So...How Was Your Day?


November 08, 2023 Tana Schiewer Episode 10
So...How Was Your Day?
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So...How Was Your Day?
Nov 08, 2023 Episode 10
Tana Schiewer

It's the age of the superheroine! The Marvels, anchored by female characters in all the major roles, brings us to the next test for women in superhero movies. But what about the past? When did other superheroines get introduced? Malcolm and Tana discuss these topics and touch on the Toledo Comic Arts Festival. 

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It's the age of the superheroine! The Marvels, anchored by female characters in all the major roles, brings us to the next test for women in superhero movies. But what about the past? When did other superheroines get introduced? Malcolm and Tana discuss these topics and touch on the Toledo Comic Arts Festival. 

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So, Malcolm, how was your weekend? Uh, it was pretty good. I got to finally play Spider Man 2. Oh yeah? Yeah, and I've been loving that game. Um, so, that's been a lot of fun. I've already almost done 100% ing it, and I've only been playing it the past few days. I'm not shocked by that. No. It's also not that big of a game. Okay. Um, which I actually like from... Because then it's not like I look at the map and it's just filled with random crap that doesn't even matter. Like all of their stuff actually matters that is on the map, which I like. And then, speaking of Marvel, we went to see, uh, or we went to the Comics Art Festival here. The Toledo Comic Arts Festival. Yes. Um, and we appropriately listened to a, uh, Um, not recounting, but a history of Marvel's super heroines. Yeah. And, um, I say appropriately because the Marvels is coming out on Friday, which I'm also somewhat excited for. I'm very excited for it. I'm excited. Anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and he tied it into, so, um, Jim Beard, who is a comic artist and historian and journalist, uh, said like, he was like, in anticipation of the Marvels, I thought we could review. Yeah. So, yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was pretty interesting. And, um, I already knew that Marvel was very ahead of its time with like, um, bringing in groups other than white men into the comics. So, it was kind of interesting hearing that from someone else's perspective as well where he was like, Marvel's, like, this was really the first female superhero, this was really the first, female superhero with powers, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah. Yeah. And I also loved, I forgot about the detail that, um, because I've, I've been reading the comics all the way from like, Uh, The Silver Age, which is starting with Fantastic Four number one in 1961. Like, that's when it really kicked off. buT I, I completely forgot that wasp. is the one that names the Avengers. So the most popular, one of the most popular superhero teams of all time was named by a woman. Oh yeah. I, I, I mean, technically Stan Lee but I kind of liked the, the, right. I kind of liked the origin story of that in the Marvel cinematic universe better though. Like according to the speaker, um, They were just like they got done with their like first adventure to adventure together And she's like, why don't we call ourselves the Avengers and like it just seemed kind of random Yeah, they weren't avenging anything in the first comic. So yeah but yeah, I just rewatched Captain Marvel the other night and You know at the end Mc Fury is sitting in his office and he's putting together, I think he called it the Protector Initiative first. And then he was looking at a picture of Carol Danvers next to her, her, uh, which is called The Avenger. And it says, well, it says Carol the Avenger Danvers. So that was like her nickname kind of. Gotcha. Um, and so he named it the Avengers Initiative and, which is funny'cause she's the least present member of the Avengers It's true, it's true. But like according to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you know, she's kind of the one that inspired him to understand that there's more to the world. So it's, you know, it's more than just them on earth. And, you know, um, and I don't know, it just, it felt like it had more purpose to just like, let's call ourselves the Avengers. Even, uh, even this, I think it was the season of Loki. He was like, Oh no, I think it was Mobius in the first season that was talking, that was interrogating