Tackling the evolution of the workplace post-COVID: challenges for employers

CMS Season 3 Episode 12

As many countries around the world experience a reduction in COVID-19 infections and attempt to reopen their economies, companies both large and small are faced with the daunting challenges of conducting business in a post-pandemic world.

Although these challenges vary from country to country, COVID-19 has changed the way we work and do business. The only questions are: will the pandemic's impact be permanent and if so what will be the long-term fallout? Will remote working, widely employed during restrictions, become the norm in the future? Or will employees gradually return to onsite offices, factories and warehouses?

Listen to a podcast based on a recent webinar conducted by the CMS Employment Group – and featuring speakers Jeremias Adams-Prassl, a law professor at Oxford University; Alison Woods, co-Head of Employment Law with CMS UK; and Daniela Krömer, an employment-law expert with CMS Austria. The podcast attempts to answer these questions by exploring how the modern workplace could look in the post-COVID-19 world.