Monks of the Rio Chama, part II
The Dirt and Dust
The Dirt and Dust
Monks of the Rio Chama, part II
Jan 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Alex Handloff

With enough time, we can all become attentive to the place we exist, though we must be intentional in that endeavor. What better way to learn the work of being present than from the assiduous, industrious, and philosophical monks of the Christ in the Desert Monastery.

In this episode, Alex talks with Brother David about his role at the monastery and his sense of duty and purpose. Then, Alex continues the conversation with Brother Bede, delving deeper into the idea of knowing the landscape and ourselves better - something the 2-3-2 actively strives to do.

A special thanks to Brother Bede Bissonnette and Brother David. Learn more at  Also, check out Brother David's YouTube channel, The Desert Monk,

The Dirt and Dust is brought to you by the 2-3-2, Mountain Studies Institute, the Forest Stewards Guild, the USDA Forest Service and Zebulon Krol.

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