Loki, and he was like, The Avengers literally avenged someone that you killed to take you out. Side note, I think one of my favorite things from, I think it was this season, was um, Loki's like, uh, consoling Mobius for like, Mobius getting a little angry about something. And he was like, look, I once held New York city hostage while doing blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, like it happens. The worst part is that like on their timeline, that was only like a few weeks ago for Loki. If that, Oh, that's true. Weird. I know. Right. That's what I always try to keep in mind is that Loki has like just Like, like he's he's barely past the Dark World movie in terms of timeline time. Right. Yeah, I also re watched The Avengers this weekend. Oh, really? And, um, after we went to the, the speech on Marvel Superheroes, I was like, oh, I feel like watching a Marvel movie now, and I couldn't decide which one. It's always Avengers. Avengers is still one of my favorites. It's so good. I, uh, one of, um, I've been watching a lot of Critical Role, and I totally did not realize until Dad pointed it out that The waitress. The waitress, yeah. Is I recognized her right away. No, I, but, but see I knew her. I knew that she was in critical role and I knew that she was big, big into board gaming and you know, all that stuff. Yeah. Um, but I knew her as Chrissy the little sister on growing pains in a TV show. That's what dad said as well. Yeah. Um, I know her as Ellie from the last of us. Oh, that's right. You had told me that before. Yeah. That she did the voice for that. Yeah. Um, but it's, it was interesting to kind of watch that and you could see moments where Loki was like, ah, maybe I shouldn't be doing this, you know, but most of the time he's just being an evil jerk. Yes. Um, but it's, but it is, it is interesting to kind of. I would be interested to go back and see every movie Loki's in and just sort of see that I feel like that struggle is within him a lot, like, oh, I want to, maybe I should help, maybe I should be better, like, and then he's just like, nah, I'm evil, ha ha ha, you know, I'm surprised it's me, and he stabbed me in the... Um, yeah, but yeah, I, I was okay with Captain Marvel. And I don't really like the superhero that much, Captain Marvel, in the comics or in the movies. Mm hmm. I think it's just one of those things where she's kind of overpowered and she, and she owns it, which is cool, but that doesn't really make for an interesting story a lot of the time, especially with how long the comics have been around. Yeah. It just kind of gets boring at some point or another where she could just kick everyone's ass. Um. But it's cool, I guess. But, uh, Ms. Marvel, the TV show wasn't that good. I... Oh yeah, it really wasn't. I mean, it was done by a fully amateur team. Really? Yeah, so I think it was actually pretty good for it being a fully amateur team, but the casting of Kamala Khan was perfect. Oh, yeah, she was great. I really liked the actress. I felt like there were some really good things in the show. Yeah, for sure. Just overall I kind of felt mad about it. Yeah, the story wasn't that great. Um, and then of course they had at the very end the little X Men hint where they had the 1996 or 1992 X Men cartoon music play when he When, uh, best friend said that she has mutations in her genes. Ohhh, I forgot about that. Um, which was pretty cool. Uh, but then, Spectrum I loved in WandaVision. Monica Rambeau has been a I've really liked her character. So far. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah, that was really interesting in WandaVision, how that all that all yeah, I like Monica Rambeau. So, I I'm interested to see this, cause I think Captain Marvel having a supporting cast is gonna make her a lot more interesting to me Then because she usually just rides solo. Higher, further, faster, baby. