burning it up. So I advise having water always nearby and making sure that the bananas are flowing.


Oh my gosh. Is there any other advice towards practicing then? I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.


That's it Take the class.


Take the class everybody.


Take the class, one of the things that I love, love, love working with people in is working as a full medium, with the consciousness of a stone. And so I ask people, before they start their first class, to bring in an unassuming stone, start something fancy not a crystal, not from a gem or anything like that begin to ask your unassuming stone questions and begin to make, uh, develop a relationship with that rock so that you can feel into the sole topography of the rock. I also have them. Bring in a plant and do the same thing Automatically. What happens when I work with the stone, my ego easily, easily relaxes. And the same thing with a plant is that plants really don't have egos. They have personalities, but they're not driven by fear. So, working that way and practicing that way and using the magic words, tell me more, where have you been, where did you come from these kinds of questions, how to open and expand our mediumship so that we're capable of listening for what I call the full picture.


I'm sure it's hard to not that you're bringing us up. You know when you're. When you're discussing anything with another person, you're not just filtering yourself, you're filtering for them, and what you both have are going into a conversation with certain expectations and, uh, you know being trying to be polite and all the the normal uh, cordialities, cordialities, is that a word?


Yes, I think it is.


You know it is now and talk talking to rocks would be so much easier. And you know, in, in, in like a week you're going to hit all my friends will be rocks, only rocks. It would be like it's such a good practice to to to do that, because I've heard from various places how materials can like record. I guess, like the audio engineer in me says well, if everything is vibrational, everything is. Everything vibrates through through these things that have been here for longer than I have. So why not? Why wouldn't that make sense?


Yeah, yeah, yes. Do you ever find that, like your students are? Is there, is there ever where you're just like oh, they're making that up, or I'm just curious about that, like oh, you are not connecting and like sorry, but I experienced students saying am I making this up?


How do I distinguish? Yeah, what I teach back to the idea of continuum is I'll ask people to be careful not to separate what they think they're making up from what is foundational truth. And one of the reasons the Mozart exercise is so helpful is because when you listen to bass note, you'll hear it and then it'll go away. And then you'll hear it and it'll go away, and how you fill that gap is very important, and it's the filling of the gap where we tend to make things up. So and I also encourage people to well, what do you, what do you hear, whether you thought you made it up or not, what did you hear? Right, and let's start with that. That's your opening. That's where the door is, so let's open that door.


I would think that would also go into the like trusting your intuition. Because I just was talking or actually in one of our last episodes I was talking about learning Reiki and I was doubting did I receive this energy, does it work? And then your doubt can make you not think anything is happening or that you're making it up or whatever. But trusting that intuition, I would imagine, is like okay, well, I'll just go with that and then when you find that it's actually doing something, you should trust it.


Can I give you a wonderful example? This just happened in a reading. I was working with somebody. She had so many people in fourth dimension that were coming in and it was a little hard to separate all these folks. But at one point one of the grandmothers kept saying Tilly, tilly, tilly. And so in my ego mind I thought, oh, tilly must be somebody else who's on the other side. And so I said I'm hearing the name Tilly. And but the person I was working with said, oh, she calls everyone Tilly. So this grandfather, when she was alive, when she couldn't remember her children, her grandchildren's name, she would just call them Tilly. So she, I know that's gonna love that I love this one.


I will be using that, just call everyone.


Tilly, yeah, call everyone Tilly, yeah. What I loved about it was that in my conscious, egoic mind, I had filled in the gap and made it a story about someone in fourth dimensional awareness who was Tilly, who was also waiting to say hello. And that was not the case at all. One of your questions I saw was are you evolving as a medium? Oh, my gosh, yes, every single day, because I get to practice to three, sometimes three times a day with people. That was a beautiful example of I had heard. I had heard Tilly, tilly, and then was the rest the portion where nothing's coming, and the gap, and I filled it in with my story. Now, it didn't end up disrupting the reading because the woman knew exactly what was going on, but that's an example of how much practice it takes, how to trust that the rest does not need to be filled in with a story. That takes a lot, a lot of practice.