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh man What was in the what was in the trailer that I wanted to? Oh, all the Flirkins. Oh, yeah, the goose's litter. The flirkin litter. Oh my goodness Yeah, so I'm looking forward to... I don't know. I still feel like I like the name Chewie better for The Flerken name instead of Goose, because that's what it was in the comics, I'm pretty sure. Oh, I suspect the movie they probably just totally made it Goose because of Top Gun. Oh, okay. So that, like, the Doctor would have been, like, doing an homage to a recent movie and... Gotcha. You know what I mean? Okay. Like, that's my guess. That does make sense. Also, Chewie is Chewbacca's nickname, and that might have felt a little... I mean, they own Star Wars, too. True. True, but maybe they're like, we already used this name. You know what's so funny? Okay, this is totally a side note. Um, we were talking about Christmas trees, uh, the other day and whether you should decorate them to be like nice and like sophisticated looking and do like, you know, like I have a friend who does a really nice job. I mean, she has a beautiful tree and it's just like, It doesn't have like kids ornaments on it and stuff like she doesn't have any kids. And, um, she has like, I think it's like blue and green and silver and I don't know. It's just a really pretty tree. And then. So some people like to do trees like that. And then other people are like, trees are for kids ornaments. That's what my one friend was saying. He's like, it's totally what it's for. It's for the kids ornaments. It's like, it's not meant to be like, you know, this like, you know, and I was, I said, you know, I went, I went the more like kind of pretty route for a few years. I said, then last year I was feeling nostalgic cause my son was getting older and you know, I was like getting sad about it. And so I decided to put up all his ornaments. I mean, and, Ours too, but you have a lot of ornaments. Yeah, I do. And, um, I realized that I had done them in sections in the tree, right? So I was like, so here's the Winnie the Pooh section, and here's the Star Wars section, and here's the, um, Marvel section, and here's the other Disney Pixar section. And I was like, so like, it was like in sections around the tree. And my friend goes, so basically you had a Disney tree. And I was like, oh my God. Yes, those are all Disney franchises. Even if they weren't when we got them, they are now. They are now. So it was like, our tree was like, 85 percent Disney. So, you're welcome, Disney. Yeah, um, none of the ornaments I even bought myself. They've all been not requested from me. And they have still appeared in my possession. Well, that's a thing our family has done since I can remember is, uh, Every, every Christmas we would get like, usually a Hallmark ornament. I don't remember. I wonder when Hallmark started doing this, because I feel like this started happening like when I was like seven or something, it was like every year you got. some kind of ornament that sort of represented something you liked that year, you know, even if it was more generic and not like, Oh, here's a Grogu ornament, you know, even if it was like, Oh, here's a cat drinking coffee, you know, or whatever. So, yeah, so we have a lot of Hallmark ornaments. Yes, we do. I still have the Mandalorian holding Grogu that we haven't put up yet. From last year. Oh, yeah. Yeah, cuz I think I just put I just stood him up downstairs There was one I forget exactly how but I think you like hung it from the ceiling and it was like I think Grogu was like on top of your tree but then like Reaching out and then like the light that would be on the top of your tree was like hung from the ceiling So it looks like he's you know, I mean, I think that's how it was, but I don't know Anyway, I still just want a little statue of him playing with a little metal ball But nobody, like, has that, ever. Really? I'm like, how do you not? It's so iconic! Yeah, I know, it's like, he's constantly, the entire first season, is trying to get this medal ball, until Mandalorian finally just gives up, he's like, here, take it! My favorite part is when he gets, the Mandalorian gets all excited when he finds out his name, and he's just like, Grogu! Ah? You know, and he's just like, oh, that's so great! Anyway, sorry. Yes. But yeah, I also, I didn't know as well, cause during his presentation, he was going like, All the way from 19, I think it's 1941. Oh, we're back to the Marvel Superheroes presentation. Got it. Yeah, he started like early. He started with the original comic from Marvel. Yeah. Um, well, it wasn't called Marvel at that point, but same company. Yes. Um, it had the Human Torch and Submariner in it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Actually, what's interesting is I recently read Fantastic Four comic where that Human Torch comes back. Mm hmm. Because that Human Torch is like an android. From like, uh, from World War II. Okay. Um, I don't know. Why not? Why not? Um, and, uh, But yeah, that was interesting. And then also, but yeah, it was, it was cool seeing like the full history like from beginning. Obviously, he skipped a lot of superheroines because it was only like an hour presentation. Oh, yeah, and he even mentioned, I think he was like, oh, I don't have time to talk about that person or whatever. Yeah, um, I wasn't expecting him to mention Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur though. That was pretty cool. Yeah, that was really interesting. Um, I really like her. She's funny. But then what I definitely didn't know at all was that Mary Jane has become a superhero this year. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I didn't know that. That was where he ended, was with her. Was she, did she have a, oh, Jackpot. Yep. But yeah, I remember, I remember the whole thing he was talking about where Mary Jane wasn't introduced for like a year, but was mentioned. She was like mysterious and, yeah, because every, I remember reading all the comics and I was like, oh my gosh, this is just getting annoying. just show her already because, um, Peter would get home or something like that from s Heroing and Aunt May would be like from S Heroing. Yeah. And Aunt May would just be like, oh, you just missed. Mary Jane. And then he was like, ah, it doesn't matter. It's your future wife, but okay. Yeah. Whatever, man. Yeah. I thought what I found really fascinating. So, I mean, of course they have all these. Throughout the comics, there's always like characters that get introduced in this go away because they're not very popular or, or whatever. There were some that I'd never heard of that I thought were, I was just like, Oh, okay, that happened, I guess. Um, but what I thought was really interesting was the number of, um, people that were like not superheroes and they kind of went, Like he mentioned that they were kind of like Archie comics in a way where it wasn't about superheroes It was about just people or whatever and a Patsy Walker was one. Yep. I've Patsy Walker lasted a very long time because I have this like Marvel timeline thing I look at where it shows all of the Marvel comics they've ever come out with on it on a timeline Oh my god, so you just select the month and it lists all of them Um, and so I've just been reading it through like that, but every single month there is a Patsy Walker one and I know what it's leading to because I know Patsy becomes Hellcat. Mm. Um, and, uh, I only know that because I watch the Jessica Jones TV, which actually is probably one of my favorite superheroines is Jessica Jones. Oh, yeah, I remember you. Oh, yeah, I was going to ask you because she, she's in Jessica Jones, right? The TV show. Yeah, Patsy Walker. Is it, is it her friend? What do you mean? The, I only watched the first season. Yeah, it's her blonde friend. The blonde friend. Is that Patsy Walker? Yes. That's why I recognize the name. Turns to Hellcat. Yeah. Okay. She even becomes Hellcat in like the third season. Yeah, you, or he mentioned that in the, and I was like putting, putting all the pieces together. He barely mentioned Jessica Jones, and I was so sad because I was like Jessica Jones is one of my favorite. Probably because she's more, she's like a PI and she doesn't really do like the big time superhero game. I mean, she's just super strong. She is just very strong. Yes. Um, and then I, they're also my favorite couple in the Marvel Comics is her and Luke Cage. Oh, mm hmm. Um, and then right now they have a daughter that they're raising as well. Mm hmm. And there were comics that were released not long ago that showed the future Um, or that hat that was taking place in the future and their kid becomes the next Captain America after Falcon. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, that's interesting. It's like superhero dynasty. Yeah, so it's, it was so cool seeing that their daughter became the next Captain America. Um, especially since it went from like white Captain America, black Captain America to black female Captain America. Oh, wow. So. Oh, that's interesting. That's interesting. Yeah, I didn't even think about the fact that he hardly talked about Jessica Jones. Yeah, I mean, she's not like super super prevalent. So I kind of understand, but she's still one of my favorites. I still like her a lot. I just like her. I just like her and Luke Cage's attitude, especially since Luke Cage. I don't know if it's right now. Um, but at least last year he was mayor of New York. Oh yeah. Okay. So pretty awesome Power Couple. Yeah. Literally Power Woman and Power Man is