I've been trying to think about metaphors for it to just understand it better myself, and it here's a really weird example that no one's going to like. Have you heard of chicken sexing? What?


Yeah, so there are people, there are people who can look at a baby chick and determine what the sex is, and they have to train people for it. You have to do it for a certain amount of hours before you can do it. But if you look at a baby chick where'd I hear that? I'm pretty sure I'm stealing this from like another podcast or something People are able in a second, just by looking at a baby chick, know if it's a male or a female and they like sort them and they can't even describe to you what, how they know. But it just takes practice, maybe, maybe.


I think that's a brilliant example of practice.


Yeah, that's my answer Is that the term, or did you make that term?


I'm pretty sure it's called sexing, and if not, boy do I feel weird.


That's a great term I was going to say the other part of the Tilly story is the just going back to that point I was making that any kind of intuitive communication is cooperative. There is never just one medium in a session. I I believe there are at least two and probably lots others. When you think about the whole family structure, the soul structure, all of the other wavelengths of light, that it's really a cooperative event.


I've never thought of it as that's such an inclusive way to think of it and that's so I don't know. I feel like that's empowering for for for me to hear and maybe for other people too, but like you're helping bring in that information, like it's not just giving someone else the power to like read me or like tell me what I need to know. You know, like a lot of things that we've heard lately is like we're all intuitive and sometimes you know when people do, like a tarot reading or something the tarot readers they've just learned how to read the cards and tell you what the cards say. But it's your energy, it's your body like telling you what you need to know, right, usually it's like your inner self, yeah.


That's actually part of what I wanted to ask you earlier. We were discussing the Akashic records and you kind of alluded to the idea that we all represent a part of the records itself and that that we can be read like a record.


Yeah, and we can, in the same way that the universe can be read like a record, in the same way that this sweet dear rock can be read like a record. But where it gets fascinating is moving into the present moment of evolution. And how does the record shift now? How do we shift now? The universe pays forward, the universe is always evolving forward and we're always learning from and growing from. But the other fascinating part is where will this planet called Frank, where will, how will this planet called Frank now evolve?


Listen. I know I got to lose some weight, but I don't think we got to get rude about it. Sorry to interrupt.






No, you know how is Planet Frank evolving and what's what is, because oftentimes we can get a sense of it when we feel into soul topography or Akashic record. We can see how the evolution pattern has been moving so far, and this is where we get into future. Prediction is that we get a sense of okay, this has been the movement of evolution so far, and so we can almost mathematically predict how this movement will continue, with the caveat that everybody changes their mind three million times a day.


And everyone around you to. There's quite a variable there, under that same concept, the way the records work. Is it always currently recording, or can you look into the future in any kind of way? Or is that just a future of possibilities and forks of potential, that's such a good question. Sorry, that's a big one.


Yes, that's a great question. It's also case by case, but in terms of how we are preparing our records for the future, this is going to depend upon the spiritual habits of the person. So, if you think of it as literally like how are you going to prepare for your taxes? How are you going to prepare your records? Well, how disciplined are you with staying current, you know, with your paperwork? How disciplined are you with staying focused on where you are right now, noticing and leaning into this present moment? That's where your future is being created, and I do believe that there's an infinite amount of possibilities. It depends a lot on where our love wants to go. Where does love want to go? Where does the love we are want to go? For instance, when I was a young woman, I love wanted me to be a writer and then love wanted me to be a stewardess. Then love wanted me to be an actor. I was that for a very long time. Then the love I am said no, I want to be loving in a different way.


I mean because if you're following that and being true to them and listening, you change course, or it's like this is a different period now and I'm still following that path, but it looks different than 10 years ago.


For me, mediumship is a spiritual path. You see, it's a joyful way to make a living. It is that it's a joyful way to make a living, but it's much more than that. It's a spiritual path, it's a commitment to see every single person in their wholeness, in the fullness of their divine potential. If I can do that, then I know I'm hoping to create a more peaceful world.