their, I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um. I mean, because Luke Cage doesn't have, he's also just like super strong, right? And he has unbreakable skin. He has unbreakable skin, okay. Which does make medicine a little hard for him sometimes. Oh dang, yeah. Ooh, yeah. I remember in the, in the TV show, um, he got shot with like this bullet that like drilled into him and then exploded, but they couldn't get out the shrapnel from inside of him because they couldn't like because they couldn't pierce his his skin. So Uh, I immediately started thinking about that character on the boys that also had impenetrable skin But I don't want to talk about how he finally met his demise You don't want to talk about how pretty much any of The Boys villains or heroes have met their demise No, not at all. That was I I couldn't I can only do a season of that So, yeah. It is very hard to watch. It is, yeah. It's a lot. It's a good story, but. Yes, that's the thing I hate. I hate when there's like a good story, but it's either too much gore or too much. There is. Horror or. A ton of nudity, too. It's very. That, too. Yeah, that's. Very gory, very nudity. Nudity. Nudity. Nudity. Nudity. Nudy. Nudy. It's very nudy. It's very nudy. But one of the, one of the main casts is also a superheroine of that show, so. One of what? Starlight? Oh yeah, but what made the... Oh, you were just saying a superheroine. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I thought you were making a connection that... Okay. Yeah. No. Sorry. Yes. All of that. Thanks for clearing up that misunderstanding. You know, uh, side note, uh, one of the things I thought was pretty cool about that presentation was it was given by Jim Beard, who is, who has written some Marvel comics and, um, he's a journalist and also he writes his own as well. Yeah. You know, um, and he's also done some licensed stuff for Ghostbusters and Star Wars and, you know, and he's a Toledo native. So I was like, that's pretty cool. So famous, famous people from Toledo that I'm aware of now include him, uh, Katie Holmes and Jamie Farr, who you probably don't know who that is, but it sounds familiar probably because there's like Jamie Farr named things around here. He was on a TV show called MASH. It was very popular in the 70s. Gotcha. And so, um, Yeah, he was very, yeah. Does he have a Jamie Farr candy bar? That is a missed opportunity. No, I think there's like a golf tournament named after him and I don't know. That's interesting. Yeah. Um, we actually have a lot of icons that have, that come from Toledo. Who else? I don't know, I've just heard of a lot. We actually have a lot, but I don't know who they are. I don't have a good memory, okay? That's true, you don't, but... Thanks. No, I mean, I don't know, I can't think of any, like... I just remember my broadcasting professor just listing off a bunch that are popular on radio, or... Yeah, I mean, I'm probably later on going to be like, Oh, what about this person? Oh, oh, Art Tatum, jazz pianist. Also, a bunch of movies and TV shows that have been recorded in Toledo. Mm hmm. Yeah. But the one that always really ticked me off was there was an episode of Supernatural where they were like hunting down whatever spirit, ghost, demon, I don't know. Yeah. And they like, they're like, we need to do some research. And they're like... They found themselves in Toledo, supposedly, and they're like, let's go to the Toledo Library. And it was the most run down, podunk, like, tiny little library with limited resources and I was like, that is an insult to our library system. The Toledo Library is so nice. It is so nice, and even the branches are nice. I mean, that's where we went to. Yeah, that was where the thing was. It's, it's so like, this is one of the best library systems in the country. And so I was like, how dare you? How dare you represent our library that way? Yeah, I remember, uh, Shelby walking in there. It looks, it looked like it was like the Holy Grail. Like she was like, Oh my gosh, look at all the books. She was like, there's multiple floors. Yes. Yes. Um, yeah, it is. It is quite the gorgeous library, but, and there's just so many branches. It's pretty impressive for a town, uh, city this size, I think. Yeah, there's, I think there's literally an entire floor that's just dedicated to children. Uh, yeah, there's a children's library. They re did, re did, re did, bleh. They re did, maybe 10 years ago? 10 years ago, maybe? I don't know, but it's really nice. Um. Plug for the Toledo Library. Uh, but, yeah. Superheroines. I actually think that, um, the Marvels is another test because there already was one test in Avengers Endgame where all of the, uh, super heroines that have been introduced Oh, they came out together? Yeah. Yeah, and Spider Man. He was just laying on the ground though. He was just like knocked out on the ground, and they all just like stepped over him, and I was like, okay. I was like, that was kind of rude, but okay. It was funny though. But there was that. And then they also have, I mean, they've, they've had the Dora Milaje, and they've had A bunch of the women fight in Infinity War too, but then I think the Marvels is also going to be a test for a full female cast where, you know, female villain, three female leads, um, and, uh, because there is a team in the comics called A Force, I think, I think it's A Force, um, That's just all female Avengers team, basically. Oh really? Uh, so I wonder if they might,'cause I mean, they've also been testing the waters with Young Avengers, with like Hawkeye Oh, oh yeah. With Kate Bishop. They've also been like throwing in little teases of like young Loki and um, uh, the one kid from Falcon and the Winter Soldier, uh, stature and Amen. In the, was Quantum mania, the kid from Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Yeah. The um, the. Disgraced super soldier, that kid that was taking care of him and always helping him. Oh, I barely remember that. I haven't seen that in a while. Um, but yeah, uh, I don't know what hero he was linked to though, but apparently he He's linked to something? He's on the roster, like the fan roster for it, so I don't know. Well and also, uh, didn't you say like, uh, Ant Man's daughter? Yeah, Stature. Yeah, oh, oh, I didn't know that was Yeah, I knew her as Cassie. Um, and then, you had Wanda's kids, but they're deleted from reality now, so I don't know what's going on with that, but Yeah, they've had little teases for A Force and for Young Avengers, and so I think they're kind of like messing around with those ideas to see if people like them, because there might be a Young Avengers or an A Force team. Um, cause then they could also do West Coast Avengers as well. And there's all the superhero teams. You know, I didn't think about it until this moment, but the two Supo, Supo, the two Supos, the two Supos, the two Sups, um, capable of holding their own against Thanos were Wanda and Captain Marvel. Yeah. I mean, a lot of them held up, held their own. I guess I mean like, Um, like the power shown in Captain Marvel, um, like in the movie, she like, what's, what's his name? The Kree dude played by Lee Pace. Um, hmm. I can't remember his name. Ronan. He's like, okay, we're running. Like he like turned tail and ran like, cause she just destroyed like one of his ships. Oh, in the movie. In the movie. Sorry. In the movie. Yeah. I was thinking end game still. And so I was like, Oh no, no, no. In the Captain Marvel movie. No. And they were like, woo, tuck tail and run. And then it wasn't until Wanda started getting at Thanos that he was like rain fire down, you know? Um, although I do love how much Captain America, Um, held his own against him. Yeah, I think the moments of desperation from Thanos was those two moments. Because he, like, had to pull the Power Stone out and hit Captain Marvel with it. Yes. And, um, had to rain down fire against Wanda. Yeah. Um, yeah. Yeah. So I'll, I'll, I'd be interested. I think we're moving further and we're getting better with some of this, you know, like women taking center stage in, um, like comic book things, you know, like, like when they redid Ghostbusters with an all female cast, that was like horrendous. They, they, I mean, I loved the movie, but the comments from. The guys who grew up with Ghostbusters, right? Yeah. Um, it wasn't just like, oh, you shouldn't redo the movie. It was like misogynistic crap. You shouldn't redo the movie with women. Yeah, I mean, and it was, it was bad. It was, you know, and then of course they were like reviewing it without even seeing it and, you know, all that stuff. That's where, that's where I think Marvel will be better because people who are fans of the comics, this stuff has been around with females who That's fair. Female superheroines. That's the only kind of superheroines there are. Um. Uh, for years and then the movies have had a lot of super heroines, uh, like X Men or even early Avengers. one of the, he mentioned in the, the speech that the, um, Storm was like one of the