Yeah, definitely yeah.


I do like that and you know what. I think that's part of the reason why both of us have been so you know what this is, where we hardly have cracked the podcast world at all, but we are both so excited about it because it feels like there's a lot in our community that a lot of relearning that we can help with, but also it's keeping us audited in our own spirituality and staying on top of things, and we're discussing it all the time now, and it's been we're up on our paperwork.


Why do I understand what you are saying? Yes, yeah, we to do this work, you do have to be audited. Yeah, you do have to be very mindful of where are my resistances? Where do I still believe that I am separate from divinity or separate from the universe, because I'm a human being? So of course, I believe it.


There are places in me that still believes that, so yeah, it's, being a person is hard, like it's easy to get distracted by all kinds of things. Yeah, like I've been in a situation where, like I have been on top of all this stuff and then I got busy with work and I forgot to like, take care of myself and take care of my own well-being and then I've gotten behind on my paperwork. I owe things now and I'm way behind. I don't feel good about it. I have a lot of work to do to make up for the time I allowed myself to be distracted from that. It's all part of the wellness circle. Just like you gotta go on a walk or around or lift your weights to keep your body healthy, you gotta keep your spirituality healthy, otherwise you get in a rut.


Yeah, I've found myself like advocating for I don't. Like I said, I'm new to meditating relatively in the last like couple months, and I've found myself like advocating for friends or family, like you have been.


She's a great advocate. Now I'm like are you meditating?


Are you doing a daily like meditate? I feel like this would really help you, you know, and yeah, it's like cause, it's a reminder for me as well, it's like I'm telling myself at the same time as I'm telling like my friend, and it's such a big part of that spiritual wellness and mental wellness and all that, indeed, yes, yes, we started this podcast inspired by the event that happened with our niece and it kind of made you know some people in our family dig a little bit deeper, Like your light starts shining brighter, and then other people's as well. So it's kind of been happening in our family and, like friend group, we're finding that there's not very many resources for parents that are trying to navigate how to help a child that is potentially scared because they don't know what's going on, you know if it's their own mind or something from the fourth dimension. And yeah, do you have any like resource advice for parents?


Yes, I love this question and every now and then I have the whole and holy privilege of working with a child. That is highly intuitive, with the parent right there. So I don't work with children unless their parent is right there. But a couple of things. First of all, it's helpful, I have found, if the parent thinks of the child as breathing into a larger space, a larger classroom, a larger school bus and there are that there is awareness that there are a lot more energies there and the same ground rules of behavior apply as when we send our kids to school. So we want to send our kids to school with practical guidelines in terms of how to establish useful boundaries and how to practice good manners. And so if a child is, for instance, meeting an energy they haven't met, I would want that child to remember that it's important to say how do you do? My name is, what's your name and these are my rules for our friendship. This is how far I allow you to come, but you cannot go past that line. Practicing those boundaries and practicing manners is very important. That's really good manners. So when you bring your child to a public event and they're meeting new people, you want to make sure they stand up straight, look the other person in the eye and say how do you do, right? You know?


The other piece of this that is really important and I'm sure you guys already know this is that this kind of development never happens in a vacuum. The whole family is actually beginning to realize the range of its intuitive capability. It's bubbling forth in the youngest member of the family, because the ego personality is the most pliant there. But the whole family has a collective agreement. Guess what guys? In 2023, as a family, we're going to take an evolution and we're going to step forward. And so to know that it's not just the child, it's the whole family, and if the whole family takes responsibility to gather for this, that takes some onus off the child. The child is not the special one, right? Or the gifted one. The child is the one who is practicing her violin, but everybody has the same violin.