most popular of all time, right? Yeah, Storm was very popular. Uh, and there was other, there was like, um, oh, who did Anna Paquin play? Um, the one that could touch and absorb. Rogue? Rogue, yeah. And Kitty Pryde. Yeah, and they were all, you know... I'm sorry to say, I like her pet dragon more than... Her. She's a pet dragon? She has like this little purple pet dragon that will just like sit on her shoulder all the time. I feel like Rob that wasn't in the movie. Yeah, so there has been, you know, the X Men, even though it's called X Men, like it wasn't just like a bunch of dudes. Yeah, I mean and well Dark Phoenix or Jean Grey was Super powerful too. And yeah, but I mean, yeah, there was there's it's been there I there is a kind of a part of me that's like how can you be a fan of comics and like Get that petty about women. I don't understand it because they only read the men men's comics. Oh maybe Yeah they read all the psychotic men stories like moon knight and Punisher and blade and Hmm. Okay. Yeah. Fair. Wait, Blade? Is that the? Wait, which one's Blade? Uh, Half Vampire. That's what I thought, but I don't know why I didn't think the name was Blade. I don't know. I don't know, he literally walks around with a silver blade to kill monsters. Well then there you go. Is that going to be redone too? Yeah, Blade is coming out next year I think. Oh yeah, we talked about that. Was it Mahershala Ali? Okay. Alright. Yeah, I can't wait. I, he, he seems like he'll be a great, he was a great, um, villain for Luke Cage, and I think he'll be a great blade. Oh, he was a villain for Luke Cage? Yeah, he was Cottonmouth is what his name was. He was in the first season. Huh, I didn't know that. Um, I didn't generally just watch Luke Cage show. It's so good. At least the I know it's one of your favorites, yeah. All the Defenders stuff is good. Um. Eh, I heard Iron Fist kind of sucked. Iron Fist, okay. Um, it's not, it's definitely not on par with the rest of the Defenders stuff, but it's still really good or not really good. It's still good. It's good enough for me to watch. Take that qualifier out. Okay. So, um, so we have the Marvels. Um, I was just, since we're on Marvel topic, um, Was there anything you wanted to add theory wise or anything about Loki? There's only one more episode, right? Uh, oh yeah, there is. So yeah. And this, this will, this episode will be posted the day before that episode comes out. So I just, I don't know. I was just curious if you had any, yeah. I was just curious if you had any theories. I forgot that it's like literally, Last episode of Loki, the marvels like oh, yeah, back to back to back. Yeah Um, I mean they do plan this stuff out. So it makes sense Yeah, anyway, I I just I feel like I Feel like Secret Wars or Kang Dynasty is gonna be them breaking the loop and so I think the end of season 2 is gonna be him finding out that what all that he's doing is just restoring the loop And so he's just going to end up putting he who remains right back where he was Oh, oh interesting So I I think that you know, all this is on a loop to get he who remains Right back to where he was and then restart that same loop and it keeps going over and over again with Loki being a variant, you know, and Sylvia, Sylvia escaping at some point and all of that jazz. Oh, I love that we finally got, uh, Casey's. There's a prison break, yeah, and then he even said that he was gonna gut one of them like a fish and I thought that was a nice, a nice touch. What's a fish? The most innocent TVA. Yeah, he's like hardened criminal. I love Casey. Yeah, obviously, even in a bank vault. But yeah, yeah, the, the, the whole thing, this whole season has been like, yeah, blowing my mind. Oh, and by the way, I loved that Ouroboros actually named what an Ouroboros is in the one episode. He's like a snake eating its tail. But yeah. All right. No other, no other theories. What is your theory? I don't have one, uh, cause I'm so confused. Yeah, I, I seriously think that Loki's gonna find a solution and that solution is putting he who remains right back where he was and it's just gonna reset the loop. That's... kinda disappointing. And then, but I also don't know because I don't know if, I still don't know if it's been confirmed or not if Loki is going to be in Deadpool 3. Woah, what? Yeah, I've already told you this. I don't remember. But yeah, he's supposed to be in Deadpool 3 and, uh, Mobius. I don't know if Sylvie is, but, no, it might just be a quick cameo. Like, they might pop in and then pop out, but one of the fight scenes that they've shown on, I don't know, various social media, it looks like they were at the Void at the end of time fighting. Really? Yeah. Yeah. So, wait, how would, was it a Deadpool variant? I don't know. It's just, uh, it looked like Deadpool and Wolverine were fighting at the Void, in the Void at the end of time. Could be that, uh, Deadpool was timeline hopping and was just killing off people he didn't like. As you do. Because the Electra, Electra is also supposed to be in it. And so are, I think, some other Fox Marvel actors and actresses, and so a lot of people think that he's gonna go around cleaning up the timeline of all the crappy Fox movies that have released, and he's gonna be pruned. That's kind of funny. Um, yeah, well there's nothing on IMDB about it, but I suspect they hide that stuff nowadays. Because they have confirmed that Deadpool 3 is supposed to be Deadpool's introduction into the MCU. So. Okay. Um. I wonder if we're gonna have cable back, too. If we're gonna have what? Cable. Well, it looks like, um, Vanessa is back, but didn't she die? We're dealing with time travel here. Right, so maybe that's a reason to. Yeah. Search timelines. Okay, well. People still want a, um, A Captain America TV show where Steve Rogers is trying to escape the TVA. What? Yeah, because... Oh, because he time traveled? Because the theory is that Captain America wasn't supposed to stay in the past and live out the rest of his life with Peggy. Hmm. But there's always been evidence throughout the entire Infinity Saga. that he has been with Peggy this whole time. All the pictures of, uh, her with her husband, doesn't have her husband in it. Anytime that she talks about her husband, she doesn't name who it is. Oh, and she had dementia. So her forgetting Steve. Yeah. And talking about. Like, could be just dementia doing its thing. That's interesting. That is, that is really interesting. So, yeah. Now I'm gonna have to pay more attention to that. Doesn't he visit her in Winter Soldier? Cause that was, that was the other one I was planning on watching the other day. Yeah, yeah, cause she dies in Winter Soldier. Yeah, right, cause then he finds out Sharon. Yeah, okay. Um. Um, and that was, that was the one I was going to watch on Saturday. And then I went to the Avengers. So now I want to watch that and see that or like watch that interaction. Yeah. Oh, interesting. Although like, I don't know, all the time travel and multiverse stuff doesn't always make a lot of sense to me. So. Yeah. Well. Anyway. Yeah, people, I sometimes get annoyed with people because people get annoyed with multiverse stuff because people are like, oh, there's no, there's never any consequence because you can just bring back the hero from another universe. And it's like, that's not the point. The point is that you make people care for this hero specifically. Yeah. So then if they die, you can't just bring them back. Yeah. Like, because then when they come from another universe, you're like, oh. It's just another one. Yeah, it doesn't, and it doesn't feel like, oh, we have them back, you know? Yeah. So, yeah. All right. Well, any other theories to share? Comments on superheroes or super heroines? Lady superheroes? I, now with all of the, well, there's also this Spider Woman movie that's supposed to be coming out and a Madame Webb movie that's supposed to be coming out. Was not aware of these. Yeah, Sony had, uh, I don't know if people leaked it, or if it was actually said anything, but... Was it, was it, uh, Tom Holland that leaked it? Maybe. Uh, I mean, this is Sony, so I don't think he messed with any of that. Well, wait, maybe he did. And, uh, but I would love to see a Gwen Verse movie at some point. That's in the style of Intu or across the spi Spider verse. Mm-Hmm. because you know, there's, there's Gwen Pool, there's uh, a Spider Gwen, there's Oh, right. Um, a Gwen, that's Captain America. There's a, like, there's Wow. Yeah. Lots of Gwen's. Yeah. There, there's a Gwen Verse comic that's come out recently. Oh, interesting. That's showing all the different things. So yeah, I think that would be fun to have. Because everyone loves Gwen, which is weird because, like Jim Beard said, she died in like the early 70s in the comics. So it's weird that she's still so popular even now. Yeah, yeah. Huh. Alright. Well, I think it's, uh. It's about time that we, uh, we get going. Buy our tickets for the marbles. Yes, that too. Well, well, time to go.