Yeah, I've heard like creating those spiritual boundaries. It's the same as if you create boundaries in your social life and that's great advice, and the manners too, because I'm sure a kid would probably just want to be like get away from me, no matter what, but which I'm sure you know, if they're creating boundaries is fine at some point. But I know a lot of parents would probably just say like that's your imagination or just you know their fear kind of takes over and pushes that thing away. But we've heard that a kid ignoring that can cause them to repress it and then have it come up in a worse way down the line a couple years later, where they're trying to like quiet what they're hearing or seeing with drugs or alcohol.


I've worked with drugs or alcohol, yeah, and a lot of people who pushed it down and replaced it with drugs or alcohol, yeah, or sexual addiction, you know, just replaced it. And that is the danger. And so creating an environment where the whole family has these beautiful, pristine boundaries, where everybody can talk about them and revisit them and remind the child that a friend is somebody who treats you in a friendly way, a friend is someone who likes you and is kind and gentle with you, and if it feels good, then it is good. If it doesn't feel good, then it's not good.


Yeah, yeah, that's very helpful. That's great.


Our little, little little spiritual ambassadors. Yeah, the light.


Yes, yeah, and there are more and more and more of them across the planet.


Is that a thing? So you know you were talking about the Fibonacci sequence earlier. I was thinking about, like you know, we're getting older. As I get older, everyone has that, that that squishing of time feeling, that they like, like things are speeding up. I assume that's just a brain mechanic of some kind. But also, is there on a fourth dimensional level, are we heading towards something particular? A bigger healing, or like yeah, sure, let's call it that yeah.


Yeah, With all my heart. I believe we are. I believe we're evolving forward and I believe we're slowly disentangling from the old belief that there are two universes, a good one and a bad one. We're slowly disentangling and slowly adjusting to the truth of one universal truth, to oneness. As we do so, things get shook up, but as we do so, we become more and more willing to have huge compassion for the stranger until there are no strangers. And part of that huge compassion includes those who are in fourth dimension. That's the other, that's a neighbor to love. That's just another aspect of the universe to love. And I keep seeing more and more and more kids coming forward who are ready to be inclusive in how they love.


Yeah, yeah. And so we tell our niece too. We just say, just because they're on the other side doesn't mean they're not people, they're just people, they're people. So, and this concept that you're sharing with us about boundaries, manners, being polite, it's no different and I absolutely love that. I'm going to pass that on, kellen, where can people find you and your work?


Oh, they go to my website. That's easy wwwtheguidingcirclecom. And if you go to that website, you'll see classes, you'll see a monthly newsletter, you'll see all kinds of things we have on our website. Something I'm very excited about called Client's Corner, because we have so many amazing clients, they're so cool and we have people who are doing all kinds of amazing things. I ask people to post their stuff on Client's Corner so other people can see what this collective group, what it's up to, and that's free. We just want our client base to be celebrated.


I've seen that. It's really cool. That's amazing.


Oh, it's so much fun. Yeah, it's so much fun. And when we say to people, no, we want you to put your stuff out here and no, it's free, we just want you to do that. So that's where to go to get all the information. And my assistant, kathy, is an amazing human being.


She seems very lovely.


Oh it's amazing. I could not do this without her. I absolutely rely upon her. She's more than an assistant. She's my partner, and so she will answer any scheduling questions or payment questions or anything like that.


She's a beautiful human being, so yeah, it was an absolute pleasure talking to you. Thank you so much for giving your time to us.


Yeah, I kind of kept talking and asking more questions for so long?


Definitely like cutting us off just because.


I want to be respectful here.


I hope maybe would you be open to coming on again sometime in the future, once we have developed more questions.


Absolutely yes, yes, oh, my gosh, you guys are so delightful. Oh, thank you.


Thank you. This will probably end up being a two-part episode because there's been so much.


There's nothing to throw away here. There's nothing to throw away.


You've just like had you've been just a fountain of information and it's so, so cool.


I think we can say we're all swifties here now. That's not taken right. Thank you for listening. Visit wwwclairvoyagingcom for show notes, merch or just to say hi. If you'd like to support our journey, visit wwwbuymeacoffeecom. Backslash Claire Voyaging. This has been a production of Wayfeather Media.

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